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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 11498. page

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How cucked is it to raise your child to be bilingual?

I feel like my kids will have an advantage in the modern job market if I raise them to be fluent in Spanish.
69 posts and 10 images submitted.
No, they will have a huge advantage in life. American kids should grow up learning English, Spanish, and Mandarin, and then start studying one other language when they reach high school age. Russian and French are good choices.
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JEB! was raised to be bilingual, and he turned out all right!
Not at all? Learning more languages is redpilled.
>t. Spic

Yeah maybe if you want them to be a landscaper, Jose. This is America, we speak English. Fuck off.

He actually said terrible people were posting strange and bizarre things on his Instagram and Facebook..
Didn't seem to mind it before
160 posts and 38 images submitted.
Seems like he's been practicing.
The psi weight of reality crushing that skull is delicious. Squirm little pet squirm.
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Doesn't it make you nervous when you're dealing with all those evil forces?
i heard there's footage of him blowing his nose on $100 bills

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*record scratch*




62 posts and 23 images submitted.
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This faggot must be desperate for reelection if hes actually going through with this.
>The only reason you elected him
>legalizes dog blowjobs immediately
>gets to marijuana 3 years later
Free farts just suck on the exhaust from my big rich american asshole.
>Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
>Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
>Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
>Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
>Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.
Provincial governments will also have the right to set price.

Weed is about to start costing $500 per ounce lel

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Why does /pol/ vote for Republicans that want to sell your internet history? Why do you guys vote against your own interests?
58 posts and 9 images submitted.
They don't care if they win, as long as the other guys lose.
Gosh, if only there were another way to influence the behavior of private corporations who enter into voluntary contracts with customers other than engaging in politics.
Gosh if only there weren't all these regional and effective monopolies.
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Kys you shitskin faggot.

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Pizzagate autism and Trump cocksucking (not supporting, literal schlonging) drove me away from /pol/ a few months ago. Guess the board changed into hardcore echo turbo autists with nothing better to do than calling all genuine news threads - especially involving Trump BTFO content - "slide threads" and completely turning those into a denial circlejerk.

What bothered me the most were the pizzagate threads. At first I thought that it's gonna die down like a baby with Hepatitis-B. Instead, those mutated into the worst content by far ever regularly posted into this board. It's self explanatory.
Trump cocksucking, however, is not wishful thinking. It's denial at the last fucking stage. I honestly always enjoyed BTFO threads for the sake of actual discussion (it existed) between meming and leafposting. Now, every one of those threads end up being full of people who would suck Trump off in an alley for free. Hell, you have nothing to lose anymore. Be fucking more critical about your own president and wonder about how pathetic you will look as a Trump voter in 3,6 years, when the GOP gets BTFO because Trump didn't change.

Just my two pfennig. Cue the mohammad/wife jokes, but try to prove me wrong.

>protip: you can't.
137 posts and 45 images submitted.
Dutroux Affair

Franklin Scandal

Finders Case

Pedophocracy is real. Nice try in attempting to make people investigating this matter feel stupid. It wont work.
>when the GOP gets BTFO because Trump didn't change.
That's really more a criticism of the GOP than Trump, no? Wouldn't Trump sticking to his promises make him deserving of this cocksucking?
lol what happened to alex jones, were they gonna sue him? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LgE2rbrqQoI
>months ago
newfag fuck off

Genuinely curious as we have a healthcare system in Australia that works pretty well, im not sure why obama care is bad and people want it gone so badly?
80 posts and 7 images submitted.
because in America everyone is insane and so a healthcare system has to cater to the whims of the most fucked up and stupid.

So, we get coverage for sex changes and birth control for males and nuns have to pay for abortion procedures.

Also, hypochondriacs insist on everything covered when logically most ppl would be fine with catastrophic.

Then, because feral idiots live hand to mouth and can't do basic math, everyone has to have it as uniform coverage without having to do math beyond what they pay per pay period. No savings accounts or whatnot.
1. we have too many unhealthy people to support a national healthcare plan
2. obamacare isn't national healthcare, it's forced healthcare that you pay for or get fined
3. on the other end of the (1) spectrum(and, sometimes, overlaps), we have the freedumb tards that think the government shouldn't exist for anything but bombing countries in the middle east and protecting Israel. They wouldn't be happy until obamacare is completely repealed as shown with AHCA when they were given concessions and still refused to back it, which upset the moderate republicans.
It's a massive fucking handout to insurance companies. Everyone else gets fucked.

In my state, the average insurance premium tripled in just a few years after being fairly stable for more than 10. It's ridiculous.
A nigger invented it

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>be presidential adviser
>order fellow conservatives to vote for trumpcare
>they all just fucking laugh at me

what a cuck
112 posts and 25 images submitted.
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Trump needs to get rid of this fat faggot.
Fake news
Union dues
Liberals lose
Here's your (You)s
t cnn

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Whats wrong with Americans?


>Parents are beginning to take baby boxes home from hospitals along with their newborns. A Los Angeles-based company has partnered with health officials to give the boxes away for free and an online initiative offers advice aimed at reducing sudden unexpected infant deaths. New Jersey and Ohio were the first to participate statewide in the program.
226 posts and 23 images submitted.
>be baby
>get boxed
>tfw put in a drawer as a baby
wow its almost like we're gonna be living worse than our parents. also, a crib is a fucking box with a comforter/bedspring. put a bedspring in a fucking box and its comfy.

just fuck us all why the fuck do we care
Well they're probably right.

That box is probably safer than most cribs.

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Hello 4Chan, let's make this quick. I have worked in Genetic Engineering at Area 51 for various years. Now before I move on to my message, it has been revealed to me through divine intervention and the hand of God that through recent events and the foretold prophecy of September 23, the lawless one also known as the Antichrist is Jared Kushner. Greys are real. Plenty of contact has been made to other unknown extraterrestrial races however they have declined affiliation because we are partnered with the greys, who are known as evil and malicious. This workplace is practically a spiritual warzone as the greys torment staff's minds and are extremely manipulative. Because of this, it has brought many of us closer to God. They will start to screech and foam from their mouths if they hear the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Now, I believe in the internet, that whatever gets put on here, will be on here forever and be spread far and wide. So please, do not forget these numbers: 1699161

They are extremely vital and important, and they will make sense very soon.
178 posts and 36 images submitted.
David Icke off his meds again
I really don't have much time before being found out about.
>>So please, do not forget these numbers: 1699161

Nice plot for a sci-fi novel. I'm stealing it, writing it, and getting it published. Thanks Bro!

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This is real, guys!

Read the papers in the picture. This is a concise overview of the finders case. A true "redpill".

Four interviews concerning Child Trafficking and other CIA operations. Check out the interview of Nick Bryant, hosted by Peter Levenda. The other three interviews are also very telling.


This is all too real, guys. This NEEDS to be focused on. We cannot turn away from what is really happening.

Ted Gunderson Program:

Discusses The Finders Case:

51 posts and 20 images submitted.
This is actually creepier than pizzagate
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This and Pizzagate are both just pieces of something much larger and far more evil.
The currency of those who walk the halls of power in this world is the blood, virginity, and souls of children.
Unfortunately you are right. Sadly this is true, so true.

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Looking to move to a Southern state /pol/. What are your suggestions? Don't try not to dock a state just for its black/Hispanic population since I'm probably not looking to live in a large city anyways.
341 posts and 43 images submitted.
Florida panhandle
Destin specifically
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>not moving to PA

your loss mate
Not going to argue my case
Do some research

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>Me? I consider myself a civic nationalist
82 posts and 23 images submitted.
You mean civic statist, as nation is an inherently racial concept.
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I have that katana

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Not sure if crazy or W O K E
99 posts and 22 images submitted.
Clearly insane.

also, OP,

>Das Fuhrer
>not Der Führer
Merkel got thin
love that haircut

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Lmao. Look at these broken freakshows.
56 posts and 23 images submitted.
If you can't get out of the uncanny valley and won't even try to, KYS plz.

>uncanny valley

The name of this freakshow's homemade porn.
Interessent desu
post the big booty brazilians

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>12 ounces of weed in one drink
How the fuck is this legal?
94 posts and 14 images submitted.
If I drink this will i die coloradoans?
Are you fucking retarded?
Wouldn't basically wreck you for a entire day?
That's a 12oz bottle OP, I genuinely think you might be retarded. It's not 12oz of weed.

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>waahhh I can't afford a house
>waahhh houses cost 500k
>waahhh the jews made houses too expensive waahhhh

You know what MEN did 3+ generations ago? They built their own fucking house. Quit being a whiny faggot and build your own god damn house, maybe then they would stop being so expensive.

341 posts and 39 images submitted.
land to put house on is majority of the cost. also three generations ago you didn't have to do all the permits and inspections.
Then build the house to spec, what's the problem. You queer or something?
but if i build my own house in the woods i won't have a good enough internet connection to stream my 1080p interracial cuckold porn
Need money to buy land first.

Why does the right attract so many conspiracy theorists? Is it due to low IQ?
142 posts and 27 images submitted.
90% of liberals actually believe this muh Russia garbage when it's literally just intelligence agencies saying "believe us"

Because the left want to shut everything down while the "right" or nationalist are for freedom of speech regardless if it upsets someone.
Most crackpot conspiracy theorists I've met are intelligent people who are just a bit nutty.
This tbqh, I never thought the liberal left would fall for shit like ayylmaos, defending a desert cult and thinking the Vodka niggers were still commies and therefore enemies

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If you had the chance to have a talk with Hitler, what would /pol/ tell him?
144 posts and 24 images submitted.
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That its okay to lose to the Americans because in 2016 rural and suburban retards will elect someone just like him.
Britain is not going to ally with you
I would ask him advice on how to reshape my own country.
Haha this sadly.

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How was Church today, /pol/?

You did go to Church, right?
141 posts and 42 images submitted.
Nope. Did I miss another Holy Day of Obligation again?
>"If a black man fucks your wife and shits on your lawn, just turn the other cheek. His sins wil be punished in the afterlife, no need to do anything goyium."
I had delicious eggs benedict and grapefruit mimosas, was fantastic.

Oh wait,that was brunch.
If you interpret it like that then you're the true cuck

Why /pol/ is so concerned with the islamization of europe when it basically agree with most of muslim talking points on women, fags, drugs, israel, etc?
92 posts and 21 images submitted.
self-perceived whiteness I guess
Of course the cancerous manchild is a dumb /pol/ poster. I can only image how pathetic your life is.
Yeah if anything they should publicly agree with Islam and Sharia and demand it be implemented to put feminists back into the kitchen and to oppress or remove homosexuals. And at the same time be against migration.

That way white traitors, women and faggots would be put in the vice from both direction. These people are the true enemies, mudshits are just their rabid dogs.

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They say a picture speaks 1000 word, this one envokes 4.

/pol/ btfo once again.
104 posts and 26 images submitted.
why not fucking save the mexican people instead, superman, you bigot
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Why would trump build the wall around new York? It's not like the Jews need protection
Make America Great Again

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Read the image for the rules. I'm off work in 3 hours and sometime between now and then my boss will come back to annoy me, but otherwise it's a slow day and even after work I'm devoted to hosting this. I'll be as quick as possible but occasionally I might have to go away to do my job.

I'll start maybe when 5 or 6
270 posts and 20 images submitted.
Dark Red
Soviet Union
California - SF area.
Northern Florida
Jeb! Imperium
Bluegrass confederacy
Winfield kansas

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What do we do about the canadian problem?
74 posts and 19 images submitted.
Politely ask us to leave? :(
Yes, let the hate flow through you
I cannot wait to die. Holy fuck being alive is fucking hell in this country.
I hate waking up every day strictly cause Im canadian.

For the Love of God, please let me leave this shit hole.

Since when did punching Nazis go from treasured American pastime to a big no-no that's taking it too far taboo?

60 years ago punching nazis was encouraged and enjoyed by all freedom- and liberty-loving Americans. It was a very American thing to do. Suddenly trump gets elected and now we're supposed to regret defeating hitler and his nazi regime?

That's literally how we won WWII bruh. Literally. We didn't stop and have chit-chats on the battlefield. We shot them in their nazi faces.

Please pay more attention in history class.
129 posts and 43 images submitted.
Not an argument bruh
Work on your bait, good attempt.
>that pic
Do they not realize what they are implying with that?
Also Commies have been an American enemy since before WW1

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Noticed the left side of the mouth similarity between convicted child abuser Jonathan King, and Hillary's close friend.
73 posts and 40 images submitted.
Pretty sure Hastert, Tony, Epstein have the same thing. Big if true.
You just know

Yep! It's the smile of pure evil.

I miss when Maddox wasn't such a douche.

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