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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 16303. page

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Could the secret to staying woke be to not tip?
146 posts and 15 images submitted.
As a cig and weed addicted pizza driver pls tip
>not tipping
>staying woke

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>is being a lazy bum psychopath who mimics nigger behavior the ultimate red pill?

go back to world star hip hop, jamal
You're a bunch of entitled children

If you want more money be a better worker or work for a different company faggots

ITT: Alex Jones is the designated survivor of the inauguration. Bomb drops killing everybody at inauguration. Alex Jones is now the president of the United States.
32 posts and 20 images submitted.
Russians can't become president. Only natural born citizens.
His first act as president:
I'm gonna skip this break, this is too important
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What a time to be alive
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Disclaimer: Rare Alex picture, stealing/downloading is prohibited

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>white working class is angry
>suddenly out of no where this billionaire faggot, who used to be a liberal, suddenly starts saying all this racist dog whistle shit and appeals to the white working class

Reminder Trump exists to put a tap on open revolt from the white working class. This entire election was the biggest psy ops ever.
46 posts and 14 images submitted.
Oh no it's a psy op!
And you're a psy op, faggot op!
And I'm a psy op!
We're all psy ops!
Trump sucks
You give the elites way too much credit.
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So everyone is just going to settle down now?

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14 posts and 4 images submitted.
Hopefully get rid of drumpf.
presidential pardons
blimpf btfoo

ITT: The good Jews
57 posts and 25 images submitted.
Mike Enoch
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The only answer
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Anerica is cucked boys time to face facts.
Pic related, I'm a highschool fag (18 btw) i walked into my macro-econ class and saw this on the board, leftover from the American history class before ours.
So what do we do?
>work towards creating a rightwing white ethno state
I think our best bet is this, create an ethnostate out of the present day US
1.start making the idea of secession/ an ethnostate acceptable/normalized
2. Infiltrate political office at state level, local, legislature, executive, ect.
4. Profit
Thoughts on this? I only see sedition in America's future, my hope would be to create a nation to carry on as America was meant to be, one that celebrates its history not shame it, one that os made up of an American PEOPLE not a Population with multiple ethnicities. I think an ethnostate is the only way to really achieve this. (Too many white leftist race traitors and not enough ovens smdh)
If you have any ideas on how to uncuck the US please share
28 posts and 10 images submitted.
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America is fucked

You can thank MLK and his Jew puppeteers for giving shitskins equal rights so now every brown subhuman can bitch and moan about how they're real people too. Watch as society slowly crumbles around you as all the white baby boomers currently holding this country together die off within the next 20 years.

What's even worse is all the white Americucks here on /pol/ who still don't believe this to be true, no matter how many examples and how much evidence you show them. And what's even worse than that? Americans truly believe their way of thinking is so superior that it should be exported to Europe and the like to destroy the last remnants of white civilization.
America won't have made it a single century as an empire when everything is all said and done. It will be nothing more than a brief mention in the history books.

Hopefully this sick degenerate fag-loving nigger nation dies before it can finish killing off Europe.

Fuck off racist

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Not even worn in yet and we re seeing record breaking civil disobedience and over 50 Democrats not going to his inauguration.
35 posts and 6 images submitted.
How would you reconcile them /pol/? I know most here hate dems, but it's important he keeps some semblance of order as President. Also I don't mean in a "suck it up and like it way,", but a compromise that could benefit both parties
The Democrats are a regional party. They are barely relevant. If the trend continues Aside from New York and California they have lost the entire country. So fuck them and their temper tantrums. We put up with their shit for 8 years, they can't even make it 1 day. Fuck them.
>but a compromise that could benefit both parties

His cabinet has no Democrats in it and they are all far right wing. That's not comprising. Nor is repealing Obamacare.
>The Democrats are a regional party. They are barely relevant. If the trend continues Aside from New York and California they have lost the entire country.

Funny I heard the same thing in 2008 about Republicans, you faggot.

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Trump picked this cunt as Secretary of Education.
69 posts and 17 images submitted.
Elections have consequences.
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oh man, how dare a christian hold an office, god forbid we don't let another atheist or fucking shitskin muslim in there

Get that SNOPES picture out of here.

Also, it is a proven fact that Betsy did not donate one dollar to Trumps campaign.


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IMO he took advantage of loopholes in the gov't. Did nothing illegal. Made into a scapegoat.
21 posts and 4 images submitted.
Scum, but scum I can respect in a skeezy way
He's a wigger and that's all I need to know.
He played the game by the rules. It was a shitty move, but I'd have done it too. Not a fan of his musical tastes though.

The man is an absolutely awful human being.
That said, he'd be welcome on 4chan.

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The detective who was shot in Little Elm, Tx has just passed. Word is the guy was a BLM member. I wonder the percentage of zimzams this has of making the liberal media?

Rest in Peace, sir.



The standoff is still undergoing at the time of this post.
21 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Little Elm is in the north DFW area, just east of Denton, Tx. I live in Denton. All I hear outside right now is siren after siren. It's weird.
this threaad belongs to kek
worst part is I was driving home just after hearing he passed. There were fucking emergency crew on every single bridge and a mile long line of squad cars heading south I-35 with their lights on. Talk radio was discussing his life all the while watching the makeshift improvised makeshift procession on the interstate.

It was one of the saddest moments I've encountered in a while.

This shit just makes me want to fight.
is there a live stream?

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do the jews believe in hell
I tried google but i couldnt find anything
13 posts and 2 images submitted.
No. There's no heaven or hell in Judaism. There's just an afterlife which all jews go to
The Jewish religion follows the Old Testament, so yes.
The old testament has no mention of hell. "Hell" is also only said once in the entire bible and even then it's just a purgatory for the angels to get judged
no, no (((they))) dont

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>Ft Lauderdale shooter confirmed ISIS sympathizer by FBI
>no one cares
15 posts and 1 images submitted.
People will become numb to these type of events until they are lined up in their own street and shot.

It's been on the news for a week yum yum. At first they tried to blame the VA and military.
City people all support ISIS

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/pol/ has fucking ruined my life.

Since coming here I have slowly morphed into a depressed state without actually being depressed. I ditched my only true friends and became a social recluse, only leaving the house to go to work and buy food.

I am no longer the funny, happy-go-lucky person I once was. I feel bitter and angry almost all the time. I can't even sit down and relax and watch the TV like a normal human being, because I see the true intentions behind everything and become annoyed. The agenda, the lies, the propaganda, it's everywhere, it unavoidable. I can't have a facebook like everyone else because I would rather kill myself than scroll through the ignorant fuckery that consumes the entire timeline. This is the only safe haven I can come to to free myself from the bullshit, and I wish that wasn't the case.

Ignorance is bliss is probably the truest statement ever.

Fuck /pol/ and fuck the red pill
70 posts and 19 images submitted.
Suck it up pussy.
lol @ letting an anime message board affect your life to that degree.

You're weak, and you'll always be weak.

move to america, faggot
>lol bongs

This actually seriously made me think
But pol told me abortions went up under Obama....
20 posts and 2 images submitted.
the more black women having abortions the better

Okay I'll bite. This is propoganda.

The source for this 'trend' is an institute started by a previous planned parenthood president and basically began in the same offices as planned parenthood.
When abortions go up/down it is due to access to birth control.

If you restrict it, abortions will go up, and vice versa.
This, but also don't forget the eugenic affect of abortion.

I.e., those who would have abortions themselves never lived to be able to have children to abort.

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What will Putin get from Trump after getting him elected?
19 posts and 5 images submitted.
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How did Putin achieve this?

Show evidence please.
The head of Justin Trudeau
a fair shot at peace between our nations
Freedom to terrorize the Middle East and bully the UN

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Am I white?

If not, how many more generations will it take?
15 posts and 3 images submitted.
One drop rule. You are black.
After a certain number of generations you have more ancestors than you do genes.

At this point, if only one of your ancestors is black, then the drop is so diluted that you are white.

Off the top of my head this takes about 800 years.

Rather unfortunate
everyone supposedly has a little negro in them. where as you literally have a negro inside you.


English is the 3rd most spoken language in the world. Guess which one is first, /pol/.

How long will it be before white fuckbois are bred out by superior Mandarin genetics??
52 posts and 7 images submitted.
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Let It Burn.jpg
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Oh and for you American republitards, Spanish takes #2 on this list, cucking English into a petty Bronze third place.
>Guess which one is first, /pol/.
nobody wants to learn chink
go buy some more houses in canada lee
a tonal ideograph language will not overtake english. full stop

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>he believes in god
16 posts and 3 images submitted.

I do too.
oy vey


Save me

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if hillary clinton was a black women she would of won

prove me wrong
18 posts and 1 images submitted.
Americans love black women because they're the best financial managers with experience with public money and have successfully raised three generations of productive black men who stay with their families.
>would of


Not how it works anon. She lost because she is a loser. That's what she does.

i wonder if she got the blind vote after they saw her wearing those glasses

If I win the powerball at $65 million cash payout tonight, is it possible for me to become a republican candidate for 2020? I can easily invest into the stock market and claim that I am a very successful businessman/broker as well as semi fund my campaign.
12 posts and 1 images submitted.
Also I am taking campaign managers asap after I win. Have to be as bright as Ms Kellyanne Conway though.
Except Donald doesn't throw darts at a board. He only bets on sure things
a presidential campaign costs around a billion dollars, dude.

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Carlson couldn't find out - who the fuck is this guy? Supposedly, he's going to DC to protest Trump.
14 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Heres who he is....

Master troll - legit.

Could it be the case that antifa are channeling Kek?
Is this Dom Tullipso /ourguy/?

Really, I feel like he probably browses /pol/ and he's just a master shitposter.
That isn't really him.

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Did (((They))) try to kill Roger Stone?

12 posts and 3 images submitted.
no infowars are clickbating for money
Even the people that believe Alex Jones' nuttier ideas know that Roger Stone is full of shit 80% of the time.
Infowars are always right.

Are they a little kooky? Sure, but Alex has been dead on days in advance of everything thats happened

He already predicted civil unrest on the inauguration, watch.
why is every person fully critical of jones or infowars a libcuck
hes one of the only people trying to rival CNN and actually succeeding... I don't see you guys making your own news station

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>one chance at life
>born in argentina
40 posts and 11 images submitted.
At least you're white :)
You were born for a reason

Make argentina great again, "whitey"
today i saw a nigger (african nigger, not wachiturro niggger) sleeping on he street. 1st time i see that

funny goy, I gulag you last

BREAKING SPEWS: Anti-Trump protester is in hospital after setting himself on fire in front of Trump DC.
107 posts and 30 images submitted.
Self immolation is just what Mike Pence wants the police to believe.
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link this or fuck yourself
He took "you're fired" a little too seriously

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Was it manlet rage?
14 posts and 3 images submitted.
5'2" isn't that short
5'2 is bordering on midget territory.
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>everything is either race or height related
Maybe he was just some insane murderer after all OP
think about it
pic related
I'm an inch shy of being a foot taller and I'm a normal height. 5'2 is short for a female.

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