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Thread replies: 314
Thread images: 88

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Refugees welcome edition
Hello I'm refugee from the Netherlands can I get Slovakian money?
Bad edition.
REEEEEEE, it's slovak

speak for yourself m8
please gib refugge monies
thank u
shit thread
who is this shitposter, propably UK student
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I miss avianon
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Kill yourself OP

Depends on which kind of refugees.
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> spending welfare on czech girls

a man can dream
whats up yar ?
>snorting coke
>fucking whores

livin the life mates
>cuck and proud edition
>czech girls
have some standards man
I am sure thats all life is about and you will die a happy man, good job
> op jest tak marnym robakiem, że butem się go powinno gnieść
Cool. You?
Bejtuje was jak dzieci

Not bad, got a lot of work to do today.
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Nice dubs and good luck.
>Refugees welcome
thank you slovakia
we give you north koreans
Rabbies eat shit
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shouldn't be a problem, to be honest
we managed to integrate Viets completely
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You're alive!
Haven't seen you in like... Two days or something

we have them here in Boland
few hundreds, they work in heavy industry mostly
but any contact with locals except work related is not allowed for them, North Korean secret service monitors everything
>Refugees welcome
delet this
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that's basically dead in asian imageboard terms, right?
How can you even open something that doesn't exist?

Thats a nonsense.
>lefties have brains
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delet this
>monkies in charge of understanding european laws
They have and this is why your useless people think they are Greeks.
not good, they are not uncivilized enough
send Austronesian tribe niggers or something
it's "monkeys" Ferenc
Going to be eating disznópöri tonight, feels good man.
Sounds p nice desu
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no, it's monkees
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Bez názvu.png
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Just means i missed you really much
It's mankís
>>57206322 (Skontroluj tú dvojicu!)
I'm sorry, it'll never happen again, I refuse to knowingly hurt you
it's actually ejps, tu bi onist
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Dobré ráno
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explain yourself slovakia
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This is why i like you <3

Also lately i am getting annoyed by the "trolling" culture, which is basically just "ignore whatever others are saying and just laugh at them for arbitrary reasons based on my shallow perception of the world and make them angry by my stupidity" and i think you are one of few people who understand that, so i can share my annoyance with you.

aj sí nou problem dere
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Westland Wildcat 2.jpg
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what's there to explain? can't you read?
>you are one of few people who understand that, so i can share my annoyance with you.
it's also pretty sad that acknowledging this makes members of this culture believe you mean disrespect to them personally, they take any disagreement as a personal attack
you mean dér
we really want to give another country our refugees who called zainichi chyosennjin.
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>i /i/
>í /iː/
>y /i/
>ý /iː/

aj du
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>correct a pleb
>"wha u fink u butter dan me?!!!"
Nothing new there, just their insecurity about their stupidity. I am beggining to enjoy personal attacks lately, but i don't want to be the one starting with it, pic related is my arguing creed.
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>they take any disagreement as a personal attack
well, believes are in fact part of what makes you "you"
and for the more fanatical people, it's basically their entire world
you have a problem with
y/ý is a little like the German /ü/ and /ü:/ (but more /i/)
>i /i/
>í /iː/
>y /i/
>ý /iː/
dous ár importnt, hau els du ju mejk jang pípl hejt ĺrning jour lenguidž?
But you'll never know what actual love is.
star sex

i and y have slightly different accents to them and they affect accents on neighbouring graphemes

ólseu bajsikli dis >>57206770, óldou ic mór ov ej konsikuens
keep in mind, that people who we're talking about, the ones that exclusively use the lower two shelves of your pyramid (and sometimes contradiction) don't really understand the words written in the top three.
I understand that fanatics are simpletons, the real problem is, that some people consider themselves to be intelligent human beens, yet they fail to understand basic implications of clearly-worded arguments when presented with them. If someone's used to dealing with people who understand these, it's hard for them to expect an opponent in debate not to understand them.
What happens then is a discussion where one side presents what it considers an obvious point, while the other one sees senseless gibberish, simply because it doesn't understand, but precisely because of that, it believes it to be a personal attack.
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I'm loving this weather
What is love?
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Thats why its pointless to try to use any other arguments against them than personal insults. Most of time it would be wiser to leave, but i can't, knowing they would see it as their victory.

You mean gloomy and rainy.
Because i fucking love it too

Fucking a hooker while snorting coke of her tits isn't what I consider love.
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that music video qt.png
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baby don't hurt me
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good lad
Refugees sind nicht willkommen
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Yesterday it was hot as ass but today it's perfect could be colder though. You haven't drawn much recently
You have obviously never been in love with hookers and coke
>Most of time it would be wiser to leave, but i can't, knowing they would see it as their victory.
they will see anything as their victory, because somebody told them they should be confident, because chicks dig confidence

Hookers and drugs don't love you back like you love them.
I'd like it to be more hot, i need to start adapting to summer. I haven't drawing anything in half a year or so, just not feeling it lately.
most people have trouble with reading comprehension so dont expect them to formulate proper arguments
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>star sex

didn't necessarily meant just actual fanatics, but also people who think of themselves as"xyz"
they want to be xyz, they have no interest in becoming something else, just because some "arrogant douchebag" has better arguments
I don't think it's just lack of understanding. I believe it also has to do with attacking traits and believes that are integral part of other's personality and refuse to change their ways radically.
I'll make an external blinds, so that my room won't become glasshouse again
>I'd like it to be more hot, i need to start adapting to summer.
Im enjoying every last not hot as piss day desu
>somebody told them they should be confident, because chicks dig confidence
That is actually true though. Even smart chicks who say "i wanna sweet and smart guy" will go for the alpha male with boatload of charisma. Not saying it as bitter /r9k/tier virgin, just stating a biological fact.

Also most people will join in this "intelligent" conversation to appear smart and few days later will do exactly all the stupid things we talk about. I'm not trying to offend you specifically, i just know most Poles around here are dumb "trolls"

pretty good desu
>i just know most Poles around here are dumb "trolls"
true but at least they have their /polska/ containment thread
What i do is turn on the fan when it starts getting hot and not turn it off till September. Your solution seems more intelligent though.
kinda gimmicky desu
but at least they taste good

I think I can assist you with that, my fellow Europeans :)

Would you like some """""""""""""""""""""""Syrians""""""""""""""""""""""? I've got around 10k of those waiting to come to your places :D
>I believe it also has to do with attacking traits and believes that are integral part of other's personality and refuse to change their ways radically.
probably, yes, but how do you explain to these people that their traits that are being attacked are irrational, even to their own goals?
of course it is, but they'll still go for someone's who's intelligent and confident, rather than just confident. Somebody forgot to tell these kids about this little thing called overconfidence, they just think that the more confident, the better, if you tell them they're overconfident, they take it as a compliment
kek, sounds useless as hell
fans ane fine, but when it get's too hot, it just blows more warm air on you
might as well use hairdryer
>taste good
Fidorka is literally the most disgusting piece of sweets you can get. How can they even fuck it up so hard. I mean it has 30% chocolate and still tastes like shit.
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No refugees. No foreigners. No ruski. No americans. Only qt finn girls allowed to come

its april fools joke desu
>no foreigners
Implying that you could stop Greeks from coming to your country.
Confident and stupid people insult others to boost their own confidence, resulting in most of "nice and smart people" having shit confidence. Take the bully and bullied at primary school, as i know it, its always "dumb and mean" vs "smart and nice".

So its really hard to find a smart and nice guy who is confident, so biology plays in favor of dumb and mean guys.

>tfw people think i'm overconfident
>tfw i'm just making fun of myself because i'm actually really self-insecure
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if I knew, I would be the president of planet Earth
also, people hate when you point out their are being irrational (except alternative weirdo lost cases)
well, they got me there
I use fans in combination with an AC, the AC stands in the bedroom and I put fans in the corridors to spread the cold air
Considering the fact that i sweat as a motherfucker even in 15C, im just glad for the breeze, no matter how warm it is
that's a good combo
I don't have an AC
lose weight, lardboy
rabini do szamba
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190cm 80kg. My sweat glands are just fucking retarded and decided to ruin my whole life.
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Damn commies at it again
As if we don't have enough of Desmod and Adam Ďurica already

I hope they'll start playing more indie stuff at least
>ha ha ha, so funny, it is a certain date, so we will lie to people and then laugh at those who don't realise we're lying, because it's a certain date
it's a shit joke, to be honest
you forgot who you're talking to, we can't afford such things, ya richfag
>if I knew, I would be the president of planet Earth
yeah, probably
>also, people hate when you point out their are being irrational
but... that's irrational
it doesn't make any sense at all
can't argue with anything of that except
wait, that thing went through? What a load of shit. This just means the same shit songs on repeat, I doubt they'll actually take their time to find the good indie music, which does exist here, by the way.
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george drake.png
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>mainstream radios are going to play the same songs but more often

you lose weight you fat smelly girl

another april fools joke right ?
post boypussy
>brown nipples
you're not white m8
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>czech ladyboy

you lost the lottery of life senpai
morning kids

does /v4/ engage in april fools?
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I remember a hun buying AC last year.
maybe he robbed a Train.

when did you get liberated from Auschwitz ? its nice to have here some opposite to Choco tho
>but... that's irrational
yeah, I know. Ironic, isn't it?
I guess it has to do with attacking the personal traits, as most poeple willing to debate one another are thinking of themselves as rational
Jesus, eat a fidorka of something
I drink tea with milk, spend my day shitposting on internet forum and jerk off to the idea of being buttraped, thats as white as it can get
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>tfw i am skinny literally because i am lazy as fuck
its just so much pain to cook or go out and buy something
Not since 5th grade desu
I think it's idiotic, but is it a thing in Cz generally?
Do I have permission to post your dick?
We know about it, i think its one of the murricunt cultural import, like halloween or valentines day, but its not really a big deal. Like i said, i haven't encountered any actual april's fool joke since 5th grade, besides the random conversation smallchat jokes now and then.

Is it a thing in UK?
>sms tickets in Bratislava just went 30c up
>Is it a thing in UK?
Indeed, I think it likely originated here. Nauseating tradition.
Kúp si električenku
I thought you deleted all those pictures.

wait thats jew anon ?
I did actually kek
I get the feeling i'm basically any recognizable czech poster besides trami and femanon. Fuck my blogposting.

Shame on you, can i post your tits?
yes it is, even news sometimes do it
I kinda like it desu
>buying the SMS jew
working on it, it just took Poštová banka ages to send me the PIN to my new BMK
czech and slovak for some reason decided to keep vowel length in their langauges and it's a giant mess
until today they were cheaper than paper tickets
>tea with milk
no, that's as britbong as you can get
Wish my govt would turn away refugees like you lads did :3
>friend is writing me about a girl he wants to date
>he is absolutely fucking terrible about it
>can't recognize signals
>doesn't know what girls want to hear
>is beta as fuck
>the girl probably doesn't even want him, but is too nice to say it out loud
>i told him to find other girl like three times but he keeps coming back to her
Fuck, this is suffering
sounds kektacular to me
>t. virgin
>until today they were cheaper than paper tickets
makes sense actually
you have to pay to distribute, print (with all that pricey uncopyable markings), maintain ticket machines, pay the fat lady who sells them,...

but can you buy even long-term ones? (month+)

poor lad
He lost his virginity to a hooker and his only other fuck was with one desperate girl in class

I feel so bad for him i can't even leave him but i don't know how to help him
sissy britboi on vacation?
Well i don't know any nigger or chick who would drink it

Just a bit of britboo
>implying you are keeping them out of kindness
if you fags could, you would have sent them on their merry way long ago.
>but can you buy even long-term ones? (month+)
I used to buy three-month tickets, but when I stopped studying, my ISIS card stopped working. Got a bratislava city card, which is a fancy card you can use as a debit card, a public transport card, and some other things, but I had to wait for the pin code. Today's actually the first day I can buy a predplatný cestovný lístok.
Might as well go do it now, to be honest
>my ISIS card
keks, they must really regret using that name
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Butter is disgusting.
What are those comics? I see them pretty often, are they good?
it's actually ISIC, but I saw a restaurant called ISIS the other day
it was fairly empty, wonder why
>love thread on /lit/
Nice to see people there are actually really smart
bet the food is to die for and it's a blast going there
They are rather good.
wtf is this, it's not even funny
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Asians are good. But we can't see any difference between Koreans and Japanese.
nem vicces te húzott szemű sárga kis geci
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what the actual fuck has happened to the outline?
the what
+You m'lady
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Is /int/ dead?
Can we keep the random names? Those are kinda fun. They need to be more stereotypical though.
Testing Name
We Google Chan now.

[spoiler]czech the calendar[/spoiler]
Oh God it was all right until i reloaded page to see what the fuzz is about

az a Hiroshima köcsög ezzel a buzi új kinézettel, egy napig is sok lesz
Ohh shit I just realized that it's 1st April. Yeah and Moot got hired by google so this shit all makes sense now
bit late for names, it's gone midday
yes, and make them flag related
there are fairy good name databases
there is good banter opportunity for Hirohito (eg.: Somali names for Swedes)
Tuna without olive oil is disgusting

I want to see my name desu
I realized that couple minutes after the post, hiroshimoot got me good

hello ladies
You missed Kelly desu
>Gustavo McKnight
nice cans, Beth
>Gustavo McKnight

I would kill myself desu
Turkic names for germans, Pakistani or Polish for /brit/s...

That would probably fly better with /pol/ though. Maybe normal names for /int/ and meme names for /pol/?
you know that whore means nothing to me bby :^)

all yours
Fuck /u/.
Ja hát mobilon hál' Istennek nem látom.
ukrainian names for Czechs?
>>57211466 (seen)
Dennis, George, calm down
>ukrainian names for Czechs?
Germanic ones, obviously. Or maybe Chinese to ride recent events.
pls be Magián
Best name so far desu
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who wants to suck my girlcock?
>ukrainian names for Czechs?
that, or viet names, Slovak ones wouldn't have the real meme potential
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I wouldn't mind that
or German

also, testing namefield

alreet Nguyen Müller x3
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t. Ranjeet Pajeet
You've already posted without permission before
b-but you're a girl
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b-but Nguyen and Mueller are both surnames
just called my tutor if I can come earlier and she said I'm looking forward to seeing you?
Why must these Jews lie when all they want is my kroners?
yeah but viets use their family name as a first name so wotevs m7
REEEEEEEEE fuck April fools what are these nigtrips?
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Aww, that was just once and it wasnt anything too personal
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just got back from the barber desu
pretty sunny innit
Are you a qt?
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Why do i always get a girls name
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Slovaks and Hungarians are brothers. We need to unite and fight against our enemy – South Korea.
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would be better if we kept the name desu

>Slovaks and Hungarians are brothers
i agree with this
Eat healthy femanon ffs
>Slovaks and Hungarians
felvidek and trianon desu
dobry den
Guten Tag
good day, cunt
Wie geht es dir?

g'day m8
Just kill me
You can do it yourself, i believe in you
moot works at google so he gave us this
How to make it not look like suicide though?
like an accident
>oups, fell out of window
>oups, forget to turn off electricity when changing outlets
>oups, that was lye, not sugar
Run away, stick to dark streets with junkies, get raped by cigány and ukrainians and then killed by them. It won't look intentional and plus you will experience sex.
>It won't look intentional and plus you will experience sex.

can't argue with that
first for refugees welcoming waifu

You can do it. I believe in you
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>plus you will experience sex
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What is up!
I'm sitting on the tram again.
I'm hungry.
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what the fuck is this shit I hope this only lasts one day
just like the word filters, amirite :^)
>I hope this only lasts one day
we thought the same about the word filters desu :^)

thanks a lot, faggot
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only 7-10 days to go lads!
baka desu senpai
at least we can call each other keks again

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ok, you win
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>czech normies

jaysus, how you'd spend all your zeman bucks 7-10 days before payday?

/r/4chan i bet
The random names are good
Magyarchan /b/ has them.
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Okay, you made me feel a bit better guise.
I'm quite good at being poor tbf
had to take my pet to vet and pay for medication
>had to take my pet to vet and pay for medication
I know the feel, my dog died last year and it ended up costing like 1500 euro

the bastard

Is your pet okay? what kind?
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>my dog died last yea
sorry to hear that

>Is your pet okay? what kind?
picrelated, not mine but same kind
he's a bit better now I guess, but it's a bit soon to tell
at least he eats and drinks again
are you a grill ?
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Find the kot

also wtf has happened
it will last forever

thats the real april fools
Thats a cute little kot
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3MB, 3920x2204px
I was playing with the puppies and now I have a 10-12cm long scar on my arm
little fucker has sharp claws
it kinda stings
>he's a bit better now I guess, but it's a bit soon to tell
>at least he eats and drinks again

that's good
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karol the parohac.png
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Looks like a regular student
i am just memeing to avoid doing my homework ťbh
I got 1,5 month to write an essay. Writing it is gonna be easy, i can do that in few hours, but in order to do that i gotta read like two books, making 1200 pages together. I read like 70 pages today, should i keep reading or can i lay off?
kek, forgot about this word

>i am just memeing to avoid doing my homework ťbh
same, is it long?
>same, is it long?
i have 6 weeks to make an adventure rpg game ;_;

are you the essay historian?
>i have 6 weeks to make an adventure rpg game
what language?
Okay, different question, is it possible to read 100 pages in 1,5 hours without rushing it? Because then i can just read on the train and i'm okay
>i have 6 weeks to make an adventure rpg game ;_;
wew, good luck

nah, I'm pretty sure that's >>57218490 but I'm writing an essay too atm

> is it possible to read 100 pages in 1,5 hours without rushing it
depends what it's about, if it's some academic literature prepare your anus

apart from that, is it really necessary to read the whole book(s)?
Polen y so raysis? :(
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no fucks given.jpg
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my face my soul spurdo.jpg
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>what language?

>I'm writing an essay too atm
what is it about?
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Not necessary to read the whole thing, but considering the time i spend writing notes its gonna take the same time as reading the whole book and i didn't feel like explaining that.

Also one of them is history book from 1930 and for some reason it seems so professional and un-biased to me, compared to modern literature. I wish we stayed 1st republic forever.
nice, got any ideas yet?
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Fuck i wanted to post Eri(e)n pic but then i forgot
I don't care about the names but what pisses me off is that the 10 year old memesters are making them into an issue by not shutting up about them.

jesus christ just ignore this shit.
it will be textbased, i will have a small map where you can see when you can go but not what is in that area, i want to do it in 3 levels, i will need to get an image for each area in a level and creature i will encounter, there will be combat, but there will be encounters that can be solved without it, no leveling tho, so it's not really a rpg, there will be some optional locations, code wise i will use hashmap, Interface and a bit of GUI
the only bad thing is you constantly get a new one instead of keeping your current one
>what is it about?
consumerism, one of state exam topics
I'm done now, went full hippie at the end, kek

>but considering the time i spend writing notes its gonna take the same time as reading the whole book
I know this all too well, the bonus is that I usually don't even need 75% of the notes, but I think they might be necessary when writing them

> I wish we stayed 1st republic forever.
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We wuz Hitler 'n sheeeit.

post pic of your progress sometimes desu

Aids Skrillex said that desu. Carl the cuck said "are you kidding me?"

t. an expert
Fuck I need some lean protein source and sugarless energy drink. Feel like Im dying desu
>went full hippie at the end

>writing an essay about important issue that i have a strict opinion about
>get bored
>finish fast using a shitty opinion just because im too lazy to explain my views
happens too often
i forgot, it should allow saves ;_;7

>post pic of your progress sometimes desu
sure, when i get started, maybe i will pop it somewhere so people can take it if they want a shitty game

oh fugg, will have to fix, thanks

>I'm done now, went full hippie at the end, kek
are you a hippie though?
Lately i am so annoyed by the "i want to eat healthy" faggots. I don't mind them in general, but i know my peers only act like this because we are in our twenties when you grow out of childhood, so they want to force themselves into not eating things that actually taste well, like kids do, and they want to play on adults. Older people over thirty usually eat shitty food every once in a while because they aren't forcing anything.
same, but I actually had to alter the ending a bit
prof knows me too well, he'd probably think I copied it or something

>are you a hippie though?
kek, no
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These comics really are fun
It should be IP based
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Eat healthy and escape Auschwitz pls
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fucking kek
I just left the tutor lady and she started asking me, how old are you and do you have a boyfriend etc. my grandson is turning 20 etc etc
Holy shit

This one is good
Go for it! What better opening do you expect to get?!
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Only funny webcomic I have ever seen.

you old queen, you
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I like this one as well
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>stupid fox (in a cute silly way)
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>perry bible
wow could I forgot
that gave us word "weaboo"
I love Slovak regional flags. They're so artsy and deep.
This one is more depressing than living in Slovakia.
loling out loud at this april fools tbqhwy, based nipmoot
Me too - which one is your favourite?
here's our coat of arms
I'm thinking Kosice or Zilina.
It's just beautiful how those colours have their deeper meaning and the shapes are really unique.
It gave us the word weeaboo, which everyone decided to misspell for some reason? Poor Perry.
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>mongol warrior
Something is fishy here
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>this layout
It's a reconstruction of an old coat of arms from the 16th CE

It's based on this story:
I really think the Banska Bystrica flag is a masterpiece worth of van gogh. A van gogh purged of extraneous detail.

The way the alternately coloured cuboids compare and contrast, is stunning. Shows the strength of the Slovak people while simultaneously showcasing their peaceful, loving nature.

In many ways it is almost as in depth as Slovakian history
>jaysus, how you'd spend all your zeman bucks 7-10 days before payday?
by having a disposable income of about 4000 czk a month, and having to pay about a fourth of it for unexpected electricity repairs
Kek I just found it funny then she showed me his prom picture or some shit. He was a good looking kid, old people are weird though
I think it's their abstract take on the Czech flag.
Czechia should change its flag to Banska Bystrica.
*3000, not 4 (i wish!)
>Czechia should change its flag to Banska Bystrica.
I agree - all in favour?
>*3000, not 4 (i wish!)
Is that a normal amount of disposable income? Or are you like me, completely fucked on rent?
christ almighty, what's your job, hajzlbába?
even I make more and I work like 2 days a week
fug, didn't notice the disposable part, disregard the post
>Is that a normal amount of disposable income?
That is an extremely low amount of disposable income.
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>I agree - all in favour?
nah, our flag represents most vital industry
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If dubs I'll change my name to what moot gives me

>hurting a mongolian holding bow and arrow, while wearing the hungatian crown
>That is an extremely low amount of disposable income.
thought as much. I had to once live off 12,000 czk (equivalent) in one of the most expensive towns in England for a year

grim times

still, I know a place you can get 115 pivos for about 3k CZK
>even I make more and I work like 2 days a week
i want your work
Well the guy on erb is hungarian king so it makes sense

New bread
Yeah I just saw someone said he was Saint László. The other guy is some faggot tatar then
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