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ITT we describe the personality of the poster above based

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Thread replies: 356
Thread images: 13

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ITT we describe the personality of the poster above based on their name
>Valerie Bernard
pretentious bay area asshole
Nosy neighbor
Uppity Spic
That kid who was really into baseball
That good christian girl who turns into a crackwhore after highschool
Mormon girl who is really into jewelry making. Kind of a cunt though. Only pretends to be nice.
You're a schizophrenic person with borderline personality disorder. Inb4 projecting
Ur a fagot m9 btw noice dubs
The kid who had poor retards for parents that decided to name him after something valuable to motivate him to work harder

Hits a little close to home ;_;
Ugly lawyer with a sad wage cuck life.
has an annoying girlfriend who has been in a relationship for years.
thinking about children.
lives somewhere in the northeast coast.
Average normie

Oregano comment
Overwieght middle manager in a mid life crysis
Horror movie director
Gossipy and always buys magazines
Blond, hot, whore, attention seeking, horny sex bunny.
old ladies
Handsome Spanish man.
owns a shitty taco stand, enjoys his simple life.
Viva la Revolucion!
Johanna Montoya, Mexican missionary and man of god.
Morgan Ray, British Captain during the Napoleonic Wars.
Prostitute, probably working somewhere in the Bronx
Legally changed his name to Rex after watching jurrasic park.
filipino majoring in women's studies
High-school football captain who I sucked off during homecoming
That person with the weird last name no one can pronounce
the person who always asks for the manager
30 year old secretary in new york.
Sucked Chad's dick.
American economist for the Chicago school.
An emo gothkid
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Stuffy Hispanic heiress to an avocado dynasty
Irish meth addict
High School normie whore
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Potential Chad that lost out because the other kids made fun of his last name.
>Tyler Roach
seems like a run of the mill normie. Not too shabby
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So nice, I posted twice.
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A pawn for me to play with and dispose of when Im done
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What website is this redesign suppose to be making fun of?
Lori Bean flicks the bean
Lori is a lesbian professor at the University of Vermont.
fuckin faggot
please, fuck my sister while i watch
vietnamese stripper
heterosexual man
Geoffrey Gay is a pseudonym Wojak uses when he dances in all male reviews.
classic brownish slut
A porn star who will marry the founder of 8ch in the year 2021
Martin Villegas is a small-time farmer in a remote village in southern Mexico. Every year he must give most of his surplus crops to local drug lords, for their protection. He dreams of one day moving his family to America for a better life. He wishes to be a politician, so he can fight for his people's rights. Sadly, he will die at the age of 54 when a drought kills most of his crops and he is unable to meet the drug lords' demands.
gay couple that has two adopted downs children
Portuguese stripper
Loretta is a sassy black woman who works in human resources.
Whoa. Murderous slut irl!
>takes big fat dicks on fridays
>works at a mcdonalds
lives in UK and votes for the labour party
kek you fucked up faggot
Middleage divorced man who works at deadend job for 25 years
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Gay muscular pornographic actor
Max Savage is alpha as fuck tbqh
will complete the holy trinity, will trigger the beta uprising and full societal collapse
chad and stacy in the same thread FUCK OFF
Come at me, fools.
Abusive aunt who baby sits children in her neighborhood to keep up with her Popov habits
Has a sister named Shaniikwuh
Italian man in the 1920's who would dress up like a chinese person to sell his rice.
Became strangely attached to the character and actually married into Chinese family.
Manages a Burger King in Albuquerque, NM.
Filipino cum dumpster
medical doctor
And I guess has you for a baby mama, Leticia.
(captcha:select all waffles)
the hero this board needs
Definetly dindu nuffin.
Terminal cancer patient.
Someone who played soccer their entire life, mostly with fellow drunkards
Old lady who was addicted to all kinds of autistic hobbies
Nihilistic with wicked sense of humor
obviously a mexican
The best person that will ever ever live m9 desu
Savvy black guy who has pawn shop and sells weed
Tanya's neighbor, bus driver
Harvey Herman, door-to-door salesman with a plastic grin and a hundred illegitimate bastards.
Practices Santeria
Meth Dealer in Albuquerque, NM.
The bus drivers pool boy
Owns used car lot
2nd gen beaner
Russell Harrell, divorced door-to-door salesman cucked by Harvey Herman when he was away on business and living out of his car.
Womyns Studies major
Frankie's bottom bitch
I killed your father
Meet Russell Harrell, former ex-con who spends his free time drinking booze and stealing toilet paper from neighbors.

Homely looking farmer's daughter who loves animals and remains unmarried well into her 40s.
Anchor baby tbqh.
an explorer, hispanic
First cousin of Rufus Kelley, daughter of Richard and Lillian Kelley
fat ilegal immigrant that talks to inanimate objects.
Leading star of site blacked.com
Art Pratt, Nationwide Insurance.
the guy that keeps coming over when my dads not around to help my mom fix her car in their bedroom for some reason
Checking if we keep these fuckin names.
Patrice tries to sell a "french" pronounciation of her last last "Boy-yaaay" despite being born in a shitty coal town to one Katherine and Miles "Boy-ER"
In prison. 6 kids by 5 women.
tbqh lads im a chad
Slavic qt who would never be my gf
Owns 45 pairs of shoes
Hot lady reporter, fucks superhero and then dies.
alberto barbosa t.
>fucked by a Chad
>undergoing a gender identity crisis
>now can't use the bathroom in North Carolina thanks to their new law
Transformed into a vehicle
Joe Dirt's first cousin
Fat feminist who has rape fantasies.
Gets mad when people steal his sandwich.
All about that yay famalam
Tried to get people to pay attention to him by wearing a hat, then took it off after being made fun of.
used to be popular in middle school
used to be popular in the vietnam war
Pianist for a community theatre
a cheerful pole-dancer
In a hip hop dance troupe.
Fat British fuck with terrible teeth residing in the US on a work visa caught watching bestiality at work. Promptly fired and sent back to Bongland.
Numale sissyboy
Wears technicolor plastic frames
Actually got to date a hot asian for a month, but only ate her out.
Brothers murdered her parents.
Mixed race kid raised by grandparents, very goofy and theatrical but has shitty temper.
Can I get a cool story and a (You)?

Started an instagram account forr her cat.
like a lolipop
Fat bitch who lists profession as "pin-up model"
Obsessed with cowboy movies.
first time posting on this new system just to find out my burgerland alias
In special education. Rides short bus to school.
I',m a mess
A friendly neighbor who lends a grill from time to time. Secretly visits dominatrix and has chastity cage
Beta male that enjoys anime and orbiting underaged girls
cleans hotel rooms for a living
has an abusive hispanic boyfriend and 4 kids
can't speak proper english and so you're gonna be cleaning hotel rooms the rest of your life.
Occasionally refers to his girlfriend's life before she met him as "BC"
Wagie who worked late one night, called for elevator, due to mechanical error the elevator car was stuck at the floor above him, but the doors still opened.
Vincent was barely awake, and walked forward without looking, falling the five stories down the elevator shaft.
The fall did not kill him instantly, and he quietly faded throughout the night- his strangulated pleas for help unheard by the janitorial staff.
Fucks niggers and parades it around to piss off her religious Dominican parents
You grew up with the nickname "the kid" in the Bronx. In order to support your ghetto low class family you turned to sucking dick on the street for money. You dropped out of high school and currently you are trying to get a record deal with your black boyfriend Jamal, who makes shitty R&B music.
Alias of Everett Riggs. Still trying to figure out how to use the internet.
Stuck up white housewife who has nothing to do in life and slowly succumbs to her alcohol addiction coming from the bitter realisation that she could have done more with her life
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This has to be a joke! Wtf, I've seen Richard Nixon and now this?
Obviously a reincarnated African queen.
The nerd in high school who created things
Tubby housewife, proud of her irish heritage and 4 sons.
Got really mad when one of them turned out to be gay, but eventually reconnected with and accepted him.
Went on slightly disappointing trip to Ireland only to find out that they didn't care about her last name or bloodline and she was just another American tourist to them.
You run a fast food review channel like Ken Domic and Joey Food Reviews. All of your vids take place in your dirty van that smells like cum and sweat. Your seats are all torn up but you can't afford to get new ones. The only satisfaction you get from life is seeing positive comments on Youtube from losers that watch food reviews. The negative comments telling you to kill yourself are getting to you...

That sneaky little cunt who always throws sexual jokes around girls despite being balding manlet.
Ghetto black woman
Likes chinese food.
Got into Carnegie Mellon.
Member of young republicans on her campus, studying for degree in STEM
Looks at horseporn and interracial, would an hero if anyone found out.
i will never post again
Thinks Marx had some "really good ideas".
Semi-pro ladyboy.
Brassy, bold, and assumed to be a lesbian despite being straight, Marissa Conway is an office worker who blows off steam by belting out showtunes at a piano bar.
Maggie Levine lives in a small town and sometimes feels that life passed her by.
Every time someone writes his name as Matthew, he gets a little closer to shooting up the post office he works at.
Gay cowboy
Mathew Buckley grew up on a farm. Since he was below average in every aspect and similarly boring, he went on to get an ugly wife and 4 kids. Died while out working in the fields at the age of 74
Don't like your dick size.
Johnny's mongloid latino love child.
Bitch who boasts only bbc`s can satisfy her.
An anonymous scientist from the 30s, who got cucked into having his world changing discoveries in the field of nuclear chemistry stolen by normies.
An ill tempered, alcoholic blue collar guy.
Poet 1850-1876
Wrote sad and sometimes fantastic works, went blind, mad, and then died due to syphilis.
Works at gap. Favourite color is taupe.
singer with no chill
Dateraped Julia Allen but she never told a soul
Can bench 250

Hosts a dirty bookclub with her neighbors every other Thursday night. Bipolar, bowling expert, once slept with Sting in her late teens - unaware of his fame.
A 36 years old single mother attending college in the field of women studies, who had had a documentary based on her life story.
Wants to sleep with Hugh Mcneil.
Light-skinned fourth generation Mexican immigrant.
Has part time job so she can spend more time volunteering as a soccer coach for her son's school, suffers from mild depression.
Works for Progressive Auto Insurance. Moderates a reddit subforum about French bulldogs.
A shitty secretary at a suburban middle school
A cock sucking retard
Pls dont be tyrone or mohammed
300 lbs. Cosplays as Samwell Tarley at comic book conventions.
insists on wearing a hat all the time
Manages a school for that teaches courtesy to delinquent children, and also has a Youtube channel that helps parents to raise their children properly.
Was quite the disco dancer in his day.
Attempted suicide twice in highschool due to bullying, was 450 pounds by 11th grade, got into pro-ana scene and was 87 pounds by the age of 21. Ran over by drunk driver and died a virgin.

Sold a multimillion dollar idea to his best friend for rent money in the late 00's, lives in a shitty apartment always trying to invent new ideas to reclaim his glory. Often dreams of moving to London despite being extremely shy. Friendly alcoholic.
stuck up little prick
A fucking dirty whore
2nd generation asian immigrant who tries to hard to be white
He, of course, dindu nuffin.
Future Elliot Rodger, except with an Asian dad and a white mom.
Stupid nigger faggot
fuck, spelling error. too*
lol gay haha my dudes
Considered to be a ruthless player in the vinyl siding business.
Fat dyke
Spent $1600 at Anthropologie last month.
Homosexual lord
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>you're watching hentai giving it a rub
>meanwhile, Chad checks his dubs
Awkward ugly girl from school who gets her first period in class wearing white pants
Terrance Thompson was a shy and possibly autistic 6 year old boy.
One day his parents reported him missing, saying they saw two "swarthy" men ushering him onto a bus.
A media circus developed around Terry, and several attempts were made to track down the white slavery ring that took him.
His father actually smothered him in his bed and buried him under their toolshed after another episode of bed wetting.
The website findterry.com, public funds, and media appearances made the Thomson family roughly five million dollars.
Works for Bandai Namco's USA branch at the localization department.
27 years old, and is still a virgin but tries to act like a normie.
Ashamed closeted faggot who calls others "faggot" to distance himself from who he really is.
Also, Rollerino El Cumentariano D'Originario Oregano
Will talk your fucking ear off about olive oil.
Has an 'I Can't Breathe' tshirt, but never wears it.
has a small rojas
short mexican
Gives her shitty ''original'' music to her friends.
Got a set of big fake tits, five pounds of turquoise jewelery, and her own Chevy dealership after the divorce, expected happiness and a sense of freedom but ended up naming her cat after her ex-husband and talks to it like it's him.
Educated black man.
A single soccermom, bitching about her kids not being treated special enough
Non-descript blonde high schooler with notable east German ancestors

Has always wanted to be with a black man.
Calls people, 'my brother'
Feminine British fellow who gets ass-blasted about the masturbation jokes, but does actually jack off constantly.

Dirty Beaner strawberry picker
Sells bootleg Jordans.
soccer player who also happens to be a drug dealer
Enjoys eating ass
Always carries a saxophone to seem "ironic". Does so because he lost a bet a year ago and is doomed to always be with it at least 5 more months. Works as a telephone operator for Pepsi, has a secret collection of ant farms his girlfriend still hasn't found
Total chav.
Old mean Christian lady who yells at kids who walk on her rocks and tries to eavesdrop on neighbors.
Masturbates on public transport.
Singer/pianist who achieved moderate fame in the 80s and 90s
Gives 33% of her income to Jesus related causes.
Human rights activist and passive smoker.
Namesake of fish restaurant founded by her second husband
Nettie's cousin from Ohio who gets in phone arguments with her about American politics neither understand, but think they do because they're constantly watching news networks.
turkish immigrant that works as a lumberjack
Has 'MM' monogrammed towels in her powder room.
some spic that has a pickup
Trailer trash named after his deadbeat dad who fucked of back to Mexico before he was born.
Beat mercilessly due to being "a fuckin' wetback" and because Brandi Hicks, his mother, is the town whore.
Fat, poor and sad. Looks foward only to his bowling league.
Stuck up rich kid, enjoys playing polo with the other trophy to-be trophy wives
First female chairperson of her yacht club.
Lives in Northern Virginia. Husband works for a government consulting firm.
elementary school counselor who keeps saying "m'kay" at the end of his sentences

Jewish AND ginger
He always wins.
Faggot who likes boys
Dwight 'Double D' Davenport has been president of the rotary club for 25 years.
Grew a beard due to weak jaw, succeed and got a 7/10 artsy gf.
Sometimes she bakes him treats.
Some preppy cunt who plays golf and fucked his dad's new 18 year old wife when he was away. Set up to get into an ivy-league school and win in life
Art school student. Vegan activist.
He likes clay.
Rumored to be in the KKK.
I think I sound like a mechanic or some shit. Pencil behind the ear etc
black guy with a rape dungeon
Bass guitarist in punk band, kind of a mean dude.
"Ted Forbes, CPA"
slutty mexican
Works in a Lego factory.
Was a semi-popular singer in Kingston in the mid 60s.
Son of construction firm owner who still performs physical labor.

Informal love of academics, still content to inherit his father's business.
Owns a body shop outside of Tuscan.
He like shotguns.
born in a very poor english family
Went to Haverford. Now working for a digital agency in DUMBO.
Run of the mill hobo by day

Treeking by night
Scuba-diver and marine biologist.
Quiet and demure.
Typical white girl with shitty parents, leading her to fall into the heroine subculture.

Pharmacist who has dated 5 different white guys previously, suffers from self loathing of her own heritage, will later settle down with a ABC Doctor and withhold sex
All state lacrosse.
Michael Jackson's autistic, retarded and gay brother/sister.
Average white girl high schooler sits in the corner, wishing to be accepted.
Canadian. Likes indie rock.
daughter of someone who made an important scientific discovery
rich frat boy faggot
Lonely drug addict.
Photographer, writer, and documentary filmmaker, Lucas Deleon was notable for the striking images he displays in his hometown of Detroit.
Deleon never made it to the African Sons film festival though, as he died in the crossfire of a gangfight he was attempting to report on.
High yellow sista.
they gayest latino guy with the little gay mustache

inb4 im a jew
retarded lion
Old globe-trotting granny with transcontinental accent.
Pretty fabulous and cute for an 80 year old.
Second son in a middle class German family

Favored by his American mother.
Weird kid no one likes secretly; no one tells him how annoying he is.
Morbidly obese camgirl.
Pub owner who shot a porno and now all the old people at the pub are wanking over it. They start a black market off this one vhr and are now el chapo jr.
Got called "BM" in high school.

a talking cunt
Local belligerent.

Onlookers to his frequent bouts with other drinkers often remark that "Melton's meltin' down."
Probowl wide receiver

Alcoholic. Has no control over their life.
really boring spanish person
white person that actively tries to make people think she is chinese when speaking over the phone
Today I woke up wearing only a diaper(still wet the bed and I was really hot last night) with my nightlight in my room(don't like the dark). I'm going through some acne problems right now due to a stress rash and plus I still wear braces.

If you're wondering, I'm 19 years old.
Weasely scientist, wears bow ties and has his broken glasses taped together.
Has an eight inch penis.

Overweight secretary
Unironically tells people that "Jesus is the reason for the season".
really qt actress
Slut. Yes, that's a slutty name.
russian pornstar
Obvious serial killer living in L.A.
mexican matt damon
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huge asshole deep down, not afraid to show it
gets lots of girls, family name litteraly has dick in it
autistic yet adorable kid who tried to fuck cat in his teens.
Fat INTJ neckbeard with stem degree.
Lets see what I get besides cock
Well, cock was all you got.
Ironically fat for having Atkins in her name, like a good book and a hot cup of tea.
american 19 year old girl in college who is a really fast sprinter
Will let you know about her fondness for methamphetamine.
mid-teens disney channel actress/ popstar with a cult following on the internet who claim they have her nudes.
Someone who married a music producer, not a big time one, one who chills on bandicamp and SoundCloud
Illegal who can't speak English
Always talks about his kids
An establishment specializing in rare minerals
Fuck you Chad

Fucking cock sucker
white boi sucking on black bois
A nice welcoming bus driver
19 year old mexican realising his life is now gardening
A real faggot. The kind of kid that picks juice boxes over soda and books over television.
sweet old lady, who's secretly a neo-nazi.
Best known as the bassist for alternative rock band Mandano Mandira from 1991 to 1994. Forced to quit after her substance abuse made her steal and sell the band's van.

Town slut
Rate me bois :^)
Really hope I get a good name
mother is a slut
father is a tranny
A Hispanic priest.
3rd string highschool quarterback struggling to fit in anywhere
I'll get skipped over.
middle class 19th century gentleman
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used up 32 year old crackwhore who already had 7 kids and lost them all
Southampton's most notorious pedophile. Pays young boys to watch him fap in his apartment.
Nice Asian wife who is often cheated on my her husband
Submissive most of the time until she loses it and pulls of a Loreana Bobbit on her husband and is sent to jail
Giraffe alien who tried to fuck superman, written out of comics when Lois Lane banished a bunch of Supergroupies to another dimension of only superman clones after freeing a genie from a bottle.
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>original pic related o
Fat cunt

Has issues being both a closet homosexual and a closet fascist.
Beverly Walls just got ten feet taller.
My body is ready

select all the food
nerd werewolf
Rich chick
build walllllllll
Blac Lives matter activist
Original post desu etc
Avid stock photography expert for inspirational quote calendars. Baggage from a failed marriage to her high school sweetheart who turned out to be gay has lead her to anorexia, always with a smile on her face to conceal the pain. Blonde, fairly attractive.
a small company owner
Played in the grand prix of Street Fighter and won for his 15 mins of fame. Paper pusher in a boring 9-5 in a cubicle high rise, droning on and contemplating a career change.
You're a 30 something year old woman who looks about 25 and has a decent body and attractive face. You work a management/hiring/hr position in a relatively uncommon/obscure teenager job. You have a boyfriend you occasionally mention offhand. You often go out for McDonalds at lunch and eat at your desk. Your job doesn't carry a lot responsibility but you take it very seriously and get more than enough downtime during the day to do whatever it is you do that only you know about.
You're a 90 year old WWII veteran who served the Waffen-SS on the Russian front, slaying slavs and desperately fighting to stop the spread of communism into the Reich and all of Europe. Now you tell war stories on documentaries.
A rarity in the construction buisness, you inherited the buisness from your grandfather and rather than sit back you probably do the most manual labor on the crew. Your father works under you and resents the company being yours so he subtly undermines the projects by making material shipments late, advising new hires to intentionally fuck up expensive equipment, etc and you're oblivious to it. You own a house in the suburbs and your morning commute is usually a double shot of espresso and a randomly selected audio book each week from the local library.
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rich lesbian teenager who has a relationship wih her twin , yandere for another teen girl who talks with animals
Some Italian drug dealer
cuck and comediant better know as louis CK sorrow
>Stacy Ruseman
Thread posts: 356
Thread images: 13

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