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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 11987. page

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>1% of population
>5% of engineers
>10% of IT workers
>10% of doctors, surgeons

Indian Americans are in fact a new “model minority.” This term dates back to the 1960s, when East Asians–Americans of Chinese, Japanese and Korean descent–were noted for their advanced educations and high earnings.

East Asians continue to excel in the U.S, but among minority groups, Indians are clearly the latest and greatest “model.” In 2007, the median income of households headed by an Indian American was approximately $83,000, compared with $61,000 for East Asians and $55,000 for whites.

About 69% of Indian Americans age 25 and over have four-year college degrees, which dwarfs the rates of 51% and 30% achieved by East Asians and whites, respectively. Indian Americans are also less likely to be poor or in prison, compared with whites.

So why do Indian Americans perform so well? The proportion of Indian immigrants given an employment-related green card is one of the highest of any nationality. Consequently, it is mainly India’s educated elite and their families who come to the U.S.

Indian Americans place at about 112 on a bell-shaped IQ distribution, with white Americans at 100. 112 is the 79th percentile of the white distribution. For more context, consider that Ashkenazi Jews are a famously intelligent ethnic group, and their mean IQ is somewhere around 110.

A much clearer implication of Indian-American success is that immigrants need not be unskilled, nor must their economic integration take generations to achieve. In sharp contrast to Indian Americans, most U.S. immigrants, especially Mexican, are much less wealthy and educated than U.S. natives, even after many years in the country.

A new immigration policy that prioritizes skills could bring more successful immigrants to the U.S. By emphasizing education, work experience and IQ in our immigration policy, immigrant groups from other national backgrounds could join the list of model minorities.
79 posts and 16 images submitted.
>take top 0.0000001% out of 1.5 billion shitskins
>le indian master race
fuck off pajeet
100% of poo not going in the loo
Did I say that though? The post is about advocating Trump's proposed mmigration model and pushing back on some of the racism on here.

OP literally says

>Consequently, it is mainly India’s educated elite and their families who come to the U.S.

really makes u fink huh

Capitalism created more poor people than communism.
167 posts and 19 images submitted.
>commies unironically think this is true
Communism killed them instead.
Actually false

And you should kill yourself if you vote for Macron

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Do people publicly praise democracy because they genuinely believe it's a viable system, or because they fear being demonized for disagreeing with a system that favors the lowest common denominator of civilization no matter how retarded?

Why should a NEET that plays video games and masturbates to porn all day have as much of a say in the direction a country should take as a graduate degree holding working professional that works 50 hours a week and raises a family?
126 posts and 28 images submitted.
Most average folk can't even give you a good reason for why democracy is "good."

The truth is that egalitarianism is something that looks good on paper but shits the bed in practice.

You're essentially giving power to the retarded mobs.
The retarded mobs that don't know anything about how financial markets work. That don't know about equities or bonds or forex or even the stock market.

The retarded mobs that think borders and national security are racist

The retarded mobs who get all their "information" from Facebook memes and bandwagon political opinions.
>Democracy has nothing to do with freedom. Democracy is a soft variant of communism, and rarely in the history of ideas has it been taken for anything else.

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88 posts and 19 images submitted.
yo bbng is pretty good music tho. who cares what the gangbanger talks about
>e] [Auto]
Fuck you nigger
>system of a clown
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LOL check out who the director was.

What does it mean?

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I am here to inform you as an intern who just started working here, it is going to shit. There is a coup happening and JAY FAYZA (pic related) has been conspiring to turn the Rebel Media into another Young Turks. This snake got Ezra who is the CEO and owner of Rebel media to FIRE Lauren and Gavin (will release news this week).

All the other cast members are SHILLS. I shit you not the coup is happening and this Jay Fayza guy is part of the Canadian government as some rouge agent to spy and destroy this news media agency to the ground.
66 posts and 8 images submitted.
Jay is not responsible for Lauren leaving and Gavin sure isn't going anywhere. I almost bought this but what gave it away was the whole Canadian government thing. Jay is a young kid, he's not affiliated with the government in any way. Don't be ridiculous. Also Lauren wanted to leave, she didn't get fired.
And US poster, you're not an insider at Canadian Rebel Media lol
You will see. 3/15/2017

Jay works for the canadian government and was sent in ti destroy this company. He is a leftie scum bag
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who gives a fuck either way?

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>#SavePepe. Send us chill, fun & positive Pepe art to help!

93 posts and 52 images submitted.
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>The #altright made Pepe a hate symbol. Let's #SavePepe and bring back his positivity.
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>Join us in saving Pepe the Frog. Together we can make internet history. #SavePepe
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>punching nazis is always self defense #savepepe
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I know subtle trolling is the way to go however I enjoy the offensive #SavePepes

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What is he going to do lads?
186 posts and 38 images submitted.
Become Fuhrer for life hopefully.
Hopefully undo some of the centralization of power bullshit Obama did. Best part about Trump so far is him being less of an Authoritarian than Obama.
reorganize the executive branch

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69 posts and 10 images submitted.
I can debate this topic a hundred orders of magnitude better than Jon Tron
Destiny would debate you if you bait him hard enough.
this is hardly a debate, destiny's arguments are pretty pedestrian and typically liberal

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So /pol/ what is the most overall red pill genre of music? Does such a thing exist? is OP just a jewish faggot?
57 posts and 14 images submitted.
Martial Industrial
gregorian chant
Richard Wagner
I'd say metal is the red/blackpill

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The tricky fucks have been hiding all the truly valuable and damning information in the STRATFOR emails as garbled, foreign language emails.

Same has been applied to The Syria Files! Emails which look like spam contained garbled info that contains coded messages within the body of the email!


66 posts and 19 images submitted.
Bump fucking bump!
YOU STUPID FUCKS! Pay attention!

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>Our clothes come from Indonesia
>Our phones come from China and South Korea
>Our oil comes from the Middle East
>Our anime & video games come from Japan
>Our cocoa comes from various countries in Africa and South America
>Our diamonds are from the Central African Republic
>Our cars come from Germany
>Our furniture comes from Sweden

Why aren't white countries supplying the world with all of these necessities? Is it because of privilege or because of inability?
58 posts and 19 images submitted.
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>your maple syrup comes from Quebec
>your anthem comes from Quebec
>your culture comes from Quebec
>your best prime ministers came from Quebec
>your fucking leaf comes from Quebec

Why aren't anglo provinces supplying the country with all of these necessities? Is it because of privilege or because of inability?
>your culture comes from Quebec
I didn't know Karl Marx was Quebecois
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Karl "bourgeois is a codeword for anglo" Marxois Tremblay was indeed from Quebec.

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>losing thousands of subscribers per day
>donations are down
>average donation is roughly 1 dollar at this point
>revealed to have been a cult leader at one point in his life
>MIKE is a member of said cult and has a strangely slave like relationship with molymeme
Is Molygate the final nail in this """philosopher's""" coffin?
232 posts and 84 images submitted.
Any good anime coming out this season?
KonoSuba has been going strong so far.
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Anon, so here's a wild fucking idea.
Let's fight the (((you know who))) and their useful idiots the SJWs with their own fucking weapon.
So, there's a group of people, you see, and they're privileged, they're overrepresented in business, government and not even talking about Hollywood. Let's attract SJW's attention to this little fact and have some lulz while we're at it.
What do you think?
60 posts and 8 images submitted.
It would have to be stated as "Jewish Privilege". Privileged Jew would quickly seems too offensive to the SJWs.
Good thought. Also "jew privilege" sounds sjw-y.
Can we maybe make it even more obfuscated, as to omit the "jew" word completely? "judeic privilege"?
SJWs can't process anything that come close to antisemitism so I doubt it would work but it's still worth a try.
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I always see tweets like this popping up on twitter. They denigrate whites with strawman arguments, and easily get tens of thousands of retweets and likes. If you open up the replies you'll see more shit. Any one remotely red-pilled who replies is called a racist by some BLM bitch who gets 1000's of likes.

It's infuriating me. Twitter is out to create hate towards whites.
70 posts and 12 images submitted.
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Because it's a bunch of White girls trying to be racist against their own kind to fit in with everyone else. It's cancer like all other types of social media.
Wow thats the structure of a meme! How could they? BTW u made some really good points. Youre a smart boy, ok?

Getting retweeted by black Twitter is like the ultimate social validation for these vapid whores.
these arent jokes. they actually push and believe this anti-white shit

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Name a more based police force
121 posts and 33 images submitted.
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I like pineapple on pizza. What are you gonna do about it?
qld police force has better memes

Must be the lack of flouride in the water or dirt tier education.
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S-Shit what pizza should I be eating then ?

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I need some /pol/ approved WW2 movies.
107 posts and 25 images submitted.
Schindler's List
Inglourious Basterds
Deutsche Wochenschau 1939-1945
>Inglourious Basterds
nice cuck film there cuck boi

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how many of you reside in a large city and what is it like for a /pol/ack to live in one?
104 posts and 23 images submitted.
>live in Calgary
Its pretty shit. Cold as fuck and everyone is slowly becoming a part of the SJW cancer
Chicago here. Black neighborhoods are pretty redpilled desu
>sector 5
>plates going to fall any day now
>all thanks to a nigger with a copyright infringing gunarm.

Baltimore here.
Crime-ridden shit-hole.
70% minority.
Refugees becoming more common.
Known for extreme violence and riots.
Roads are fucked up.
Does have really good food, though.
Some good party areas.
I have mixed feelings on it.

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>makes up lies about people
>thin skinned
>slanders others
>has no evidence for anything
>hates women
>hates mexicans
>believes vaccinations cause autism

Seriously, who the fuck here voted for this Russian clown?

Doesn't matter, he will be gone and a real politician like Bernie or Warren will get in and we can get on with our lives when the Nazi is crushed.

Tick-tock blumpfkins
156 posts and 30 images submitted.
>implying any of this is impeachment material.
You're a fucking right-wing retard.

I don't even have to spell it out or explain it for you.

If you can't see the problem with this, you need to read a book dumb white redneck.
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S h i l l
If GWBush wasn't impeached over his administration presenting false evidence to invade Iraq.

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Trump Playlist

>VP Pence swears in Sec of Int Ryan Zinke 3/1/17
>Pres Trump Address to Joint Session of Congress 2/28/17
>Pres Trump on F&F 2/28/17
>Pres Trump signs WOTUS EO 2/28/17
>Pres Trump signs HBCU EO 2/28/17
>Pres trump signs HR 321+255 2/28/17
>VP Pence Swears in Sec of Commerce Ross 2/28/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ Governor's breakfast 2/28/17
>Pres Trump meets Health Ins CEOs 2/27/17

>Savage loves President Trump
>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>>>114943661
321 posts and 88 images submitted.
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I don't normally agree with Kikehammer but he's right for once
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Goddamn shills
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I mean I'm not saying her policies are wrong but she's a women, i mean a fucking women. That's like voting for Hillary Clinton. I'd rather vote for a globalist pro-EU male leader than a nationalist anti-EU female leader. I mean seriously French people what the hell is wrong? Why has even the French ""right""" wing gone full SJW.
55 posts and 14 images submitted.
It's how we traditionally save France. Don't think too hard about it. Le Pen is based
le Penn is nothing more than a populist whore. France will hurt under her arms
stfu whore

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They are determined to be a major contributer to modern society. They push for technology to solve their problems. Their culture is vibrant along with its religion.

And soon enough they will become global citizens along the best of the modern world.

It's a jem.
111 posts and 29 images submitted.
Ah, the daily India Hate thread. About time actually
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poo in loo
>Daily hate thread
>"Things you like about India"
So much for a push towards education...
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Does a perfect form of government exist?
87 posts and 18 images submitted.
govern = control
ment = mind

government = mind control

You are asking if a perfect form of mind control exist.

It depends if you want to be under control or not.
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maoist communism
I wonder what the NEETsoc fags here will say

304 posts and 62 images submitted.
wtf I hate armed conflict now
really makes you ponder
I hate this fucking nigger so much
>Not because I want your territory and your women you fucking barbarian

It's almost like he doesn't know anything about history.

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Was he actually right or is it satire?

There are two conflicting realities in my mind.
125 posts and 41 images submitted.
Its was just a prank bro.
He was actually fucking right.
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He wanted to free Germany from the Jews who infiltrated and controlled its government media and banks sound familiar?

don't hate hitler just cause he could not divest himself of love for his people.
He didn't say anything about the white race, killed a lot of white people. stormfags gonna stormfag

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NPR's comment section is always maximum cringe.
93 posts and 21 images submitted.
If you want us to save every child, then you need to give us some say over how many children are born.
>Ron (((Pfeifer)))
every fucking time
Bunch of stuck up middle class kikes

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