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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 11183. page

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File: DRUMPF IS DONE.jpg (101KB, 829x698px) Image search: [Google]
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It's over /pol/, shut the whole thing down.


23 posts and 7 images submitted.
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>its over
Trump still prez
sage report hide
Trump will be found guilty of treason and an emergency election will be held, we are closer to this than you think.
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This is a shill thread

Read pic related.

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white people road trip.jpg
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Midnight - You Can't Stop Steel

Manowar - Pleasure Slave

Jaguar - Axe Crazy

Iron Kobra - Dungeon Masters
25 posts and 9 images submitted.
I approve none of these
remove kebab
this I approve


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bobbo famous trans child.png
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This is Sweden's First Family and there's nothing you can do about it.

The family rose to prominence in Sweden after a facebook post said their trans child said Trump is a poopoo head and they've been repeatedly covered in swedish media.

*none of this is made up
45 posts and 12 images submitted.
> Vår son har vetat sedan han var tre år att han är född i fel kropp, han är nu 14 år nu. Bobbo är alltså född in i det hela och tycker inte att det är konstigt alls. Hennes önskan är bara att alla ska få leva i harmoni, säger Ullis.
> Out son has known since he was tree years old that he was born in the wrong body, he is now 14 years old. Bobbo is born into this and does not think it is strange at all. Her wish is just that everyone shall be allowed to live in harmony.
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>when reality surpasses fiction
You mean like Royal Family? What the fuck is this clusterfuck of degenerates

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Mohammad was redpilled as fuck and he was /pol/ incarnate.
Prove me wrong
26 posts and 4 images submitted.
Isn't Jesus a prophet in Islam? You're calling one of your own messengers a cuck? Don't you guys get your head chopped off for that?
its a known fact that /pol/ is literally christian islam

a /pol/ sharia would be even harsher than the regular one
They do no have shariah in turkey so he is safe
But yeah it's punishable in muslim countries with shariah
He married a girl whose age was thrice his dick size.

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>Children cannot consent to making choices with long-term consequences

>Children expected to maintain good grades from ages 5-18, or their future will be negatively affected.

Which is it, /pol/?
25 posts and 3 images submitted.
I dunno, but they probably have an idea of what gender identity is. Lets inject hormones into them while they are still developing and mutilate their genitals. I'm sure they won't kill themselves.
What does the second part have to do with consent?
Parents that do that to their kids should be hanged, its actually insane. Yet the masses have been blue-pilled to the point where its normalized.

If a child cannot be held responsible for actions that have long-term consequences, how can we expect them to maintain their grades? The child cannot understand their significance.

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where can i find cool vaporwave pictures and videos like pic and video related?


if you have any can you please post in this thread thanks?

and what are some good /pol/ related vaporwave artists to listen to?
35 posts and 21 images submitted.
Vapoware is blue pilled psyop from tumbler
Btw,filter australian flags.
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fuck you austrian faggot

Fuck you civ nat muslim apologist nigger lover

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Are the Spanish the most disgusting, murderous and destructive people on the history of earth?
19 posts and 6 images submitted.
Fact: Iberian cock is the most powerful on earth.
You mean you are the biggest dicks on the planet?
Literally. God wills it.
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Karl der V..jpg
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The Spanish can't resist the Big Habsburg Cock

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Let's get a hilldawg thread going
12 posts and 11 images submitted.
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39 posts and 11 images submitted.
brb moving to sweden

Deport barbara spectre when?

This will be the first video that I watch of this kike.
>Jews soften Sweden
>"Oy vey we need to get out of Sweden!"

What a masterful plan.

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How exactly can you oppose Jews when your manhood was mutilated as a sign of servitude?
37 posts and 10 images submitted.
>not wanting to be on the winning side

proud jew here. white people deserve extinction and we will bring it to them
Has there ever been a study correlating people suffering from ED with people who were circumcised?

> Have boys
> don't circumcise them
> raise them to despise the jew
Yes. It's a positive correlation.

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this triggers the libertarian.jpg
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Problem: A commonly used road in the community has a pothole in it, causing damage to cars and presenting a risk. How is it fixed, and who pays for it?

Representative Democrat:
"All individuals pay tax to a local government, who is responsible for the upkeep of the roads. The citizens inform the local government of the pothole, and either a crew is dispatched or a private company is engaged to fix it, paid for by taxes."

"The road will be owned and managed by a private company. This company will charge you a toll each time you use the road. It is in the best interest of the company to fix the pothole, otherwise users of the road will seek alternate transport, equalling lost revenue."

"Eventually, an individual will get sick of the pothole damaging their car and pay for it to get fixed out of their own pocket."

"Citizens assigned to the role of Road Maintenance will fill in the pothole, according to their priority."
60 posts and 10 images submitted.
Simplified examples to proof your fallacy.

>"Citizens assigned to the role of Road Maintenance will fill in the pothole, according to their priority."
or be executed and their families sent to the gulag if they fail to comply.
This is why Communism is evil.
I fix it, I pay for it.
Is there even a single ideology more retarded than anarcho-capitalism?

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Russia thinks the "Ukrainisation of Ukraine" is a bad thing.
32 posts and 3 images submitted.
wait, is it ukraine, or "ukraine" i.e. crimea
Putinbots BTFO
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>wy pipo problems

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A legit source of information or a LARPer? If he were actually the read deal, wouldn't he have been silenced by now?
42 posts and 4 images submitted.
they can't find him, im pretty sure hes high up enough to be protected
I think he is / was a stupid LARPer and probably died from sucking his own ass.
LARPer/troll, or a legit retard.
He's got pretty decent sources. Maybe he just browses publications a lot.

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Why does /pol/ idolize Hitler when the real MVP never gets any recognition?
16 posts and 2 images submitted.
Ever realized how the best roman emperors were born in Spain?
Spain died with the Moorish subjugation.
And Netherlands died with the moroccan subjugation 10 years ago. Your point?
Fucking Moors.

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>Are britbongs slowly redpillinf their people lately?
>They say fuck you to EU dronies, and now they say ''Fuck you'' to raosties
25 posts and 3 images submitted.
What is revenge porn?
when u film you fucking your bitch then she fucks up yo life. so you show the world what a shit shag she is (or you)
If your GF cheats on you, you leak her nudes or something.
Surely, that shit falls under infringement of privacy law.

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you guys arnt really nazis, are you?
45 posts and 18 images submitted.
No, of course not :^)
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I'm not but I wouldn't mind different ethnostates as long as people leave eachother alone.

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Discuss the Russian involvement in US

Russian presidential candidate Dianne Feinstein Connected to Clintons and Obama
>from Saint Petersburg, Russia, were of the Russian Orthodox faith

28 posts and 3 images submitted.
Russian Marc Mezvinsky son in law of Hillary Clinton
son of Edward Mezvinsky, who embezzled more than $10 million from people via both a Ponzi scheme and the advance-fee scams
Russian Monica Lewinsky meddled in Clinton's Presidency
Russian David (Lifshitz) Lauren relative and affiliated with Bush
Russian senator Bernie Sanders and Presidential candidate

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Hey there /pol/

What makes you guys so incapable of posting about /pol/ topics purely on your containment board?

Spewing retardation about Trump / SJWs / Blacks seems to be leaking more heavily onto boards like /k/, /v/ and /vg/ right now, and its irritating. We don't want to hear it, so if you could keep it here it would be appreciated.
12 posts and 1 images submitted.
>can post obama on all boards for 8 years
>if you post Trump it's wrong
OP is a faggot


I expected these responses from you dribblers, but I would hope the people that aren't complete mongos would get the message.
Just face facts you are a dumb fucking hypocrite.

Children can have sexual interactions with adults and not be harmed by it.
This may hurt your feelings, but it's true.
37 posts and 8 images submitted.
Kanna is not real

This may hurt your feelings, but it's true
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I know next to nothing about Israel or it's government. Fill me in so I can learn what the Jewish people decided to do with their finally attained homeland. Wikipedia isn't the most trustworthy, but I figured /pol/ and wiki could fill in each other's blanks.
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
My mom went and said Tel Aviv was kinda like San Francisco except with hotter weather, old buildings and lots of stray cats.
You want to know about the average kike life?
Or the geopolitical situation?
Mostly geopolitical, both is fine.

I saw a brown girl in a hijab yesterday. I gave her a mean look.

What have you done to defend your country against Islam?
44 posts and 10 images submitted.
this is what's being slid right now

remember put sage in the options field to defeat slide threads
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Fuck off

You will noy deny me my right to shitpost in my home fucking board
i became a lay member of the OMC, and give money to the military branch of the catholic rebels in the US. Get enough of us, and they'll train troops and send them to protect christians. Deus Vult.
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i have shitposted on pol

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well boys? who would win? pick wisely.
42 posts and 17 images submitted.
the jews
damn it this is a good reply
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Hi PoI. What are your views on Narendra Modi
19 posts and 3 images submitted.
you already made this thread not even 10 minutes ago
Why is his wiping hand so close to his face?
he wants to improve india so hes ok in my book
Depends. What are his views regarding poo and the loo?

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Kek wills it
22 posts and 12 images submitted.
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Looking for some trips.
I don't see no trips.
Where the trips?
here they are
kek wills what kek wills

he requires more meme sacrifices

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what do you tink about this?
18 posts and 7 images submitted.
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>pineapple pizza
this is what's being slid right now, someone posted this and shills suddenly went nuts even though it's a repost from yesterday:
Is hatred for pineapple pizza just a meme?
You get the taste of pizza and the sweet taste of pineapple. What's not to like?
Can a pineapple live comfortably inside of a pokeball?

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