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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 13730. page

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What the fuck is going on? Is the CIA staging a coup?

They're doing everything they can to discredit trump and his administration. It's too fucking much.
3 posts and 3 images submitted.
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CIA is fucked
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>muuuh shadow gonverm.. banana republic.
number one!!

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There is no need for religion in the modern world.
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
yet all the hatred and violence in modern world
is because of faith how do you explain that
There is a need for religion.

There is no need for (((religion)))

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15 posts and 3 images submitted.
Why did the second polish navy have glass bottom boats? So they could see the first polish navy.
>polish space programme

this kills the /pol/ack


Poland already HAS BEEN into space
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>The paper added that while building the first Polish satellite is a distant goal,
Not quite into space yet. We'll see.
That's boring and gay, draw more shit in paint.

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There is a lot of talk that the classic media, which is dominated by the left, is dying and a lot of people are cheering. But when looking at youtube and other media there seems to be a lot of leftist programming going on like John oliver etc. Are the liberals and right celebrating over nothing?
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
the right is for every small victory.
we need to quell the numbers of those fascists before thought crimes are actually a thing. free speech is on it's way out if we lose our ass to that collective of heathens and liars.
You got my support! The left puts you in a choke-hold and tells you it's a hug.

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Why doesn't /pol/ support Ulster Unionists, they fight for christian values against Marxists?
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
Ireland is part of the United Kingdom.

It is common for the conquered to speak the language of the conqueror, and thusly, Ireland speaks the Queen's English and England speaks Arabic
i thought irish people spoke german
Irish is a language? lmaoooo wtf

How do you say "Worthless Potato Niggers need to gtfo my country"

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Mike Flynn was fired for a good reason. Even if it's the jews in the deep state that were leaking the information. If the Trump administration is actually good then they have nothing to fear of as the leakers won't have anything to leak on. If Trump and his administration were doing some shady deals, then he's barely any better than Hillary and the only argument to not having him impeached is that he's not part of the globalist establishment
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Bump so no one is denying this?

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Make it in to a symbol of White Women's racism.
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
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>Make it in to a symbol of White Women's racism.
Pecky Becky?

Georgie boy started a poll.
Also has anyone noticed lately the most vocal celebrities against Trump have been getting alot of screen time in commercials? Like I avoid commercials like the plague and I still noticed cunts like george and that fat cunt from ghostbusters in them. They were all over the place in the Superbowl commercial.
27 posts and 3 images submitted.
George is just butthurt that Trump fired his ass.
George is a faggot he loves butt hurt and probably wants trumps thick dingus inside of him
did you also notice he was in a fucking PIZZA commercial of all things... while playing ping pong...
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You know that completely escaped me
fucking christ

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https://youtu.be/f5whQyipm8U I want to fight anti fa and here my lord and savior Gavin Mcinnes speak at UF which is just a hive a cucked liberals ultimately the only way to get it to happen is applying on the web site and this is the only place that can get it done
This is where you make the request https://www.sg.ufl.edu/accent/
5 posts and 2 images submitted.
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>headed by womyn and jews
good luck
Gator here, UF was normie as fuck when I went and we just gave a shit about Tebow and beating the shit out of the Tigers and the Semenholes.

When the fuck did that place get political?
Then they would accept Ben Shapiro
Post the trump election they have made the SJW stand

How did these niggas have so much fucking swag?

>tfw no SA to join
6 posts and 3 images submitted.
prussian style
SA uniforms where best.
>How did these niggas have so much fucking swag?

People who talk like this call themselves Nazi's nowadays

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>cuck meets girl
>marries the whore
>Whore whores
>Whores BF turns up in bags
>Cuck and whore run
>Cuck ODs
>Whore runs
>US Marshals get her in Kentucky

Is she guilty?
Will this be a peek at the American cuck?

Today is day two of the trial that should run three weeks.

4 posts and 1 images submitted.
Make a better thread. You're terribly unfunny and vague.
there is only 1 decent anon from canada that posts here and op is not he
But he used all the memes

Memes are hilarious right?

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Why do so many of you people support fascism? It is a ideology based around the supremacy of the state and the suppression of individual and his rights.
The state is above all and you live only to serve the state. War is constant as there must always be any enemy to fight and keep the public's attention.

I honestly think this would be a terrible system and would not be a nice society to live in
154 posts and 33 images submitted.
Awaiting you responses.
Final bump.
Kill all nazis

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Piracy is now spreading to every corner of the Philippines, more recently at the Gulf of Guinea.
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Muslim extrimists has been doing these for decades. Ranging from frisking fishermen their catch to africa tier boat commandeering and kidnapping.
The real problen is the southern PH sea has a lot of islands and waters to guard and not enough manpower and boats to actually handle the worsening situation.

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>Trump out of the White House for the weekend.
>Didn't announce the meeting.
>Met with Intel Senators.
>Marco Rubio just posted this: "I am now very confident Senate Intel Comm I serve on will conduct thorough bipartisan investigation of #Putin interference and influence"


Say it with me: IMPEACHMENT.
31 posts and 9 images submitted.
Fuck off ruskie. Trump is done
but what about the codes niggershit

the meeting was about pizzagate, impeachment is a ruse, they won't be able to impeach him and eve if they did nothing would happen

they're covering their asses, all those senators were mentioned in part of the pizzagate investigation


We pay our fair share. Now protect us from Putin and Merkel. Thx
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
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hitler nazi hair wave.gif
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got yo back senpai, we're on our way over
>Greece pays their end

Should we just count this as Germany paying their share?

I always knew Poland was alright guy
Trump got ur back bro.

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Just found this on my campus.

Are we (((them))) now?
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
>Jacobin reading group
also yes
my neck hurts you fucking nigger

If evens, take dump in hand, smear across picture.

Alternatively, cross out "FIGHT" and write "EMBRACE"
We're turbokikes on crack friendo, he who controls the memes, controls the world. Praise kek

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>Marvel's first openly gay superhero

Is Canada's purpose in the universe just to be a social buffer to the US?
9 posts and 3 images submitted.
>there are openly gay characters in kids shows
i remember when my mom was cautious of me watching ren and stimpy because of the violance
Looks 1:1 like Weedman
Yes, actually. Even from our time as colonies the northern dominions were buffer states maintained by the mother island.
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there is only one north star I know



4 posts and 1 images submitted.

Hey CTR remember when you thought Trump had a 1% chance to win?

>We'll have to endure this shit for 8 years

Remind me, why do we like politics?
Chaffetz drew criticism again in January-February 2017 for his refusal to investigate White House National Security Advisor Michael T. Flynn's ties to Russia after it was revealed that U.S. counterintelligence agents were investigating him for his communications with Russian officials.

Chaffetz agree with all of Trump's political positions. The investigation you are talking about is destined to protect Trump not undermine him.

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Why do nig nogs smell funny? I dont know how to describe it but its very pungent. Do they wear deodorant?
21 posts and 5 images submitted.

their skin gets ashy so they have to use lotion
least we dont smell like white ppl lol

Negroes have their own pheromones and disgusting smell. It depends on what they eat and if they wash their ass with soap (surprise, they don't)
It smells like dirt idk why

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>Filling out college application in America
>Decide to apply to Portland State
>/pol/ warns me they are libby as fuck
>filling out application
>click drop down for gender
>see this

>yfw /pol/ was right again
18 posts and 1 images submitted.
>choose identity not listed
>write diatribe complaining about inequality
>call out the college for not being intersectional enough

Congratulations you've been accepted.
>put other
>say your gender is "there are only 2 genders, the rest are mental disabilities"

>how not to get accepted
Attack Helicopter is the only acceptable answer Anon.

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10 posts and 4 images submitted.
Did they tried chicken tendies?
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Is this news or an ad?

>be canadian
>only eat kraft dinner

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I hope you do this /pol/
16 posts and 2 images submitted.
Yes. If you are confident in your opinions and views you will let your opponent make their strongest possible case. Only when you defeat your enemy at the height of their powers is it truly a decisive victory.
Op is a faggot

I know multiple people from this board who outright attack others for a slightly differing opinion going as far to ostracize them from group activities and dox people.

Only once have I met a /pol/tard who didn't do that shit, and he was a /k/ommando 90% of the time.

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I need some whitepills. The jews will not let us win.
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
You have to relax, once in a while we eventually take some L's.
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>Needs whitepill
I got you senpai

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Who controls your mind 2015.jpg
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Is it possible to print posters that say something generic like "Love trumps hate" but they're printed on a light-adjusted ink, so that another message like the "Who Controls Your Mind" spreadsheet could be printed on the VERY SAME POSTER in temporary invisible ink, but it wouldn't become visible until being in the sun, several hours after you've left?
4 posts and 2 images submitted.
Just run the first poster through the printer again after replacing ink cartridge.

Or better yet. Just print off the first sign then paint on invisible ink for maximum aesthetics.

Don't know where to buy suck paint/ink though.
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Totally possible and nice idea, but I don't know if commercial inks are availables.
Ask your local press workshop.
bump, I want to know

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Give me evidence that the Ancient Egyptians weren't actually Nubians.
protip: you can't
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
If successful, therefore white.

Look around moar
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WE WUZ.jpg
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