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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 13513. page

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ITT: How does the MSM of your country cover Trump?

>Help this crazy madman Mr Trump is president it is driving me crazy
>We can't let Trump trump us all into madness c-can we?
>Let's ask an expert doctor how to deal with "this madness"


The other channels, both private and are basically running smear campaigns on him, parroting whatever CNN says.
2 posts and 1 images submitted.

Same as before election. Recently I've read an article saying something like (I shit you not) "populism is on the rise but we must make sure that it is the right kind of populism, not the evil one".

Surprisingly though, I saw on the FB newsfeed a Vice article in which our Soros-funded progressive pro-EU party was heavily criticized. I don't even know who's jewing who anymore.

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>mfw the western world is falling apart and I'm just here being free and not giving a fuck
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Isn't your country slowly but steadily being filled with retards due to zika?
No? My state had exactly zero cases of the zika virus, much less microcephaly.
It's just another meme disease that only affects rural shitholes like any other.
>Can't bear guns
Pick 1
Fuck you, monkey.

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CBS NEWS: State Dept. carries out layoffs under Rex Tillerson
Archived link: https://archive.is/y1iY7
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
Just draining the swamp as promised.

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Hello /pol/ so today i have decidet do do something diferent,from average content.
1.Call your country
2.Chose meme from 2
3.I will make political memes and you will have to rate it from 1 to 10
203 posts and 62 images submitted.
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You can chose sauna guy
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Or you can chose meme ball.
Sauna guy pls based livonian
okay mate,will be done in few mins

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who the fuck allowed this
8 posts and 3 images submitted.
Is this flag football?
>women in [contact sport]
>women in [high-speed sport]
>women in sport just because men are also in sport

fucking embarrassing
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>don't want to see sweaty women grabbing balls
ill watch this over your other faggy sports.

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what's up with this guy how come more people don't know him?

did he lose his job because of his videos?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
ramz has been around a long time, back when this board was /new/

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What is SPD's stance on immigration and refugees? Generally curious.
9 posts and 6 images submitted.
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>one of high ranked party members is turkish whose brothers are members of grey wolves

no escape autistic krauts
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There are no refugees. There are just displaced germans coming home. Soziale Demokratie kennt keine grenzen!
would put my dick in that roach for sure
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Like seriously, are you guys paid to do this? Or do you it's a fun meme or something? Because if it is a meme it's fucking worse than Milhouse.

And if you do make money from please tell me where the fuck I can sign up.

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Hello? Operator? Yes, could you please connect me to some one that can provide me with a quick run down?
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
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operator? is this 1950?
Why this cruel exploitation of freaks?
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-Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
-In contact with aliens
-Possess psychic-like abilities
-Control france with an iron but fair fist
-Own castles & banks globally
-Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
-Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
-Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
-First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
-both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
-Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
-They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
-You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
-The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader’s first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
-They learned fluent French in under a week
-Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There’s no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
-The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
-In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don’t know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they’re benevolent beings.

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You're at the club when this guy grabs your girlfriend's pussy. What do?
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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nothing. i never been with a girl

How do we solve the nigger problem? Is removing their food source the best idea?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
Watermelon famine.

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Post Kikestians pics, I need to grow my collection
162 posts and 61 images submitted.
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Bump you kikes
Racial bump

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Trump Playlist

SURVEY TIME https://action.donaldjtrump.com/mainstream-media-accountability-survey/
>VP Pence Swears in Mulvaney (Mgmt/Budget Dir) 2/16/17
>Pres Trump Fake News Presser 2/16/17
>Pres Trump signs HJR 38 (water rules) 2/16/17
>Pres Trump hangs with Trumpublicans 2/16/17
>Pres Trump w/greatest ally conference 2/15/17
>Trumps & Bibis 2/15/17
>Pres Trump+FLOTUS greet greatest allies 2/15/17
>Trump meeting with Retail CEOs 2/15/17

>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>Alex Jones gets high with Joe Rogan, redpilling ensues
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>113041414
318 posts and 136 images submitted.
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10:10 AM - Depart White House for Joint Base Andrews, en route to Boeing Plant in South Carolina – South Lawn

12:00 PM - Arrives in North Charleston, South Carolina – Charleston International Airport

12:10 PM - Meet with Dennis Muilenburg, the Chairman of the Board, President, and CEO of the Boeing Company – Boeing Company Facility

12:25 PM - Tour the Boeing facility – Boeing Factory

1:05 PM - Offer remarks at the unveiling of the new Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft – Boeing Factory

1:40 PM - Tour the Boeing 787 Dreamliner aircraft – Boeing Factory

2:05 PM - Depart North Charleston, South Carolina en route to West Palm Beach, Florida – Charleston International Airport

3:30 PM - Arrive in West Palm Beach, Florida – Atlantic Aviation at Palm Beach International Airport
Trump is probably getting the KO blow from the MSM this coming month. I would not be suprised if this whole Donald Trump election has been a setup from the beginning in order to make the GOP crumble and never be a serious contender again against the Democrats.

Why else would they have chosen Hillary, the least charismatic person people know, even though they had a proper candidate like Sanders?

Why else would the Democratic party not AT LEAST hold a few rallies in states like Wisconsin and Michigan?

Even then Trump lost the popular vote. The whole setup almost failed, because the GOP candidate was so bad, so incredibly incompetent, even the Democrats could not have foreseen that.

Still the plan has succeeded and the Trump administration will get such low approval rates, records will get broken.

Trump will be impeached soon, no doubt, but it will also be the end of the GOP itself.
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I will bake the next one.

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Hitler's personal red telephone which was thought to have been used to issue grim orders is up for auction this weekend. The auctioneer estimates it will sell between $100-300 thousand.
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
Very nice
moshi moshi adolf desu

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What is the youngest age at which you can be red pilled. Now that I look back, I remember some lackies in my freshmen year in high school preaching some right wing stuff. Me, I was busy trying to get laid.
10 posts and 4 images submitted.
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When I was born in a ghetto to two teenage degenerate parents and then given to my relatives, that was my first red pill.

My second was realizing living in a neighborhood where gunshots, ambulances, and cop cars are heard every single night is not normal. Children as young as 9 dying every weekend is not normal.
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Tell us more about Chicago
Since I was born. I don't remember a time when I didn't hate jews, despise authourity and look down upon degeneracy.
When I was younger I was a bit more liberal for a short time. I even was open to think of gyppos as humans, but never did I make that mistake regarding huns.
I grew up listening to rush limbaugh with my parents while they would talk politics with me

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Don Black, Dr. Patrick Slattery and Father Francis/Copperhead are back for a Friday edition of everyone's favorite pro-white radio show on the alt-right!!!!

Smartphone Users: Use the Tune-In app and search for Rense Radio or if you have something on your mind? Give the show a call at 8447692944!!!
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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What's the most abstract Jude you have on your computer?
184 posts and 101 images submitted.
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there was one i had that was just three grey blocks but i cant find it

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Do it, white people.
169 posts and 57 images submitted.
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So send you back to your promised land?
Definitely not kings of America if this land belongs to the natives...
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>Wearing a cheap parody of the white man's hat.

Nice cultural appropriation there, nog face.


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>be subhuman junkie scum
>kill yourself


Really makes you think.
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Instead of killing the thousands of sheep lead astray, how about we do away with the shepherd?

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can you give me a quick history lesson pls /pol/?

why is america not one single great continent? how and why did the portugese and spanish degenerates seperate from you?

what about the canadians?
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
Why don't you do your own research and not asked to be spoonfed how to think you fucking degenerate?

stop hurting my feelings

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I simply fucking hate all the shit that society and pseudo intellectuals say I should do.

I don't give a shit about gigantic boring as fuck paid by the word Victorian novels or trivial as fuck of their time ranting Russian novels or motivational speaker tier edgy philosophers who would never get away with their shit today by the same pseuds who praise them so much. And I can't believe that late 20th century PoMo has managed to be worse than all that came before, but I'm supposed to worship that as well.

This isn't 800 AD anymore. The pseuds pretend that wanking over the Greeks and Bible is 95 % of what an intellectual is. They never acknowledge anything that isn't academised. They note STEM as a trivial footnote while using it as a launching pad for their own contemporary flailing about within the infinitely large unfalsifiable space of ideas.

I don't care about psychology, macroeconomics, psychiatry, the Education system, wars in far away places, and lots of other stuff.

Life truly does end after university. Every fucking issue is sent through the prism of universities these days. Humanities and social sciences are all bullshit and they try to monopolise so much common sense and twist it. Of course you can't say that and /lit/ will defend them.

I am not entertained by TV shows, video games, or movies any more. Novels are mostly narcissistic barely disguised memoirs.

The working world is 1 % intelligence and 99 % a test of normieness.

Women have lives on easy mode and only go for Chads. People actively hate introverts. University prestige is the main factor for success in life. Most of culture is now too ephemeral to have any significance at all. Travelling is the new alternative to reading big books. Coffee is wagie fuel. I lift heavy weights but I can admit it's a sign of betaness. Working is horrific.
9 posts and 2 images submitted.
this is literally the definition of redpilled. realizing none of it matters and everything is shit and people are just followers and blind. nobody truly knows what it means to be an individual, or even human for that matter. i'd say kill yourself. it's the only way to stop it all. i'd kill myself, but I still enjoy playing video games and arguing on the internet
>realizing none of it matters and everything is shit and people are just followers and blind. nobody truly knows what it means to be an individual, or even human for that matter.

Agreed, but the kys is for pussies.
Isn't STEM also academia?

Also economics is as math based as any STEM grouping so you're kind of retarded.
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im almost 30 OP, i've been living with such feels for the past 12 years.

None of it matters, just try to enjoy life and ignore the shitty people.

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In this thread we praise the one true lord and discuss how to deal with the heathens of the world.
320 posts and 93 images submitted.
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God bless.
>>>/x/ is over there, you retard.
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>worshiping a Semitic deity

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Where my /3rdworld/ bros at?

Let's get comfy and spend the weekend talking about crime, corruption and poverty. Let's share our pain.

First worlders OUT except if you live in shit HDI

Prev: >>113037195
348 posts and 83 images submitted.
Haram paintbrushes and a donation of 2.6 million.
Its a non-stop shit show.
the main problem here is corruption.The president of our area is a tile installer by profession.
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>tfw 3rd world
>tfw not white
>tfw nationalism is defined as "tolerance" now
>tfw (((chinks))) spreading degeneracy
>tfw president is literally Obama 2.0: Asian Boogaloo
>tfw traps aren't qt
>tfw the only fascist movements are either kebab or was shut down during the colonial era
>tfw 40% poverty rate

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Wtf is going on in OP's pic.

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>not using Pepe to promote your business
7 posts and 5 images submitted.
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electrical, not plumbing

you had one job
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Lol this cunt
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Legit best shit I've seen in a while, also near me. Might call for dem aircon rates
>FUCK OFF WE'RE FULL the business

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How do you debate with Leftists when they don't have any understanding of the issues beyond labeling everything racist/sexist and empty pathological arguments?

Trying to explain that illegal immigrants are exploited by corporations and harm the economy/lower the value of labor, why H1B1 visas amount to modern slavery, etc. is like speaking greek to them. No discourse or even argument can be achieved because they don't have a stance on an issue, just an ideology.
>our side: illegal immigrants and visa overstays have collapsed wages in ______ industry directly affecting the ability of someone here legally to get a livable fair wage.
>old left: It's the fault of the corporation/business and current loopholes that let them get around E-verify and form I-9!
>new left: But my mother/cousin/friend is an immigrant! You're racist against mexicans!
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
>H1B1 visas amount to modern slavery

Indian took OPs job
>pajeet reveals himself to defend poo in loos ruining IT work
H1B1 accounts for suppressing wages in everything from computer science to bussing tables.
Do we just rely on the leftists eating their own? It's working rather spectacularly regarding the corpse of the democratic party this last election.

Will it be enough to redpill the old left faction?
How long will the right wing backlash take to rev up and how long will it last?

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Are there any other /new/smen left or am I the last?
2 posts and 1 images submitted.

It seems like we are with two.

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