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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 14734. page

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You guys really like being slaves to the bourgeoisie huh?
Don't you want to profit off your labour?
oh wait none of you actually do any labour, you're all fat basement-dwellers.
5 posts and 2 images submitted.
>slaves to the bourgeoisie
>either not knowing what bourgeoisie actually means or posting it on a site where the majority of people are middle class.
No leverage so damn right I gotta keep sucking that fat pigs cock for money. 90% of the proletariat is dumb selfish sheep who will never unite again (zombified by modern technology, ads and fear). Mao might have been right when he said its worth to kill 50% of the people to save the other 50%.
>oh wait none of you actually do any labour, you're all fat basement-dwellers.
Man for being a part of the proletariat you sure like to piss on those who are below you when it comes to income and class.

Anyways porky is a /leftypol/ ripoff of schlomo goldstein and it will serve as a reminder that /leftypol/ is and will forever be where subhuman lefties pick up and reuse whatever memes /pol/ finds funny.
>the left pretends they're working class again
makes me laff every time

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What comes after late-stage capitalism? Neo-feudalism? Or what?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
With the kikes as nobles, church and burgers yeah.

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/pol/ this is ione of the funniest things ive ever watched in my life
https://www.google.com/amp/insider.foxnews.com/amp/article/53692 [Embed]
What is /pol/'s opinion of Tucker Carlson?
How redpilled is he?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
self bump

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Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump Superb Owl interview 2/5/17
>VP Pence @ Federalist Soc 2/4/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #2 2/3/17
>Pres Trump leaves for Winter WH 2/3/17
>Pres Trump reunites with FLotUS Melania 2/3/17
>Pres Trump meets Econ Adv Council 2/3/17
>Pres Trump signs EO on Finance Regs 2/3/17
>National Prayer Breakfast event 2/2/17

>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>Alex Jones gets high with Joe Rogan, redpilling ensues
>"Pres Trump told me to investigate whatever I want"
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>111391476
319 posts and 91 images submitted.
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Did Kek cause this?
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When will we bring back the American Salute?
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Leftism is a mental illness.


The constitution does not apply to non-citizens.


If you don't like anime, you aren't a real Trump supporter.


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Why isn't the Supreme Court ruling for what's right instead of what's "constitutional"? Have you read the constitution? Fucking left-wing bullshit. Somehow, this bleeding heart, equality for all document trumps the Bible. What the fuck, America? What the actual fuck?
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
>Have you read the constitution? Fucking left-wing bullshit.

You wouldn't understand, too complicated for you Achmed.
As if you can read at all, you fucking nigger.
definite troll, I admire the satire. I mean it has to be satire. is anyone that fucking stupid? I certainly hope not.
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You'd think, eh? Here's one of your rabid, right-wing, creationists ...

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8 posts and 3 images submitted.
what does it mean?

A standard distribution IQ chart
Elitism is the only way to improve a system.
OP meant that he's a faggot and mentally retarded

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"I´m sorry Dr. Murdoch. Many more feel like I can trust anyone but even if this is the end lets make it an worthy end"

"Deus Vult Murdoch Chan"

"Deus Vult Dr. Murdoch"


Skip to 14:00

Non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam
9 posts and 3 images submitted.
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This videos are far beyond cringe, but Non nobis domine had some actual emotional impact. I am impressed.
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this is so fucking cringe

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Is Poland our best ally?

6 posts and 1 images submitted.
well, they do have that great sausage and that polka music is better than mozart. Also pickles
yes it was my polish gf that told me about pol
oh I bet everybody will tremble in fear once Pollocks expose their statement
To know who truly loves a country, find out who unclogs its toilets.

>I consider myself to be part of the "alt-right"
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
That liberal faggot?
Also, has anyone ever claimed to be a part of the "alt-right?"

Longtime Jihad Watch readers are familiar with the horrifying case of Amina and Sarah Said, whom their father Yaser Said murdered in an honor killing in Texas on New Year’s Day in 2008.

“Trotter added that Amina and Sarah had nowhere to turn in Texas. No one understood that a teenager saying ‘My Dad is going to kill me’ is a serious cry for help, not adolescent drama.”

No one understood it because no one knows much of anything about honor killing. If they have heard of it at all, they think of it as something that is a weird cultural practice done by people in far-off countries. If authorities in Texas had been aware of how many Muslim countries tolerate it, and how it is justified in Islamic law, they might have taken the Said girls’ claims more seriously.

Muslims commit 91 percent of honor killings worldwide. A manual of Islamic law certified as a reliable guide to Sunni orthodoxy by Al-Azhar, the most respected authority in Sunni Islam, says that “retaliation is obligatory against anyone who kills a human being purely intentionally and without right.” However, “not subject to retaliation” is “a father or mother (or their fathers or mothers) for killing their offspring, or offspring’s offspring.” (‘Umdat al-Salik o1.1-2). In other words, someone who kills his child incurs no legal penalty under Islamic law. In this case the victim was the murderer’s daughter, a victim to the culture of violence and intimidation that such laws help create.

Until the encouragement Islamic law gives to honor killing is acknowledged and confronted, more women will suffer.

2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Video embed seems not to work, but it can be seen here. Disturbing:


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so whats hip hop happening in Canada? has Quebec purged anymore mosques lately?
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
your president is so gay...
we dont have a president m8

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Listen /pol/. If western 'men' and 'women' ( if I should even address them like this..) don't stop being so degenerate, look at each other like pieces of meat, use each other as tools for their own selfish interests, islam will prevail. I am deeply disgusted how our young generations (including mine) behave towards each other. Love doesn't exist in the west anymore. We sold it. This is why I hope Islam will dominate, but true islam where men and women are treated as human beings, not equals, but highly respectful of each other. Say what you want, but Allah will punish you all for behaving like degenerates in the end.
Pic is just to draw attention because most of you are western perverts.
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
She is hot as fuck and all blah blah cum in pussy

but it looks like she did her makeup with a caulk gun
I guess the solution is to nuke the middle east and purge all muslims.

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>To those who proposed to build a wall around Sparta, Lycurgus said: "A wall of men, instead of bricks, is best."

How will the /pol/acks ever recover?
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
So you mean to say we should put soldiers there and shoot on sight?
You are going to make many americans happy.
Seems to me Sparta actually never recovered.
I will personally volunteer to be part of this wall if it means shooting at paco's all day with prohibited in leaf-land weapons, fuck yea
Outlasted Athens despite not really having a navy.

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How can you vote for this and say you are a Christian?
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
Because I title myself how i see fit, unburden by the opinions of others
we get to the end times quicker best happening best timeline
Love the sinner?
Cast the first stone?
Judged on how you treat others?

Shall I go on?

Répondez issou
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
de quoi tu parles mon pédé
Yatangaki, je suis là même si ça fait longtemps que je suis pas passé

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7 posts and 5 images submitted.
> potentially /ourguy/?
Max for PM Leitch for Foreign Affairs
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god frogs have such faggy sounding names

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My god there is hope
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
shameless bump

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Talk about rubbing salt in the wounds!
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Yeah they really should drop the 85 for aid, the 81 for EU, and the 117 for culture.

ITT: More of these.

I'm looking specifically for the one with the modern "hip Muslim" but any would be nice.
4 posts and 3 images submitted.
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Much thanks, Dutchanon.

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When will she shut up?
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
link OP?
Wait, how can they filibuster? I thought Harry Reid nuked that for all non-SCOTUS nominations

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PERSON X...is a complete IDIOT

GROUP X are a bunch...of IDIOTS

[Insert stat here that contradicts person X]...yeah, because THAT works out great for person X!

PERSON X is a hypocrite...AND an IDIOT

Mainstream meteor Trump Brexit SJWs I'm a libertarian really...speaking LOUDLY, in a CONDESCENDING TONE OF VOICE
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
>speaking LOUDLY

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If he was president, you would be toking that sweet legal herb right now.
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
the entire west coast already can + we get the best leader

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guys im so fucking disgusted you guys say white women are good and blahblah but then i see this shit and just want to move to fuckin china and forever erase my white genes into the vast yellow race
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
>i'm so disgusted by racemixing that i want to go racemix

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>Hooters hires women to wait tables
>they get tips
>men work kitchen
>no tips
>tipped income on average higher than minimum wage in any given area
>women at hooters earn more than men
How do we solve this?
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Women are the only reason people go to Hooter's so this a case where it actually makes sense. People sure as hell don't go for the shitty wings.
hire men to wait tables and women to the kitchen
I think a man attempted to sue a Hooters because he wanted to be a waiter there. He said it was discrimination (and rightly so). I have no idea if he won the case.
The kitchen staff make less because they are illegal

"China is the best. China is the new champion of globalism. China is now the greatest country on earth. Trump made China superpower now" - t. Liberal Elite

Do these fuckheads not realize China is imperialist expansionist, ethnocentric, genocidal, extremely protectionist, and abusive of world economic systems (dumping goods, subsidies, etc) and basically exist off slave labor? Is this the most hilarious shit ever to see liberal elites start to pump up Han Chinese centric China? They are about 20x more authoritarian right wing than Trump.



2 posts and 1 images submitted.
This thread is for discussion of why liberals, media, and others are pushing China as the new champion of their causes.

Meanwhile when the reality is that China imposes strict tariffs, restricts foreign companies from operating (Chinese must own 51%), and is ethnocentric.

Are liberals really that low IQ to push China as an example of why USA shouldn't go right wing?

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