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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 26373. page

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I have a bit of a problem. An old friend I know from high school just got into contact with me again. She is a very nice person, as a person. However, she is a die-hard Bernie supporter. She asked me who I was voting for, and I told her that I've been backing Mr. Trump since day 0. She then went on the expected and typical rant, regurgitating the exact same dreck and drivel spewed by the MSM. "But he's such a racist, sexist, xenophobe, misogynist, etc." Then went on about how he's really bankrupt, isn't a politician, is not qualified, etc. All of this is so frustrating. Now, I did manage to get in some key points. We did not really argue, but she just couldn't listen. No logic. No reason. No getting through. I guess she's one of these so called secular liberal humanists. Which is very disturbing. I, personally, do not want to be ever associated with someone who aligns themselves with such a group.

I need a way to get through. I want to RedPill this bitch so badly. I just need some good ideas. What are the best ways. I'm being totally serious. I want to save this girl's mind. If it isn't too late....

Thank you very much in advance.
36 posts and 2 images submitted.

First off, stop using redpill as a term.

Second, only autists think there's a magic switch that you can flip to "redpill"""" someone.

Maybe it was that easy to "open your eyes" but that just means that you're weakminded and easily persuaded. Meaning you're more likely to be a liability to our cause.

The fact that you want to be spoonfed on how to spoonfeed someone indicates that this is more likely than not.
This helps. Which term would you prefer I use?

It doesn't really make a difference annon

You will reveal your power level and go full autist all because she has differing opinions to you

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47 posts and 15 images submitted.
I didn't know kylo ren was a defense minister for norway
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Fucking Europeans and their cuck ministers, Good thing my government isn't like that.
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This is ours
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Really makes you think huh?
11 posts and 9 images submitted.

>Ishaan Tharoor
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>Ishaan Tharoor
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>Ishaan Tharoor

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This map is perfect. everyone should be happy with this
205 posts and 69 images submitted.
>united ireland

fuck off.
>Albania exists
>Turkey exists
>Austria and Germany are not united
get this shit out of here
Because they have hundreds of years of history and deleting them out of existence would be idiotic

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Tila brings the heat

When did she become full on white supremacist?
129 posts and 27 images submitted.
When she started running out of money
Over a year now. I'm surprised she isn't banned from Twitter yet
actually had a dream about her last night. she was dating my dad and I wanted a picture with her but she said no
After her mental breakdown.

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You can only post in this thread if your country defeated the Soviet Union in a war.
14 posts and 2 images submitted.
Cold War reporting in.
Tell me about the man who took a bullet to the face, survived, and then went on to kill hundreds of soviet dogs.
My country scored the first Allied victory in WW2 (against Italy) and then when WW2 was over defeated the Yugo-backed Commies in a civil war.
It was the other way around. He killed hundreds of soviets and then took a bullet to the face.
He still lived to old age though.

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Why the fuck is this shit on a fucking ice cream website!? God damn fucking old hippies.
22 posts and 5 images submitted.

Never eating their ice cream again
How do they explain Asians who make more than whites, or Indians, or pretty much every other minority?
Ben Cohen and Jerry Greenfield.

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The World Jewish Congress (WJC) on Tuesday welcomed the signing by leading internet service providers Google/YouTube, Facebook, Twitter and Microsoft of a European Union code of conduct aimed at fighting the proliferation of hate speech on the internet, but voiced skepticism about the commitment of these firms to effectively police their platforms.

WJC CEO Robert Singer said: “YouTube, Twitter, Facebook and others already have clear guidelines in place aimed at preventing the spread of offensive content, yet they have so far utterly failed to properly implement their own rules.

Singer recently wrote to Google Inc., which owns the world’s largest online video service YouTube, to complain about the persistent failure of YouTube to delete neo-Nazi songs that glorify the Holocaust or incite to murder from its platform.

“Tens of thousands of despicable video clips continue to be made available although their existence has been reported to YouTube and despite the fact that they are in clear violation of the platform’s own guidelines prohibiting racist hate speech.

"Nonetheless, YouTube gives the impression that it has been cracking down on such content. Alas, the reality is that so far it hasn't. We expect that real steps are taken by YouTube, as well as other social media platforms, that go beyond well-meaning announcements,” said Singer.

The WJC CEO nonetheless praised the European Commission’s code of conduct to combat online racism, terrorism and cyber hate. "This is a timely initiative, and we hope all internet service providers will adhere to the code," said Singer.

The guidelines require companies to review the majority of flagged hate speech within 24 hours and remove it, if necessary.

15 posts and 6 images submitted.
Over the past two years we have been observing you goys and we have noticed a rather uncomfortable degree of internet activity among some of you. You have begun to produce low quality nationalist videos and podcasts that exposes some of our plans to replace your dying population with hard working shhwartzen’s from Africa and he Middle East.

Goyim this has only ever been forward your own good. The immigration will have to continue otherwise your countries will not be able to sustain their levels of economic growth. It’s basic economics there goy. We have hopes that this new law will take down all of your videos and far right hateful podcasts.

We have identified a few channels like Red Ice Radio who preach intolerance and advocate for a revolution and violence. We cannot have that in a free society goy. Other channels include Millennial Woes and a channel by a British Schwarzen called Sargon the cuckold. This will all need to be shut down along with the open gates video and the badly produced video about Hitler’s greatest story. Yes, yes I have already personally reported all of them to YouTube myself this morning. We will no longer allow you to pollute the young and gullible minds of the hard working goyim.

As for as you go you must stop your misbehavior and become functioning members of society. Don’t be a racist and you won’t be sent to the jail. I really don’t understand why you are so concerned with the immigration when you have all of this transgender pornography available. We will make sure to release better pornography and better video games in the future.

Oh and you goyim from America, Canada and Australia should know that we will shut down racism for you as well. Globalization goyim, we managed to get an international regime on intellectual property rights on the internet you think we can’t do the same for racist hate speech?

Goodbye Goyim.
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let it be know that i do not support this

So what's the final consensus on Snowden? Hero? Traitor? Somewhere in between?
55 posts and 7 images submitted.
revealing things your government is hiding from you is not treason

FPBP. Were done here boys.
Forgot about him desu
Only when they are illegal things

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> Some artworks at the Louvre in Paris are being moved to protect them

> In the town of Nemours, south of Paris, streets have been flooded by the waters

> Rescue teams in boats were evacuating residents from their homes.
21 posts and 6 images submitted.
merci Hollande
Thank you based Poseideon
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Even nature doesn't want more refugees
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So a few days ago there was this thread up on /pol/ about how blacks are subhuman specifically because they are the only race that doesn't have neanderthal genes.
>inb4 other reasons why blacks are subhuman
That doesn't matter, the neanderthal argument is just so typical for /pol/'s butt retarded logic and many of you agreed with it.

The homo sapiens is from Africa and is the modern human. Then there was also the neanderthal who is a subhuman. Not just the /pol/ version of "subhuman" that's used against any demographic you don't like. Neanderthals are LITERAL subhumans, And they mated with humans and successfully had children.

First off, you said blacks are subhuman for not having neanderthal DNA. I don't know how abysmally retarded you have to be to think that. Blacks would actually be more human for not having any subhuman neanderthal DNA in them.
Then second. If we were able to mate with a species that's on a different evolutionary branch like the neanderthal and the product of it is the white civilization of today, then it proves that /pol/ is absolutely overestimating the harmfulness of "race mixing", because neanderthals are genetically even more different from us than blacks and as subhumans even less intelligent. If you go as far as to say that neanderthal DNA is what made us superior than it actually argues in favor of breeding with what's genetically different from you.

It all boils down that there is no rationality behind the things you mentally challenged believe in.
14 posts and 3 images submitted.
Shut up sub human
If being black is human I'd rather be a different species
shut up sub human
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/pol/ never said neanderthals were humans, stormfags do, because they try to find ways niggers and whiteys are different and claim that difference is why they are better.

Ubermensch is a state of mind not biology. There are also ubermensch sub-Saharans who fought for the Reich

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How do we save American, /pol/?
47 posts and 11 images submitted.
Make psychology tests with NRA approved psychologists mandatory. Real threats should (atleast partially) get filtered out and Liberty is not negatively affected.
Was it a nigger?
A coup.

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You guys are the experts on evolution and looking at nigger skulls, so I wanted to get your take on the sloped forehead. Does it indicate higher thinking or lower?
26 posts and 5 images submitted.
Evolution isn't real
Your gold isn't real.
Sad but true
phrenology is a pseudoscience

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Do you speak the language of your ancestors or the language of your conquerors?
12 posts and 1 images submitted.
ye m8
all 4major ones
I speak the language of the conquered, what i am ?


Libertarian mockery thread? Libertarian mockery thread.
26 posts and 13 images submitted.
>mocking people who uphold the values of the founding fathers...

WEW lad
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1. Fuck those faggot cucks.

2. Modern libertarians are just anarchist SJWs.
dildos on cakes aren't a religious belief

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New queen of /pol/ coming through!
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
So, uh, diversity is good?
living proof that being redpilled transcends all races and genders
"New queen."

>he didn't already know about based Stacey Dash

Watching the summerfags creep in is sort of heart warming. In a couple of weeks, they may discover Tila Tequila next.
Who is this womyn anyway? Never heard of her

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Continuation from >>75766313

Shooting at UCLA Engineering 4. Info unclear, may be a FUCKING WHITE MALE.

Coulter's Law still in effect.
594 posts and 102 images submitted.
OP from the original thread. There are 4 shooters according to my friend.
Bullshit. Prove your friend said that.
My other friend in the chemistry building says there are 3 shooters, two white males and a female. 7 victims.

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>this is what black people actually believe

I don't understand.
52 posts and 15 images submitted.
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It's true.
i hope its true
when you black out eyes on paint you need to do a better job

1) Gets up at 4:00 in the morning
2) Works during summer in Phoenix in July
3) Stays at work until 7:00pm
4) Christian

Tell me again how this guy is not based as fuck, /pol/. Oh, wait, you can't.

New post-ascension plan: deport all of the lazy, jobless Sanders people, and replace them with hardworking based-as-fuck mexicans.
76 posts and 15 images submitted.
>.3 cents have been deposited into your kikeposting(TM) account

don't worry the sanders people will be deported too. you and the mexicans cant stay though
As long as he's here legally, good for him.
you forgot

>5) A White Male
If he's legal, then yeah OP you're right.

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Now you too can murder Donald Trump! XD take THAT conservashits!

43 posts and 6 images submitted.
fpbp reserved
Pick one.
Use it on yourself.
Got it, saved the Emperor.

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For awhile this morning anyway, why does it now say Hindu
12 posts and 1 images submitted.
kills his ex white GF
kills his white teacher

Mess with the poo, get the loo
So someone added the religion today according to the wayback machine.
the page has been edited in the last 2 hours this morning religion said Islam, what I want to know is how can we verify?
can anyone find cached versions? I'm unsuccessful

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Is it degenerate if I want to have the same life "lifestyle" as Jordan Belfort?
18 posts and 3 images submitted.

He was living the American dream.
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No, degeneracy only applies to girls because they overdo it and make it gross

ie: If I sleep with a couple girls at once. As a man, I handle it with prose and grace. Girls are just retarded faggots that fuck multiple niggers for xanax and attention.

ie: I do coke, it's classy because I'm handsome and well-adjusted. Girl does coke and she's a retarded thot and I want nothing to do with her gross self.
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He was like a Dan Blizerian who actually did something with his life
>implying anything Jordan Belfort did was degenerate
He was just an asshole. If you are Ok with being an asshole it's not degenerate.

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With her big foreign policy speech just an hour away, let's get this trending.
18 posts and 9 images submitted.
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It doesn't matter what she says. She will win simply because of how much people hate Trump

/pol/ is your hugbox, your safe space. You only consume Pro-Trump media. You're in for a world of asshurt in November. Hillary Rodham Clinton WILL be your next President.
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wow it's not even close how will trump ever win baka


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He's supposedly a madman Jew basically, who was kicked out of his local Jewish community - who tried to help him when he became homeless - for being his crazy self, and is basically going on a massive trolling spree against Jews out of revenge.

He's a bit brighter than the usual YouTube troll, though. There's real intellect and research behind the theatrical voice and buggy eyes. His videos are pretty much the best red-pill snippet videos around.


Whats the deal?
40 posts and 6 images submitted.
Don't bother asking about him on here, Trump shills hate the guy because he exposed him.
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he is earning shekels via his YouTube channel
Do you hate him?
no, his opposition is beneficial to us.
it's especially good that in addition to all of his views is a fanatic Christian.

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> According to The Hollywood Reporter, the reshoots are definitely happening. However, the reason is much more specific. “The move is happening after execs screened the movie and felt it was tonally off with what a ‘classic’ Star Wars movie should feel like,” the article says. “The goal of the reshoots will be to lighten the mood, bring some levity into the story and restore a sense of fun to the adventure.”

It's now confirmed.

Rogue One is getting kid-ified

12 posts and 6 images submitted.
>prequel and cartoon star wars kiddies complain that their believed Saturday morning cartoon and movie series is being sanitized, dumbed down, and kiddified

Welcome to my world, millennials.
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How outrageous!

This is obviously not a ploy by Disney marketing to build support for the film as is and build hype and boost turnout!

Certainly not!
Who cares, Star Wars has been shit ever since Disney bought it.

Also, this isn't politics bud.
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They took the best Star Wars character out of the universe so they could get their super diverse rogue one cast.

Fuck Disney

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