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Archived threads in /pol/ - Politically Incorrect - 4724. page

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Don't download "Crispy Biscuits" game. It was made by Tariq Nasheed, twitter douche. Pic related.
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
He's proud to be a muppet.
What did he mean by this?

"No ifs, no buts, Tommy Robinson is an enemy of our community.”

Tommy is said to have talked to around a dozen members of the Jewish community near Manchester city until the early hours of last Thursday morning.

>The meeting has sparked outrage in the wider Jewish community whose members argue Mr Robinson incites racial hatred and is in the same league as the British National Party (BNP) - where he used to be a member.

>The Jewish Labour Movement, which has been a formal affiliate of the Labour Party since 1920, told The Independent they were deeply alarmed by the secret gathering and members of the organisation had been left "outraged".

>Jeremy Newmark, the chairman, said: "There can be no space in our community for the politics of extremism and hate. British Jews stood firmly against the British Union of Fascists, the National Front and the BNP.

>"We are warning them not to be taken in by the likes of Tommy Robinson who is part of that same legacy of hate. We call upon the Board of Deputies and Jewish Leadership Council to take political and educational steps to distance our community from Robinson and his associates … No ifs, no buts, Tommy Robinson is an enemy of our community.”


Will Tommy succeed in splitting the Jewish community or is it a fool's errand?
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
Archive or screenshot please https://archive.is/ZMazA
It was the Jews that created and fund the EDL in the first place lawl.
I mean he works for a jew. Probably staged outrage to make us think they aren't secretly in collusion. I generally like tommy when I see him in videos, but I think he's a civic nationalist. He always takes about how luton was diverse when he was growing up and there was no racism and that it was great.
>Jewish Labour Movement
complains about
>British National Party

Fucking kikes. Get out. Or at least pipe down and behave your disgusting selves.

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Fact: Donald Trump Jr. Knowingly attempted to collude with the Russian government

This is attempted collusion. Period.
212 posts and 31 images submitted.
Cry more
>/pol/ for months
>after evidence is found

I'm glad Shillery lost, but Trump's legacy is permanently tainted now because his son is a fucking idiot.
Start 3 more posts about it tonight and it might come true for you OP!

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Blacks are intellectually inferior to whites on average. Morally speaking why does this mean we should treat them differently?
52 posts and 5 images submitted.

If you did, they'd blame that for failure rather than anything else. Equal treatment at worst means shut up and stop complaining.
Would you kick a stupid cat merely because it is less intelligent than you?

If you would, you might be a nigger.
Nope. You'll end up in a purity spiral, where do you draw the line?
worst get ever

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Ftw i cant post a link but its funny as hell its in estonian news
76 posts and 17 images submitted.
the estonian news call them right wing terrorists
identitarians germany?

That reminds me, where is the Estonian toothbrush girl?
no idea :/
estonian news says 75000 euros

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Also fuck off with your archive. Politico are good guys, they are not CNN
90 posts and 26 images submitted.
Always archive
chezk em
kek. I love you man.
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wtf I love macron now

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133 posts and 35 images submitted.
>jew likes jews
gee, what a shocker...
he said antisemitism is abhorrent and reprehensible as an a priori judgement, which is reasonable. He made no such statement regarding a posteriori judgement.
>everyone who doesn't not hate jews is kike or shill
>doesn't hate

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Guys, this honorable White warrior needs our meme magic. He's going up against a savage ape for the glory of our people. Think: he will win.
58 posts and 10 images submitted.
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Press F for BASED FLOYD to see that paddy cracka faggiy get his teeth kicked in
when's the fight?
I hope mcgregor puts that nigger in a coma
>brown eyes

COUNTRIES in the Ottoman domination

1-Bulgaria 545 years
2-Greece 363 years
3-Serbia 539 years
4-Montenegro 539 years
5-Bosnia 539 years
6-Croatia 539 years
7-Macedonia 539 years
8-Slovenia 250 years
9-Romania 490 years
10-Slovakia 20 years
11-Macersit 160 years
12-Moldova 490 years
13-Ukraine at 308 years
14-Azerbaijan 25 years
15 Georgia 400 years
16-Armenia 20 years
17-Cyprus 293 years
18-Northern Cyprus 239 years
19-South Russia 291 years
20 Egypt 459 years
21 Libya 439
22 Tunisia 308 years
23-Algerian 313 years
24-Sudan 397 years
25-Eritrean 350 years
26-Djibouti 350 years
27-Somali 350 years
28-Kenya 350 years
29-Tanzania 250 years
30-North cad 313 years
31 Nigeria 300 years
32-Mozambique 150 years
33-Morocco 250 years
34-year West sahra250
35-Mauritania 250 years
36-Maliki 300 years
Senegal 37 300 years
38-Gambia 300 years
39-Guinea 300 years
40-Guinea bisv 300 years
41-Ethiopian 350 years
42-Iraq 402 years
43-Syria 402 years
44-Israel 402 years
45-Palestine 402 years
46-Jordan 402 years
399 years after the 47-Saudi Arabia
48-Yemen 401 years
49-Oman 400 years
50-b.a.emirlig 400 years
51-Qatar 400 years
52-Bahrain 400 years
53-Kuwait 381 years
54-western Iran, 30 years
55-Lebanon 402 years
56-Poland 25 years
57-Gritany to 25 years
58-Albania 435 years
59-Belarusian 25 years
60-Lithuania 25 years
61-Latvia 25 years
62-Kosovo 539 years
63-Voyvodiny 166 years
380 posts and 126 images submitted.
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>The Gambia
>Western Sahara
if your empire was important how come it didn't leave any cultural imprint ?

Fuck greekcucks

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2 posts and 1 images submitted.
I remember being 12

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>first got attention being a screeching demagogue that promised everything to everyone
>gets into power making deals with conservatives and government backed oligarchs
>does the classic unstable dictatorship move and gives gibs to military people and police to cuck the previous elite
>the real reason hitler stole so much jew property was to give it to generals and politicians while not pissing off the people as usually happens when thieving to bribe your powerbase
>uses foreign policy and warfare to distract from and legitimize his unstable and unpopular government based on nothing but bribing military and police

why so many atrocities and cruelty at home and abroad? letting your military and police run amok is something every dictator does as its what naturally happens when you depend on your power from nothing but force, the people who apply that force will be given a free hand to do whatever they want and naturally abuse it for their sadistic pleasure.

not even going to talk about the attempt at "planning" of the economy and "full employment" on stolen money doing unproductive shit like bridges to nowhere and arms.

can't square this with your religious view of just another MAN because of the feeling of awe you've acquired from staring at what was propaganda for the average chum in another century? congrats you're one of those suckers in history who support thieving politicians without even getting a tangible payout like the aforementioned thugs he relied on for power.
1 posts and 1 images submitted.
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CNN memes thread, lets spread the memes.
5 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Never do shit like this but the opportunity it just too great. Sending out emails to those who advertise on CNN

Here's a copypasta I've been using, feel free to use it.
>warning bit autistic

I have been a customer of your company ( both privately and commercially ) for many years. I have always received great customer service and wouldnoften go out of my way to support your stores as opposed to larger retail chains.

However due to recent events I find myself in an uncomfortable position and can no longer in good faith continue my support.

An organization, which ______ is a major contributor of, have set alarming precedents that impede basic personal liberties in our country, including infringement on freedom of speech, persecution of personal beliefs.

These action threaten the values America was founded on and leaves me concerned for the continuation of these principles for my children in the future. I cannot endorse this behavior and will not be shopping at your establishment while you sponsor CNN

Anyone else have any other examples to increase efficiency and frequency of spamming these sponsors???
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
List of affiliated sponsors and contact information

>>132546045 (OP) #
The following is a list of companies that advertise on CNN.

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Why /sp/ is frozen? Halp
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
4chan is in the process of being shut down at the moment
how do i get into ufc?
All but us and /b/ as far as I can tell. Even /vip/ and /qa/.

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North Korea will have no mercy, how will you spend your last days. https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=youtu.be&v=oIscL-Bjsq4
1 posts and 1 images submitted.
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Well, y'all succeeded in whatever you did. You got trans people throwing Jews out of gay parades, lefty spiritual healing sites blaming Jews for the worlds problems, irl ppl blaming Jews , people linking the Jews to isis, and so on.

Pic related
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
Jews fear socialism that is not controlled by Jews.
Next step is to get those retard's to understand the difference in jews (live in israel) and satanists (everyone else who is a "jew")
I'm afraid for my friends that are nonpracticing Jews though.

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Niggers are raiding Infowars' post. Give them your best WE WUZ KANGZ pics.
1 posts and 1 images submitted.
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come on pricks
3 posts and 1 images submitted.
wtf is this supposed to be
its your papa

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To become a real man you must stop being a weeaboo and worshipping the nip. Skinny manlets with waifu pillows who are too busy watching Ching Chong Mecha Pussy-o cannot defend the West from destruction.
4 posts and 1 images submitted.
Gooks and their pokeymans will be the death of the white man
This. Fuck weeaboos and fuck 4chan

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>TFW Peter Thiel is paying Hiroshimook to shut down all boards except /pol/ to shove the redpill down the dissenter's throats
7 posts and 4 images submitted.
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That's a twitter-tier meme
it's every board except /a/, /v/, /vg/, and /pol/

git good gook moot

1. Why is the British Royal Family so fucking ugly? Why is the only decent looking one a woman who married into that poisoned bloodline? Is it a requirement for royalty to be that repugnant?

2. Why don't we, in this day and age when the monarchy means as little as ever, just vote for a King/Queen? Far as I know they have basically no power anyway, and it's just a title now.
Why do we continue to give these inbred LARPing fools that title? Fuck the royal family.
138 posts and 34 images submitted.
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she ugly
What you are looking at my friend is a prime English lass and I swear to God if you mock her again i'll fucking kick your yank ass
All royalty should be killed, except the cute princesses, they should be put in petting zoos so everyone can enjoy them.

>except the cute princesses,

What if they stop being cute? Queen Elizabeth was a very pretty young girl, and I bet the slag princesses in the OP were cute once.

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Please destroy CNN
5 posts and 5 images submitted.
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spread your CNN memes far and wide
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CNN is fake news
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Ran into sever troubles on another board....scared that buzzfeed cunt fucked us ignore this post.
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>When a national newspaper revealed that a beach near Venice was styling itself on the fascist era of Benito Mussolini, police quickly raided the club.

>One sign said "Anti-democratic zone and regime" while another appeared to joke about the Nazi Holocaust, reading "Entry forbidden - gas chamber".

>The Venice prefect ordered "any references to fascism" to be removed.

>But now the row has spread to parliament, over a bill to tighten up laws against promoting fascism.

>Under the proposals put forward by the centre-left Democratic Party (PD), propaganda praising the Mussolini or Nazi regimes would become a crime punishable by up to two years in jail. The bill is particularly geared towards material posted on the internet.
60 posts and 10 images submitted.
Forgot link:

>Freedom and expression

>The populist Five Star movement condemned the bill as killing freedom, while right-wing parties including the Northern League said it criminalised opinion and made no sense.

>Former Prime Minister and PD leader Matteo Renzi argued that it was fascism that had killed liberty rather than a law criminalising propaganda, while the PD politician behind the bill, Emmanuele Fiano, said Italian law already made clear there were limits to freedom of expression.
>But Northern League leader Matteo Salvini argued that ideas should not be put on trial. "He wants to send to jail people who sell a lighter with Mussolini's face on it," he complained.

>Under existing law, Nazi or fascist actions and declarations that incite violence and discrimination can already be punished with a jail term.

>The Mussolini theme was clear from the entrance to the privately run Punta Canna resort, where the sign read "Rules: Order, cleanliness and discipline."

>As well as fascist slogans, the beach at Chioggia, a short distance south of Venice, broadcast regular messages over speakers from its manager, Gianni Scarpa, a 64 year-old clad in a black bandana.

>Before police raided the beach he told La Repubblica newspaper (in Italian) that he was "delighted to have an exemplary clientele", and that he hated filthy people and democracy.
>The head of Italy's Jewish community, Noemi Di Segni, told the paper that she was concerned that journalists rather than the authorities had brought the case to light.

>"The images we have seen are an outrage to the memory of victims of the Shoah [Holocaust] and an insult to the democratic institutions of our country," she said.

>National partisans organisation ANPI called on tourists to boycott the beach and for the manager to lose his licence to run it.
This is a horrid development for free speech in Italy but who are those bitches

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