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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 10539. page

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>Cucking is happening because boomers are pathetically blue-pilled on the topic of race
>Within a generation that's going to reverse itself
>The 1997 book "The Fourth Turning" predicted a nativist backlash from the Millennial generation
>It also predicted that Western Civilization - as we know it - would collapse as boomers begin to retire and there's nothing we can do about it
>But after the calamity passes, Western Civilization would return to it's roots and become stronger than ever
>Some of the data collected from this comprehensive study on Race and people's belief in it's existence shows that this is turning out to indeed be the case

Who here is ready for the Fourth Reich?

15 posts and 3 images submitted.
Sounds good, just hope that Gen Zyklon has room for a moderate Nazi like me.
Bring it on. It's a very real threat at the company that I work at. Very large company, a lot of our workload is done on a mainframe. All the different teams that support everything from IMS/DB2, CICS, MVS, mainframe storage - most of them are 80% retirement-eligible folks. The transfer of knowledge is going to be a massive undertaking, and who knows how smoothly that will go.
I fear mostly for the tech and engineering worlds. So much is automated, but so much is also probably tucked away in the brains of old dudes and not written down, just for the purpose of "job security".
I work with too many of those types and it's frustrating. They're only making their own lives harder if they want an easy retirement.
bump for interest
>The 1997 book "The Fourth Turning"
Did someone read it?
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Sometimes I resented being born into a collapsing Western world, but I think the bright side is being able to be the one to brave the darkness. No one will remember the traitors who put Europa in this mess, but they will remember the people who lived through the collapse and brought Europe out whole on the other side. We are the luckiest people to ever live. Into our hands is entrusted the future of our people. If we fail, Europe will die. We will not fail.

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Alabama Senate votes to allow church to form police dept.


As an atheist I almost shit myself when I read this
30 posts and 2 images submitted.
good. crusades now.
Jews and Muslims get to field their own police forces in their communities to protect jews and muslims and enforce jewish and islamic law; it's about time God-fearin' black church-goers get to field their own Christian police force instead of relying on RACISS ASS WHITE CRACKAS INNA POPO

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i had to auth my 4chan pass to post this. are we banned or what ??
20 posts and 7 images submitted.
Hopefully yes
you are banned (for you)
is it real? why would it happen?
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>banning turks

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You know, /pol/, with all of this infighting (shilling, really, by the likes of /leftypol/ but I use the word infighting because there are legitimate /pol/acks who are falling for the division campaign) here on this board, I can't help but to look back at a brighter board past. I suppose that's the inherent nature of the /pol/ack, whether they are Libertarian, NatSoc, Fascist, Classical Liberal . . . it's simply who we are.

Remember the good ol' days, when we would see Don up there on stage, doing what he does best — engage with the people directly? This was before Kushner, before Cohn, before the West Wing Democrats. There was one enemy, the Globalists, and all of the "New Right" was united, hand in hand, ready for a real future to be spearheaded by the then-president-elect Trump.

I was at the Bethpage, NY rally. What a sight that was! It was held in an aircraft hangar-turned-studio, and the shouts of "BUILD THE WALL!" and "LOCK HER UP!" made the rafters of that entire hangar shake. I'm not joking. The sound of our voices united in anger against the establishment was a powerful thing, so powerful that victory was guaranteed to us on November 8th and the opposition is still licking their wounds.
20 posts and 11 images submitted.
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"President Trump." This is the goal we have been working for during the 511-day election cycle. We were shilled, abused in the media. Many of our friends and family with whom we swore a brotherly love abandoned us in the name of politics. It hurt. I know it did for me, at least. But we never lost sight of the ball. As a board, we kept up the meme-game. We carried Trump to heights he would've never reached without our support. And before you begin to respond with the "/pol/ did absolutely nothing to him elected", does not the filthy Leftist opposition place a good deal of blame on /pol/ for him being President? Do the shills not come here and, with every bad wind traveling from DC, say, "Good job for getting him elected you fucking retards!", or always something to that effect. In fact, look through the calendar right now. Look through the shill threads, and you'll find several such posts in one single thread alone.

This board has suffered much worse waves of zombie shills in the past, and in the future, it'll suffer much worse waves yet. This thread will probably be slid into oblivion. It doesn't suprise me. Nor does it anger, sadden, or dishearten me, because the constant concerted efforts to muddy the Reactionary nature of /pol/ are gospel testament to the power we have when we're united under even a handful of banners. We're known to the media, to politicians, and possibly even to a few key members of the Trump cabinet's higher echelon. We aren't going away. And, we never will.

"President Trump." Say it. Say it in your head. Say it out loud. "President Trump." Remember how you would tell yourself that you'd be euphoric of Trump won. Remember the joy you felt knowing that such an event of a man daring to take on the Establishment was happening, regardless of the outcome. Remember how many of us made promises to better ourselves, our families, our communities if he won.
>opposition is still licking their wounds
"President Trump." Well, guys, he's here. President Trump is here. Yes, he MAY or MAY NOT have committed some pretty sickening 180-degree turns on previous promises. Yes, the Neocons MAY or MAY NOT have established a firm base in the White House from which they will attempt to derail the Trump Train; hell, I'm willing to say that Jared Kushner brown-nosed his way into the position of Assistant Conductor on the train.
We need to plan more. We need to get more done. We've become lazy, thinking that the two-way street is now a one-way street with President Trump now in power. No. In fact, he needs autists like us more than ever. He needs his opponents to feel the wrath of weaponized, angsty, right-wing autism more than ever. I know we can deliver. I know we can. We just need to stop the fucking infighting — that's what (((they))) want. We need to get our sights back on the prize — draining the swamp. We got lazy, and thought President Trump could do it all on his own. And he thought so, too, yet, the Swamp dirtied his boots. He looked too long into the abyss, and the abyss stared back. That's what happens. It's only natural.

Our rest and recuperation from the Great Meme War is over. It's time to get back into action. When we pool our resources, we're an influential force. Not all-powerful, but influential nonetheless. It's time to get back to work, boys. Simple as that. We needed him. Now he needs us.

If we can do so, victory is, without a doubt, on the horizon. Don will implement his dreams, his goals. He will begin to hear his own voice again, and, within his own voice, all of the voices of those who voted for him, who supported him, who lost relationships for him, who pulled all-nighters for him. Within his own voice, he will hear ours.

After all, it's always darkest before the Don.
Too bad it didn't continue

paid shills fucking multiplied and spread their buzzfeed-tier shit and Trump's recent actions make it easier for them to sway people.

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33 posts and 6 images submitted.
I agree, I can't really see myself voting for Trump again after all of this. He has betrayed us. I want /r/the_donald posters to leave.

I threw away my MAGA hat tonight
Anyways, the Chinese are totally tricking him into getting involved in North Korea. They're going to use this situation to break America's back in Northern Asia
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>hurr hurr if I act like a retarded shill maybe people will think that trumps retarded moves aren't so retarded

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I havent been on /pol/ for like a week, i became a wage cuck and don't have as much time. But anyway....

I'm 39 years old and never voted in my life until Trump ran for president. I registered as a Republican just to vote for him in the primaries and general election... even though I live in Maryland and my Republican vote is worthless here in Maryland... yet I stood in line and voted anyway on principle.

I told everyone he would be great for the economy.... but also, the other main reason I voted for him, and what I said to everyone... is that the fake ass proxy war in Syria will be over. I've been talking about this agenda to overthrow Syria since 2006 (along with Sudan etc)....

And yet, Donald fucking Trump did the same shit as Hillary and the rest of the scum. And Alex Jones and the rest of them are acting like this is 5D chess.... this isn't chess... the motherfucker is a cuck. Fuck him.

Fuck Donald Trump.
37 posts and 11 images submitted.
Still better than Hillary.

now you get to own everything he does.
>2 cents has been deposited in your account
Pussy ass nigga

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>do you know what makes you S.P.E.C.I.A.L /pol/?
As we already know WW3 is knocking the door
Did you get your vault pass already? If not, how can you expect to survive?
Are you ready yet?
33 posts and 17 images submitted.
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>Not wanting to live several centuries with a cute ghoul waifu.
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>implying that a qt ghoul waifu wants to be next to me
I will have to join to brotherhood of steel and reclaim technology so i will be able to build my own AI waifu.. And i hope she doesn't go away too
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I dont think any nukes are coming this way
I'm just gonna wing it

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I'm going to be homeless starting next month until the end of this year. No internet, TV, etc.

And this is the time WW3 could start and I'll be completely in the dark.

I have no idea what to expect when I get back online and catch up with all that's happened.
25 posts and 1 images submitted.
Just suck your own dick always helps Canadians when they are confused
Why did you let your life go to shit?

Are you a dudeweedlmao?
Just run away, my dude. That'll really make your parents think. You want your share of respect? It's time you earned it.
No way the canadian job market is this fucked. you honestly can't find any job?

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Woah. Really made me think.
24 posts and 3 images submitted.
The worst genocide on earth was the Belgians against the blacks. It is amazing how they still prefer to make up shit than read wikipedia
>spend money to own a person
>destroy your own property
makes me think that we didn't kill enough
The worst fucking genocide is when the Roman Empire killed all the polytheists. Im so sick of this shit with niggers

Burgers only thread
294 posts and 89 images submitted.
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dude guns lmao
Burgers only means no abbos allowed, I am sorry you don't have the IQ to comprehend that.
got 4 already
Because ARs are pieces of shit. I instead have two M1As, a 44 henry, 12 gauge, 357 revolver, 1911, mini14, mini30, and two 50 cal black powder rifles.

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Eternal reminder that this is Belgium's Minister of Health
125 posts and 44 images submitted.
Hoborary American
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Looks like a slug
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eternal reminder that this is the average american

21 posts and 4 images submitted.
Looks right to me deus

what else do you think evolution stones are for? dumb christcuck
Evolutionary stones are what made blacks into kangz before the white man came and stole them
>OP unironically compares atheism to Pokemon

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Great Grandpa: 9 kids
Grandpa:2 kids
Dad:1 kid
Me (20):0 kids (probably)

I just want a wife and a family. Why god.
15 posts and 3 images submitted.
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>already worried
nigger get a good job, live a good life and the family will come

>0 kids

Anon, the correct answer is 4
Grandparents and great grandparents had 9 kids each, parents had two and the thought of kids disgusts me
Wish it wasn't this way

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What are some sources of introductory redpills? By introductory, I'm not talking about infographics of the Holohoax. I mean redpills that are easily digestible for liberals in order to make them more receptive to harsher truths.

Take pic related for example. Sowell covers many topics ranging from economics, social issues, politics, race, and law. Most chapters bite size, and his arguments are well thought out and organized in a way where even a child can understand them.

More advanced redpills are also welcome, but you must make that known to us!

What the hell, let this also be a redpill articles, books, and literature thread as well.
15 posts and 1 images submitted.
Sowell is not welcomed here anymore because he argues against the idea that IQ is the reason why blacks are failures which is the dogma of /po/.
He said that in 2002, one year before the existence of 4chan. Yet, he's still cited has a redpill source on /pol/ from time to time.

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Stop opening sentences with "I feel like"
17 posts and 5 images submitted.
Well, that is what liberals do. Noted.
That's what Destiny fag usually does. "I feel like (insert pseudo intellectual comment here)."
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What if I feel like I need to sort myself out? Brb, I need to fold some clothes.

I feel like you should put a shotgun in your mouth and pull the trigger.

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Why do you stupid fucks think a US president is some kind of all-powerful dictator with total control over every single aspect of foreign and domestic policy? This is barely excusable in europoors but I cannot believe the amount of burgers who believe this shit
14 posts and 5 images submitted.
well he can order missile strikes which is pretty cool
Thats a cool Dictator pic though
Got your attention

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ITT Represent the current state of America with one image
35 posts and 25 images submitted.
I agree, I can't really see myself voting for Trump again after all of this. He has betrayed us. I want /r/the_donald posters to leave.
Me too, I wish I never voted.
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Why have you forgotten /pol/?

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Has there ever been a better example of why weed is extremely bad for you?

>smoked all day everyday
>developed severe depression soon afterwards
>kept smoking and failed out of college
>never had any real friends
>killed himself and ultimately died as a 6'2 handsome virgin
18 posts and 1 images submitted.
what came first, the weed or the depression?

thats right, you have no idea

kill yourself

also this loser created some of the most beautiful folk music ever, so if the weed is responsible for that, I'd say its a net-plus
He actually killed himself because he was an insecure little cuckboy and nobody liked his shitty music even though he and a few yes men told him he was gods gift. If he was born today he would just shitpost here all day with the other narccistic losers that don't contribute to society.

Also, >>/mu/

/pol/ hates muslims and has been wishing for WWIII for decades
Trump bombs a faggotty muslim dictator for the right reasons and potentially might start WWIII.
Trump may put down North Korea once and for all
We may be on the cusp of the biggest HAPPENING and the greatest war of all time.

And in the mayhem the day of the rope may happen at the same time.

New borders may be drawn. New alliances my be made.
Entire races and cultures may be wiped from the Earth.
God himself may have to intervene.
And once its over all the tension that has been building up over the last 70 years will be relieved.

Everything /pol/ has ever wanted may happen in the next 8 years.

but now its suddenly


13 posts and 2 images submitted.
I know it must be tough being a retard, but I still don't have sympathy for you.
/pol/ is retarded, what else is new
I don't see how any of these people couldn't tell Trump was a Jewish shill. After all, Jews' favorite martial art is Krav....wait for it...MAGA.
I agree, I can't really see myself voting for Trump again after all of this. He has betrayed us. I want /r/the_donald posters to leave.

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did you actually expect Trump to be Hitler 2.0? He’s still being Trump, you’re just now realizing that Trump was never actually the Trump you actually idealized. You projected this sort of false, idealistic vision of Trump as a golden fuhrer onto him, and now that your illusion is dispelled, you’re pissing and moaning. You’re realizing that realpolitik doesn’t mean giving you everything you want.

Sessions is still reformatting the DoJ to remove taco, 4 thousand Somalis are getting deported, and we got Supreme Court Justice Neil Gorsuch, meaning that the Second Amendment is going to be safe. The wall is coming along smoothly, and NATO members are going to start taking their share of the burden. Trump is fulfilling his campaign promises, and you idiots are crying because he blew up an easily fixable airstrip as a show of force.
13 posts and 7 images submitted.
>You projected this sort of false, idealistic vision of Trump as a golden fuhrer onto him, and now that your illusion is dispelled

Except that's wrong asshole
No one is crying except plebbit and d&c shills.
Although it would be funny as fuck for moar habbenings.
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>It's your fault for believing Trumps lies
>You only have yourselves to blame when he does the opposite of what he said
No ones crying that he hasn't set up mexican concentration camps faggot

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>all those stupid faggots who doesn't know shit about politics on /pol/ who said north korea is irrelevant and wouldn't cause ww3
what now you stupid fags
17 posts and 3 images submitted.
It's not causing shit

China and the USA are about to run a train on that Best Korean boi pussy
>what now you stupid fags

It's literally nothing

Kim Jong is bluffing. Trump isn't bluffing, and DPRK/PRC both know that.

There will be no nuclear tests on the Korean peninsula for the next 8 years.

China and the U.S. are allies in this, how is this going to start WW3?

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>Trump's show of force against Syria shows he's not afraid to use military
>Trump negotiates with China to buy US coal instead of North Korean Coal
>North Korea expected to test a nuclear device and missile technology
>US puts Navy fleet within proximity to North Korea
>China puts 175,000 troops on border with North Korea <YOU ARE HERE>
>North Korea tests nuclear device, detected on seismology equipment
>North Korea tests missile
>Missile is destroyed in-flight by US Military
>North Korea launches another missile
>Shot down as well
>China invades North Korea
>South Korea invades North Korea
>US Navy/Air Force crumble all infrastructure for Chinese Troops
>No US boots on the ground
>North Korea destroyed
43 posts and 7 images submitted.
thats the way it seems to me. someone laughed at me when i said the chinese troops were going to help the us.

He speaks on Korea!

>China invades North Korea
For what purpose, you blithering idiot.
You're a complete fucking retard if you expect China to invade NK, they immensely benefit from having a stupid country like North Korea to function as a buffer against SK, which is an USA puppet state.
Fucking get out of here, you philistine fuck, you know nothing about global politics.
Why is everyone suddenly scared of nk? They release their threats using cameras from the early 80's... it's a fucking meme country....

On a day when Trump seems to have become a zombie Hillary Clinton, /pol/ needs a thread about Jared Kushner.

(((They))) intend to make Kushner President, their Jewish JFK. And when he's the first Israeli President he, as the messiah of an elite genocidal apocalyptic Zionist cult, will bring about the "End of Days" that will see the Jews rise to become the rulers of the Earth and sit on the throne they have coveted for thousands of years.

Mankind's new Gods will be like their Gods of old, and will smite the world's goyim for not saving the Jews during the Holocaust, and will enslave the few survivors. (That this is the fulfillment of Zionist prophesy is why the wars are starting on Passover.)

Then Kushner-messiah with his Goddess Mother bride Ivanka will unify the Jewish and Christian bloodlines (this is why their firstborn son was born on Easter) and begin a new Master Race, to rule over the world (((they))) believe God gave to them.

And the wretched survivors will live like the Jewish slaves of Egypt: to work, suffer, worship their new rulers as Gods, and die.

Background on Kushner here

Info on Kushner's genocidal Chabad Lubavitcher "King's Torah" Zio-cult here

The Kushner family funds the rabbis who wrote "The King's Torah"
>Rabbis Dov Lior and Yacob Yousef had endorsed a highly controversial book, the King's Torah - written by two lesser-known settler rabbis. It attempts to justify killing non-Jews, including those not involved in violence, under certain circumstances.

>The fifth chapter, entitled "Murder of non-Jews in a time of war" has been widely quoted in the Israeli media. The summary states that "you can kill those who are not supporting or encouraging murder in order to save the lives of Jews".

>At one point it suggests that babies can justifiably be killed if it is clear they will grow up to pose a threat.
86 posts and 26 images submitted.
Imagine the screaming from the MSM if any part of that esp. the part about killing babies had been said by a Muslim.
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Kushner's real estate company Cadre seems to have changed its logo immediately after threads in /pol/ revealed the letter "A" was stylized to resemble the Freemasons' sacred square and compass.

Jews are drawn to real estate because real estate is about land, and land is what they have always wanted, their Lebensraum, their Promised Land.
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>Yitzhak Shapira is an Israeli rabbi who lived in the West Bank Israeli settlement Yitzhar,[1] and is head of the Od Yosef Chai Yeshiva.[2]
>In 2009, he published a book (The King's Torah) in which he writes that it is permissible for Jews to kill non-Jews (including children) who threaten the lives of Jews.[3][4] The book states "There is a reason to kill babies [on the enemy side] even if they have not transgressed the seven Noahide Laws because of the future danger they may present, since it is assumed that they will grow up to be evil like their parents."[5] They can be killed indirectly to put pressure on enemy leaders, or if they are "in the way".[6] They can also be harmed if they "prevent a rescue, because their presence contributes to murder". He also writes that children of the king can be harmed to pressure him if he is wicked and harming them will prevent him from acting wickedly.

Killing the kids children to change his behavoir? Is... is that why Trump is suddenly bending the knee?

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when will burgers realize they lost the Vietnamese war?
14 posts and 2 images submitted.
Wasn't the entire point of the Vietnam War to stop communism from spreading to Vietnam?
Their children make my Nike shit there, how much did they really win?
France and China also lost wars to those "farmers"
You missed china in your red color OP

Entertaining chat between Roaming Millennial, Gregg Johnson, Millennial Woes and That Guy T.


Lolbertarians cannot into racial identity. More importantly, would you miscegenate with Roaming Millennial?
14 posts and 3 images submitted.
>would you miscegenate with Roaming Millennial?
Of course
>A bunch of autistic socially rejected e-celebs trying to be cool and edgy in le virtual hangout

Fuck off.
>muh feels
>muh emotions
There you go. I basically summarised Gregory's, and Woes' arguments.
Implying your cultural identity would survive demographic replacement.

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