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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 20341. page

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189 posts and 35 images submitted.
inb4 source faggot

giving link

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pure coincidence
she knew nothing
I always had respect for her, one tough chick.

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63 posts and 14 images submitted.
>persecuting comedians

Except the dumb jerk isn't funny at all. Wouldn't give a fuck if they extradited him to Erdogan.
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You aren't funny either. They should fucking extradite you to fucking Pakistan.

go eat a dick faggot
/pol/, why is Germany so obsessed with tyranny? Do they love stomping necks or do they love getting cucked by men in uniform?

Election will be over in approximately 40 hours.

Let's start compiling the caps of Trumpfag delusion so we can make a really big collage on wednesday.
70 posts and 25 images submitted.
front page of /pol/ is a goldmine
no really
hillary is having to photoshop PR music celebs

were done with adults fucking kids and blood on our hands for no reason or benifits peace bitch.


Was Podesta involved in the disappearance of Madeleine Mccann?? You can not let this go and live in good conscience. Think back to the reasons why you joined the force.


Throw us a bone, we know most of you are not happy what Comey has done but help us now make it right.
180 posts and 36 images submitted.

In this you'll find the following sketch:


Which looks a lot like:


This girl was taken from Portugal. During the time she was taken, there is a gap in the wikileaks podesta dump.


Looking in to the Clinton Foundation and Portugal you find this lady:


This lady has donated money to the Clinton Foundation:


"A longtime Clinton supporter and ambassador to Portugal under President Bill Clinton, Bagley gave between $1 million and $5 million to the Clinton Foundation and $5,000 to Ready for Hillary, foundation records and OpenSecrets.org show."

Further, she was the Ambassador to Portugal during the Clinton Presidency.

Further, Bagley is a member of the Board of Directors of the International Centre for Missing & Exploited Children (ICMEC), a global nonprofit organization that combats child sexual exploitation, child pornography, and child abduction.[10][11] (WIKI)

In the wikileaks emails, the following between John and Tony podesta was found:


It is dated valentines day of last year. Things of note:

Girlfriend Maddy

Red or white

cacio e Pepe (cheese and peppers) (CP)
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Bump for THE TRUTH
bump for truth

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132 posts and 40 images submitted.
Biggest leak I have seen BUMP
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My god, why haven't we been looking into these GI Files all this time?
>All inside jobs
Holy fuck

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So, I've been to Cali this summer, and I noticed something; you guys are basically hobbits. I'm 6'1 (not very tall in my country) but I felt like a giant over there. What is the reason you guys are so short ? Food ? Climate ? Genetics ?
139 posts and 8 images submitted.
Eat 2 dicks faggot who care go to /b/ with that bullshit
>Food ?
yes, wheat grows the tallest
>Climate ?
yes, immigrants from south american mountain regions
>Genetics ?
well obviously, everything is.

Truth. I expected at least nigras to be taller.

Fucjkin' nope.
I know right. And you guys are even taller than us. These amerifags look like Danny DeVito going through rough puberty. And they call us subhumans. Kek.

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I don't believe the fact that children can go out of their way to work at school. A primary school aged kid doesn't have the willpower and the maturity to see that school is important.

Feel free to disagree, but to me the parents must discipline the child up to a certain point. They have to instil the values regarding discipline and willpower.

How would you go about that, /pol/?
77 posts and 15 images submitted.
Homeschool them. Beat them when they need it.
Teach them to be happy since you obviously fail at that
Every kid is different, even within siblings. It's all about reading your child. Every kid has a different thumbscrew.

Some kids turn into fuckups because they get too much encouragement. Some become fuckups because they don't get enough. Same with discipline.

Talk to them and find out how they think, then formulate a parenting strategy. It's not as easy as I'm making it sound, but it's the right goal to have.

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murricans pls learn from germoney
61 posts and 15 images submitted.
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This made me think
>Go ahead

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Vote: Lambright!

67 posts and 8 images submitted.
I blame jews
Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.

Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.

She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.
Wow Hillary clearly set this up...

I was a lifelong Hillary supporter since she was a partner at Children's Defense Fund, but I'm not voting for her anymore
why do you hate america?

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>Dad, I'm Jewish.

What do?
69 posts and 25 images submitted.
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Muh roads .jpg
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>Dad, I'm a librarian
What do?
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>Dad, this is my GF and I making love.
Wat do?
Who the fuck is taking the pictures.
kill arabs

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Hey /pol/. What's the first thing that comes to mind when see this image?
55 posts and 12 images submitted.
I can't wait for the Day of the Rope
I wouldn't even rape her
At least she's wiping.

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>USA is the most diverse country on the planet
>USA is objectively the most successful country on the planet

Guys what if we're wrong?
68 posts and 15 images submitted.
/pol/ is almost always wrong
people think they're right but it's just confirmation bias, the wrong guesses outweigh the right ones 100 to 1
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wait another 10-20 years. then you can ask this question again
Wasn't that what people were saying 10-20 years ago?

European union is objectively the most historic, the most successful, the most civilised, the most beautiful country in the entire History. One time, some of its part slipped to the new world.

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People who will be dead to you if Trump loses.
92 posts and 16 images submitted.
The white race
redpilled burgerfats

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How many here are planning on waking up early in the morning alternatively stay up to watch the U.S election?
When are you planning on waking up and when do you think it will be over?
Personally I think I'm going to wake up around 3am CET and I think that the result will be in by 5am probably.
Am I wrong?
87 posts and 18 images submitted.
Shutting myself off from the world. Don't have to work that day so I'm staying off my phone and the internet. Probably gonna just do school work. Watching state by state come in would kill me. Just gonna wait until the results are in, and find out all at once.
No argument.
Well I don't need to wake up early or stay up late because I'm not in a shit country that isn't America, but yes I will be monitoring the updates so I know exactly when the race war starts.

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96 posts and 24 images submitted.
Add vote hillary
That's actually pretty damn interesting if it's real.
I wouldn't think google searches correlates with voter turnout but I guess it's possible.
So many bots..
He still wins that.

fuckin kek

Check out this Rowdy Gowdy ad

56 posts and 6 images submitted.
I saw that on the fox stream. Really good 10/10.
kek what a good guy.
Wait, congress is elected? What are the prerequisites for the job?
he should keep it short

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After the week of hyping FBI revelations and the system breaking down anyone else feel defeated?

It's two days before election and it feels like we've already lost.
85 posts and 10 images submitted.
That's exactly how they want you to feel to demotivate the electorate you dumb burger cunt, everything they are doing is a sign of desperation so stop fucking crying and get that vote in.

Grow a pair.
yeah that's what they want, everyone today will say Trump has no chance of winning to discourage people from going out and voting
I'm in Florida and the hype almost completely died down, I don't think I'm voting anon.

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the kid that "reviewed" comet ping pong has 5 videos all in the exact same format of 40 second "ads" that could very well be the same kind of food code we've seen before.

his sites slogan is "DCforteens where we spend our time so you can have a good time" which is highly suggestive as well as some of the other phrases he uses to describe these places.








eli "sizemore" is most likely a fake name and a suggestive one at that.
65 posts and 15 images submitted.
75% sure he's a little gay boy and 100% sure he's an autistic white kid that can't formulate thoughts before he talks & records his shitty reviews
what does this tell us?
Its definitely scripted by an adult who's handling him. Fishy as fuck if u ask me
i don't think they're reviews.
he gets mad at someone called chris in one of them. i'm looking at a blog related to him and all the comments are linking him to sites with closed domain names.

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70 posts and 16 images submitted.
Praise Kek
Trumps done, buddy. I was a trump supporter but once i saw that the FBI has restated that Hillary is innocent, i realised that he is just full of hot air.

Trump can't win now, he maybe had a shot before they announced Hillary free of all charges, but it's over for him. She will surge in the polls like never before and come out in a landslide.

She's already 5 points ahead pal. You might as well get on the right side of history and support Hillary before its too late.
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>i suck nigger dick for the taste
>I was a trump supporter but...
Wow really trolled my concern there bro

Keep digging


tweet, re-tweet
224 posts and 42 images submitted.
Why is no-one bumping this?
Wasn't there another email that was more incriminating than this one?
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forgot file

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ANONS, PLEASE STOP. The Wikipedia link says the drawing is meant to be of ONE man. It's two different renderings of what he could possibly look like.

Scroll to "Smith sighting" https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disappearance_of_Madeleine_McCann

In the meantime, this is much more important: https://wikileaks.org/gifiles/docs/16/1643150_re-analytical-and-intelligence-comments-polish-plane-crash-.html

This is Stratfor discussing how the Clintons fucking murder people.



75 posts and 14 images submitted.
>The man is halfway between John Podesta and Tony Podesta
Alright who's the middle Podesta brother?
you can see the changelog
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Why hasn't he released them, /pol/?

what could he possibly have to hide? he's just a good businessman and never broke any rules
96 posts and 6 images submitted.
He's been audited every year since the 90s now.
and supposedly nothing criminal was found, so what's he hiding?
Okay but there's nothing that says you can't release them whilst being audited.
He just doesn't want to do it.

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Wow, it really makes you see things from a different angle, doesn't it ?


> Now, in his final HBO show before Election Day, Oliver pleaded with his audience to vote on Tuesday to not only prevent “the human equivalent of a clear plastic bag filled with cheeseburgers and Confederate flag belt buckles” from assuming the highest office in the land, but also to have a say in important down-ballot initiatives, from minimum wage to legalizing marijuana to the death penalty. To prepare, you can Google “view my ballot,” type in your address, and see who or what is on the ballot in your area.

> And look, who knows if this new information about the emails will change any minds. The truth is, if you’re still undecided, I don’t know if I can help you.”
180 posts and 42 images submitted.
its so easy to tell who is bought and paid for these days.
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>americans still let brits intrude in their politics
>He should stop.

always get triggered when he refers to Americans as "we" in his fucking limey accent

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You heard him!

Our electrician Mr. Sparky asked us to monitor the Norse IP map for any IPs attacking wikileaks and report them to the "authorities".

83 posts and 25 images submitted.
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I don't know what I'm watching for, honestly.
read the OP pic

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Why do the other boards hate us so much /pol/?
270 posts and 48 images submitted.
Because you're retarded?
cause they ain't us

/pol/ is the US of 4chan, most relevant, most powerful, got the most shit going on
Because you keep trying top trick everyone into hating each other.
/pol/ is the new /b/

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