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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 8543. page

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Conservatives start culture wars but liberals win them. Discuss.
15 posts and 3 images submitted.
Hahaha yeah former trump supporter here not gonna lie it's hilarious watching him crash and burn but seriously we can't let this guy be president anymore
>Conservatives have culture

already stepping on your own feet aye ada oglan
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Who is left for the leftists to protect? Trannys? Vegans? Pedos? Illegal aliens? Sounds like their running out of things to rationally defend. Leftists now seem to hurt themselves and encourage others to do so in an effort to promote left-wing ideas.

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This will totally work.
31 posts and 7 images submitted.

>in related news, more people stoned to death than any other week in history
When do we get a white pride week?

>mfw is going to be a bloodbath of faggots.

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>That certainly is the case for Sts. Peter and Paul Orthodox Christian Church in downtown Salt Lake City. The Rev. Justin Havens says the church, located in a former Jewish synagogue at 355 S. 300 East, had fewer than 100 worshippers when he became its priest nine years ago.

>"We have almost tripled in size since then," Havens says. "I would say 60 percent or more of our parish is made up of converts. About half of those are former LDS [Mormons], and the rest are former Protestants and evangelicals, along with a few former Catholics and Episcopalians."

>"At first, I didn't understand a thing. But I kept studying it; I had always wanted to know the truth," she says. "I realized the Orthodox Church had been around for 2,000 years, had carefully guarded their theology and had not allowed popular beliefs to change them."
13 posts and 2 images submitted.
>black robed pedophiles

this can't possibly be evil
Our priests are almost always married, so we don't really have that problem
whaddya know... credulous retards jump from one cult to another.

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Since God doesn't exist, are morals evolutionarily driven as Harris seems to postulate or simply a product of our culture?
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
Genetics does a better job of explaining cultural habits than any learning mechanism.

Basically, muslims pray because of instinct.
Sam, you're shitposting again. Get some sleep, you must be tired.
> Since God doesn't exist
Sorry Reddit but there's actually scholarly work on the topic that you'll have to wade through. I know it's hard to do actually philosophy instead of reading memes on FB and browsing r/atheism.

> are morals evolutionarily driven as Harris seems to postulate or simply a product of our culture?
Evolutionary driven? That's a contradiction in terms. Evolution does not drive anything. It's a mindless random process. If you accept evolution, and assuming you accept evolution, then that entails amoralism. So no good or bad.
> and assuming you accept evolution

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>Help REAL minorities in the Middle East: Christians
>No Foreign Oil
>Fuck up ISIS
>AGAINST anti-Islamophobia bill M-103 (thank fucking God)
>Repeal gun regulations
>Free education from the liberal deathgrip
>Stand with based Poland, Ukraine, etc. and other countries who give the EU the finger regarding refugees
>No carbon tax

At first I was really disappointed because I had no idea who this guy was and wanted Mad Max. This guy is still better than Trudeau.
152 posts and 19 images submitted.
At this point anything is better than trudeau
>Fuck up ISIS
Canadians dying for Israel... cleaning up America's mess... great.

>AGAINST anti-Islamophobia bill M-103 (thank fucking God)
That's not a bill, you retard.

Everything else is good, though.
You should cut immigration to zero like right now
Ok motion, not a bill, but it's still good nonetheless.

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Through out history they've been the only race that's ever really tangoed with us in any meaningful way

Even to this day they have 1st world countries (UAE). Arabs are superior to asians on a historical level and an innovation level.

Arabs are pretty much our retarded little cousins. And I consider them the only real threat to white supremacy and far superior to asians
15 posts and 4 images submitted.
Maybe I'd agree with you if they collectively understood basic enlightenment ideals.

Termites can colonize and destroy houses but they aren't our equals.
Never said they were our equals. But based off history they are the only race who's ever really put up a proper fight against us

People on /pol/ conflate asians as being our only competitor but based off history that just isn't true. Asians are inferior to even arabs in everyway
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They're quite literally the tusken raiders of this world.
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>Asians are inferior to even arabs in everyway
Genghis Khan begs to differ

Can someone kindly provide a rundown on what is happening with McMullin
45 posts and 6 images submitted.
>Plant to try to stop the Trump presidency
>Not married (Mormons all get married early and have babies)
>Tells Glenn Beck (Mormon convert) that getting married and having babies is his life-long dream
>gets humiliated for his attempts to spoil Utah
>won't go away
>still at it working for the Jews (Mormonism is actually an apocolyptic Jewish sect)
Owes a shit ton of money for being a failure in the last election.
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He's broke now

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Why is free health care bad?
77 posts and 15 images submitted.
Wait times
Fat asses
Homeless people
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Honestly, I was getting fed up with the guy doing shit like attacking Syria, but the liberal media has made me fall in love with Trump all over again.

Anyone else?
27 posts and 7 images submitted.
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ageed. there is so much disppointment but at the end of the day we would have same bullshit with hildawg except no daily triggering apocalypse. so he'll always be the better of evils to me
Actually, yes.

Good to see someone who can not only stand that much pressure, but keep trolling the faggots on a daily basis.
At no point did I not support Trump, but yes, I was getting irritated at some of his pro-Establishment moves. Then this shit happened and now I love him again.

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so even /pol/ is ignoring this?
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
oh yeah that thing that happen..... a car drove into a pole rite?
>drunk mexican drove into people
I read that now they're saying he wasn't drunk, he took too many marijuana
There's nothing left to talk about.

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Its the end of an era bros. I feel like we are officially entering a new stage and paving the way for the new decade starting in a few years with 2020.

Politically we are stagnant - we have Trump but are unsure whether he will even get anything done.

Chris Cornell is dead, David Bowie, Prince, and lots of other era defining rockers. The new generation effectively is taking over for good.

Globalists have a tight reign on our country.
I have a feeling we are headed for some uncertain times. Scary or sad or optimistic or bittersweet... whatever way you want to see it I guess.
44 posts and 18 images submitted.
saged and reported
Wow can't wait for the era of angry white men to be replaced by the era of angry single women
Fuck off shill
Good job not reading properly you dumb scumbag

We are def headed in a weird new direction. Anyone who thinks otherwise is in denial or a young faggot

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65 posts and 20 images submitted.
Andrew Scheer. Not a bad candidate and he can definitely take down Trudeau if he tones down his social conservative rhetoric and focuses on the real issues.

If he fucks this up, we could be having Trudeau for another majority mandate.
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>he can definitely take down Trudeau
r/metacanada on suicide watch

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I've been out of town for the past few weeks & have some questions. Please provide sources/explanation if you answer.

>does anyone know that Seth rich actually could've had access to the Clinton emails? Like, was he just some secretary at a dnc office or did he have the resources/clearance to actually hack the dnc?

>does anyone know who we could convince to investigate this further?

>Do people believe that Seth rich legitimately tried to walk 20 miles home from a bar???

>is there any footage of the killing, or Seth rich walking home?

>have they found the killers?
19 posts and 4 images submitted.
Rosenstein is compromised - special council is a trap
obama did it himself I saw him do it
Bump for interest, also people with info post here
Seth Rich was murdered by the DNC

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Are the bans of chemical weapons merely to keep lesser countries down? Think about it. Chemical weapons are easy to produce and extremely cheap and effective.

We're going to kill 10's of millions of people in war but if you use some Saran gas you're fighting like a fairy?

This war faggot. Play the game or quit. How does this part of the Geneva convention possibly make any sense?

Knife to your throat? A knee to the crotch isn't necessarily a bitch move when you're unarmed to save your life.
57 posts and 3 images submitted.
It's to prevent escalation of conflicts. Also chemical weapons kill indiscriminately in a large area, lots of collateral damage
>Are the bans of chemical weapons merely to keep lesser countries down?
Fucking god yes. Chemical weapons equalize the battlefield, so small countries can largely fight off a superpower's forces, at least boots on the ground wise (with drones and robots it's different). If the tactics are limited to bombing, the invading country has an advantage because they don't care if the enemies cities are destroyed in the process, hence killing is easier. The defending side doesn't want to have to do that just to get rid of e.g. the American forces in a city, but with chemical weapons they can at least keep the buildings intact even if most of the civilians die.

Seriously, how is dying after having your limbs blown off better than being gassed?
Death form blood loss seems less painful than fro durned lungs
Forgot to mention
>reddit spacing

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What will you do when China inevitably colonizes Europe?
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
drift over to the americas

Whatever our Chinese slave lords tell us to do

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Trump BTFO?
22 posts and 3 images submitted.
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By the media.

Lee Harvey Oswald wasn't the media.

How can people be so dense?
An actual assassination is not the same as a media witch hunt.
Some guy at my work was spewing this exact same retarded talking point this morning. It's amazing to me how easily they brainwash the masses with this stuff.
>An actual assassination is not the same as a media witch hunt.

Media is just reporting what's happening. If everything they're saying ends up proven in court, then you know it wasn't the media, it was Trump itself. Republicans would be defending him more too, if they thought it was simply just a media hit job.

Also, stop getting mixed up between news reports, opinions and entertainment, which are skewed against Trump.

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Is this the guy who started the backlash against feminism and sjw? Without him there would be no Trump then.
40 posts and 9 images submitted.
He hates Trump, but said that he was a bit giddy about the whole SJW meltdown. So were many other libertarian leaning liberals.
Thunderf00t is proof that you can be against Trump, but hate SJWs and modern feminism at the same time.
Anyone who follows this guy is reddit-tier. He's on the same level as Sargon of Cuck.
He is the reason i found out about gamer gate, but he's way to obsessed about anita sarkeensian even if she really is a huge cunt

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97% of all crime in NYC was done by non whites. Yet they still hate us.
67 posts and 12 images submitted.
>All crime
>Says firearms only

Nice try Spencer but we will not abandon our dark brothers who will help us make America great
>implying racism and hate speech show up in statistics
How many whites in New York are actually (((white)))?
>literally no white crime

shut the fuck up retard

Fuck it, I don't want to go to work and be a wage slave.

Why aren't we communists?

{Pic somewhat related}
22 posts and 3 images submitted.
better to be alive than dead or starving to death. Also why don't you become a slave master? invest, invent, innovate.
You know you have to work in communism, right?
Being rich is like being a communist in your own little utopian bubble.
wtf i love money now

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Has anyone seen this? MSNBC did a story on kekistan in which they claim the term SJW stands for "stingy jew" and that Big Man Tyrone is Sargon of Akkad. It's even more cringey than you'd expect a mainstream media story on internet subcultures to be.

79 posts and 21 images submitted.
Fucking mainstream media cucking around like normal
This cant be real
Fucking cancer.
Is this real, or just a parody of msnbc?

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Post em fags.
21 posts and 16 images submitted.
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will the west ever have real men again?
33 posts and 3 images submitted.
I think it's more of a question of does the west still want real men.
sadly nigger culture might prevail
yeah that too, but that answer is very obvious, and is the same that has led to the end of men in the west
Aren't those two girls? Or are they both guys?

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I work for the DNC infiltrating pro-Trump groups such as /pol/

ask me anything.

proof incoming, gotta wait until the boss leaves for the day.
74 posts and 12 images submitted.
Is that why I see all these cancerous threads on /pol/ today?
Monitoring thread like a shit hawk
Sure you do. Any proof?
Ever think about doing the right thing and sabotaging your globalist shill masters? Because any decent human being would.

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Why does every trump supporter refuse to see they have been played by Israel?
18 posts and 8 images submitted.
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what's the difference between Trump and Hillary regarding Israel? none but one of them doesn't take Saudi's money.
Hillary Klingon is the biggest cuck the world has ever seen. Her boyfriend fucking cheated and she stayed for the money and everyone in the world knows it.

LIVE: Police Chase In Los Angeles, CA

22 posts and 4 images submitted.
1 bitcoin on it being a hispanic white latino spaniard
This guys nuts
>White Hispanic
Ooh, nice pit maneuver.

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