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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 8766. page

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I dont understand this place

why do you unironically and sincerely hate people you've never met based on their skin color?

Surely you can do better things with your time
206 posts and 66 images submitted.
Through the power of kek all things are possible..
You just gave me cancer, nice job...
Because I've met a bunch of them and absolutely all of them are the exact same so it's safe to generalize that the majority - if not absolutely all of them - are identical.
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you are one stupid bastard.

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art, music, writing, etc
28 posts and 17 images submitted.
bumping with some traditional nordic




>wanted to hear mozart's requiem because I've only ever hear the dies irae fragment
>look at the channel
>"The Myth Of Multiculturalism"
>Checks channel, got alt-nazi videos liked and favorited
>Somehow this bigot is allowed to keep a vid with 30M views eventhough mozart probably apropriated a black man's work
As a civil nationalist I am triggered
Julius Evola.



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The military should be disbanded and national defense should be left to state and local militias.
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
Enjoy being China's bitch then.
Nice try Canada.
Sure! Lets just kill millions of jobs. Sounds great Anon
sand nigger invasion

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26 posts and 13 images submitted.
Don't you have to go to bed or something shareblue or do you get paid overtime for shilling?
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Why is it if someone doesn't agree with you that they are automatically a shill?

Is shill the new cuck? You're just being fucked with dude. The election is over.

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Trump allows foreign goons to attack his own people.
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
I thought the people attacked were kurds?
they are.
not only kurds but supporters of pkk terrorist group.
this thread is a disinfo campaign.
Was a mix of people, plenty of US citizens ate shit and their own police did nothing about it, sign of the times.
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Nice trips
Still though

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Is kekistan still a thing or no
21 posts and 6 images submitted.
Its still a thing. I used to hate it, but then I realized that the hate was manufactured by shairblue. So I really am neutral about it.
Thanks for the reply I was just wondering cause I couldn't tell if it does out or not
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/b/ros xD get this:

lets make kekistan civic nationalist. let all of the good people in LEGALLY, just like trump said :)

blacks, hispanics, white people, all should get along when they move to kekistan. no racism!

and remember: praise kek! well let in other religions too xD gotta be tolerant of all people or else youll look like a democrat. u know, the real racists...
Kekistan was a meme

Memes sometimes die or are never born

*cough milhouse cough*

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When did the beard become the international symbol for a numale, and how do we take it back?
25 posts and 8 images submitted.
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By having a beard and not being a numale
wait for few more years, I have a beard, fuck it my chin game is weak anyway
Not sure, but having one and being an acyual man would be a start. I had mine since 18 and then this shit started...
it's not the beard itself, it's the beard matched with all the other trendy hipster shit. beard with coiffed hipster mustache? numale. beard with greasy oil hands and dirty coveralls? actual man.

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Wow, if I were a Trump supporter I would fucking off myself right now.
24 posts and 10 images submitted.
>The Washington Post

And you people make fun of people posting articles from RT
>mfw they impeach Trump
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Want to buy a rope sage?
10mBTC, you'll be needing it.

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Do you ever think maybe the ancient Greeks were redpilled on homosexuality?

>When men lust, they just want to get their rocks off. Nothing less, nothing more.
>Lusting after women simply for pleasures sake creates single mothers, a skewed sexual marketplace and normalizes degenerate behavior
>Friends simply helping friends blow off steam is harmless, provided both participating men pursue a wife and father children.
13 posts and 5 images submitted.
Correct. The creation of "homosexuality" as an exclusive preference rather than an occasional behavior enabled pussy to be put on a pedestal.
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>His name was Seth Rich.
His name was Seth Rich.
>His name was Seth Rich.
His name was Seth Rich.
>His name was Seth Rich.
His name was Seth Rich.
>His name was Seth Rich.
His name was Seth Rich.
>His name was Seth Rich.
His name was Seth Rich.
>His name was Seth Rich.
His name was Seth Rich.
>His name was Seth Rich.
His name was Seth Rich.
this desu

>what did he mean by this?

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What happens if the Russia/Memo stuff doesn't amount to anything?

What will the Democrats and Neo-Cons try next to get him impeached.
42 posts and 5 images submitted.
They won't have to do anything because Trump is a fucking retard who's going to torpedo his own presidency. Why can't you retards come to terms with this.
if this one fails the indictments start and there won't be anyone left to head up the resistance. the lower levels will be too terrified to continue shilling and there will eventually be peace. I'm so ready. anyone remember how TRUMPS TAX RETURNS WILL GET HIM IMPEACHED? no? exactly. they have NOTHING.
They will come up with plan J...K...L...M

Until Dems get off the identity politics BS they are a dead party outside very select counties/states
Well I don't see how he's retarded.

Who knows. I feel like they will do something again. Once this is over, things will probably change. Dems are banking on this to win 2018.

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17 posts and 6 images submitted.
Did you read it?

This was about uranium smuggling and the sample given to Russia was for them to help investigate smugglers.
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fucking catch 22
he worked for RUSSSSIAAAA
I felt Chinese under Barack Osama now I'm apparently Russian because if trump. Im feel over it all and am about to start LARPing as Islamic irl

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Just a week before he died, Stalin claimed Israeli agents were trying to poison him.


After his death, the case was immediately dropped and all relevant documents mysteriously disappeared.
21 posts and 5 images submitted.
What a surprise, the (((capitalists))) did anything to set (((their))) rule all around the world.
They were also mad because he was purging the Jewish menace from the USSR.

OP is retarded.
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>that knowledge that Stalin died in agony, gasping for breath, trying to reach water as his throat burned
>that knowledge that Stalin's wife shot herself because he was a cunt
>that knowledge that Stalin's son died for no reason because he was a bad father
>that sweet, sweet knowledge that in his final moments Stalin probably realized that he had never done a single good thing for any other human being, ever, and his entire life had been lived in vain

Imagine him groaning and sobbing as his brain stroked away one cell at a time. Everyone he cared for died because of him, and he couldn't even save his people without murdering millions of them. What a failure, what a miserable, agonized failure he must have died as! And has any man ever deserved to suffer and die so badly, good lord. Divine justice.

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MFK: Amy Schumer, Rosie O'Donnel, Chelsea Clinton

Who would you marry, fuck, and kill out of those three?

Have fun deciding :)
22 posts and 2 images submitted.

I'd kill myself before I'd do any of those 3
I'd start by killing myself and then i guess they can fuck my corpse if they want

Marry Chelsea Clinton in order to own her in divorce, get dat alimony.

Kill Rosie, obvious reasons.

Fuck Schumer. Paper bag it and hit her from behind. I'll probably regret it after though.
Fuck Schumer and hope she falls in love w my bbc. Kill Rosie because shes too fat and irrelevant. Marry Clinton for the connections.

Why do Drumpftards hate freedom of the press?
22 posts and 6 images submitted.
>who publish leaks

Fixed that for you. Read the article. Fake news headline.
y do librals so untolerant of opposing opioinons?

reely makes ur almongs gingle
Press is good.

Fake intel is bad and has a bad effect on society.

YUGE Difference cuckfag
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Because they've buttfucked him his whole life.

>told that dad was a fuckhead
>told about his affairs
>told about his failing businesses
>told about his retard kids
>told about his dumbass campaign
>telling about his treason

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Does anyone care that after being utterly humiliated in the recently General Election in the US
The so called "Democrat" Party is attempting to steal power in the country through manipulation and subversion?

Have Republican in office?
Make up a lie!
Run with that lie forever
Get them removed from power on the basis of your lie
Cover it up
Rinse & Repeat

This is a genuine political coup and the "Democrats" have declared war on the will of the people
11 posts and 5 images submitted.
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David Brock no really.jpg
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of course we care. we're at war with it daily.
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The deep state is trying to remove our president from office. We know what's going on
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Rinse your mouth

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is my step-dad /ourguy/?

>working class
>hates spics
>hates niggers
>wants to keep refugees out
>hates LGBTs and feminists
>refers to minorities as riffraff
>voted trump

pic unrelated
26 posts and 6 images submitted.
No, he's a cuck.

kek you're his wife's son. you're a walking meme my friend.

sound like an average american retard.

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WikiLeaks cable Robert Mueller delivering highly enriched stolen Uranium to Russia in 2009

60 posts and 14 images submitted.
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Like what Clinton did?
Damn, looks like you would've had a Russian plant either way, be they Neocon, Trump OR Democrat!

Mueller is another Gatekeeper.

This is not good.

Mueller was installed under George W Bush on Sept. 4th, 2001 right before 9/11.

James Comey was another Gatekeeper.
He was on Board of Directors for HSBC which launders money for State Dept. for Terrorist Financing. Loretta Lynch looked the other way as Attorney General of NY District.

They all hide each others crimes.
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Did you read the email? The delivery sounds extremely reasonable:

Background: Over two years ago Russia requested a ten-gram sample of highly enriched uranium (HEU) seized in
early 2006 in Georgia during a nuclear smuggling sting
operation involving one Russian national and several Georgian
accomplices. The seized HEU was transferred to U.S. custody
and is being held at a secure DOE facility. In response to
the Russian request, the Georgian Government authorized the
United States to share a sample of the material with the
Russians for forensic analysis. Director Mueller previously
planned to deliver the sample in April...
It's in our interests to help Russia catch enriched uranium smugglers.
Sheesh, no wonder the shills are all out posting Seth Rich slide threads while Drumpf is going down.

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With all the happenings swirling around Washington, it's becoming clearer by the day that the deep state is after Trump's imminent impeachment. This general is to consolidate all the happenings into one easy to read source for all the daily happenings and impeachment proceedings. This is not an anti- or pro- Trump general.


Gallup Approval:
Impeachment Gambling Odds:

>AP: Trump asked Comey to shut down Flynn investigation
>Reuters: Trump revealed intelligence secrets to Russians in Oval Office
>Reuters: Potential FBI chiefs steer clear of job under Trump
>Bloomberg: Manafort's Real-Estate Deals Said to Be Probed by N.Y.'s Top Cop
>Reuters: U.S. lawmakers ask Trump to turn over any Comey tapes
>Gallup: Comey Firing Nets More Negative Reaction Than 1993 FBI Firing

>White House Press Briefing 5/16/17
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eMaRFQY23nA [Embed]
>Trump Joint Statement with Erdogan 5/16/17
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EUKKtP64SZ4 [Embed]
>White House Press Briefing 5/15/17
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_goUaqjD2gM [Embed]
>Judge Jeanine Interview 5/12/17
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nmA1NX2Ir_8 [Embed]

11 posts and 7 images submitted.
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reagan coming fo yo scoop.jpg
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>White House officials autistic screeching at each other

>Lowest ratings of all presidencies

>Trump SHARED classified information with Russia, experts confirm

>Russiagate is the modern watergate

>Comey's firing was unconstitutional and an impeachable offense in itself

>US Top Politicians and intelligence officials concerned Drumpf's mishandling of information put sources at risk

>Bookies do not believe Trump will survive his 1st year

>The MAJORITY of voters supports impeachment
betting on around 2 months
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*angry reply*
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Seth Rich is an American Hero that was murdered in the line of patriotism. If it were not for Seth Rich, we wouldn't be living in this timeline. The people that ordered the murder of Seth Rich are still out there. They are trying to spin his act of patriotism as a underhanded treasonous plot. Remember the (((enemy))). Do not forget Seth Rich.

Do not forget, anon.
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
fuck off drumpfshill

back to plebbit
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Nobody cares.
There are murderers on the loose, and they're going to be behind bars for this. At best.
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.t deepstate shill

Why don't you go bomb another country, pig?

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I remember seeing it, but I can't fund the source for a Turkish official saying that there are more Turks in the Netherlands than soldiers.
11 posts and 7 images submitted.
Bumping, trying to redpill some Normies.
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Will bump with related content

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If a truly independent, bipartisan, and thorough investigation is conducted, and the objective conclusion is that there was no collusion, do you think the Democrats will accept it?

The Dems have been screaming about an independent investigation for months. I guarantee you that if this independent investigation comes up with nothing, the Dems will not have the integrity to swallow their pride and accept the outcome. They will find some other reason to be outraged.

I honestly don't think they will stop crying until he leaves office, no matter what.
26 posts and 11 images submitted.
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tax returns are nothing
russia will be nothing
immediate media blackout followed by the biggest Trump "sorry guys he's ok I guess" backpedaling the media has ever done.
There isn't going to be an independent investigation, Democrats tried to get one today with only 1 republican siding with them and it still was blocked. For now it falls to Special Council Robert Mueller and Trump to keep his mouth shut and not interfere further if hes innocent
They probably won't accept it.
Will conservatives accept it if did turn up with collusion?

As easily as they accepted the results of the 2000 election.

Hey, did you hear Dan Rather is coming back to save us from Bushitler?

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Pure Gold

11 posts and 5 images submitted.
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gas him
While you're looking for a new job Phil, maybe hit the gym and lose some weight you fat fuck.
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Top Fucking Kek

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If there is anyone out there who is not a shill and honestly believes the Russian narrative, answer me one question.

23 posts and 7 images submitted.
back to plebbit, drumpfkin

sage hide report

The Russian hack OF THE DNC may be false

but everything else is still possible

if Trump was innocennt why did he fire comey?

What About Mike Flynn?
Don't you have a drumpf thread to start you alcoholic ukie?
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'Hack' for most liberals means "Flooded Facebook/internet with anti-Hillary fake news".

You'll notice a lot of shows have changed it to "tampered with".

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What's wrong with being a SJW? We actually do good for the world. All you losers do is sit around and harass women and people of color online all day.
13 posts and 6 images submitted.
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>implying Political Correctness isn't one of the main reasons the world is such a shit hole today
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Being an SJW is an oxymoron because they tend to support refugees while also wanting to end rape culture. Also, they screech "muh antisemite" when the pay gap between Jews and non-Jews is shown to them despite the fact that they do the same to white men.
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Whats you opinion on tire necklacing?
While it may seem on a first glance there's nothing wrong with do-good SJW ideas, the moment they want to tax me to fund their stupid welfare garbage I gotta REEEEEE

Why are you guys afraid that black men will steal white women when statistically that doesn't happen that much?
58 posts and 14 images submitted.
It happen a lot
was a white guy i only date blacks girls or asians never whites

so i dont care
If you check the stats on dating sites you can see white woman prefer white men
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One nice thing about it is that their offspring are very visually BLACKED, so the type of women that black themselves are culled from the white gene pool, since almost no white men will further reproduce with a single nigglet mom.

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