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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 9082. page

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California WTF

I just realized after wondering why it seems I can't get a basic meal at a restaurant for less than $6 like I used to that California has officially hiked their minimum wage to $10.50 with gradual increases annual until $15 by 2023. I have not worked a minimum wage job since I graduated high school in 2010 because I'm not a fucking loser. Don't these dipshit liberals not understand that this will only raise the cost of living statewide? That it will only devalue jobs you actually NEED a degree for and give them greater incentive to move elsewhere with their skilled labor? (Medical, Engineering, Trades)

>a basic meal at a fast food place is now $10 minimum; restaurant anywhere is now $20+
>gas is now an extra .50¢ a gallon AND is awaiting another .15¢ tax
>grocery stores have now had slight slight price increases store-wide
>you have to stuff everything you buy in your hoodie pocket because stores are forced to charge by fucking plastic bag
>we can't even fix our infrastructure and weather control systems
>most of Sacramento would absolutely flood if the outdated and overstressed 1940s levy system were to burst
>"woah there buddy, that assault-style 12 round magazine is scary and evil"
>everything is taxed including the air you breath, quite literally literally

Sensible white Californians!
Where will you be planning your escape to before the inevitable collapse into third world status by 2024?

Honestly the Midwest looks /comfy/ as FUCK
>90%+ white
>highest concentration of Christians in the nation
>only sector of the US to survive/thrive during the recession
>no fucking traffic
>cheap housing/cost of living
>based gun laws
>almost non-existant taxes

North Dakota? Indiana?
Anyone down to purge Minnesota?
206 posts and 35 images submitted.
dude our state is run by (((certain folks))) who want to keep everyone poor and desperate, what do you expect?
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Ive been looking at Indiana and Utah
This place is getting fucked
No please California make it $100 dollars an hour.

Pretty please?
what the hell, i worked a min wage job whilst going to college like all other broke college kids do

>i have not worked a min wage job since hs in 2010 because im not a fucking loser
well what did u do then? cause i can tell you most people in college are working dead end min wage jobs just so they can scrape enough money for fucking books and parking fees.

Been living in SoCal my entire life and i can confirm its a hellhole, everything is overpriced lots of beans and nigs.

>great weed
>great weather
>great looking women

I was thinking of moving to either nevada or texas later on in life.
nevada is practically california but you arent getting bumbfucked by the overall inflation of money in the area and taxes.

you also forgot

>san andre 10.0 earthquake
>nuke hotspot

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72 posts and 17 images submitted.
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What is this? It's just a shed inside of a building.
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what did he mean by this

Why are millennials uninterested in owning a mcmansion or buying new luxury cars?
170 posts and 24 images submitted.
They prefer to live as cockroaches in squalid apartments with roommates well into their late 20s because they just wont pull themselves up by the bootstraps.
Go ask reddit faggot
>garage facing the same direction as the front door
Why would someone buy this?
who gives a fuck snowboard and study physics you monkey

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It's been a while, fellow thirdworlders.

Let's get comfy while talking about corruption, poverty and politics
124 posts and 36 images submitted.
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>tfw store brand macaroni and hot dogs and basically 56k tier internet
>basically 56k tier internet
Heck my internet here is still faster and bandwidth uncapped, unlike many in murrika. Plus no one gives a shit what I download.

I'll start
79 posts and 29 images submitted.
>I'm sorry you're too bigoted to understand the complexity of gender
>Check your humankin privilege
Your autism isn't wesponized properly.

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>tfw rationally you support traditionalism and religion but when it comes to feelings you are a degenerate
I have mad crush on Lauren Southern,ironically big reason why I like het is her conservative thoughts and activism. New generation identity video of her boxing resurfaced those feelings badly.
Any polacks struggling with homosexual urges? How do you shift your thoughts and is it even possible to change orientation? I want a family and normal life.
110 posts and 10 images submitted.
>How do you shift your thoughts and is it even possible to change orientation
There are a bunch of ways to reduce libido, but its a hell of a lot harder to change orientation.
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Lauren Southern is a Jew who mocks white genocide.
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>How do you shift your thoughts and is it even possible to change orientation?
>New generation identity video of her boxing

WOKE as fuck!
70 posts and 16 images submitted.
shes been blacked
>my void's been filled
She's explicitly telling us shes been blacked.
she is redpilled on the JQ after getting molested by dan the man (((schneider)))

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>MSM makes case against Trump based on how many "uneducated whites" voted for Trump
>"Education" doesn't include Trades, Certificates or Military
>If did, # of "educated" voters for Trump would be more than for Hilary
Another example of using "facts" to create a false narrative in Das Luggenpres?
85 posts and 7 images submitted.
they are elitist scum
Is not a trade a form of useful education?
Is not a plumber more valuable for society than a Gender Studies Major?
Is hard, real work; specialty work on which our civilization is built not worth a bit of respect?
Yes, yes, and not only is it worth a bit of respect, it builds character and strength. Both things that are severely lacking in the western world.

But it's okay to punch down as long as your on the left

Because doing otherwise means:

>Kids will go to their liberal indoctrination colleges instead
>Kids will come out with useless degrees that thousands of others are coming out with at the same time, thus creating difficult employment and therefore loans and handouts that lead to positive outlook on Government dependencies

Trade jobs are based around core life skills that allow people to be independent and self sustaining. They WANT people to view this type of work as unsatisfactory.

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How can you argue with someone that weed is degenerate when all they say is everything is different from person to person, circumstantial, and situational?
Also, general weed for/against discussion thread.
59 posts and 13 images submitted.
tonight it isnt.
The state should tax it and move on. We have an opiod problem in this country that weed could help solve through the funding of clinics
All druggies should be put to death. Weed has minor medicinal uses.
It's against the law over here, and tried using it as an argument but only got that, "it doesn't matter what a bunch of old guys in suits think should be illegal."
I said it was trashy because of the persistent stench and bad habits that it generates, but was told, "the smell comes out easy when you clean it, and the second part varies from person to person."
I've said people who use it recreationally only do so because they can't have fun without it, but was told, "it doesn't mean they can't have fun normally, they just use it sometimes to mix it up."

Am I in the wrong? I can admit when I'm wrong, but I just have this strong feeling I'm right, but can't articulate as to why. Maybe I'm giving the wrong reasons?

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Why aren't you Mormon yet /pol/?

We just cut off all ties to the boy scouts because they decided to accept trans fags. We're starting our own group without those morons.


This is completely based, 100% based. The Cuck catholics would never do this. Our church is the only hope at saving America. Please /pol/, do the right thing.

>virgin women who value chastity
>big families
>cheap housing
>Mormon church unofficially runs Utah and makes things everything /cozy/
>cheap uni
>values science and faith
>family oriented
>against all forms of degeneracy

403 posts and 34 images submitted.
Mormons are the Christian equivalent of Sunni Muslims.
I like wine, and I'm a Catholic
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Are they being replaced with the Royal Rangers?
Fuck mormons, they're just as cancerous as islam.

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If mass immigration is a Jewish plot to breed out the white race, then why don't they bring women? Why not bring women to Europe so white men can breed to them and make brown babies?
59 posts and 10 images submitted.
Because white women wouldn't vote for increased competition.
Maybe because they also want the breakdown of the family unit.
When a nation conquered a land did it kill all of the enemy women and bring in their own to breed the remaining men?
White women are the biggest fool's of any race or Creed.

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Is the secret to success just working hard, /pol/?
52 posts and 10 images submitted.

No, it's getting lucky with the opportunistic moments too.
No. It's about having the right connections in your local synagogue goy.

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Kevin Gates says "Stop acting like niggers" in an interview


Bonus: "The only thing worse than a nigger is another one"

54 posts and 9 images submitted.
>stop acting like niggers.
>says the guy who looks niggerer than most niggers.
>"muh looks"

He's fasionable, how are niggers supposed to dress you fucking retard?
wtf I love niggers now

Refreshing to hear stuff like this, I think. I mean, I still don't want to live around Blacks, but this is sensible in my opinion.

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/pol/ what the fuck is this?

137 posts and 26 images submitted.
A whale obviously
What the fuck
It's a blue whale.
Rosie O'Donnell

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They're not fucking around anymore. Shit is getting real, comrades.

121 posts and 30 images submitted.
So? A faggot with a gun is still a faggot.
If they started shooting people that would be the worst thing to happen to their movement.
>comrade dragonlord
Oh sweet. Escalations.

how do you justify 1,300ml of liquid poison?

explain yourself amerifats
179 posts and 28 images submitted.
Just drink water if you don't want all the sugar and shit. It's not my fault you have no willpower and got fat.

In Italy we don't even have the large, kek.

Anyway, I would be in favor of a sugar tax, but only because we have socialized healthcare.
With a fully private healthcare it should be none of your business.

Of course, with Medicaid it's notfully private in America either.
Fuck nanny state shit
wtf i love america now
Wtf is an "ml"???

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USA NO!!!!!
104 posts and 24 images submitted.
yasss slay

Mexican Downes Syndrome is an ugly thing
Might make other arrogant illegals think twice before dancing in front of the camera.

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How did this magnificent bastard become President of the United States?
101 posts and 28 images submitted.
That one anon got quints that one time
he's actually a time traveller
That one anon got quints that one time, he's actually a time traveller

Yeah, I think the general consensus here is he's a time traveler.

Breed like rats, treat women like shit, torture animals, ruined the great civilizations of persia, Iberia, Greece, Phoenicia, and numerous others. Commit terror attacks and rape all over Europe. Openly admitting they want white genocide and to conquer European countries. Let's piss off some shitskins.

How about a Muslim hate thread?
77 posts and 23 images submitted.
would you want a muslim who takes his texts literally and seriously as your neighbor?
Kek, I remember this was my thread a few days ago.

i'm a faggot boislut and I love muslims. They're so dominant and masculine unlike effeminate white guys. Arab muslims always have big fat cocks and they have dominant personalities so they can make you their boi faggot bitch both physically and mentally. They're all cut too so they can fuck you extremely hard and basically rape your hole without hurting their cocks.

I used to live in paris and I got fucked at least twice a week by maghrebi studs. nothing is hotter than submitting to an algerian or a moroccan and letting them have their way with you....
I seriously just made this myself lel

What will the next trans trend be?
109 posts and 46 images submitted.
Trans dimensional
Trans pacific

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NYT, Nov 2016
>the FBI says there’s no definitive connection between Donald Trump and the Russian government, reaching that conclusion after a wide-ranging investigation
>law-enforcement officials who said any cyberattacks carried out were “aimed at disrupting the presidential election rather than electing Trump.”
>no conclusive evidence of deliberate communications between Trump and a Russian bank

Paul Ryan, Feb 2017
>“No one has ever showed us any evidence that any collusion had occurred between an American involved with the political system and the Russians.”

James Clapper, March 2017
>“[Regarding] NSA, FBI…CIA…Director of National Intelligence (DNI), that had anything, that had any reflection of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians, there was no evidence of that included in our [January] report,” Clapper testified. He was asked, “…but does it exist?” He answered, “Not to my knowledge.”

Devin Nunes, March 2017
>NUNES: Well, I think — I understand that…but I can tell you that we don’t have any evidence and we’re conducting our own investigation here.
73 posts and 18 images submitted.
James Comey, March 2017
>Comey was asked if he agreed with former Director of National Intelligence (DNI) Clapper who said there was “no evidence” of “collusion between the members of the Trump campaign and the Russians.” Comey replied, “I think he’s right about characterizing the [January] report which you all have read.”

Chris Stewart, March 2017
>“At this point, everyone on this dais should agree with Mr. Clapper because we in the committee have seen no evidence, zero, that would indicate that there was collusion or criminal wrongdoing between any members of the previous [sic] administration or campaign and Russian officials.”

Adam Schiff, April 2017
>When asked, “Can you say definitively that there was collusion, there were people affiliated with the Trump campaign who were working with Russians to time the release of damaging information about Hillary Clinton that had been hacked either from [Hillary campaign chair] John Podesta or the DNC?” Schiff replied, “I don’t think we can say anything definitively at this point.”

Diane Feinstein, May 2017
>When asked if she had evidence of collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia during the 2016 presidential campaign, Feinstein replied, “Not at this time.”
Joe Manchin, May 2017
>“People that might have said they were involved, to what extent they were involved, to what extent the president might have known about these people or whatever, there is nothing there from that standpoint that we have seen directly linking our president to any of that.”

James Clapper, May 2017
>At a hearing, Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-South Carolina) asked Clapper if it’s still accurate that he has no knowledge of the existence of evidence of collusion between members of the Trump campaign and the Russians. Clapper replied, “It is.”

Maxine Waters, May 2017
>Rep. Waters has repeatedly stated that President Trump “has colluded with the Russians,” but when asked if she has seen evidence to back up her claims, Waters replied: “No, we have not.”

MAXINE WATERS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Px6v0XbjiZI

CHRIS MURPHY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FIEhGFoeXXU

JAMES CLAPPER #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QMbQGSWsN_0

JAMES CLAPPER #2: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ycZj5-5KJwA

JAMES CLAPPER / SALLY YATES #1: https://youtu.be/uU9a9-w2vjk

JAMES CLAPPER / SALLY YATES #2: https://youtu.be/HSLrDoVLZus

DIANNE FEINSTEIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0BS5amEq7Fc

ADAM SCHIFF: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m8ifT1lssHY

DEVIN NUNES: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M8iicUyOeik

JOE MANCHIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=H9qDolBGkEo

JAMES COMEY #1: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgeUNmplhsQ

JAMES COMEY #2 (KIND OF): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bA5CN1dF45k

JAMES COMEY / MICHAEL ROGERS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wCQgBOJsRKw

MICHAEL ROGERS: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h5c4Hw-hr80

PETER KING: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tsv9JV7vFjk

TOM COTTON: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=09ovUQVO2iY

TREY GOWDY: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC0Jb7C9JRM

PAUL RYAN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JRjRDOArsl4

RAND PAUL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6gs41QdqJJM

LORETTA LYNCH: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JuL2QdqkCdQ

VLADIMIR PUTIN: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8KCWyyLmXg0

JULIAN ASSANGE CONFIRMS LEAKS ARE NOT FROM RUSSIA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=faoHbgTTiHg
BARACK OBAMA [states elections cannot be hacked]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cruh2p_Wh_4

DONALD TRUMP [condemns it immediately]: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=besaaGnXhHg


SCHUMER, PUTIN, PELOSI, RUSSIAN AMBASSADOR: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZyVZ38Db_A
pastebin for future use




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What are those 14 words again /pol/?
67 posts and 29 images submitted.
We must secure the existence of our race, and a future for white children.

Or something like that.
White women were created to crave the big black cock and make mixed babies
White Americans are born to serve the African cock and admire its thick beauty
There are some things money can't buy. For everything else, there's MasterCard.

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So when will we be able to invent compact nuclear reactors to power a bunch of these?
232 posts and 32 images submitted.
I believe certain naval ships have been powered by small nuclear reactors for several decades now.
This, they already have a bunch apparently.

We need graviton guns.
Are they enough for multiple railgun armanents?
it's a prototype, it uses capacitors to generate a pulse kind of like a camera using a flash. You don't need tons of power, just tons of capacitors. So I expect it will be feasible to have smaller or larger cannons.

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wish i won yet?
66 posts and 23 images submitted.
why are you even posting here? kill yourself faggot
Not even in the slightest.
Dear god no.

Shouldn't you be vomiting or shitting yourself

Civic nationalism didn't w-
77 posts and 26 images submitted.
Hahaha I was at a museum and there was a cuck holding an anti-trump sign and the kids were cheering "we love Trump!"
Oh boy, yet another sageblue divide and conquer thread.

The truth about immigration by the numbers:


Cultural Marxist Jews Admit Organizing White Genocide

The plan to eliminate the white race:


Cultural Marxism in action… Political Correctness, the tip of the blade:


Cultural Marxism & Social Justice Explained:


Why are we in Decline - Cultural Marxism:


also see

The facts about slavery in North America:


Cultural Marxist Jews fund media propaganda against whites on an enormous scale:


Does this sound familiar at all? (starting at 6:52)


The Holocaust:




N-no goyim, don't increase minority support goyim!

Lol, Stormfags.

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