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Canadian Ketchup War

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How do you feel about the PR war between two condiment giants Heinz and French's in Canada?

French's, which have entered the ketchup market after Heinz started competing with them by introducing yellow mustard, have drummed up the fact that Heinz is closing their Canadian plants while French's is expanding manufacturing in Canada to promote their nascent ketchup products.

It seems pretty silly that an American company (which is ultimately owned by a British conglomerate Reckitt Benckiser) is using Canadian nationalist sentiments to increase sales, but their decision to do local manufacturing has created jobs and saved many tomato farmers.
Heinz >>>>>> Any other
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Heinz is literally better than Frenches and anything else concerning ketchup any day of the week and if you disagree you have mental issues

you see, Heinz still operates in redpilled Pittsburgh PA, and French's... I mean just listen to the name.. French's...fag surrender monkeys
I just put daves insanity sauce on everything up to and including cereal
I don't use ketchup because I am not a tasteless faggot

Mustard: Polchmans>Freches>generic>heinz

Ketchup: Hunts 100% natural or nothing
That mustard looks like shit f.a.m
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why would you buy something made by The eternal Frog
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this is best
>not using Annie's™ organic all natural ketchup
Enjoy cancer plebs
>Ketchup: Hunts 100% natural or nothing

get the hell out you communist
Nobody can test the UK for condiments.
Heinz ketchup.
Coleman's mustard.
HP brown sauce (daddies sauce).
Worcester sauce.

Don't fuck about senpai.
Muh gangsta
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/pol/ buying Heinz products

i seriously hope you guys dont do this you know who owns Heinz right?
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>Heinz for ketchup
>French's for mustard
>ever eating mustard or ketchup

Who the fuck says ketchup? Its called red sauce, faggots.
I-is it the Jews?
>using Canadian nationalist sentiments to increase sales

Canadians are simple minded and gullible so it
Heinz surname get
No it's John Kerry. His wife's family owned Heinz so it is liberal ketchup.

You're the Jew clearly.
>Buy storebrand mustard
>Give zero fucks about brands
Feels good to save man, tbqh senpaitachi
Taste aside, it's good to see a company taking pride in manufacturing their products in their country. So many companies in the US outsource their manufacturing (let alone IT...that's a whole different debacle that warrants it's own thread) to other countries but tout the "americanness" of their products.

>100's of other name brands
I still eat Heinz
Frenches mustard though
German > French

Surprised he doesn't get flashbacks of all the gook blood he spilled when he looks at the ketchup. Kerry is somewhat based
I'm surrendering my dick inside your mom, you stupid faggot.
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french is obviously superior, not to sound smug
just applying common sense
if liberalism made everything taste as good as Heinz compared to the competition, I'd be more liberal
Please you smelly French monkey, shut the hell up.

Holy fuck, I couldn't care any less if I tried.

Ketchup is disgusting sugar water anyways.
Once at Sobeys this faggot cashier went on a 5 minute tirade about how Frenchs's was just as good as the Heinz I was buying. I'll think of him every time I see a bottle of it, and never buy it.

Of course neither of them are Canadian companies, but at least French's is using people from here

Plus, you know, French
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Das it mane
> ketchup
Heinz can't sell their "ketchup" in Israel because of lack of tomato.
delete this
I always mix my ketchup with Dijon Mustard.
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/ck/ reporting in, you are all faggots.
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keen's mustard is best
Why is there so much sugar in Heinz? The reduced sugar version tastes identically so why not make it the base formula
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You need to step up.
I fuck your queen with my garlic smelling penis, you piece of shit.
>babbie's first condiment
What? You're the very definition of a cuck. Your women love every man on this planet except French men. They want to get rid of you. I wouldn't blame them.
Heinz ketchup is fucking disgusting

It's dominant flavour is just processed sugar.

Ketchup is a really underdeveloped condiment simply because of Heinz's monopoly on the market.

Ketchup should have a deep, rich, tomato flavour with a satisfying tang and a sweet tone.

There are lots of people that make decent ketchup but never get a market because Heinz is so aggressive at defending its foul tasting monopoly.
you're literally a hipster cuck faggot for liking chink hot sauce

Enjoy your period blood ketchup made my hippie kikes.
I could answer this post 1400 ways. But I will not because I have some decency.

>spicy food

Sriracha is pretty good.

On gook food.

On anything else it can fuck right off.
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remember those glass ketchup bottles they used to have at restaurants?

those things were a goddamn nightmare
Heinz is jewish.

It's always been jewish.

You're all shilling a jewish product.

Even the name Heinz is jewish.
>false dichotomy
Literally every other brand of Mustard is better than French's or Heinz. "yellow mustard" is a meme that needs to die. Spicy or dijon mustard is where it's at.
What about steak???
Alright time we step in and show these mustard companies who the real Mustard makers are. Whose ready to work at my /pol/ mustard factory? Keep in mind I will be hiring a bunch of illegals because they will work for less than minimum wage and we can maximize our mustard sales to win this mustard battle.
You don't have any deceny you inbred mongoloid.
NDP started this entire defense of the Canadian Worker by the way
Canada has all those and more. We dont have your Muslim hot sperm sauce though.
fucking no-taste barbarian
You're opinion is invalid.
You're supposed to flip over the catsup as soon as you sit down at the table. git gud
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But I have good mustard.
Chevys and Forda are made in Canada

That's close enough
Heinz is a German name. He was a German immigrant, mother Schmidt, father Heinz. 100% german
Some restaurants still do have glass ketchup bottles, just like the one up my road.
>Worcester sauce.
Did you mean Worcestershire sauce?
Though I must admit that I have yet to try French's ketchup, I still have yet to taste any ketchup as good as Heinz's

HP sauce is pretty good, use that quite a bit
Reddit: The Condiment
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I cannot wait for the day...
I wasn't saying that leafs are a bad place to make cars though, just that these are "American" cars...unlike peppermint patties (Mexico), or the new shit coming out (China, Singapore).
It should be illegal to call that yellow chemical shit mustard.

It is extra delicious tho
This. That's why I call Ketchup "dessert".
>Coleman's mustard.

This is the true option. Seeing some of the 'mustards' in this thread have angered me
if there's one thing england does good it's mustard english mustard is focking dank
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>Nobody can test the UK for condiments.
daily reminder that potato chips dipped in Heinz ketchup is the greatest snack there is
Protip: the mustard is more mustard than the ketchup is ketchup.
Try Zebra Cakes with Mustard (don't care which kind)....seriously, it's awesome.
Wrong. I don't even need to refute this because it's so wrong.
Just looked it up. I was going on false info.
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Not a big fan of ketchup but I tried the French's ketchup recently. I kind of like it, you can taste the tang of the tomatoes. Most people that love ketchup are just addicted to dipping all there food in the red sugar paste that is Heinz
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what do you put on your hotdogs, f a m?

mustard only masterrace
A true patrician recognizes Catsup as the one and only name for this tomato based condiment
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Just had a hot dog with Heinz ketchup and frenches mustard.
Can confirm, diversity is a strength
>Eating snails
kek, gtfo with your Africa tier shit.

Dijon mustard and onions and onions and then more onions.
Seriously., what is that?
a bun

You have to go back
Only an idiot would believe this.
>Hugh D
>not eating snails
And you call ME a savage. It's a delicacy way too subtle for an English.

That's mustard.
Pick one
>mustard and onion
>mustard and jalapeno
>ketchup, but only with a potato roll
mustard made from whole seeds
My niggas
I heard babies were a delicacy in Africa too. Damn, us Brits have no culture at all, aye? Please stop you filthy Mongoloid.
So you put a maple leaf on your flag, and now your getting sentimental about condiments. Canadians are truly shit.
Spicy brown mustard and sauerkraut

Chilli, cheese, and onions is also acceptable

Those are the ONLY 2 (TWO) acceptable ways to eat a hotdog
Holy fuck, Heinz makes mustard?!
Fish and a bit of vinegar.
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it's wholegrain mustard pleb
Haven't tried French's Ketchup, but Heinz yellow mustard really sucks.
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You shouldn't be angry at me, it's not my fault if you have been eating english food your whole life.
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British food masterrace
Stop please. No wonder your women are sickened by the sight of you. I cannot even imagine how awful you smell, snail boy.

Callahan bringing the truth
I'm pretty sure it's got some carbon atoms.
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>there are actually people who buy any other brand of mayo except Dukes

Day of the rope can't come soon enough for them
I wouldn't say that. Maybe conditioned
Let Jersey alone, you son of a bitch.
>eating anything other than fresh handmade mayo
You just disgust me. It's so easy to make, you have no excuse.
Cheese, spicy (why is there a distinction) mustard, ketchup, onions, chili. I'm considering bacon next round.
Oh, sticking up for some inbred island niggers eh? kek. Fucking sandnigger.
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fuck that.

>Oh, sticking up for some inbred island niggers eh?
I thought we were having an argument.
>have drummed up the fact that Heinz is closing their Canadian plants while French's is expanding manufacturing in Canada to promote their nascent ketchup products.

sounds racist
Spicy brown mustard has tumeric in it and other mustard doesn't.
Why is there a distinction between barbeque sauce with honey and without honey?
King Of Mustard
Je suis snail boy
>there are people who buy Mayo

Heinz Ketchup and French's Mustard, always
I see you are learning our superior ways. Good.
You are a low test faggot who can't handle the heat. I'm not a hipster faggot and it beats all normal vinegar hot sauce garbage water sauce.
>Spicy brown mustard has tumeric in it and other mustard doesn't.
o i c
I just never consider yellow mustard to be mustard.
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>Superior ways
>Getting cucked by everyone
kek, pls faggot. Just stick to fucking your hairy women, fucking degenerates.
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Q: What's the motto of the French army?
A: Stop, drop, and run!

Q: What’s the difference between a Frenchman and a bucket of crap?
A: The bucket

Q: What do you call a French man killed defending his country?
A: I don't know either, its never happened!

Q: Why do the French never perform “the wave” at a soccer game?
A: Because, that’s a gesture reserved for use only in time of war.

Q: What's the difference between a Frenchman and a catfish?
A: One is an ugly, scum sucking bottom-feeder and the other is a fish.

Q: what the Frenchmen can do in 5 minutes?
A: Surrender twice.

Q: What's the shortest book ever written?
A: French War Heroes.
>if there's one thing england does good

there isn't

I stopped buying any reeses products when they closed the Canada factories to move them to mexico. Goodbye Heinz Hello Frenches
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>ruling over niggers is an "empire"
Check this.
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Based mexibro
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Check this.
Dude, we get it, you go to Firehouse Subs.
Check this
M-megan ffffox?
Underrated post desu
>French's Ketchup and Heinz Mustard, always

>Ahcmed's Opinion
This is the only way to prepare a hot dog.

>Pepperidge Farms hot dog bun
>Grounded meat (80% meat / 20% fat), cooked with sofrito, adobo and Sazón, in the bottom of the bun
>Steam cooked Nathan's frank on top of the grounded meat
>Potato sticks on top of frank
>Sauerkraut on the top of the sticks to the left
>Relish on the right side
>Three diagonal lines on top of all of that
>No mustard or mayonnaise because I am no faggot.

Meh. Nationalism-based advertising works like a fucking charm in Canada, because Canadians are obsessed with distinguishing themselves from Americans.
I am Canadian and I hate ketchup. Shittiest condiment ever.

No, has to be a villagio bun

Anyone who doesn't use Meyer's Potato Rolls will get the gas
French's is fucking good m8.
tastes great with french fries though. and don't tell me you like mayo
Fucking peasants
>not grey poupon
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>Megan Fox
>Devil trips
>Posts Hitler
Holy fuck
>no mention of honey mustard
You're all right next to the border though, it makes more sense to just extend the network used to distribute nationally within america into canada.
>french fries
this is heresy against the church

So that means you then?
kek, the ultimate trips.
>not mixing ketchup and mayo then dipping your fries in that

Fucking pleb
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Friendly reminder that this is the approved list of Canadian Condiments.
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>Forgetting the most important one
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Why do you fags take American brands and just stick a maple leaf on them?
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Pittsburgh reporting in.

Fuck Frenches and Fuck ketchup in general.
Yes you do you stupid Chinese cunt, you can't get enough of it.
Ketchup refers to the preparation genius, did you mean tomato?
I showed your mom how to prepare my hot dog last night
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>he doesn't use Maille
Fucking nigger, of course you would prefer a mustard owned by Heinz
Heinz is the superior brand

This must be a poorfag thing, I've yet to meet an affluent American patrician who calls it catsup.
>Grey Poupon, the beloved mustard of niggers, white women and cucks.
Wew lad, I may be a faggot but at least I'm not one of those three.

Well ketchup is disgusting for the most part so fuck it
How come ketchup from America tastes so sour? My grandma bought some while on a trip there and it tastes like shit, it feels like I'm drinking vinegar what gives?
French's is le meme ketchup. One chain got shit on social media because they decided to stop selling it because no one was buying it before it became a meme.
That is not a real ad you stupid leaf
If you lived in America during the 80s you would understand Grey Poupon = luxury

I haven't purchased Heinz products since I became aware that Theresa Heinz was John Kerry's wife and was bankrolling his bid back when he was running for president.
Why did you take a British flag and just stick stars on it?
Wrong spic.

Heinz is shit tier.
Eh, personally I like my ketchup to have a little bite to it. Some of the other stuff is waaaay to sweet for me. Guess it's an American thing.
>mfw never liked ketchup
>or yellow mustard

I don't know, I just hate slathering condiments on everything.
The only things I really like putting on are honey mustard and bbq sauce
>muh luxury
Was Grey Poupon a supplier of mustard to the courts of France, Austria and Hungary? Did it even exist before 1866? Did its owner supply vinegar to Catherine the Great?

No. Maille is literally the mustard of royalty, whereas Grey Poupon is clearly the mustard of the nouveau-riche plebians.
The nouveau riche are probably more likely to to buy your shitty overpriced hipster mustard
Heinz just came out with English baked beans in Canada . God tier. Also salad cream. British homies know what I'm talking about.
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>any year
>buying Surrender Brand condiments
Thank goodness I can get Whataburger's tangy ketchup by the bottle now.
Heinz Jalapeno, Tabasco, and Bacon w/ Caramelized Onion ketchup varieties are amazing. Standard Heinz ketchup is Very Good, though I buy Del Monte for home use.
t. projecting american
>King Louis XV and his mistress consumed this stuff
>His father built Versailles
>the decor in Versailles is the style that Trump tries to emulate in his mansions and apartments
Hipster vinegar indeed. Throw out the mustard of plebs and try Maille, it might make your tastebuds great again.
Hunts master race

The Independent Republic of Texas, sponsored by HEB, is greater than its American and Canadian opposition combined. God bless our Nation.
>his mistress
absoluting degenerate
Grey Poupon is a family mustard, happy families. Maybe single people eat Grey Poupon, I don't know. Frankly, I don't want to know

Canadian tomato farms?
yes, maille

or i make my own, because its that easy
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British calling anyone inbred, topkek.
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>Watery precum
= reconstituted imported ingredients
Don't know about French's, but here we had a similar thing happen where local tomato growers were going out of business thanks to shit-tier Heinz - until Dick got on board and came up with something better (pic related).
Locally grown, non-reconstituted = no precum
Whos winning?
>Gay Poop-on

Sounds about right, faggot


It's not right in the bottle though, it doesn't taste right cold, it has to be room temperature for me. Have you tried their fry potato chips at the H-E-B though? That shit's delicious, almost exactly like the real thing
Great Value reporting in
I drink this stuff
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