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Thread replies: 455
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Inspired by Bioware comes the latest in "art" agenda games.

Can you come out to your parents?! Are you the true homo? Do you have what it takes?

>Hey there, player. Welcome to this game, I guess.
I'm already mad
I hate gays who can't just say they are gay. Nobody fucking cares, don't make drama like a fucking woman just because you like dicks too.
>Nobody fucking cares
By the end of this 500 post thread, you'll see that plenty of people care.

There are still idiots in this country that are willing to kill someone just because they like cock. Throw in the whole dynamic of possibly losing friends and family over something that should be trivial. And there is also the whole inner conflict of coming to terms with your sexuality and how it will be looked down upon by a large contingent of people.

Coming out can be easy or it can be very, very difficult. It's not black and white situations and people like you are just as retarded as the bigots themselves.

As for the game, I didn't follow the link but I bet it's a rather harmless thing that /v/ will sperg out over. Don't play the fucking thing, god damn. If half of the people that follow this crap gave the same amount of attention to actually good games, we would have a different industry.

But they don't so we wallow in shit because that lets them vent their anger better.
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Did bioware design these choices?
+1 upboat! Very insightful.



>Did you have sex with Jack
I don't even know if I did or not

I don't know what's that lie and what's the truth
Someome do a playthrough as a ultra giga gay so we can laugh at terrible writing
Look at Jack. It should be obvious
It's a splitscreen, they are texting each other from their respective beds.
What is this bullshit.
I know. That's not what I meant. Look at Jack, could you turn him down?
>dat gay stereotype that one gay is scrawny and the other one is Swole

Nice job Biopatriarchy
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>Inception came out four years ago

Fuck these types of games
>willing to kill someone just because they like cock
>but let's collectively enforce abusive relationships to ensure that everyone's open to gay this gay that and additional faggotry
Yeah, no, fuck you.
this looks like something made in photoshop in an afternoon
the only thing missing is gradients

This is free right?
I want to die.
>game all about coming out
>tell my parents i'm homosexual at the first opportunity

well that wasn't so hard now was it.
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Presentation was pretentious, but it was an okay story. Like, I'd read it if it were a book.

So what you're saying is you played it for the story
This fucking game.
It's not all that bad, it's much better than I expected.
I thought the story was pretty insulting actually, makes me wonder if he even came out to his parents. That his dad would punch him in the face after saying something so trivial and his mom vomiting on her food, I mean I guess he was going for something humorous but it just didn't come across.

Coming outs are a lot more emotionally charged than explaining to your mother what bisexual means. This was fucking stupid.
Look at this nerd


Why didn't she clean up the vomit

what a terrible mother

>Ok, lets play this thing
>Dialogue boxes
>More boxes
>More boxes
>Ok I don't give a fuck about credits, lets play the game
>More boxes
>More boxes
>"witty" dialogue
>More boxes, this time about how PERSONAL this story is
>More linear banter
>Thirty seconds in I've lost interest and moved to another tab

I can't come out to this guys parents, because the truth is I don't care about his life.
Fuck this gay shit. I'm going to go play one of my Leisure Suit Larry games.
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Kind of. It helps that I'm also bisexual and left home without my parents knowing a thing about it. It felt sort of like cheating though. From the route I took, I felt like I was forced into the reveal. The name would be sort of stupid if it didn't have to happen SOMEHOW, though.
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You should read better books.
this "game" is pretty fucking gay

back to your containment board, subhumans

Maybe you should've gotten better genes
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Oh yeah, definitely Bioware.
>might try to recruit you
>Jack did recruit him
>and note how Jack constantly tried to push him to do something that he didn't want to do
>but of course, it's homophobic as hell if you dare to do the opposite
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Any recommendations? My favorites are Battle Royale, Catcher in the Rye, King Lear, Neuromancer, and Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.

Metal Gear Solid 4
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>tfw not a flamboyant faggot and everyone still thinks I'm straight
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Already watched it.

>Maybe you should come out to your parents
That's a bad idea
>Oh okay, by the way let me passive aggressively link Inception to your current problem you pussy

Jack's a piece of shit, I wish the game would let me break up with him
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why is the world so prejudice towards us

Why don't you try liking breasts and vagina you queerosexuals
Not gay, but if I was I could come out to my entire family and all of my friends without fear. Sure is nice not living in the South.
I'm not a gay I just like dudes
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>that 3rd choice
>Sure is nice not living in the South.

Unless you live in Atlanta

jesus christ fuck atlanta, all these guys going behind their girls and getting infected, then giving it right back to the girls
I knew my family would respond well and it was still terrifying

>Dad I'm bisexual and I'm banging Jack
>Dad, I'm a degenerate and sex defines my entire existence, please accept me as a person and approve of my lifestyle

The worst thing is that the fucker who wrote this shit thinks he's being witty.

Underrated post.
But I do.
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I smoke ribs, you smoke cock
Where the fuck did you get that from my post?
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This gets posted so rarely, I honestly lost my shit
>the characters will REMEMBER what you say!
>game lasts 10 minutes
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Wow, that was really fucking gay.

I need to find a fucking manly game to play so I can make up for that gay shit

Any recommendations?
>actually admitting to it being your post
Newfag's first day on /v/.

Contra IV
Shinobi (PS2)
Ninja Gaiden Black
Sin and Punishment II, Hard Mode only
Fresh Ultra V-Rated run of Viewtiful Joe 1 and 2 in a single sitting
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Took me a second but holy fuck my sides

I love you dude
This isn't meant to be a callout to you both specifically, but part of the reason people are prejudicial and claim that it will "corrupt" children is because

No. One. Fucking. Tells. Flamboyant. Gays. To. Stop. Doing. That.

Seriously. Being gay doesn't mean you should instantly have a lisp or wear makeup or whatever the fuck else.

That's part of the problem. That's part of nearly every demographic's problems.

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I understood that reference
Nice. Epic. I like it.
Cho Aniki
>coming out as bi
Casual mode. Try coming out as trans.
Oh gosh, all those girls are so cute. Even the stupid one.
>tfw no qt nippon gf
Are you qt
I should have mentioned that it needs to be members of that demographic calling out the faggots of their demographic.

Feminists need to call out feminazis, for example. And many European ones have started to. Now gays just need to hop on that shit.

No one ever will tell them because they fear backlash from the politically correct community.

It's like Death Camp of Tolerance but without the part where everyone realizes Mr. Garrison is a faggot

I'll be honest, if I was gay I'd go full homo in a heartbeat. Like cutoff rainbow bellyshirt bodyglitter full lisp twerking at the parade homo.

Because it's an excuse to act totally fucking ridiculous in public, and anyone who doesn't take that opportunity is lying to themselves.


what's it like having a mental condition?
Man that pic
I think i've fallen for a fellow /v/irgin.
I just dont know how to tell him
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>/a/ simulator
Jack, do you know what day it is?
im transethnic im a japanese person trapped in a white person's body
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I don't give a fuck if someone wants to be a raging flamboyant faggot. It's a free country. Do you hate freedom?
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He's so courageous
Please. Go. Back. To. Tumblr. And. Stop. Fucking. Typing. Like. This.

It doesn't get your point across any more than if you just typed it out, it just makes you look like a complete tard
the game did a shit job of communicating that the PC was biseckual. i thought those choices were just half-truth soft blows and you were actually 100% /hm/
Send him a picture of your butthole.
When on meds, like nothing at all. When not on meds, angry and horny as fuck all the time. That's it pretty much.

I hate people who don't respect freedom, and those people are gay people in the closet. They are not utilizing their freedom to suck dick correctly

Therefore I would like to formally request the genocider of these freedom haters
What the fuck are you talking about? Of course I'm "admitting" it, I never denied it. Stop your newfag bullshit too. Or are you seriously implying that "oldfags" never respond to conversations?

I'm asking you how you came to that conclusion in your other post. Stop deflecting.

Just how you're free to not give a fuck others are free to give a fuck
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>mfw captain America is now black
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Played through all of it. Didn't like it. Iunno, I just didn't have any sympathy for the guy. His parents were legitimate assholes, but he's also complaining even though he lived with them. Then I couldn't tell if he was bisexual or homosexual. Turns out it's bi as he bangs some cute tutor chick all the time. Then gets a six figure job (probably) and now is getting banged by a literal golden god.

I'm probably the same age as him. I'm a college dropout and I've never had a girlfriend in my life. I'm about to move back in with my parents at the age of 25. I have no friends.

Was I supposed to feel something whilst playing this game? Am I supposed to think that things were bad for this guy?

And goddamn did I groan at those "what" options. You do know that your parents grew up during a time when homosexuals were ostracized, right? I'm not saying it's right, just that it's how they were raised and that reacting that way to you coming out is completely understandable.
You have the freedom to bitch about people doing things you don't like. But if you try to impose your views on others, that makes you a tyrant.
I was mad at first too, but Falcon is a cool guy.
no, we both know we're gay.
Though i think have really fallen in love.
C'est la vie
the fuck is this shit

Canadians step the fuck forward. Explain this.
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>Thor is now a woman
>Green Lantern is now gay
>Spiderman is now black

Goddammit I hate this new fad of "Everyone has to be a different minority for the sake of being a minority"
Holy shit, the mother is more homophobic than /pol/.
Anon its a fucking flash game dammit. there's probably dozens like this one out there.
Im playing it right now. It a VN with sappy writing and a political slant. If someone enjoys it fine, but dont paint it as some new masterpiece.
>yfw an existing character named The Falcon who has always been black and is Cap's right-hand man is just taking up the mantle
it's not like they ret-conned Steve Rogers into being a nigger
Tell him how you feel, you goober
Then send him your butthole

How the fuck are you supposed to find other gay people if they don't act gay and we live in a society where if you tell the wrong person you're gay you'll get punched in the face?
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I don't care.

>Thor is now a woman

hey, this doesn't sound too bad
But it wasn't bad at all

At least he told his story, and the kid realized who he was.

Don't get mad because you're a faggot and can't get punched in the face.
>Am I supposed to think that things were bad for this guy?

Seriously that's the crux of the issue here. It opens with some dude on a laptop at a starbucks, with a half cutoff hairstyle in a zero effort artstyle.

Unless he grew up in a fucking gulag nothing he said or did would be good enough to justify that.
> Begging with a hipster sipping coffee at Starbucks
I can't take the faggotry
help me guys

Are you implying that there aren't homosexuals who don't try to impose their views on others?
The catty fags don't act any different than women anyway. I don't see what all the buttmad is over.
>first question is about my opinion on a movie I didn't see
Fuck I feel like a faggot now. The last time I typed like that must have been months ago, on Facebook or something.

It's better than typing in all caps or with exclamation points, at least.

I'd say brb comitting sudoku, but you'd probably call me a summerfag

You're free to be a faggot, and I'm free to say that you're making faggots look bad. Faggot.
>the game talks for you

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They don't buy it
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Holy shit. I'm bi, and that was pandering as fuck and really doesn't need to exist.

You know what, it probably isn't.

But at the same time Marvel did not invent Thor. You can't just go poof Thor is womanz when there is thousands of years of mythology that says otherwise.

Spiderman, Hulk, etc. That's fine. Those are your characters and concepts so do as you wish, but don't piss on mythology just because MUH WIMENZ
>be a boy trapped in a mans body
>condition is constantly ignored, with harmful insults such as 'manchild' thrown willy-nilly
>no human rights group will help me, or even hear me out
Tolerance for all my fucking ass. I am a real human being, and even fucking tumblr won't accept that.
The original GL is gay the earth 2 one, that im ok with.
I'm all conflicted inside, we have so much in common still i feel he'd wrather just be friends.
i'm a top
maybe one day i'll get shit faced drunk tell him and try to play it off if he rejects me.
>tell her I'm the bottom
>she throws up immediatly
At least that was funny, although I don't think that was the intention.

On the other hand, Thor as a character tends to shit on mythology at times, starting with the misconception of Loki being Thor's brother
>Game portrays the parents as bumbling idiots who don't understand homosexuality in the slightest

Nothing ventured nothing gained, faget
> Have a mental illness
> Make terrible flash "games"
Kill the gays
As someone who came out it was the most uninteresting situation possible. It was just okay and that was it.

I feel ripped off.
I quit. This game comes off as so self-righteous, and it paints straight people as neurotic retards. Not to mention it's pretty clear that this was probably made for phones, what with the aspect ratio and the way the speech bubbles flow.
What a stupid game

>hipster tumbler shit

Try being a tranny and seeing how your parents react to that. Fucking fags are whiney.
>"bisexuals" AKA PLEASE GIV ATTENTION syndrome
Funny, those don't exist.
I wouldn't exactly call marvel asgard faithful enough for a women picking up thors hammer to be some giant sin.
And valkyries are fucking hot
Remember when the punisher became the cap or bucky.
How'd that turn out?
Oh come on
I can deal with an interactive story that puts me in the shoes of a person other than myself
But come on
He's not gay, he's bi. Bis are even worse.
Also this.
Trannies have it way worse, anyone who's not a retard knows this. However most people are retarded. I'm sorry for your lots.

>Try being a tranny

How about I set myself on fire first
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>That melodrama
>That self-righteousness
God what a piece of shit.

I agree with both statements anon

Especially the lateer
>Try being a tranny
I'm not fucked up in the head enough for that.
You'd be doing yourself a favor.
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>/v/ getting angry at a flash game

You guys get pissy over anything
lol I'm picturing a world where it's L vs G vs B vs T. The most first world war ever

>fags want to be treated like womyn
>has the crazy sex hormones of a man, except in gay cockmongling form


you know what? you're right, I wouldn't have to deal with trannies

>no fucking option to just say "yeah i'm just gonna tell them and fuck the consequences"

well this game sucks
Im trying to get the bitch to come out he doesn't want too. LOL im gonna try to make it as awkward as possible.
They have it way worse because they dobule down on their retardation expecting good things to happen
>they don't
>they never have
>and they still think that they're the ones in the right
>Can't play as a woman.
Check your cis-privilege
He'd need to set his GENITALS on fire instead.
Same thing.
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> "What are you?"
I think flamboyancy is a response to repressing yourself and being overly sensitive to what other people think. You get so fed up with worrying what other people will think of you that you turn it around and do exactly the opposite, purposefully going out of your way to try and offend.

I never cared what other people think of me and I still don't. I guess that's why I'm sure normal, aside from the fact I like cock

and then once they hit somewhere between 30 and 40 they start to realize what a stupid idea it was
>discussing a movie
>"So how did you interpret the ending?"

I thought I was playing as the gay, not the English teacher
Yeah , its a fucking flash game. I dont why /v/ or websites are paying attention to it.
Couldn't even get to the proper game. The fucking writing is just irritating and trying too hard.

>thor becomes a woman
>feminists predict 'muh neckbear rage'
>valkyrie porn goes through the roof
>thor becomes /co/s collective waifu
>thor cosplay drops cargo shorts at every con
>feminists start raging over men liking new thor too much
we just can't win

That makes sense.

The sad part is that those people will never realize the harm they're doing
I don't have the mental facilities to process your retarded bullshit. Why don't you read a book or do some research about transgender biology, psychology, etc. before spewing your retardation again?
Holy shit, this entire thing is a complete crock of fuck. After the second conversation option I just gave up because it was so jam packed of horse shit I could see the stinklines.

You can be gay without being a faggot. Like this faggot.
>implying any of us are angry
I think that we're just tired.
>act like a fag
No one is being harmed here except your faggy sensibilities. Grow thicker skin.
gay people are 3% of the population; why the fuck do they have to gay everything up?

>read a book

>specifically on things that are clearly biased as fuck

>when they're the ones doing heavy body modification

>and they're still feeling like shit

>Asian parents aren't usually supportive
>A bunch of fucking gooks made this flash game

into the trash
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Do you have the full version? The one with him scratching his beard?
That's a common misconception. Only the ones that start too late and the ones that aren't even really trans but following a trend/whim regret. Of course those are the ones that stand out the most.

Don't stand up for them you enabling faggot
You are so fucking retarded
Totally. Hell, it makes coming out worse.
>You're gay? No you're not, you act like a normal, functioning member of society!
I'm gay and have gay friends. A lot of us can't really stand the flamboyant gays too much, even more us they can be hard to handle.
everything in moderation.
Nope, I just had that one saved
This is now a thread about good browser games.


What the fuck are you talking about?

Overly flamboyant gays are a huge determent to the homosexual community because they simply create a stereotype for people to point at and say "See how out of control they are?"

And why would such a view somehow imply I myself am a homosexual? Are you projecting or just autistic?
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this is shit
it's not a game, it's a goosebumps choose your own adventure book with the same ending for each path. and like a goosebumps cyoa book, the only thing to talk about is the story and the artwork
artwork is shit.
i don't care about the story. i don't know any of these characters, jack is a retard, the mom is asian, the dad was pretty cool, and pro-tag was a flaming homo? a bisexual? i don't even know. it was confusing and boring. it'd be like if you made a story about breaking your first bone; unless you know the person who it happened to who gives a shit faggot it happens to people
tl:dr, it's shit.
He's saying that acting flamboyant makes gays as a whole look bad.

"Irrevocable" may be the wrong word, but he's got a point.

Same with third-wave feminists acting like nazis. Makes the actual egalitarian feminists (that is, those that aren't SJWs and actually strive for equality) look bad.
>Play the game being as edgy as I could
>make mom vomit
>get punched by dad
>break up with boyfriend
>Cool game's over. I had a few laughs
>Nope, I'm going to now tell you 3 more different stories of that night
That's where I stopped playing.
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ow the edge
3% responding in a census in a world full of closetcases
You know it's higher than that
>fapping is gay, it's a man's hand masturbating you
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>Now gays just need to hop on that shit
It's impossible for them to do that. The gay rights movement is entirely based on those raging faggots and always has. The Stonewall Riots is what started the gay rights movement and that was the raging faggot part of the gay community who were suppressed by the sane parts. This is what gay rights protests looked like before Stonewall and nobody in the country knew about it because it was extremely easy to ignore by media outlets.

But back to modern day, the gay rights movement's big message is "everybody deserves to be who they are without being repressed", it would be suicidal for the more normal and larger part of that community to say, "Hey you flaming faggots, get out of the public eye, you're making us look bad." because it would be seen as massively hypocritical. Feminists can only call out feminazis because they're subverting the goal of "equal rights for everyone" and clearly have no desire for equal rights. Gays have no ideological basis to call out the queens, "You're embarrassing me." isn't good enough.
>Mum, Dad. I'm gay.


On that note how fucking awesome were CYOA books?
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hey, I made an LGBT game too! Let's play it together, /v/!
Can someone please detail why Catcher in the Rye is considered a classic? Despite being an intriguing look inside the mind of mental illness or at least severe autism I can't see why this book is such a big deal. Is it the "I can't let anyone grow up" motif that was beaten into the ground?
Dad was bro-tier until he told his wife to shut up. Nigga you don't say that shit to your soul mate.
purple peanut butter master race
bat wing hall plebs need not apply
Show us what you got anon.
... panic?

>Straight parents are portrayed as idiots who don't understand homosexuality or brutish ogres who want to destroy it

this game is stupid; literally me3
my parents reaction was
What was the R.L. Stine one with the dinosaur and a mall?
Funny, that's the only thing I liked about his character
>soul mate
What are you, 12?
Shame the latter is not the norm for the US anymore.
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Super boring. Played up to the part where you tell your parents and then just stopped. It didn't make me feel anything.
That's pretty standard, though. If anything it's the one thing it did right.
Is this anti-asian propaganda
You don't know that, actually. Also, didn't you ever play MGS2? There are people and programs that alter the data that the public is allowed to see.
>tell the mom they bang
>she throws up
Well, that was funny.
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woah, this is amazing

the black screen... white text..... woah

it definately makes me think. Shall we move on? or shall we press the red x?
Most parents are like that, and for a good reason. They're mentally stable and don't accept this shit.
>drinking that much coffee
The story wasn't even that long. I bet he was at a starbucks, even.
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Not in the slightest.
Have you ever looked on grindr? It's littered with men who are dying to fuck other men, right now.

Just download it and go look. You'll probably see several dudes you know even.
AA2 is a good enough "coming out" sim for me.

Don't want to get girls pregnant, you know.
You must live in a very happy world.
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>make dad eat mom's vomit

Okay. I'll admit, I'm starting to actually like this game.
Before I got my first gf (at 20)
my mother thought I was gay/bi. But she was cool about the possibility.

Must suck when you are really in that situation and your parents hate you because of it.

Can you fuck dudes in AA2?
Most family members know you're gay long before you say it.

I remember reading one in grade school that was just called "Choose Your Own Scifi Adventure" and had a kid and some space lizard on the cover.

Holy fuck I wish I could find it again but it was one of those blandly titled books that are impossible to find
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oh my.....

this is the type of thing you'd see on the comment section of an N64 emulator...

maybe a metaphor about how we are emulated every day....

let's continue...
Not everyone lives in Somalia m8.
Fuck off back to reddit.
Fags need to stop trying to co-opt videogames. I get that videogames can be a form of escapsim for people who feel like social outcasts (like homosexuals understandably do), but why do they have to drag their baggage into it too?

My childhood/teenage years were a living hell, as I'm sure that they were for a great deal of the people on here. I was tormented at school relentlessly, and had a bipolar stepmother who would randomly fly into violent rages. I couldn't get away from it, no matter where I went, and I was almost always met with a "deal with it". In that regard, I sort of understand the gays' plight, but the whole point of escapism is that you get to take a break from being you for a while. It was enough to go off and have an adventure for a while, forgetting all my shit at home and at school. I didn't need the game to address me directly and say "everything's going to be ok".
Yes, but I was referring to blasting mayo outside of their vaginas so they don't receive my seed.
You don't want to get girls pregnant? What?
Sex scenes are a fade to black. /hgg/ is working on a mod.
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>classmate came out to me by telling me he was attracted to some guy from final fantasy
You must live in commiefornia or other shithole.
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truley, the winner here is the LGBBQ community

beutiful game... but what happens next....?
Wow this is one of the most boring VNs that I've ever played
not moe/10
Tried telling my mom I was bi at one point.
She said it was just a phase.

Years later, I got me a smoking hot Peruvian babe and I'm pretty happy at the moment.
Too bad I still love me a good trap thread.
I've actually become less sympathetic to these causes as I get exposed to more and more SJW extremism.

I've always been an advocate of gay marriage and of generally treating all people as equals unless you have a damn good reason not to. But the more I get hassled about my "privilege" and how the color of my skin and my sexual preference somehow make my feelings less important than the feelings of less "privileged" people, the less I find myself capable of investing energy into promoting their causes. It's like, I want to support you guys, I really do, but it's becoming difficult now that the most loud and vocal part of your movement is shit like "die cis scum". And you can tell me they're just extremists and don't represent the lot of you, but I can only put so much faith in your word when you never actually *call them out* for doing that shit. And I can't call them out, because my opinion will just get shut down due to it coming from a position of "privilege". So in the end nobody is calling them out.

In the end I find myself siding with /pol/ more and more often, even though the cold intellectual part of me is opposed to all their ideas. You know, people like to justify their antagonism by calling this a "war", but what they fail to understand is that the only reason antagonism works in an *actual* war is because you're killing the people you disagree with. That's not the case here, and people aren't likely to be sympathetic to someone who's a jerk to them.

>sex scenes are a fade to black

Haha, what the fuck? Weren't they all in there in AA1?
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Apparently this was made by the same faggot who made those :the game: flash games.
Just finished it. It was a little personal VN the guy made. Nothing to get worked up about. At the same nothing to praise to high heaven.
when i readed your name field i though there was a 2014 simulator coming out lol
>Sup, dude. I like the penis, how 'bout you?
I beat the game.
I just hope it has stupid physics like goat simulator, only with penises.


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oh my, the game closed! how unexpected!

and look, it created a word document! how meta and enlightening!
get that logic shit out of here
>Don't want to get girls pregnant, you know.

No, I don't know. I really don't understand what the hell you're implying.
Some of the endings in those could be pretty damned creepy, especially in the Goosebumps ones. Maybe if I'm drunk enough I'll order them all on Amazon for laffs.
>heheh I sure wouldn't mind getting gunbladed by Cloud mmmmmm
>heheh g-g-g-guys?
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Be a fag if you want, just don't try to say that you're normal and not mentally unstable.
I get the feeling that, even though this is supposed to be serious, it's just one big parody of the creator, as well as his shitty attempt at trying to spit out a few simple words.
I've only played AA2. Just to be sure, only the guy on guy h scenes aren't there.
>I hate thing
>Ill go to /v/ and complain about it instead of ignoring it and playing video games!
Hey at least if you are gay, you can be gay and hide it and enjoy your life without inviting people to hate you. Meanwhile there are people who are being born right now who of an opposite race of certain people and get immediately hated because of their skin color.

>He's not gay, he's bi. Bis are even worse.
As a Bisexual, I know I'm a degenerate. I don't understand why the rest of the LGBT "community" can't accept what they are.
People who like feet are degenerates. People who fuck people from their own sex are degenerates, people who like BDSM are degenerates.

I'm okay with whatever fetish people have, but I think it's fucking retarded that they want to be treated as normal when their entire life revolves around this shit. These are the assholes who can't go through a conversation without mentioning their sexuality. If it were any other subject, people would call them boring and obnoxious. why do they think they deserve special treatment for something so banal?

The movement's been co-opted by extremists. Anytime your group preaches a message of tolerance and acceptance, the weirder people basically move in and take over and you're powerless to stop them. They end up forcing the others to either adapt to their more crazy views or get out.

It's exactly the same shit that happened with the Occupy movement.
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amazing. 8/10.

i'm gonna donate right now!
i don't get it

By "coming out", he means cumming outside. That's the joke.
>Stretch dick physics
>Running around a town and rubbing your dick on everything
I would play this.


You sure aren't playing enough video games, anon.

I had no idea my brother was gay until he came out.
What was the budget for this game?

100 bucks?
where can i donate?
nigger just because we're bisexual doesn't mean we're degenerates.

there's no damn reason why a few motherfuckers can't take a few bites from both sides of the apple, eh?
My mom still doesn't believe me
Most people I told thought I was joking

Not sure how I feel about being disbelieved when finally telling the truth, but it's not a good feeling
Pad, pen, a constant supply of starbucks and hipster cuts.
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Called it.
Fuck pussyfooted faggots though

>retard who literally doesn't know how many things he is being denied in the event that he wants to have a long-lasting relationship with a man

It's not special treatment, it's fucking equal treatment. Special treatment would be not having to pay taxes, you know, like churches.
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Then you should know by now that "biscum" is not even about being a degenerate or accepting what you are.
Have you read the entirety of the six book "trilogy" of the Hitchhiker's series?
What's does "degenerate" even entails for you?
Sounds like a solid game.
It could just be called Dick Simulator.
It would be a lot more interesting than "Coming Out."
just under a penny
>The father left the family before the events portrayed even took place
>His presence is entirely a falsehood
I get that he's tapping his experience to create a more "universal" one, but for fuck sake, go for accuracy on this.
ow the edge
Dick Simulator? I liked it better when it was called Second Life
lol Dad punched me in the face.

Seriously the dad is like a caricature, everything up until the wacky dad was kinda interesting.

>games don't have to be fun
lol was that a joke or serious?
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This is my name.
I don't understand this.
Please tell me unless it has to do with anime or isn't funny
This. I've gone from "live and let live", to "fuck these guys with a rusty fencepost" in a matter of a couple of years. The blatant hypocrisy of it has slowly whittled away any respect or sympathy I have for the LGBTQWERTY movement, or movements like it. I wish that the more extremist elements of these groups would realize that they are just creating more enemies in the long run.
It's good that the scenes are fade to black. No one wants to have gay shit forced on them, especially during fapping time. It's like when you're watching porn and suddenly there's a close up of the guy's ass or face. Total boner killer.
Gays account for a majority of pedophilia.
Gays constantly spread STD's.
Gays are overly promiscuous.
Gays constantly out themselves because they are gay, wanting the world to know.

All seven seven of them.
we're talking about definitions here. Are there games you would say aren't fun? Well, there you go.
And how much money will this made?
He deserve to get punched. He got punched for being an asshole to the mom, not for being gay.
Don't spoonfood shitters.
the source is literally in the fucking thread you idiot
look around you
I thought the dad was the only fun part. That and mom's instavomit "I take the dick" button.
Traditional manly fathers will beat the shit out of faggot sons. That's how they were educated.

Not like traditional wholesome values exist anymore though.
This shit's the fucking worst right here. My personal favorite is how every word that comes out of a minority/woman's mouth is a gem that you need to take to heart or else you have the dreaded privilege. I had a friend of mine even use the word gringo the other day. For fuck's sake, can we please stop feeling guilty for being normal?
Its not even that old, at least lurk more to find out. You newfaggots have no fucking shame anymore, it's almost as if reddit and tumblr live here now
mostly having sex with another person when you're already in a relationship

ones who commit toxic treason into a definition of an already perfectly defined word, such as feminism. at least the 2 to 4th waves are degenerates.

you ever see those videos of that whale with pink hair that doesn't have a job and makes a new youtube video every 20 minutes? yells are her mom, that's degeneracy.
I just finished playing the game.
It was racist to eastern culture, the fact that he changed the story at the end made the whole first part of the game even less rewarding.
The boyfriend was a gay stereotype, he said the choices "changed" the story but it didn't really.
And the icing on the cake is that it is hipster garbage imo.
tl;dr I didn't like the game but go team homo.
Hopefully none, this shit is gay

Well yeah, I meant artsy games intentionally not fun, not just bad games that fail at being fun.
>Gays are overly promiscuous.
What heathens. Don't they know sex is a sin?
was an ok game

pretty shitty choices sometimes

he kept forgetting that the best option is to just tell the truth in a calm and collected manner

lots of times he was freaking out while trying ot tell the truth or just plain out dodging answering questions

this whole thing could have been avoided if he had just told his mother and father at dinner he was bisexual in a not over dramatic kind of fashion and simply agreed to see Clair for tutoring.

I understand that people have a hard time excepting things that they don't want to hear but if you are not confrontational, calm, and clear people really easily resonate with that and often difficult situations can be smoothed over pretty easily.
But anon, you'd have to choose to trigger the gay scenes anyways. There's no way it would be forced on you. Unless you got raped by a dude or something, but you'd have to set yourself up for that by putting a gay dude in there in the first place.
>Knocking girls up is an instant game over
Lame. I want to spread my seed far and wide.
I'd tell you not to procreate but you're on /v/, so,... problem solved
>it's almost as if reddit and tumblr live here now

You just now realizing this?

The worst part is there are a bunch of Tumblrcunt moderators and janitors.
Actually that shit really spreads diseases. No joke nigga. Not hating or nothing , just saying.
Same. But there's an extra layer of impossibility on your case.
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Here's my idea for a game about being gay

>you play a soldier in a medieval fantasy castle
>you're a homo
>homos get killed, so you're constantly trying to hide your homo tendencies
>the other soldiers are all manly dudes who flex and invite you to join them in the sauna
>you need to avoid the other soldiers when they're off-duty
>if they spot you they'll try and invite you into the sauna
>if you get caught in the sauna you have to mash a button to think unsexy thoughts and avoid getting a boner
>if they see the boner they'll kill you
>goal is to stay alive as long as possible

I call it Medieval Gayer Sauna.
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it could always be way worse.
If anything that could be a way of them coping with it.
It can only get better.
trust me
I blame SJW's on the fact that before americans were seen as intolerant brutes who hung up ethnics and shot at illiegal aliens.
It's just them trying to hard to change the appearance now.
I chose art.
.7 percent of americans are gay, ~2% say they are unsure/bisexual
That statistic blew my mind. Why so much focus on gays when they are so, so rare?
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Who /husbando/ here?
Nothing gets past you, does it, Anon?
I don't know who the fuck to respond to with this, but I'll just throw out my opinion.

I don't think that sexuality exists. I use ancient Greece, Rome, and Japan as examples. Especially ancient Japan. I'll also throw in bonobo monkeys and dolphins as examples.

Stick a bunch of adult humans with clean slates for brains onto an island, and I bet they'll almost entirely be bisexual, with just leanings towards one end or the other; few being exclusive.

A hole is a hole, right?

Oh, and here's the ancient Japan part:
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This game is bullshit. It's not about coming out, it's about dealing with abusive parents. If you don't eat before your mother gets there, she passive-aggressively says you COULD HAVE started eating without her. Predictably enough, if you do start eating without her, she instead passive-aggressively calls you impatient. It's a damned if you do, damned if you don't kind of situation, and that's incredibly typical of emotionally abusive parents, and they were probably clearly emotionally abusive beforehand, but the creator's a moron and unable to do anything but get stepped on so he was unable to grasp those cues, and therefore unable to properly understand that, no, his parents would not have been okay at all with him coming out, and he should have explained that to his boyfriend who is ALSO an idiot who is emotionally in-touch but obviously not in-touch with his family situation.

The guy had assholes for parents, and him being gay compounded that. Tough shit.

Or he's a huge liar, either way, but holy shit this game is dumb.
You say they can't be forced and then admit they can be forced. Don't joke about this stuff.
Post traps you faggot.
too much QTE.
Furfags should burn.
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>Why so much focus on gays when they are so, so rare?

Read it and find out.
I think a good start would probably be "having your pride parades be glorified orgies is not the way to express that you're a normal human being just like everyone else and really only proves the point of those who think you're a group of filthy degenerates and walking HIV infections".

Probably hard to fit that on a sign though.
>Download grindr

That's how they get you
Anon, that's called Saint's Row IV.
what you mean is, the goal of a game should be achieving fun.
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I'd like to play video games with you.
Except you can choose not to be in the same class as a flaming faggot, so it's still not really forced on you. Unless you like the thrill of being raped at any time
>they do
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>Play the flash game
>Jack "Will you tell to your parents about your sexuality, please?"
>Decide to be full "I'M BISEXUAL MOTHERFUCKER!"
>Mom vomits
>Dad punches me in the face
>Decide to get the fuck out of the place
>And then this end
Yeah yeah, we know you love Friedrich Nietzsche's philosophy.
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Follow me to the gay bathhouse
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Gays made it worse by infiltrating the church and fucking kids.
>asian parents
oh dear
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>Or he's a huge liar
The guy who made it admitted that half of it was pure fiction. So yeah, he's a lying shit.
The fact that his parents are very traditional asians makes this slightly different, since it would be a bigger deal and they'd be much less accepting of it. That at least makes it slightly interesting.

If this was just about a white family it'd be stupid agenda pushing SJW bullshit.

Really, you shouldn't have to "come out" in this day and age. People can usually tell if you're a cock smoker.
>need to mash a button to think unsexy thoughts

Bonus points if they're porn of women.
Double bonus points if don't use rapid fire, or I'll know
Do you have a single fact to back that up?
>Call him out for working at EA
>He feels guilty about it
I like him. I don't know what you guys are so angry about, it's just his "life story"
It goes much further than that, and you know it.
>Cacher in the Rye

Jesus Christ...., shit-tier book right there. Anyone that boasts that it's their favorite read must be the most pretentious douche on earth
I don't like being raped by gays. The fade to black at least shields my mental state by not physically showing the rape.
That's a greater percent of the population then those who playgood video games.

>Implying MGS2 isn't already a gay simulator
Sure! What kinda' video games you wanna' play?
I'd play that.

How about the reverse?

Faggot Flayer:

>search and destroy all faggots
>protect your nation and culture from degeneracy
Not at all, this retarded paranoia is a massive cancerous lump on /v/.
>be named nicky
it's like he was born to be fucking gay
I can already see /v/'s responses

>Not just telling them you're thinking of your maiden
>>b-but muh realism
What if they like Harry Potter books?
Seriously, you'd have to create the character and specifically make him gay and put him in your class for this to happen. All the fade to black does is prevent people who like that stuff from seeing it.
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Chris is the gayest name in existence though, followed by Matt.
Why is this board so gay?
When did it all go wrong?
>Not liking both Cock and Pussy

You monosexuals are living in the past
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That's a lie. Their gaydars are way too fucking sensitive.
If you look like you could pull off a dress, you're automatically gay these days, and EVERYONE will pester you about it.
>sitting on the fence
Choose a side you turncoat.
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>come out to my parents
>dad doesn't really care (at least, not outwardly)
>mom refuses to believe it
>she keeps crying
>dad suggests I lie and say Im straight
>mom believes it
>.....dad believes it too
>few months later, argument happens, come out again during it
>again mom keeps crying
>go back in the closest again
>nothing I can do except wait for both of them to die
>this dialogue
normalfags are mundane as hell.
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>bunch of lonely losers stuck in one place that don't really get along well with women
>Add time and desperation


Asians are Canada's largest minority group.
Anybody outside "progressive" leftists shitholes.
In other words, anybody outside California and tumblr.
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That's even better, I'd buy it today.

Surprised there ins't something like this already on the market. /pol/ would love it.

you sound like you are speaking from experience there m8
>Chris is the gayest name in existence though, followed by Matt.
Lance, Taylor, and Bruce round out the top 5.
it was ok.

the choices were often kinda meaningless, i like the art and i guess the overall message is fine?

I like these threads because I enjoy convincing gays that being straight is superior.

1. You get to feel and suck on boobs
2. Vagina > Anus
3. Men are hairy and they stink
4. It's normal and natural
5. Women are more attractive in general than men
6. You can have a family
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>got mom to vomit and dad to punch so in the face

>he states this is his story
>tells you its going to something like this
>it's something like that
He isn't strawmanning if he tells you it's his life story
A recent study by the CDC suggests only 2-3% of people in the US are gay. Even if we tripled that number to account for people in the closet (which probably wouldn't even be that high compared to the overall gay population) we'd still be under 10%.

I wonder how gay people feel when straight people are constantly arguing among themselves what's best for the gays.
So fags are fags because they can't get women?
At last I truly see. It all makes sense.
Explains trannies too.
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>you can have a family
I thought we were going for positives.
>dealing with women
Your move.

>not /lit/tle

kill yourself senpai
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It's not my fucking fault I have a 30 inch waistline, fuck off.
No shit, they've infested the country like a disease.
I got Risk of Rain, TF2, shit nigga you just seem like a top notch dude.
>problems having coming out
Unless you live in some third world country where you get stoned for sucking dicks there is NO reason why this could be a fuckingg problem to anyone. This is not the fucking 50s.
If you have a good relationship they won't care/already know. If you're constantly fighting with your parents guess what? They're still gonna hate you because you're a failure in life only now they also get to call you a faggot.
Guys don't play games like women do, they're easier to understand and simpler to communicate with.
This game should be renamed whiny little bitch simulator.
>nothing I can do except move out
I bet you believe blacks should be exterminated just because they commit a majority of crimes.

Try this on for size: No individual is wrong until they begin to do wrong. Gays are fine if they stay in their own sexual niche, and practice safe sex to prevent the spread of STDs.
>Father Character is admittedly absent from the whole thing
>He's your typical douche from the 50's
>All this shit totes happened, guis

What a load of horse shit
Tell me the game "journalism" community didn't just lose their collective shit when Bioware revealed that a character in DA was going to be gay, or that they don't every single fucking time something like that happens. Tell me that GaymerX (a thinly veiled hookup party made to look like a videogame convention) doesn't exist. Or all the panels at Pax, or GDC.

I wouldn't have a problem if "gays making games" was the issue. It's affecting the industry at large.


gotta eat big to get big come on
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>P-pick a side

Ebin! XD
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If its so cancerous and you people hate /v/ so much why do you keep visiting this place so much? Seriously, i get tired of people saying they hate /v/ or /v/ is shit or /v/ is that

Why do you continue to let this bother you so much that you have the need to come to the place you hate and vent about the place you hate while in that VERY PLACE?

>implying promiscuity is a good thing or even harmless

Come on. I don't even sky magic.
Ignore the troll.
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I love being gay.
>Game journalism
Why do we care about these guys again?

Why do we care about this developer again?

Why do we care about this game again?

>Gaymer Con
Why do we care about this convention again?

Why do we care about this convention again?

Seriously, all these things are events or people or things that we know are trash REGARDLESS of their opinions on homo. You're just using homos as a scapegoat.
I already did.
I met the coolest gay guy from cali recently.
He hates sjws and all that pandering bullshit.
just the coolest guy i've met on here.
1. boobs are overated just my general oppinion
2. that one is just a matter of taste, some straight guys prefer anal.
3.what is a twink?
4.got me there
5.matter of taste
6.wanting a family.

It bothers me because it's consuming /v/ and forcing discussions away from video games all the goddamn time.

>He's not a part of our glorious hugbox! T-troll!
/v/ is dead
it is the world that killed it

I live in a conservative area and yet I never see anyone whining about others not following their "traditional values" and beating their children.

In fact everyone is very nice and doesn't care about your personal life as it should be.
>forgetting the French
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Hi anon, what's your favorite game? Mine is Shenmue.
Oh look, another straight guy who can't accept a thread with gays in it on /v/.
Im assuming you attached that picture to announce to everyone that you're straight.
Dude, I live like 20 miles outside San Francisco and I hate all that shit too because it's bullshit. There's nothing positive about either movements that radicalize extremely easily or corporations getting sympathy bucks for pretending to care about oppressed people. Fuck that.

I'm fucking onto you.
We're not a minority group. We are the founding nation of the country.
>"I'm getting you a home tutor."
>"She'll be tutoring you in Computer Science."
>"She's smart, pretty, and Caucasian."

There are so many things wrong in this dialogue.


I chuckled. Well done.
French are White and therefore not a minority
I'm joking frogs aren't white
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>3DPD anything
>3DPD ever

I'll stick to my waifu thank you very much.
Homosexual people find this cool?
That's pretty lame.
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God forbid /v/ talk about video games to distract them from the cancer and waifu draw threads.

French would be the largest minority spoken language, but racially I think they group the white French and white English together.
/v/ killed itself with its obsession with feminism, LGBT, politics, reddit, tumblr, clickbait, and blogging. Normalfaggotry basically.
Your waifu a shit.
GayFag here.
I can see the 'appeal' for people who are actually gay and came out, because it's a cheep shot at something we all had to deal with, but I'm not sure how everyone else will take this.

It's like those indie games that look like they're from the 90's and retro to blatantly bring back memories of when you played games as a kid. It's just riding on the nostalgia factor instead of being a good game on its own.
With this game, it's just riding on the emotional factor of those "who know that feel".
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Oh my god who gives a shit about stupid ass fucking video games!
Thanks man, I try to be. Don't have much of anything installed right now, but I should be able to install Killing Floor or L4D2 in a couple minutes. You go ahead and add me, since finding which person you are is givin' me a bit of trouble.
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Oh yeah, they made a song about this game too.

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Get some taste, Anon.
Shitposting transcends board boundaries. Which is what your petty whining is.
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His fucking haircut basically screams OH MY GOD I LOVE COCKS anyway.
>this thread
>video games
Neat. Thanks for being honest about yourself.
Well said.
Then again, when haven't vidya games appealed to emotionally vulnerable kids? Looks like this one will be doing much the same thing if it succeeds.
but if you're straight, you get to miss out on the feeling of being cummed inside, and having large things in your anus in general
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It couldn't be helped when normalfaggotry invaded vidya literally overnight
>I'm shitposting for insulting /v/'s precious SJW discussion threads
Sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt your precious board culture.
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Of course I have taste, Im a homo. It's in my genes.
How can one virtual dad be so based?
>Mom asks who is the "girl"
>No option for non-penetrative sex

Am I not a true gay because I've never had buttsecks?
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Why are they trying to get to me the sauna so much?
yeah it's pretty fucked when just living in a place gives you a stigma. It's not difficult being a gay dude in the midwest but it's not a walk in the park either.
Hotline Miami was good so was shovel knight and retro city rampage.
Those games had merits this game has nothing.
you have flawless taste in anime girls
your waifu a cute
He just is.
No mom would describe any tutor's race unless they are non white, it's just not logical or unless the kid directly asks ''What race are they''
You're only "gay" in the demeaning way.
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Not him but Megaman Battle Network 3 is the best game ever.
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But BL a shit.

This Anon gets it.
you got me. I'm feeling depressed now

>Having a waifu
>I'm shitposting for insulting /v/'s precious SJW discussion threads
Yes actually. Report and move on.
Faggots are sub-human.
It's like crab cock. They weed out the faggots by seeing who gets hard the quickest.
>he looks like a gay
>a gay
why did i lel so hard
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Honestly coming out seem to be more harmful than helpful in most cases I've heard. Why not just put up with it until your last year of highschool and go to college with the bastard? Wouldn't it be nice to say your goodbyes to your parents and ago "by the way I like dick" as your BF hits the gas and you guys are gone making family visits much more interesting?

I mean you dont even HAVE to go to your school prom together. Just get some girls to cover for you. Chicks love gays. I'm fairly bisex myself but have never felt the need to tell anyone. Until I'm living on my own far from people that could affect my life in any significant fashion, there's no point in opening up that can of worms.

>inb4 "B-but I'm living a lie waaaah"
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Thanks for proving my point.
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Yeah, he "gets" it.
Your waifu is good for looking cute, and....that's it.

Might as well just buy a kitten or something, that's the level your waifu is at.
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>Not having a waifu
Now that I think about it, I've never met a gay person with bad taste.

including myself
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>tfw no bear bf

That's a fucking bear, not a yaoi
im a jewish vampire werewolf trapped in my body and im lvl 50 at sonic and i have the powers to control the emeralds

>Being a level 100 LoserMage
We might not care, but the people who publishers pay attention to do. They read the articles (and the accompanying circlejerk comments), they listen to the panels, and they eventually come to the conclusion that this is what the people want. They couldn't give less of a shit about what any of us think, because anyone who isn't in full step with this mindset is dismissed as a bigot/troll/hater/etc.

I personally feel like a big part of the problem is that a huge chunk of these publications and companies are based in San Francisco, and you apparently can't live in that city without being some kind of activist.
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I've only played the main games and the Starforce games. Are all the battle network games worth playing?
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