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Hiro's feedback thread

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Thread replies: 442
Thread images: 48

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Continuation of >>675371

Hiro asked us to get feedback for 'regulations' via metathreads. Here are some of them (my apologies if I've missed any):

>>>/mlp/28437785 and >>678865

Continue to discuss the perceived consensus' reached by the metathreads here, as we wait & hope for Hiro to respond to the information he asked us to collect.

I can't speak for the other boards' metathreads as I do not frequent them, but in the /tg/ metathread there was substantial debate over whether quest threads should be allowed on /tg/.
When bringing this up with Hiro, he was of the opinion that no change should be enacted on the board without there being a large (or even total?) consensus among the users as to whether said change should be enacted.
If this is truly Hiro's belief, then why were quests banned in the first place? There was definitely no consensus among the users for such an action.
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>why were quests banned in the first place?
because one mod decided to just do that.

look at /tv/ you literally are not allowed to post an picture of an actress in a thread about a film she appears in without getting a 3 day ban.
the reason? invisibro doesn't like actresses being posted.

removing invisibro/swaglord and the other rogue mods is the necessary course correction
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>MFW Hiro resorts to calling people newfags
archive of the /tg/ thread linking to the consensus in particular, Just in case Hiro "canĀ“t see it"
/a/ highlights:

The last one is interesting. You can use /a/ to test it.

Mods are still deleting meta threads you asked us to create.
This thread was a meta thread and it was deleted.
Hiro, this is your site. You own it, so do what you want to do! Be a strong leader. Don't listen to the users at all. Half of us disagrees with the other half about everything.

My only advice is to remove the flags on all boards. They're just causing racism. Be a leader and remove them right now.

his thread today regarding the removal of Yotsuba. Proved Hiro doesn't know shit about our culture. He needs a crash course in what makes 4chan 4chan.

Also I tweeted at him proof of mod corruption and abuse of power
half relevant to all the mod issue
thread in /tv/ with CP in the OP, anons report it multiple times yet it stays up for 1 hour and a half
hey you forgot /vr/
everybody forgets /vr/ :(
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I'm really sorry anon.
I'm starting to think Swaglord/Invisibro or one of the Janitors is a Pedo
Not OP but don't feel bad. /vr/ is that board everyone forgets but it's always in our hearts.
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Invisibro leaves up the Blacked threads for 2 reasons:

a) he hates /tv/ and wants to "punish" it
b) he legitimately thinks they are "funny"

the pizza usually gets deleted fairly quickly when reported, but people don't report it.
He may look and act like he's a total Chad who drives nice cars and bikes, but he's really an insecure manlet who hates being proven wrong. He craves attention and whenever he doesn't get it he gets pissed.

That's ok, he's also the one that actually runs the site.
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>look and act like he's a total Chad
lol on what planet
No that's RapeApe
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Did you just quote your own posts? Who the fuck do you think you are?

Even if you don't believe my opinion that not a single one of those posts represent what /a/ generally agrees on(which they clearly don't, whoever wrote them is a retarded newfag), you can read the threads we had after Hiro posted on >>668049 that we should decide our own regulations. We had 4 giant threads on /a/, which were

and the last one
in which we had some conclusions/summaries from the discussion that took place.
inb4 nothing happens
The mods don't want that. What were doing is a threat to their power and control of this site
Obviously not, I got them from a post that had other highlights. I don't agree with all of it but I've seen these ideas before and think there's more people who want them. There was a lot of talk about generals but no agreement on how to purge them. The last one is a great idea though.

Hiro isn't going to read a single reply in those threads by the way >>678840
Link the important posts or he'll ignore you.
This. Only show the posts that provide the most detail and most logical solutions. That should help him I hope.

Also Hiro needs to get we are no longer this anonymous "WE R LEGUN!!!!" site. We just want to be a hobby board again and have fun.
Also I know someone is going to say /pol/, so let's clear this up: /pol/ doesn't fly under the anonymous banner, nor do they advertise themselves. The MSM just looks into meme shit in the election and trace it back to /pol/
Only some of it is from /pol/, but everything is marked with its source. I wasn't able to recover the rest of the notebook though.
so Hiro please help /tv/ will you?

blacked porn thread
explicit camwhore thread, this one up for half an hour already
explicit porn
"cunnyposter" spam
more "cunny" spam
explicit "cuck" porn thread
porn star shitposting
ACTUAL shitposting scat thread

all of these threads have been reported multiple times. why are they being protected and allowed?
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Here's /m/'s thread

In regards to the interboard politics of /m/, there needs to be a lock down on generals since they're cancerous circle jerks and diligent moderation due to shitposting.

There's also an argument between the oldfags and newfags over if spoonfeeding should be allowed. Oldfags believe /m/ should condemn the action and people need to lurk moar. Newfags think it should be allowed because it makes /m/ to much like /a/.

And in my personal opinion, Toku needs to be moved to /tv/ because the discussions are, for the vast majority of the time, about the actors and not the mecha elements, if the show any of those in the first place. They don't need their own board, they just need to be relocated to a board that's better suited for them.
Why are you shitting up this thread? Please delete them and make your own thread since none of them are relevant to the regulation feedback. All boards have off-topic shit.
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it is long past time for Hiro to take notice of what is being allowed under his watch.

who the fuck made you the arbiter of what belongs in this thread?
Toku should be /jp/ before /tv/.
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Since /m/, /jp/ and /tv/ don't want it, Toku should be in /cpsht/.
cpsht literally will just be "shit I don't like" the board, where "I" are the most vocal autistic cunts.
Dude, post the improtant posts. Hiro said he's not going to read the entire thread considering he's got others to look at as well.

Find the most important, well thought out posts and post them here.
Also for fuckĀ“s sake can we avoid creating more boards? not a single new board has been created without major issues under HiroĀ“s administration, and until we have decent mods that is going to keep happening





Ok here are the posts from /m/'s thread that are the most important I think in terms of what it needs.




Fuck I messed it up
Might be a little late and obvious with this, but using Adblock plus's "Block Element" can block the advertisement video on the 404 page so it's just Yotsuba again.
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/cpsht/ would be:

Superhero live action films (neither /co/ nor /tv/ want these).
Superhero live action shows (neither /co/ nor /tv/ want these).
Superhero toys and merchandise (like those shirts on that Big Bang show you like).
Superhero videogames (from child-friendly LEGO to child-unfriendly Arkham).
Superhero roleplaying threads (since /tg/ wants to shut down /qst/).
Superhero power level and versus threads (now you can debate Goku v. Superman to your heart's content).
Superhero rolling for digits threads (if dubs then you can have the power to shitpost on 4chan).
Superhero OCDonutSteel (maybe you can convince someone to draw yours for you).
Superhero Tokusatsu (since /m/, /jp/ and /tv/ don't want it).
Superhero forced memes (because it's time to fix /tv/ and remove BANE?)

It would be a mix of good and bad, content that some boards don't want and content that rabid fans can't get enough of. Just like every other board.




Christ fucking kill me. Ok Hriro this is all for the /m/ thread

Toku has always been fine on /m/, the idea that discussing surrounding elements makes it "not /m/" is bogus. By that logic you'd never see pilots discussed, or plots for that matter.
When you're posting the link to the discussions threads on any board, make sure that you look it over carefully and select the posts that have the most information, accurately lay out the problems, and of course what are the solutions. That helps Hiro look at what is the most important for that board.
I'm pretty sure I already said as much.

That is a clusterfuck, not aboard.
>several shit threads on /a/ right now, one of them up for an hour

Here's my up to the minute feedback:

MODERATE THE BOARDS. If any mods are awake, they need to look at the report queues and delete shitty threads and posts. You know, what they're supposed to do.
It's the same as /vp/. Videogames, toys, anime, manga, picdumps, greentext childhood memories, OC, all sorts of shit mixed together under a common theme. But they somehow manage to function..

And /vp/ protects other boards too. Pokemon is really popular, and when big events happen it could easily overrun a board. So /vp/ was created. Pokemon hasn't disappeared entirely from /v/ and /a/ and other relevant boards, but /vp/ ensures that they (almost) never get overrun by Pokemon.

The system works. Clusterfucks work.
Moderation is literally collapsing ever since we started pressing Hiro about the mods.
>vp is for one franchise

>toku alone is at least 20 franchises
>toku is the smallest aspect of /cpsht/

The two are not remotely alike.
It's bizarre. It's been going on for months. What the hell is going on with the recent "recruitment drives"?


Made new threads on /a/ and /v/. If you see anything that looks good and thought out, post it here so Hiro sees
I took some posts from the first /a/ threads that mention issues I have heard many times from /a/nons. I donĀ“t think it fucking matters if I show Hiro a post with 1000 replies taking into account he didnĀ“t give a shit about that /tg/ post of 5 words everyone seemed to agree with, so whatever
this one is a good summary
Also, during HiroĀ“s first week there was alot of support for the Kana captcha
no matter how I see it, this is not going to end well
RapeApe is probably the one calling the shots. He was running things while moot was looking for a buyer. He proved himself to be incompetent at his job, corrupt as fuck, and outright refused to be transparent with us.

Its getting worse now because Rapeape and co. and scared shitless that the user uprising is beginning, and that they'll be thrown out in some coup
Don't know about all that, but moot did mention a "managing mod".
I took at look at the IRC logs over on 8gag. One log that stood out was the one regarding the new janitors. Apparently the mods started getting so lazy they never trained them, at all. So we have janitors who have no idea how to do their fucking jobs because the mods won't train them

Remove generals from /jp/ please.
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As much as that would solve the problem of where toku needs to go, we need to contract the amount of boards we have rather than expand their numbers. And you might as well call capeshit /trash 2.0/ because you want to kick out superheroes from /co/. Which is a lot more integral than toku is to /m/

It's one of the major reasons why 4chan has survived for so long. You're forced to interact with different groups within your board. Before some tries to smash me over the head with hypocracy, Toku is not inherently /m/, [their generals are proof of that.] /m/ was forced to take it because they were kicked out of boards better suited to host them like /jp/and /tv/, while /m/ was to disorganized to protest toku being dumped on them that it's become their home to fester.

And to people who need proof it's nothing but excuse for off topic shitposting, here. These are the two latest toku generals that are active on /m/ for you to look at and make your own judgements.

I'll go through it again to pull out the core points. At this point, Hiro needs to appoint someone to be administrator who realizes 4chan isn't reddit-lite, like the invasive newfags want this website to become.

If anything, it would allow for whoever is appointed to have the time to digest more of the community's feedback while filtering out the blatant shitposting or contrarian for the sake of it posts and the give it to hiro so he can make a final call. Also he can have a more public face, not always around so we know it's at least being read by someone even if 99% of it goes right into the trash.

That's because the fanbase WANTED their own board and their case for having it was being able to keep several active threads on page 0 of /v/ at any given time (/v/ was extremely active back then as well, so it was a feat) and completely taking over /po/ for a day (pic related) to make a point to moot.
Then take /m/ as your example. /m/ isn't about a single franchise. /m/ is a board where works from different mediums are grouped together based on their genre and content. /cpsht/ would be a board where works from different mediums are grouped together based on their genre and content. /m/ works, and /cpsht/ would work because it's based on the same concept as /m/.

And /cpsht/ is necessary because Tokusatsu, Marvel movies/shows and DC movies/shows (and perhaps other franchises too) can't find an existing board that wants to have them.
Yes. And that was RapeApe. He was a janitor for /r9k/ back in 2012, and then just one year later he becomes a mod, which is unheard of apparently. I don't know what RapeApe's connection to moot was, but it must have been a close relationship if moot trusted him over everyone else
>If anything, it would allow for whoever is appointed to have the time to digest more of the community's feedback while filtering out the blatant shitposting or contrarian for the sake of it posts and the give it to hiro so he can make a final call. Also he can have a more public face, not always around so we know it's at least being read by someone even if 99% of it goes right into the trash.
I love the idea, but the question is, who is Hiro going to find? I would want WT Snacks to become the admin, but Snacks apparently isn't interested
>voting yes for eternal onahole thread
Why? people actually answer your questions and there is no circlejerk. Probably the best general i have ever seen
The list of things to go in capeshit is too damned much.

The scope is too damn wide.

It won't solve ANY issues, at best it will move them at worst it will duplicate them.

Capeshit is a terrible idea that seems to be the pet project of one or two people blind to the bloated fucking mess they are making.
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>anime thread on /co/ outside Toonami
>tell them to fuck off
>13 fucking days

I don't even care about the ban, it's the time limit that gets me. How is my post any different from the billion of other identical ones that it warrants two weeks suspension?
yours was reported, the others weren't
Those threads seem to be discussing toku, yes.
>bbbbbut they said some off topic stuff
Tangents fucking happen.
Also, to make this relevant to the thread (my bad):

Is it important for their to be some consistency in bans? Mods are most definitely issuing sentences based on how they're feeling in the moment.

There should be some concrete boundaries, i.e. doing X will suspend you exactly X amount of time.
split /a/ in to /a/ and /ag/ for the love of god

The anti-general crowd has a point, but none of them can actually define what a general is, a general is "any popular thread that I don't like" to them.

This is the only amicable solution to the general problem.
13 day ban means you've got a track record of shit like this. Which makes sense, since you're ban evading right now.
>It won't solve ANY issues
We LITERALLY just discussed one issue that it will solve: Franchises (like Toku) which can't find any board that wants them.

You are not approaching this discussion in a reasonable manner.

>at best it will move them
This is solving the problem. It is not a problem that people want to discuss Toku. It is not a problem that people want to discuss movies an television shows from Marvel and DC. Those people are happy to discuss those franchises. The problem is that they can't discuss those franchises now without having hide in generals (like on /m/) or stage invasions (like on /co/ and /tv/) just to find some space.

Or does it make you upset to see people discussing Toku/Marvel/DC on 4chan?

>complains about anime on an anime site
>gets banned for a fortnight

This needs to happen a lot more.
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>/co/ mod

Whoerever is managing that board is a SJW primadonna of the highest degree and something needs to be done about him/her.
I don't know if it's redwood anymore (probably isn't) but he isn't much different. The problem is that that kind of moderation, being in place for 2+ years now, has brought in all kind of retards from tumblr, so asking the board how they'd want to be moderated isn't really an option.

Suppa Hiro, remove whoever is it that mods on /co/, then a year after the board can discuss how it wants to be moderated properly.
I like quests, and like them being off /tg/. I'd be terrified to hear of them going back to /tg/
Toku is contained on /m/
Supers go on /co/ and /tv/

Maybe I'm not being reasonable, but nor is the proposal for capeshit. It isn't a board, it's a dumping ground.

It won't stop people posting a tv show in /tv/, it will just lead to arguments.

Is Preacher capeshit for instance, or the walking dead? Will smaller publishers with cape comics go there or just DC/marvel? Why was I banned from /tv/, Arrow Season 18 is a tv show...et cetera ad infinitum.

All these things are discussed just fine now. Capeshit, I maintain, is just this >>679883 and for all your half baked excuses, I am unmoved.
Ahh, fun with fallacies.
>'It's /m/ even with a multiple degrees of separation'!
Because talking about who did porn and dumping what might as well be Gravure sets is discussing the mecha elements of a show. You know, it has to start with mecha, not just say it is it so it's allowed to be posted?

>'you are banned from /co/'
>ban evading
This is one of the few times I'd like thread IDs just see what else you've posted in this thread. (Yes, yes, dedicated shitposters will have several IDs open to evade them,)

Toku should be moved to /tv/ because it's a much better fit.
fuck off, you wouldn't want western cartoon threads on /a/
Are you implying /m/ never discusses characters or plots? Or what other roles voice actors did? Or what else a certain artist made? All they ever talk about are the robots? Because that's bullshit.
/tv/ is mostly western media.
/jp/ or /m/ are better fits.
You've never seen people post pilots in sexy flight suits then. Course not.
Best quotes out of /v/ so far:








Best quotes out of /a/ so far:




It's not fair to Toku to force it into a board that doesn't want it, and it's not fair to /m/ to force it to host content that it doesn't want. Just because YOU aren't interested in /m/ and Toku doesn't mean that they should have to suffer over your closed-mindedness.

>Is Preacher capeshit for instance,
It's not.
>or the walking dead?
It's not.

There are good examples out there, so I don't know why you're giving me bad examples.

>Will smaller publishers with cape comics go there or just DC/marvel? Why was I banned from /tv/, Arrow Season 18 is a tv show...et cetera ad infinitum.
Both boards. Is the concept of board overlap new to you? Are you new to 4chan? A Marvel or DC movie can (right now) be posted on BOTH /co/ AND /tv/. Or back to the /vp/ example. A Pokemon anime thread can go on BOTH /a/ AND /vp/. A Pokemon videogame thread can go on BOTH /v/ AND /vp/. The boards know how to share. The users know that /vp/ is the primary home for Pokemon threads, so they make 99% of their Pokemon threads on /vp/. The 1% of threads that get made on /a/ and /v/ are allowed and they are tolerated by the boards hosting them.

Please learn how 4chan works.

>I am unmoved.
Of course. You have made the decision that you will refuse to be moved, no matter what. After all, we just finished discussing 1 (one) problem that will be solved, and then you abruptly announced that we have discussed 0 (zero) problems that have been solved. If you tell me that 1 is actually 0 then I don't think you will ever be able to move forward.
You do realise there will still be groups pretending to be from that board and post in that thread.

Seriously Hiro, you can get ideas from them but ultimately its upto you as the admin to run the site to how you see fit
Yeah, /co/ is now filled of tumblr, tumblr pretending to be /pol/, /pol/ and /pol/ pretending to be tumblr, all of them constantly trying to bait eachother and prove how bad the other "side" is.
nice cherry picking you faggot, off topic shit should stay on /r9k/ and nsfw shouldn't be allowed on /a/.

lolis stay bannable for obvious reasons
You know what?
You convinced me.

With the fact boards overlap so, the fact you even agree not everything neatly fits and the fact that you agree boards tolerate small percents of content, I have been convinced.

Convinced that there is LITERALLY no need for capeshit as a board. Things are fine as they are. You've shown me that boards co operate and that people get how it works now.

What kind of mouth breathing dribble chin, would think a dumping ground of barely connected franchises would make sense in that environment?

Glad we see eye to eye.

You mark my words, had we been stupid enough to push for cpsht it would have been an unmitigated disaster.
It looks like that was actually my first post in this particular thread, so you'd be out of luck and would probably just get paranoid about ID swapping. I wish I could but my IP is static.
You sound really mad.
Are you saying that /m/ was a bad idea?

What you and I have both described is the same as /m/.
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best is subjective my friend

Its upto the community to shape itself thats how 4chan has always been

I'm fucking flabbergasted.

How the sweet merry clit bells do people not see this /cpsht/ "board" is a terrible fucking idea?
Only the ones that state actual problems and solutions
Putting live action in /co/ is a terrible idea. Putting Toku in /m/ is a terrible idea. Putting big guys and hotheads in /tv/ is a terrible idea.

It's one terrible idea that fixes several other terrible ideas. All ideas are terrible, but /cpsht/ is the least terrible.
The problem is that he just deletes pol's shitposting instead of deleting both.
You can say that shit til the cows come home as our hyper evolved overlords, it won't be truer by then either.

Mecha is a small sub genre, predominantly anime with a few exceptions.

/cpsht/ would cover multiple genres in multiple media from multiple sources, its much MUCH larger in scope.
At BEST, you're going to have only one degree of separation between any given subject about a mecha show like Patlabor and being able to talk about mecha themselves without resorting to 'The show has mecha in it' as a go between. You don't see that a vast majority of the time in tokiu.

It's a pretense to image dump not porn, but at least you can say they're pilot suits for mecha if you're forced to justify it. Now a random image dump would be harder to sell. Looking at you Hirai face.

>nsfw shouldn't be allowed on /a/.
Would you consider a nipple NSFW?
Just. one. nipple.

This, there isn't going to be a mass agreement on things and certain groups will intentionally say they prefer the status quo just to make things worse. It's up to you to get the pulse of the people and make a call since we are at a crossroads and it's up to you to decide if we follow the road to ruin or fix things.

No one is going to give you a map, you need to figure it out for yourself based on what you are given from the community.

Why would it be paranoia when it's a distinct possibility? Other sites that have used IDs have had them be subverted, unless there's a system to weed out proxies that 4chan has, I wouldn't expect things to be any different.
Let me explain generals.

We have two different boards. /a/ and /m/. /a/ moves a fuckton faster than /m/. A general on /a/ can get created, filled, and hit the bump limit in hours. A general on /m/ can last for days, weeks. Generals on /a/ quickly devolve into shit because there is no possible way for content to be created fast enough to generate new discussion. The opposite is true about generals on /m/. They serve an actual purpose there.

Ban generals on fast boards. Don't ban them on slow boards. Problem solved.
>Mecha is a small sub genre, predominantly anime with a few exceptions.
Mecha is mechanical technology, be it robots or armor or spaceships. That's why they have fucking Star Trek threads on /m/. I'm guessing that you've never been to /m/, because it's larger in scope than you realize.

>/cpsht/ would cover multiple genres in multiple media from multiple sources, its much MUCH larger in scope.
So the userbase is large enough to sustain the board? Good.
Is Hiro gonna delete /qa/ any time soon? There are so many autistic cry babies on this board.
Capeshit will DOUBLE those issues, not magically end them. At best it will move them. Because apparently, supers and toku should be lumped in with Baneposting, like it's all fucking cancer to be expunged from "better" boards.

Users will not adapt to it easily if at all. It's going to be a mess.
>It's ok when the shit I like does it, but not that smelly toku poo.
Grand. Hipocrisy it is then

You fucking blind autist, the userbase will be a ghetto of shit you don't like. Don't even try to deny it.
>Because apparently, supers and toku should be lumped in with Baneposting, like it's all fucking cancer to be expunged from "better" boards.
No, this is what YOU think about those discussion topics. And I know you think this because you keep writing "At best it will move them."

The fact that these discussions exist is NOT the problem. The problem is that they exist on boards which don't want them.

So moving the discussions to the correct board will, in fact, solve the problem. But since you think that the discussions themselves are the problem, you will forever oppose a board which legitimizes those discussions.
Wew, someone I'm seeing talk a bit of sense. I was in /co/'s recent meta threads and they were full of a lot of shite. I felt like the odd one out
Like Toku? Great stuff, problem solved.
>Muh twisting words
Why do you hate all these topics so much that you want them in a containment board? Where does this crazy elitism come from?
>the userbase will be a ghetto of shit you don't like. Don't even try to deny it.
I deny it. I like capeshit. I just don't want /co/ to be overwhelmed with live action, I don't want /tv/ to be overwhelmed with BANE?, and I don't want /m/ and Toku to be forced together when neither wants it.

>You fucking blind autist
This discussion does not warrant your current level of hostility.
The discussions are already legitimate and accepted on their current boards you ass backwards cunt.

K'm trying to stop a fucking spastic from relegating all these topics he hates into a fucking containment thread.

Your fucking agenda is transparent. YOU want to fuck these topics into oblivion, I want to save them from a fucking abortion of a board.
The /co/ mod is deleting this threads on /co/.
>containment board
But I never asked for such a thing.

I want a board where MOST of those threads can go, but not *all*. A board like /vp/ or /m/, which know how to share. Not a board like /mlp/, where all content is strictly contained.

>Where does this crazy elitism come from?
My only elitism is thinking that the best superhero comics were in the eighties, and newfriends these days don't know how to read before 2000.
If BANECANCER is your issue, /tv/ needs a better mod.
>I want /co/ pure
Crossposting, remember?
Between /tv/ and /co/ neither should be "overwhelmed"
there's been 3 of them already, you missed them
>The discussions are already legitimate and accepted on their current boards you ass backwards cunt.
They aren't. /tv/ hates the Marvel and DC cinematic universes. /co/ wants live action to get off the board. /m/ doesn't want Toku.

Are we going to keep going in circles as you continue to insist that up is down and black is white?
We already have boards for TV shows, Films and comics. When the capeshit boom dies will you be bawling for another fucking fad board to contain it?
>If BANECANCER is your issue, /tv/ needs a better mod.
We need real solutions which we can actually describe how to implement, not vague solutions that sound good but which are too fuzzy for any real details.

Even if you disagree with my proposal, you can at least understand the logistics of what I'm suggesting.

>Between /tv/ and /co/ neither should be "overwhelmed"
They shouldn't be, but they are.
Stop making these threads on /a/, We DO NOT WANT THEM
well clearly we need more mod/janitors
So you're saying that /m/ is a bad idea?

Every franchise on /m/ could also exist in threads on another board. You must hate that board's very existence.
says you, cry more
Vocal minorities bitch about supers on /tv/.
Vocal minorities complain about supers on /co/.
Hypocrites and vocal minorities complain about toku on /m/.

All these threads are popular and populated by happy users.

The vast majority don't say "we're fine" but here, you seem to artificially assume one dissenting voice is the entire user base. It's bullshit.
hiro has no idea what a vocal minority is
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/v/ thread id poll continues to rise, "yes" seems to always bee about 10 votes ahead.

hope you're READING HIRO
Yes, I agree, we don't need vague ideas.
Hence, I'm anti /cpsht/ because it is a clusterfuck of half formed bad ideas.

Getting mods who can fucking do their jobs, that is a real solution.

Go to fucking hell with this false comparison.
Hiro already said he didnt trust polls.
One or two cunts screaming louder than anyone else.

Yes I am acutely aware of the fucking irony.
>Vocal minorities bitch about supers on /tv/.
You're a Baneposter, aren't you?

>Vocal minorities complain about supers on /co/.
I never suggested removing superheroes from /co/. That was in your imagination. This whole time you've been arguing against something that only exists in your head.

I did suggest removing live action from /co/, because live action is not a comic or a cartoon. In the last /co/ poll (I didn't mention this until now because Hiro said that he doesn't give a shit about polls, he just wants to know what individual users think), the majority of /co/ voted to remove live action.

You really don't care at all about Toku or /m/, so why are you arguing so passionately over it?
well why ask for discussion and then rule out any real way to measure consensus?

i made that poll. i enabled captcha and ip specific voting. every vote that comes through is unique and has to solve a captcha. i dunno how more secure i can make something like that.
When the capeshit boom dies, will you be here crying for a clusterfuck board for the next popular thing you hate?
Hiro has no idea what 4chan really is.
He got this website even though he's a known scammer who already destroyed other chans.
But oh no, he's a "cute bunny" so everything is okay.
Hiro doesn't give a shit about anything. He even calls lawsuits "funny people who want some of my money".
As I said, you require multiple degree of separation to justify it being mecha at, or at worst, shows that it has zero mecha elements.

I'm guessing you're the same person who is saying /m/ should discourage or ban spoonfeeding based on your civility. Or at best, you're part of the same camp.
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Results of the poll concerning the banner contest trolls on /mlp/
>Go to fucking hell with this false comparison.
How is it a false comparison?

/m/ is content grouped together by genre.
/cpsht/ is content grouped together by genre.
/m/ threads could also be created on other boards.
/cpsht/ threads could also be created on other boards.
/m/ is not a containment board, and nothing on it is banned from other boards.
/cpsht/ is not a containment board, and nothing on it is banned from other boards.
/m/ simply serves as a home board for its content, so other boards don't get overwhelmed with threads for /m/ content.
/cpsht/ simply serves as a home board for its content, so other boards don't get overwhelmed with threads for /cpsht/ content.

They're the same idea.
Don't you fucking put words in my mouth again you lying little shit.

I'm trying to fucking save toku from being forced into this dumpster you call a thread.

Toku, capes and all deserve better than to be arbitrarily coralled into some autistic fucks ghetto of shit he hates.
Can we talk about how /qa/ has completely fucking changed in the past month or so?

This board used to be the best

Now it's just another board for the /r9k/pol/v/ list
hiro also doesn't trust a huge majority of a thread telling him what they want, he's ignoring anything said to him about the 404 page because "there are other people out there not talking here"

fuck you hiro listen to people telling you what they want, don't just ignore it when it's against you
Google docs poll like for /jp/.
he still doesn't understand the concept
would he even care if we changed it at this point, if he's against it anyway?
fuck off, paying people voted on the banners

Anyone who paid for a 4chan pass could vote, not only "just mlp people"

You get your banners that were chosen by all the paying people
>Don't you fucking put words in my mouth again you lying little shit.
You've been putting words in my mouth this whole time, accusing me of hating shit that I love. I love superhero comics and you can't stop me. Acknowledge this fact or else I will continue pointing out that you don't give a shit about Toku.

Toku deserves better than to be on a board that doesn't want it, end of story.
/qa/ died months ago
Holy shit how new are you
Oh the hypocrite is back.
No, being against newcomers wanting info is utterly retarded and a great way to kill a group.

You can gussy it up however you choose, but the truth is you're triggered by toku. But if topics you like do the exact same thing, it's fine.
Fucking hypocrisy.

/m/ is a clear concise concept for content
/cpsht/ isn't
Toku deserves better than being hurled in a dumpster board like a bloody abortion.

Superhero media that you CLAIM to love fucking deserves better too.
Please keep this meta thread shit off of /a/, we're doing just fine without this cancer on our board thanks.
/m/ is an arbitrary corral for giant robots, human-sized robots, multi-purpose vehicles and pretty much anything unusual that flies.

/cpsht/ is an arbitrary corral for special abilities with distinctive visual appearances and invented identities.

They're both arbitrary corrals, the difference is only that /m/ already existed when you arrived on 4chan. If it hadn't existed yet then you would have opposed the creation of /m/ with all your might.
The pony banner was removed from the /sp/ contest, even though paying people were voting for that too.
neither of /mlp/'s new banners break any of the rules of that board
Yeah, and you "claim" that you love Toku, but you want it to stay trapped in generals (fucking GENERALS!) on a board that doesn't want it.

With fans like you, Toku doesn't need enemies.
By your description, several yet not all Harry Potter characters are capeshit. It's too fucking broad. It's too much of a dumping ground. It screams OFFAL, WASTE, REFUSE and Misc. Not a place where thesd things are celebrated, but where they are sent to rot.
Well he did talk about the 404 page
I really hope hiro can reign them in.
talk about how he was going to ignore everyone's request to change it back because "there are people not here talking about it" instead of accepting that he was outvoted
>Global Rule 3
>no trolls
>no flames
>It's too fucking broad. It's too much of a dumping ground. It screams OFFAL, WASTE, REFUSE and Misc. Not a place where thesd things are celebrated, but where they are sent to rot.
Like /m/. No board wants Toku, so it was forced upon /m/. All you're doing, post after post, hour after hour, is agreeing with me that /cpsht/ is like /m/.

Except that I see /m/ and /cpsht/ from a glass-half-full perspective, and you see them from a glass-half-empty perspective.
Why did he change it?
And you don't think toku will just get fucking buried under fucking Baaaaaneshit and Man of Steel trolling and all the other garbage in your retarded thread....?

At least on /m/ it's fucking alive you cunt. This shit will kill it. Can't you see it'll fucking drown in the torrent of shit you want to siphon off /tv/...?

But you don't fucking care.
/cpsht/ is your fucking power trip and you'll destroy everything just for the fucking boner you'll get seeing this fucking board exist.
Hiro, if you read this, will you reply to acknowledge the stuff about /f/ in these threads?
http://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/3149760/ http://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/3149938/ http://archive.4plebs.org/f/thread/3149947/

summary follows.

Most people wanted the rules changed to something like

"1. Don't upload anything that violates copyright.
2. Don't upload redirectors or exploits (such as popup spawners).
3. All other flash content is allowed"

Posters also wanted an increase in the cooldown time of a flash, from 24 hours to something longer like 48 hours or more.

Everyone agreed that the captcha timeout bug should be fixed. People with slow Internet can't upload flashes of a certain size before the captcha times out their verification.

Anon's also wanted an increase from a 10 mb limit to something more like 20, although there were some concerns about shitposting, which happens regardless of the limit.

An [M] tag got discussed but there wasn't a consensus, instead people took sides, so there wasn't a definitive conclusion for the entire board.


I remember a few months after /qa/ was created and moot had left. I visited during the call and only found out the board worked because some third party place was archiving it.

It was one of the comfiest boards back then, now it's neo-/q/ with a little more privacy, that is as much privacy as you can have when being unlisted but still being cross-linked everywhere.
Sounds like you're just projecting now in a desperate attempt to keep your shitposting generals where they don't belong.

This guy >>680151 sums up the general consensus about toku. /m/ doesn't want you but a vocal minority like yourself screams otherwise.
I don't see cpsht as m at all. Stop putting words in my fucking mouth you smeg gargling shit packer.
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updated results. nearly 400 votes so far.
>And you don't think toku will just get fucking buried under fucking Baaaaaneshit and Man of Steel trolling and all the other garbage in your retarded thread....?
I believe that it can survive as a general, but more importantly, I believe that it has A CHANCE to survive as regular, topic-oriented, non-general threads. Even if it's a small chance, isn't that a chance worth taking? To live once more free from the curse of the general?

I dunno, maybe you enjoy blogging about your life and favorite naughty actress photoshoots in generals.
Is Toku forced upon /m/, yes or no?
Fuck you, you conceited prick. We didn't ask to be your fucking refugees, with snide superiority complex shits like you looking down on us. Arse wipes too lacking in self awareness to realise we are just YOU in fucking microcosm.
>gay pedo shit is allowed
You're probably right
gingy does seem like the kind
This discussion REALLY does not warrant your current level of hostility.
you have very weak sensitivies
polls can easily be tampered with, hiro knows that
But it does prove what we at /m/ have to deal with on /m/ you tear off their mask of self righteousness and force them to look at the facts. They're better placed on a board with more diligent moderation. Assuming /tv/ gets fixed
You're offering us be a general in a somewhat uneasy alliance or get dumped with baneposting shitheads and Zack Snyder is God trolls.

Under the strain of /tv/ shitposting, even a general won't survive. Never mind all the other stuff you want in there too.

If we have a choice of /m/ or death, we'd want /m/. Or fuck that, give us /toku/, give us /jtv/, give us fucking /mmpr/ as a joke. Why are we being forced into near certain doom?
Fuck off, retard
With this prick >>680186?
You bet it does. We have to deal with him and his pious fucking self fellating cunt hordes daily. We didn't ask to have nowhere else to go, yet we still get treated like shit for existing.
I'm offering you a chance at freedom, but I see that you're too much of a coward to take it.

Freedom to be on a board that doesn't hate you. Freedom to have multiple threads that stay on-topic, not one eternally off-topic general. Freedom to choose your own destiny.

You could not only survive on /cpsht/, you might even thrive. /cpsht/ would be slower than /tv/, it might even be as slow as /m/. It would be just what you need, if only you had the courage to embrace it.
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That doesn't make them any less blatant trolls
yes it does

if you regard a high five as a vicious attack then you are wrong

get some thicker skin and take a joke
Don't feed me that sentimental pile of wank. I enjoy toku, I don't delude myself that the world works like it.

The way I see it, you all see us as yet more sewage to be removed and buried. Another eyesore beneath your contempt.

You cry about mods mad with power, but given half a chance you would be no better.
Because by then the retards found it (again)
But he listened to the anons in the thread and put Yotsuba back.
>The way I see it, you all see us as yet more sewage to be removed and buried. Another eyesore beneath your contempt.
I am not your enemy, and you are not my enemy.

All throughout this discussion, you have treated me like your enemy. But this is not the case. And even though you have insulted me numerous times, I am not angry at you. I don't want to hurt you. I write that I think that Toku would survive on /cpsht/ because I honestly believe that Toku would survive on /cpsht/, and maybe even thrive, a far better scenario then your General Thread hell on /m/. I cannot prove my sincerity to you, but I will still insist even now that it's real. I wish you only the best.

I hope that next time we meet, you will be willing to approach this discussion from a different perspective.
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>just learn to take a joke breh

It's still a troll though, you retard, it's an attempt to deliberately antagonize, even if on a light level.
it's not that bad, it'll be endearing in a month
Because that was within his control and he found a solution that satisfies both sides. He gets to keep this embedded video, but the 404 images remain.

Plus you aren't going to find anyone saying 'yeah, remove Yotsuba from 404, all these oldfags should stop whining about "mum culture"'.

Everything we're talking about is going to have two sides where there isn't an overwhelming majority and the minority, like >>680193 for example, is going to fight tooth and nail to not have things change for what he perceives to be the worse. His meltdown didn't do his side any help either.
putting Yotsuba back wasn't a contested topic or a toss up

The overwhelming majority wanted 404 pages to stay the same
Don't mistake my anger for hatred.
It's hard for us, not really having a home here.
It's hard to be on a board where the users hate us, just because we are there.
I guess you've never been an outcast among outcasts, so you can't understand the anger.
And you, with your offer of better things, just no. You're shipping toku off with a bunch of other problems.
This is supposed to be the users for the users, Hiro helping us shape our future.
Us Tokufags like gaudy rainbow coloured warriors. Even weebs call us weird. Even among the freaks of 4chan, we're just another problem. Just another thing to fix.
For once we don't want to be refugees on/m/, or a problem fixed on capeshit, or freaks among freaks.
Just once, we want to be fellow users, fellow fags, no more or less.
I don't think that is a lot to ask.
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How to make 4chan great again.

1. Delete GR 3 & 6

Stupid rules that rarely get upheld and abused by mods whenever they dislike something.

2. Purge all mods/janitors.

Most of them are SJW loving faggots who hate the userbase.

3. Auto ban anybody with reddit cookies.
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That's now how cookies work.
And whilst I trust your sincerity and regret passion turned to rage, I only forsee another place for us to go to die, to be forgotten.
Just another "problem" in the list cpsht might "solve".
Get the fuck off of this board you stupid fucking frogposter
4. ban anyone using normalshit reddit memes like you just did
I hope you never have to feel the cold hatred of a majority that despises you, just for being who you are.
Nothing needs to change on any board. 4chan is fine the way it is. Every time you morons try to enact rule changes the site just gets shittier.
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Uh... whut page that on?
Fucking leave you faggot
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Who cares about Tokushit?
Super Sentai is a disaster from day 1 and Kamen Rider went to shit after the train wreck that was Decade.
Fuck off, autist.
How active can you keep a Toku thread? One post per half hour (during the fast hours)? One post per two hours (during the slow hours)?

That's how fast you need to be in order to survive on /tv/.
And /cpsht/ would be slower than /tv/.
If you can keep that pace then you have ZERO reason to fear that you would "die" on /cpsht/.

So it would SOLVE your Toku problems, not "solve" them. You wouldn't be in danger of dying. You would be on a board that doesn't hate you. You would be on a board where you could even have non-general threads. And it would solve problems for everyone else too.

Now that your feelings of anger are put aside, just look at the simple math: /ssg/ and /krg/ both surpass that threshold, and others might possibly as well.

You would be free.
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Were is lef buddon?
Literally nothing wrong with upping file limit to 3MB and banning generals on /r9k/.
thread on /a/ went bananas
there seems to be little consensus in some issues, but alot of posters are shitposting and telling the OP to fuck off with his metathread
>My only advice is to remove the flags on all boards
drink bleach
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/asp/ here

1. Mandrama confined to a general
any post made in a thread that is not the newest one must be saged, if you want to bring something to people's attention then just link a post from the old thread to the current one instead of bumping it.

2. No post outside their general
This site is by nature an idiot magnet, not that the rest of the site is any better. But you people were kicked out of /sp/ and now you're hated here. Leave people alone and stay in your thread.

If they can't abide by the rules (which they wouldn't) send them to /tv/ mods and hiro are more ready to defend big boards like /sp/ or /tv/ because they have a bigger say (so they send them to us) but in reality these boards are the only ones who actually have the activity levels to not get totally destroyed by wrestling. If /tv/ is not an option (despite being the most appropriate) then send them to /trash/, or make them share /mlp/ with the old /rejects/ don't give the shitposters their own boards and make them bump elbows with one another.
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>nazi hate frog
What even is Toku and why is it an issue?
Is it some kind of nipnong super hero thing?
I thought /jp/ was supposed to pick up the slack when a nip topic doesn't seem to go anywhere else.
If it is known on reddit it's too late
If it's literally shown in the news it's basically on the same level as "meme comics" and trollfaces
>a board that doesn't hate you
A board among banespammers. A board among countless threads for who knows how much content. A board where we have no assurance we wouldn't still be hated, just because our heroes are lower budget.
No. I can't say that will be better.
For once, we want our own board. Maybe we'd be slower than toy, but we'd not just be being passed from one board to the next like a latch key kid.
Godzilla, Ultraman, Metal Heroes, etc.
/jp/ didn't want it.
Nor /tv/
Now /m/
>/jp/ didn't want it.
Maybe they should the shut the fuck up and take it.
>3. Auto ban anybody with reddit cookies.
But then /pol/ would get empty, and you won't get to share your frog meme with your chums.
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Japanese live action shows that use heavy use of special effects. Mostly superhero shows. Gets grouped with mecha anime mostly due to Super Sentai's use of giant robots.
Maybe. But being forced there was part of the reason for /m/ hostility.
Why are u here then? 4chan has been on reddit for years and has a 10mil subscriber sub, we've been on the news countless times aswell. It's clearly too late for 4chan.
If only /m/ were as friendly as chibi gundam...
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I used to go on /krg/ when I tried getting back to Kamen Rider about a year ago and it seemed quite chill over there.
What went wrong?
Right, but not all of 4chan is like that. /b/ and the more popular boards get the most of that stuff.

Some of the lesser known boards are free from invasions.
Tell it to the welfare line, Tyrone.
>No. I can't say that will be better.
It might be better, it might not be better, but it wouldn't be worse. Because the worst case scenario is that you still survive on /cpsht/ in your generals, the undying fanbase that no board could kill. Or that, if you can prove that you're unable to survive there, then you'd return to /m/ or /jp/.

You honestly have nothing to lose, and everything to gain.

>For once, we want our own board. Maybe we'd be slower than toy, but we'd not just be being passed from one board to the next like a latch key kid.
As unlikely as /cpsht/ is, it's still more likely than /toku/. So you had better start trying to look on the bright side of /cpsht/.
See, this is exactly the reddit mentality that's the problem.
"4chan is sooo shit anyway, why don't we just shitpost here all the time lol because we have a rep on reddit, why doesn't everyone go to OUR site because it's better than 4chan one anyways.Now time to post them epic maymays here, it's all fun!"

You're part of the fucking problem.
Can we have manga board now?
So why doesn't /jp/ want them? It seems like it fits the board topic.
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Honestly I don't mind it. They like hot blooded heros and I like hot blooded heroes in robots.
I wish I could say. It's just built up over time. I remember we'd have multiple threads, threads to new episodes, to designs...now it seems anything outside the general, even innocently, is asking for war.
We need to delete /a/ and /co/, and replace them with:

/ac/ - Anime & Cartoons
/com/ - Comics & Manga
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Just as how I figured. No one is going to like things being change for them hence mods=fags. It needs to be implemented by the community naturally or was there from the very beginning. So pay attention to what's being reported then after pruning that posts pay attention who's mad. Sometimes it is just a small minority who mass reports things they don't like just so mods would think, oh this is bad.

If Hiro does anything it would alienate him, only moot could cause hes a faggot
They only want 2hu
This is bait.
Because /jp/ just wants to post 2hus and nothing more.
Only because you would post on the wrong board.

/ac/ would be hell, but /com/ would be heaven.
I just want manga board please.
What about /jtv/?

That was before my time, well, before I knew 4chan talked toku.

That level of chill is getting rare on /m/
yuck i don't want to see comics when browsing manga
/a/ does not want these meta threads, please don't make any more
We also don't want any changes except more active mods/janis
>it's an "I speak for /a/" post
Most other boards doing something like that would get demands for a /2hu/ containment board.
Well, check the thread
/jp/ IS the 2hu containment board
this whole fucking thread/situation is hurr durr I speak for *board* hurr durr
>864 replies
Yeah. Seems unwanted.
>What about /jtv/?
Not happening.

/cpsht/ also isn't happening, but only because Hiro isn't going to do anything.

But ~IF~ Hiro was actually listening to the users, then /cpsht/ would happen. Because /co/ doesn't want live action, and /tv/ doesn't want the company wars that come with cinematic universes. So if Hiro ever changes his behavior, then /cpsht/ is your best hope for salvation.
>864 replies
>171 IPs
Good idea.
>Hiro isn't going to do anything
In all the excitement that slipped my mind.
In case it wasn't clear, here's something you'll seldom see on 4chan. I'm sorry.
Passion can outpace reason sometimes.
I'm sorry too.

Let's be friends next time.
Yes, let's.
>tfw there could be a manga board except 20 fags on /q/ all told moot no
Twenty people decided and now we'll never get one because /a/ is bunch of status quo addicts.
Oh the fucking irony
I don't go to /a/, how slow would /mango/ be based upon the posting of manga there?

I know that the "if you build it they will come" thing can work out over time but is it worth it to make yet another board that could end up very inactive? moot's textboards all got deleted due to inactivity.
Slower than /a/ but not horribly slow or anything.
/a/'s pretty fast.
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There are some suggestions for /v/ since the threads about the future of /v/ are not guaranteed to be there forever.

First: Video games and politics.
In the current state of 4chan and the cancer called /pol/, it's pretty urgent to find to remove all ambiguities between these both topics. In the context of "Not politics on /v/" it shouldn't mean to ban anything that's related to the philosophy or morale behind a video game, it should be about current politics that has nothing to do with video game like, for example, the election of 2016 on the USA. The exception should be video game that's about politics but even I'm not sure right now since that could create some problem with the current state of 4chan...

Second: Board Sticky.
Board Sticky should not be only about a reminder of the rules applied on /v/. it should be not only about a bunch of suggestions to play, retro and new stuff, but also a bunch of information about game design and technical stuff related to video game not to give resources to people who want to create some video games, but to actually make sure that even the most newbie anon can understand what video games are even if that's easy at all to explain it, but at least giving a idea would be fine. The main point of the board sticky should be about introducing to video game in general and /v/ culture so newbies can understand video games and not fucking up the board by stuff that's not video game.
There a limit on how many threads allowed?
Hiro said one thread per board
Not at least one general 24/7
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>The anti-general crowd has a point, but none of them can actually define what a general is
The definition of a general is more or less this: a general is a recurring thread that is artificially kept alive, despite the exhausted topic. The thread is bumped with posts that are barely related to the topic and/or are off-topic. This describes the majority of generals.

To demonstrate how it works in practice in contrast to common threads:
A common thread dies off as no one has anything to add to the discussion. Interest in the topic kept the thread going for 150 posts. It died, but it was enjoyable while it lasted. Ephemerality in action. Absolutely beautiful.

Then we have the general. It is bumped, even though little to nothing of substance is being discussed. It doesn't die, since it is artificially kept alive, so other threads' topics get less time to have a chance at getting explored. Another thread is made to take the general's place when it unavoidably has to die, due to have hit the bump limit.
The interest here lies not in the topic itself, but the opportunity to discuss it. The thread is kept up so its good-for-nothing resident posters can comfortably post with equally shit-minded users, just so they can keep having each other's company. In the off-chance that a new subject-matter pops up, it is nothing short of fortunate that a thread is up so it can be discussed!
The average user whose interest is not big enough to tolerate the subpar quality of the thread will avoid said thread.

Isolated from the rest of the board and deprived of the blessings of anonymity, the thread diminishes in content and post quality, and the general becomes nothing more than a glorified chatroom. A truly sorry state. Absolutely hideous.
Why are obvious advertising threads like this one
not deleted on /g/?
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The sole improvement that /a/ has agreed on so far is the kana captcha.
How would you solve this? Would you need to convert your keyboard to kana input for ć‚ć‚ćć‚ćµ or would a standard keyboard with roakiafu work?
Microsoft IME
Kana input, a bit of a hassle but also filters the absolute retards who can't into IME. Coupled with 30-sec post timers, this would improve /a/ significantly.
I see. Interesting idea. I see the filtering merits, but also see the hassle it'd give me of switching around.
How would I know? I didn't vote for removing that general.
In Windows it's literally Win+Space, and then Alt+` to switch between romaji and kana. I dunno about Linux guys, though.
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Here, made a simple image that conveys the point as best as it could to Hiro.

We haven't agreed on that. It's 50/50.

The most 'agreement' has been to ban generals. Most people want that in varying degrees.
Current Poll options of /a/

1. Introduce a Manga Board.
2. Don't introduce /ma/ - manga.
3. Introduce Kana Captchas.
4. Keep the captcha system as it is.
5. Remove LN, Mahwa and Manhua Threads on sight.
6. Allow LNs, Mahwa and Manhua on /a/.
7. Delete Generals on sight.
8. Support Generals.
9. Merge /a/ and /co/ for no reason.
10. Merge /a/ and /jp/ for no reason.
11. Don't merge /a/ with anything.
12. Move /djt/ to /jp/.
13. Don't do 12.
14. Move /kancolle/ to /jp/.
15. Don't do 14.
16. Move drawthreads to /ic/ or some shit.
17. Don't do 16.
18. Bring back visible Sage.
19. Remove Sage as a whole.
20. Ban anyone who uses kys, lmao, lol, fuck off, kill yourself etc.
21. Promote anyone who uses these words.
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Really hoping for 20 MiB and those three rules. There's so much we can't post with just 10 MiB and I'm really worried that a mod that doesn't understand /f/ comes along in the future and actually starts to enforce the rules (they have been ignored by everybody on /f/, including mods, since /f/ first started).

Unrelated to /f/:

/aco/ needs to get a pass on Global rule #3, at least the "loli" part. There's loli porn being posted all over the place and the mods doesn't care. What's the point to have a rule if the users don't want it and if the mods ignore it?

Make a /acol/ board for "Adult Cartoons (loli)" if you don't want to mix it on the same board. I'm 100% certain there will be enough posts per day to make it feasible as its own board. It'll help make the regular /aco/ non-loli as well.
The thing with kana captchas is that there is absolutely no basis for being against such a thing on /a/. That is: if you cannot complete a kana captcha you really have no business posting on the board. It's basically a win-win for /a/.
>Hiro already said he didnt trust polls.
4chan could easily implement their own poll system. All you need to do is not allow IP numbers to vote if they haven't posted at least 10 posts and the first post was over 24 hours ago. That will cut away 90% of possible cheating.

I have a pass. I don't do captchas. How does that figure into your equation.
Then congrats, you actually spent money to support 4chan. If shitposters must waste money to post to avoid scary moonrunes, I consider that a win-win as well.
save this captcha change for April 1st...

also google recaptcha doesn't allow you to change captcha like this as far as i know so it wont happen
>How does that figure into your equation.
Obviously pass users are exempt due to not having to complete a captcha. Unfortunate, as retards who are stupid enough to buy a pass are pretty cancerous to begin with, but what can you do about that?
>also google recaptcha
There are countless free recaptcha systems out there which work just as well as Google's.
From the two threads on/pol/ people just want the mods to actually enforce the rules

I want the mods to enforce the sticky because its getting out of hand the spam
Implementations exist and are trivial enough,
Change Character Set to Katakana.
Toku should not be on /tv/ because the communities are way too different. Basically no niche franchises can survive on /tv/, and /tv/ actively fights against anything they deem genre shows. You would be lucky to even keep a single thread alive over there. Plus Kamen Rider is so ingrained in /m/ that excising it seems like a shitty thing to do for everyone.

If it is an issue at this point (and I can see stuff like Garo not fitting /m/ at all) then sliding it over to a /toku/ board seems like the best idea, but /tv/ is out if the question.
of course but we all know they won't make their own captcha system. then it would have happened already (with no need of entering captcha every single time time, the point is after all supposed to be just to get rid of spam bots).

/cape/ should just be DC and Marvel, with allowances for others when desired. The Big 2 have the biggest fanbases and they're the only ones where cross-media properties really exist. There's no reason to push Invincible there. Maybe Spawn, if you want to talk about toys too.

/tv/ was campaigning to get a /cpsht/ board so they could ban superheroes, and they also included Star Wars.
I've heard you can get paid by recaptcha, so they're probably doing that.
There was talk over on /aco/ about making it so that if you request a Disney character or something, it's automatically assumed you mean that she's over the legal age of consent. You can't really give any leeway if the image undeniably looks underage, but at least giving people the benefit of the doubt first seems like a better way to roll.

Somebody should be able to post Lydia or Creepy Susie if they want.
This would be a good thing IMHO. Itd kill /a/ and better the entire site.
If Hiro did a 4chan poll he'd do it like the banners and limit it to those with 4chan passes.
Dragonball Z and other stuff could easily fit onto a superhero board.
I would say, go back to the one you can choose on /pol/ because it was so fucking easy to troll them.
Based on this /a/ poll http://www.strawpoll.me/11249889/r, we think you should bring back visible sage.

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/a/ has spoken
Hiro, flags only encourage shitposting on /sp/. It's about time you removed it.
Anime character captcha sounds like a better idea.
>17 votes
So by /a/ you mean at most nine people.
GR 3 is the infamous rule the mods love to use whenever they see a thread they don't like.

GR 6 needs to be more harshly enforced on actual shitposting.

If anything GR 8 either needs an overhaul or if needs to be deleted

We've agreed to split the board.
Point out the important posts saying this and post them here
Nooo, you don't want that
Honestly /wwe/ needs to come back to /sp/. The only people who wanted it off were a very loud group of shitposters
/ac/ would be fun to watch.
/com/ might turn out ok.
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Poll from /co/ for the topic of removing /tv/ threads, currently at 62/38 in favor of their removal. Also why the fuck are the meta threads being deleted on /co/ when Hiro gave us permission to have them.

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>a general is "any popular thread that I don't like" to them.
Except, people give a fuckins tons of definitions for general of various kinds and people ignore them just like you did and decide to instead sum it up to your "i dont like this" shit. In addition, containment is cancer and solves nothing, even more so a fucking general board.

Also, with the Tokushit this thread is on about. Why does it have to go on only one board? Are you stupid? We aren't a traditional forum and shit, we are a chan. Shit can go on multiple boards like it always has been. /m/ is literally an example of that. You can still discuss mecha on /a/ and there is normally a thread up for a different mecha almost always. If the topic fits on multiple boards, it can go on all of them, not just one.
>posting anime

Not even going to read any of that shit
The problem isn't that it would be slow, it would just be another general board. It'll also be a board swarmed by all the big popular shit and all the small shit dying out and not having a chance at real discussion. Small shit might not last that long on /a/, but its time there is generally fun, interesting and quality. That's what is important. It isn't threads hitting bump limit, it is threads being actually fun and interesting to go into. You aren't going to get that with a /ma/ board on-top of the people in it being actual elitist as fuck for no reason about how they are no longer apart of /a/ thus also causing a bunch of problems and removing a ton of discussion of tons of series.

Manga and Anime are also inseparable and are literally the same industry. You can't have one with the other. The other one will always at some point come it play, they belong together.
>of course but we all know they won't make their own captcha system.
They don't have to. Hiro can just use one of the other handful of non Google systems out there.

There is no way that the system has been kept in place, and with fucking Google of all people, if there was never some form of reward for doing so.
Then you don't belong here.
loli board would just lead to disaster. leave it on /b/
>Half of us disagree

Bullshit retardation

Most people disagree on some issues, and then samefagging only makes it look like half.

If Hiro had half of a brain, he could go back and look in the logs to see that most 'issues' are maybe four guys on one side samefagging while almost the entirety of a board is demanding something.

False-flagging has become one of the most popular past-times on 4chan because it works. Hiro doesn't even fucking believe that the threads are being deleted probably because his mods are going "We didn't do that :^)" behind our backs.
Its not bullshit retardation mate. And you know it.
>Hiro, this is your site. You own it, so do what you want to do!
No, you are actually wrong. Hiro owns the site, but he doesn't actually own it or its community.
>why the fuck are the meta threads being deleted on /co/ when Hiro gave us permission to have them.
>/co/ mods
Well there's your answer right there. But go ahead and try. If they keep at it too much Hiro will hopefully talk to them.
This is why its hard when you are a new admin in an already establish community. moot could make these changes and all he will get is called a faggot and stalked abit.

Hiro is a fucking who?
>Its not bullshit retardation mate.

It is bullshit retardation. Almost every decision made in the past few months has been the result of samefagging and false-flagging on /qa/.

The film thing
The quest thing
The metathread thing
The banner thing
Even the mod thing.

All of it is the result of a few whiny losers who think they're the board police and that they, and they alone, determine what is best for their home board.

People who actually use the board for its intended purpose don't post here. They are busy using the board like its supposed to be used instead of getting in a big circlejerk on /qa/ about how to control these "Others" that seem to be surprisingly common among the whiners who pull the mods around by their noses.

I think the /asp/ thing is the perfect example of this: Everyone in /asp/ is using the board for its intended purpose, but the idea that it has to be shared with someone else makes a few whiners come over to /qa/ and proceed to false-flag about how bad the other side is an how little the "others" on the board deserve to have it. So please split their already splinter board.

Maybe if mods want things changed, they should fucking ask the board that the change is going to apply to instead of going "Well, These whiny fucktards in /qa/, who spend all day doing nothing but posting in /qa/, told us to make a change to this board, so we're going to do it!"

Then when a change is made. People flood to /qa/ after its already too late to complain. Why shouldn't they come here to complain? It's not like they were asked if this was going to be a good decision or not.

The entire system is broken and /qa/ is the worst board because of it. You should genuinely feel ashamed if you ask for sweeping changes to a board you don't even spend most of your time in.
>delete porn on /b/ and redirect it to the porn boards
>move all dick rate threads and shit to /soc/

Boom, /b/ is now a usable board
Being a new admin implies you have to learn the culture of the new place you picked up and integrate with it to ensure you make good decisions. This means you don't do shit right away. Hiro has done none of that and if anything has clearly showed he gives no shits about that at all and actually would rather tear that down with him replacing Yotsuba from 404 and the bullshit excuses he gave in the thread.
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>hurr durr hiro shouldn't listen to /qa/! It doesn't represent the boards!
>"OK then let's actually have discussion on those boards"

It is a fact that autistics oppose change at every turn.

Not him, but being a new admin also implies that you give a shit in actually trying to learn how the board works.

If Hiro came to us and said "Hey, I know I'm new, but there is this thing I don't know the history behind, can I please hear the history behind it?"
Then no one would complain. I imagine most people would be surprisingly understanding if he made a request like that.

When he fucks off for three months at a time. Makes a random post once every blue moon and then suddenly makes a change. Then when confronted about it, or why he didn't make a more productive change, his response is "Well I made 2ch you fucks, you faggots are just aping my culture, so clearly I am more versed in the history of this imageboard than you are". Then he looks like a faggot. He looks like someone who isn't even going to make the minimal effort to read ED and at least have a (probably-wrong) basis for why anything on the board functions the way it does.

I know English isn't his first language, but if he didn't think he was up to being the admin and making decisive policies for the English imageboard, then maybe he shouldn't be the admin of an english imageboard.

He'd be a great admin if he just, you know, took a few seconds to research all that 4chan history that he wasn't a part of.

Or better yet, understand why someone may want to split and destroy boards for their own benefits and not because its best for the community. Right now he seems to be operating under the very 2ch mindset of "Why would users want to destroy another board? We're all part of a happy family here on our website".

Honestly, I think the very concept of "Board Raids", and that they still happen even to this day, would blow his mind right out of his head.
>hur dur

Hello falseflagger. You're basically cancer, I just want you to know that.

Change isn't always good, you cunt. Especially when you basement-dwellers want to change boards for the worst. Quests are a perfect example. No one wanted the move to /tg/, but the only people who got a voice were the time vampires who had literally nothing else to do but shitpost in /qa/.

Or how about this new /asp/ decision? The only voices I've heard from it so far are the people who are so ring-ruined that they will shitpost in /qa/ almost 24/7. They won't use the board like a functioning community, oh no. It's doubtful if they're even part of that community to begin with.

They just want to shit things up because they want to say "I told you so." Nothing is more autistic than trying to control a community that you don't even spend your time participating in. Maybe you should go take your fucking medicine instead of shitposting on /qa/, retard.
What must one do to become at least a co-admin?
>No one wanted the move to /tg/
Sorry, move FROM /tg/. The only ones who wanted to were the tiny percentage of people who hate that part of the community enough to come whine to /qa/ for months (which isn't very many, a fraction of a fraction of /tg/. This segment being as as loud as they have free time). Which is how most policy decision is being made on this board, and it sucks.

You want to hear real autism? Spending months to remove a section of a subsection of a board is fucking autism. That is 'spending eight hours a day arranging dried beans by their weight' levels of autism.
Since /qa/ got flooded with people that don't fit in at all, does this mean the new feedback threads will go the way of the newfags?
I imagine the requirements for this slot would be

-Fluent Japanese
-Know Hiro at least in real life


-Have an already established avenue to contact him.

I've tried contacting him over facebook, twitter, instagram. And nothing. Not even a "I don't know you, please go away" response.

I would imagine if anyone is the sitting co-admin right now. It's whoever posted as "Board Manager" the day /qst/ went up. I don't know who is the "Board Manager", and frankly, we've never seen him post again.

But if you want my guess, that guy is the current co-admin and makes most changes on the board.
Feedback threads were a worthless gesture to begin with. Does anyone think board policy is going to be made because of it?
Board policy has historically always been shaped by the people who just keep trying, and trying, and trying, until the moderation goes "OKAY! FINE!" and makes that change. That's how /vr/ was made, that's how filters for "FaM" got made. That's why /new/ was deleted the first time. That's why quests were moved. That's why /film/ was made the first time. It's not going to change. At least, I see no reason for it to change.
>no one wanted to move to /tg/
That's true. Quests were never wanted on /tg/ in the first place, hence the constant shitposting you guys got.

Likewise, /asp/ never wanted wrestling, and to this day wrestling has rendered the board nigh-unusable.

If you want 4chan to go back to moot's way of never doing anything and leaving the site to rot, you are flat out retarded. This site desperately needs changes, because what we have just isn't working.
>This site desperately needs changes,
We really don't and the "changes" we need aren't anything grand. We don't need new boards or splits, what we need is someone who fucking cares.
We need new boards, splits, new mods, AND somebody who cares.
>that list
Oh shit
Guys, I think IĀ“m autistic
No, we really don't.
>That's true. Quests were never wanted on /tg/ in the first place, hence the constant shitposting you guys got.
Shitposting is NOT a valid way to determine popularity. Basement dwellers have all day to shitpost all day long, and they commonly do.

Someone who has nothing to do with their time but complain about quests and wrestling can literally saturate /qa/ with complaints and whining while the actual population of the board is busy enjoying their quests and their wrestling.

All it really shows is that the brainless complainers have literally nothing else to do. They don't post in the home board, they don't participate in the conversation. They just post, nonstop. Their day consists of waking up, going to /qa/, making their hourly whine thread, and then swapping their IP so they can reply to themselves.

No one from any of those boards can prove or even claim that quests or wrestling was legitimately hurting the main reason they used that board. Quests were filtered anyway and by the way? If you complain that having to filter a thread is an undue hardship, then you're a moron. That's why every person complaining about quests in /tg/ were idiots to begin with.

Same goes with wrestling. Wrestling threads does not prevent you from making your rugby generals or MMA fight clubs. You have an entire image board wiht 160 threads to choose from, it's not an undue hardship.

But the sad thing is: because these people have nothing better to do but complain about it: they're going to get heard first.

>If you want 4chan to go back to moot's way of never doing anything and leaving the site to rot, you are flat out retarded

Literally not even what I'm saying. Moot's policy is what pushed every quest thread on the site to /tg/ in the first place. Quest threads were at home on the boards they belonged, even on /tg/.

/tg/ is not a concentration camp for quests. /qst/ shouldn't be one either. They were both policies made by whiners that moot/mods listened to.

The "Changes" are just the changes that restrict the community and don't change the important parts of the site.

They're being made because they're free. Firing mods isn't free.

Go back to whatever site you came from, fucktard. This is exactly how a redditor would deal with the problem.

>Don't like X? Well we'll just ban them from this portion and force them to another!
Because you can make the stickers yourself.

Well then they shouldn't be separated except on April fools.

Make a summary, Hiro, or anyone else for that matter, won't read all of that.

Speaking of rare people in the administrative side of 4chan, there is the developer. He, or they?, haven't really posted anywhere this year as far as I know.
>New boards
That's worked great so far, right?
>new mods AND somebody who cares
This is the only thing you have any right to be complaining about in the first place. If you really cared, you would realize that having these two would invalidate having the others because those two would make the decision on if new boards and splits are right for 4chan.
Saying that you would rather have more splits and boards BEFORE having competent people just proves you're more of the idiot board police. The same police who have made a mess of the site.
>My only advice is to remove the flags on all boards. They're just causing racism.
If you want a safespace you can always stay out of the boards with flags.
/tg/ didn't want quests. /asp/ does not want wrestling.
/ic/ meta
No, a redditor would blame outsiders for all their problems and pretend that only people that agree with threads the ((((((real users)))))))
Here's my suggestion: Remove Rule 3. It's completely counter to 4chan culture, and ends up only getting enforced when the mod doesn't like your posts. Better to just not even have it than let mods selectively ignore it or enforce it at their whims.
Repeating it over and over again doesn't suddenly make it true.Most polls and questionnaires taken of the subject matter shows that there were more /tg/ quest players than not, or that quests were on /tg/ long before most people whining were even on 4chan. Not to mention /asp/ was made to be the containment thread for wrestling, and then the whiny idiots immediately screamed that they needed a containment board for the thing the containment board was made for.

I'm not even pro-quest OR pro-wrestling. I'm anti-splitting boards because of the whims of whiny faggots who can spend all day in /qa/ while the others are using the board like it's supposed to be used.

>No, a redditor would blame outsiders for all their problems
Like you're doing now? Blaming quests and wrestling as being the work of an outside force that needs to be split to its own board? Sounds like a reddit or 8ch mentality to me.
I actually agree with you for the most part on this, but shit like furry stays in the rules. We don't need those sort of shitstorms.
>using parenthesis around "real users" like that fucking /pol/ meme
>genuinely believing that the people who disagree with you and think new splits are an awful idea are part of a grand conspiracy
i think he's right, i think the one who doesn't belong is you.
Wasn't the /asp/ problem from when hiro went to /sp/, a single fuck said hey we don't like x remove them over here and then the wrestlingfags then went ahead and took over /asp/ because hiro gave them the boot?
The only shitstorms would be "muh board culture" retards sperging out like they always do
Yes. Wrestlingfags literally took over and made /asp/ a hellhole. This questfag
>>680873 doesn't know what he's talking about.

>muh raidpolls
Board culture is a big deal
It was because wrestling was viewed as "not a sport" and was trying to be booted off to /tv/ for years. Long before Hiro came to the site.

Whiners in /qa/ wanted wrestling to be classified as a /tv/ thing for so long that eventually, the mods just split the board. Then the whiners decided that wasn't good enough and wanted /asp/ split.

I do 100% believe that a single whiny fuck is responsible for them getting booted off /sp/ because that seems to be how policy decisions are made around here.
/ic/ needs IDs and Country Flags.

>training janitors

But there is no salary involved.
>polls not good enough
>Questionnaires not good enough
>Literally nothing is good enough

>But the force of people whining in /qa/ for years is totally a good way to determine what belongs on the board!
you just proved the point, great job.
NO we don't. We just need a moderator who knows what they're doing. Country flags would just open up /pol/ tier posting.
No anon, it would be no different to ponyshit. If it's removed, all sides are going to be causing a shitstorm. Also, board culture is important and a actual big deal.

We're in desperate need of them. A critique board doesn't work well in full anonymity. Too many shitposters.
>no different from ponyshit

You mean where the only people that sperg out are one person with a severe mental illness and the people trolling him?
Screaming "You don't know what you're talking about!" suddenly doesn't make it true, either. You're a newfag that doesn't even remember when Wrestling was tried to be pushed onto /tv/. Then /tv/ immediately said "I don't want that shit either" and pushed back.

I said "/tv/", but truthfully the decision was made in /q/ by the same whiners who are probably scouring /qa/ now. People who don't participate in the boards, but have all the time in the world to comment on how they should be run.

that's what is happening with /asp/ now. Wrestling was determined to be an /asp/ subject, so then the whiner brigade immediately swapped onto banning them from /asp/ even though /asp/ was made with wrestling in mind.

The whiner brigade are the worst people to listen to for board policy. Most of them don't understand the history and they don't participate in the boards. And what's worse? When they were done with wrestling on /sp/, they immediately moved onto another issue. Nothing pleases them. They have a giant checklist in their mind of what they managed to sucker the mods into doing this week, and they're slowly going down it with every shitpost they make in /qa/.

Right now, the big hotbutton issue with /tg/ is now removing CYOA, chargen, and civ to /qst/. Because I guess 40K fags just HAVE to have their pure 40K board.
It's what the people want, and it'll get rid of the rampant samefagging and Malaysia.

Make it happen Hiro.
Oh my poor naive summerchild.

You realize that won't stop shitposting, right? You realize it's as simple as pushing a button to change IP, right? And multiple posting from mobile/VM, right? It won't work, see /pol/ for example.
What the fuck faggot i'm from Malaysia
The anti-generalfag argument is shit and I'll tell you why.

Porn and drawing are fundamental parts of how the west consumes anime. Hardly anyone here got into anime and didn't also dabble in porn around the same time. You can't have a board on a western focused site that leaves out the entire basis of how people even understand "anime".
I agree with this
To clarify, this reads like the last line is saying hentai is the cornerstone of how the west understand anime, I mean in collection to some of the other generals people want gone.
I will agree with this and furthermore say that it applies to most boards, too.

Generals didn't start by an outside community coming to 4chan, generals started because of how specific boards became to the point where anything that wasn't 100% on-topic with the board description got deleted. So anyone who wanted to discuss anything one or two degrees separated from the board itself was forced to start collaborating in threads that WERE related to the board topic as to not get banned on sight.

Thus, generals. They're a natural evolution of the hand-wringing of moderation. I would say make board requirements more lenient before deleting generals.
Holy fucking shit this so much.

Even if not /a/, /jp/ will definitely welcome the idea.
They are the natural evolution of people forcing external culture on the site and refusing to adapt to it. It was peoples attempt to be calm to the storm without understanding why the storm is there in the fucking first place.
>external culture

There's that word again.
Culture in generals came from the inside out. Developing independently from the board that houses it specifically because it is forbidden to talk about anything that is not 100% related to the board that houses it.

Where do you think this culture came from? Reddit? Aliens finding wifi? Someone suddenly deciding that they're going to make their own community inside of 4chan? No, friend. That's 4chan culture looks like when it develops in a microcosm separate from the board that hosts it.

Want to solve the general problem? Solve the board moderation problem.
Give every person the ability to delete any post they want.
What do you think board culture actually is?
Delete this
Not him, but threads like these convince me that most people have no idea what board culture is or what they want it to be.

Just look at all the posts blaming emergent culture on invisible reddit invasions and pesky "others" who happen to inhabit their boards with them and need to be herded into camps.
Shitposters hating on it aside that's the only sensible suggestion that came out of those threads. Isn't it how 2ch works? Hiro shouldn't have an issue with it. Implement it in /a/ during Halloween and see how it goes.
Seconding, that's a good idea.

Ideally, this is how it should work.

/qst/ should have this on by default. Because quest threads there last for-fucking-ever even when no one posts. So it's infuriating when someone posts and puts it back at the top again for no apparent reason other than them wanting to comment on a post that happened twenty hours ago.
If you use 4chan and aren't some kind of weeb, you don't fit in.
I think this should be posted on the front page.
Can we get some sort of r9k thing going on in /vg/

I swear the last two general I went in there for, people have notepad out with prewritten posts they copypaste in every thread.
Yeah it's actually a relatively big problem on /vg/. Attentionseeking posters (especially tripfags and namefags) post the exact same inflammatory posts in every single thread, and I'm convinced they have notepad open to copy out of it like you said.
No, people need to stop flipping out when they see an anime image.

There's a middle ground here: you don't need to be a weeb, but you need to tolerate anime-related images being posted.

Personally, I post one or two images at most in a thread, after that it gets distracting and potentially derailing.
>there's a middle ground
No, 4chan is a weeaboo hobby website.
When I said don't fit in, I mean don't fit in.
They might be tolerated so long as they don't bitch about the premise of the website, but the website shouldn't change to accomodate the,.
You know what would be interesting? if for one moment you stopped believing that /a/'s problems are due to anime and manga you don't like existing there.
Did you hit post too early?
I hit , rather than m
>They might be tolerated so long as they don't bitch about the premise of the website
Which is one half of the middle ground I mentioned. Congratulations.

And it should be noted that a lot of people do post anime images specifically to annoy others.
Good, the irritated ones don't belong here.
Irritating them intentionally will discourage them from staying.
>people are actually discussing a topic
>someone dumps anime images
>people tell him to stop
>"u mad?? its an anime site, deal with it XD"

4chan's anime fans aren't all innocent here, it does happen. Everyone needs to just calm down, really.
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The existence of generals and waifu shit om /tv/ disproves your assertions.
>weaboo hobby site

lol no. Most people here hate anime.
Weebshitters are legit as bad as bronies
You're never going to convince me that anyone is dumb enough to forget that 4chan is a weeaboo website. It's so fucking plain as day.
Anyone who does the parenthesis thing outside of /pol/, /b/, or a code block in /g/, should be automatically instabanned for 48 hours.
This is the only policy that I think someone should implement immediately.

>Thread is up for hours
>Come to a consensus on what to do
>Everyone, even anti-quest fags agree on the solution
>Delete thread anyway

there's been 3 what are you talking about? hiro wanted a thread not a new general

Let's see if we can reach a consensus.

So it seems like one legitimate opposition to quests is that they saturate the front page despite being just a relative handful of posters.

This is a fair concern, so a proposed fix to this is that anything with 'Quest' in the title only bumps to page 2. Perhaps also combined with only bumping to page 2 when the OP posts.

Furthermore, the board on which a quest is decided to belong is dependent on the theme of the quest.

This would solve a concerns from both sides of the argument:

>Threads take up the front page

>Quests get no exposure confined to /qst/
solved, as catalogue browsers will still see them

>Anime quests aren't /tg/ related
Anime quests would go to /a/. And also only get bumped to page 2.

Any other concerns that need addressing?

Note: "I hate quests they shouldn't be on /tg/" isn't a concern. Nor is "antiquesters shitposted so I will as well"
/a/ will never, ever allow it, and the mods will always do what /a/ wants, other boards be damned. It also doesn't really solve the issue if so many threads being dedicated to a single user and recurring so often.
>It also doesn't really solve the issue if so many threads being dedicated to a single user and recurring so often.

But why is than an issue?
Plus it's not a single user, it's a QM and several - or even many - players. Unless you just mean the OP is the single user.
It would be like if half or a quarter of the catalog was taken up by DMs making tailback threads for each of their games. The amount of users each thread is relevant to is very limited, and they take up space for threads with broader appeal.

There's also the issue that now that /qst/ exists there's an entire board full of quests, and fusing them back into /tg/ will just mean that the problems are exacerbated.

Honestly /qst/ is the best solution for everyone. The problem of few users will solve over time. Look at /trash/- it's a hidden board and has plenty of users. /qst/ is visible, and if people are interested, they can go there.
tailback threads?
Quests never took up more than 10-15% of the board even during the height of questing.

As for /qst/, it would be going down a lot better if the resident mod ever actually responded to any of the user's concerns about board features like the 72 hours autosage, thread IDs and the ability to run advertisement threads on other boards, but the mod responds to nothing.

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/a/ summary:

1. Improve consistency of guidelines from board to board. Threads about our anime/manga collection and what we should watch next are considered "blogging" here and deleted/banned, but similar threads (collections and recommendations) are acceptable on other boards, like /k/. Inconsistent application of guidelines leads to confusion and resentment, especially when sneaky moderation tactics like "auto-sage" are used on threads that have not yet hit any bump limits.

2. Mods should stop abusing short bans and should take ban appeals more seriously instead of blanket denying/blocking all appeals with no transparency.

3. Bring back ability to delete own OP on all boards, eliminate requirement to delete posts before they become "too old to delete."

4. Bring back OP's ability to bump own threads. The unique IP meter is a good enough indicator of samefagging. There is no need to prevent OPs from bumping their own threads.

5. Bring back visible sage and educate people what it means.

6. Bring back ability to announce reports and sages.

7. Mods should stop micro-managing conversations by deleting short shitposts that no one cares about and which don't actually disrupt the thread.

8. Bring back a /z/ board where people can go if they are banned for infractions other than CP and post with no rules or post-timers.

9. Bring back /l/ where we can post lewd loli images. Trying to make /l/ threads work on /b/ is like being marooned on a desert island. Spam and non-enthusiasts filling the thread make for a bad environment, and the speed that /b/ moves means that threads die quickly and few /l/olikons hang around long.

10. Eliminate SFW requirement on /a/. A lot of anime and manga isn't safe for work. Sometimes you need to post a nude image or lewd doujin to appreciate the original work. We shouldn't have to spoiler every lewd image and other people shouldn't be browsing 4chan from work anyway.
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>Forcing others boards to adapt to your point of view about guidelines because MUH ANIME MUH ELITISM MUH 4CHAN IS ANIME

I agree.

Not sure if that's a good idea so better to look at why "too old to delete" exist first of all.

I kind of agree but OP should only be able to bumb his thread only if the last post is not his.

I agree but still keep it invisible because else there will have abuses.

Not against this idea, but still why?

>Mods should stop micro-managing conversations by deleting short shitposts

Not sure if that's a good idea, it sounds like something that will backslash against 4chan.

>Pedophilia the board

Porn is porn not matter if that was made to make you fap or appreciate the plot!
I honestly, completely believe this post was made by someone who has been on 4chan for only a couple years.
I absolutely agree that he needs to listen to the rule changes requested for that board, but I don't think shoving quests back into /tg/ is the right idea at all. They've been a huge issue ever since I started using the board.
All of this but the announcing reports thing globally please.

Bumping your own thread would help in Storytimes on /co/ a lot, plus there are some books you can't post because they have an exposed nipple (like Doom Patrol)
How so? I want detailed reasoning and examples.
I don't like things that are different. Change is bad.
So you're posting just to be contrary in order to muddy the waters?
Everything that post suggested shows how ignorant that person is when it comes to moderation.

And you know what? I'm going to do exactly what you want by NOT explaining every single reason with autistic detail. I'm not going to go in-depth on nearly a dozen separate points just for you to ignore my reasoning. That way you can claim you're right by doing nothing. Go ahead, pat yourself on the back for "winning". You "earned" it.
>quests in /a/
No thanks. Keep them. We have enough problems already.
This /a/ summary is absolute bullshit. No one agreed with any of this. This faggot is ban evading by the way.

>1. Improve consistency of guidelines from board to board.
No one gives a shit if this is allowed in other boards. Rec threads and blogging belong anywhere but there.

>2. Mods should stop abusing short bans and should take ban appeals more seriously
Stop shitposting and you won't get banned.

>3. Bring back ability to delete own OP
No. Literally no one complains about this because it was necessary. There were retards making threads and waiting until they got a couple of replies to delete them.

>4. Bring back OP's ability to bump own threads
No. If your thread is shit and only you are posting in it it should sink down the board.

>5. Bring back visible sage and educate people what it means.
Read the thread. Everyone wants autosage instead.

>6. Bring back ability to announce reports and sages.
What the fuck are you smoking? This is one of the most retarded ideas I read all day.

>7. Mods should stop micro-managing conversations by deleting short shitposts
No one does this. Sounds to me you're talking by experience and are butthurt your shitposts are being deleted as they should.

>8. Bring back a /z/ board where people can go if they are banned for infractions
How about bring back disable site browsing if you're banned instead? Stop acting like a retard and you won't be banned.

>9. Bring back /l/ where we can post lewd loli images
Hang yourself.

>10. Eliminate SFW requirement on /a/
Go to /h/ instead.

Holy shit. I can't believe you made me read and reply to all of this garbage.
>hello I'm from reddit and I have a TS tumbrl black identified girlfriend with a masculine penis but I don't mind it
Reposting here because the /a/ meta thread is going downhill. It's cool that Hiro wanted us to talk about it but it's a lost cause if no one but shitposters and crossboarders are going to post in those threads.

0 - Board based mods.
1 - Visible autosage by default like in 2ch. Input age in options field to bump the thread. Bumping for no reason can result in a ban.
2 - LNs are allowed in /a/. Gook shit will should be allowed if /co/ won't compromise.
3 - Enforce more word filters (kys, cuck, etc).
4 - Cool down for image posts reduced in half.
5 - Webms with sound in /a/.
6 - Force anonymity in /a/. You can disable it as an option.
7 - Any kind of dub or frogposting in /a/ warrants a 30 day nonappealable ban.
8 - Generals need to be revised later. Still no consensus on this other than purging generals of shows that have nothing new.
That was sarcasm retard
>posting anime results in a permaban

This is the only new rule we need.
Outside of the few anime boards left of course, but yeah. Remnants of a time gone by really
Agreed. Leave anime to /a/, and let the rest of us be free.
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/a/'s real decison with proof

New Rules (See >>147386171 (You) (Cross-thread)):
1. /a/ won't be split into /a/ and /ma/ nor will it merge with any other board.
2. LNs and gookshit are allowed on /a/.
3. Underage Bait like lol, kys, cuck and so on will result in a ban.
4. Board Based Mods have to be introduced.
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/ic/'s Final Verdict:

>Add IDs and flags to the board to ward off shitposting samefags
>Do away with drama threads to encourage a more proactive community
>have stricter/more moderation so that reports are handled properly

Meta Thread:

>>Add IDs and flags to the board to ward off shitposting samefags
This is good, will stop most of the drama and henpecking.
>>Do away with drama threads to encourage a more proactive community
This is the real problem, too much petty drama on /ic/ peddled by one or two mad samefags. IDs will help as well.
>>have stricter/more moderation so that reports are handled properly

Sounds good to me, no complaints.
Told you guys this is what the people wanted. /ic/ desperately needs flags and IDs.

Be wary with the strawpoll. It's not closed, and the shitposters are starting to flood the ballot with votes.

/ic/ only has about 100 posters. If the results shoot beyond that, it's due to stuffed ballots from mobile-posters/VPNs.

Thread hit bump limit, and the consensus has been reached. I recommend that janitors/Hiro take a look at the thread if they question the validity of the results I posted.
Also no one agreed with this. Stop spamming the board.
Yeah, now that the strawpoll's been posted outside of /ic/ shitposters from other boards are gonna mess up the results.
IDs for everyone, flags only for malaysians.
Just screencap your post just now and send it to his twitter, probably private message. I don't have a twitter.
Revised /tg/ conclusion.

Allow quests back on /tg/. Use /qst/ as an additional board if quests want to use it, for example QMs who want to utilise the extra functions. /qst/ also serves as a /trash/-type board where quests can be moved if they're dead or overpopulating the board.

Quests on /tg/ only bump to page 2. This would be achieved via a 'Game/Quest' checkbox in the OP creation interface. Creating a game/quest without checking the box means quest can be reported and deleted.

I can't think of having seen any arguments that would oppose this system (other than the usual "I hate quests they're cancer") non-argument.

Any comments?
I have a twitter, can do.
Don't forget to link to the original /ic/ thread.
Absolutely don't support quests back on /tg/. They take up too much of the catalog and are not on topic.

Linked him the post here, the /ic/ thread, and attached screencaps to both the post here, and the strawpoll.

During peak times they never took up more than 15% of the board.
Why aren't they on-topic? What about quests set in RPG settings like warhammer?
Best we could do. This is for /a/

>more moderation
>visible autosage
>LNs stay
>gook shit not allowed
>more word filters
I don't go to /ic/ but what's with Malaya?
I honestly don't know. It's some shitposter from /pol/ apparently that likes to troll critique threads by flaming people who post their art, and samefagging. Then he starts shit by lashing out at people who call out his bullshit, argues with himself, etc/... More than anything he just samefags a lot, which is very confusing during critique threads, since you can't tell if what you're getting is from multiple anons, or just one faggot being a prick. It really ruins /ic/ and it's managed to ward away most of the talented artists who used to post there.
who the fuck keeps making meta threads on /a/ we already had enough
What the fuck is wrong with that guy. I hope you get your Malaysian flags at least.
Probably shitposters. Like the same people who spammed made meta threads during GamerGate that got mass reported.
Expat from /pol/ who is so vile and petty even /pol/ and its moderators ban him on site.

Shills his patreon constantly, draws traced "comics" of anime girls beating up niggers.

Now he's nestled into /ic/ since it's harder to spot him without his flag+ID. Shits up most threads by samefagging and shilling, has started drama and rumors about himself and other artists.

He is a faggot and the scourge of /ic/. I have never seen a user more pathetic than this malaysian squatter.
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For you.
Fucking Christ Hiro come on
A shitpost elemental.
Couldn't be as bad as the /m/ shitposter from some east asian country that was so small that moot just ranged banned his entire country to stop him.

You know the guy who made and pammed 'YOU ARE FUCKING GAY' Image marcos.
>some east asian country that was so small that moot just ranged banned his entire country to stop him.
fucking KEK
except for the fact this malaysian guy don't spam.
he just exists like everyone else

his shitposting is on an another level unknown to man
he can post normally like anyone else and turn that into a shitpost

he's the shitpost wizard
>but it's a lost cause if no one but shitposters and crossboarders are going to post in those threads.
>its a lost cause if we cause it to just become another shitty cancer general in actual fucking proper that is even more general than the generals on the board currently trying to argue about the same shit constantly
Fuck off
new thread when?
I was just talking about how far the moot and the mods would go to get rid of someone.

Kinda like how the mods condoned people doxing Manlet tears, pointing out when he samefagged. (As in posting in his thread quoting them all to say it was all him.) and letting people post his personal info every time he tried to shitpost on /v/.
Setting one up now
>Don't listen to the users at all.
>But please ban flags because they offend my waifish liberal opinions

Neck yourself
Thread posts: 442
Thread images: 48

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