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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 25167. page

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321 posts and 69 images submitted.
Blatant lying that the liberals will eat up anyway. Fucks sake. Trump didn't say any of that shit.
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Fuck yeah Charlotte
>Our economy is bad because of republicans maymay
wow i'm with her now

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These jewish candidates suck.
Surely you can't be serious.
13 posts and 1 images submitted.
P: Trump
VP: Gingrich Based God
SC: Cruz
AG: Christie
SG: Carson

You know this to be true.
I think it's unwise to assume any of these will be VP. Trump loves to bait the media with "insider info" then throw a curveball at the last minute. Who knows what will happen.
>Gingrich Based God
>supporters leftism
>was part of Bohemian Grove with Bill Clinton
He literally sucked clintons cock and made out with him.
>part of the jewish cabal that did 9/11
>supports central banking

fuck gingcuck

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why do asians drive so shit?


37 posts and 8 images submitted.
cars are illogical

It is a scientific fact they lack peripheral vision due to their eye slits.
No idea mate

>a thumbnail

What's /pol/ opinion about the Baltic States?
116 posts and 25 images submitted.
Absolutely based. One of the few places still untainted.
My ancestors came from Lithuania, so I feel a special bond with those countries
They should get over their fear of Russia and expel American miliatry from their lands.
Other than that only good expereinces.

Ben Shapiro appreciation thread
22 posts and 8 images submitted.
fuck off ben.

Go gas yourself you dirty two faced kike
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Smart, but arrogant. If only, he had a shred of charm, humor and humility.
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/pol red-pill me

> pattern is on second page of every German passport
39 posts and 11 images submitted.
>Implying anyone on /pol/ has a German passport
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The 4chan logo is a clover, 4chan sounds like fortune, clovers bring good fortune, 4chan brings bad fortune. You're an unfortunate faggot.

i have one, and i'm not even german :^)

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Trump lies.
16 posts and 4 images submitted.
that's almost certainly true

inb4 faggots claim taxes on production are good
he's right you jungle monkey
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Sure you are. I make around 1800 before tax, they take close to 500$ a week.
He was talking about corporate tax.

>Also, one of the most now means the most

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12 posts and 3 images submitted.

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29 posts and 5 images submitted.
But muh Auld alliance
As a leave voting Scot I endorse this message
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now the uk will be staying together its all down to you now burgers
>But Ms Sturgeon told First Minister’s Questions she would not consider “second-best options” short of full membership
>But Ms Sturgeon told First Minister’s Questions she would not consider
>she would not consider

It's funny how deluded she is.

Where are the Eurocup terror attacks you guys promised me?
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
relax, there's 4 more days of glorious ramadan
You can't trust Muslims
We're gonna have to start paying these lazy sand niggers if they don't step it up.

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Let's get an anti-troops thread going for the fourth of July.

I suggest you guys read the Declaration of Independence in honor of Independence Day.


What a bunch of babies, whining about the king of England like he stole their lunch money. What's funny is now America is invading other countries and acting tyrannical itself.
179 posts and 38 images submitted.
fuck off
Our great heroes fighting for Israel.

kill yourself subhuman mudshit

exterminating millions of Iraqis was the best thing the USA ever did

OP here. I just noticed a racist line in the Declaration of Independence: "the merciless Indian Savages, whose known rule of warfare, is an undistinguished destruction of all ages, sexes and conditions."

I wonder how Native Americans feel having their ancestors described as merciless savages in this document haha.

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Can you beleive this shit?

>only a reccomendation
>government has to do what is in nations best interest so clearly whatever I think is in the nations best interest the government should do regardless of what people voted for
>why should people force me not to be an EU citizen
11 posts and 5 images submitted.
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>le reddit
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How salty is reddit at Based Corbs for crashing the Remain campaign from the inside?
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I think (so far as /r/UnitedKingdom) is concerned, it is a media conspiracy and Corbyn isn't actually that bad. I support Labour for the most part and a lot of Corbyns policies, but he is completely the wrong person for the job, the United Kingdom voted resoundingly in working class areas against immigration, against the European Union and against refugees in the referendum but he is for all of those things, though perhaps not the European Union. Labour has no fucking chance in an election if he is in charge.

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Why do these fuckers get a free pass on EVERYTHING?

They've managed to keep their population pure, their borders secure, immigration highly regulated, and are openly racist and openly comment on how Japanese people are superior to others all the while being a formally imperial empire.

No one fucking bats an eye.

Meanwhile North America and Europe are being castrated.

52 posts and 6 images submitted.
They keep the peace in the East. Same as why Israel gets a free pass. They both have heavy US military presence.
You bombed them

I still wish for a day that Soviet Russia invaded Japan from the north and took Tokyo before US dropped the bomb.

Just imagine what Communist Anime would have been made.
Because they're our Airstrip One.
It's simple:
they're not white

UK stays in the EU indefinitely.
15 posts and 7 images submitted.
you can never leave the eussr.
let that be a lesson
fuck off Satan
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You're stuck at stage 2.

It's time to move on m8.
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What is /pol/'s opinion of gypsies?
72 posts and 10 images submitted.
Powerful magic.

they dindu nuffin wrong
Beggars, thieves and witches.

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Fuck Google
316 posts and 72 images submitted.
There is no blacks kek. Fucking google again
I love how they don't care about the event and only care about the white/nigger/spic ratio
This is disgusting, I don't know why people claim that Diversity is Strength.
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thats the ticket goy, vote for Trump
24 posts and 8 images submitted.
Lol vote for trump written on a Asian style hat.
Hi Australia
>LV bag
definitely chinese
wtf i am now a beverly hill ninja

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Ask an anarchist anything

Or shitpost, if you'd like. It's all good, comrade
48 posts and 3 images submitted.
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How's the eighth grade going?
How is summer vacation from school?

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41 posts and 15 images submitted.
Another calm day in the Eurabia. Allah Akbar brother.

>import Muslims
>now get faith based crimes

Turkish Imam Suspended After Doctors Find Cucumber Pieces in His Rectum


We need to respect their culture, it is only because Westerners are so evil that the innocent muzzie couple was forced to attack.

More leave lies exposed


Congratulations you massive spastics.
16 posts and 5 images submitted.
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You lost. Get over it Remain, poor bad losers. Your tears make my Brexit Friday even more glorious!


Everyone in the country lost. They gambled and lost. Also, direct democracy is retarded. The only purpose of democracy is to legitimise governments, it exists to make people feel complicit in the failures of government. The referendum should be ignored.
suck it you butthurt faggs
The beginning of your ID says it best. Kill yourself.

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Instead of proposed $50 Billion over 10 years
USA wants to give us ONLY 31 Billion!
>Hussein Obama fucks the nuclear deal with Iran
>Only sells Israel 17 F-35's
>Doesn't want to add a tiny 19$ Billion to our aid
Are you kidding me?
When does this ride end? I want Trump to come and make Israel great again!

77 posts and 21 images submitted.
I always knew that they aren't good goyim. Wanna have a new best buddy, Shlomo ?
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another source

you already send my grandmother 2000 euro per year and she gives it to me thanks ally
Even Moshe agrees that king obongo is a disgrace.
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50 billion? Why do you need 31 billion?

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Why do women love degeneracy? Whats in it for them?
22 posts and 6 images submitted.
the freudian death drive
It is their evolutionary and biological imperative.
Because they're literal children who have been let off their leash
Someone get a pillow.

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sorry to bother
I may sound stupid but do men in your country shake hands when greeting each other?
here, we usually shake hands only with friends, classmates, fellow workers etc.
post your experience
30 posts and 2 images submitted.
Here's my experience:

I shake hands with other people I meet.
No touch. Just hellos.
Yes. Here in America we do it a lot more than you'd think.
>go grocery shopping
>see guy looking at the same thing you're looking at
>make friendly comment about it
>you banter back and forth a bit
>say something like "well I gotta go, wife's waiting on me"
>"I didn't get your name?"
>"John Anon"
>"Burt Dinklestein"
>put out hand to shake
>"see you around"
>"you too"
Hell sometimes it can even get annoying.
>Accidentally bump into someone else's cart on the way to the cashier
>"Sorry about that"
>"It's all good"
>sudden urge to make casual conversation with a stranger is there but you're socially obligated to
>"N-nice uh, peas you got there"
>"oh uh thanks"
>other guy freaks out because now we have to have small talk for at least three minutes
>at the end shake hands
I mean sometimes it gets ridiculous though.
>get to cashier
>shake their hand
>start to make small talk
>the cashier finished ringing up my stuff three minutes ago
>I'm socially obligated to chat to at least twice the time it took to ring me up
>shake hands when I leave
>panic as I get out to the car because there's pigeon on my hood
>start to talk to it
>flies off and gives me the bird
insecure fag.

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I want an official Trump hat to show that my Finnish neighbors cannot tread on my snake or any of my MAGA.

In order for the Finns to fully understand how serious I am about not having my snake tread on or my MAGA BTFO, I need this to be an official Donald hat.

However, my dream has been BTFO harder than my snake as I have learned that The Donald does NOT accept foreign donations.

How to cope with my crushed dreams and my smushed snake?
24 posts and 3 images submitted.
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I want MAGA hat too
>I have learned that The Donald does NOT accept foreign donations.

makes sense. his influence will only be international once he actually becomes president. but if you can't even vote for him, tough luck.
Some Canadian faggot asked this yesterday, eBay is a thing you know.

You have 14 minutes to send a burner email address here:

[email protected]

I have bought Trump hats for people on /pol/ before. I would like to see a MAGA hat in Finland. This would please me.

Send an email and we caneed correspond.

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>claims to be white
>country doesn't have a 98%+ white population
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
>is slav
>makes threads about "whiteness"
>white person
>moves to Africa
>no longer white
>feels bad man
Being white still won't get you a girlfriend faggot
>If a country is not as completely white as I am it is not white at all.

Might as well call Estonia a nigger country because it's the not the whitest in the world. Stop this divide and conquer shit, shill.

>inb4 60% white

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