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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 11113. page

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According to Sean Spicer, Trump is going to get rid of net neutrality soon.

>Will 4chan be included in the social media bundle, or the pornography bundle?
>Would you be willing to pay your ISP's extra for fast access to 4chan?
>Would Hiro be willing to pay the ISP's so Americans aren't throttled when they visit the site?
>Will /pol/ be safe from politically motivated throttling or censorship?
>Or is 4chan too irrelevant for ISP's to interfere with?

If we're lucky, 4chan will be hidden behind an ISP subscription service or something. It'd be happy even if they just throttled it a little.

Just think /pol/, soon Americans will become the second class citizens of 4chan. Their numbers are sure to go down.
Can you image a /pol/ without Americans? That would be the ultimate blessing.

I'm so excited. God bless Trump.
83 posts and 11 images submitted.
/pol/ belongs to us now
Nah mate, this will soon be ANZAC territory. You leafs don't have the shitposting finesse to take over once the Americans are gone.
When will they remove net neutrality in Canada
>fast access to 4chan
>an imageboard with zero heavy traffic

There profit driven, they wont give two shits about this place.

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I'm not defeatist, just realist. Macron and LePen are fighting to have one fourth of the votes, they're obviously going to win the first round.

But you know there's a second round right ? You know it will only be Macron and LePen ? What do you think will happen with a globalist like Macron against a woman accused of lying, greed, racism and antisemitism ?

Again, I'm just being realistic, you must be pretty delusionnal to think she will have more than 30% of the votes on the second round. It is too soon, people are bluepilled as fuck in France and all Europe, and you seriously thought some memes were going to redpill them.
72 posts and 17 images submitted.
She's a woman though, if you don't vote for her you're a patriarchy-supporting sexist shitlord.
MLP already won. Just look at >>>/mlpol/
She has the same reputation as Hillary so I doubt she could win. Macron's too ((perfect)).

Rather the other way around.

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I did not realise how actually cucked these last couple of generations are, and I'm not really someone to use that word.

Yesterday me and my mates went off road karting for a friends stag do. These are all guys who, like most people I'm guessing, make offensive jokes and are all cool with it because we're all mates and its funny. Then this happened and they showed their true colours.

>Two of the guys were racing on the course
>Marshall whos supervising is a 40-something bloke but a nice guy
>Signals to one of the guys to pull over because he's done his final lap
>He doesnt see him and continues driving
>Marshall turns to us and goes "This is where you need a woman with big tits! They'd probably stop for her!"
>I laugh and turn to my mates and I'm the only one. One of the guys has the exact facial expression as pic related
>One of them goes "He seemed like a nice guy until that"
>Another goes "Yeah thats not cool. Why did he think that joke was appropriate"

I was fucking shocked to find out they were not joking. Luckily when I brought up the fact that he's a 40 year old guy and is just having a laugh one of my mates agreed and said everyone was overreacting.
Fucking hell though these are normal guys and suddenly out of nowhere they became a group of offended pussies. How has this happened?
61 posts and 12 images submitted.
Because we are in the "end game" of leftism. Everything is magnified as people virtue signal ever harder before it all comes down. Do these friends seem like people who think for themselves or follow the herd? As society "wakes up" some people will cling ever tighter to the old world.
In private we all make offensive jokes that if they ever came into public light people would not look at us the same way, and from my experience this is what most groups of mates are like when they're together. Its a mixture of shock value and one-upmanship and I guess it helps people bond.
But when they're in public the virtue signalling is fucking sickening. One of these guys is in a band is doing a gig to raise money for girls who gets sexually assaulted at gigs, which isnt necessarily a bad thing, but the entire thing is ran purely for virtue signalling. Even down the pub he was quoting sexual assault statistics like 9/10 women at gigs will be raped and everyone was saying how thoughtful he was. When I mentioned the only reason people were doing this gig is for publicity, patting each other on the back, and for getting laid the backlash was fucking insane.

Its sad really because now I'm thinking that they probably don't see jokes the same way I do and they probably see me as some thoughtless thug.
drop an offensive niger joke
Oh that happens, and they join in. Its just the hypocrisy of them. Although I learned the other day that either Jews are off limits or they do not get Jewish stereotypes.
At the wedding I'll be collecting money from the congregation and I said "That'll be no problem. I think I have some Jewish blood from my mothers side" it got a less than welcome reception.

At least TRY to COMPETE white boi
89 posts and 23 images submitted.
You can't even POO IN LOO
Serious question, why are Indian women such sluts? EVERY Indian chick I know has offered to suck my cock, even the married ones.
For a country with nearly as many people as China, but without any standards for hygiene, human rights, or intelligence, it's going to take at least ten times as long, unless we slaughter you shitskinned retards and repopulate the subcontinent with real humans.
They want to produce children that are superior to themselves, which means literally any non-Indian will do.

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reminder to all nazis and white supremacists.
70 posts and 20 images submitted.
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WTF I hate Turkish Posters now.
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Reminder: Turkroaches are too low IQ to meme.
I thought to Mudslimes hated Jews?
it's "fascists" not "facists". why can nobody get it right?

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Why don't you just become a real man and find yourself a redpilled tradwife, /pol/?

Here's what RC says about it:


And /ourboy/ MW:


Basically all you have to do is be 6'2, 7" cock, 6 figure income, captain of industry, and willing to creepily mold a malleable woman to your tastes while you provide her with a lavish lifestyle.

So what are you waiting for?
305 posts and 41 images submitted.
Or you can find someone who's decent looking and respects you enough to accept your leadership of the family. My wife does most of the housework/cleaning, and I make most of the money. We spend very little on luxuries - only things we'll both enjoy.
You post over 100 minutes of video content, and you expect us to watch it and discuss, while providing no discussion of your own??

Why don't you give us YOUR thoughts, instead of making empty, shit threads like this.
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why do you have that picture anon, explain now
back to r/eddit

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america here to help! MEME WAR SHIELDS ACTIVATE! fire up your twitter cannons and post your spiciest memes in this thread! we need to win france back for the french!
54 posts and 37 images submitted.
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the race looks close! we can do it guys! help uncuck our oldest ally!
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need help with the bumps to make sure fellow memetic warrior recruits can see this to mobilize!

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>Catholicism is based on the teachings of Jesus and church that he founded.
>Orthodox Christianity is just a heretic splinter right?

How can I explain to someone that Catholicism is superior
307 posts and 44 images submitted.
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>Catholicism is based on the teachings of Jesus and church that he founded.

Hahahahahahaha.... Good one...

what the fuck is this heresy?
It takes a deep understanding of church history anon ask your local priest to explain you and also where to get more info on it...
that being said...
with the help of Putin who despised what gommies did to culture in Rusia ortodox are our greatest allies inthe return to traditionalism
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>what the fuck is this heresy?

Nice trips...


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We surely cant have them on life support forever
55 posts and 8 images submitted.

But you also need to keep them from leaving there.
wow so ur just saying let them suffer? let them go to USA
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That's what I said when I was talking to my dad about it, he answered with the typical "inhumane" noise but I think that would be the right thing to do.

Lots will die and there will be a lot of suffering, but from the ashes only the best will be left over, who will then be able to start a competent civilization.
Just send them all your women. It's not like you're going to make use of them with all the faggotry and NEETness.

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>the worldwide political left is pro-Palestine and anti-Israel
>the worldwide political left is run by Jews
Well /pol/? It can't be both. Which is it?
178 posts and 29 images submitted.
they are pro-palestinian because guess where palestinian and the other refugees are gonna move to make your vote irrelevant and your daughter blacked ;) "oy vey isreal bad, muslims good. we have to take in 6 million muslims into your bedroom"
Gas all of them
but the actual non-meme answer is that the political left isnt a homogenous group and they have differences of opinion many issues including this one. Furthermore, the jews in charge of the left differ on issues as well. its not the conspiracy pol always pushes.
Globalist Jews and Zionist Jews hate another. Zionist Jews contain themselves. why do you think Trump likes Israel?

What's wrong with this pol? U racist brah?
67 posts and 27 images submitted.
This is what happens when Swedish men don't have a chance to go out on a raid to die. They get to live. My dad is Swedish by the way so this is true from personal experience.

>Day after /mlpol/
>Reddit is already here making HOE KAN WITE BOIZ EVEN KOMPETE threads

This board is shit I'm going back to horsefuckers

Calm down Geert. Try harder next time. Don't be a victim.
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oooh fuck yeah! this is the shit!

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Really makes you think
111 posts and 15 images submitted.
How is the Black Egypt shit actually received in Egypt itself? From your own personal experience.
as a non-thought

Curious to hear response to first post. How does it make you feel that the american groid thinks it's one of you?

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All the polls show that Macron will win.

Marine Le Penis shill on suicide watch.
58 posts and 24 images submitted.
> meh, there will be no Brexit
> meh, Trump shall not be president
> meh, the italians will vote yes on their referendum
Nice cherry picking, what about Austria and the Netherlands?
>believing any poll in 2017
Did you just make up the third one?

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Is it still possible for women to be faithful and loyal? Is there such thing as a lifelong happy marriage?
57 posts and 6 images submitted.
It's very very rare. Possible, but very very rare.
No. When the courts are guaranteed to side with them regardless of the circumstances there is no insentive for faithfulness. Once that ring is on their finger they have already won.
Most women don't want someone to be with and love for the rest of their life. You'd be very lucky to find one.

They get the ring and know they get half of everything. Always prenup.
Yes. Yes.

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159 posts and 32 images submitted.
Le Pen
all losing
>inb4 not my opinion must be shill
>inb4 fake polls
>inb4 muh rine

come on pol do it
You already made this thread and it died for good reason.
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Macron will win!
Say it with me:

The reddit fags and shills are back guys, dumber and more bot-like than ever. I am fairly certain that a lot of anons have jumped ship in light of yesterdays revelations. there was some discussion on the topic

The thing is, that this level of derailing and shilling will take its toll on us. Has anyone thought of a good regroup plan to concentrate our core group once again? maybe we can set up a new board or something, idk but it wouldn't do us much good to go to 2*4chan or some other out of the way place, and we can't just advertise here to these plebbitfags to go to our new setup since they will just follow.

A new board would suit us fine considering that it would take a while for nupol to figure out we had jumped ship since they would only be on 4chan for /pol/.

tl;dr we need a contingency plan guys, Fast.
109 posts and 12 images submitted.
what about CB or HAM radio? I am kidding, but packet radio is neat. We should make our own protocol not just our own image board. In fact, we should help build the TrumpNet.
>in light of yesterdays revelations
I haven't been on for a few days, what'd I miss?
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>sage all images of lezzoes
>pic unrelated
/MLP/ did a merger with us for april fools, it scared the shills away and made us realise just how much bad influence they were exerting over the board.

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This is right now a top headline in one of Germanys top newspapers.
Translation "how to get out of the monogamy prison" and it's written by a white German woman of course.
51 posts and 12 images submitted.
Me and my gf have an open relationship and its pretty great. Don't judge...
Kek confirms
This is why I don't care about white women getting raped.

I feel bad when white men are attacked but I don't extend the same sympathies for women. White women are cunts who ask for these kinds of things then attack white men when their shitskin pets misbehave.
Fuck you I'll do as I please

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Now that Trump (a conservative) is in power, is liberalism the new counter-culture?
109 posts and 10 images submitted.
but it depends on country, worldwide, it still is conservatism
The only people who voted for Trump are rural and suburban retards.

City people all voted for Hillary.

(Talking specifically to the redditor babbys who failed to kill themselves today).

But in all seriousness we can't let this man get the nuclear codes.

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WSJ employees Rolfe Winkler, Jack Nicas and Ben Fritz have jeopardised the careers of thousands of YouTube creators by scaring major corporations into removing their advertisements from YouTube. YouTube responds by demonetising videos with the slightest chance for controversy, reducing revenue by 60% for many channels.

It started when they took a few of Pewdiepie's videos out of context and branded him a neo-Nazi and anti-semite when it was clearly a joke.

It is full-blown political correctness in the form of blatant slander and clickbaiting and these three are not being punished for it.

Does /pol/ have an opinion on this? What can be done to help resolve this?
150 posts and 20 images submitted.
Simple. Let YouTube die.

This is just the beginning of the end. It will make those content creators seek another platform for their videos.

All it takes is just one guy with a great idea to start a new website that will destroy YouTube.
cmonnnn amazon video
I think Google should sue the ever living fuck out of the WSJ for their blatant misrepresentation of the actual issue.

With jews you lose.
bezos is an even worse cunt though

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>Veterans For Child Rescue (V4CR) was formed specifically to EXPOSE that which has been covered up and suppressed – the dark and disgusting world of pedophile trafficking rings.



Veterans For Child Rescue (V4CR) was formed specifically to EXPOSE that which has been covered up and suppressed – the dark and disgusting world of pedophile trafficking rings.

These rings often include members from every level of our society and involve unthinkable trauma inflicted upon innocent babies and children - the soul of our nation.
71 posts and 22 images submitted.
Already donated.

"OBJECTIVE: Through this, we hope to force stronger punitive legislation and create a non-permissive public environment to help reverse this life-shattering trend of abuse."

sounds like nothing

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So glad we're getting rid of sub human poles like this! Britain belongs to the Pakis in the commonwealth!
150 posts and 32 images submitted.
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who keeps making these pics. they make me laugh way to much. ALSO
but they had that poster of all the brown people brexit would stop
why would they lie?
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>youtube comments get me every time
When my parents came as immigrants from Poland in 1949 to Canada, my father was spit on and called names. Everyday, his co-workers told him to "GO HOME FOREIGNER" and would even try to urinate on him. It really hurt him so much that he had a nervous breakdown. He never liked living here Olga and he really did die of a broken heart. He was a school teacher in Poland but b/c he did not know the English language, when they came here to Canada and my parents were too poor to go back to school at that time, my father was made to feel like a bum, a nobody who never got one ounce of respect! My parents bc they were "foreigners" from Poland could not even get a job washing dishes. My father did get a job in construction but it barley paid for the food. My mothers hair all fell out from hunger as she would lie to my dad who was working in construction that she ate that day, when in fact she didn't. Hate is such a horrific thing! My mother was 8 months pregnant and was pushed while she was on a subway in Toronto and told to go back where she came from. She fell to the ground and lost her 8 month baby boy. He could not be saved in those days.
I often say, we have so much to learn from the animals, especially dogs b/c their love for us is unconditional. And Humans have not evolved enough as yet to be able to love other humans unconditionally. Sad.......very sad Olga.......Susan
Show less
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heh we should ban white immigrants.... because they're racist and xenephobic

just fuck my country up senpai

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So /pol/, this April fools was it a mere joke? or a full fledged malicious attack on us?
/v-int/ was fun, /sp-a/ was fun, /c-an/ was perfect since Kemono Friends just finished airing, the rest were 2 semi-dead board merger or 1 big board + dead board.
But no other board was shit on as us, it was non-stop shitposting and mocking.
It also surprises how many bronies are outside /pol/.
116 posts and 24 images submitted.
texas, this was /pol/'s best day ever
fuck off shill
>But no other board was shit on as us
What is >>>/outsoc/
Poor fucks
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It was actually pretty funny watching everyone lose their shit over nothing.

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China is best country can you even compete?
345 posts and 138 images submitted.
Kinda but we still need to up our communism.
China is dog shit

Coming from a Leaf? I can see you think that about China.
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by supporting taiwan

How are there not 100 threads on Evelyn Farkas?
>Obama administration official verifies everything Trump said about having his "wires tapped"
138 posts and 34 images submitted.
Pol has been under a pony all day and has no idea that the former Obama administration is being hunted down as we speak.
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Heads are gonna roll. This is the biggest political scandal of American history. There should be 2 dozen threads on the every day
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bump, already back to threads being slid hard I see.

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Well, /pol/. You got what you want.
The board is back to normal.
And you know what "normal" is here?
It's slide threads, blacked threads, drumpf threads, and shareblue larp threads ALL DAY--24/7.
60 posts and 9 images submitted.
>old/pol/ larping as nunu/pol/ complaining about nu/pol/
we can change
>implying the board merge wasnt a shill op
Fuck yourself OP
Drumpf threads are pretty based

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