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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 14811. page

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post 'em
311 posts and 190 images submitted.
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How do you guys feel about Donna Hylton, a prominent speakers at the Women's March Against Trump that took place recently?

>Donna Hylton (born October 29, 1964) is a Jamaican-American murderer-turned-activist, who served a lengthy sentence in prison due to her involvement in the murder of Thomas Vigliarolo, a New York businessman.

>Focusing on judicial reform and issues facing incarcerated and formerly incarcerated women and girls, she draws a correlation between gender-based violence and sexual abuse as a direct link to the choices, circumstances, and actions which result in incarceration. Most recently, she was a featured speaker at the Women's March on Washington.[1][2] She has advocated the "humanitarian" release of aging prisoners.[3]

>In 1985, Hylton and two accomplices drugged and kidnapped 62-year-old Long Island real-estate broker Thomas Vigliarolo and held him prisoner for 15-20 days. While imprisoned, Vigliarolo was starved, burned, beaten, sexually assaulted and tortured. Hylton delivered a ransom note and tape to a friend of Vigliarolo, leading to her capture.[4]
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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6 posts and 2 images submitted.
Holy shit. This is the most illiterate president i have ever seen.

Entire world is watching and laughing at you, drumpfags.
Fucking pussy stay taking Ls
i can't defend this tweet. trump is acting like a toddler and not the ruler of the most powerful nation on earth.

get your shit together trump. our god emperor doesn't whine or point fingers
honestly this

blaming the court system etc just seems so unintelligent..
>inb4 antifa

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how do we fix the (((gayfag))) problem?

Hard mode: realistic ideas
dante must die: no edgy
4 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Realistic: Forbid Homo propaganda
Not disagreeing, but what all qualifies as propoganda?

The homo lobby. It's not a natural that it just spurted out everywhere. (((They))) are actively spreading propaganda to create degeneracy and weaken a nation.

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Western Women want to be dominated, really really badly.
Feminism as a whole is a huge shit test, that's why they don't hate Islam. They love Muslims and especially respect Muslim women who are dominated by Sharia. What is feminism then? Hating on men and demasculinizing them, subconsciously wanting a negative reaction from them.
Women have rape fantasies. Women are naturally submissive, they love shit like 50 Shades of Grey.

When will western men finally get it, and assert his will on women, instead of trying to 'reason' with them? They want to attack your reason and lose. Learn about female psychology /pol/ and help people learn how to fix this toxic element in our society
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
I will be sent to prison you fucktard. Get rape and abouse charges with a register sex offender after I get out in prison in 20 years
Maybe if women would stop being submissive cunts and dominate me I'd return the favor.

I hate submissive girls.
damn youre right, women are fucking stupid then lol
They are the niggers of gender you fucking twat. Treat them accordingly.

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Lady Gaga is going to BTFO Orange Cheado Hitler during half-time today! Drumpf babies better change their poopy racist diapers.
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
FOX has a delay on the broadcast.

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Despite there being those in Gothenburg who have actively fought against female genital mutilation, among many the traditional views persist. Like Hashi, who has lived in Sweden for 26 years, but who is pro genital mutilation.

We are in Gårdsten in Gothenburg to meet Jamila Said Musse. A woman who has for many years fought against female genital mutilation, both in Sweden and as a minister in Somalia. We need to take some photos for the TV show and we sit down, we are treated to Somali pirogi and coffee. We sit there with a few men and talk about a little of everything, but since they know why we are there the conversation changes to the otherwise taboo topic of discussion female genital mutilation. It turns out an older man, named Hashi, is positive, in contrast to the younger man next to him.
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
-But if you had a wife?, Hashi asks the younger man.
-No, that's even worse, absolutely not my wife. She would not do it, he answers.

A question of generations

A discussion comes up between the men. Hashi pushes questions of women's sexual drive, about cleanliness and proposes that the younger generation divorce more often because their women are not mutilated, because those women just want more and more. The younger man turns in his seat and laughs a little. He doesn't want to talk about it at all. He definitely doesn't want to do an interview. Hashi does, however, he is not embarrassed about his opinions on genital mutilation.

-It's very good, I think. For many reasons, primarily for health, he says.

We talk for a long time. He claims there is research in Somalia that shows that women who have undergone genital mutilation are cleaner.

-[It protects] against all that, yeast infections and other things found on women's sexual organs. We believe it's very clean.

Genital mutilation is common in Somalia
Hashi comes from Somalia, just like the others around the table. According to estimates by The National Board of Health and Welfare, 98% of women there aged 15 to 49 have undergone genital mutilation. It is either consisting of a cut above clitoris, or the most severe type, where clitoris, the inner labia and the outer labia are all cut off, after which it is stitched up. What remains is a small hole for urine and menstrual blood. In Sweden, genital mutilation is illegal since the 80s. This is because it can lead to lifelong health problems, sterility and, in the worst cases, death.
When he talks about the new generation being lost when they reject genital mutilation, I can hear the young man leaving the premises. He sighs loudly. He comes in again and is annoyed. He still does not want to say anything on camera, but earlier during the evening he has several times pointed out that genital mutilation is "wrong" and "completely sick". Something he would never let his children experience.

Is this a generation issue? I ask Hashi.
-It is a generation issue. But this generation has gone astray, he says.

Jamila Said Musse has listened patiently, she has laughed and discussed with the men. But now she becomes angry.

-But what is it that you want to say exactly?, she says with a loud voice to the older man after attempting in vain to get the younger man to stay and share his thoughts.
-Or were you joking?, she asks Hashi.

Wants to spread knowledge
He begins by explaining and a major discussion breaks out between the two. Along with her colleague, she has an organization that works with spreading knowledge about genital mutilation. They have gotten nearly half a million crowns from Gothenburg municipality to talk to newly arrived immigrants, and they hold seminars with Somali men. This is a discussion she has had before. She is, however, not used to someone so explicitly, and in front of media, speaking of their positive view on genital mutilation. She did not think that would ever happen.

-This is very, very uncommon, she says.

The discussion ends and the men go to a separate room.

-I feel both sorry and happy, she says.

She explains that the happiness comes from someone who has been brave enough to stand up for their opinion on genital mutilation.

-It is very important that they are not afraid to speak. If we don't hear how they think, how will we plan around and work with the issue? So this shows Swedish authorities how people still think.
Somalians should be genocide not even meming. Literally subhuman animals who don't belong in our cities
That's not going to happen though. And you know that. These people are here and they're not about to leave any time soon.

>Watch Alex Jones talk about psychic vampires
>Decide to watch this


Welp, it does sort of makes sense.
77 posts and 71 images submitted.

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>When people actually believe that Climate Change is a myth
97% of scientists are all paid off
Every consecutive year being the hottest on record is just a coincidence
3% of scientists (who usually just HAPPEN to be funded by Exon Mobile and BP) think that the climate is totally not changing, and they're the ones who are right.
Sorry, that Redpill is too big to swallow.
Accept the evidence or end yourself.
314 posts and 52 images submitted.
>97% of scientists
You are a fuckwit.
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Are you going to dispute that absolute fucking fact? Lol.
Most climate change scientists have something to gain from the whole "Climate change is real and you should give me more money to stop it!" thing
>t. down syndrome baby

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11/2 is February 11 (and December 1) according to the European date format.

Like 911 in the United States, 112 is the emergency telephone distress code throughout the European continent, with the exception of a few ex-Soviet states.

Terrorist attacks are coming. 11/2 is a date that involves higher risk, but either way it is just a matter of time. Escape while you still can.

>CBRN substances have been carried undetected into the EU

>Paris...Washington DC, London, And Rome were specifically mentioned


>ISIS supporters have posted...messages warning of the countdown “till the zero hour”


>"They want something that happens everywhere at the same time"


>Coalition forces have discovered thousands of plots by Isis to attack Europe.


>The Department of State alerts U.S. citizens to the heightened risk of terrorist attacks throughout Europe

>This Travel Alert expires on February 20, 2017


2 posts and 1 images submitted.

* 112 is February 11 (and December 1)

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Is he warning his friends before Sessions is sworn in?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Or just let this slide..

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Post your rare Deus Vults
8 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Deus vult is cringey as fuck.

We stormed Jerusalem in the Middle Ages and rekt muzzies but we can't just keep clinging to something great we did in the past like some middle aged highschool ex-jock while the muzzies are all basically storming our Jerusalems in the present time. All while we are also allowing it to happen.
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*Tongue licks lips*
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nice try kike cia trying to make me sperg out in public and get put in jail. I am like 20 steps ahead of you

/pol/ completely BTFO by based judge. What now, drumpfkins?
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
the judge is in the wrong and unconstitutional.

fucking obama made the order. Trump is only expanding it/reusing it.
What's CREW sliding today lads?

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I think the horse shoe theory is one of the dumbest things when it comes to discussing politics. It's simply boring to see it being used against anybody having any sort of view of anything that is not the usual "don't judge" lack of morality.

3 posts and 1 images submitted.
The similarities between the far left and far right are obvious. Both are very authoritarian. It's just they target different people. Hence the horseshoe theory.
I guess it makes sense in a liberal point of view.

Why haven't you taken the ultimate redpill yet /pol/?
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
Because they'll kill each-other just as soon as they kill Jews
The ultimate redpill would be to get rid of religion altogether, starting with the most degenerate which would be Islam and going up from there.

what did she mean by this?
5 posts and 1 images submitted.
Ebonics for fuck white people who freed and feed my sorry nigga ass
Black history month. A historical month where niggers pop their heads out of their section 8 housing to see if the white devil still rains from the skies. If white devils are see, they quickly scurry back into the developments until summer. If the white devil isn't present, riots will come early this year!

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Back to back Superb Owl Champs.
Try to keep up yurojellies and britcucks.
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
>world series
>USA is the only country to ever win

Why are other countries so shit?

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This thead is dedicated to my fellow Antifa's

You will not subvert us and we are now going to come to /pol/ to mentally ravage all you fascists

get ready the flood is coming
306 posts and 148 images submitted.
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death to all commies
Can you call upon your funny indian clown
my mom got mad at me for not doing the dishes when are we gonna rise up and beat these FUCKING FASCISTS!?
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don't post in this thread please, just let it die out
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Oh hello is this the thread about finland?

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Why do liberals say that conservatives are scared of Islam when they're the ones who shit themselves in fear when someone criticizes it?
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
Because conservatives have never met a Muslim in their entire lives.
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I've met and shot plenty with the blessing of my government.
Go and larp somewhere else
They won't let me go to Saudi Arabia

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Is he just misunderstood?

Give us the real story, Russians.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
What I mean is, give me his entire life story.
bump. i need answers
I know it's you, Zhenya.

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homeland security hinting at pizzagate?https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNkl4B7rvHY
"the signs are everywhere" as he walks past a pizza sign "sometimes you just have to take a second look" as he turns around and looks at a gate
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
fucking spacing heres the link https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PNkl4B7rvHY

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the best 4 hours I've ever wasted on a Sunday. after the first hour I didn't want it to end. I watched every second of it. they discuss 9/11, chemtrails, aliens, you fucking NAME IT. Everyone gets messed up and Joe Rogan interrupts everyone a lot. redpills the size of jupiter every 20 minutes.

3 posts and 1 images submitted.
I hear Lady Gaga is doing half time.
meh. I don't care about overpaid jocks throwing balls and catching them. I'm taking red pills on my day off.

Your wish?
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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