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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 12268. page

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15 posts and 3 images submitted.
They're disregarding the law.
Going to san fransisco soon hehehe
They're not bad. I support them.
You're telling people "If you can sneak into this city, we will protect you." It's an open invitation to commit a crime and get a "get out of jail free" card.

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>mfw it turns out Trump was a Russian Cuck all along
>mfw /pol/ has been cucked
>mfw Trump is the reason America crumbles

who will save us?
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
Remember to sage and hide
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why u mad tho?
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lol, oh wow this place is just an echo chamber for alt-right faggots lol
>How Bernie can still win

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Convince me not to convert to Christianity /pol/
42 posts and 7 images submitted.
No organized thought can represent the eternal truth, but only abstract it to something measurable.

To perceive god, you must be free of tendencies.
>Worshiping a kike on a stick
No cunt. Come to church with me. You'll love it. (If you have an open mind)
How bout I do you one better and convince you that the Christian God is real?

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Should Albion, perfidious though she may be, be spared, or should Merkel punish the UK in the most severe and gruesome manner?
198 posts and 50 images submitted.
You won't get a cent, Kraut.
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We won't need to punish them, we can just lean back and enjoy the shitshow. Once they hit rock bottom we can poke them with a stick, and have a good laugh.
>You won't get a cent, Kraut.

Oh, we don't want money.

This time, we want blood.
I'll settle for tears, too.

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>"the second amendment isn't only to protect yourself from foreign invaders but also to protect yourself from your government"
>"What? You're going to go charging the white house while they have tanks and helicopters?"

Thoughts on this bullshit? This seems to be the jump that everyone that I talk to makes while discussing the second amendment. Is it so fucking outlandish that the people be prepared in every situation?
12 posts and 4 images submitted.
>"What? You're going to go charging the white house while they have tanks and helicopters?"
uh, ever heard of guerilla warfare and how we lost to that?
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also consider how the dynamic of violent crime changes when a society is armed vs disarmed. the disarmed society's criminals have a monopoly of force.
We also won with it in the Revolution
Bring up the recent conflicts against guerrillas and note how much more prepared U.S. insurgents would be. It would also be more of a civil war with the military fracturing.
Another common point is denying that the government can turn tyrannical but I don't think any lefty will claim that for a good few decades after their Trump hysteria.

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Let's have a thread where peaceful rioters get BTFO.
11 posts and 3 images submitted.
it's gonna be a small thread

there is more pussies on the right than there is on the left
why are they pepper spraying their own people?
I have no idea what's going on here. Maybe one of the shitbags likes Lyotard, and the other shitbag likes Horkheimer, so they started hitting each other.


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16 posts and 7 images submitted.
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I don't really get the point.
He was rude and unaccepting to otherwise peaceful people, so they turned to the only voice they truly had. The voice of all disenfranchised. Violence.
Oh. I guess we should kill them then.

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> longest life span in the world
> lowest crime rate in the world
> world class food
> world class transport network
> world class electronics
> world class education
> world class gaming entertainment
> world class animation
> no immigration problems
> pint of beer cost $2
> legal sexual services
> zero sjw problems
> legally own 4chan

Have you bowed down to the rising sun today?
36 posts and 9 images submitted.
Tiny dicks
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No, I'm not a weeb
>not America
Instead of having me bow down, why don't I just buy you a step-stool so we can see eye-to-eye?

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I never really thought of it like that!
37 posts and 13 images submitted.
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Got a source?
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>hebrew university of jerusalem

Who'd have thought.

When see the name "watermellandrea" i image a ghettoblack bitch.
post source, digits nigger.

Why does /pol/ appreciate and accept the benefits that come along with a United States of America but are so strongly against a European Union?
56 posts and 24 images submitted.
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The federal government should become more like the EU. Instead, the EU is becoming more like the federal government
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It's a serious question

Would /pol/ have been against the first states joining together to back in the 1770s?

Why do so many conspiracy theorists ascribe sinister ulterior motives to the Catholic Church?

They say they want to rule the world, or they're a front for the New World Order, or that they just want power.

Is it so hard to believe that the whole organization is just full of people who really do take Christianity seriously, and act accordingly?
16 posts and 4 images submitted.
"If the world hates you, know that it hated me first." - John 15:18
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what secrets are they hiding in the vatican archives?
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Because they actually did used to rule Europe not too long ago, and still try to act like it sometimes out of habit.

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Welcome to Crowd-source Russia General. The purpose and goal of these generals is this.
To find in any way, shape, or form any top democrat officials connections/ties to russia.
Since they've been pulling this whole forced narrative on us, I say it's about time we use it to get back at them. Help us expose the democrats for who they really are.
Good luck lads!!
29 posts and 6 images submitted.
Good fucking luck. The argument has always been collusion with Russia during the campaign, to affect the outcome of the campaign. Finding 20 year old pictures of democrats with Russians just makes you look desperate to cover up your corruption.
Guess you don't understand the concept of ID's. Nice try shareblue.
-20% American uranium
-Russian controls

Also that Podesta group ties to Russia.

I'm close to having my law degree, and I can tell you that what Trump has done is a legitimate case of libel.

Obama has shown considerable restraint against slander, considering he could have sued Trump into the grave over the birth certificate nonsense. But this is a far more serious charge, so whether Obama sits on it is the question of the hour.

I can tell you that unnamed sources and Twitter rants would not hold up in court, and you're looking at a settlement in the high double or triple digit millions given the magnitude of the positions involved.

I think Trump may have stepped in it this time.
51 posts and 8 images submitted.
What the fuck ever Star Jones. Enjoy your one reply.
Also, just to clarify, the president can not be sued for actions taken as president, but he can still be sued for personal actions. This would obviously be classified as the latter and make him fair game.
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He isn't lying so no it isn't.
Fucking dipshits like you have no sense of self respect and prove that a degree does not make a person intelligent by any means.

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You think November 8th was great? You haven't seen nothin' kid.
26 posts and 10 images submitted.
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Okie doke
what's gonna happen?

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It's time we settled the trans bathroom debate and trans safety with an ethnostate of our own. I'm thinking Florida would be perfect for the TSA
23 posts and 7 images submitted.
Are the mentally ill a protected class in the USA?
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Not mentally ill

Oh ha ha

why are we even paying attention to .03% of the population?

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Really makes you think differently of Trump...
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
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If only this were true, and Trump wasn't a CivNat Zionist. I'd be far more hopeful for the future than I am.
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>If only this were true, and Trump wasn't a CivNat Zionist. I'd be far more hopeful for the future than I am.

Wiggers betrayed Kek/Chaos for Moses...




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Okay, I'm completely out of the loop on this wiretapping thing. Can someone fill me in?
17 posts and 4 images submitted.
Some autist complained about some nigger wiretapping him when he got his intelligence briefing after getting security clearance. He then held it as a trump card to deploy when shit started hitting the fan. Shit hit the fan when some jackass from Alabama lied under oath about meeting with a natural ally on the other side of the world.

Just fucking watch this
The basic gist of the story thus far.

>Trump Tower was apparently wiretapped during the election
>First attempt to secure FISA warrant to do so was rejected
>Second, in October, was allowed
>Open-ended warrant means this surveillance may be ongoing even now
>At the very end of his presidency Obama commanded the NSA to share all its major info with all other intel groups
>Comey is shitting his pants
>Loretta Lynch is shitting her pants
>Obama is shitting his pants
>Trump is so furious he's probably ready to strangle Jeff Sessions
>The media can't report straight on the issue to save its own life and has degenerated into ranting about Russia
Barron held the recevier of the phone in the other room and recorded Trump and associates phone conversations over a period of several months. He was then sending the conversations to his good friend John Podesta.

Make no mistake. Barron is the rat.

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Who is their audience, really?
125 posts and 19 images submitted.
its consumed the democrats

People that don't rely on constantly debunked racist conservative shitholes/echo-chambers like /pol/
Airports, hospital waiting rooms and old faggots.
Scared liberal faggots

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Reminder that if you don't have a blonde hitler youth haircut or a shaved head, AND wear a bomber with jeans everyday, you aren't actually /pol/ material.
52 posts and 17 images submitted.
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>/pol has one look
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That's it, I'm with her now
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This is true.
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>implying those niggers have a) access to internet b) a computer and most importantly c) are literate at all or know a foreign langauge

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What is your current stance on Trudeau now that it is 2017?

Poll here:

85 posts and 16 images submitted.
Who do you think will win the 2019 election?

My bets are on Justin Castro, our country is beyond fucked.
It's amazing.

In less than 2 years, we went from being a shitty, irrelevant nation of rural of rural and suburban retards to being an ultraprogressive liberal utopia in which diverse people from all over the world bring their own contribution to creating a vibrant, dynamic 21st century economy.
>ultraprogressive liberal utopia
Can you elaborate on that cause nothing has changed here in BC interior
The plural of leaf is leaves.

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Trump clearly fears they (ie the IC / media) have shit on him or the dots are close being connected, and this is his way of saying that he's going to try and bring everyone down with him if he is taken down.

If there is nothing to the Russia story, it would eventually pass. All these blatant deflections and media nonsense would be unnecessary since they would not find anything damning regardless of how hard they try and investigate. His reaction is only explained by the fear about what will be found.
184 posts and 20 images submitted.
hahaha this retard cant even spell! fuck drumpf
Nice one, Shaun. Wanna come over tomorrow? Me and Jane are making lasagna
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No he's trying to avoid being thrown out in a junta because idiots like you believe the (((media))) and the (((IC))).

These groups are not slowing down, and his reaction is "fight", as opposed to "flight" that cowards like you usually expect from leaders.
Again, if there's nothing there, no matter how hard they search, they will find nothing. There is no reason for a "flight or fight" response to be engaged if there's nothing to be stressful about.

Also, deflection IS cowardly. It is the political equivalent to pointing to the sky, saying "what's that!" and running away.

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Give me a quick rundown on Japan. Will it be the last crusade of civilisation?
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
>slant eyed yellow rat
Don't you have a dog to be eating Chang?

>Disguising your Jap hate as Asian hate

Reveal thy self, Chang.
We don't reproduce man, yellow is better than brown.
Don't you have a dog to suck off and fuck whiteboi?

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Honestly i wish they did win, today the world is so fucked you go fucking Muslims running around killing people. Fucking asian cucks taking over australia, dirty Mexicans trying to take over (bless trump). What do you guys think the world would be like if they won?
64 posts and 22 images submitted.
But would Australia not be under Nip rule, then?
not 100% what nip means
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Nippon means Japan in Japanese.
Ah...fuck atleast its better then fucking chineese

20 posts and 4 images submitted.
they dont exist
Pic related.
Look at Brampton and Ontario
They, being useful and skilled is fine. The problem is they are beholden to the same in-group/out-group tendencies, look around and see all the natives and think "Why shouldn't I bring my own people here? I did great!" Then they bring in useless dregs that just so-happen to be the same race as them, and boom, trouble.
But that is exactly what white people did in the early days.

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Which types of architecture are degenerate and which are inspiring?
26 posts and 4 images submitted.
functional is the only non degenerate form
Everything is inspiring except modernism and brutalism
objectivism is terrible and lead to the bush administration

its a good stepping stone though im glad i found it and got out early.

Atlas Shrugged is still a good read, and redpilled as fuck. I carry a rearden steel switchblade.
How bout u do wat u want and stop looking for validation from a bunch of NEETS

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