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Archived threads in /int/ - International - 3881. page

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Barron is the highlight of Trump's presidency
25 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Why are people so obsessed with this 10 year old?
kek what a lad
Everyone secretly fancies him I think. Including women
Because he's silly and funny

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Do japanese girls want the white american dick?
25 posts and 7 images submitted.
Im going to japan late this year. Do japanese girls want the latin dick?
Do Asian girls like tall Dutch guy dick?
Recently, Jap girl in France killd by latin bf so NO

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China's wife edition


China training African railway engineers in China for 5 years


There is nothing funnier than watching Europeans and Americans being triggered by the relationship between China and Africa. It bothers them that orientals (a name white people gave Asians) have chosen the partnership route with Africa rather than the colonizing route Europe took. You can catch more flies with honey.

African countries are rejecting business deals with them and choosing better deals with China so they are pissed off.

Europeans are very bitter that the cooperation between Africa and China is bearing fruits. They cannot stand to see Africans being happy while living in Africa.
12 posts and 5 images submitted.
>Checks flag
>Reads subject

Africans hate those chinks though. They build road for their own workers, extract all the resources and then promptly leave. Europeans atleast built hospitals, schools and infrastructure in Africa. Lots of older Africans actually want Europeans to return because they know how much better life was.

It's not a partnership, it's China jewing the nigs
>Africans hate those chinks though.

Bullshit. Western propaganda.

Western media loves cherry picking the negatives.
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Faces Of Africa - When Chinese Meet Zambians


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>USA minus violence equal Canada
>Sweden plus Finland minus immigrants equal Norway
>Spain plus concept of working equal France
14 posts and 3 images submitted.
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>Heaven plus Europe equal Portugal
>Heaven plus Asia equal Japan

>daily rough anal sex equal japan's flag
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>netherlands minus half the population equals denmark
>japan plus nukes equals anime
What rude sub whites

>be swedish
>get ARMENIAN'd live on facebook

why are they still so cucked ?
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
>girl was an ugly bimbo with tattoos
>no blonde hair and blue eyes
>there was zero penetration
Why am I supposed to care again
I thought armenians are white europeans?
>Arab shitskins
>But deyy Christian t. 100% not Armenians Diaspora
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1- your cunt
2- youre goverments house
32 posts and 22 images submitted.
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*dönk* :^D
Disgusting, i know.
As in, the building of the government or the residence of the head of state/government?
isnt this the museum of rallying?

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11 posts and 3 images submitted.
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did you even read your own article ? they're just inheriting their parent's houses
considering the older generation didn't have many kids it's a few people inheriting minimum 2 parent's wealth+the wealth of 4 grandparents
making single childs of yesterday own according to these stats something like 1.5mil each

so yeah no it's exactly the same in europe actually

basically white people are turning into jews
even besides still at least hundreds of people are becoming millionaires every single day, without inheriting shit

So what exactly is the excuse?
well i too became a millionaire inheriting shit myself so i don't need any excuse

>did you even read your own article ?

do you really need to do that for shitposting purposes? just look at his flag, you know already the thread is shit and/or fake.

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So now that Brexit is kill, will Brits finally open their hearts and accept refugees?

Its only proper now.
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
>TFW you're moving to london in 3 months
>TFW you're sorrow red by pakis everywhere and the media is flooded with liberal propaganda
>TFW the British economy is failing
Why is journalism so fucking cheap?
it isnt because of "The Will of the People"

love how they make shitty memes and flame wars every time something happens to it.
Why are you moving there bro? Ive considered it

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I just got back from a holiday in Thailand and yes, I shitposted RELENTLESSLY while there posing as Thailand.

So tell me, do you shitpost as the countries you holiday in?
22 posts and 5 images submitted.
I tried to but Denmark has shitty Wi-fi
No, I just pretended to be British.
Yes, I regularly make abhorrent posts when I'm in Canada
Oh it's you. Did you enjoy my boipucci?

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Yuo !
L me
Is spen
of ur
likenings ?
19 posts and 14 images submitted.
spen is most stoopit cuntree

prob mi wron

Oui and there is nada you can do about eso.
no me importa
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Hei u dum
I lik ur hate
Take dis moni
Hei fuk of
spen lev
dis tred

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How is your country going to respond now that TPP is kill in America?
18 posts and 2 images submitted.
The government won't like it

The rest of the country will be overjoyed to hear it

what happens in Mexico 2.0 in TPP is irrelevant to us.

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Hamburg Ausgabe

Welkom: Germaanse delen van DE, AT, CH, LI, BE, NL, LU
Niet Welkom: Franstaligen

Jeder kann in einer Sprache und über ein Thema nach seiner Wahl reden (solange die Sprache germanisch ist). Es darf natürlich Austausch mit den Nederdraadern geben, aber es muss nicht. Angesichts des lahmen Tempos von unseren Fäden sollten ein paar mehr Postes nicht irritierend sein (stattdessen interessierend).

Iedereen kan in een taal en over een onderwerp naar zijn keuze praten (zolang als de taal germaans is). Er mag natuurlijk uitwisseling zijn met de /deutsch/ lids, maar het hoeft niet. Aangezien de slome snelheid van onze draden om deze tijd zullen een paar meer palen niet irritant zijn (ipd interessant).

Als je sommige woorden niet begrijpt, gebruik gewoon http://denl.dict.cc of goegel vertaaler
Falls ihr einzelne Wörter nicht versteht, einfach http://denl.dict.cc oder Google Übersetzer benutzen
12 posts and 1 images submitted.

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How does your country deal with killer sky penises?

>inb4 muh stone houses
24 posts and 7 images submitted.
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I like the Australian approach

stone houses

That video is faker than Kim Kardashian's ass.
>tfw outbreak in southeast right after Trump is sworn in

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Why are romania and bulgaria in EU although Turkey is richer?
33 posts and 4 images submitted.
because islam is filth
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>German flag wants Turkey in EU
really makes you think
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fuck the fucking fuck.gif
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I saw this thread and instantly knew a german flag made it.
so is your nation

Why are mongoloid men and negroid women the least desired people?
31 posts and 21 images submitted.
>black women
High testosterone
>Asian men
Low testosterone

That's why
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Are you sure?
why is her clit so massive?

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>he didn't went through the bullet ant ritual 20 times when he was a kid

And some of you call yourselves men?!
28 posts and 3 images submitted.
I went through the night of the reels. Oh god the flashbacks.
I've read that as "night of the eels".
Good taste lad
No, just depression and 6000+ lonely hours on 4chan. It was a... formative experience.

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Why are japs so superstitious?
42 posts and 6 images submitted.
All Asians are.
what is she doing?

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Daily reminder this meme belongs to the Argentinian Meme Department™ and anyone who uses it violates the exclusive rights of the copyright owner as provided by sections 102 through 147 and will potentially face 15-20 years in prison.
35 posts and 23 images submitted.
I'd rather 20 years in Argentina prison than living in Libya desu so I'll take my chances with this one
you don't know what are you saying
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As an AnarchoCapitalist I don't believe in intellectual property

Wanna fight for it?

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You wake up right in the middle.

Which country do you walk into?
32 posts and 1 images submitted.
Russia, Russia all the time.
Russia, since Vladivostok isn't too far away.
Russia seems like the one least likely to get me shot on sight for being near the border.
China. I will trade infos on my cucked country against a qt chinese wife

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Would you country benefit form military conscription?
25 posts and 5 images submitted.
I know I would, at this rate I'll just keep neeting instead of doing something with my life, like joining the military

Why don't you volunteer?
I dont get your question; but if that answer it, I am going to an officer school next year. If I manage to get through the physicial test.

There is no mandatory conscription here, if thats what you are asking.
What field are you going into?

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how much lyrics do you still remember from your country's national anthem?

>三民主義 吾黨所宗

>已建民國 已進大同

>茲爾多是 為民先鋒

>夙夜匪懈 主義是從


i forgot the last part..

>blah blah blah 貫徹始終
26 posts and 2 images submitted.
oh say can you see
by the dawns early light
what so proudly we hailed
at the twilights last gleaming
whose broad strips and bright stars
through the perilous fight
over the ramparts we watched
were so gallantly streaming
and the rockets red glare
the bombs bursting in air
gave proof through the night
that our flag was still there
oh say does the star spangled banner yet wave
over the land of the free and the home of the brave

I know all the words :)

I also know all the words of the spanish anthem.
Lijepa naša domovino
Oj junačka zemljo mila
Stare slave djedovino
Da bi vazda sretna bila

Mila kano si nam slavna
Mila si nam ti jedina
Mila kuda si planina
Mila kuda si nam ravna

Teci Savo,Dravo teci
Niti Dunav silu gubi
Sinje more svijetu reci
Da svoj narod Hrvat ljubi

Forgot last strophe
I remember all lyrics from modern and soviet version. It's very easy to remember

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truly impels one to cogitate
45 posts and 7 images submitted.
That's nice, but the problem is that different countries have different definitions of "equality" so this map is useless.
Surprised about the gap between turkey and pakistan
>Only 83%
Fucking muslims.
How many ethnic French are practising christians?

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Spain protest.jpg
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top kek, the rumors are true
47 posts and 13 images submitted.
If I go to a peta function can I get a hot gf?

It seems like they are the only SJW that aren't consistently fat
Also: Spaniards are actually white, who knew?
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Depends how big the cock on the old guy is.
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Bullfighting is bad

There are only 84 men for every 100 women.

Do we have a future?
40 posts and 9 images submitted.
are you sure its biological sex not gender?

no, start sending your women here, we'll return them after impregnated.


Not a solution

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>There are Brits who will with zero irony whatsoever say they aren't European
40 posts and 4 images submitted.
They usually mean this in a political sense, I've never seen anyone argue that we aren't ethnically or culturally European.
>storm on the channel: the continent is isolated
That is just fucking stupid
>[term] is well defined
>bureaucrats create their own twisted, nonsensical definition

Why do they do this?

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