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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 10463. page

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Hello Comrades. This general is for the discussion of Marxism-Leninism, the ideology of revolutionary socialism and communism.

Communism is the next stage of humanity following the capitalist stage.

What exactly is communism according to Marxist-Leninists:

>Communism is a stage of society in which the productive infrastructure is socially owned, and goods are produced not in order to sell for profit, but in order to meet a social need.
>Communism in it's full form is a stateless, classless society that follows the maxim "From each according to their ability, to each according to their need."
>To achieve such a society Marxism-Leninism teaches us that we must replace the capitalist state, which is controlled by the capitalist class, by a socialist state, which is controlled by the working class. Then, a period of class struggle follows in which the capitalist class is liquidated by the working class. When the capitalist class has been completely vanquished, there will be only one class, the working class, and eventually the functions of the state will become indistinguishable from the functions of the society as a whole, and the state as such will 'wither away' as Marx said.

ML uses a philosophy called dialectical materialism, see here:

It is recommended that you read some of the critical works of Marxism-Leninism so you can make an informed assessment of the ideology.

322 posts and 155 images submitted.
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Communism has done nothing but undermine the core aspects of civilisation which are family and duty.

In order to save the West, you focus on its core elements - the family, marriage - strengthen them, stop them from being undermined, and honour your duties.

Man is lost, they are ignoring their biological purpose, they have their head in the prison of infinite choice.

It's time to go back to what made our civilisation prosper in the first place, it's time to go back to family...

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Hows Venezuela doing?
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For everything you need to know about communism, see attached pic.
>Muh comrades, I'm too pathetic and lazy to get a job so I will support an ideology that has never worked.

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ITT: We praise the best leader in the world
He has done nothing wrong at all. He should lead the world.
68 posts and 16 images submitted.
What about murdering political opponents/journalists and jailing opposition?
Didn't happen, didn't happen and traitors to the Motherland should be jailed. Stop being brainwashed by western media.

Proof ?
Putin is based!

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So this little fella, pic related, was attacked by a Muslim while I was on the outskirts on my town letting my two pups run.

Police has been holding him for two days in a kennel, "waiting for further instructions". It appears that the incident was videotaped by some security cam and that the Muslim already was on probation.

Do I have any chances of seeing my pupper again?

He filed a complaint, but so did I. I was thinking of calling the SPA(local PETA) for them to help.
103 posts and 15 images submitted.
Get a baseball bat and teach the fucking Muslim cunts a lesson

Be a man
If they have him on tape attacking your dog first then things should be fine. Involving animal rights groups to make not releasing your dog a PR issue is not a bad idea, though.
Coming from a Brit, that is cute.

Still, yes, that is the plan if they put him diwn
Get a lawyer as fast as possible

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Has Shia labeouf been found?
160 posts and 40 images submitted.
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Why would anyone want to find him?
He's being held hostage by the globalist elite for failing his duties. Pray for Shia.
Sage goes into the options field if you must respond.

Fight blatant shiaposting.
wtf is this pic? can you explain ?

Post 'em if you got ''em!
108 posts and 56 images submitted.
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I got nothing, sorry.
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Make em.
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Why is the media forcing this story down our throats?

It's really nothing special in terms of news yet it's been one of the biggest stories the past few days and considering all the shit that's going on in the world that's saying something.

What is their ulterior motive in pushing this story so hard?
328 posts and 46 images submitted.
>you have to never ever do anything that a minority doesn't want you to do, even if the minority is an unreasonable, selfish little prick who hates and resents you
What is this story? Is he a terrorist or something?

Stop trying to derail the outrage train.
Nah, some chink with a problem with authority and the conditions of carriage of his cheap air travel ticket.

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What does /pol/ think of antidepressants?

Legitimately helpful for those with mood disorders?

Or a sham manufactured by Big Pharma that does more harm than good?

I'm inclined to believe the latter given all the studies that show them being barely more effective than placebos, except with much nastier side effects.

Thoughts? Personal experiences?
327 posts and 33 images submitted.
Change your outside before you give yourself up to big pharmaceutical cartels

If you've ever had to deal with a chronically depressed whiny crying never-shuts-up dishrag, you will pray that they fill their head with as much medicine as they can get.
it might be helpful on the short term but long term it gets you hooked and you build up resistance to it

Also most people that are on it long term end up even more depressed and either commit suicide or shoot up a school
I probably going against the grain here, but Zoloft got rid of my anxiety and depression. Feels good man.

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>young women in her 20s is gang raped by 4 'Swedish' men in alleyway
>several people walk past despite hearing her cries for help
>happen in Gavle
Swedes, would be intervening a in a gang rape be considered racist?

>"It was at 02 o'clock at night on Sunday, April 2 that a young woman was gang-raped in central GÀvle.
>The woman, who is in his 20s, to have been forced into an alley between Kirkkokatu and North Beach Street by three men, police writes on his website.
>Since joining another man who also participated in the rape.
>Meanwhile, the rape was going on the woman tried to get help from people who passed by the scene, but no one did anything."

307 posts and 54 images submitted.
Where was her escort desu?
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>4 'Swedish' men

4 sand dindus
Yay Sweden for showing the world it's no fun being a cuckold
In this situation, you just need the car keys, go to the men who is raping the girl and put the keys into their throat, one by one.

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>Recent polling conducted across Canada, Australia, New Zealand and the United Kingdom has shown significant support for freedom of movement between the CANZUK countries.

>Over 2,000 people were surveyed in each country, with the results concluding that 64% of Britons, 72% of Australians, 77% of Canadians and 81% of New Zealanders support reciprocal living and working rights for their citizens within the CANZUK group.


Should British Pakis be allowed to move to Canada, Australia and New Zealand?

Should Canadian and Australian chinks be able to move to Britain?
362 posts and 44 images submitted.
All this would do is let Muds flood into Australia and New Zealand
Take the US, Cucknada & Bongistan out and you've got a deal
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fuck that, they make wong tongs look half decent by comparison
Don't you already have free movement with New Zealand?

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I just don't see how any scientist, being objective, could claim that race is purely a sociological construct. Can't a scientist see something like pic related, and notice how it took tens of thousands of years of evolution for these differences to develop?

Am I just ignorant about something? It seems like if someone tries to say that race is real, they will always get labeled as uneducated and pseudo-scientific. I don't get it.
318 posts and 55 images submitted.
I'm an anthropologist and I had to explain this to my students last week. Let me take a deep breath.
Are you finished taking that breath? Tell us what transpired.
they dont want to get found out.
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Basically, race is a social construct because people around the world have different systems of classification (taxonomies) to classify human groups. The lack of agreement across cultures shows that classification systems are arbitrary.

That doesn't mean biological differences don't exist or an illusion. It's just that there is a mismatch between real biological variation and the way people classify groups.

That's the gist of it. Do you need examples?

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>Tfw i finally managed to convert 2 of my swedish friends to Islam
133 posts and 33 images submitted.
It's time for Swedish people to go alpha on degeneracy and make family values great again
Sage goes into the options field if you must respond.

Fight blatant sliding.

Stop being retarded frogs.
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The only 2 religions in Sweden now is Islam and Cuckism
they played along to get you to fuck off and stop bothering them

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Kim Jong-il is currently at a commemoration event for Kim il-Sung
Today is the most important national event for North Korea.
They usually would conduct a test of a missile or nuke on this day.
Trump has stated that if this were to happen, it will be responded to.
There is a large amount of assets in the region, including the USS Carl Vinson carrier group.
The rhetoric is picking up...


Livestream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5pYnGUfIamo
97 posts and 21 images submitted.
Kim Jong iL is dead you stupid fuck

Kys immediately.
are you legit retarded?
It's evening of the 14th now you nigger
Aren't the festivities tomorrow?
I dun goofed. My bad.
Theyre obvs starting tonight. Check the link.

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Is polygamy wrong or degenerate in rare instances and assuming the man is very financially well-off, cares about his wives and children, and is able to adequately provide for all of them?
167 posts and 13 images submitted.

Yes, only a sperg basement dweller will tell you otherwise.
I think the real question here is are mexicans/venezuelans white?

depends how much their family tree got raped by spanish invaders
Yes it's wrong because it's wrong to share your life partner with anyone.
A marriage is sacred knot between two individuals.
Any foreign entity will act as a pollutant.

You have been operating under a system of white supremacy thanks to your so called "democracy" but your democracy only seeks to prolong white supremacy and disenfranchise the black indigenous Mexican lgbtq+ trannies

It's time to take away your vote and redistribute your wealth just to make things fair.
111 posts and 46 images submitted.
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>redistribute wealth
Bong I need to have wealth before it can be distributed.
That seem's fair enough.

I'm so sorry, please take everything I have.
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>can't vote because I'm a white male
>tell the voting officers that I identify as a black woman
Huffington Post is practically a blog now. Read a lot of their shit on archive so I don't give them any money. The titles of articles are fucking retarded blaming white people mean while saying its bad to be racist. Its a fucking joke.

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MOAB cost per unit = 16 millions.

Are a bunch Shitskins plus some poor buildings worth 16 millions???

So basically they are winning the economic war.

They can spend very small ammounts of money to make americans spend a lot.

All this money comes from muricans cattle.
187 posts and 30 images submitted.
it's not about bombing sandniggers, it's about showing others that murica can still literally do whatever the fuck it wants
it also sends message to every remaining free country that it can either submit or be obliterated
16 million is the change the US government finds under the couch cushions Fernando
pretty much this. we spend hundreds of billions on defense anyway, so this is just shit on shit.
360 million Americans

I will gladly put up a few bucks for MOAB's.

How about Trump drops one per day during his 8-year presidency?

I'm all for it.

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>he isn't a native in English
>most of his favorite music is english

what a cuck you are

prove me wrong

t. mostly prefer non-anglo music
66 posts and 12 images submitted.

lblblblblblblblb ah ah ah!
I hate anything in any language I can understand the lyrics these days are so fucking awful the only things I can stand are the things I dont get

366 posts and 141 images submitted.
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What's your opinion on capital punishment?
57 posts and 12 images submitted.
Judging from the prison documentaries I've seen, death row seems much comfier than general population.
Less rape, I think.
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When niggers run the corrections system, they will use it against white people.
the best way to deal with wrongdoers when they can't repair the shit they wrecked

but usual death penalty is fucktarded
the condemned should be put to good use, ie be sold for the benefits of the victims
eg, be sold for medical experimentations, be dressed as clowns and sold as rare game to hunters, be turned into premium animal food, whatever pays the most, rly

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Jews are our enem...oh
81 posts and 15 images submitted.
I like kikes now!
I feel like this is some kind of trick
Yeah but they're Israeli kikes, a whole order of magnitude less bad than ones anywhere else.
>Caring for Christians
They are doing this just to polarize the left and right even more.

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80 posts and 20 images submitted.
That video made me full torque
not even 4k. What the fuck burgers?
webm here

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Turkish voters face two stark choices. They will either say yes to constitutional amendments that would give Erdogan sweeping new powers or no — an act of defiance that would nominally preserve Turkey's battered democracy.

Erdogan's proposed system “has no parallel in the modern world,” wrote Henri Barkey, the director of the Middle East Program at the Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars. “It eviscerates the power of both the legislative and judicial branches of the government in favor of the executive, which will be concentrated in the hands of one person.” It would also create new presidential term limits allowing Erdogan to remain in office as late as 2029. If all goes to plan, Erdogan will have governed his nation for more than a quarter of a century when he finally steps down.

Erdogan has made no secret of his desire to reshape the Turkish system. For decades, his supporters argue, Turkey's dysfunctional parliamentary politics were an obstacle to successful governance and led to crises that triggered military coups. In the wake of last year's failed coup attempt, they say there's an even stronger need for a presidency that can withstand plots by unelected officials.

“It became clear to us that a presidential system whereby the president is elected by popular vote forces groups to compromise with one another and nominate a candidate whom the public at large could support to win more than 50 percent of the vote,” wrote Ayse Sozen Usluer, a foreign policy adviser to Erdogan. Right now, there is only one figure who could possibly win that share of the vote: Erdogan himself.
76 posts and 6 images submitted.
Kuwait, also probably the most Westernized Muslim country


This pic is so hot. The bearded guy in the centre...
there's no such thing as democracy you stupid amerifat. it's just a way to rule slaves without fear of uprising

this is more obvious in 3rd world garbage countries but westerners are more bluepilled about it because they have good economies and lead selfish hedonistic materialistic lives

why is there a referendum in turkey? because they want to turn it into a so called non democratic state so the people would support "democracy bringers" when bombs start dropping

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Are you an owner? How old are you?

Should I "buy" a house?
I would blow all my savings in the 20% advance payment and other other expenses.
But If I turn 30 years old I have to pay 10% of taxes for the buying operation, so I need to do this now (I am 28yo).

What is more cucked paying a mortgage or renting?
126 posts and 7 images submitted.
Buy land, not a (((house)))

I mean, you need shelter, but buy a place for its land, not so you have an overpriced surburban plot of uselessness
32 years old, I make way over median income here, but there is no chance I will get a home anytime soon. The housing prices have been rising like crazy in the last 10 years
I can't, the (((banks))) would only give a loan for an habitable house/flat.
38, bought at 31. City of Seattle house is closing in on $1 million, maybe a few more years to get there. Can't go anywhere however, kids will thank mom and dad one day.

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82 posts and 24 images submitted.
Ultra Cringe
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Do it bicth

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Why is the EU trying to push Britain out of the European Space Agency, when the ESA has nothing to do with the EU?

Canada is actually a member of the ESA despite not being an EU country.

This is all starting to get a bit petty, since when does leaving the EU mean leaving Europe?

There's also talks about pushing them out of JET and ITER
260 posts and 40 images submitted.
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way to piss in the bathwater EU

space. the final frontier
The majority of the Galileo satellites were even built in Britain

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Why does /pol/ hate Gays so much? Not all Gays are degenerate, child touching freaks like the ones you see on the web, I hate LGBT pride parades and how Homosexuality is being pushed on kids but how about those who just want to love and be like any other couple? Very little gays are insanely adulterous like the "average gay has 1000 partners" some of us believe in mongamy too
321 posts and 90 images submitted.
It's degenerate but FUCK do we have bigger problems right now.
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I wish the gay mafia would stop pushing the sandy hook myth
homosexuals are gay
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Because gay Jews and the gay mafia have become a big problem.

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