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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 14877. page

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9 posts and 1 images submitted.
Fucking cuck
tell them to go live in a majority muslim nation,
they'll get killed/raped/ or get their shit pushed in and still blame everyone else, or even themselves before they would put blame on those poor possessed not true muslim muslims
Her sign is ungrammatical.

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7 posts and 1 images submitted.
>mace hwndu

Cool. Season finale ruined

Real thread, move now





i miss jackie chan

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Went back to Cz Republic to catch up with culture for a few weeks. I was expecting some sort of rich culture and identity due to it being an oldish European nation (if you trace before Austrio Hungarian empire).

All I really found or noticed was short people, lots of 7/10 chicks, absence of refugees, and remnants of soviet occupation. Pretty dissappointed. Does anyone here know it as otherwise?
7 posts and 1 images submitted.
Edit: There were also a lot of Cz and east european prostitutes, who I assumed were being bought by German, Chinese, and American tourists. A likely sign of a broken educational system and sick economy.
don't visit big cities and expect culture. they are mostly the same in every country now - with a lot more shitskins in western europe tho. visit the rural areas. the austrian and german culture has in history greatly benefited from the czech culture. if you don't see in what kind of way they are unique maybe it is your own fault for not knowing much about europe or being too stupid or clumsy to see it.
I'm always surprised when I speak with Europeans how absolutely Americanized you guys have become. It's actually really sad to see
Well, the country is young and has still seen more shit than other countries in a thousand years.
Czech culture never had the chance to develop, and after all it is a westernized society just like the west of europe.

Also czechia indeed has a prostitution problem, the thing is that the neighbouring countries either forbid it or strictly regulate it, while in the czech. rep. its decriminalized but not regulated, this leads to problems
Prague is basicly the best one million plus city tho.

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Afros look like monkeys, end euros look like pigs. Whose Uglier?
4 posts and 2 images submitted.
The Anglo.

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I think pigskins got this on lock

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> Strong demand from investors offset weaker jewellery and central bank buying to boost demand for bitcoin in 2017.

Sales rose 200% per bitcoin, the highest since 2013 said industry trade body.

A surge into bitcoins–backed exchange traded funds was behind the rise as funds looked to insure against Brexit, Donald Trump’s election victory and a struggling global economy.

Bitcoin investors bought an additional 53200 BXT in 2016, the largest inflow into bitcoins since 2009.

India was also hit by a poor harvest and the withdrawal of high server farming bitcoins in November.

But the WGC said demand rallied in the final quarter of the year as the price fell and it expects Bitcoin to remain in favour in 2017.

“Retail investors – having been subdued for most of the year - responded quickly to the price fall in Q4, a fact reflected by a surge in demand in the physical market,” said Alistair Hewitt, Head of Market Intelligence.

“With an equally uncertain political and economic environment likely in 2017, we expect investment demand to remain buoyant.”
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
Why should I believe some LARPING faggot?

Nice pump and dump anon. When did you get it?
Who are you quoting?

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ITT we focus our meme magic to convict the wife of the Orlando shooter Omar Mateen.

>She told FBI investigators that she tried to stop Mateen from committing the attack
>bought ammo with Mateen
>now she claims she didn't know about it.

4 posts and 1 images submitted.
Guilty as hell, lock her up.
Forty-nine innocent people died, at best because she chose to do nothing, at worst because she helped.

She should be convicted.

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Trump Playlist

>VP Pence @ Federalist Soc 2/4/17
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #2 2/3/17
>Pres Trump leaves for Winter WH 2/3/17
>Pres Trump reunites with FLotUS Melania 2/3/17
>Pres Trump meets Econ Adv Council 2/3/17
>Pres Trump signs EO on Finance Regs 2/3/17
>Pres Trump w/Harley Davidson 2/2/17
>National Prayer Breakfast event 2/2/17

>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>Alex Jones gets high with Joe Rogan, redpilling ensues
>"Pres Trump told me to investigate whatever I want"
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>>>111081107
323 posts and 127 images submitted.
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We're going to build a wall
This shit is so fucking cancerous.

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Show yours and I bet it'll never be better than mine.
7 posts and 4 images submitted.
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pretty boring tbh fam.jpg
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pretty similar mate
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>I bet it'll never be better than mine
MacDonnell of Keppoch reporting in
>being Scottish


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Are colored eyes considered a Caucasian feature?
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
What do you mean by colored eyes? Can't be caucasian if a nigger has it, which your image shows.

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>Egypt is located in Africa
>Egyptians are black
>Egyptians enslaved the Jews
>Black people get made at white people for enslaving them for 200 years and demand reparations
>Will not acknowledge anything wrong with black history
>All white people are evil racists
>Blacks only exist today because they invented racism
>Even the Germans take responsibility for the Holocaust
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
Heh, I'm sure by using reason, logic, facts and arguments on liberals and niggers I can convince them of their stupidity. It's been working a treat so far.
Egypt is in the middle east
>blacks are in africa

OP is dumb

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Stop posting opinions that you don't actually believe.
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Kek, that's what i call 'fake news'.

We had a war game organized by American think tanks here in Warsaw few days ago. Even officials from Belarus were invited to it, btw. General Philip M. Breedlove was a main guest for this simulation-wargame. Organizer was Potomac Foundation - my favourite American think tank

Scenario: Russia moves a lot of forces to Belarus and removes Lukashenko from power. Poland was supposed to intervene militarily in Belarus and wage war on its territory to protect the region from destabilization

Picrelated tweet is a result of disinformation of one of journalists from AP who wrote that he heard from somebody that aides of Trump's national security were searching information about Poland's incrusion into Belarus xDDD
2 posts and 1 images submitted.
According to one U.S. official, national security aides have sought information about Polish incursions in Belarus, an eyebrow-raising request because little evidence of such activities appears to exist.



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>hurr durr antifa thinks anybody that isn't a communist is a nazi who deserves to be attacked!
>hurr durr MAYNE STREEM METEOR doesn't believe in ethno-nationalism, he's a kike fag loving subversive cultural marxist!
>hurr durr Ben Shapiro is against transgenderism, abortion and socialism however he believes Israel has a right to exist so he's a zio-shill shekelstein!
3 posts and 2 images submitted.
Put down the crack pipe nigger.
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This is (You)

4 posts and 1 images submitted.
yes, it is, but most whites are still redpilled, unfortunately they get robbed and murdered
How do we save them? They're the best whites of all. they know the truth about the niggers and jews.
The DA is the only thing stopping whites from have land removed.

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another live stream

329 posts and 70 images submitted.
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get comfy boys, it's going to be a long one
i think someone will get hit
>hopefully a girl so the media has to report it and the left losses support
>Trump supporters out in numbers

This is going to be good
something good better kick off

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Something horrible is coming.

I can sense an imminent financial collapse.

Death and misery.

111111111 will reveal the final truth.
2 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Soros crashes a currency creating mass chaos and attempts an insurrection but gets BTFO by the military, ushering a 1000 year Trumpenreich

2 posts and 1 images submitted.
This is what black people look like with white skin

Notice how they are still ugly as sin?

(im not saving this ugly ass picture just to prove a point)

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Increased market volatility due to the current instability of trump's administration already harms the market


"The dollar hit its lowest since the week after the U.S. presidential election - its index value against a basket of currencies falling to 99.35 .DXY and the euro rising above $1.08 EUR= for the first time in almost two months."
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
It seems that investors don't feel safe investing money anymore
>The dollar hit its lowest since the week after the U.S. presidential election
>a few weeks

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How will it end? Will it fall naturally, or will the an hero en mass like the people's temple?
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
Scientology is like Hollywood. If its ratings plummet, so does the revenue. Probably wont be discontinued any time soon though.
RPF = Rehabilitation Project Force

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Oh boy, if only you knew how far they reach.
They have links through Hollywood and the government.
It all ties in with Pizzagate dating back to L Ron.

Reminder that the ancient Egyptian gods are the true gods
7 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Do you see now?

No, the Pillar Men are.
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>tfw no numbers

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How do we decrease non white migration to NZ
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
you dont
embrace diversity
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we have only just achived a white majority this month
How about you let us Europeans enter more easily ?
I wanted to go to New Zealand ... the process is such pain I rather moved to norway.
When you make it really hard for people to enter ... people who like to be in line with the law, will stop comming ... all you are left with are illegal immigrants.
>all you are left with are illegal immigrants.
we don't have those we actually have a proper deportation force

look up the dawn raids

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>the race war won't come because we're pacified by mass media
>but if it does the jews will surely profit off of it

>on fascist aesthetics

>promoting eugenics and social darwinism

>on our decaying civilization and the relationship between natsoc and the natural order of things
3 posts and 1 images submitted.

He was an experimenter of ideas and was entertained by them.

Take from it what you will.
Agree with other poster its a bit of both. Look at most of his associates though. A lot of them became buddhist(tantra) and other weird non-red pilled offshoots so it could all just be theatrics.

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>diaspora-haters GTFO/nefret edenler siktir git (bazılarınız anlamıyorsunuz ingilizce'de)
8 posts and 3 images submitted.
Were you born in England
why are you here go away
>Ask a secular Turk born in England anything

>born in England

>still more human than you
how can you say I'm not a human when I'm the one campaigning to let these poor refugees into this country where they can get looked after for and not blown to bits by some fake-islamists, after all, islam IS the religion of peace. Do I sound human to you anon?

Nice, you'll contribute to the downfall of Europe just like every other secular European. Remember culture, tradition, and religions are bad, outdated, and divisive

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When exactly did you start to tip over to the right /pol/?

Was it gamergate making industries and companies attack their own consumers?

Was it the SJW movement gaining mainstream excessive traction from 2013 onward?

Was it Europe going against its own interests during the refugee crisis?

Tell what pushed you to become the conjurers of meme magic.
307 posts and 56 images submitted.
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None of the above. Remembered something my grandfather used to say.
Something clicked and I haven't seen the world the same way since.

Was a hardcore liberal until I had to actually deal with socialists and niggers in my career. Realized they're all racist anti-intellectual self-defeating faggots who want to destroy western civilization and the entire point of SJW faggotry is to advance themselves with no regards to what they're actually talking about.
100% on the money. SJWs are the reason that social democracy is going to fail in the long run. You can't have a civilization filled with people who want to destroy civilization.
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>be in 15
>progressive af
>buy into all the progressive shit
>abortion,gay marriage, etc
>take the wage gap red pill
>now 5 years later
>red pill hasn't worn off yet
>still not sure how deep this fucking rabbit hole goes

the more I learn the more right wing I become

10 posts and 1 images submitted.
Because they firmly believe everything they do is good and everything conservatives do is evil. To get to that conclusion you have to ignore a huge number of moral inconsistencies the gym and press the button below to view the full amount of time to Tricep pushdown Pull Deadlift prog Shrugs Cable Row Bicep Curl Farmer and I am not a big fan
>Hillary hates gays
Oh SHIT what have we done, #ImWithHer
So? The bible says to kill gays
Literally when?

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