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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 8963. page

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Trump Playlist

>Pres Trump Lunch w/Pres Abbas 5/3/17
>Pres Trump meets w/Pres Abbas (Palestine) 5/3/17
>Pres Trump/VP Pence/Ed Sec Devos @ School Choice Event 5/3/17
>VP Pence @ Greatest Ally Ind Day Commemoration 5/2/17
>Pres Trump @ USAF Academy CiC Ceremony 5/2/17
>Pres Trump w/Ind Community Bankers 5/1/17
>Pres Trump on Face The Nation 4/30/17
>Pres Trump - First 100 Days
>Pres Trump Weekly Address #14 4/28/17

>March in the Trumpenreich
>TrumpWave S P A C E
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>123988172
351 posts and 96 images submitted.
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>Global warming isn't rea-
Does Baked Alaska even talk about Jews? I don't know the twitter people
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Why is a boarder wall so hard to understand. United States has to spend 100 Billion anually to cater to Illegals
16 posts and 5 images submitted.
Bullets are fairly inexpensive
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I second this solution. The cost effectiveness is absolutely mind-blowing.
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stops drugs and illegal immigrants
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what the fuck is this guys problem?

he sits around all day, every day, waiting for DT to make a tweet and then floods it with insults against trump and his supporters and always trends to the top
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
start calling him Ronald Lumpf. That should stop him
He's a fucking child, and, like all children, at least up until a generation or two ago, and certainly before the faggoty Social Media hit the world, he would've been seen and not heard. As it is now, he's a child shitting his pants at every opportunity he has and crying his lungs out for Mommy to come clean up.
I'm honestly amazed at how much people spend each day waiting for trump to tweet so they can spam replies making childish insults

Like within 30 seconds of a tweet there is thousands of replies with stupid occupydemocrat level posts
Just mute and block them. There's always a handful of them. They write like 5 words in each tweet making a fucking wall of like 30 words total. There's probably like 20 people controlling the same account tho, no way someone could be so cringy that all they do is wait for Trump to tweet something just to write a wall of text just because they don't like them.

This is a safe-space dedicated to the discussion of anarcho-feminism and related topics. All working women are welcome! Men can join in too, but try to avoid mansplaining. We won't allow:

What is Anarcho-Feminism?
Anarcho-feminism is the inevitable result of anarchy. The oppression delivered by the capitalist state is firmly tied to the oppression delivered by the patriarchy towards the working female proletariat. Given that the class struggle is linked with the constant sex struggle, the only solution would be to replace this oppressive hierarchy with a community of freely associated individuals while also liberating women from the repressive clutches of patriarchy.

I'm a man, can I join?
By educating yourself on the issues of the working women, you too can be part of our movement!

20 posts and 6 images submitted.
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nigger whore mudslime tranny faggot left-tard
nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger

Fuckin Master Baiter.
What does transphobia and leftphobia(sounds made up) have to do with feminism?

Why do you advocate for more government when arnarchism advocates against such a body?

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New thread for hack discussion?
18 posts and 3 images submitted.
it's fake news
already been debunked
Its not, its very real. Fucking stupid though. Currently theyve only made around 2300 off of it. Hope the trouble was worth it lmao.
dollars or bitcoins?

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ITT: We post privileges that we can all agree are real, and ones that you are stuck with for life

I'll start
>Sexual Attractive Privilege
>Height Privilege
>Family/Nepotism Privilege
>Voice Privilege
>Strength Privilege
18 posts and 2 images submitted.
Nigger hater privilege
Lovin' every second of being white despite hippies telling me to check it.

>Sexual Attractive Privilege
>Height Privilege
>Voice Privilege
>Strength Privilege

Its called evolution by natural selection, i think you heard of it
First off there are a lot of people with these than never go anywhere

Secondly why dont you believe in evolution? Are you some sort of religo-freak? Fuck even the Catholics believe in evolution. Evolution leads to some of a species to succeed over others.

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Well you gotta say the Truth,left wing has a did a good job,now "right" wing have a gay nigger cuck sucker a Jew(Shapiro) and a dumb woman (southern)as represantives,lol.
43 posts and 3 images submitted.
Don't forget the tranny!
That "reasonable" tranny which Peterson had interviewed "her"
That "reasonable" tranny which Peterson had interviewed "her" ?
If we have a fag, Jew, woman, and dick chick as representatives, then liberals are homophobic, antisemetic, misogynist, trap-ophobes

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>We are the sound that goes bump in the night, we are the Alt-Right
>We stand our ground and are willing to fight, we are the Alt-Right
>Clad in helmets, shields, and pads, we are a tough bunch of lads
>Fearless as we enter the liberals realm, we can not lose with Spencer at the helm
>We will push back with all our might, we are the Alt-Right!

I nominate this to be our official fight song. Thoughts?
15 posts and 4 images submitted.
Is this some 5D anti-Spencer shilling
Sung to the tune of this

I love it! Had this chant stuck in my head all day, this catchy tune will help

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Is Dluptf even serious right now? He's obviously a kike shill. Can we just talk about all the problems with Ghlubtf itt?
>Failed to build a wall
>Failed to stop muslim immigration
>Gave the budget to the Dems
>Attacked based Assad
>Pressuring best Korea
When will you finally admit that Djunbf is not /ourguy/?
25 posts and 12 images submitted.
Obamaleaf you're definitely a obese virgin neet living in you parent's house. There's no way someone going to school or working can shitposting 24/7 on /pol/ like you.
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if their are any sand niggers in /pol/, post on this thread
13 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Muslim here. ama
What do you think of native americans?

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If you really hated Muslims, you'd import more Muslims to combat your Muslims because nobody hates Muslims more than other Muslims.
12 posts and 3 images submitted.
>because nobody hates Muslims more than other Muslims

pretty sure the jews do.

but then again fuck the jews.
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I prefer the solution where we scorch their part of the planet with cleansing fire.
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those noggers look like they are from Chechnya

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Society as a whole started to go downhill when rap became popular.

Rap is a mistake and should be illegal.
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
> posting on a white supremacist message board
You dumbfuck taco bender.
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Dont mind me just the Jewish satanist/tantrist responsible for bringing hip hop to white America with Run DMC and Beastie Boys. I was sued by transgendered occultist and Throbbing Gristle frontman Genesis P Orridge for injuries caused during a botched ritual at my home and lost. I currently resurrect the careers of super stars who have fallen out of grace and need a comeback.
>Rap is the problem
Rap is just a symptom, the real problem is that black culture became acceptable and cool. Anyone with a single braincell can see that there are no redeming qualities to nigger culture. Whites shit on their degenerates (white trash) but nigger glorify degeneracy and shit on those who succeed as uncle toms.
Rap has been losing popularity and dying a slow long death since the late 90s/ early 2000s. If you made it illegal, that would just encourage shit cunts to get back into it because its controversial again.

The best way for rap to die, is for it to continue on as it is. Even niggers complain about how all modern rap is garbage and "it died with Pac" or some similar shit.

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Tell me about the whole truth of WW2 senpai.
16 posts and 3 images submitted.
Hitler was an okay guy
A globalist attempt to use Germany as a lab for a form of state control of the economy avoiding the flaws of Soviet socialism backfired horribly when the puppet turned on the puppeteers.

your mom was an okay lay

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It explains modern politics better than left/right, it goes back to the French Revolution just like left/right, is not retarded like the political compass and explains the phenomenon of people near one of the corners of the triangle seeing the people near the other corners as essentially the same.

It's based on how much people care about liberty, equality and fraternity.


Do the test yourself and read the definitions

It said I'm a conservative, which was spot on. However, there are few questions, so maybe it can be made better, but it's a great place to start.

This article also explores how political triangles can make sense of the world
41 posts and 8 images submitted.
The test is awful. It can't even keep proper track of your results. It got my ideology wrong. It said I was a conservative when I'm a libertarian.
The test can get better (too few questions), but the track works fine.

They have few results tho, and being a poltard you probably answered some things to make you closer to the fascist point too
I consider myself a Radical Moderate
don't you mean
>radical centrist?

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Daily reminder this is what the stars and planets look look like up close

> muh gas balls
> muh space buggies
> muh rocket science
> muh superior evolved brain which can into space unlike brainlet ancientfags

all science is corrupted with pseudo science to keep people confused.

"if you want to understand the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration" - Nikola Tesla
314 posts and 61 images submitted.
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looks pretty funny to me
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>mfw an american near me tries to tell me about how "europe is lost" whilst living in a 40% white country
26 posts and 7 images submitted.
at least we have the option to turn it around, does europe even have any hope?
we were never a white country though, 300 years ago it was 1% white. 100 years ago you were 100% now england is 74% white and dropping
>Well I mean Europe kind of is lost because they're filled with shit tier muslim immigrants who are gonna try to blow everything up.
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>at least we have the option to turn it around

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Women have more political power than men because they vote more and they tell their beta husbands what to vote for, or else: NO SEX!!!
France, Sweden, Germany. All cucked.
Embrace Islam! Women dont have the right to vote because they are not moral like men. The get Stockholm syndrome in 2.1 seconds.
17 posts and 4 images submitted.
Checks out, OP.
Did you know secret voting was partly introduced so husbands couldn't tell their wife how to vote?
Why would men now vote the way they tell their spouse they do?
Women shouldn't be allowed to vote at all.
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Because men are MORAL.
When the woman they "love" tells them how to vote they obey like good dogs.If you know a lot of men you will know that almost all men do what their woman says. And still 80% of divorce is done by the woman.

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Objective: With the "trump ice cream" going on right now, convince the public that Vanilla ice cream is racist cause it's the best flavor ice cream ever and that it's white
Plan: Like with the gay flag and the hand gestures, create as many dank memes as you can along the lines of vanilla ice cream is better than "insert specific flavor here", like chocolate. Always post vanilla ice cream being on top while other flavors are below it. After that, it's twitter time.
13 posts and 6 images submitted.
I don't usually participate on right wing forums, but this has piqued my curiosity.

What is this new trump ice cream meme you guys are pushing?

Basically, CNN and Time magazine are attacking Trump for eating ordering 2 scoops of ice cream

The trump ice cream part is how the media is all over him cause he get 2 scoops while everyone else gets one.
The meme is that we can say that he always puts vanilla as the top scoop above all others. That will act as "vanilla is the superior flavor".

I hadn't heard anything about this, seems stupid.

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Who does pol think is behind this ransomware attack?

Also, what does this mean for the internet as a whole? Surely there will come changes in the way things are done/stored online.

33 posts and 8 images submitted.
Get ready for them to blame it on wikileaks even though they never released source code.
Then they'll try to blame it on Microsoft even though they patched the problem and all the affected refused to install updates months ago.
turn of internet, go outside

this was probably a test ran by the new world order to try to see how easy it would be to get into peoples lifes.

turn off the internet and go outside, their mind control wont work there
Dunno but RIP whoever they are now, attaching the NHS is like attacking the Queen.
>Who does pol think is behind this ransomware attack?

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What do you think?
15 posts and 4 images submitted.
Money making scheme that takes advantage of easily manipulated citizens and the judicial system
Annoying religious nuts, but at least they don't drive trucks over people.
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They seem kinda retarded. Like their entire goal seems to be just getting attention from making people pissed off and angry by going to the worst possible places at the worst possible times and making the worst possible protests. Who would want to do that?

Wait, fuck.
here's the choices
>controlled opposition made to make christians/right wing people look bad
>insane, retarded cult sect like the 1,000,000 other ones america produces
>greedy people who make money on provoking people into attacking them

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30 posts and 13 images submitted.
No. Like all """straights""" vanilla was just repressing his progressive tendencies. With the right incentive everyone is gay.
Yes, and that's a good think, you're not against rapesexuals, are you?
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I identify as a rapist.

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43 posts and 13 images submitted.
It's just Britain now.

>caring that much about .001% of recruits
Subpar, even
>This doesn't even make sense to me. Is this satire?

>I can't even tell.

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has Rachel Maddow figured out she has no penis?...will she discover the cure for being a stupid liberal?...do unicorns exist?...

if you answered "NO" to all the above, you are NOT retarded
16 posts and 9 images submitted.

i don't think your posting is strong but i'm giving it a reinforcement with this link so please watch
>has Rachel Maddow figured out he has no vagina?
>will he discover the cure for being a stupid man?
nice dick nipples
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I don't think your utube embed is strong but I do think you as a poster on 4chan are a gut-less lil she-bitch

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Doesnt it feel weird that we're advocating what the internationalists advocated at the beginning of the 20th century?
15 posts and 4 images submitted.
I also remember when hippies used to hate American cultural imperialism
But we're antiglobalists?
What are you talking about Britbong? What did they advocate?

did trump really fuck his daughter???
39 posts and 8 images submitted.
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I would
What do you mean, """did""" ?
Are you a traveler from 2016? Welcome! Just to let you know...this is the most boring thing you could ever ask
>connections to epstein and lolita express
>countless suggestive statements about her throughout the years
>pays for her plastic surgeries and boob jobs
>ex-wife accusations that were later retracted after settlement
>incredibly "handsey" with her
>other kids don't really have a strong relationship with him, tiffany is basically invisible to him

yes he probably fucks her. I don't know if this is a good or bad thing to be honest.

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