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Archived threads in /qa/ - Question & Answer - 46. page

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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>not using a trip
Explain yourself
19 posts and 7 images submitted.
>not using a vanity trip
What's the point?
posting as Anonymous <- Namefaggotry <- Tripfaggotry
Nice one.

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What would you think of an imageboard or textboard with no posting form, and to post you had to send your replies through email?

It could be like a fusion of usenet and imageboards.
24 posts and 1 images submitted.
Has that ever been done before anywhere?
I remember you used to be able to play the first versions of PC games like Civilization that way. It took months.
I don't think so. I guess the closest thing to it is imageboards using the NNTP protocol which is what usenet uses.
Yeah like a mailing list archive, you would send your email through the site so the emails are archived and formatted like an imageboard post in threads, and publicly visible

I think there might be some interesting possibilities like thread forking, or maybe even using the nntp protocol in cooperation with other servers. Plus if the site went down you'd still be able to continue the threads just through email normally
they're called mailing lists. They have archives and they were around before you were born. I was hoping millennials would never discover them but I guess winter is here and the white walkers have breached the wall and the last bastion of the old internet is doomed.

Also, fuck you. My e-mail signature is perfectly RFC compliant.


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Can 11 year olds have absolute territory?
14 posts and 5 images submitted.
What does age have to do with it?
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wanted to make sure
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Sure, but shorts don't count.
Only thing i could think about was how much i wanted to cum on them

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Sup fellow alt-righters. After being plugged in to beta-land for too long, I have finally awoken and taken the red pill thanks to the likes of Sargon of Akkad and Thunderf00t. How should we proceed in redpilling all of the normies so we can defeat the cancer that is the left once and for all?
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
What kind of false flag thread is this?
Get off the board.
sargon is not a right winger

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Is this the secret board?
28 posts and 5 images submitted.
Post anime.
Yeah, welcome mate.
Don't forget to sageru.
the mime posters sues thump boats to side the hoard pass it on
hello newbro this is some hot RECENT news you got here

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The other /qa/ girls.
9 posts and 6 images submitted.
me on the left
This has nothing to do with /qa/.
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Best thing to come out of Fateshit desu.
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The other /qa/ girls

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/qa/ should have 1000 pages and every other board 1 page
also forced names and images
9 posts and 1 images submitted.
Not even that is enough to atone for our sins
that would epic as HELL my man
sorry dude
Next April Fools I hope they do this.

ITT: We admire and appreciate garlic bread and/or garlic sauce
10 posts and 3 images submitted.
Garlic is nice
Pic related
Are you just going to slow motion spam /qa/ all day?
why do the animefags here want to have such a shitty board?

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9 posts and 4 images submitted.
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moot would've loved this thread

I wish frog posters would leave.
8 posts and 4 images submitted.
Go post in their threads if you wish to talk about them. Thanks.
Fuck off redditor.
It's not like they can do anything except circlejerk in their 10 threads and cry about how hard it is to "spam" /qa/...
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What's wrong with it?

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Don't think I'm gonna finish the /jp/ ratings tonight.....
18 posts and 9 images submitted.
We get it bro.
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I can't.

/qa/ is depending on me........

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frantically bumping neo-anime threads
19 posts and 1 images submitted.
another day, another dollar
i don't think robots are as frantic as you guys
imagine complaining about fucking BUMPBOTS 6 months after it's deployment

>>>/bant/ child

Still running today's /jp/ ratings through my algorithm........
6 posts and 2 images submitted.
holy fuck you did it again
Ummmmm, sweetie.......?

Maybe baby snookums didn't hear, but /jp/ owns /qa/ now......
Laughing at the deletes
It's literally all one very booty bothered canadian.

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11 posts and 1 images submitted.
I remember now! thank you!
I wish I was blind sometimes
reminder that /qa/ weebs slide the board with a bumpbot
I member happy times

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8 posts and 4 images submitted.
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Looks like you just made a meta thread.
Don't worry, I'll guide you through the situation.
Please, take a look at /qa/'s catalog and you'll see this is not a meta board, but, in fact, an unmoderated anime board. Posting here probably won't get you much help, it is preferable that you contact the mods through 4chan's IRC channel or the feedback page.
Thank you.
¥getting angry at a daily dose
/tv/ is one of the few boards that loves e-celebs so it probably is.
I have no idea what you're saying. I asked a question... did you answer it?

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¥Theres people who unironcially come onto /qa/ just to hate it
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
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Why do they do it?
Their souls are mine.
So why are you here then?
you did it again

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Still working on those /jp/ ratings........
8 posts and 2 images submitted.
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No need, for I have already found the most accurate one.
/jp/ still leaks here often.
who are you and why are you not talking about the things you like?
Trevor ......

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Did the death of elaborate computer viruses help cause the massive influx of norms on the internet?
31 posts and 4 images submitted.
Yes in the same way that the loss of malicious/obnoxious spam online lead way to more casual users entering online comunities
>death of elaborate computer viruses
>the loss of malicious/obnoxious spam online
Have I entered bizarro world?
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Newfags don't even know the shit we've been through
I think the massive influx of norms onto the internet led to the massive influx of norms onto the internet.

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11 posts and 2 images submitted.
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this is /qa/

/qa/ is not an anime board
Nice anime.
What anime is this anime from?
You're on /qa/ now.

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Gonna publish the new /jp/ ratings soon.....
9 posts and 4 images submitted.

this is /qa/?
Go back there
rate THIS
*farts for twelve minutes and thirty-eight seconds*

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>post in a fluffy thread on /b/ telling them that they're fags
>get banned
>from all boards
Was this really necessary? Do mods not issue board-specific bans anymore? And would it be so much trouble to link the rule violating post?
30 posts and 22 images submitted.
I'd assume it was a "ban all IPs in thread" ban. You shouldn't post in the threads.
Obviously they are blanket banning everyone who goes near the threads and they don't want it to spread anywhere else.
>september 16th, 2017
Anon I......

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I'll just leave this here.
25 posts and 7 images submitted.
Fuck off reddit
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the constant anime threads in /qa/ needs to be addressed
I said fuck off redditor
roleplaying goes on >>>/trash/

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6 posts and 1 images submitted.
careful when talking about mothers buddy
Holy shit burned
>page 10
This song was my childhood btw I was like 11 when it came out.

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When it comes to /v/ why are e-celeb threads sometimes allowed and sometimes not?
12 posts and 1 images submitted.
The board is probably too fast to moderate properly.
Why do some of those e-celeb threads fill up so quickly?
sometimes mods are sleeping
Some people like talking about them. I enjoy posting in Easy Allies threads, and seeing as how they count as video game culture, they should be allowed. Usually they get deleted instantly, but they're usually allowed on Wednesday nights because that's when the new podcast comes out. Typically the Wednesday night Easy Allies threads last for hours before hitting the bump limit and falling off, but tonight a mod decided to delete it early.

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What if, when you went to create a new thread, you were shown the oldest thread on the board which you'd be destroying in the process? Maybe just on boards that move quickly and have a lot of low-quality threads. Would that make anyone think twice about shitposting?
30 posts and 2 images submitted.
Of course not. Do you even understand what "shitposting" entails and why people do it? If anything, seeing a good thread at the bottom of the board would only motivate them to shitpost.
Threads reach the end because interest has been existed or the catalog is being spammed.
The idea doesn't work because exhausted threads will keep getting pushed up to the top reducing the lifecycle of newly created threads.
>the thread would already be replaced by the time you finish the post
That's not the point: whether you kill that thread or a different one by posting 10 seconds later, the point is that you're shoving a thread off the end of page 10.

>I also feel that shitposters would exploit this more often for the sake of killing threads
I don't see how you could exploit this. You can achieve the same thing just by refreshing page 10/the bottom of the catalog.

>Do you even understand what "shitposting" entails and why people do it?
Out of a genuine contempt for this website and all that it stands for? I rather doubt that.

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