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#USFOR_A GBU-43 strike against ISIS-K cave and tunnel systems in #Achin district, #NangarharProvince, Afghanistan, April 13, 2017.

I hope Trump will use it against lil Kimmy multiple times and they will film it in UHD 4K.

I'm not even being ironic atm.

i inmagined a bigger blast actually
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thow it on a city and film it danald pls
Looks like a pretty huge area actually, rhat was fucking massive, that could whipe out a stadium easily.
Too risky you have to drop these bad boys out the back of a plane
Is Snowden correct? $314,000,000?
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from the comments " The $16m cost of this one explosion could have provided over 50 million meals for Afghan children"

who want to feed afghans honestly ?
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These people are so fucking stupid and simple minded it makes me angry
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or maybe, the us could have used this money to help white americans and deport people?

Why in God's name would the USA be providing meals to these "people"?
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Was hoping someone would do this. Thanks. I also kind of hope we get to see pics of the blast zone. Goodtimes.
To be honest theres a good chance tactical weapons would be used instead.
I was hoping we would finally get a video of this thing that actually shows the scale compared to something else but it's no better than that famous forest video.
Pretty sure. Lastnight they said they will be using "conventional" weapons.

>muslim with a truck
>86 killed
>Mother of all bombs
>36 killed

Really makes you think
That was the price for fifteen of these back when Bush purchased them in '03. They have been sitting collecting dust for almost fifteen years now.
the tweet just got removed
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It's hard because anything relatively close range would have been danger close, both from the bomb and potential ISIS lookout snipers.
I'm sure in a few days we'll get lots of fun pictures of the ridiculously big hole it left

no color?

Can somebody send them GoPro or something?
> drop more than 8000kg TNT on ISIS
> kill 39 guys

Wow, so efficient :^)
Greatest military in the world, indeed!
I hope you saved this because this account just got suspended.
Shit, they deleted the tweet. Their account is still on https://twitter.com/USFOR_A/
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That's it? We really need to start using nukes.
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Honestly I was expecting WAY more.

>entire media freaking out
>oh its just a slightly bigger normal bomb

Still comfy to watch savages get their molecules blown apart though
here >>121053736
You can't target underground tunnels with trucks dear retard
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But that breaks down to something like $20mil/pc. Where's this $16mil shit coming from?

Jesus Christ you're right. I hate these fucks.
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level those fucking mountains
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>comparing driving a truck through Nice to dropping a bomb on some hill in the desert

The ratio of kills per capita of a Nice truck vs. this bomb in a remote Afghani desert is WAY higher in favor of this bomb

>per capita
Black and white allows for better analysis.

use it on their magical cube and you'll see its true potential
How about gas or napalm?
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Well pic related is the crater from 27,000 kg of explosives detonated in WW1

I wonder how a MOAB stacks up
It reflects how many people were in the area, you stupid fuck.
How many western lives will be lost to retaliation for this?

of course the German wants to use gas.
That's the first thing I would do... if I could.
These kind of tweets make me smile
It's an air blast, it doesn't dig holes. It's supposed to flatten and break down buildings, which it did here.
"I'M GONNA BOMB THE SHIT OUT OF 'EM! I don't care about their rights. We gotta wipe them out." -Donald J Trump, Campaign trail 2016.

This is clearly doing just that.
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This!! Someday someone will do this, it's just a matter of when/
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I love the smell dead Islam in the morning....among other smells.
What is geneva conference
What is Geneve conference

Plus if the US used gas it would give ISIS or Russia an excuse to bomb them :^)
Burgers didn't target civilians, you imbecile
from the amount of funding the military gets I'd expect them to have 8k res 10000fps HDR cameras that simultaneously record vl, uv and ir
Chemical weapons are forbidden for civilized nations.
> implying burgers ever cared about the Geneva conference
Found a color photo of the explosion, closest I can find right now

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all muslims, all enemies, they view anyone who isn't a muslim as an enemy, fuck them
> implying the US is a civilized nation
the smell of shit on street, pajeet?
poo ?
Is that a fucking smiley at the bottom?
whatever ahmed
>implying germany is civilized
You know what else could provide 50 million meals for afghans?

Learning to farm
Only when they can´t get away with it.
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lmao the muslims are mad cause their relatives got blown up, did the muslims get free internet when they got to afghanistan 2.0? every german poster I see has pro islamic views, what a bunch of fucking cucks if they are real germans, I am assuming they're all jihadists at this point
Oh poo
Well we stopped waging war 70 years ago. How about your nation?
is it poop?
>no civilian casualties

ya right.
You will cease to exist as a german nation in less than 15 years. How's it goin'?
Lol some poor dude is in the brig now.
German/Polish catholic here, I was merely encouraging you.
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>MFW even the Trump haters got a boner from the MOAB
That's a big bomb.
You're about to demolish the house Hitler was born in.
No, I'm sitting my office room

>It's the biggest none nuclear bomb ever
>Looks like nothing
>Kills 36 people

That's fucking shit lads. Why even waste money on shit like this?
For you
the explosion itself is not so great, but the pressure wave is fucking big, hot and deadly as fuck.
What if there only were 36 people?
>Why even waste money on shit like this?
maybe because the whole world is talking about it? Ever heard of "psychological warfare"?
Women should not be allowed to have opinions anymore
not even the biggest ever
> be catholic in Austria
> have to work on Good Friday

Use a smaller bomb?

Nigga when I want to kill a fly I don't pull out a bazooka.
What about the people buried in the tunnels
So they deployed themselves?
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>instead of killing terrorists we should be feeding them and making more.
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Media attention, Trump showing off his dick symbolically. Why else? If anyone was serious about Islam, they'd nuke both Mecca and the House of Saud. And with a good set of nukes too. 10mt+. Like the fist of god.
Hauge Convention, not Geneva

Now imagine what kind of damage that would do to a populated area.
>we stopped waging war.
>just woke up one day with a beautiful vision of peace and, completely of our own volition, decided to give up the practice of war

Now, put all those French inside a tunnel and bunker network and see how many you kill with your truck of peace.
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Tunnels + arsenal kept there. honestly if you cripple some cell with bomb that's gathering dust, I'd say job well done.
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I'm not working
I'm getting comfy for the happening
But wouldn't you if you could?

I'd Panzerfaust my kitchen in a heartbeat if I saw a roach in there. Fuck that whole general area.

And now your nation is dying, its people being exterminated, and its culture soon to be forgotten in the sands of time.

Enjoy you descent into oblivion fool.
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You Brits just don't get it. AMERICA you dip shits.

Kill a few shit stains, create the oooooh aaaaah effect, and deny any more rag head shit stains from hiding like the rats they are.

>Oh but mah caves I can just hide in and the US will never get us

>We cans stay in mah caves for ever launching attack after attack on the USA, Britian, Germany, and Russia because HOLY WAR.


Didn't see that one coming now did you? Not only did we get a good hand full of them over 1 soldier. But where are they going to hide now? They can't run, they can't hide. You just jealous that you bag of bones queen doesn't have the gaul or the balls to get the job done the right way.
Thanks; the OP link was MOABed too
If you compare the blast area and the mushroom size with the mountain slopes around, seems pretty huge. Will try to find that area on googlemaps - for sure I'd like to see a nice color footage.
>Help mujahideen build tunnel networks to fight the Russians
>Drop MOAB on tunnel networks afterwards

The US is hilarious
Yeah, you're right about that.

You can't deny that we managed to stay out of international wars from WW2 until Iraq (where you fags pulled us into). That's something. While in the meantime your country was waging countless wars everywhere.
Have you stopped training, supplying and arming "ISIS" yet burger?

A few less than there would be if Abdullah in his holes was allowed to live, or if we'd actually gone in after them.

Shit like this, you either use massive ordinance that cracks what would normally serve as plenty of protection from regular bombs/shells, or you flip off the Geneva Conventions and gas/burn the place. Since the US won't do the latter, you bomb the shit out of them.
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Sources say the bomb had a tape recorder as it descended into the pit of muslims.
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It isn't engaging in cultural suicide, so pretty good.
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based moab
oops, Afghanistan, not Iraq
Afghanistan. You didn't go to Iraq.

Killed 36 people hidden in holes so deep normal methods would have gotten zip, zero, nada due to how hardened a target it was.

Nowhere to run, nowhere to hide.
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>that shockwave

Full boner achieved.
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> It isn't engaging in cultural suicide
AHAHAHAHAAAHAAHA, that's fucking rich coming from a burger!

yeah my bad >>121057393
They were buried alive.

They do realize the bomb was already constructed right? Probably a long time before Trump was elected? Do they now want to feed the bomb to Afghan children?

Actually that sounds like a good idea.
The shockwave of muslim anal pain went around the world three times.
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Fuck yeah, based american lost its patience with terrorists and decides to blow them all to bits.
Carpet bombing everything on sight

Pretty obvious was more to the drop than those 36 fuckers: test the bomb in real environment, and send a message to NK and even Syrian factions.

>Why even waste money on shit like this

peanuts compared to what UK pays to mudslime polygamists in welfare
anyone got the webm of the isis truck bomb?
Bombing the shit out of them, kills isis members, cuts the supply chain and destroys their arsenals.

And best of all, we aren't putting boots down for them to fight an uphill battle just to get shot by the sobs on top of the hill.

Fighting ISIS isn't easy, so many become radicalized just by the propaganda machine and they aren't well trained. They act independently as lone wolves and attack using everyday items to build bombs or just improvise with driving over a crowd.

When a man's desire is so strong to kill, you can take away the guns, and he will use sticks and stones, take away that and he will use his fists and teeth. Keep fighting them is all you can do and you keep denying them any place to hide, you then start bringing them in the open and pluck them off one by one.
No problem, just load a couple of the penetrating versions into a B-2 and go say hi to Kim
>instead of getting rid of terrorists we should feed their kids
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This. Not so hard to duck tape a camera to it.

Account suspended
Worse, think of all the insects, rodents, birds and innocent woodland creatures that were incinerated.
Basically the /pol/ slogan
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Digits for ISIS getting literally BTFO
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Can't wait for for your supreme leader to give a statement on that.

> Nobody knew that fighting terrorism would be so complicated!
Afghanistan is a wasteland.
Worst case scenario, a bunch of semen-filled goats were put out of their misery.
But why, though? Were the nu-male, goofy glasses wearing twitter mods offended?
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All talk, no action. Just another photo-op strike to make it look like the US is doing anything good for the world. Trump does this immediately after providing air support for ISIS in Syria so that he can claim he's not an ally of ISIS. Obama did the exact same thing, but with smaller fireworks. This single bomb costs more than some of the programs Trump has cut from the budget and does pretty much nothing to weaken ISIS.
>This single bomb costs more than some of the programs Trump has cut from the budget and does pretty much nothing to weaken ISIS
Really activates your almonds, huh?
>Multiple KIAs. Good work.

>assuming you use both
>which you can't but let's play along
>both only go in up to 100m or so at most
>fighters backpedal, wait it out
>caves still structurally intact
>minimal casualties
>still fully operational

This probably collapsed caves, destroyed any equipment and shockwave'd any ISIS in there.
Germany is colonized
What do you people really expect?
You support a system comprised of psychopaths.
When have you ever known the US government to help people?

30k pound bunker buster loaded into a B2.
Official DoD twitter post about it
Wonder how many of those you could physically fit into a Galaxy?

That was anti-climatic as fuck. It barely altered the landscape!
It's a thermobaric weapon, why would it?
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>16 million dollar bomb vs. 1 day meals for 50 million Afghan children
Some right placed bombs would save us approx 350.400.000.000 billion dollar for keeping everyone of that shitskin fuckers for 60 years healthy and alive with food everyday, because they are to dumb for agriculture.
>That's it?

My dude, an individual horizontal line on the crosshair represents approx 170m of terrain.

>kills 36 people in deep underground networks
>collapses tunnel networks and bunkers created since the Mujahideen era
>Tunnels were used to escape & traverse discreetly between Afghanistan & Iraq
>Hidden stockpiles of money, food, weaponry and other supplies are destroyed and/or burried.
>Flex of arms to show Russia and NK they mean business
>Get the medias attention globally, on Trump and America.
>Psychological Warfare

Sometimes, I don't get how some Brits are this dumb.
Honestly the whole of Afghanistan looks like "the middle of nowhere"

Id be willing to bet the more complicated the tech the more likely you are to get nothing back when a bunch of soldiers are flying through a sandy shithole and dropping bombs from a rusty vehicle.

The flash alone would probably fuck most cameras. Black and white is going to have a reason behind it.

Would like to see before and after shots though.
It's not a big bomb unless it needs a parachute to let the plane get away before it goes off
What do you do all day in Nepal?
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My understanding is it was developed specifically as a bunker/tunnel buster, I wonder too how it would perform in an area with infrastructure attenuating the blast.
314 mil was the cost of the initial program. They were all made as a deterrent for Sadam. At this point they were just lying around. What the fuck else would we use then for?
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Who cares how complicated it is. The world will always have its enemies. What matters is what the heck you do about it.

Seriously. How many immigrants and refugees are in your country? At the least Trump has tried to remove them from entering the USA as well as, deport any other trouble maker. Germany keeps allowing them in.

Unlike our previous President, whom negotiated with terrorists. Trump blows them to kingdom come. So I rub my chin at that fact, because how is Germany dealing with the issue? Because giving refuge, putting up safe places, censoring the press and suppressing freedom of speech in your country isn't doing anything "Progressive."
314 gorillions for 20 of them
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>>entire media freaking out
Yeah, that's intentionally misleading. Biggest bomb available in multiple quantities that isn't a nuke. Even then, I wonder how many MOABs have been built and how many are available.
Well, there really was nothing out there but hostiles. I still have no sense of scale.
dude that blast was 2 miles in diameter
20 were built, 13-14 are left, this was the first to be used in combat, the others were spent on tests and trials.
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Wouldn't it be more efficient to use a biological weapon, like a contagious virus with high mortality rate.

Something that could spread easily to the surrounding villages and survive long enough to spread to people they're in contact with.
maybe poo?
>destroyed Europe several times
Germans deserve to be destroyed
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>16 million US dollars
Guys I have an idea for an upgrade, we add another 2k$ to the bombs budget and duck tape a GoPro camera to the front of the bomb, along with long range wifi transmitter to feed the video back to plane, shit would be rad AF.
Imagine all the sick videos

It is far more effective than a traditional explosive.

A fuel-air bomb is capable of absolutely ruining a person's day in a disproportionate amount. The goal with them is to minimize overall damage, for maximum effect to the people on the ground. If you were caught out in the open even a mile away from the epicenter of the explosion, it would still kill you.
Lol thats because we told you that you couldn't anymore. Stay mad eurocuck
How much does a bomb like this weight?
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Wrong picture faggot

Also not an argument.
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>#ISIS sources denying that they had any losses as a result of #US strike with GBU-43/N in #Afghanistan
That would be embarrassing T B H.
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>It isn't engaging in cultural suicide, so pretty good.
wut?Blacks and spics everywhere, the culture you export is utterly bullshit and degrading (it's "kulturterror", pic realted)+ your nation is the most jewed nation after israel.
I just realized
how do we know we only killed 36?
what about all the muds buried? Or maybe some at ground zero that got literally vaporized?
Official Statements put it over 21000lbs. No idea what the exact weight is.

20,000 pounds.

Largest production explosive ever constructed. The "FOAB" made by Russia was a meme.
Young Hispanics, Asians, Indians, Arabs, Pacific Islanders, and Mixed Race in the USA are essentially white.
would love to know what they wrote on it
That's how you end the world you fucking monkey.

Do we really have so few Muslims, or are they all just filed under Black for no apparent reason? If that's the case though, why is Hispanic not considered White? The police literally classify Latinos as White most of the time for some odd ass reason.
Literally saved us money on buying new explosives.

Truly disgusting... when will americans reach European level fo education?
I'm angrier about them saying drumpf dropped 314 mil when that's the price for all fifteen of them bombs, not 1.

and yeah, it breaks down to 20.93 mill a pop
Kebab removed
>collapsing a tunnel network and flattening a mountain side with an ISIS camp embedded does nothing to weaken ISIS
The Father of all Bombs is russian and has 4 times as much of an explosive yield
They'll recover and grow larger before the next strike. It's a photo-op, Trump and the other globalists have no intention of damaging ISIS in the long term. Obama bombed them hundreds of times and had it plastered in the news, only to wait for them to recover before making another move.
And we have 10,000 100,000ton equivalent bombs. Big whup
>and has 4 times as much of an explosive yield

Literally no proofs.
afaik, ethnic Arabs usually fall under the Asian category.
Yeah, that's rich coming from a 60% white country infested with niggers and spics. From a country with one of the highest crime rates world wide. From a country which has seen some of the biggest terror attacks on this whole planet.

muh refugees my ass, it's not half as bad as you faggots keep claiming to begin with, and we're deporting tons of them but that's of course a point everybody loves to ignore.
You can google it
>if you kill your enemies they win

Turn off the proxy leaf
You're right they should of used it on berlin would of killed more of isis

Most urban areas are considerably less hardened, so I imagine the shockwave would likely end up leaving a mile-wide rubble field, with secondary damage from ruptured gas lines, shattering glass etc. extending the misery considerably.

Never mind what it'd do to people.
Size doesn't matter nearly as much as precision delivery systems
>You know what else could provide 50 million meals for afghans?
>Learning to farm

Another MOAB has just been dropped. How will afghanis ever recover?
If you want to defeat ISIS, you actually go to war with them instead of dropping tiny bombs when you feel like it. The US needs to cut all support to the Syrian rebels and engage in a full military operation alongside Syria and Russia as allies.
> no U!

That's your argument.
Top quality bantz mate

Yes, but that's a weapon you can't be sure is done killing when you move in, risks mutation, and is pretty much banned globally.

Plus it's generally slow as fuck and quite possibly spread into friendly areas. But thanks, Ebola-chan.
I'll believe it when they use it in combat.

ugh so much for not fapping this month

What makes you think the russians lack that
Smokescreen. there are no IS/ISIS/ISIL in Afghanistan.
No, if we want to win the larger war we ban the Koran and the Hijab and nuke mecca. If ISIS falls a new one will take their place as Islam is cancer. If we let Assad win he will become just as bad when he regains control, just look at turkey. All Islam must be wiped out and the MOAB was a good start.

I won't say it's shit, but it's our shit.

Europe is busily starting it's new life as the second Middle East, complete with new colonies in most of it's countries.
Does anyone have the exact coordinates?
I don't doubt it. I just doubt that they'd risk using such a large bomb because of collateral damage. At that point just go nuclear
>No problem, just load a couple of the penetrating versions into a B-2 and go say hi to Kim

Bombers aren't dump trucks. Either the bomb is designed to fit existing racks or you need to use a different aircraft or a pallet, hence the pallet.

Don't be overly impressed by single bombs.
>if you bomb and destroy your enemies encampments they win
fucking leaf proxies
I'll be honest, I came

this is a forward looking infrared vision device, (aka thermal cameral). noncolor = better contrast
us backing a goverment that has sharia fuck that bullshit
Be my guest, Berlin is a multi-kulti shithole and hundreds of kilometers away from my home.
How reddit can you get?
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>the fireball was over a mile in diameter
I assume 36 were the confirmed kills aka found bodies. Everyone else that was in the caves died because a) the ceiling caved in b) the shockwave torn their lung out. Keep in mind that shockwaves do not disperse easily in caves so they may have travelled way more than the weapon kill radius
Napalm is allowed, what's prohibited is Flamethrowers.

FLIR is so outdated.

I can't wait until we start getting videos captured using new shit like the X27.


That'll be bonkers.
> comparing Assad to Ergogan

Have you ever watched an interview with Assad? Are you even aware how long he is in power already? Stop drinking the MSM cool aid.
>destroyed Rome twice
>broke the church
>started the 30 year war
>create communism
>participate in WWI because of your retarded neighbour
>infect Russia with communism by shipping Lenin back to Russia
>directly lead to Russia becoming communist and lead to the death of the monarchy due to your shitty choices
>Start WWII after allying with communists to attack Poland
>fail to end communism in WWII after breaking the treaty
>fail to kill all the jews in europe
>be a hotbed for the cold war because you were split in two
>regain control, eastern half of nation is still a communist hellhole
>create the EU in an attempt for 4th reich

Germans deserve to be destroyed
$410,000 per kill.
Tomahawk missile strike was $5 million per kill.
There are 1.7 billion Muslims in the world.

I don't think we have enough money for this.

if someone has a ruler handy, measure the width of the road in the upper left corner. We can make an assumption that 1-2 military humvees can fit within this width, (so roughly 2-4 meters/7-14 feet). Take the measurement and convert it to a ratio of width of the road to width of the explosion
If you spend tens of millions of dollars bombing one encampment, wait a few weeks for them to build a new one, then bomb another one, then yes, they win.

The US should be launching a full invasion of ISIS, not these pussy Obama-tier photo-op airstrikes.

We're hitting low population density areas.

If you dropped that in, say the middle of the Syrian capital you'd end up killing thousands instead.
Farsight institute got some decent hits for april, i think one of them described this event, i dunno i was plastered when i watched it.
I never said this is a perfect little country, or even the greatest. But hopefully there would be great changes for the better of this shitty country.

In my lifetime I seen a president whom was.
>A Sexual Predator
>A Complete Retard
>A Nigger who tries to wash out thought, pushes newspeak culture (PC) and Negotiates with Terrorists.

We have our hands full into trying to bring salvation to our country. But hey, at least now we have a MAN who is bringing this country back on track.
That's beautiful.
ther fucking retared bobs dont cost 410 000 thats bullshit lies
underrated joke
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>the Syrian capital
The secular bastion for Christians, Alawites, and moderate Islam. Good work, Hillary!
if you feed them, they win
goddamn, I love my country
my guess is put it at at least 100 dead sandniggers, to account for those literally vaporized, and those buried or killed in the tunnels

Well drop them after weve beaten the enemy. Symbolic recreation of WW2.
It's obvious that you - or rather (((they))) don't actually want to win this war. There's too much money to be made from just keeping it simmer endlessly.
Might as well expend the MOAB since MOP is better for tunnel busting.

It's a cute little thing but the tech is old now.
it's tunnels built back during the Afghan Soviet war, they're collapsed now. That alone was worth it.
>But that breaks down to something like $20mil/pc. Where's this $16mil shit coming from?
There were also two they used for testing.

Also, don't confuse development cost with production cost.
Lurk more and stop watching CNN faggot
MOP is a bunker buster, not made for clearing out widespread tunnels since it doesn't kill it via overpressure, it just penetrates.
>But hey, at least now we have a MAN who is bringing this country back on track.
You have? Who would that be?
Had to change my underwear after seeing that
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But we did feed them.

MOAB is on the menu tonight boys
34º 04' 23'' 70º 37' 51''
my numbers prove that i'm correct
>>Tunnels were used to escape & traverse discreetly between Afghanistan & Iraq
wow, some fucking tunnels they were

Drop it everywhere from NKorea to Serbia
niggers not increasing

keep abortion legal
It's obvious you, like most of /pol/, only know about war what you read in the news.

High tech has its limits against dispersed forces. One must know enemy locations in order to kill them, but for some odd reason unconventional fighters refuse to line up in squares on the field to be killed.

Techy solutions are great for nation-state wars, but those are EASY compared to unconventional war.
It makes rather a large explosion after penetration.

A mix might be optimally effective. Multiple MOP followed by MOAB.
Fighting a war to WIN looks quite different from what you are doing though. And you have by far the best equipped military on this planet (as far as we know, who knows what the chinks are hiding these days).
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>>A Complete Retard
As much as I want to hate Bush, I find it hard to think of him as an idiot/retard. Don't know why, but once you dissociate the accent and pacing and read transcripts of what he said he seems quite sensible.
I'm thinking now, these things must have a shelf life, right? I vaguely remember reading about the way the military disposes unused ordinance, and it's awfully expensive. How much longer are these po̶t̶e̶n̶t̶i̶a̶l̶ ̶g̶i̶b̶s̶ ̶f̶u̶n̶d̶s̶ bombs going to sit around?
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>>Tunnels were used to escape & traverse discreetly between Afghanistan & Iraq
>was the first nation to bomb civilians
>was the first nation to use gas in a conflict
>was the first nation to use flamethrower on people

You have no room to talk Hans.
How is that any different from Obama's drone strikes?
We learned from our mistakes :^)
clearly you didn't
Yet you keep making more.
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The choice is yours
>Retard: Slow Down, to bring to a halt.
Yeah, pretty retarded to me. Took him a while to see what the heck was really going on and by the time that he did, it was already too late.
But different ones.
>Black and white is going to have a reason behind it.

It's probably an IR camera. It looks like it saturates near the explosion until approx 6 seconds after. Note the top of the mushroom cloud is black -> that is probably the highest temperatures. In spite of the range of temperatures in view, you can still see some ground level detail. I guess the movie must have a logarithmic output scale. It certainly scales as the peak temperature drops.
It's time to use the rest of them.
>Trump showing off his dick symbolically.
And it's Yuge.....
Twatter seems to be throttling this video.

I keep getting 'Twatter is taking too long to respond'
Because Kek wills it.

>Trump will bring salvation back to America.

In comparison to the average United Shitskins citizen maybe
>Number of US soldiers commiting suicide: 0
>Number of Musilim suicide: 1
>Muslim ratio: 1/86
>US ratio: 0/36

One of our soldiers is worth thousands of theirs.
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>burger comments on "culture"
Go look at the wiki anon, they don't need a pallet, it's meant to work with the B-2
Damn, Germans are dumb.
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so that's about 30x the width of the road

meaning the blast is approx 120m in diameter
drop location
>Damn, Germans are dumb.
No, they just have had a case of Nazi Guilt Complex that clouds their thinking and makes them reactionary.

Mr. Zog won't let them forget.
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>kraut implies Americans have no culture
>doesn't realize we have a world-famous car culture that stretches back decades
Krauts on suicide watch. How can they cope knowing that they were a running gag for the last 100 years?
>meaning the blast is approx 120m in diameter

Initial blast. While the fireball catches the eye, the concussive wave and vacuum pocket caused by the depletion of oxygen is much more damaging.
>vacuum pulls all the debris back into the explosion
Fucking sweet

Initial reports were 100. They bombed a cave. Honestly there's not a high probability that either casualty count is accurate.
>German """""culture"""""
I didn't realize that attempts at destroying Europe several dozen times within the span of a few hundred years was culture
>being this bluepilled

i want the_donald to leave
you should know that the hallmark of america is a german dish

the hamburger is named after hamburg
not a single thing I said was wrong you fuckin toothpaste
Germans are cancer and because of them, white nationalism is taboo in all western nations. And they are directly responsible for the deaths of 35+ million good white men, women and children.
I mean for fuck sake they didn't even finish the job with the jews, what good are they?
Yes I know that you tool
I don't know how they are even going to determine the kill count when the bodies are all buried under a mountain.
>Initial reports were 100. They bombed a cave. Honestly there's not a high probability that either casualty count is accurate.

It's not important how many, but who. If the C&C structure was eliminated, and all the support supplies, computers, money, munitions, people who know the bank account numbers, etc were eliminated, that's better than killing 10,000 ground soldiers.
Pretty sure he meant Pakistan.

Also, nice flag.
if you honestly believe that Lutheranism destroyed the church, you're fucking bluepilled
if you honestly believe that Germany is somehow responsible for either World War, you're fucking bluepilled
No that means the fireball is about 120m.

The blast would be much much larger.
This bomb was already made over a decade ago. Just because they use one once doesn't mean they now suddenly have to pay for it's use.

Hell who knows how close to expiring the Redskin Missiles were. Their use might have saved the US money in disposal costs.
It got taken down
splitting the church did more damage than good
over a hundred years of
>hurr ur a protestant
>hurr ur a catholic
instead of slaughtering fucking muslims, now they can't unite under one christian banner while muslims continue to outbreed us.

>not responsible for WWII
they literally invaded Poland, causing France and the UK to declare war
that's starting a war you fucking moron
and I never said they started WWI, merely that they made the situation worse, and that they are responsible for the USSR existing. They should have just abandoned Austria, which is honestly just a smaller, even shittier, Germany.
the catholic church was rotten and it still is. the catholic church allowed the jews to take over when they made it so usury was illegal for christians and not jews
>they literally invaded Poland

And research as to why. Don't rely on the textbook version.
Yes, yes I know WHY they did it, but the fact is, by doing so they started the war.
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No I think the mouth is just the tree limbs tricking you.
>by doing so they started the war.

The war was started with the Treaty of Versailles. It just took 20 years to go hot.

The treaty made in inevitable, and even those signing that knew it.
This triggers me.

The fucking weeb is pulling out the sword from the wrong angle, good way to dull that shit. RIP scabbard.
They do know how to farm, but we burned down their crops because we think opium is evil.
and handing over the Danzing Corridor to Germany would have only delayed that inevitability, Germany really dindu nuffins in WWI aside from help spawn the USSR, the Versailles treaty was way too harsh.
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