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Let's try and compile a list of significant name gets across

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Thread replies: 432
Thread images: 49

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Let's try and compile a list of significant name gets across all the boards. Here's a start:

Only mootles can save us from this madness.
This is the only thread I need today
Good names lol.
Are you the illegitimate daughter of Troy?
Someone in that /sp/ thread got Lloyd Jenkins, close enough
I honestly love this.
It should replace IDs, instead of being the name, and be used for a whole thread.
420chan does this. Or at least they used to.

reporting in
If it means no more namefags or tripfags then I'm all for it
No, it's a bad idea. If someone gets an interesting name, their entire post will be ignored and the rest of the thread will just be people spamming reaction faces.
No different than someone getting a GET
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Which is why GETS are against the rules.
Calling a GET is against the rules. Getting one by pure chance isn't.
That one took me a few seconds lol
>Funi colors

What an ironic image. Fucking anime newfags.
nice one
>Tom Stark
So close
We need to bring back Trips for content creators, but even that would discourage Tripfags that aren't OC makers, as many people skip reading trips altogether.
Close. Fry dem chickens, Gus.

Try again Marjorie
post the fucking link
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>/b/tards don't know how to link across boards

Kinda not surprising

I wonder if people will get this one, or if it'll be a little too high level.
well, at least there's a photo of Roger Waters
>not realizing people are using Anonymous with another extension
Nice find, Scott.
What's the extension?
Nice one, Marc.
thanks Cathy
I can always count on you Meredith
This was the best idea ever, thanks Hiro
I hope we get to keep this like we kept [s4s]
Finally, someone who knows the good anime.
Bird > Bee
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lemme teach you how it's done
You're the best.
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Top kek.
Very nice.
Just stop.
Can't you do this in a different thread?
OMG ban this fag, he's already breaking the shitposting global rule
Report and ignore.
Stop fucking shitting up the thread, go name roll somewhere else.
kill yourself
/b/ is doing this weird thing where it shows up as Anonymous in the crosslink unless you actualy go to the thread
yeah, names still show as "anomymous" in the API.

What is this "pottery" meme supposed to be about?
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a quote from George Lucas while doing the episode I saying that the story "rhymed" and it was "like poetry" when talking about references from older movies
significant name get!
My name is gosd
So give up and stop shitting up the thread already, you fucking tool.
You could have done this in any one of hundreds of threads on just about every board but you had to shit up this one. Why are you such an insufferable faggot?
Just die already.
Mods can you please clean up this thread and ban this retard? Thanks in advance.

Mods ironically like him
He'll give up or run out of space long before it hits 300 posts.
cheeky one from /int/

I don't care, I wanted this thread to be a genuinely interesting/useful thread and him bringing it closer to bump limit for no reason at all is just uncalled for.
Here's one from /co/, and I'm pretty sure there was a thread on /v/ with Ant-Man (Scott Lang)


You destroyed the thread no one is here to answer you im afraid
So we're still waiting for Bill Wilson and Anthony Burch?
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Fuck yeah finally removed
>tfw it was some mod that just wanted to shitpost
You forgot the /b/ ones.
Relax guys, it's over. We survived.
I scrolled up but they seem to have 404'd by now
Thank you based mods :)
Here's another Trevor Phillips

/b/ doesn't have an archive and 404s in like 15 minutes
It only seems to be happening in the name rolling threads for now. Worth an experiment desu senpai
im still wondering are these real names from google+ users? or is it some sort of rng combining names
>Trevor Phillips
You could have gone into either thread and looked at the replies for quick answer, but he's the methhead protag in GTA V
One of the Grand Theft Auto V protagonists
One of the main characters from GTA V
Why on earth would you think they're real names from G+
It's just generating names
>hiro doesnt have a history of datamining

hmm i wonder

It shows.
Fuck off Ross and let us have some fun
I got this
i'm beginning to think some of this is a put-on.
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>Elliot is not a possible name
but you can't do that
Is there somewhere you can see the list of possible names?
good one
(lost in a clogged sewer of shitposting)
I've just been searching single names in the big archives.
There's 3+ pages on desu for Opal and no posts for Elliot.
This must be the work of Kennedy's ghost.
ultimate cuck
Wow haven't thought of Bobby Fischer in a while
It might help if people wrote the names along with the links, for when the threads die.
so close
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Can't make this shit up
Literally nothing is stopping people from entering their own name.
Do it then.
Cute alliteration, gurl.

I wonder who could be behind this post
>founder of MySpace

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I love you and want your benis
Got another one


Someone should take screen caps of the best posts with recognizable names and put them all together.
>Effie is an outrageous comedic character

Seems legit
Sounds like a fighting game character
Go ahead, Melinda, you're the Best.
doing it right now, I'm halfway through it
I would but I nromally get chewed out for my caps, and I had a feeling someone was already on it.

Godspeed Mattie, godspeed.
put this one in

/sp/ has been saying for years this guy is gay and thats his actual last name. here's more

Please be in London
>nicholas frost
>cindy crosby

literally who?
>not knowing cindy and nick

Dude they are total bros, go out with them sometimes
sidney crosby is the best hockey player in the world and /sp/ calls him cindy crosby/crysby. I don't know why I put nicholas frost I am drinking you can ignore that one.
nah, I put both, relevant and close enough
Nick Frost is a British actor, the fat guy from Paul
Good thread Carla
poo in the loo
So close.
Fresh get from /pol/
>tfw no Stallman roll
we wuz romans n shieet
prepare for it
first version of the collage incoming
That thread keeps giving
ahh well ya tried, /v/friend
Yeah right
Not true.
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will continue adding more like >>484574
Nick "Have you ever fired your gun up in the air and gone 'ahhrgh'?" Frost
needs Corinne House. that one made me spit out my coffee
it's already in senpai, right column
>tfw you will never get an ebin name
>that post
That's fucking good. Definitely worth the screencap
Pretty good.
At least I'm not Antonio Burch
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I just saw this posted somewhere else. might as well throw it up here
post mine there to spread the larger one pls
>Timmy Turner
Oh my god
Anthony Burch (kinda)
Peter Griffin

How the hell doesn't /mu/ have a single get
Because they've got obscure interests, you wouldn't even get the names, man.
/mu/ got Steve Austin the wrestler
we got a bernard sanders over here

and an /int/ meme here. finns are mongols from genghis khan and a finn got khan
Jesus Knight is the funniest one, perfect name + flag + post combo.
Fresh get from the same thread as Anthonio Burch and Faye Valentine
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the thread got deleted

Flew under the radar because /trv/ is slow
Minor one: "Milton House"

t. 4chan expert
Here is a groovy one baby!
That's the 3rd Austin I've seen today
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>John Noble

This makes me happy.
Another get for /a/

the most reddit get ever
>same thread
Whoa what the fuck
Minor one: "Jenny Lawrence"

such a lovely name from a lovely person
There was a Jennifer Lawrence I think on /int/
the name was Jesus Love
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Previewing /b/ posts shows "Anonymous"
So do you think all these names will disappear after the day is over or will they remain in the surviving threads?
Ina Weeks

Sam Wise from LOTR from the same Faye/Burch thread

I'm positively sure they will remain
it's /fit/, my bad
remain like the previous posts remained anonymous
>ina weeks
That means that Ina woods is possible, fucking when?
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Sherry Terry (Sherri and Terri of the Simpsons) from the same /a/ thread.
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One of the replies to that is another get (Bill Warner)
Will /qa/ gain a get?
Could it be in this thread+
Could it be you?
never gonna happen senpai
Board's too slow, the odds aren't in our favor
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Well it just happened
well shit
forced as fuck
Better than nothing
have some fun lads
doctor doctor gimme the news
>just got the last name of McFarland three times within the last hour will dumping pictures on /hr/

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Poor Alfred Singleton can't get dubs
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That's how ya do it.
It's from a /b/ thread and for some reason the fgts archive are crawling the names from /b/ as "Anonymous"
Of all the boards this could have happened on...
Another minor one
went to school with a girl named sarah conner. every year a teacher brought it up and she hated it lmao
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not sure if it was linked already but pretty good
kek this one is great
anybody like vidya games?
This is one of the best.

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collage anon here
how much time until this is over? guess I have to wait until USA midnight

btw update
You're doing good work mate.
Mark my words, it's sticking around for a couple more days
the zim zam is on /co/
Great work. The Philip Fisher one is misaligned though, you should fix that for the next update.
that would be great and actually feel like a real prank

thank you
going to watch a black sails episode, will continue with the rest after

Kevin Love, Basketball Player
I've been waiting for this since I saw Zimmerman was a possible last name.

and also

No chance, people whine and bitch far too much, it's gone by midnight.
It's blockable, but people will cry about "muh site experience" and then force memes about how this isn't funny anymore and that it's all retarded
>le random names xD
dont forget >>484131
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top kek

What the heck kind of name is wm?
You must not have been here for the Facebook prank
Things are different now, I seriously don't see it lasting

I'd love it if it dad, though obviously not to the point it overstays its welcome
19th-century Williams would often shorten their name to Wm when writing it down.

There's also the Dutch name Wim, which someone might have misread.
I don't see this in there

Name of a footballer


Lance Vance
Walter White spotted in /v/
Not too far below, Chris Randolph makes an appearance
spooky as fuck
nobody wants the minor ones
bloody hell
You should remove >>>/vp/25789144, it's from before the random names were added.
I agree with you, minor ones are unnecessary and would just clog it up but getting the complete name of a divegrass player seemed noteworthy
Oh well, up to collage anon to decide, not fussed either way

This definitely should be in there though >>484831
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Rebecca Black sited at /v/
bretty gud
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Minor, but it fits perfectly with the post
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Here's another minor one, someone finally gets our boy Todd.
>No one has gotten Ben Garrison yet
I'm disappointed
pretty nice
What was the r9k one?
Bruce Willis posting Tomoko. You can see it in >>484770
Another minor, protagonist from The Walking Dead Telltale game
/sp/ got a god damn genius
Shortest name get
fuck you I was going to post it :^(
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Shall I delete it so you can take the (You)'s bby?
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it seem to be over

probably last update
All of these meme names and still no Anthony Burch or Bill Wilson?
Over? What on earth do you mean?
It's only just begun.

Hopefully someone else picks up the work because heck knows we're all lazy shit who need someone to compile these up right
go the fuck away
stop being retarded
I will still be here
but soon I will go to bed and someone will have to continue
dumb phone poster
But I'm not on a phone.
prove it.
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What now?
Very rude. You don't have to act tough all the time bro.
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Given how big the >TORRES meme became whilst he was at Chelsea, I think this is noteworthy to include
I think we got a hot name over here.
poor /tv/
What did you take that picture with? checkmate
Literally what is this board
I still didn't post from a phone.
Danny Schneider

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>Jesus Cross

Check all this thread
cool stuff

Vidya minor
Holy fuck did that just really die unnoticed?
>on pol
shit's even weirder
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ahaha fuck you win I'm dying
Wait, is this thread autosaging?
we are not near 400 replies but it's not bumping into the front page
Nice finds.
Says we hit bump limit.
I think the limit is 310 on /qa/. Anyway it takes forever for threads to fall off the board so it hardly matters.
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go away /sp/ youre the only faggots that think threads need to be on the first page. look at all the extra threads you retards made because you are stupid
Alright I take it back, no way this is going to stay up any longer than a few more hours. I underestimated the impact.
But I was just stating the bump limit.
This >>485025
Seems like Barneyfag is related to Anthony Burch.
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What board is this?
The Carol Liu post is from /fit/, however the Chad one must be fake since it's not in the thread.

Simply epic.
Is someone still capping/adding to collage?
Good man.
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thank you everyone for your contribution, you did the hard part

pls don't be lazy fucks and take over it for the remaining names

and of course spread it so I don't feel like wasting my life (even more)

night everyone
Dead after six minutes? Was it real?
Thanks Loren.
Yes, but it was on /tv/
I feel kinda sad now that I didn't get any cool name.
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There's so many I made a version with some of the best ones highlighted.
So I assuming neither /tv/ nor /v/ got Bill Wilson and Anthony Burch
There's still time.
It's a big get.

I can't believe no on in the thread even noticed. How disappointing.
Kids these days got no respect for the old memes.
we did it
Anthony burch fucking WHEN
Read the thread.
How come you can post with name on /f/?
I havent posted all day heres my GET
Is that supposed to be a game of normies reference?
That thread turned sexual pretty fast
Probably have three and a half hours left of this.
Any good ones from /qa/?

>/qa/ gets Anthony Burch

How fast would /qa/ get noticed?
Would get a lot of replies.
Cute. I like this one.
Rip names.
We had a good time.
So that's it?
We're done

mods plz.
>Chris Hanson get on one of the most pedo boards
>end the job of yesterday
>want to post it
>it weights too much

fuck my life
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Upload it on Imgur or something.
Split image in half and post each.
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I believe this is the best option
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might create a imgur account and upload the whole thing there, but that will have to be later
Good job anon.
desu there's probably some compression master who can sort it out into one image
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The /f/ Anthony Burch get shouldn't be there, you could pick your username on that board and at that time.
welp, I'm fixing it but I have already posted in several boards
also fixed Bill Wilson, it was on /v/ and no /f/
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>tfw in collage
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sorry for that
>Sheldon Cooper didn't get archived
damn shame, I wanted to see all the >bazooper replies
>tfw I'm in the collage
If I accomplish nothing else in my life, at least I did that
which one are you

found one that got missed
Bobbie Fischer

Link to the Bill Wilson get.
bump limit is only 310 here I think Anon

desustorage archives /qa/ or so in case you didn't know. This board is fairly slow, it won't leave 4chan for a week or so.
It's always amusing to see how many girls there are in /cgl/
Thread posts: 432
Thread images: 49

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