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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 9269. page

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The multicolour flag, usually associated with the LGBTQ community, was stolen from the alt right. Its original meaning was that diversity of race (the separate colours) should be celebrated!

Please 4chan, as the alt-right's intelligence headquarters, help us win our beautiful flag back !
17 posts and 8 images submitted.
Have normies talked about this yet?
I've seen these threads for a while now but still no media coverage.
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>/pol/ in charge of anything
Think it's beginning to gain a little traction online on social media but it hasn't been picked up yet by the mainstream networks
You shouldn't underestimate this board. Liberals can get very butthurt when the so called alt-right starts to use normie symbols for their own benefit.

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/brg/ - Boston Rally General

On May 13th, a free speech rally will be held in the Boston Common on 139 Tremont St from 12pm-5pm.

Libertarians, conservatives, traditionalists, classical liberals, or anyone else who supports Trump or just hates leftists are encouraged to attend.

Bring Stickman basics at LEAST. Boston is saturated with Antifa or Antifa sympathizers. Expect a shitload to be there. They WILL be violent. Remember, Boston is the birthplace of liberty! This is our town, progressives are just squatting in it. Time to take it back.

----------------INFO PAGE:



>Whats the point of this rally?
To support free speech and show the world Boston isn't completely cucked.

>Don't you know you'll get shit on by Antifa?
That's why we need Stickmen there. Bring helmets and goggles, respirators, etc.

>Will cops stand down or help Antifa?
Likely. Some are on our side, but they may have orders. Do not expect help.

>Do you have a permit for the rally?
Yes we do.

----------------OFFICIAL DISCORD:

16 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Come to Boston, you fuckers.
Our founding father's would be proud.
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You know the drill.

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This guy is a douche bag, changes his tone every second depending on his audience. The absolute definition of a cuck.
18 posts and 4 images submitted.
He's Jewish.
>definition of a cuck
I thought a cuck raised another man's children. I guess these things evolve.
douched Alaska.
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Just another opportunist/entertainer type shilling for audience and shekles. Don't expect much from these kinds of people.

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Can anyone link me credible sources showing adverse mental health effects from long term marijuana use, or studies that show it's completely degenerate?

I can't find anything too great because it all links to garbage buzzfeed articles that jerk off the notion of dude weed lmao 420.
40 posts and 2 images submitted.
>Can somebody find me some information that confirms my viewpoint please?
Fuck off cuck
weed is great.
inhaling smoke of any kind will kill brain cells.
I hate weed and weed addicts.
Legalize weed, but you shouldn't smoke it.

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You fucking pussies make me sick. You think meme-ing your way into power is enough? We have to come out in droves to effectuate change.

For example, you all say you're against niggers, spics, and mooslins, but how many times have you had the balls to say it in public? How come I only read about inspirational Nat Soc ideology on-fucking-line and never hear about it outside the internet, let alone in protests, etc.?

We can't be cowards anymore. We have to show ourselves in public.
15 posts and 2 images submitted.
sure thing schlomo
>hitlerdindu stormnigger

8pol is that way

never gonna happen

easy to be a kekmeister uberfascist on the intrawebs, lot harder for little kiddies to do it where they'll get smacked in the gob by the nearest grown-up

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There is nothing more shameful than being American. Fuck this god damn country and fuck my god damn ancesters for leaving europe for this shithole. I would give anything to live in Europe.
34 posts and 8 images submitted.
So leave then
so then go hit the gym you fat fuck.
Well then go back to mexico Paco. See if mexico will pay for your welfare and 10 kids.
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have fun with that op.

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ITT we debate the science of trannies.

The trannies love to say that transgenderism and non-binary genders are backed by science. I have yet to see these studies, can someone post them so we can evaluate the claims. I have a few questions:

1. Who (((authored))) the study?
2. What method could prove your brain is actually gendered and you're not in it for attention?
3. Why is Nye pushing this as part of show/platform? Surely there must be some science to back it if the "science guy" believes it.
39 posts and 10 images submitted.
The left rely's heavily on market researchers and PR company's for their political capitol.
bill is just cucking out to sjws fot views

he is literally king jew of the science world
From what I have looked up from multiple dictionary definitions on google, gender states that it is what you identify as and sex is what you are born with.
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Be a neo nazi, gained respect and moved up. attended a REAL nazi meeting. Brought KFC and beer as my offering. This is what we enjoy at my local neo nazi meetings.

I hear a gasp in the room. People give me confused stares. Eyes bulge out and light up. Hear people hissing between their front teeth and lower lip. Angry drill sargent goose steps towards me, pounding his feet at the ground, shouts "entartet essen!"

So I went home, kind of upset. I don't know if being a nazi is for me. Did some research, and until now I used to think Hitler was cool. That is, until I found out he did not drink, or eat meat for that matter.

What alternatives do I have to nationalist socialist ideology?
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
Skinhead/Neo-nazi are merely puppets of the jew
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Sieg Heil my niggas!

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You are only allowed to post in this thread if your country has the greatest Navy in military history

>inb4 Royal Navy Fags

31 posts and 17 images submitted.
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swiss navy, best navy

Post from a nation who tells the Iranian navy to fuck off and doesn't surrender like bitches.

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Really makes you think
26 posts and 4 images submitted.
>bending over for goat fuckers
>more educated
So live there
Its true
Why the fuck is a Muslim comparing France to the US?

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Hey /pol/ what's your opinion on giving tides at church? The church is nice and the pastor seems a bit pedo-ish to the community kids and he lives in A rich country club. Is all this a scam? I'm asking because my second grandmother(neighbor) gives em 400 a month and said something about property taxes? Something seems up and can't figure it out
13 posts and 1 images submitted.

>is organized religion all a scam?

From what video game that is from?
Gives me a vibe from Cossacks or Warhammer but I'm unsure.

It's tithe you mong
>giving tides

it's tithes

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>He‘s certainly the closest of the candidates to Social Darwinism.
Wtf, how is he not ourguy?
21 posts and 5 images submitted.
he's kinda libertarian but at he same time he's also pro-ceding all government power to the EU, which clearly wants to be an authoritarian state
You clearly do not know anything about EU
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You're clearly a shareblue shill who wants unelected bureaucrats indicated by socialist faggots in France and Greece to create your laws

You spit in the grave of the founding fathers and should kys
He's a literal social darwinist, literal hitler
>Social Darwinist

Nah, I think Social Darwinism is against the interests of the average /pol/ user

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I hear these folks are doing quite well these days, what material would you recommend for me to begin my journey to spiritual freedom and financial success?
15 posts and 4 images submitted.
Jews are doing better bro
I don't care about the juice, I don't want juice. How do I lucifer? Books?
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Ask Jesus if you should
By killing yourself.

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The teacher assigned us a project to make memes that have to deal with the U.S. constitution. I need three memes on different amendments 1-10. Any ideas?
13 posts and 6 images submitted.
>do my homework

Fuck you.
Are you in middle school?
you're such a faggot

you're paying for this "education"

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Who else wants us bongs to become the 51st state? We need to cement our anglo relation and move to a based constitution.
41 posts and 6 images submitted.
if it did, id probably try to move there

its us vs the world bongs, history repeating itself once again
we just want to do our own thing and also have guns, why do you people not understand what we want we dont want to replace unlimited immigration from europe with unlimited immigration from anywhere else either we just want a fucking break!
Would that make canada a dominion of america?
I don't know but if world war 3 was based on nationalists vs globalist
Who would be on who's side?

What did he mean by this /pol/? What does it mean for France?
17 posts and 3 images submitted.
"The man of the future will be of mixed race. Today's races and classes will gradually disappear owing to the vanishing of space, time, and prejudice. The Eurasian-Negroid race of the future, similar in its appearance to the Ancient Egyptians, will replace the diversity of peoples with a diversity of individuals. [...]

Instead of destroying European Jewry, Europe, against its own will, refined and educated this people into a future leader-nation through this artificial selection process. No wonder that this people, that escaped Ghetto-Prison, developed into a spiritual nobility of Europe. Therefore a gracious Providence provided Europe with a new race of nobility by the Grace of Spirit. This happened at the moment when Europe's feudal aristocracy became dilapidated, and thanks to Jewish emancipation"
Taken out of context. French Anon pointed out that he said afterward there was Breton culture, Aquitaine culture, etc.
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What he is trying to say is that there is no such thing as national identity, we are just part of a bigger plan. Multiculturalism is good, we can all be part of the plan. That is why he chose to play the EU's anthem instead of the French anthem. This is why Angela Merkel hides German flags at her events. Their vision for the future is a Europe without any idea of national identity. They want a superstate of slaves to fuel their sick idea of civilization. Nations are obsolete in their mind. People shouldn't be proud of their countries, their cities or towns, their people, their family. All that matters is the individual now and his ability to fuel the machine. He has nothing outside of himself and he is nothing except a cog in the machine. This machine is a supernational consumerist entity that sells identity because family, heritage, history and love for one's people can't be bought and sold and therefore can't be profited from and promotes a natural sense of stability and happiness, which gets in the way of the selfish materialism that is so important to the machine.

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Official baguette election results are out

Macaroon's number is very telling
21 posts and 7 images submitted.
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I pity the third of the French electorate who aren't complete cucks. We were at least fortunate enough to get Brexit and a Conservative majority, for what that's worth.

Sup cucks, we're here to take back your memes one open border at a time.

Evidence based policy only.
20 posts and 5 images submitted.
make b1nzy great again
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Sorry. Non-radical politics is only relevant when it's trying to stop radical politics you don't like. Pic related.
that isnt related faggot
Why do you want illegal immigration?

Asians, North Africans, Arabs and Latinos hate black poeple.

Why don't you care for them (blacks)?

Why do you have to switch off welfare programs (blacks need them)?

Why do you bomb places like Yemen and Syria?

Shouldn't you be working with Russia or are you racist against Russians too?

Do you hate white poeple? Obama's mom was white.

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I am sad for France.
I don't want to bully, I want to say you had a great run, but WW1 and 2 killed off too many good young men. France was left to cowards and women, so this is what you get. Oh well. At least the cowards and women will get Shariah law and acid melted faces.
24 posts and 4 images submitted.
France didn't even lose that many people in WW2. The fact of the matter is that it has always been a leftist cesspool ever since the French Revolution.
France is the containment board for terrorists. A fly trap if you will.
France and Germany are victims of Kalergi's plan. Read up on it.

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11 posts and 1 images submitted.
>insurance company pays 50,000 to 100,000 a year on keeping him alive.
>Will end up costing over 1 million before he dies
>Will never pay 1 million into healthcare
>all because he cant close his cock holster
are you guys blind or something? He's shown how he's paid in more than he's taken out.
8k medical costs in 18 month
Holy shit what the fuck? My medical costs are like $300 a year.
If it costs you over a grand a year to stay alive, you should just kill yourself.

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SHADAILY my brothers,

We are currently facing a crises right now and we once again are going to have to rev up our game against the left and the Nazi right

I appreciate you guys for letting us in, I sincerely do, but there really needs to be some drastic changes here if us centipedes want to extend our base worldwide.
Why is there so much racism here? Whites are a dying breed in America and it is imperative we appeal to the minority vote and repair their communities in order for them to be productive citizens. We need to post more based black guys like Tyrone and Ben Carson and less fabricated statistics taken out of context

Why all the hate for Israel, they are a based ally and the only people who want America to prosper and not be bombed, we need to show more love towards the cosmopolitan Jewish people

We need to take our message onto the streets, we need to organize rallies across the globe (similar to womens march) and expose to the world that Kekistanis will be vocally heard

We need more moderation here, perhaps a registry system where you must sign in with an email and password, but can still keep the name "Anonymous" (optional) and a system where we can do our own moderation and bury any shitposts here.

Any more suggestions my Trumpets?
32 posts and 10 images submitted.
False flag
Exterminate Jews and blame the left. then we can murder black children and so on
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I get that this is satire, but the past months' influx of insufferable redditors and newfags really is stronger than any summer

pol is actual dogshit now

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>Be Me
>Full Head of Hair
>Grew Up With Rich Parents
>Expensive Private Schools All My Life
>Top 25 College
>High Paying Investment Banking Job
>Go On Expensive Vacations to Ski in the Alps
>Been Deep-Sea Fishing Dozens of Times
>Will Be Able To Purchase A Luxury Vacation Home in the Hamptons By The Time I'm 35.
>Plus Trump is My President
Lemme tell ya, the world is changing slowly, but being a straight white male in America is still pretty damn sweet.Ya gotta stop and smell the roses every now and again my friends. Here is to not being black and not being French.
14 posts and 3 images submitted.
Not really
>>Full Head of Hair
>>Grew Up With Rich Parents
>>Expensive Private Schools All My Life
>>Top 25 College
>>High Paying Investment Banking Job
>>Go On Expensive Vacations to Ski in the Alps
>>Been Deep-Sea Fishing Dozens of Times
>>Will Be Able To Purchase A Luxury Vacation Home in the Hamptons By The Time I'm 35.
>>Plus Trump is My President

I guarantee I am still happier than you.
"I am still happier than you."

Gayest thing to say, ever. Also entirely not quantifiable claim. You wouldn't make it in banking lol.
Cringe thread? A 35yr old typing "lemme" and "ya"
Actually I'm 23, which means I'm still young enough to call you a faggot and rub it in that I'm richer and more important than you.

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Krispy Kreme will be out of office soon. On November 8 NJ will vote for our next Governor

The leading Democrat is Phil Murphy a former U.S. ambassador to Germany, a former finance chair of the Democratic National Committee, and a former Goldman Sachs banking executive

NJ is a blue state with a red governor and I'd prefer it to stay that way

Can we meme magic this election?
15 posts and 3 images submitted.

Bill Brennan* — a community activist and former Teaneck firefighter
Jim Johnson* — a former U.S. treasury official under then-President Bill Clinton, a former federal prosecutor, and an attorney.
Raymond Lesniak — a member of the state Senate from Union County who has served in the state Legislature since 1978 and a veteran attorney.
Phil Murphy* — a former U.S. ambassador to Germany, a former finance chair of the Democratic National Committee, and a former Goldman Sachs banking executive
John Wisniewski — a member of the state Assembly from Middlesex County who has served in the state Legislature for more than 20 years, a veteran attorney, and a former state Democratic Party chair
Mark Zinna — president of the Tenafly borough council, a councilman since 2012, and owner of a small business that manages data for law firms
Jack Ciattarelli — a member of the state Assembly from Somerset County since 2011, a former Somerset County freeholder, the owner of a medical publishing company, and a certified public accountant
Kim Guadagno (most likely to get nomination) — the lieutenant governor under Christie since 2010, a former Monmouth County sheriff, and a former federal prosecutor
Steven Rogers — a Nutley township commissioner, a retired Nutley police officer, a former U.S. military official, and a former adviser to now-President Donald Trump's campaign
Joseph Rullo* — an Ocean County businessman and actor
Hirsh Singh* — an Atlantic County native who is an executive in the aerospace and defense industry
Kim Guadagno can't win
This will be an extremely, extremely tough election for Republicans. We need a celebrity. Are there any conservative celebrities from New Jersey?
>Are there any conservative celebrities from NJ


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28 posts and 9 images submitted.
>conflicting opinion

You'd think /pol/ would only have one but /pol/ usually has both
He probably thought the jew and the slav were the same
Every day the same threads, I can almost detect a pattern here guys
All of the real Slavs joined the SS.

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Uh, fucking oh.

>In the U.S.
>At high school
>Get detention for skipping class, blah blah
>Get into detention
>See one of my friends there
>Detention teacher tells my friend his shirt doesn't have sleeves, dress code violation.
>He says he got it because he can pull the strings to make the top more like a pointed hood, obviously making a KKK joke
>I make a joke and tell him he should have painted it white
>The teacher goes what? What did you just say?
>Some other kid repeats it like a cunt
>Teacher writes it down, saying "Racial Slur." as he jots it down.
>I say what? Racial slur? How do you know that's what i meant?
>He says, i quote and i shit you not. "I know you would say something like that. We have evidence that you don't know we do."
>Getting kinda pissed, I say "Oh yeah, you found out my grandfather was the headmaster of the Ku Klux Klan" sarcastically.
>He writes on his paper, saying "Just keep piling it on. Detention."

>We have evidence, that you don't know we do.

I'm in some big shit aren't i?

When did society become so cucked?
15 posts and 3 images submitted.
its bullshit they cant do anything and they have no evidence
Nice pasta. Whoever adds a reply 20+ seconds after this comment is going to die in their sleep in the next 30 days.
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Don't go to detention?

Just ignore them and go about your day. If they have security try and drag you out, have a friend record it and contact a lawyer.

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