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Archived threads in /sp/ - Sports - 1547. page

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Why is he so hungry?
8 posts and 3 images submitted.
His gf eats all his food. That's why he hits her
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glad this meme is over for the season. he's nothing but a damn showboat doing that shit.
ewoks require lots of energy
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All that gay sex leaves you hungry.

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Why didn't they start Romo? He would have won the game for them. Jason Garret should be fired.
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
Like he did in 2014?

Kill yourself. Romo is literally worse than Dak at this point.
At least he's not a nigger
He didn't have Zeke in 2014
You won't say that when the Texans win the owl with romo next season

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ITT: Blatant ABUs
8 posts and 3 images submitted.
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>I don't rate Michael Oliver

why would he hate newcastle?

why would he hate Sheffield United?
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He sent off Di Maria for giving him a little shove versus Arsenal but didn't send off Joe Hart for doing pic related a week later.

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Hey /sp/ rate my tattoo!
13 posts and 6 images submitted.
not a fan of that racist cross on the top
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absolutely haram
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What part of Madrid you from dude?

Is Florida the GOAT state?

>three of the greatest college football teams (FSU, UF, U of Miami)
>one historically great NFL team, another that has at least managed to win an owl and will win another with Jameis
>Another shitty meme NFL team that is good to have around just for laughs
>GOAT basketball teams
>GOAT baseball teams
>GOAT hockey teams that cucked scum to the north that normally thrive in the cold and ice
>GOAT food
>GOAT climate that northern pussies can't handle until they're elderly and don't give a shit about heat anymore
>Played a huge part in electing Trump

What's the point of other states even trying to compete with Florida?
10 posts and 2 images submitted.
Fuck all you other statelets, Florida is the best.
>GOAT in anything
Pick one

It's a southern shithole where only people live how will die in 10 Years
Have we really reached the point where we've just started posting maps?

Get the fuck out of there with that shit.

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Has any team suffered more from refball this season than pic related?
11 posts and 5 images submitted.
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Guaranteed replies
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their heads are as big as their bodies
which is good, since they can't exist this way

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Seriously at least your team didn't fucking move 2000 miles to fucking Oklahoma. Stop being entitled faggots and just drive the 120 miles to LA and watch either the Rams or Chargers

Seriously out of all the sports relocations that have ever happened, Chargers to LA might actually be the least pity invoking

Try losing your team with no other teams in your state or nearby then we can talk.

That's why we're on the top of the list of teams wanting to move here while no one will ever again move to San Diego
16 posts and 1 images submitted.
sonics were a shit franchise, nobody gives a fuck.
I'm sure they're already driving up there for Clippers games.
>Seattle bitches still mad
Fucking lel.
Your team deserved to lose

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What the fuck I love Dirk Nowitzki now
6 posts and 1 images submitted.
>wasting those prime german genes

eh it's over now anyway, might as well do it before our children do it
also she's pretty athletic and better than a white trash woman would be
3 point on a bitch like dirk nowitzki

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winter breazzzzzzzzzzzZZZzzzzzZzzz almost over-edition

>friendlies today
28 posts and 7 images submitted.
goooooooooooooooooooooood evening
they just bought sebastian rudy
now we wait
>Papadopoulos to HSV is official
>he will play in shirt number 9

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Reminder that this ACTUALLY happened
15 posts and 1 images submitted.
How many more days till the hawks win the owl?
Greatest moment in NFL history. Great to see the good guys win.
that seahawks player made a great tackle to save the pick 6

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how long until this overrated cunt relegates crystal palace?
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Since Big Sam has never been relegated, I would say Crystal Palace will go down when the carvery goes vegan.
> Big Sam has never been relegated

so? neither has Moyes or Wenger or Martinez and loads of other managers you meme on, on a regular basis
Martinez sent Wigan down
Martinez was there when Wigan went down.
Moyes had big stable clubs like Everton and Man U, but he will go down with Sunderland.
Wenger is a good coach at a big club.

Big Sam only gets called when a ship is sinking and he keeps them afloat to carve another day.

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NFL: Texans and Cowboys finished top of their respective divisions. Cowboys have 16 home games Texans have a good defense

NBA: Spurs are likely going to win the NBA finals, Rockets are a top 3 NBA tram and Mavs are smartly retooling for next season

MLB: Who cares

NHL: Stars looked good last year and will pick up and be good this year

NCAA: most good football players come from Texas

MLS: Dynamo and FC Dallas are good

Plus GOAT economy, GOAT climate, and barely any minorities

Who can stop us?
Plus good
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
You forgot God Tier Herman becoming the head man at Texas
>barely any minorities
>NCAA: Most good football players come from Texas
That'd be Louisiana. If anything we produce the GOAT football players.

>GOAT climate
South Florida
Anyone as good as Brees?

I thought so

Also Texas doesn't get hurricanes like South Florida does. And there aren't nearly as many fucking Cubans and Haitians

What's he saying, /sp/?
18 posts and 4 images submitted.
Those damn Patriots representing the WHITE MAN, are gonna take the OWL again! When will one of my nigga QB's be worth a damn, sheeeit.
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But his favourite qb is agod cause that boy is A BAAAAAAADDDD MAAAAANNN
Ooga booga bix nood muhfugga
He wants the ultimate American team, the Green Bay Packers, to play the team with the greatest mascot, the Patriots

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>mfw Cowboys win 2017 and 2018 back to back and there's nothing /spuh/ can do about it

You literally cannot break us. We are eternal.
67 posts and 10 images submitted.
>0(zero) wins in 2017
It's like Dak and Zeke's sophomore slump started early
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Eternally one and done

You lost to the Fudge Packers who didn't have two of their starting WR's. Your team is shit, and will fall apart this off-season when they all ask for more money.

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Who is he again?
17 posts and 6 images submitted.

Discount Tom Huddlestone
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>89 million pounds for dabbing Paul Pogba
Can't make this shit up
ball handbag
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Who /haswonagamein2017/ here? Not so fast, cowcucks
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
5 rings bitch

>inb4 pre NFL titles

lmao, worthless.
>not having 13 NFL titles
>letting Bart Starr sneak into the south endzone as time expires
fuck, you got meme'd by a QB run before meme QB runs were even a thing

>not having a .800 winning percentage in Superb Owls

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>Something else is going on. It probably has to do with the ubiquity of entertainment options on our smartphones from cat videos to Pokemon Go, and the vast library of film and TV series available online in the age of Netflix. In surveys, young people express less interest in sports as a genre of TV content than older people.

>The decline can be seen too in the U.S. at the big daddy of live sports, the National Football League. When both "footballs" are struggling for attention like this, you have to wonder whether the game is up.

I've stopped watching sports live long ago. I've watched so much football in my life though. Even without the commercials and commentary (I fast forward through (or bypass with condensed games)), it doesn't fascinate me like it once did.

I didn't even watch games during the regular season. Seeing how the playoffs turned out (same shit, different year), I'm glad I skipped it. Though even if it were underdog teams that made it, I wouldn't have given a shit.

53 posts and 10 images submitted.
No one cares about you or the shitty article you wrote
we have sport you have showbiz
I can't wait for the advertising bubble to burst.
Forgot your proxy man

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DAL: Zeke caps epic rookie season with 125 yds
DAL: Dak shows poise in first career playoff game
DAL: Dez balls out in heartbreaking loss to GB
GB: Cook cruises to 104 yards in win over Dallas
GB: Montgomery paces GB with 2 TDs in upset win
GB: Packers stun Cowboys in thriller at Jerry's World
DAL: Tyron Smith and Mo Claiborne active for Dallas
GB: Rollins, Nelson among Packers' inactives
DEN: Report: Broncos to promote Joe Woods to DC
DAL: Rapoport: Romo would prefer to play in Denver
GB: 'Legitimate hope' Jordy returns if GB advances
OAK: Raiders hoping to move to Las Vegas by 2020
517 posts and 95 images submitted.
reminder the NFL is fixed and you belong in wrestling general /asp/
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Cowboys will be back next year
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Matt Ryan > Aaron Rodgers

IDGAF about A-Rod's meme arm

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>The Atlanta Falcons apparently are so excited to be playing in the NFC Championship Game that they forgot they don’t know who their opponent is yet. (nothing fishy here)

>The Falcons dismantled the Seattle Seahawks 36-20 on Saturday behind quarterback Matt Ryan’s three touchdown passes. Afterward, the team created a Facebook event for the NFC title game against the Green Bay Packers. The only problem is the Packers still have to get past the No. 1 seed Dallas Cowboys on Sunday to make that a reality.
>no the NFL isn't fix
>it was just a honest mistake, there's no way they could possibly know who's going to win the game a day in advance

why are americans so naive and gullible?
29 posts and 4 images submitted.
It was intended as a jibe against the cowboys

>It was fixed that Crosby would make two 50+ yard FG's and Rodgers would make an incredible deep throw and catch along the sideline
You, (You) got bested by an nfl Facebook page
>if regulation ends in a tie the cowboys win
>let's just ignore the fact the packers oline hasn't been called for a holding penalty ONCE in the playoffs

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Thank you NFL faggots for shoving two shitty corporate products down our throats while forcing our team to move to Las Vegas.

We in LA
10 posts and 1 images submitted.
There's going to be an unofficial boycott of the Rams and Chargers here in LA, so it'll force both of them to move then the Raiders are going to come home
wall can't come soon enough
Nevada is putting up $750 million in public funds for a stadium. No way in hell the Raiders are turning that down
Nevada is a shithole for TV deals, And that's what the NFL needs right now.

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Football needs more non-religious footballers
7 posts and 2 images submitted.
Sorry, I don't speak jungle.
t. João Da Silva Da Nasciemento Teixeira Barbosa
Translate this Poortuguese shit, fuck sake

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Why do sports teams need coaches, why can't the players themselves decide on the tactics and potential new teammates, in correspodence with the sports director? A fitness trainer maybe, but that's about it.
17 posts and 2 images submitted.
Wtf are you even saying, thought It was a burger
Most players too dumb
Most coaches are players though.
when players are exhausted and emotions are running high they need someone to keep things on track

but i guess you being a fat amerishit you probably get tired walking to the fridge and have never felt true exhaustion

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7 posts and 3 images submitted.
What's the point of the ball? Why can't they just bend over and then pinch each other in a huddle now and then.
Now that wouldn't be fun to watch now would it



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Is she playing?


Why is the NFC so full of meme niggers destined to never go anywhere?
20 posts and 2 images submitted.
>muh diversity
Cam and kap have been to the owl. Dak and obj have very bright futures
reddit plz

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They put that uppity meme qb Prescott in his place.

They have the best chance of beating Brady.

They are the good guys.

It's time to rally around /sp/'s team.
21 posts and 2 images submitted.
lol get fucked

The Falcons are spee's team. No one wants to see a well established franchise win yet another ring, no matter who they beat.
If the Falcons win, they will lose to New England

Not even Falcons fans think they could beat the Pats

You need to come to grips with reality and support /sp/'s team


lel. I don't think so. Go Steelers! FUCK THE CHEATRIOTS! Give us a new Ice Bowl!
aaron rodgers annoys me, i dont know what it is but whenever they do a closeup of his face i start clenching my fist and get an urge to go out fighting homeless people

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