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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 13881. page

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oh shit
4 posts and 2 images submitted.
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
/pol/ hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.

Kinda pathetic really.
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the final red pill before going full 1488 is getting jewed even though you're just a normie.
Felix, come home white man
I doubt he cares that much. He's rich as fuck and wipes his ass with YouTube money.

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This is not the Trump we know, such low energy. SAD!
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
I was really hoping to hear that he tore Trudeau a new one

Apparently Trudeau wasn't even worth waking up for
Nah, was pretty boring. Only thing kind of meaningful that happened was Trudeau resisting Trumps little Art of the Deal handshake. Which was expected after it became such a known thing because of Japans guy.

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2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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1800s cartography was lit af
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
/pol/ hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.

Kinda pathetic really.

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Please give them, she is double plus QT.
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Do it man, you know you want to.

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How come of all the things /pol/ knows, they still think vaccines cured anything they vaccinate for?
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
Who needs /pol/ to larp?
I trust vaccines
I just don't trust the mega corporations that control them all now so I no longer trust the vaccines they make.
The same pharma companies that are only in it for maximum profits.
You ever read the full 100 page documents for each vaccine? Some shady shit in them.

That sounds like what a Shareblue employee would say.
>in theory
>trust us

Well, what the fuck is going on here?
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
Pierre Trudeau's wife's son is a faggot.

Yeah, but what about this insane similarity??

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Why do all of it's neighbours hate them?

Or is (((someone))) stirring up trouble?
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
/pol/ hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.

Kinda pathetic really.
Because it's Ukraine, hating them is what your suppose to do.
delete it

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How redpilled will you be in 30 years?

Post pics.
5 posts and 2 images submitted.
>How redpilled will you be in 30 years?
1488 x 911 x 6 gazillion = ???
What's pertussis? Sounds familiar, it's not the whooping cough is it?
Shit it is. I caught it, that mean I had vitamin c deficiency?
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About this much

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Im literally shaking. how could indian govt be fuckeing creating loos. every brown person is clearly against the porcelain jew omg. im literally crying cause i might be forced to poo in loo

We need to expose this atrocity against Indians /pol/

jewbook /story.php?story_fbid=1642936205733470&id=530767340283701
6 posts and 3 images submitted.

Another culturally hegemonic move by the West, forcing doodoo bowls on the pure Indian race.
How is it that the second most populated country in the world doesn't even know how to relieve themselves in a civilized manner? This is why we need population control.
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OP is an indian poo-op to get us to think they are starting to poo in loo, and to stop memeing them. do not listen

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this will not work anyway, indians are subhuman animals and certified retards

Thoughts on Alexander Jahan's new video "wtf is cuckphobia?"

2 posts and 1 images submitted.
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
/pol/ hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.

Kinda pathetic really.

"Go on, git!"

"Get on now, go on"

"Go, on boy, go die for your planet now."

The old man winced. He turned around, for the last time, and watched his grandson Jedediah climb onto the autohoverbus that would eventually take him to Fort Campbell, where he was due to ship out. He sighed as he watched his progeny fumble the MX-16 assault railgun that was standard issue for Army Grunts nowadays.

"Gotdamn boys gonna get his head blown off and he's still in his own gotdamn driveway..."

The elder's voice trailed off. His wife beckoned for him to come inside. Uriah "Butcher" Vasquez-Kennedy surrended to his spouse and retired indoors.

"He's just following in you and his daddy's footsteps. What'd you expect him to do?"

She reasoned with him to no effect.

"Things were different back then, woman. I was fighting the Chinese, not no gotdamn space aliens! Hell, woman, I killed 1300 of 'em, and I was the worst soldier in the battalion!

(Despite an average of 1633 kills/death per marine during the Unity Wars of the 2140's. the United States of North and South America barely claimed victory at the Battle of Shengdu Flats, the deciding battle in those wars. Uriah was jokingly gifted the moniker of "Butcher" due to the fact that he killed significantly less Chinese ultra-nationalists than the rest of his platoonmates.)
5 posts and 4 images submitted.
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"Hell, I was servin under Ramses McClintock and Zebulon Sheffield-Jones in those days. Greatest men who ever lived! It's a damn shame they got vaporized when those gotdamn aliens landed their gotdamn space hive on top of New Washington...we coulda used men like them in this war."

(At this stage in the First War of Extraterrestial Aggression, the Global Anti-Alien Force of Earth were getting sent into a literal meat grinder. The invading creatures had an unstoppable machine that simultaneously cut men down and then collected their corpses and processed them as fuel on the battlefield. Human casualties were 58 million in the first year of fighting. It was a gruesome and violent war, as most wars tend to be, and was a dark time in human history. In fact, humanity would never really recover from this period and would be forced into slavery for the next half-millenia or so. It wasn't until the Cross-Dimensional Revolutionary Wars of 2777 when things started to turn around for humankind.)

"Probably could use a couple billion chinese if you hadn't zapped them off the face of this earth too."

Virginia Vasquez-Kennedy chuckled to herself at the coyness of her remark.

Her husband sighed as he stuffed some kale-bacco into his pipe and lit it up. He took a long puff and as he exhaled, he muttered back,

"Yeah...probably could."
how do you like my short story /pol/ should it keep going?
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I like it anon.
Tell me more anon

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Is he /ourguy/?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
maybe I never watched his videos

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In various Geert Wilders and PVV threads I've seen around here, it always becomes an exercise in contacting Geert wilders over twitter with calls to adopt a "right of return" of afrikaaners into the netherlands as a replacement to third worlders. This is a thread dedicated to that purpose.
>Martin Bosma, MP for the PVV wrote a book on the plight of white South Africans
>Wilders shows signs of further red pilling by citing african fertility statistics as a bad thing
Let's meme this shit

P.S. I have been banned from twitter so I can't do shit. sry
2 posts and 1 images submitted.

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i work part-time at a mcdonald's, /pol/, the death squads won't come for me
would you be safe in an ancap society? pic related
4 posts and 3 images submitted.
fuck no, i spend all my time browsing 4chan and playing csgo. so i end up with zero skills / intelligence. so yea, if ancap society happens, i am extremely fucked
>Work for Publix
>Own Publix stock available only to employees
>Harris Teeter violates NAP by letting customers bring HT reusable bags into Publix stores
>Burn down local HT stores
>Publix sales improve
>Get a raise and bigger dividend check

Now,we're getting anti aircraft guns to defend from the Kroger drones.
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I would survive by being the only guy who thought to build toll roads

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where do conservatives and liberals stand on gluttony? The government regulates smoking and drinking, but looks the other way when fatties stuff their pie holes.
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
Natural selection.

is it because the majority of "we the people" are fat bastards sharting themselves regardless of race, religion or sexual orientals?

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> Sandy Hook was a false fla-

4 posts and 4 images submitted.
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> It's impossible for a crazy person to shoot peop-
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> If people were shot, Where is all the bloo-
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> How did he even get into the buil-

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No need to worry! Commiefornia will fix it!

Rain and Rubble
Snowmelt and thunder
Let califags huddle
And engineers blunder
Let the waters rage
And the barriers burst
Hail Kek's change
For this land will be cursed.
Wash away the wicked
kill them all
A new world will emerge
Cali must fall
Blow the dam
Praise the flood
Scour the land
With rock and mud.
May the cuck dam crumble
As Kek demands
As it falls it will rumble
Claiming all the innocent lands
Doubt not our almighty Kek
Lest flood and fire He shall send
For at first to salvage there must be a wreck
The vile must be broken for the good to mend
Flods of beaners
you are allright with that
now, here come's the water
Degenerates cry out
and are fleeing in throes
But no matter how loud they shout
Kek's answer is: "No".
The thunder of water beats through you're ear
Far in the distance, the frog-king appear
"I have told you, time and time again"
"keep up with this bullshit, and this is THE END"
For no matter how many lies the False Ones procure
On computer, typewriter, spoken or by pen
Have faith that the deplorables will find a way to ensure
That Pol, is right once again.

> No new footage, just a webcam from the wrong side
379 posts and 101 images submitted.
The end is near
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why are you so happy about this? fuck off.

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Mike Pence is in his office. Whats he doing in there?

I hear "zap zap" "ILL REPENT, ILL REPENT".

so what is mike pence doing in there?

6 posts and 6 images submitted.
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2 posts and 2 images submitted.
>51% white

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does the president of the united states not have more important things to do with his time than cry about how the media is cucking him?
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
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do you not have more important things to do with your time than to bitch about it on a site where no one cares? saged.
eat this sage cucker

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Thread dedicated to discuss Hans-Hermann Hoppe, anarcho-capitalism, cultural conservatism, Chilean dictators, helicopters, private property rights and chauvinistic, anti-democratic, patrician social orders.




>The Economics and Ethics of Private Property (1993; 2006 edition)

>A Short History of Man: Progress and Decline (2015)

>Democracy—The God That Failed (2001)

>A Theory of Socialism and Capitalism (1988; 2010 edition)

>From Aristocracy, to Monarchy, to Democracy (2014)

>The Myth of National Defense: Essays on the Theory and History of Security Production (2003)

>The Private Production of Defense (1998; 2006 edition)

>Economic Science and the Austrian Method (1995)

>What Must Be Done (2009)
203 posts and 66 images submitted.
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libertarianism v2.png
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>Who is Hans-Hermann Hoppe?
Hoppe is an anarcho-capitalist philosopher and Austrian School economist. He is known for having "discovered" the a priori link between democracy and de-civilization, arguing that the transition from monarchy to democracy after WWI was in fact an enormous mistake. He is also the "Physical Removal Man" and argues that anarcho-capitalism (the logical end of libertarianism) would invariably decrease the degeneracy and "abnormal behavior" in society.

>Austrian School, eh? So he's one of the (((chosen)))?
Nope. He's a Roman Catholic and his writings have drawn from St. Thomas Aquinas, the Scholastics, and he himself praises Christianity for the role it had in establishing somewhat successful universal ethics under monarchy and throughout Western Civilization in general.

>Is he the "libertarian fascist" I keep reading about?
Hoppe is not a fascist, per se. Fascism implies statism and statism implies economic/cultural control. Hoppe simply argues that a stateless society would end up culturally conservative because families and traditional ways of life are as a matter of fact better suited for human advancement, the protection of private property, and for lowering time preferences and crime rates.

>How does he reconcile anarcho-capitalism with cultural conservatism?
Anarcho-capitalism implies there won't be a state to subsidize degenerates. This implies that degenerates will either have to pay the full price of their degeneracy or try to socialize it by imposing the costs on society. However, this society operates under a profit-and-loss structure, and the more degenerates there are, the harder it is for healthy social behavior to prosper and for economic activity to exist peacefully. Hence, degenerates (alcoholics, drug addicts, single parents, beggars, vagrants, criminals, etc.) would be literally forced to choose: "either change your ways or be thrown off the property whose value you are diminishing."
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>And what to do about the rich homosexual, or the celebrity alcoholic, or the left-wing real estate developer?
Under anarcho-capitalism, all property is private. This implies that several property owners could form alliances and merge properties ("covenants"), in which the path to admission would be as loose or as restricted as they saw fit. There would be exclusively-white covenants, exclusively-black covenants, exclusively-Hindu covenants, you get the whole picture. There are 7 billion people on Earth; the chances you wouldn't find a relatively large group of similar-minded people with which to live peacefully is almost zero.

>When do we get to physically remove democrats and communists?
When they try to forecefully impose their ways of life onto you or your tenants. Other than that, the phyiscal removal of everyday street criminals from civilized society and onto "open frontiers" would be almost-daily events, until criminality itself dwindled
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(((Papa John))).jpg
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>be pizzabroman
>be libshit
>try to slam trump by saying America is becoming nazi Germany
>use wrong century
Why don't these liberal lunatics keep their mouths shut? This just furthers the point that liberalism is a mental disorder. Time to boycott Papa John's.
7 posts and 2 images submitted.
based papa john is pro trump. even donated money to his campaign. if you even read the link you posted you would know this.
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>illiterate retard tries talking shit about based papa
>based papa john is pro trump.
Of course he is, just like the Sec. of McJerbs. We're gonna manufacture more hamburgers in 'Murica, Chef at Wendy's, 37, 40k/yr
There's no CTR/Crew/Shareblue here.
Just anons larping for (you)s
/pol/ hears about these groups then starts trolling it's self and the gullible take the bait fueling it further.

Kinda pathetic really.

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What is the white equivalent of WE WUZ KANGZ?
349 posts and 77 images submitted.
Nothing. We were kings.

That white people were actual Kings...

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Post them!
205 posts and 92 images submitted.
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Fourth season when? Come on you slanty kikes i need some reason to keep going.
>that far down
>lower than misfits

why though
Where would pendulum go?

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