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>What are bullshit statistics?
>yuros are freedom hating cucks

Europe will be brown in 2 generations.
>yuros are smart
>Merkel invites millions of rapists into the EU and gives them free money
why should they care about what cucks think? The only people who participate in these things are cucks cause thats all they do in their free time
I'm glad shitskins will take over Europe in the next one hundred years.
It's not bullshit, just western Europe.
Trump should be president...

This is quite hilarious. Good thing presidential elections only allow American citizens to vote.. r-right?

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>view from europe
Literally why the FUCK is Hilary doing so well?
She's literally a fucking criminal and has gotten countless people killed.
A large amount of Americans have little idea what the policies are for the candidates, now think about a population who don't even live in the US.

No-one over here knows anything about their policies besides Trump building a wall and gibsmedat from Sanders. What does Hillary even stand for? Women/Feminism might be our only guess?

Most people have probably heard of Clinton for long enough that they're just guessing that she'll do best because of greater experience in top level politics.
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Quality post, cuck.
Because the average European doesn't know shit about American politics, to be fair the average American doesn't know shit about American politics either.
What cucks.
the view from [Western] Europe
Oh, it's fucking nothing.
Disregarded, trashed, hidden, saged, etc.
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Oh, and from the other thread!
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Nobody talks about that stuff here. If someone on a talkshow or something says: well she might get into trouble for the e-mail and bengazi stuff leftists start to shout and say there is nothing going on move along nothing to see. Coverage is only positive for democrats, republicans are viewed as dumb. In fact i was in college today and was talking about the elections and the general consensus seemed to be that Americans are stupid. People here are misled and lied by the leftist media. When writing about America the media just copies the most leftist viewpoint in America and presents it as the end all be all argument for that issue. Do that for several decades and voila you get these statistics.
Hillary ws the only one with positive coverage in german news, I assume it´s similar in other countries.
The completely ignored Sanders until the bird thing.
Cruz only got mentioned in a talk show by an dual-american citizen.

This is how far the Bilderberg brainwashing is going. It will be easier to frame Trump as a hostile takeover that way.
Another poll that proves Northern Europeans are stupid.
This is depressing. We live among animals who probably read a tweet or attend one political-oriented class in college/uni and think they have a grasp of the current situation. The biggest insult to liberty is the freedom to be stupid and ignorant. Wake me up /pol/ .
Stay the f*ck away from my women, Tyrone.
I mean it.
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>combating climate change
I thought Europeans were supposed to be intelligent.
proof that Euros really are as stupid as Americans
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Europe Caliphate countrys who care what they think.
Yes, it's Jesus and China
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Goes to show just how stupid Euros are
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>Literally Dan Schneider

PedoGate confirmed
And? Why do the opinions of foreigners matter to us?
Stop fucking children, Dan
I don't know, it's just so funny
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So they have to vote Trump if they don't want to end like western Europe? Europeans aren't very good at decision making lately.

these are pretty spot on

you know how pol sometimes jokes about some comedians being
>dude republicans lmao

well, that's literally the entire media in europe. the coverage goes like this
>look at this evil racist who hates mexicans! he says mean things!
>haha this christian extremist seriously is anti gay marriage! in 2016! only in america can such backwardness exist!
>can you believe americans are seriously voting for the republican party? they really must be very stupid over there!
>check out our top 10 reasons why america needs a female president!
>hillary is a nice lady, and she wants to make america more like europe! but some americans are still not voting for her! can you believe it?

this has been going on for decades. how long exactly i dont know, but i cant remember it ever being any different. leftist media control is absolute in europe.
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What a load of horse shite.
>It's-a me! Wario!

Please don't tell anyone I'm here.
looks like destroying their own countries isn't enough
>caring what Muslims think
I'm sorry, I only listen to people who don't follow a literal pedophile as a prophet of god
Looks more like a popularity contest than anything substantial.

Also I loved it when yuropoors call Americans dumb and then support Hillary or Bernie.
nice ID, haha

You can't combat climate change, you fucktard.
If you have a climate it WILL change. That's a fact of reality.
>world peace
>not a meme
Who let you out of the cuckshed? Don't forget to wear your chastity belt leafshit.
>Northern Europeans
That's why you just laugh at European opinions. I'm sure Hungary agrees with the Donald. Seriously! Hungary is the only decent country left in Europe.

What has Shillary said about improving the US economy, or even combatting terrorism?

>Promoting peace in the world

Nigga what
>cucks aren't backing Uncle Cuck
I'm confused
Dan 'makes them scream like a town cryer' Schneider
Dan 'better put your daughters panties in the dryer' Schneider
Dan 'if you tell them what I did we will call you a liar' Schneider
Dan 'leaves their pussies burning like a fire' Schneider
Dan 'prepubescent girls admirer' Schneider
Dan 'they were all virgins prior' Schneider
Dan 'teen starlet aborted fetus sire' Schneider
Dan "hold her tighter, she's a fighter" Schneider
Dan 'likes them so short they belong in the shire' Schneider
Dan 'from allegations of pedophilia I'll never perspire' Schneider
Dan 'don't expose pedowood because I know guns for hire' Schneider
Dan 'the statutory rapist' Schneider
Dan 'all inside her' Schneider
Dan 'The Coke Can' Schneider
Dan 'Rough Rider' Schneider
Dan 'The Little Sister Fister' Schneider
Dan 'Suck harder' Schneider
Dan 'Get in my van' Schneider
Dan 'The Man' Schneider
Dan 'Open wider' Schneider
'Dirty' Dan Schneider
Remember that before trump entered the race it was just clinton and bush getting air time. The establishment had already picked those 2 for the general election but trump went and FUBAR the election. Unfortunately europe isn't up to speed here and keeps promoting the same garbage, it would be dangerous to their power to let trump be heard in europe. So they'll censor trump or only show ridiculous clips of him to keep the masses stupid.

What a surprise EU cucks literally don't know what they're doing and elect people based on ethnicity or gender. Where have we seen this before? Surely the architect of the migrant crisis is not europe's own hilllary clinton
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We're doomed, people in Europe fell for propaganda.
It has been as long as i can remember. Before i could think for myself i was shocked when a teacher announced that she would have voted for Bush. The media here is really dishonest and if you don't pay attention to what is going on they will easily fill your head with meaningless phrases and ideas relying on peer pressure to make sure you accept it as absolute truth.
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I support Hillary also as I think she only can defeat the eternal merchant.
Well to be fair, she's killed more muslims than any other candidate.
I want all of my fellow americans to remember OPs chart next time a european """person""" tries to argue with you about america


>Opinions on potential leaders from a bunch of nations being cucked to hell and back
The mob mentality they have right now that would thinks Hillary Clinton is the best choice is the reason they're in such shit
Well I mean Europeans can't vote in American elections so this literally means nothing to anybody but party elites
Europe just doesn't get it
Absolutely, I normally live in London and most peoples opinions are just informed by "Muh first female president" and "muh trump is hitler that facebook post said so"
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stop that right now
Oh ya, because Europe really knows their shit about American politics lmao. I wouldn't let a European tell me what to do while I'm still living.
bernie is a nobody. he barely gets any coverage while hillary is well known due to bill and her time as secretary of state.
among republicans, nobody but trump gets any coverage.
Dude vagina lmao
It's Obama 2.0, only thankfully we haven't yet reached the stage where they're trying to push "Having the 1st female president" as a reason to vote for her
Also she's has a recognizable name, which gives her credibility with people who don't know anything but see the word Clinton on a ballot and check that box

Because she is the American Merkel.
They're in for a surprise if shillary wins.
Is that why so many Europeans have a superiority complex? It always seems to correlate with left-leaning views; albeit Europeans on /pol/ are much better and much more cognizant of what's wrong with their countries. I supposed this false sense of superiority is inculcated into the masses by the media to make right-wing sensibilities seem archaic and unintelligent?
>Combatting international terrorism
The only way that Hilary would ever accomplish anything remotely close to that would be after the dozen 9-11-eqsue attacks in the same year following her approval to let in millions of muslims, which might wake the fucking liberals up and just let us nuke that entire shithole.

Europe is so fucking stupid.

Mate, a lot of people don't even know who hillary clinton even is, nevermind the rest (minus Trump)
>Americans are stupid
Thats exactly the impression I get here in England when people talk about americans here, It gets old fast.
>sample from a variety of liberal shitholes in Europe

Ask Hungary and Poland what they think faggot
I'd like to apologise on behalf of my continent
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>tfw Trump and Putin will team up to tag team the crumbling EU
>tfw Americans will be sent to 'bring peace to destabilizing regions' in Europe
>tfw Americans will get to gun down yurotrash en masse
>tfw Americans will be praised for doing so
>tfw Americans will be remembered throughout history as heroes for doing so

Europe is kill
Europe doesn't know about European politics tbqh.
>Also she's has a recognizable name, which gives her credibility with people who don't know anything but see the word Clinton on a ballot and check that box

Same goes for Trump, doubly so in fact. On the flip side a lot of people see 'Clinton' and see a thriving economy under her husband and whatever policies she has while in office. With Trump it's just 'successful' business man and reality T.V. star.
Ditto is Paris. What a bunch of dumb cunts.
Was this poll taken in a retirement home?

>"View from Europe"
>Only 7 Western European countries were polled

All this really proves is that average citizens of those countries don't know anything about American politics apart from the names of its most mainstream candidates.
Hope Europe likes TTIP and more Libya like interventions.
If only people knew the crimes she's commited.
>Is that why so many Europeans have a superiority complex?
yes. i see it among people here all the time, and when i ask them to elaborate they start regurgitating media talking points.
>haha stupid americans and their crazy gun laws! they are so dumb they keep shooting people all the time!
>these poor muslims! their beautiful and progressive societies were destroyed by evil americans who want to steal all the oil!
>ugh can you believe that american politicians still believe in god? how crazy that place is!
>hahaha trump is such a dumb guy! doesnt he know that building a wall can never work?

especially the last one always baffles me. just 30 years ago we had a huge fucking border wall going straight through our country, and it was extremely effective at preventing people from crossing the border without permission. yet here they are, acting like functioning border control is some right-wing lunatic fairytale.
Even then Bush was being snowed under in the media. We had these interviews on late night tv when Hillary announced her bid with some former campaign worker in 2008. The atmosphere was really like oh these scandals mean nothing they are just evil republican schemes. Hillary is great, first woman president yay etc.

I think that is in part at play, you have the advantage here of an outside look. We also have the problem that not so long ago we all had empires and that already gave us a superiority complex, now it just has been replaced with percieved superiority on how we arrange the state and social issues.
Ya. Europeans are the same geniuses that thought Obama was the best choice, too. If you're not an American, stay the fuck out of American politics and we'll stay out of yours.. (until we think it's time for regime change, that is)
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the game is rigged.

also based name, super meatboy was tight as fuck
"Beer Can" Dan "The Man with the Van and the Plan (to rape)" Schneider
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Europe is like an infant child that America needs to spoon-feed medicine to. It's kicking and screaming and taking in millions of refugees because it's too stupid and helpless to survive on its own, and doesn't realize Trump is the best medicine.


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>european opinion is relevant

Anon, I live in Monkey Country and even I know my country holds more political power than most of the european continent.


That's what I was thinking lol
>even eurocucks don't believe in free healthcare/college
>Tough customer
>Thin skin
Are we sure she's not a merchant?
>The same people that elected Merkel want a US-Merkel

We won Europe's approval when we listened to the advise of leading British political thinker Russell Brand and ditched "that retarded cowboy fella" and elected le suave Chicago black man

Now we need to keep the momentum going and show we've finally grown up by electing a woman.

Maybe she can finally ban guns and end all that crime they hear about, and give us free healthcare like every other civilized country!
>these poor muslims! their beautiful and progressive societies were destroyed by evil americans who want to steal all the oil!
That one always gets me, unless the aim of the game was to steal poppy seeds from afghan farmers.
>free healthcare
they hate sanders
>That one guy who picked Kasich
But all of europe combined does not even come close to how great America is, why would I listen to a buncha cucks?
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You're probably too young or too canadian to understand theres massive state propaganda going on right now.

Another reason why Canadians should stay out of American politics
>Irma Mason
>I'm a Mason

opium poppy*

too late for me
>knowing anything about American politics
What's his name again?
dont even get me started on afghanistan
>monarchy for half a century
>soviets stage a communist takeover
>local commies fuck it up
>soviets invade in force
>entire decade of soviets battling us-backed afghan rebels
>soviets fuck off and leave the country in ruin
>taliban take over
>taliban openly support al qaeda and celebrade 9/11
>US goes in to punish them

so much for actual history. the leftist version boils down to

>peaceful progressive country on its way to first world status
>evil americans invade and ruin everything

its mind-boggling how many people gobble it up
As a woman i do not see why any one would ever vote for hilary

And another thing; don't those idiots realize that Hillary supported and helped authorize our interventions in Iraq and Syria? They're enthusiastically throwing their support behind a woman who's literally responsible for their migrant crisis. Wow, and they have the gall to call American voters dumb.....
>peaceful progressive country on its way to first world status
People seriously believe this about any country in the middle east?
Average normie doesn't give any fuck about politics like /pol/. Don't be surprised average joe in your work don't even know what Hillary got involved
>It's all a coincidence
Part of it is he's running as an "anti-establishment" candidate

Despite the fact that he's done nothing but work with the Bushes for a majority of his political career

Also he runs as an "evangelical Christian", which is big in the central portion of our country for some reason
except he's not particularly Christian in how much he lies and flip-flops on fucking everything, and blaming Trump for everything wrong in this race, regardless of how much involvement he actually has in any act.

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>mfw there are people on /pol/ who actually want European immigrants in the US
Not anymore, maybe Lebanon 40 years ago.

How many of these people who participated in the poll actually watch news from outside of their own country? of course they would support Hillary because that is the most high profile candidate whose name recognition is widespread thanks to her husband.
>Trusting women to vote
statists for the statist god
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You have to understand we have no fox news or something to call out some bullshit, there is no opposition. Imagine all the news outlets to be basically variations of MSNBC.
Hypothetically speaking, the people fleeing that sinking ship would be the ones smart enough for us to take in.
The opinion of a presidential candidate coming from Europe doesn't mean anything. Fuck that place.
>Climate change goes 2nd
>Climate change is more of a concern than terrorism to europe.
What the fuck is wrong with those people?
>Europe intellectuals
america will be brown in half a generation
I think a lot of it is due to the fact that many of them don't have their viewpoints challenged and can profess them constantly without having to elaborate on them further. Western Europe, in general, leans left more than the US, so there are less people with contrasting views to challenge the status quo.
I think there are some areas where Europe is better than the U.S. Primary education is one (although it doubles as the first indoctrination center the fledgling European encounters). However, I think you are right; and the superiority complex arises from the general consensus Europeans hold on social issues.

Anyway I hope your fellow citizens come to their senses soon brehs.
>And another thing; don't those idiots realize that Hillary supported and helped authorize our interventions in Iraq and Syria? They're enthusiastically throwing their support behind a woman who's literally responsible for their migrant crisis

nah, Putin/Russia and Bibi/Israel want more immigrant for destabilize the West
>2% of Europeans believe Ted Cruz would be best at combatting climate change
people share pic related on facebook and the comments are full of
>disgusting! shame on america!
>bush and blair must pay for this!
>is that what you call liberate, america?
and similar shit
>we haven't yet reached the stage where they're trying to push "Having the 1st female president" as a reason to vote for her
hahah, what the fuck are you talking about? they had a bunch of cunty actresses do youtube commercials about her a few months back. my retard sister-in-law already said she was voting for hilary because she was having a baby girl this year, and it would be really inspiring for her if she was born the same year as the first female president... this is the mind set of the typical liberal retard
Not if we build wall
Nothing, they are a fucking joke. You have to realize they are in great decline. They number darkies flooding their countries is on an unseen scale.
I'm willing to bet money in 50 years they will be considered terrorist states, etc.

They don't want to strong U.S leaders or their leadership.
They want a cucked nation to eventually come here with their muzzies and take over as well.
This why they can only ever elect women and shitskins these days on their side of the pond.
There's logic to it. If you cut spending, you reduce emissions.
Hillary's not leftist though. She's more neoconservative or neoliberal than anything. Sander's is the only leftist running of the two parties. Kasich is a neoconservative too. Cruz is far right, and Trump is a mixed bag hard to define.
I can't lie, it's very...special
I had a conversation with my liberal female cousins this summer in portugal about this.

>I'm for Hillary!
>Trump is a doofus, he wants to build a wall!?!? OMG! And his hair is fake!

The more you know...
Government spending controls manufacturing in Canada?

Oh, it's a comment on European views. Gotcha.
To be fair, Id rather Britain didnt get involved in that, but not because I think America is full of captalist pig dogs, I just dont really care about the fate of the afghan people.

Shitty meme. Putin didn't create the power vacuum in Iraq and Libya that led to the rise of ISIS.
wow. it just shows how out of touch europeans are with world politics.

keep sucking down that BBC

Two butterfly generations

go away bernie's kid
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That's fucking embarrassing.
it's the same here, you bring up America and it's people and cunts almost laugh at you, it's ridiculous.
i wouldnt have gotten involved in afghanistan either. place is a shithole and there's literally nothing to gain by invading it.
i dont get why america went in either. sure, send airstrikes to bomb the taliban out of existance as retaliation for 9/11, that makes sense. but why send soldiers and have them dick around in that godforsaken desert for a decade?

doesnt make sense to me
But he support Bashar. He want eliminate the opposition, the Kurds and the rebels, he don't give a shit about ISIS and the immigration crisis.
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Europe is done, it's an Islamic state now. WWIII soon, it won't end well for them. They brought it on themselves.
Just make videos encouraging Syrian migrants to rape women in Europe. Tell them that European women are different from theirs in that they can rape them on the streets while they are with their children and husbands. Tell them to rape those women with all their collective Muslim hearts. Allah wills it!
Putin is only looking out for his interests in Russia like any leader of their country should. He doesn't care about Europe, why would he?
>Anyway I hope your fellow citizens come to their senses soon brehs.

That is some wishful thinking sadly. Gonna take a 9/11 event to turn this around probably and even then i'm not sure if we will start to do some sensible stuff.

Al Qaeda was based there at the time of the 9/11 attacks, but they've been gone from that area for years. Our continued occupation of the country is basically just a vanity project.
This is my point
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The Europeans in this survey are coming from a position of ignorance. And I'm sure they mostly considered themselves not very invested or informed.
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>trusting the person who helped create ISIS to defeat ISIS
Holy fuck just think about it this is coming from a pope who are giving their countries over to immigrants, I am not at all suprised but fuck this is just funny af but sad too, fuck you europoors you reap what you sow enjoy being overtaken dumbasses.

This graphic was brought to you by Hillary Clinton for president. com
Oh god yurop

i don't think i've seen the media write anything positive about Trump, yet they spam all the negatives.

obviously he's doing bad when polling europeans. implying it matters anyways

Poor Miranda :(
Because she is a woman, thunk about it if she was a man she would be in fucking jail, equality my ass this bitch winning just shows how fucking dumb and ignorant most murricans are.
>Europeans constantly shit on Americans calling them ignorant
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SO CLOSE but Masonic dubs amirite
When are we officially not giving a flying fuck what Europe thinks? Now? Ok, but I'm way ahead of you...
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I can only speak for Germany and our close neighbors but the average citizen here doesn't know fucking ANYTHING about the American candiates, fucking nothing, only what our lying libtard media tells us.

You can go on street here and ask some random guy about Donald Trump, he will respond "it's this racist guy with the wig, right? Lmao." Yes, most here even believe he wears a wig because this is what our media unironically tells our people.

Pic related. This is a German news show and they honstly call him the "pope agigator" when Trump barely even criticised what the pope said and the pope fucking APOLOGIZED for what he said.

So, you can trust me, whenever someone in America tries to use this as an argument, tell them from me to go fuck themselves, Europeans know fucking nothing about Trump or the others. You could asl them to cite five things Trump wants to change, they wouldn't know anything, most wouldn't know if he is Democratic or Republican.
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Joko: "I'd love to see Trump's head explode."
Jack Black: "Exactly! I feel the same way."



>entire German pro cuck audience bursts into laughter and claps when they only know Trump from shit shows like this
>couldn't even tell you five things about him if you would ask them except "h-he is a total nazi"
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What if we poke at it with spears
Are we all in agreement that Europe is brainwashed into oblivion by Marxist state-owned media? A lot of Americans are too, but this level of brainwashing is unsurpassed.

Can Trump uncuck Europe?
>what the establishment thinks
>not what the people thinks
switch places between Trump and Hillary and it's more like it should be
> What does Hillary even stand for?

Us Americans will let you know if we ever find out.
Its the current year.

Most either know nothing, or just see HIllary and think 'LE FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENT! HISTORY :DDD"
>Website cites itself as the source
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good, I don't want America to reflect Europe right now
>the most cucked leftist nations in Europe
of course

Do this in Eastern Europe or France outside of Paris and you'll get different results.
Gregoryu is correct
I literally don't believe any kind of news or stats regardless of the source. It's insane how much we're being lied to.
Are all Europeans just useful idiots? You'd think they'd go for Bernie but they choose the globalist criminal.
Actually America will cease to be majority hwite in 2050, which is roughly two generations from now

And you're a faggot
It's a damn good thing they can't vote.
>View from Europe
Republicans are good for Anerica, Democrats are good for Europe.
I would've expected Europeans to know better than to support a neoconist
>a fucking leaf
>Caliphate of Europe
Literally the name+Vagina
In Sweden most people I've talked to seems to support Sanders.
The few Swedes I know who support the republicans are either Randlets or supported Rubio or Senior Jeb.

Not even, whites will be in the minority of Americans under 18 only 2 years from now
Drumpf is a clown desu
Western europe needs to die.

Wait, thats actually whats happening. All is good.
This is why Europe is a shit hole. Getting fucked by ISIS.
And this ladies and gentleman is why Europe is being over run by hordes of raping and pillaging niggers and muslims.
Yeah you say that but then all your candidates have to go swear that they´ll do a middle eastern country´s bidding at AIPAC.
If Hillary wasn't a female, no one would care about her.
Well they couldn't get enough of Obongo so it makes sense they'd be all in for his third term.
The worst are Americans who worship anything Europe does as if it's such an enlightened society because of all the "free shit"
how are yurocucks so uninformed?
Please americans elect Trump, eurocucks tears will be so sweet, they will refresh us while we build the wall
Nice name get.
It's just the same here. Smug, ungrateful commie roaches mock Trump and Americans even though they're much worse.
>Mehmet Wiggins
>Voting because we want Europe to like us

This is what brought us Obama. Vote your gut. Vote to make Europoors mad.
Hilary is the best option lads.
what are you trying to prove?
that europe is full of cucks who would elect a women even if shes full of lies and corruption just to be progressive? nothing new
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Like we care what a bunch of cucks from migrant accepting countries think. Finland excluded, though we still don't care about their opinion regardless.
>Europeans have cucked political views and are ignorant of US politics

Tell me something I don't already know, leaf
oh shit when did europeans gain the right to vote in the U.S. elections...oh wait
The only people who took this poll are those who read our commie news.

Berniefags BTFO

Why, because she panders to minorities whilst not actually giving a shit about them?
it's a representative poll, you spectacularly stupid nordnigger
So many tripfags

>Poll presented as one representative of "Europe"
>Only 7 Western European countries polled

Name my non cuck WESTERN European countries
no wonder europe is so fucked right now. kasich for pres

Spain? Italy? It's hard to think of any that AREN'T cucked.
File: euro murica.webm (3MB, 1280x720px) Image search: [Google]
euro murica.webm
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>two lazy southern striking countries
>two breakup countries
>implying they are not pro government/socialist

Even the jewmountain don't like the Trump economic ''plan''
The answers are really: "What candidate have you heard of that isn't vilified in media every day?"

Europeans have absolutely no clue about American politics.
What a surprise, Euros like criminals the best, I'd never have guessed it with all the ones they're actively importing.
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Fuck these cucks. God I hate Europe.
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