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Archived threads in /int/ - International - 5837. page

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Clean africa
27 posts and 6 images submitted.
>many yellow dots in Alaska

What's going on in Minneapolis?
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> no dots in Israel

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cheese slicer.webm
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God damn it feels good to be Nordic

>non-nords just cut their cheese with regular knives like savages
downright fucking laughable
69 posts and 17 images submitted.
The only cheese you cut is the smegma off your bull's cock

>having to cut your cheese
ours comes prepackaged and devoid of any organic compounds for maximum shelf life
>maximum shelf-life
and minimum pleasure

like ur virginity lmao

So you're telling me that Bolan is Nordic?

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23 posts and 6 images submitted.
Go back to your powerful country,fucking yank.
cuz USA is more powerful than they and they are just jelous?

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"Today, Donald Trump said X controversial racist/sexist/homophobic comment. More on this story after 25 commercials for blood pressure medication and Jew lawyers to get you the settlement you deserve after the blood pressure medication causes you to stroke out."

"Season 250 of Family Guy premiers next on Fox -- Animation Domination."

"Next up on MTV - Transgender Teen Mom. What's that? We're supposed to be a music channel? What year did you think this was, 1991?"
34 posts and 4 images submitted.
>In the news tonight not the olympics we forgot to pay for the right to broadcast
>Now in the next top cring telenovela who murdered Javier?"
>Brozo and his naked girl are not on air anymore throwing shit to the president
>Now in Ch 5 another american series dubbed by vomiting in the audio chanels
>Now in Channel 11 boring as fuck until next documentary
>Ch 4 our president is the greates thing to ever happen, weed LEGAL? NEVER now lets see this cringe report on people cringing at our morining """""""""news""""""""""" with Esteban Arce
Also BLM didn't do nuffin.
>diarrhea medication commercial
>paradocumental series where cheap amateur actors fill the gap between another commercials
>some bullshit political news where ruling party says it will have a positive effect, while opposite party says about negative effects
>turkish historical fiction television series
>polish telenovela
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News, talk shows about politics similar to British tabloids, whores dancing, talk shows about the arguments and fights of dancing whores.

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>Be black American marine
>Go to Japan
>Smash more japanese women than Godzilla ever will
>Get showered with compliments (nice eyes, teeth, tall, etc), girls literally want to be my gf after we fuck once
>Meanwhile American girls are stuckup harlots who overvalue themselves and think doing stuff for a man is beneath them

Remind me why I should stay in America again?
20 posts and 2 images submitted.
what a pussyslave
i'm not sure if going from just a nigger to a nigger asian fuckboy was a good leap
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Would you swim from one end to the other right through the middle of the darkness?
24 posts and 3 images submitted.
are you unable to swim due to your proud african heritage or are you afraid that there's no sand to dig holes into?
I'd be walking around it on land.
I would pay for it
No there is a sea monster in there

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how can we stop race mixing? these *ekhm* are getting out of hand and i dont want my child to marry a person of colour
15 posts and 1 images submitted.
An apartheid regime would solve that problem.
excellent point Jorge, but how can we make aperheid work in Europe and USA. (since rest of the planet is poo)
Like you will ever have children
>my child
How can you talk about your child when you are a kissless virgin?

26 posts and 23 images submitted.
What did he meant by this?

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as an incel i am interested in why so many men nowadays are submissive to women. i saw today a guy literally being dragged by the hand by his skinny gf and walking behind her like a puppy, also my neighbor gets beat up by his wife and he just screams ''stop beating me!''
14 posts and 2 images submitted.
Looks hot
They're thirsty and don't think they'll ever be able to attract another woman. That's pretty much it.
Wtf is an incel?
Because they are the best in manipulation. Firstly you get the drug called love and affection, get addicted to it and only then they can do with you whatever they please.
>a guy literally being dragged by the hand by his skinny gf and walking behind her like a puppy
i was like this
i just wanted to please her so i'd get her booty. we have a proverb here: "pussy hair pulls stronger than a yoke of oxen". i assumed it was normal

Does your country care about American celebrities?

21 posts and 2 images submitted.
Yeah but only cos ours are shit.
Yeah. through sense8
>Black rapper, clothing something something ego bigger than his dick, douche
>More or less talented musician, cutie, might be considered an actual celebrity
>Some wannabe socialite with a huge ass, dad is a trans ex-athlete, also ex-man, parfumes something something sex tape parasite

I give you 1/3.
Now fuck off, burgeroid.
>mfw the charts here are full of americans who I've never heard of in my life

Fucking normies

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Could Persians be considered Desi culture?
23 posts and 3 images submitted.
Not even desis can be considered desi culture. The subcontinent has greater variety in religion, cuisine, language, and attitudes than Western Europe.
It would be a bit difficult, for they haven't experienced the rule adopting some languages of sanscrit branch.
They arent indians. And they know how to shit in toilets
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>they aren't Indians
I doubt that

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I have not posted anything before on this website, but I believe this is the right forum to start a serious discussion about this mind puzzling matter, that I believe, has been a well-known problem even in the scientific community for some time now, but yet still somehow is lacking a proper answer.
As some of us might know, the Americans are statistically quite religious people, when compared to their more secular European cousins. American culture also contains many traits and traditions originating from the Christian faith, such traits that are nowadays absent in most European cultures. But the peculiar thing is, that completely disregarding the previous facts, the Americans tend not to have any kind of celebration or festivities whatsoever, during one of the most essential of Christian holidays, which is known as Resurrection Sunday, Pascha, or more commonly, Easter.

I would like to ask your opinion on this concept. Why do the Americans usually skip the celebration of Easter, despite being relatively religious folk?
Sincerely Yours, Dr. Epep Retsae
17 posts and 12 images submitted.
We literally don't
We celebrate easter every year
>falling for this stale meme
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the celebration?

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Is your country visited?
71 posts and 11 images submitted.
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yes for some reason
Too much

O yıldız ne lan?

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How trustworthy is the Police in your country?
104 posts and 31 images submitted.
Extremely. Don't question that.
Street cops are nigh uncorruptible but there are way too few cops. Also upper level cops have been in some accused of shady drug deals and corruption.

They're totally under resourced especially in the rural areas.

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What nation has the strongest anti-Slavic sentiment?

>Albos, Balts, Hungarians, Finns
Cucked by Slavs and pissed off because people still confuse them with their former oppressors.

Cucked by Slav immigration.

Countries like Italy, France and Spain are anti-Slavic because they think that Romanians are Slavs.
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
Lots of polish here, assimilated really well. Gypsy scum aren't slavs.
Slavs don't exist.
>Cucked by Slavs and pissed off because people still confuse them with their former oppressors.
Don't try to ride in Russia's coattails, nobody cares about you.
I don't. Russia isn't exactly popular here either, but I have a feeling that you dislike all Slavs because of what Russians did to you.

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Meanwhile in the olympic games...

Would this considered sexual harassment if they were men and the news reporter was a woman in your country?


21 posts and 2 images submitted.
Wtf is happening?
looks like everyday life here
drunk slags being slags in front of cable tv
No. Because rape requires power plus prejudice, and since women have absolutely no power they cannot rape. Also these are latina women so they are black and so have negative power.

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62 posts and 12 images submitted.

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Has your country ever discovered an element?
28 posts and 6 images submitted.
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>Vanadium compounds are poorly absorbed through the gastrointestinal system. Inhalation of vanadium and vanadium compounds results primarily in adverse effects on the respiratory system.[85][86][87] Quantitative data are, however, insufficient to derive a subchronic or chronic inhalation reference dose. Other effects have been reported after oral or inhalation exposures on blood parameters,[88][89] liver,[90] neurological development,[91] and other organs[92] in rats

is this how mexicans boot their bootleg sweatshop toys?
where's that one element discovered by japan?

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How do we save Britain?
16 posts and 3 images submitted.
Why do they like raping so much? Is it in their genes?
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It's the culture. WE MUST ACCEPT IT
it is too late for both the US & UK

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English cuisine is the best
58 posts and 16 images submitted.
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This is actually a british dish.jpg
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That's like, your opinion man
I know it's difficult for French to praise English culture
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>no black or white pudding
What the fuck Japan.
Let me guess
Average American eat shit burger with orange juice for breakfast, don't they?

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Do you hate Japan?
24 posts and 3 images submitted.
Not really
I have farted in that position, it feels great
Why love japan? Jap-an is commit atoricity agains Korea. Must reparation

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>Be dirty shitskin
>Go to McDonalds because I don't feel like making dinner
>As I park my car I notice the person in the car next to me is wearing a vote out shirt and has a UKIP bumper sticker
>He's white, obviously
>He's also wearing an employee's uniform, and quickly switches over to his regular employee shirt
>As I enter the restaurant I see he's mopping the floor
>I get a sinister idea
>I go past him, place my order, and take a seat
>He's mopping the aisle between the seats
>My order is called
>As he finishes mopping he goes to the restroom, probably to wash his hands
>Now's my chance
>As I get my food and begin walking back to my seat, I "accidentally" slip and fall, and pretend to hurt my back
>I manage to get up and go to the counter and demand to see a manager
>She asks me what the problem is
>I explain to her how I slipped and fell on the slippery floor and how there was no wet floor sign
>I tell her how my back is probably broken, and I'm going to sue the restaurant for negligence
>She goes white as a ghost and starts apologizing like her life depended on it (It probably did)
>I tell her I might not sue if she fires whoever was responsible
>She keeps apologizing and asks if I knew who was mopping the floor
>I tell her it was the white guy, who has just now left the restroom
>She immediately goes over to him and chews him out
>Can see he's about to break down crying, he can't be older than 18 so this is probably his first job
>In the middle of all the commotion I take my food to go
>Go back to the same McDonald's a week later
>He's no longer working there and the cashier explains how they fired him
>Eat my burger in victory

How do you fuck over racist kaffirs int?
27 posts and 2 images submitted.
Wow OP you massive dick he was just a kid
itt : newfags
Saving this pasta thanks

You weren't given 50 lashes by the local Sharia police for eating a burger!

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18 posts and 3 images submitted.

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Vocaroo thread. English pronunciation r8 edition.

Read the following and post the link to the record.

"Dearest creature in creation,
Study English pronunciation.
I will teach you in my verse
Sounds like corpse, corps, horse, and worse.
I will keep you, Suzy, busy,
Make your head with heat grow dizzy.
Tear in eye, your dress will tear.
So shall I! Oh hear my prayer."

Lazy mode - read the first four lines.

Native English speakers plz rate us.

Mine : http://vocaroo.com/i/s0LNivsVmOCs
79 posts and 10 images submitted.
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Nobody gives a shit.
Probably a bad choice of stuff to read, that verse is too long for 4chan users.
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>tfw nobody knows your country exists
>Nr. 1 at something
12 posts and 1 images submitted.
Is Lithuania so terrible place?
Why are there so many more men that kills themselves than women?
We're not so bad economically but people are just too ignorant when it comes to emotional problems
high expectations and judgement, focus towards masculinity, women can get away easily cuz weaker gender
Women are too busy getting killed during domestic issues to kill themselves.

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