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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 19395. page

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He goes on infowars, references pro-Christianity in a lot of his lyrics, hates SJWs

So /pol/, is he our guy?

227 posts and 36 images submitted.
you fucking betcha

Plus he did a lot of American songs on Zeitgeist.

United States, God and Country etc.
>Literal skinhead

Yeah, he's /ourguy/
Absolute douche
>hurr we and Nirvana were the only good songwriters of the 90's
Too bad your voice is godawful

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>Racism = Power + Prejudice
White people have enslaved and took over so many other colours of people, making some literal slaves. Black people and other minorities CANNOT be racist.

Try to prove me wrong.
93 posts and 24 images submitted.
White people are the minority.
Of the world.
There are more asians than whites. More blacks than whites. More arabs than whites.

And we still own the fucking earth

if we can do it, why cant you?
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well KEK will change that with his order of the five sevens

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This is genuinely shocking.
113 posts and 38 images submitted.
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>a middle aged man is of average height

He's a big guy
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and people want this fucking manlet to be the face of American foreign policy?
Will Newt finally convince Trump to give us a moon base?

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What is their endgame? How do they manage to affect French political life so much? How did the succeed with string pulling Sarkozy? Seems like Russians are ordering shots not only around the White House
Their clip you should absolutely check out:
Bogdanoff take on politics:
99 posts and 38 images submitted.
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haha.. dude wtf?
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They are from old Russian aristocratic house. They do ridiculous party stuff, but they own half of Paris and Southern France. UMP leadership and Sarkozy are somehow in their pockets.
>own several castles and media companies
>have connections to the former Italian Royal House
>have connections with the Romanian Royal House
>personal friend of Sarkozy and UMP leaders
>use bankruptcy laws to get even more money
Also, they are the first old house to get literally blacked(their grandma gave a birth to a halfcaste with yank negro jazzman) and use "age renovation" and plastic surgery. Pioneers of degeneracy in """aristocracy"""
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Oh it's that thread again...
what the fuck is up with their faces

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What did he mean by this? Its it just Jewjitsu?
76 posts and 23 images submitted.
Sanders is a dog chasing a car
>thank you for the new Lamborghini, Donald

A dog so dumb he crashed into a parked car!

A dog so old he catches last week's newspaper!

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How do we halt and reverse America's transformation into a surveillance state?
52 posts and 8 images submitted.
you don't. you embrace it and use it to destroy America's enemies
You can't.
People use the internet because it is convenient and the path of least resistance.
Government agencies use that same internet to spy on you because it's convenient and the path of least resistance.
Frequent massive NSA hacks and info dumps of literally everything every person has done on their internet/phone ever.
Total annihilation by nuclear war

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What do you think she's doing now?
107 posts and 21 images submitted.
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I'd like to drop her around my pro-trump cock if you catch my drift.
I heard she died from 3rd degree burns
Somebody has the picture

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daily reminder that Trump has already appointed 2 white supremacists to the highest offices in the country
68 posts and 11 images submitted.
No he hasn't. He appointed 2 American patriots.
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>only 2
This crying wolf thing is going to bite liberals in the ass when actual white supremacists show up.

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>the areas that voted for Hillary are the areas with the most educated people and the most technological innovation

Seriously, how do you defend this? Everyone in the red states benefits from the technologies and successes of people in the blue states.
133 posts and 23 images submitted.
>most technological innovation

nice graph
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umm texas has like the fifth largest gdp as compared to other NATIONS, also those red states produce the food that feeds the blue states. if shit hits the fan food > tech
>implying that most of the votes dont come from Commiefornia
>implying they can even survive without red states giving them water
>implying it isn't full of spics

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> RI


Why is AmeriKKKa so quick to throw decades of hard won civil rights in the trash? What is wrong with them?

Our neighbours

*shakes head sadly*

I'll never understand them
130 posts and 30 images submitted.

America is a racist nation full of retards and losers.

Geroge takei being relevant, why?
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The worst fucking posters on the internet.

Every time.

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When she dies can we finally become a republic?
81 posts and 20 images submitted.
dat flag tho

Fuk u

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I'm confused.
114 posts and 19 images submitted.
>implying anyone on /pol/ is smart enough to know anything beyond gommunist, democlap, and repuliclap
What makes it leftist?
Fascism isn't a fucking economic system. Replace with anarchy, it's a more accurate line

You could technically have a conservative communist, that scale is sort of retarded.

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How would you react if you woke up one morning and discovered you magically turned into a black person overnight?

(If you're already black you become the opposite gender)
163 posts and 37 images submitted.
Apply to business school.
Overnight, I become an aboriginal woman


there's already a movie about it

This. Then law school.

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Please copy these images and paste them wherever you go.

It is our duty as American, no, WORLD citizens to spread the message of love and peace.

Remember, Diversity is our Strength!
91 posts and 44 images submitted.
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Through acceptance, understanding!
500 miles in every direction is people who want to butcher their families

even a clueless person can see why closing themselves off is justifiable
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Through communication, respect!
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But that's the thing though! Those other people just have never been there, so they don't know what it's like! If they just sat down and visited, they would come to know their neighbors.

Fences make bad neighbors!

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>$1,000,000,000,000 in new spending
158 posts and 28 images submitted.
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>something something the voters didn't really care about the socialism, as long as it was nationalistic, America First-type socialism.
national socialism
the good kind
It's an investment in infrastructure. Capitalists do this from time to time.

>Film crew goes to Sweden to capture footage of migrants being peaceful

>60 Minutes did not use any of this footage when this episode was released by CBS.

Who was the woke Scooter Viking, and what happened after?


162 posts and 45 images submitted.
>when you're such pussies you a guy in a motor scooter has to help you

the motor scooter guy has more balls.
But they were peaceful, the camera crew attacked them first and invaded their privacy
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>they ditch the scooter guy to fend for himself

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59 posts and 23 images submitted.
>An American manufacturer goes out of business
>A cheap Chinese or Mexican imitation takes its place

Is this really a good thing?
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Unionwear sounds pretty Commie to me. Enjoy your open borders faggots!

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Watch this Trump supporter BTFO a Starbucks with facts and logic.
298 posts and 20 images submitted.
boo hoo I don't get my 30 fl oz of liquid sugar

Fuck off. Guys has a total bitch voice.
>get paid minimum wage
>have to put up with trumpbabbies complaining about names on a cup
Thank you for correcting the record.
how is that CTR you fucking ape (and why would they still be on a site they are no longer getting paid to correct the record?)

im just saying it's fucking dumb to go into a place and say "hurr my names trump look how cool i am guys haha fucking libtards"

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Never heard of Tucker Carlson, but he is GOING IN ON THIS GUYS DONUT HOLE RIGHT NOW

Defending Jeff Sessions

118 posts and 19 images submitted.
Tucker Carlson is a faggot
that was tasty rape

it's a new show

libtards get BTFO every night

A fucking leaf.

Came here to post about what a fucking Pimp Tucker is and what an asset he will be to the Trump Administration. God Bless America.

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>"Democrats just aren't cool anymore, Trump's movement is the new cool. I always try to stay ahead of the curve and anybody with half a brain can see what way the wind's blowing. They scared and for good reason. Fuck 'em."

What did he mean by that?
180 posts and 46 images submitted.
Kanye thinks that conservative is the wave of the future, and he's going to ride it for profit.
he sees that the pendulum is swinging.

He also sees that many of his peers (the rich and famous) are too mired in their ideology to accept that fact.

To Kanye, this tells him there is a market out there he can probably tap into before other big names do it. This means more money for Kanye.

He's a pop culture icon. Part of his job is to stay on top of pop culture, or get left in the dust.
>What did he mean by that?
He's a nigger with a record deal
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>tfw being a basement-dwelling autist is cool now

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Name a more redpilled celebrity than Drake Bell

Protip: you can't
131 posts and 23 images submitted.
I think that's the only redpilled thing he has ever said and it wasn't even redpilled. It was just a joke from Drake and Josh and nobody got it, hence the shitstorm.
The dwarf from Twin Peaks is openly anti semetic.
Drake and Josh was already the most redpilled Anime i've ever seen. I like it even more now
Gary Oldman

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Jeff Sessions new attorney general:
"Good people don’t smoke marijuana"
Goodbye medical marijuana & legal marijuana
160 posts and 26 images submitted.

DJT has said that he wants to legalize and tax it.
Trump going after weed is probably the only thing that would motivate liberals to vote in the 2018 midterms. Not a good idea.

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time bombs
the seismograph
the compass
just-in-time manufacturing
CD players
MP3 players
lithium ion batteries
martial arts
instant noodles
punk futurism
futures markets

BTFO white supremacists.
211 posts and 18 images submitted.
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Oh, and Rocket Launchers.

pic Korean Hwacha (circa 1377 A.D.)
you forgot the futures market
No, Futures is there.

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You know how it goes!
>Name of the Faction
150 posts and 16 images submitted.
third reich
>House Ross
inclusive orange

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What is the best U.S state in terms of gun laws, comfy rural areas and low nigger population?
88 posts and 13 images submitted.
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Montana or Alaska

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