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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 26926. page

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What does he plan for his future?
Do more crusade?
Will he ever be free?
12 posts and 3 images submitted.

If he's ever released he will be provided for and encouraged to continue his work
He has to expand on 2084
when released he would deff kill again
he knows he'll be an easy target for liberal extremists who want his head, and he p much has everything in his cell (he even gets to hang out with his wife i think)
>Will he ever be free?

probably not. it's actually a shame. maybe he could have moved something as a politician instead of doing retarded short term gratification shit like going on a killing spree.

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post em
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
>liking America more than Russia

What were you thinking
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t. butthurt paki
here is a real map
shit i forgot to colour you green m8 sorry

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62 posts and 12 images submitted.
indeed that's why i do it
Seems like you just want to run away from life's hardships.
Apparently there are no good reasons for not shitposting either
>Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you,

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How do the Chinese get away with it?



12 posts and 2 images submitted.
What happens in China stays in China

God bless them. If the west and whites in general let the browns and the blacks run over us, then I hope the cold, remorseless Asian hordes murder 99% of them.

Keep the most intelligent 1% for breeding stock for a nation of Tiger Woods-es. Go China.
They don't give a fuck. That's how.

based Chinamen
Not many Jews in China

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checkmate hungarians
15 posts and 8 images submitted.
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pic related
>it's you
no u
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>BuzzFeed News Exclusive Interview with President Obama

Obama hits a new low by allowing BuzzFeed to interview him.
42 posts and 5 images submitted.
Fuck buzzfeed
I fucking hate Obama

next he'll do an interview with TYT
>new low
He did 'between two ferns' I thought that was the lowest. That or the selfie stick video.
The kind of ads with puppies and kittens advertising for his obamacare were pretty cringey as well. Plus that reality show ad.
Obamas campaign was just sad, but whats really sad is that people buy his shit.

I don't know how people criticise Trump saying it's not a reality tv show when you have this clown acting like it's one long SNL skit.

He's so cringe inducing.

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Renergade Jews. Shut it down!
46 posts and 14 images submitted.
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Cont. from >>74175217

Reminder that this is the sort of emperor who ruled Rome when it started falling apart. Evidence of the racial transformation that was taking place in the Roman empire.
45 posts and 22 images submitted.
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name pls
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There's no point, you are completely blind to anything, you're no different than negroes.
It's late, I'm gonna go make something for dinner.
Maybe try to actually leave some genetic evidence for once.
Maybe you aren't any different from negros, Mario.

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What's your favorite flag? Mine-Esti
19 posts and 11 images submitted.
estonia has objectively the best flag
Didn't shit
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With how degenerate the average woman is now, is there any reason successful young men should even bother with a serious relationship?
46 posts and 6 images submitted.
To have children.
You saw the other 6 million MGTOW threads like we did. sage
There is need for a new model of relation for having children. Traditional marriage is bankrupt.
Children need two parents of opposite genders to be raised properly. The model has worked for thousands of years.

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Post white goddesses fämälämäzoids
26 posts and 18 images submitted.
I love me some Megyn Kelly. Intact, almost all of the blondes on fox are ridiculously attractive.
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A cute
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-promises to give billions in tax cuts to the 1%
-says America needs to do more to help Israel. (Note America is set to give Israel 40 billion in Aid over the next 10 years)
-says he will even tougher on Isis than Clinton
-wants to bring back the Bush torture program
-wants to deport all the illegal aliens
-hates Muslims

Trump is basically a old neocon with some new memes
104 posts and 39 images submitted.
He's not, but he's a better choice than Shillary.
>muh 1%
Die commie scum.
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>promises to give billions in tax cuts to the 1%
>says America needs to do more to help Israel.
His APAIC speech says the opposite. He doesn't promise 1 cent to them
>says he will even tougher on Isis than Clinton
>wants to bring back the Bush torture program
>wants to deport all the illegal aliens
>hates Muslims

still waiting for the bad parts.

Don't shills go through some sort of training process? This reads like some 14 year old Redditor.

>-says he will even tougher on Isis than Clinton
>-wants to bring back the Bush torture program
>-wants to deport all the illegal aliens
>-hates Muslims
These are all good things. Fuck Israel and tax cuts for rich jews though.

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>Swedes tell racists: 'We are not your women'
>Swedes took to social media to hit back after violent far-right groups attacking refugee youths in Stockholm over the weekend handed out flyers and posted online messages claiming they acted to protect “Swedish women”
>The hashtag #inteerkvinna (#notyourwoman) was trending in Sweden on Sunday, with women posting pictures of themselves on Twitter alongside messages saying “not in my name”
>“I'm not your woman. I don't want your protection. You're the ones making me scared, worried, angry and sad"
>“No racist will use me as an alibi to commit their acts of violence"

Yo, I know this report is old as fuck but holy shit, this is fuckin lapidary. Although I'm aware of the external factors that are driving the white race to hurt itself, I think that if western society sinks, it will be mainly because of the weakness of western people. DAMN
186 posts and 35 images submitted.
I stopped caring about women a longtime ago. Their suicidal leftist bullshit is their own problem. If they want to be gang rapes by niggers it's not my problem anymore
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the problem is in 10 years when they are all single mothers and we are all old jaded fucks.

this will not end well for the white man.
Finnish women did same, who cares, I don't give a shit if they get raped. Now my biggest concern is how to take power from women and unite men together. Life is a lot better when you stop thinking about women and doing everything for them. Did you see women in Sturmabteilung either? No because women aren't capable of true brotherhood and friendship.

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15 posts and 2 images submitted.
Is Maddox autistic?

Is he aware we're not talking about the actual definition of a cuck and it's just a term for someone who is weak.
He's a pathetic cuck
>makes a whole video to explain how little he cares about the issue
He clearly doesn't care at all
>Nothing wrong
>pretty tame

The whole fetish is about self hate and being humiliated, you literally cant go more degenerate.
A person who gets off on being called a worthless piece of shit should get a noose

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>Be Scotland.
>Bitch about independence since the beginning of time.
>Fight hundreds of bloody conflicts over the centuries for freedom and sovereignty.
>2014 rolls about.
>Offered a clean, easy and bloodless break from England, essentially handed over on a silver platter.
>Overwhelmingly vote NO to the freedom referendum.

Is Scotland actually confirmed for biggest cuck nation on earth?
144 posts and 24 images submitted.
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Scotland isn't a cuck nation because they voted no, they're cucks by default.
Most scots are lefty scum just like in Ireland.
They care more about fighting their English cousins than fighting immigrants.
That is a good point, they really are complete cucks. I know we're still subject to the crown, but few have ever minded much.
>tricked by Jews to forget about their history
>"lol so what the past is the past we can only look forward now, nothing wrong with change"
Fuck Scots

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How many hijabis does /pol/ know? All the ones around here seem like decent people.
263 posts and 40 images submitted.
I'm not allowed to know them unless they have a chaperone.
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A guy that comes into my work with his family all the time are Muslim and they're twice as nice as the people that would boot them out without a second thought.

Poo in loos are a pain, as always.
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0 :)))))))))))))))

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The real question is, was it bigger or smaller than his original, and whose semen does he shoot out?
90 posts and 22 images submitted.
How many dicks will he harvest before he is stopped?
obviously this is just meant to usher in the idea of genital transplants for trannies.
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But does it actually function?

Who's the most influencial SJW in your country right now?

France : it's probably Cyril Hanouna. Most famous show hoster amongst young people. He's a filthy sephardic jew promoting interracial sex, homosexuality and all kind of degenerate values.
21 posts and 8 images submitted.
Our Prime Minister Mr. Weedman.
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Hey OP, who would you want to kill if you had to choose between Hanouna and Morandini ?
There's alot

Lukas Graham, fat hippie skater fuck preaching his SJW-views to all his fans

Zenia Stampe, a left wing politician who takes every opportunity to spit at the native Danes and while sucking up for immigrants

Pelle Dragsted, former violent left winger protester turned politician. For some reason it is completely okay that he spent his entire youth throwing bricks at innocent people and beating the shit out of those who disagreed with his communist views
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all the fucking government

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BuzzFeed is interviewing Obama on Jewtube. Since the chat on that page is disabled let's have a thread.

Stream: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WVqZ269kUr8

Just now starting.
Come and shitpost about Obama.
23 posts and 2 images submitted.
Who is this Obama? I thought Trump was President.
interviewer is a fag
/pol/ pls. Obama just entered the room let's have a real thread about politics for once.
Liberals can't into politics, nor to they watch streams like this. Their viewer base are 90% disgruntled republicans, the other 10% are high school kids who accidentally click on the video and think this is a good spot to begin learning about the government. Do not watch this shit, media corporations want money, and they get money from your views, no matter how short. Do not watch, that is how you stop more shit like this.

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Notice anything /pol/ ?
26 posts and 15 images submitted.
None of these look like functioning human beings
There are so many Carl's
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All doing this?
/r9k/ had another gathering?

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Skip to 2:00
23 posts and 6 images submitted.

Sub 80 iq identified
Guess I'm a #CruzMissile now!
That celebrity hates Donald Trump i guess i hate him now too!
>Use my preferred pronouns!
>Hahahaha Drumpf XD

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Here is the deposition. Please save it because it was deleted off scribd before. CNN host Anderson Cooper denied that this took place live on air while defending Clinton.


This is from the 1975 rape case in which Hillary defended her 42 year old client who raped a 12 year old girl.

She later laughed about this case in a taped recording and admitted she knew her client was guilty.

The Clinton Tapes
15 posts and 5 images submitted.

Believe the womyn.

Unless it's no longer convenient, as with the ones accusing Bill of rape.
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Standout Quotes from the great feminist Hillary clinton

>Girls who are stubborn or have a temper deserve to be raped by adult men.
Also that she exhibits an unusual stubbornness and temper when she does not get her way.
>Hillary Clinton says 12 year old girls fantasize and romanticize being raped, especially from poor homes.

I have also been told by an expert in child psychology that children in early adolescence tend to exaggerate or romanticize sexual experiences and that adolescents with disorganized families, such as the complainants, are even more prone to such behavior.
>/pol/tards think women and their rape claims are nothing more than feminist hysteria

>rape is a serious issue when it comes to smearing trump's opposition, though!

Stay classy you cognitive dissonance faggots
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Why do so many redpilled types seem to be NEETs/"Neckbeards"? Shouldn't we be successful chads since we're superior?
13 posts and 2 images submitted.
projecting - the thread
i am superior, but many of you are identity politcis idiots
The redpill comes with a cognitive burden

Ahmed detected
Have you ever met /pol/lacks IRL or do you just spout autistic plebbit memes?

I'm saying this all the time; I know a ton of /pol/lacks IRL and none of them is a fat neckbeard or NEET.

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17 posts and 4 images submitted.
fake and gay
Holy fuck it's real... F
That's it, I'm now on board the #BernieGurnie

Liberals BTFO Edition
>Banned from the UK
>Supports Trump
>Makes liberals cry
>Coined "Borders Language Culture"
>Literally wrote the book "Liberalism is a Mental Disorder"

Solid dude.
18 posts and 2 images submitted.
jew lover
Excuse me but we're not blanket racists here. We are fully capable of respecting the exception to the rule.
Savage literally called Arabs rats. Don't pull the ray ray cist card
Savage is the exception.

>openly mocks liberal Jews
>says his support for America overrides any concerns for Israel
>calls liberals degenerates, vermin, and worms

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