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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 11190. page

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Recently was reading about Hitler's cabinet.

Was what the UK did to Hess legal?

He flew to the UK in order to negotiate peace early in the war after full Nazi occupation, alone, and they decided to imprison him for the rest of his life.

Isn't it war etiquette that you don't imprison someone that is trying to engage in diplomacy? Hasn't that been common knowledge since Roman times?

Another example of naive German altruism I suppose.
42 posts and 7 images submitted.
It was a desperate, last-ditch effort on part of the German government.

British conduct during that war was fucking disgusting. The Germans tried to negotiate peace a number of times (while winning, no less), and the Brits not only shot them down, but tried to keep the information secret so that they could better persuade neutral countries to enter the war on their side.

Hell, they actually forged "super secret German documents" that detailed German plans to dismantle all religions and carve up parts of South America.

Naturally, when the "information" was passed off to our government, it fell into the hands of interventionists who used it as a talking point.

tl;dr: No, but the most of what the British did in WWII was bad.
>It was a desperate, last-ditch effort on part of the German government.
No it wasn't, he took it upon himself & acted without the government's consent.
>people in this thread think the Nazi's were anything but incompetent morons who led their nation into self destruction and ruin.


Yes, I suppose that's why he came with a fairly detailed treaty.

Or, you know, maybe there's some nuance to the situation and Hitler was forced to denounce him as a madman acting without consent of the Government after Hess' arrest became public.

A politician dabbling in politicking? Unheard of.

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gofundme com/fund-kekistan
14 posts and 4 images submitted.

>Give a random person on the internet money for an idea that will never come to be

Sounds smart!
can someone dox the faggots that are trying to push this? fuck off, this is not reddit.

Communes are a common thing.

Unfortunately, people that frequent 4chan aren't the most stable and this commune will fall apart from day one.

You'll have angry racists that might take things too far or submissive cloppers that'll get raped.
that might be true, but this could end hilariously too which is why i support it.

Imagine the Canadian government evicting us from the island, or the UN symbolically shaming us or something like that. It would be beautiful.

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Why are these the best countries?
22 posts and 5 images submitted.

Mostly white people
>italy cut in half
>Iraq and sand nigger places are blue

are you fucking stupid?
>jordanians and iraqis aren't good
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t. mohammad goatfucker

>Mentally ill people in the USA: 60 million
>People who voted for Trump: 60 million

Wow that's quite a coincidence eh? Really makes you think.
19 posts and 4 images submitted.
omg republicans are retards now
wtf guess cruz can still do this
Op is leftist cunt
OP is based

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>Makes fun of donations
>abuses callers
>leads a cult
>manipulative liar


He can fuck right off
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
I honestly believe he's has narcissistic personality disorder
You should check out this channel call The Young Turks. Seems like it would be more of your kinda gig.
Even worse but at least they don't ask for donations like this wank.
fritz, go home.

Faggots too stupid to realize LGBTQAGYUGDHSIOHJ+^69 were not included in the last census. Will make shit up for a sense of victimhood meanwhile want open borders for extremely homophobic demographics to come flooding in.
18 posts and 2 images submitted.
Kiss me bb
I saw this yesterday. Some people are claiming he's treating them as sub humans, like they believe they're not counting them on the census at all. In reality, this is as equal as he could ever treat them. Don't give them special treatment just because of what they do in the bedroom.

People just really really want to think Trump is pure evil, it's ridiculous.
>"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity"

Don't worry, most of us know he's not evil. He's just a senile old man in a job he wasn't even partially qualified for.
You mean people aren't being represented?
Just because they voted they get a say?
Holly shit!
Race war now, rev up them ovens. I DEMAND my representation.
I want a racially pure ethnostate NOW.

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Anyone else seen this show?
How is such unfunny, blatant propaganda allowed to be on the air?
29 posts and 4 images submitted.
>imblying that the garbage republishits watch isn't 10,000x worse
Theres far more leftist propaganda on air, dont play dumb
>Watching comedy political shows
>Watching anything with a female comedian
At least she's not Amy Schumer

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You lived in mud huts for thousands of years and finally when whites colonize your inferior race you have to make up stories to delegitimize the people that helped your race progress. Fuck you
19 posts and 8 images submitted.
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Why do they look like that?
How can someone have so little cranial space?
I hope one day in the future whites will look back and laugh in astonishment at the fact that we ever associated with black people.

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When do we tackle this?

>it was legal up until the 20th century
>the ills of the drug are an individual problem until you criminalize it, then it becomes a nation problem
>used to keep the black people down by killing their males or sending them to prison
>created ghettos and conveniently only found in the ghettos
>millions of liberals flock to this easy issue and we lose their support
>the increase in regulations and laws and crackdowns have led to increased violence similar to prohibition
>it doesn't stop usage, only punishes it
>missing out on tax revenue
>law enforcement has fought it every day with billions of dollars wasted and admitted it's a failure
>the real crimes (violence, abuse, theft) are neglected

>it's addicting
many things are addicting
>the children?
parents can be abusive to their children because of alcoholism. in fact, at least strung out parents just neglect their kids instead of beating them. technically, second hand smoke should be abuse as well. kids will use it as often as they use alcohol or tabacco right now.
>society and values
both existed before criminalization

It's been years that this issue has been around and we always avoid taking steps. We know the War on Drugs is a waste. We know we're losing it and it isn't curving use.

Perhaps the government should encourage healthy standards for their citizens, but it shouldn't make it a mandate. Why can't we join with the left and end this legislation? If we combined, despite our differences, we could make them overturn these erroneous laws by the end of April.

Not one good thing has come from the war on drugs except pic related.
25 posts and 4 images submitted.
Bump. War on drugs is useless and only puts more money in the hands of criminal drug lords and corrupt cops/border agents
>>used to keep the black people down by killing their males or sending them to prison
stopped reading there!
let me guess....20 year old, possible freshman in college? Imbecile the reason why the drug war wasn't effective is the same reason why the Vietnam war was lost. Same concept as "OMG PROHIBITION DOESN'T WORK STOP BANNING DRUGS STOP BANNING THINGS" why have any laws at all then? Why follow the speed limit on the highway then? why wait in line at the store when you could simply punch every person ahead of you in the dick and be first in line?
>vast majority of drugs come in over the Mexican border
>secure border, drug problem instantly gets dramatically reduced
>once that's done, probably get rid of that "automatic 20 years in FPMITA for an ounce of dope" thing.


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What makes Puntinism distinct from the Bonepartism neoreactionaries decry so often? Aren't both superceding institutions on popular writ that mimics monarchism of the ancien regime but without the stability of normalized succession? Both rely totally on the personality and soul of the leading figure as an avatar of general will, with lip service to basically liberal commitments, and a presidency that will leave its successors fighting for the legitimacy their predecessor enjoyed.
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
>and a presidency that will leave its successors fighting for the legitimacy their predecessor enjoyed.

If the leader got rid of the niggers, it'll probably work out fine.
Probably the most well-written OP i've seen in some time, burger.
>distinct from the Bonepartism neoreactionaries decry so often?
This may be somewhat of a strawman though, and i feel like "neo reactionary" is an oxymoron at best. The difference may lie simply in the illusion of democracy - something present in Putinist Russia but obviously absent in the essentially autocratic regime which was Napoleon's France. Byt yeah, any system that is built on the cult of personality is destined to crumble (there may be some delay) once said individual is no longer leading, for instance in the case of Atilla's empire, etc etc. That being said, the anthropocentric nature of politics (a single individual representing a party or political paradigm) is also applicable to our liberal democracies - we can see how the DNC went into disarray once their nog figurehead stepped away from the seat of power.
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your response demonstrated no familiarity with the neoreactionary philosophers commonly discussed here (Moldbug, Land, Anissimov) that I was trying to broach, a weirdly oblivious lack of understanding of Napoleonic France, which had far more democratic character than the RF, and veers off into irrelevance as plainly as any college freshman's paper.

readmoar, and don't take that personally, I just needed to bump the thread
first, nobody discusses neoreactionism here. second, do neoreactionaries really think Putin is great or something? it does seem like Bonapartism to me. But who has accomplished anything better in the modern age? Nobody has actually made a monarchy in the modern world, have they? Just unstable dictator things, as you say Bonapartism. Maybe it's because the world itself - both geographic changes, technological and cultural changes happen too fast for monarchy these days.

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the left can't mem..
17 posts and 7 images submitted.
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>Its called free speech you communist faggot
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>when something is so obvious you realize it didn't even need to be said out loud

Don't worry OP, we've all been there before.

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Objectively, what is the best state and why is it Indiana?
46 posts and 12 images submitted.
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Cincinnati smells like sewer water
It's Indiana, because we're the shit.

>easy guns
>best castle doctrine out of all 50 states
>muh corn
>muh festivals
>muh state fair
>muh college rivalry
>muh pence
>Fuck Ohio, Gary, and Chicongo
>Michigan love
>Best craft beer around from Munster
>killing blow against El Rato
>1st state to make America great again on election night

How can these fags even compete
Midwest is the best region. I remember watching hurricane Katrina aftermath and thinking - had a catastrophe that scale struck somewhere in the midwest, the people wouldn't have been crying for the guvment to save them. They would have taken care of business.

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I've seen enough of her. Trump please deport her, better yet ban all leafs
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Be nice to Lauren :3
Stupid misogynist burger :3
Hey shareblue whatcha doin?
That's actually kinda funny. For a girl that's like 9/10 on the humour scale. Good job Lauren
She has a white house press credential now so no.

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>God emperor Trump threatens to seize Mexican land first then build the wall further down

Say it with me kids, AMERICAN EMPIRE
35 posts and 12 images submitted.
Sec of Interior has already said the WALL will be built on Mexico's side of the Rio Grande
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Go for it. Lower your per capita and increase your unemployed Mexican population so you can have some arid wasteland, Amigo.
>implying there will be a mexican population

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Let's fix that with a good old fashioned merchant thread. Also countersemitism general. Share stories, name the Jew, or generally just LARP as an 88er.
12 posts and 6 images submitted.
i have over 100 jew infographs but it's 3:30 am, what do?
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Anti semetism is not allowed here delete thread now or the authorities will be notified. Trump will no longer tolerate persecution of jews on interweb forums!

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I can take losing the Cricket, but this is a step too far.
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
You guys always make fun of Indians for pooping in the streets but you do realize most of them are poor, don't you?

It's in Australia Pajeet. Learn to read the article before responding.
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https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T1y2Px1SJXE - African Muslims, heroically heard yelling "Allahu Akbar" in the background as the rescue ship arrives, finally secure themselves a new home in Europe where they can massively reproduce and form a new Sudan! Bold, beautiful and daring!
18 posts and 7 images submitted.
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> allahu akbar as the rescue ship arrives

more like "white people are great" right muzzies? have fun!
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Kebab and Lasagna.
Lost brothers meet each other again.
>bomb their countries into a nonfunctional state
>shocked to find out they are looking to go somewhere else
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Is migration a human right?

36 posts and 6 images submitted.
Now get off my property.

As much as war is.
You have to come here LEGALLY!
there are no human rights

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No Russian ever called me white trash or redneck. Tell me again why I'm supposed to hate them passionately and possibly go and kill their men and get killed myself for it, at the behest of the very same people that have been shitting on me and my racial identity for the past 50+ years?
44 posts and 10 images submitted.
Jews are our greatest ally, goy. Do not forget. Russians were mean to Obama and John Mccain and gays and stuff so that means we should kill them.
Oy vey, Putin is the next hitler. Wouldn't you want to stop hitler?
Oh vey you need to kill those evil white Christians while letting Syrian Muslims into the country so they can take your welfare and fuck your wife. Why do you have a problem with this guy?

That's because they have worked to widen the existing divisions we have between our countrymen and fracture our cohesiveness.

You are nothing more than a useful idiot to them, in other words. But don't worry too much about getting drafted, the ICBMs will move too quick for anything ridiculous like a mass mobilization. Especially at the rate things are moving.

Just smile and wait for the flash.

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>Original Red Pills PNG.

What is the final red pill?

46 posts and 19 images submitted.
You don't matter, your dreams are shit, and we all die alone.
mysticism and the Occult
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The final red pill is when you die.

negros explain yourselves...this is a gunshot incident map of chicago, from january 1, 2017 to today. thats 710 victims in 90 days. get yourselves together darkies, this isn't vietnam....
45 posts and 17 images submitted.
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Oak Lawn reporting in.

pretty nice here desu
Bullshit. I walked down central by Richards and I saw two women in niqabs. Bridgeview is even worse. It's turning into the middle east here.
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>Thats 710 victims in 90 days
>Only 120 nogs dead
>Barely more than one dindu/day
>My face when
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The problem is there's not enough baseketball hoops.

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I absolutely LOVE Jews.

If you don't love Jews, you are NOT American, and deserve to be SHOT.
42 posts and 22 images submitted.
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Words can't desribe how absolutely pathetic you are america. The worst part is that you have no shame at all. Your country should be bashed and relentlessy mocked for all eternity. I would be embarassed to post under an american flag.
Says the country that somalians most prefer because it's a socialist hellhole where the populace is worked to the bone by their overlords to provide welfare for the trash of the world while their masters recieve international brownie points.

Germany is basically the greatest ShindoL corruption doujin ever.

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>Matt (((Groening)))
what did he mean by this?
12 posts and 4 images submitted.
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The dissolution of the Swedish society.

A white woman is holding a signed, sandwiched between a nigger and a sandnigger

Its perfect
Think it was more of a warning or something. Kinda like how a white man ripped it up? Maybe a slow red pill. Don't remember much jewery in his shows.
>Think it was more of a warning or something.
>Maybe a slow red pill.
>Don't remember much jewery in his shows.

You're really reaching. Matt Groening is a liberal. And as far as I'm aware, most of the people involved with The Simpsons and Futurama are also pretty left-wing. They predicted and lamented the rise of Trump. Besides, I don't think they would left an anti-mescegenation joke slip by.

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If whites are the superior race, then why do Jews always outsmart, manipulate, and control white people?
11 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Hi kike
They are a subversive race of sociopaths almost akin to the reptillians in how they can meld into most societies. There are few signs that are overlooked by all but the most redpilled who detect their true kikeish traits. Whites are naturally empathic, especially to their own and the jew seizes upon that without scruples.

>Richard Lynn
When will this meme end?
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When you have no empathy you don't need high IQs

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I've been told this is the place that has been bullying my son , it disappoints me you bully a hero .
Look I'm Shia's father and I hate you faggots. My son came out as gay and I told him I didn't want him living under my roof anymore. He moved in with his Jaiden and he's dead to me. But I have no shame in saying that I visit 4chan escorts and have blown my load many times in their tight asses. I even have a couple of beautiful Alt -lighters who do dom work and they throatfuck me, let me rim their holes and come all over my face. This has nothing to do with being divided. They are women with penises. The penis itself is not male, it's attached to a woman.

A FLAG IS A PIECE OF TROPHY ! A piece of my flag does not affect my sexuality. Do you let someone call you a pervert if your penis touches a pork chop? No. It wouldn't mean you were a porcinesexual.

A penis is flesh. A beautiful lady having a different shape of flesh will not change my sexuality. No matter how many of them I let inside me or how many I beg for their seed. I don't need to be called gay by narrow minded busybodies. How come this concern for policing sexuality only happens to straight men.

For sake of fuck, DO YOU REALLY THINK JAIDEN SMITH WAS IN HOUSES IN LONDON HAVING SEX WITH LADYBOYS he could afford it but no he was a gay he liked men he would never be with a transgoddess because he realised they were women. Maybe if he would have avoided all gay activity and stayed with traps he would still be with us today, the dirty faggot God rest his soul. I will not be divided , my son is your god , long live the LeBoufs
29 posts and 14 images submitted.
Really makes you think
I'm telling you as the father of this artist know as Shia. Leave him alone , I
Know when he gets angry he gets crazy and you are pushing my son too far
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Autism Speaks

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