Do Turks celebrate christmas?
Are Turks human?
only europeans do that
Why dont Turks celebrate Nowruz?
Then do Americans celebrate christmas?
>you will never live like a degenerate in Bangkok as you are too scared to get out of your basement
Fuck you
Family is from Bangkok
The fact that Westerners only know about the red light district stays more about you guys than it does about us
haha bangcock
haha bangcock
bangcock haha
>your country was designed for greatness
I have hardcore french melancholia right now guys... how do you deal with it ?
We feel with you
I share your pain
Tbh giving north america away was our main mistake.
That an Napoleon trying to invade Russia.
Thx pal
>and Napoléon trying to invade Russia
I am genuinenly sad with how France is right now, I like France. Now it's all niggers, muslims and filth.
"Thanks for giving me a tour around your city anon. What are we first going to see?"
Money's on the dresser. Get out.
Probably the carpet at the edge of the bed.
Two planes were not sufficient.
First, youre going to see my bed.
And then, youre going to see my door.
>you will never live in Ohio
no different
Thank god I live north of the 49th
michicuck detected
America? More like Amheroinica because everyone is addicted to heroin
ohio? more like oHIGHo because everyone there is high off of heroin
I made a makeshift rope from a towel
I keep having waves of depression or what ever this fogg in my head is. I might be phiszophrenic
The fog cleared for the first time in a while 3 days ago but it just came back
I might as well end this right here and now
Should I?
Chang pls...
You'd be better off posting this on >>>/r9k/ my ching chong friend
call the suicide hotline and tell us what happens please
Do you wear a t-shirt with the title "diversity"?
I love France and Germany.
I hate England. Disgusting people.
I love France and Germany too.
Fuck you and your Brexit. I hope your economy breaks down and your children starve to death.
Why do Italians put leafs on their pizzas?
>mfw I see a pizza
>mfw I read leaf
Too much shitposting on /pol/ I guess.
So they don't end like you
spinach on pizza is based though
It's basil. It's an herb that makes it taste better.
Is beer considered uncultured man's drink in your country?
no, vodka is
tho people still drink it because it's the best booze in terms of price/quantity/alcohol percentage
some beer can make the bitterness taste good
our tastes are screwed up by the constant sweets but generally beer can be quite tasty after a hard day's work
Some brands like Kronembourg, 1664 or Heineken are (though as a general thing, beer is not higly considered if it's not some hipster microbrewry that brew 5 cans of super special limited stuff once a year).
Plus France is quite a special snowflake, and you have tons of piss-flavored cheap wines that are considered as the ultimate pleb-drunkard-cyrhosis-candidate drinks.
Gf left me for the new polish immigrant neighbor lads
Why do all women crave polish men?
They are good workers and most of all, they can use blades in fights.
Australia is love
that's not how you spell cancer
watch your mouth
Australia is a stain on my existence
i like australia
How come Americans don't eat sheep/lamb, is it a religious thing?
I don't know. I guess it's because there's not a lot of sheep here but I don't know why.
it would probably be doable to import them and grow your own population
There's a lot of goats and sheep though I believe most people just use the milk and cheese
I've tried it, doesn't really appeal to me tbqh. I'm more of a steak and chicken person myself.
Owning one of these is the ultimate first world test, do you have yours?
what is it?
I have this thing and it works ok and i have a stovetop kettle but i would rather have a qt electric kettle
yes i do but most burgers dont use them. having said that, mine breaks doen with some frequency. have had to fixi it three times
i have one
>China is governed by a commie government instead of an imperial dynasty
>Japan is governed by an elected PM and has an emperor with no power instead of a Shogun
>France is a gay ass republic instead of a feudal kingdom
>the USA are a socialist big government multiracial Gaytopia instead of a minarchist federal republic
>Quebec is not free from anglo stupidity
>Constantinople is still ruled by mudslimes
We can never escape the horror anon, at least not until the next crusade
What was the point of letting Algerians immigrate?
>We still havent found Atlantis ruins and we've probably surpased their super technology by now
What are you guys doing for Pearl Harbor Day?
the president is meeting abe in hawaii
I'll probably watch world at war for the umpteenth time
Why didn't you listen?
Thinking about my grandpa whose birthday was two days after pearl habor. He tried to enlist but they denied him cuz he was flat footed. My dad recently said he was a pussy but I don't remember things that way
I think /pol/ fawns over him only because he has blue eyes
/pol/ loves him because he is the best for Iraq.
Assad >>>> ISIS >>>>>>>>>>>>> rebels
<.< There should be no muslim leader for Iraq (¬_¬;)
Do you even realize that if bashar steps off the throne iraq will be occupied by ISIS? ._____.
Youre a TROL
Allah hates evil. Which is why terrorists lost. الله اكبر
Thanks Uruguay
>In October 1920, Gardel first applied for Uruguayan citizenship; in Buenos Aires he went to the Uruguayan consulate to complete paperwork that said he was born in 1887 in Tacuarembó, Uruguay. One month later he was issued a new Argentine identity card that listed him as a Uruguayan national.
>There are African immigrants living in Scandinavian countries posting on /int/ RIGHT NOW
somali here ama
How many white girls have you had consensual sex with so far?
i wonder what happened to him... i heard he finally got jailed for CP, not sure though
Would you have impregnate girls from the country of the poster above you?
I want to be impregnated by the country above me
>reposted sun
We don't have enough of these
only if she is below the age of 25
How is the UK viewed in your country?
Like fine lads
Highly respected. An example. Except the fascist who talked about ''la perfida Albione''.
>I'm sorry, just remember waking up and remembering you're mexican
>Tfw not even germany, finland, norway or any other northen country is as pure as "moortugal"
Whats your secret?
>as well as the romani population
Deus Vult of course
Hey if they didn't count romani then romania would be at 60% or less
>show me the money
>b-but this isnt muh real communism
there is no such thing as innocence, only degrees of guilt
but i see only paper
welcome to the real world goy
>tfw you were born African American
>tfw you weren't born a white American or Latino American
It's not fair!!!
>tfw it doesn't matter how many times this thread is posted, it will STILL get replies
kill yourself and try again
Congrats on not being a school shooter
Congrats on not having either of your parents work in a field or as a motel maid
At least black people are funny
>tfw no matter how many times I post this thread I'll always be a Negro
W-what if I'm born an African in Africa
What does /int/ think of Google Translate?
I use it every day, it's the 3rd option on my bookmark toolbar
it is obviously not perfect but if you know a language well enough to spot big errors, you get an idea of what it usually does right or wrong for that language and you can get by
However, I use it as a supplement to other translators and dictionaries as well
its also fun to play the voice
a shit, but I use it pretty often anyway
>mfw someone tries to google translate finnish
>Päivittäinen muistutus siitä, että Suomi on ei-maahan
What does it say?
How does your county deal with separatist movements?
We fight them, lose, then they fight us, then we win.
what? we have none
California and Texas?
We laugh about those pesky Bavarians. For they will never have their own country.