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Archived threads in /qa/ - Question & Answer - 478. page

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perro caca
13 posts and 3 images submitted.
meme of the year candidate
is this a hispachan meme

Today I was browsing /qa/ in class and noticed a thread that I found rather interesting. The thread topic was "perro caca", and the attached image was a dog defecating on the grass. I have to admit that I found this extremely funny, to the point that it was really hard for me to contain my laughter. Awkwardly trying to avoid being seen laughing alone and, since my class had just started, I thought it was better to stop looking at it. I would come back later and read all the witty comments. I spent the remaining 2 hours of my art history class thinking about perro caca. But, when I had the opportunity to look at it again, the thread was deleted.

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Why is pepe so successful?
Is it because it's unique advanced drawing style?
Is it because an ancient Egyptian god is supporting him?
24 posts and 16 images submitted.
die subhuman failure
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whoever the OP is, mods better recognize him.

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We are 5 months through 2017. 5 domestic terror attacks by white men.

1 domestic terror attack by white men on American soil every 4 weeks this year. How many by Muslims? NONE.

Fuck Trump and his supporters. There is no reasoning with these people. The country is going somewhere awful. White men refuse to look at themselves as being radicalized. I had a GREAT friend for 18 years that I watched get radicalized. Fuck him. I have seen it personally, I see it online. I see the sites like Stormfront, 4chan, I experience the racism in video game communications, its just white guys. White guys make up 30% of America and people from their group made up 100% of terror attacks in American soil this year, they have the biggest hate forums online, they are the only ones to harass and attack in video game communications.

Its not women, its not blacks, not latinos, not muslims. Its white guys!

And its getting worse. It is way more bold and accepted.

I feel like something even bigger is going to happen and even then...no one will say its time to start looking at white men.
25 posts and 23 images submitted.
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just round up all straight white males and shoot them already ffs
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If Europeans are truly evil why did they spread their technical and medical expertise to the rest of the world instead of maintaining a monopoly on it? Why did they allow non Europeans to attend their universities?

Instead they spread electricity, medicine, and new agricultural techniques to the rest of the world. They even taught Pakistanis how to make nukes.

Really makes you think.
14 posts and 7 images submitted.
blow it out your assáž´
>subhuman awakes
>first thing he does is spam the board with garbage /pol/ threads

Wow, this is really your life now, isn't it? Pathetic.
You seem to be lost friend. Don't worry, we in this board are not rude and we'll show you the way home
Not an argument

17 posts and 9 images submitted.
What's wrong?
so many threads ot hide and filter
I've been reporting them & hiding them.

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Do you wish you were Japanese?
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
Fuck no.
If I kept the hiki setup going, sure

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It is sad to think that the first few people on earth needed no books, movies, games or music to inspire cold-blooded murder. The day that Cain bashed his brother Abel's brains in, the only motivation he needed was his own human disposition to violence. Whether you interpret the Bible as literature or as the final word of whatever God may be, Christianity has given us an image of death and sexuality that we have based our culture around. A half-naked dead man hangs in most homes and around our necks, and we have just taken that for granted all our lives. Is it a symbol of hope or hopelessness? The world's most famous murder-suicide was also the birth of the death icon – the blueprint for celebrity. Unfortunately, for all of their inspiring morality, nowhere in the Gospels is intelligence praised as a virtue.

A lot of people forget or never realize that I started my band as a criticism of these very issues of despair and hypocrisy. The name Marilyn Manson has never celebrated the sad fact that America puts killers on the cover of Time magazine, giving them as much notoriety as our favorite movie stars. From Jesse James to Charles Manson, the media, since their inception, have turned criminals into folk heroes. They just created two new ones when they plastered those dip-shits Dylan Klebold and Eric Harris' pictures on the front of every newspaper. Don't be surprised if every kid who gets pushed around has two new idols.
13 posts and 2 images submitted.
We applaud the creation of a bomb whose sole purpose is to destroy all of mankind, and we grow up watching our president's brains splattered all over Texas. Times have not become more violent. They have just become more televised. Does anyone think the Civil War was the least bit civil? If television had existed, you could be sure they would have been there to cover it, or maybe even participate in it, like their violent car chase of Princess Di. Disgusting vultures looking for corpses, exploiting, fucking, filming and serving it up for our hungry appetites in a gluttonous display of endless human stupidity.

When it comes down to who's to blame for the high school murders in Littleton, Colorado, throw a rock and you'll hit someone who's guilty. We're the people who sit back and tolerate children owning guns, and we're the ones who tune in and watch the up-to-the-minute details of what they do with them. I think it's terrible when anyone dies, especially if it is someone you know and love. But what is more offensive is that when these tragedies happen, most people don't really care any more than they Would about the season finale of Friends or The Real World. I was dumbfounded as I watched the media snake right in, not missing a teardrop, interviewing the parents of dead children, televising the funerals. Then came the witch hunt.
Man's greatest fear is chaos. It was unthinkable that these kids did not have a simple black-and-white reason for their actions. And so a scapegoat was needed. I remember hearing the initial reports from Littleton, that Harris and Klebold were wearing makeup and were dressed like Marilyn Manson, whom they obviously must worship, since they were dressed in black. Of course, speculation snowballed into making me the poster boy for everything that is bad in the world. These two idiots weren't wearing makeup, and they weren't dressed like me or like goths. Since Middle America has not heard of the music they did listen to (KMFDM and Rammstein, among others), the media picked something they thought was similar.

Responsible journalists have reported with less publicity that Harris and Klebold were not Marilyn Manson fans – that they even disliked my music. Even if they were fans, that gives them no excuse, nor does it mean that music is to blame. Did we look for James Huberty's inspiration when he gunned down people at McDonald's? What did Timothy McVeigh like to watch? What about David Koresh, Jim Jones? Do you think entertainment inspired Kip Kinkel, or should we blame the fact that his father bought him the guns he used in the Springfield, Oregon, murders? What inspires Bill Clinton to blow people up in Kosovo? Was it something that Monica Lewinsky said to him? Isn't killing just killing, regardless if it's in Vietnam or Jonesboro, Arkansas? Why do we justify one, just because it seems to be for the right reasons? Should there ever be a right reason? If a kid is old enough to drive a car or buy a gun, isn't he old enough to be held personally responsible for what he does with his car or gun? Or if he's a teenager, should someone else be blamed because he isn't as enlightened as an eighteen-year-old?
subhuman retard

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This is the official /qa/ thread, please redirect all other threads here

Previous thread >>1363165

>Debate and discussion related to /qa/ and current events is welcome.
>You are free to speak your mind, but do not attack other users. You may challenge one another, but keep it civil!
>Posting CP is not permitted. This is a /qa/ thread, not a /b/ thread.
25 posts and 8 images submitted.
reminder to ignore and report shitposting
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the phone call that saved /jp/
white and based
Low post rate this thread, whats going on bros? Not enough redirecting?

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If a girl has PTSD from the Apocalypse what is the best way to go about treating it? Asking for a friend.
12 posts and 6 images submitted.
hit her in the head with a shovel
I kept calling my teacher megu-ne after watching that and she acted all shy...like megu
(she looked a lot like megu and acted like megu that is why i called her megu)
That's kind of creepy.
How old are you?
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The Dick.

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Do you have any cool tripcodes?
16 posts and 1 images submitted.
I just got another one to filter
Fuck off.

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me IRL
11 posts and 1 images submitted.
nice shirt
Moot was a subversive. Fuck him tb h
Thanks I wear it in public
Would you take a picture with me wearing it? I'll give it back after it's done.

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the buttdevastated /pol/edditor
11 posts and 4 images submitted.
he's not wrong though
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he's not wrong including about the part about the mods not caring since /qa/ isn't a real board.
Don't link your own posts.

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Who was in the wrong here?
17 posts and 9 images submitted.
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Who was in the wrong here?
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Don't EVER spam threads that aren't being replied to.
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tagged under loli?

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how post ironic are YOU, you stupid leftist?
12 posts and 7 images submitted.
OP is a faggot
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maybe this will cure him
I'm pretty good at ironic posting.
die freak

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12 posts and 3 images submitted.
what a weird colored finger!
My turn now.
what is it supposed to be even? a dog dick?

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Two-thousand and seventeen or twenty-seventeen?
12 posts and 2 images submitted.
Two and zero one seven
dumb frogposter
"plus four" since it's been 4 years since 2013. "CURRENT_YEAR" or "13 ante Fortuna" work too.
>plus four
>since 2013
I seriously hope you guys don't do this.

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shitpost army.jpg
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Who would win?
23 posts and 8 images submitted.
Janny in the end always wins
I do t know if asuka really fits with the rest. It's more of only spamming than shitposting.
Nigg guy is autism king
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Trevor made one of them go nuts and delete almost all of /jp/. He was later fired for it.

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Why does the mainstream media love the jews so much?
35 posts and 27 images submitted.
Why do you?
How could you hate this?

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remove sachiko
11 posts and 2 images submitted.
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she's too OP
Sachiko is the cutest so it only makes sense that she'd be the strongest
I didn't know she was in an anime. I thought it was just a mobile game.

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/qa/ is bathing...
14 posts and 4 images submitted.
Dont disrespect Mio or i will kill you.
Me in the middle
Stop looking...
They are in a sauna, so why aren't they naked?
Seems pretty silly to me.

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Seriously, will /qa/ ever go back to it's normal speed? Why is there always a faggot or a group of faggots spamming shitty threads all the time now? It's not what I would call a 'raid', but it's pretty annoying.
107 posts and 33 images submitted.
idk my guy my dude my man my boy my mate
idk desu senpai
It's what you get when the mods give no fucks
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[s4s] is flooding in here

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Liberalism was a mistake
16 posts and 11 images submitted.
8gag was a mistake.
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Everyone on /qa/ should be banned like the
great February.

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We're doomed
33 posts and 11 images submitted.
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The Sachiko.jpg
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Also, a new reality...
I would really like to know what the CEO of troll inc. has to say about this.
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>Image: Logo from the 4Chan website depicting a girl with purple hair holding a purple gift box
Hahaha theres a women crying about white supremacy on /pol/

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>janitor dog

What is the best meme for attacking the jannies?
33 posts and 11 images submitted.
The ones that are posted on boards that actually have janitors.
how can you attack a meme
Season 2 Attack on Janny is my current favorite running anime.

How do 4chan-X and external archives obtain image MD5s?
I want to filter a lot of them without waiting for them to be posted on 4chan. Already tried regular md5+base64 but they never match.

Also 4chan-X thread I guess.
32 posts and 8 images submitted.
4chan X just reads it from 4chan.

>Already tried regular md5+base64 but they never match.
They should match. Can you give an example where they didn't?
I made a shitty shell script for this a while back. I can post it if you like. Used it to filter tons frogs and shitposts.
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They were completely different. I tried both the thumbnail and the actual image saved directly from 4chan in my tests. They never matched. I tried again with the OP pic now and here are the results.
4chan X says image md5 is

Pic related is what I obtained. I also tried to shorten the md5 before encoding it, taking like the last 22 digits but without luck.

It would be helpful, thanks. My intent is to go to websites where I know all variations of the images I want to filter are from, batch download everything with HTtrack, calculate the correct hash and then copy everything in my filters. That way I should filter them before they even make it to 4chan for the first time.
That's because you did md5 -> hexadecimal -> base64. Take out or reverse the middle step.

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