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>>>/qa/668743 Hiro wants us to discuss how we want

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Hiro wants us to discuss how we want to be moderated, so let's discuss how we want to be moderated. What is wrong with /d/ moderation and how do we fix it?
Personally I think we should get the obvious out of the way: unsplit /d/ and /aco/. Allow western art back, and make /d/ a general fetish board again.

And something desperately needs to be done about the abundance of futa threads.
I agree on unsplitting /d/ & /aco/ and allowing western/eastern content both.

With how many futa threads there are both here and in /aco/, though, I'd say that's the fetish that needs to be sectioned off. There's not one futa thread, it's "futas doing x," "futas with y" and they take up too many threads (I'm already iffy on "traps" and "traps with big dicks" being separated, but at least there's just two threads instead of fifteen).

A futa board, or a futa general?

I also think that the mods should stop banning for greentexts and erotic lit
>unsplit /d/ and /aco/
This would only really work if the number of pages the new board had got doubled, threads would fall off the board at lightning pace if they were just mushed back together.
Agreed, so long as the threads make sure to post /d/ art along the greentexts and erotica, I see no reason why we shouldn't have them: it's still fetish text, and I'm sure we could make an effort to include relevant pictures (as far as possible) to stay in theme with an image board.

As far as futa goes, I'd ideally suggest a general, but I recall discussion of that being attempted several times (specially at moments when we had over 1/3rd of the threads be futa and people got pissy), and it never went well. The argument was that anons were looking for futa + FETISH, so a futa general wouldn't please them at all. And it's true that there's broad content for futa, so I don't think futa fanatics would be happy being confined to one general.

So, probably a futa board to contain all of it. /aco/ doesn't have futa threads anymore (or at least not as many as /d/), but back when they were created the content for it was rampant as well.
I support merging /d/ and /aco/.

Text-heavy threads and discussion and sharing of erotica should not in any way be banned or discouraged.

I don't support /futa/ becoming it's own board. There is a ton of futa and it's not a fetish I'm into, but /d/ just wouldn't be /d/ without futa.

Unban the gentle femdom general thread and never selectively ban fetishes like that again. It's clearly a popular fetish, who cares if it attracts autists?

I personally don't see why scat should be banned, although I don't think there will be a lot of support for changing that policy.
Perhaps a more lenient moderation on western/eastern content on either board, then?

/aco/ was split from /d/ with art origin in mind, but some threads in /aco/ have a serious problem with redirecting you to /d/ if you ask for "a /d/ tier fetish": /aco/ has appointed itself more vanilla than /d/, so it's not a simple eastern/western divide anymore.
Get rid of the no fanart rule.

Allow western art with an anime style. Allow Eastern art with a cartoony style.
This anon >>7027914 has the right idea when they mention the threads would fall off fast if we merged back together. We couldn't really merge and still allow 5-15 active futa threads, so if we merged, I'd say splitting futas would be a must.

Keep them separate, and a futa board would be unnecessary, but we should still aim to reduce the number of threads for it when they get out of hand.

Also yes to >>7027924 , allow fanart and cartoony styles if it's of an eastern character. Not sure I agree on "western art with an anime style," but that's because I'm not sure if you're arguing for eastern-made fanart for the west, or just allowing eastern-inspired things like Avatar in general.
I support recombining /aco/ and /d/. I'm just hoping to get all my fetishes in one place again. Monstergirls and shortstacks all being in one place would make as happy as I can be.

The futa situation at present doesn't bother me, I'm down for futa the occasional futa thread though so that shouldn't be surprising.

In general I just think that erotic content on /d/ is fine. I came here because I have a large number of fetishes, I don't mind how that release is delivered to me.
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I don't believe that fanart rule is followed at all. pretty sure it was written when the rules were made and had a weirdly different implication back then
Also anime art by western artists is allowed
What? No. Were you not here, when was it, last August?

/d/ used to house both western and eastern fetish art. So, say, vore or xeno threads could have pics from western artists without being deleted. Then the mods sperged out when /aco/ was created.

/aco/ needs to be western /h/, and all the "weird porn" needs to come back here. People refuse to use /aco/ due to all the /d/ anyway.
/aco/ has grown to have it's own generals and shit, so merging back would force some of those threads to stop existing simply because /d/ would still make the normal amount of threads and vice-versa, that's what the anon means.

I like your suggestion, though, keep /aco/ to /co/ as /h/ is to /a/, allow eastern and western both in /d/, since we're the staple weird-sexual-shit board.
The funny thing is, we all asked for MONTHS for the split not to happen, and now the mods will excuse everything with "lol well it's been too long now XD"

Honestly that mod needs to be removed completely. The outright disrespect of the userbase was fucking staggering
I hate that on /d/ scat and to an extent loli are banned. This board is for /extreme/ fetishes so banniong out some because they're "icky" or whatever is pretty selective. Any banned fetishes shouldn't be.

As for the main issue with /d/'s moderation it boils down to two points

2)western stuff

/aco/ exsists not so i think it should ouright be banned from /d/ or remerged. Best bet is to stay split.

And furries, you see one or two in every few threads get their images deleted. So we been a /furry/ board to fix that problem. /trash/ is not a solution.
I'd agree it's really been too long for it to merge back seamlessly, though I agree I would've preferred the split never happen.

I like that there's a place for western lewds now, I just don't think banning western stuff from /d/ was a necessary step towards that.
>I hate that on /d/ scat and to an extent loli are banned. This board is for /extreme/ fetishes so banniong out some because they're "icky" or whatever is pretty selective. Any banned fetishes shouldn't be.
You can fuck right off. Go to gurochan or whatever for that shit.
Loli is legally grey in the US and I believe outright banned in the UK and some other countries. I personally think that 2D loli should be 100% legal and acceptable everywhere, but I don't begrudge any mods who choose not to have it on their site.

Scat and gore should absolutely be free game for /d/. If you don't want to see the weirdest of the weird, don't come here.
>I hate that on /d/ scat and to an extent loli are banned

As much as I kind of agree with you, I REALLY don't want to see scat threads. Or gore threads, because that's also an extreme fetish that's banned.
Make /aco/ a western version of /h/ and let people post more extreme content here again. It would make the users of both boards much happier.
>You can fuck right off with futa. Go somewhere else for that shit.
>You can fuck right off with TG. Go somewhere else for that shit.
>You can fuck right off with diapers. Go somewhere else with that shit.

There are a lot of fetishes here that some people might find disgusting. How could you possibly draw a line? Is /d/ the fetish board, or is it the fetishes-except-for-the-ones-I-personally-don't-like board?
Read the fucking rules. They are extreme. Found profoundly disgusting by anyone who doesn't have that fetish. You think it's impossible to draw the line but you don't realize it's been drawn since this board started.

Fuck off.
Get rid of all the current mods and get new ones.
The current ones delete any content they dislike even though it's /d/ content and doesn't violate the rules.
"Gore" should probably be allowed if spoilered or something. The creepy waifu thread had a big issue with the mods deleting most of their images because they were stuff like zombies with exposed non bleeding bone or bloody bandages.

Scat.... Well, I don't want it, but it's kind of wrong that it's banned. If the OP image is spoilered and it's banned from all threads unless the OP specifically allows it, then it would probably be OK.

While scat makes my stomach turn, I'd say maybe allow it (even if just a general for it). You allow diapers and probably watersports, scat isn't that far from those.

Loli and guro, not so much. Loli because it's a grey or outright illegal area in most countries, guro because torture falls under similar gray areas.
>They are extreme
No they aren't. In my opinion guro, ryona and amputation are the only extreme fetishes. There are a lot of things that I find disgusting on this board but instead of complaining about it I ignore those threads.
That's clearly not true. I'm not into scat or gore, but I don't find them "profoundly disgusting". But if you really want to play that game:

Diaper threads are profoundly disgusting to anyone without the fetish.
Fart threads are profoundly disgusting to anyone without the fetish.
Oviposition threads are disgusting to anyone without the fetish.


People like you are the reason we still have retarded "obscenity" laws in the US. There is no principled line for what 2D drawings are too gross and which are not.
Yes please, I have nothing against futa but there's so many futa threads it's getting ridiculous. "Futas banging traps" "Futas in high heels" "Futas farting" "Futas playing smooth jazz".
I'm not aware of any country where 18+ guro is illegal or grey. Can you cite any laws or court cases?
They do it on purpose at this point.

They all get bumped at about the same time every day.
Spoiler images seem like a good compromise with people who don't want gore and scat. You could even require people to state in their post that the hidden image is gore/scat.
that's guro

>Keep them separate, and a futa board would be unnecessary, but we should still aim to reduce the number of threads for it when they get out of hand.
I think we could let western fetish stuff back in without kicking out futa, but the mods would have to be serious about keeping the number of futa threads to a reasonable level. I can see a couple of threads for actual sub-genres, but there is a point where it needs to stop. We absolutely don't need separate threads for blue and green haired futas or different threads for 5 different minor variations in dick size.

If more overly specific futa threads got deleted and less legitimate non-futa fetish threads did, /d/ would be a much better place.
That sounds like a reasonable compromise.
It's not guro specifically, sorry, I've just seen some fetish sites disallow guro with the argument that it could be spun as "potential hate crime."

It sounds a bit stupid, but I didn't question it back then.
Ok. Well I'm pretty sure that's a stupid made-up reason that has no basis in law.
Yeah, plus they were sites way more vanilla than /d/, so of course they'd want it out.

I'll have to retract "no guro" from my opinion, then, if there's no legal basis against it. Sorry for retardation spell.
I should add an amendment to this, there are countries like South Korea where porn is entirely illegal, so guro porn would be too. But in those cases, all of /d/ would be illegal.
How about you FUCK OFF.
Yeah see, this is the thing. I don't think anyone is asking for futa to be banned from the site.

God knows the way some of them act means they probably deserve it, but the most anyone asks for is for them to have their own board.

I mean, there is no excuse for like half the threads in the catalog to be minor permutations of futa like "politically incorrect futa." And if there IS a reason we need 50 futa threads, then they obviously need their own board.

/aco/ is starting to have the same issue.
I just counted. There's only about 5 threads right now that are exclusively futa. More than necessary, but not an abundance. Please don't exaggerate.
Shemale and traps are the same thing.
shemales are chicks with dicks
traps are boys dressed like girls
Traps are a whole different fetish than futanari.

I'll grant you shemales/newhalfs though
/d/ is for deviant, not dickgirls.
/aco/ should be merged with, all fetishes (except illegal ones), fanart and artstyles allowed.

less specific boards, more overall content and varied threads.
Only if you're talking about female traps. Most "trap" threads on /d/ refer to male traps, which aren't the same thing as futas/shemales, and shouldn't be treated as such.

Proof of this is the rejection of female traps (aka, surprise dickgirl, which are most futas) in trap threads.

Futa continues being the issue.

And >>7028011 , right now there's not too many, but the moment you start paying attention to how the content in this board fluctuates, you'll notice there's times when we do have an over-abundance of futas. Just because RIGHT THIS INSTANT it's not a problem doesn't mean it never is. It's really not an exaggeration.
>And if there IS a reason we need 50 futa threads, then they obviously need their own board.
But there is no real reason, it's just ineffective mods more interested in banning things they personally don't like than keeping order on the board.

Though admittedly, futa on /d/ is in a much better state now than it has been in the past.

This is the issue though: to people who dislike dickgirls as a concept, the semantic issues of those inside don't matter.

For instance, if someone made five fat threads for each different facet of the fetish, that would be overkill as well.
No western in /d/ is not a new rule and never has been.
keep western out of /d/.
That's honestly because /d/'s traffic has slowed down considerably
Except it was never enforced and nobody wants it that way on either board.
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>never enforced
>Quoting all those "traps are not futa" responses

I'd like to clarify that Traps vs Dickgirls has never been an issue for most participants of those kinks. No one who says "there's too much futa" means the male-trap threads.

The only semantic issues could be dickgirl, futa, herm, and dickgirl, but those all get posted under the "futa" flag (particularly because you can't tell some of those apart if the genitalia isn't in direct, full display).
i'm against that rule.
needs moar cum inflation & horse cock
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/d/ has always been super slow, though.
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Slowly /b/ or /pol/ standards, but /d/ is faster than many other boards.
>No western art
>Dmytri's is fine

That's that, then. Mods need more consistency, since western art they like is apparently allowed.
Am I the only one who's unsure about /aco/ coming back?
I mean sure western art do have lots of good stuff, and I think mods should be lenient on high quality or hentai styled western.
However western hentai also has a greater chance of being absolute shit. cartoony drawing and doodles are a huge turn off for me, and these days I see much less boner killers on /d/.
This board has always had shit mods.
Western art is allowed since draw threads are a thing.
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Apparently, "never" means, "When I wasn't here."

Which apparently means, "not long ago."
/d/ is still kind of a sluggish board most of the time; or at least, /aco/ is faster.

Though I'll admit I measure speed through thread rotation and not thread activity, so I might be talking shit.
"Futa vs Shemale" is semantic. "Futa vs Trap" is not semantic.
Yeah, I go more by thread activity. By its nature, /d/ threads tend to hang around longer, because people use individual fetish threads as ongoing archives of their favorite content.

But of course I would love it if /d/ had more activity.
make kisekae threads allowed again
100x this!
Agreed. Futa and traps just look obviously different. Traps tend to be very small and thin guys with flat chests, and are often clothed, while futas have more exaggerated features.
Not to mention we have one or two trap threads at most (still against "hung traps" being separated from the normal traps, but whatever), versus the daily minimum of five futa threads.
Allowing Dmitrys is not "shitty" or inconsistent as Dmitrys has been extremely high quality, consistently.

It was a bit of a legacy exception but it's one I stand by, and the mods specifically are permitted discretion.
>Allowing Dmitrys is not inconsistent
It is because he's Western. It's shitty and/or Western. That mod disregarded his own rules.
It's still western art, I'm not against it. They should allow other high quality western art too.
The reason it's shitty is because there are other western quality contents that get deleted, mate.

I'm not against Dmitry's art being posted, but the way it's implemented now makes it look like the mod is a fan of that artist, so that one gets a pass. We need a laxer leash on western art of good quality, not just an exclusive pass for X or Y artist.

In that regard, if we had to ride the slippery slope down to allowing more western or banning dmitrys, I'd rather ban dmitrys.
Yes, I just want to make waifus an tfs
Are there users who hate the text/discussion threads?

Call me crazy but I've always enjoyed the soft standards of /d/, it makes it easier to refer to it when it isn't a lawless land of scat/gore flooding the pages every now and then. The worst I've seen is the 'trypophilia' threads.

I'm only okay with Diaper/Farting because rarely once or twice I can fap to them when crossed with other fetishes I enjoy.

Under a Spoiler, it would just be my own fault for viewing it. I'm not gonna blame anyone else for my own retardation to say the least.

Does /aco/ constantly complain about it?

So Very Hard to resist impulse to post porn for what is a discussion thread..
I'd rather ride it the other way and just allow western, myself.
And yet it was never enforced, and the users did not want it that way. They still don't.
Or we could just not pointlessly ban western art on a fucking fetish board.

Nobody is jacking off to countries.
It was literally never a problem before.
/aco/ complained about fetish threads from day one.

Most people on /co/ refuse to touch /aco/ because of all the futa and slob.
The fact that the moderation came in several times proves that you were not here when it was enforced.
Or there's some people that prefer the way it looks.

You know.
This being a hentai board and all.
>thread about how to rules are wrong and go against what the users want
>"b...but muh rules!"

Are you Kittenmod?
I'm in the camp of keeping /aco/ and /d/ separate, but being more lenient on eastern-influenced and non-shitty western art in /d/. Really, I just hate toon proportions and faces.

Although I don't think outright guro and scat should be allowed, I think normal pictures with some guro and scat features in them should with the appropriate spoiler tags. For example, there might be a zombie character with their arm ripped off, and there may be some visible bone and some blood soaking the edges of the clothes, but as long as she's not fucking ripping herself open and getting blood on everything, it's not really guro-y, it's just an image with a striking element. The only problem Is that might be kinda difficult to moderate, so I get it if this seems too unreasonable.

I'm against seperating futa or trap content from the rest of /d/. I honestly really like the way /d/ is now, the ratio between futa, trap, and the rest is just right for my tastes imo.
People don't come to /d/ for "hentai", anon, that's /h/. People come to /d/ for the fetishes. If the content is of good quality, only a select few would sperg about "IT'S WESTERN CHARACTERS/ARTISTS."
And I want the rules enforced.
/d/ is a hentai board.

How you missed this is beyond my understanding.
You are a fucking idiot., and so transparent you might as well be cling film.
>Weebs are literally subhuman. They don't get a vote.
>lumping trap content with futa content

The reason trap content ratio to other content is not a problem is because it gets about as much content as other fetishes.

I get they're both "feminine penises", but why lump it together when the discussion is "too many futa threads" and male traps have literally never had that issue.
>The specific appeal of a board is the fetishes it allows to be posted
>These fetishes specifically are what separate them from other red boards, to the point those boards redirect you to /d/ when you cross into them
>"It's not about the fetish, anon, it's about the hentai, gosh, you're so stupid!"

Yeah, ok, I'm the dense one.
"I don't like it" isn't a good argument. I would rather the board be deleted outright than house futa at all, but that doesn't mean it should happen.

Likewise kicking western fetish art off of /d/ was a massively unpopular move and did nothing but needlessly split the content of threads between multiple boards. And I'll let you in on a secret- even now, people don't follow those rules. People post Japanese art on /aco/ and western art on /d/, because they care about fetishes, not origins.
It is a board for alternative. hentai.
Hentai, but of alternative fetishes.

>mods deleting posts they disagree with

So it's come to this already? How long until he starts speaking out and deletes the thread outright?

Why don't you come out and talk to us instead of hiding behind your mod powers like a goddamned coward?
Alternative and Hentai.

That's the way the users want it.
It wasn't just because he disagreed with it but it was the, "ur a weeb and u don't count" comment.

That's pretty much a, "I don't belong on this board" statement.
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STEP 1: Enforce the rules 100% of the time, judiciously, mercilessly. Ban first, ask questions later.

STEP 2: Don't just delete a thread and let the OP put it up again, keep deleting threads immediately over and over until they get the message that they aren't welcome.

STEP 3: Publically acknowledge when a community is banned and shame them for it. Don't leave them thinking they can just come back in a few weeks. Make it clear when people should leave and not come back.

STEP 4: Return to forced anonymous board, no namefags.

STEP 5: Expand current list of banned fetishes to include the "soft" bans, and make them hard bans.

STEP 6: Delete duplicate threads.

STEP 7: Ban artists trying to advertise themselves for free in threads to make money, and then name and shame those artists as per Step 3.

STEP 8: Figure out which janitors/mods are cherrypicking which rules to enforce and when. The rules always apply 100% of the time, and if mods aren't enforcing them equally, they are doing more harm than good.

This would get /d/ back to where it should be, and fix pretty much all of the major problems.
"Hentai" doesn't just mean anime shit.
It literally does.
It really actually does, you might as well be saying the alphabet isn't just letters.
That sounds like shit.

People care about fetishes and quality content, see >>7028185

Only pure autists would flip out that the quality content for their fetish is western in origin and not eastern. Which is why Dmytri and ModeSeven are allowed here.
Sounds pretty good to me.
6 and 8 are the only things I agree with.
What makes you think so newfriend?
Modeseven is eastern in style.

Personally, I'd like to see _style_ enforced over origin.

Eastern style (hentai) is permitted. Western style (not hentai) is not.
6 and 7 are fine. The rest of that is embarrassingly bad.

You can't get rid of human bias in moderation, so "MAKE EVERYTHING A HARD BAN" is pretty much the most stupid suggestion ever. Shit suggestions, fampai.
Your opinion is interesting, but, not everybody's
But why? What fetish could you possibly have that is dependent on country of origin?
So you think /d/ is better now than it used to be?
Hm, yes, I think enforcing style over origin is much more agreeable.

But then Dmytri has to go, since that's not eastern styled by any stretch of the concept.
It is exponentially worse than ever.

More moderation is never the answer. Rulefags kill communities.
>Alternative and Hentai.
We have a hentai board.

Which would make this board just,
Which would mean as long as it's "a fetish" it's permitted.
If you think /d/ is worse now, why would you be opposed to going back to how /d/ used to be?
You are thinking this is a fetish board.
It's an alternative hentai board.
That is its name and has been since inception for about a decade now.
we need better moderation, mods that actually enforce the rules and don't delete content they dislike unless it is stated in the rules.
>more police is not the answer to more crime
Unfortunate but agreeable.
>duplicate threads get slammed down hard
>fetishes the mods dislike get banned outright regardless of rules (remember Shortstacks and how they were banned as a, to quote the mod, "shitty western fetish?"

>massive amounts of futa threads left in the threads that get one post a day until they autosage
>dmytri is a-ok even though western art is the worst thing possible

Is the mod the person who makes all the futa threads?
>So you think /d/ is better now than it used to be?
Sort of, sort of not.
The community has been bothering me for a while not.
I don't think it's the board or rules that's the problem.

I think the problem is the community. A large influx of new users who have not been here for as long came in and lax moderation made assumptions about how the board was meant to be based on lack of response from the moderation. They would make threads and posts, get nothing from the moderation, and assume it was ok.

This would continue for years until moderation finally noticed and then the new users felt, "but we've been doing this for years why complain now!?"

Both parties partially to blame. The new users assumed that the rules were just for show and weren't enforced, because they weren't, because no rules were really being that enforced.

Moderators refused to moderate /d/ all that much unless posts got a LOT of reports and then got involved. Otherwise ignored the board.

/d/ doesn't get much moderation at all.
This would solve all our problems, but you might as well ask Moot to come back and reinstate the hidden boards for how likely it is.

They'll never go back to running /d/ like this, much as it hurts to accept that.
That isn't how /d/ was at all.
/d/ was made for futa.

>shortstacks are a shitty western fetish
How much western content was posted in the thread?
Moderation and the rules of the board should reflect what the users want, not what the mods want. This is the issue.
Except for the fact that, you know, it was. And theres a lot of people who know/remember that. Otherwise yeah sure you're totally right.
Yeah.... it was. You might as well say you were born in 2001 if you're going to say that.
If the majority of users got what they wanted, this would be a reddit page and emojis would be included.
>more shitty police is the answer to crimes, even if non-crimes get punished as well
When the police are the criminals it damn sure isn't.
4chan isn't now nor has it ever been a democracy.
>users want to be reddit
>users want emojis

Hiro begs to differ, Mr. Mod.
That's how a board for sick perverted anime fetish porn should be run. If you don't like something, don't look at it.

>it's a crime when people post certain pictures of anime tiddies that I don't like instead of the anime tiddies I do like
Jesus Christ.
This, honestly. /d/ is one the more rulefaggy boards on the site, barring hellholes like /a/. It's patently ridiculous that a board for masterbating and discussing fetishes is treated like a police state.

/aco/ has the right idea- their mods have always been much more lax than /d/'s psychotic one.

Honestly if they just officially allowed Japanese fetish art on /aco/ I'd be okay, but making the western equivalent to /h/ also house /d/ fetish content is dumb.
So you're saying we should split /aco/ into a western drawn porn board and a western alternative board?
Yes, and then combine both alternative porn boards into one.
Firstly, Dmitry is russian. Russian is apart of asia. Asia is considered the east. So Russian art is eastern art.

Secondly, /d/ was initially created specifically for dickgirl related content, but then /h/ complained enough that they just made /d/ a general fetish board since /d/ was cool with it anyway. Then later they banned guro and scat porn because legal reasons.

I suggest we move all the fetish stuff over to aco including all the bullshit loli and shota crap that makes up 70% of "trap" threads, rename it to suit the content, and keep /d/ with all non-binary gender art both east and west. This includes monsters and the general fetishes that contain dickgirl content. Of course, keeping the furry rule intact. And moderating the quality of the porn. If it's shit art like sirkowski then remove it. That shit needs to stay on HF and DA where they can improve their skills in a much healthier environment than this site of assholes.
Everything you just said was dumb as shit.
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>Firstly, Dmitry is russian. Russian is apart of asia. Asia is considered the east. So Russian art is eastern art.
All the whining really makes that hard to believe. Especially 6 years ago.
Consider this. On both boards, the only thing anyone complains about is what? That's right. Futa. So how do we fix the problem? We separate the futa from everything else. Two fetish boards, one difference.
But I sometimes like a little futa with my other fetishes.
Then come to your fetish thread on the futa board.
Voting for this. The split was handled pretty badly in my opinion. Despite it supposedly being a "western /d/" we still get treated like outcasts on /aco/. They're just too normal for us.
/aco/ should be the shitty-art-containment-board

Enforce the western art rule only on obviously shitty deviantart. Ignore it otherwise. Encourage western art to be posted on /aco/ anyway.

If joining the boards again, require art quality standards outside of threads marked for it.

Anything extreme should remain extreme and stay gone. Under no circumstances should people see someone taking a shit, getting disemboweled or beaten to death in the catalog, etc.

Dump or audit the current mods and janitors. They obviously don't know what they're doing and need to learn from scratch.
Unless otherwise stated in the OP, even /d/ threads should be moderated under the assumption that they are "ordinary" for the fetish. Someone makes a standard cuntboy thread? Nobody needs to be seeing any tits. Someone makes a breast expansion thread? People shitposting with male breast expansion should be having their posts deleted. Fetishes are a pretty strict thing, so people should be allowed to go into a thread and see exactly what they expect to see within the bounds of the rules for the thread. Treat it like /vg/, if anything - a general must have its discussion restricted to the game the general is about. Same should apply here.

Building on that, users should be encouraged to set rules for their thread that mods will fucking enforce. If someone says no futa and people intentionally post futa it should be treated as if it were FURRY - it doesn't belong.

Finally, reaction images are not fetish content and do not belong on /d/ outside of discussion threads. They're fun, but not sexual.

Did I miss anything?
Yeah, make /aco/ a "normal" western drawn porn board and we'll take their good fetish stuff.
this is the most sensible idea. I can't wait for it to be wholly ignored.
That's the standard 4chan mod way of decision making.
also allow bestiality
People who want this to be another tumblr art dump should just go get their art ...on tumblr.

Strong disagree.
People want it to be what it's been for years: a fetish board.

People want to jerk off over superior eastern pornography craftsmanship that's folded 100000000000000 times should go to 2chan or some shit.
It has literally been "hentai/alternative" since inception and has not changed since then.

You keep trying to appeal to this greater majority when you're the only one.
its a bit silly that fictional animals are allowed, but real ones arent.

specially when some of them are pretty much real animals with an extra feature or two.
>superior eastern pornography craftsmanship that's folded 100000000000000 times
If you hate hentai so much you should not be on a hentai board.
>only one person wants the board fixed

Good thing I'm on the Alternative porn board.
The board is not broken.
It functions as it always has and by its design.
Odd, the header, name, and all title speak otherwise.

Perhaps you are browsing simultaneously on another tab on another board as well?
Which board?
>it's not broken
I think the users would disagree with that.
Well we can agree with that.
I think /d/ needs to enforce it's no western policy more.
i disagree
How would you compromise? Do you think that allowing more alternative content on /aco/ would be acceptable?
Disagree. The rule should be removed and the mod removed as well.
just allow western content but keep the no low quality content rule, i don't see the big deal.
I think we should merge /d/ back into /h/
I think that's not going to work on any level and I don't see why anyone would want that.
I don't see the big deal in keeping /aco/ and /d/ separate.

Do you understand how people have different viewpoints and compromise may be necessary?
The "low quality" thing was never even an issue desu. People generally don't post art they don't like unless they're actively shitposting
if you can't understand the difference between the 2 boards your opinion is irrelevant
Well because the content of /h/ and /d/ is considerably different. /d/ was created for alternative content too "extreme" for /h/. The two simply are non-compatible.
Except the board went unsplit for years and the users liked it that way, and disagreed with the split completely.

The polls held since prove that the numbers are massively skewed towards reunification.

I'm convinced you're just a shitposting mod at this point.
People will post art that is low quality but they think isn't. Happens frequently.

And same is true for /aco/ and fetish threads. Forcing fetish threads onto /aco/ is the same as pushing /d/ threads onto /h/.

/d/ is readily compatible with fetish threads, so they should go here.
yes they should but /aco/ should also remain a thing since /d/ is strictly for niche fetish content
And for years before you were here the mods consistently held the opinion that it should be enforced.

Why people who hate hentai and go to a board built for it still confuses me. Can you at least explain that?
Look guys, /aco/ was conceived because /co/ needed a place for lewds but was and is and should continue to be work safe. So make /aco/ identical to /co/ (as in same content and themes) but with the requirement that it be for posting lewds. This can mean nudity, masturbation, sex, maybe some gay or light bondage... you know, the sort of thing that wouldn't offend or shock any reasonable person who was aware that they were going to look at pornography. The point is that you want to see particular characters in sexual situations.

Then there's /d/. The difference for /d/ is that we don't care about particular characters in sexual situations. We want to see anything in a particular sexual situation and we also house pictures that would shock, offend, or confuse the casual browser of pornography.

Samus fucking -> /aco/
Samus in bondage -> /aco/
Anyone in bondage -> /d/
Samus being raped by her suit -> /d/
Well yeah, nobody wants /aco/ deleted. We needed a western /h/ for years. /aco/ was made as an r34 board for /co/ and the buttmad /d/ mod decided to gut /d/ and shove it inside.

Now /co/ mostly refuses to use the board since its full of /d/.

Have to agree on this, re: scat, guro, ryona, etc; they're not my thing, but the border on what's "extreme" can vary so hard between people. Allowing them but spoilered seems a very reasonable compromise. Similarly with


I'd personally be okay with this as well as long as it fell under the spoiler compromise as well,

It seems silly to me that we can split that something like Egg Laying, Diapers filled with shit, Unbirthing, Anal Vore, and Futas-With-Horse's-Cocks-Dickfucking is okay but Belly punching, Actual Shit, Zombie fucking and Horse-Cocks-Attached-To-A-Horse isn't.
Samsung is eastern ya? So depending on artist that might be /h/ or /d/ or /e/ even depending on the image.

I mean retro studios did a few metroid games but zero mission and ultimately the zero suit are Sakamoto.
Recombine the boards, expand page number to handle it. Or ship futa to another board. Consider adding a more extreme fetish board so it doesn't end up here.
Well fuck you too auto correct.

Agreeing with this. Letting people spoiler things that fall under very extreme things would be fine, as log as its not breaking laws. And really pedophilia is the only thing that does, so there should be no issue with guro or even scat(as much as I dislike it)

Just have the poster mention what's on the other side of the spoiler as a courtesy. The spoiler functionality exists so it should literally just be a switch flip
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bring /rr/ back and just ban the people who shit it up
there is no reason to ban a fetish because a few Autists

and let western art in /d/

that is all
We used to have a guro board.

I can imagine gurochan might be thrilled to be welcomed back.
I wholeheartedly agree. I don't care whether or not /d/-style stuff is allowed on /aco/, but I absolutely want high-quality western content to be allowed on /d/.

The no-western rule has always been interpreted as "no *shitty* western", and that's how it should remain.
Yeah, no toons, just good, well-rendered pieces of art.
i dont see the problem with western art,
as long as it fits the theme of whatever thread its posted in.
I agree with this
because shit jap art exists as well
just aslong as its I. good taste and fits the thread
I don't see an issue
Have two more.

>Should we add Western content back to /d/?
>Yes - 73%

>just stop deleting western on /d/ - 61%

We have taken tons of these. They all end the same.

Honestly the rule should just be "no shitty art," regardless of origin
>having the no votes and others split up this much
this is called a loaded ballot.
no one cares where it comes from
Origin has never been the issue.
Style has.

Grow the fuck up
there is literally no such thing as someone who can only get off to anime
The poll has no option for, "delete western on /d/."
It's fallacious on its face you clod.

Just make a simple poll with, "allow western on /d/?" yes or n-

Oh here's one.
Wanting the two separate isn't unreasonable.
Allow non-shit Western art, but don't merge /aco/ back into /d/ because shit like the Simpsons or Spongebob have never been allowed on /d/ and never will be, even if it's of a /d/ fetish, or somehow the artist drew it well.

Do you want "toons?"
Because this is how you get toons.
I think you're missing the part where /aco/ stays and toons aren't allowed on /d/. Did you even read?
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we didnt have toons before.
just take it back to what it was
we may get spamed with shit posting for the first day, but after it cools down it will be fine and we can have artists like
FUCKING INCASE back on the board
Allowing western on /d/ is how you get toons on /d/.
But it is.
we never had toons when it was allowed on /d/
how new are you?
>we didnt have toons before.
I have literally seen it happen several times in the past. The only reason it got banned was because it was actually against the rules.
Not if a rule disallowing toons is made.
>Your polls don't count! Only my poll I'm already botting!

God you're pathetic.
Your argument is literally, "yes huh."

You literally quote a post saying "no toons" and say that's how you end up with toons. This is the very definition of being intentionally obtuse.
>Y-you're botting! That's your poll!

Neither of those things are true and stop trying to run roughshod over the rest of the people who don't agree with you who are trying to be reasonable and meet you halfway.
>If I see a single piece of western art my heart will literally sieze up and I'll die

Or you could follow moot's "if you don't like it, ignore it" rule like a big boy
>trying to be reasonable
What happens when we apply this logic to furry.
Watch as waffles are instantly made!
(Note: Waffling means to flop and change position)

You don't even know what you're talking about at this point.
>screaming "weeaboo" on a hentai board
>on 4chan
You are being incredibly more unreasonable and not supporting your position or your assertion.
There is literally no reason for furry to still be banned other than newfags trying to fit in.

/trash/ is an entire board of furries and it's better handled than /d/ is, and it doesn't even have fucking mods.
why would we?
no one here wants furry, it hasn't been brought up the whole thread.
What does 4chan have to do with anything? This isn't an anime website for fucks sake.
Like the shitty ad banner "cartoon" porn you used to see back in in 06 and such on torrent sites and the like.

I.e. flintstones, jetsons, simpsons, spongebob, etc.
>This isn't an anime website for fucks sake.

You know why 4chan was created, right? And how? And why moot turned it over to Hiroyuki?
furry is banned because it is a virus that spreads so fucking fast
the board would be nothing but furrys
>non cartoons
origin of the artist shouldn't matter.
I'm more for fetish being it's own thing anyway.

/d/ seems to be less fetish and more alternative lifestyle hentai and even /trash/ might be more inviting to some non-traditional or unpopular fetishes despite the booru housing some of them.
but it is anon
Furry is a boogeyman for particularly dumb shitposters. They think comparing [group I don't like] to furries is an instant win.

It's like Godwin's Law. The longer an argument about a group on the internet goes on, the likelihood of them being compared to furries increases.
Yeah, incase is a great example of high-quality art that really belongs on /d/. (And if /aco/ wants to duplicate it, then that's fine with me.)
Unfriendly reminder that /b/ was the first board, and /a/ was kicked out of /b/ because they didn't want them around.
No, it doesn't.
4chan has hated furries since inception as a SA (hated furries) project by moot (also hated furries)
It has the word "chan" in its name.
plus its like there are 2 /d/s now instead of /d/ and a place for /co/ to shit post. /aco/ is fucking flooded with
October 2 - 4chan's hosting company receives an e-mail complaining about "lolikon and guro posted in /b/, to which moot writes back that neither of the two is illegal. Later in the day, moot creates a second board, /h/ (Hentai). The email was sent by Shii/Menchi because the people of world2ch felt 4chan ripped them off (Which is inaccurate, since world2ch was a sister site to 2ch and 4chan was a sister site to Futaba/2chan) moot later befriended them. The rules page describes /b/ as a test board which will later become an anime board. moot describes /b/ in a news post as "a retard bin".
/a/ left the retard bin, they wernt kicked out

im sorry anon
a good 775% of this website is nippon
This is a fictitious recounting of events.
Literally revisionism.
Okay by me.
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Please, think of deelette!
Not unreasonable at all.
citation needed
good argument fucking retard
why do you think furry is banned to begin with
...yes, and? In the year 2016 that shit is cringe inducing. The kids that were the furries of the early 2000s have been replaced with the genderqueer tumblr kids of today, while those furrows have grown up like the rest of us. 90% of /v/ jerks it to Krystal and Rouge, and 90% of /co/ fap to Callie.

Clinging onto some high school rivalry with a group for no other reason than muh board culture is really fucking pathetic, especially if you weren't even old enough to use the internet at the time (as I suspect you were)
We have, "CURRENT YEAR!" and,

We really made it far!
>why do you think furry is banned to begin with

Because moot was an SA goon who thought everything SA told him to?
>i'm a furry so everyone else is the post
go away
/aco/ should be normal western cartoon porn.
/h/ should be normal japanese cartoon porn.
/d/ should be fucked up porn from both sides. There's enough content to fill a single board and the primary "normie" residents of /aco/ and /h/ don't really enjoy blueberry or hypermuscle or giant girl or whatever the fuck is popular these days.
furrys get out, your kind is not welcome here
I remember my first year on 4chan too. Man, wait until you've been here for two!
>no other reason
Other than furries are literal garbage that refuse to integrate into their communities and demand that they cowtow to their whims rather than lurk and get along, being entitled cunts along the way and insisting that everyone play by their rules by virtue of the fact that they're new and special and here and we should listen to them?

Actually, I'm starting to see some parallels here.

look at this shit
this is a /d/ discusion. and furrys even manage to shit up the thread
this is the issue with these people
its all about furrys 24/7 and the wruin boards and posts.
fucking leave
we gave you a shit hole to fester in
>I remember my first year on 4chan too
Way back in 2014!
/aco/ shoudn't exist, their perversions are part of /d/. It was a bad decision when it was created and it is a bad decision today.

I sometimes wish 4chan could have a /fet/ or something to discuss fetishes and perversions and leave /d/ for the porn images. That way /d/ could be free of those kind of threads.
you have mental problems
Oh wow, so this is what it's like to understand a political comic. Huh.
/fet/ is a great idea
>/aco/ should be normal western cartoon porn.
Jesus fuck, this.

Stop putting Pokegirl threads in.
Stop squeezing in Mario shit because "muh non-anime style"
Stop pigeonholing what is OBVIOUSLY NOT-/co/ related just because of fanart in general.

PERSONALLY I think /aco/ should only be /co/ related material but adult shit period. OC shit should stay out and videogames of all kinds should be left out but really that's just me. If it's already ingrained in the board culture, then don't worry about it. I'm just a stickler for what board topics should and shouldn't cover is all.
You were literally the one who brought up furries in the first place, faggot.

Not my fault you got called out for being retarded.
Why does d-tan look like a 40 year old business woman?
that's like saying mlp shouldn't exist because co exists
Those are not the same people you ape.
Make /aco/ western /h/,
Change /d/ to the drawn fetish board sinkhole it should be (ie, not just hentai).
I wont say what fetishes to ban, just stick to and enforce whatever they are.
As for futa, keep it on /d/ but refer to generals as much as possible
>I'm going to make a bunch of unsourced, unprovable statements
>how dare you question me! You're supposed to LISTEN and BELIEVE

sad desu
Noooo way man, splitting /d/ into an image board and a fetish discussion board would be terrible. There's so much interplay between the discussions and the images.
/d/ should be for non-real porn of strange fetishes and/or futa like it used to be for 90% of its lifetime.
Pony cancer is a whole different topic/problem and I think it doesn't even matter in this conversation.
The funny thing is /d/emona is ALSO western so she's banned too.

Our board mascot is literally forbidden on her own board.
A board where we post western pornographic drawing shouldn't exist?, it wasn't created as a fetish bait board to begin with, also
kek, i know that what they post there isn't normal on the slightest but you couldn't have sounded more like a soccer mom.
>i didnt
>furrys latched on to there name and attempted to ruin the thread
your kind is the lowest of the low
>I'm going to make a bunch of unsourced, unprovable statements
It's called being around 4chan and watchign them act like this everywhere.
>I'm going to make a bunch of unsourced, unprovable statements
it's the same for the post he is responding to.
mods might as well delete this thread, it's not even about /d/'s issues anymore.
Uh, that's what /d/ is for right now? That's what people post.
Then where should adult western OC go?
but /fet/ could be for all fetishes
>gets traps off /b/
>guro and scat
>allow drawings and photos
you could also throw in
>mlp porn

you could even call it something like
The problem is the fact that mods ban western content and oc.
>as a 4chan user, I know everything about how their massive community acts on 4chan, despite furries on 4chan being banned harder than pedophilia
>A board where we post western pornographic drawing shouldn't exist?
I'm just saying it should all be together. I liked it more that way.

>kek, i know that what they post there isn't normal on the slightest but you couldn't have sounded more like a soccer mom.
I like the word perversions when talking about this stuff. It's enough subtle to make thins kinky.
But guro and scat should just be allowed on /d/. And obviously everything should be allowed on /b/.

I know that a hypothetical /fet/ would allow images, but /d/ is already not the fastest board, and splitting it would only reduce the amount of content that gets shared/produced.
>everybody disagrees with me
Judging them based on how they act here.
>mlp porn
All those things are either banned or exclusive to /trash/ (or /mlp&. They have nothing to do with the rest of the boards.
I know what you mean and i do agree with you putting all fetishes on one board, but doing that normal western would be left homeless with only /trash/ or /b/ to stay
Actually let me reel this back. It's not that I don't like OC, it's that I don't like that it takes a front seat to established /co/ characters, obscure or popular as far as the /d/ ex-pats are concerned.
It used to be post in /d/. We had Legoman and Shadbase threads. I don't see why it couldn't be allowed.
Only one of those things sounds acceptable any it's not the part about cartoon animals.
no one will accept your degenerate fetish and it has no relevance to the thread. go away.
That seems to happen a lot around here, doesn't it?
I honestly see shadbase as pretty eastern styled personally.
Well, mostly.
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so is any one of importance seeing this thread?
like a mod or hiroshi moot
or we all just yelling at each other for no reason?
The problems are the mods that started banning that content, and the normal people that don't like the fetish part of /aco/
Whose your metric for eastern styles? Christopher Hart?
shadman should be forever banned, period.
Is still miles away from regular or kinky hentai content.
We also had shiniez, videogame porn, western cartoon porn and all that stuff. For me it feels like it should be better to have it in one place.
Hiro told us to discuss it on /qa/
Alright, Hiro wanted us to make regulations. Here are the new /d/ regulations.

>all "alternative" art goes here, regardless of origin. Fanart of an alternative nature is allowed

>spoilers are now enabled. All art of an 'extreme' nature MUST be spoilered. Please include a description of the content of the image in your post. (Exceptions can be made for extreme images inside an "extreme" thread, but the OP MUST be spoilered)

>discussion and erotic literature threads are allowed.

>please keep the number of threads dedicated to a topic limited. Threads deemed duplicates will be deleted.

>if the OP of a thread requests content of a certain type not be posted in that thread, the post will be considered off-topic and could result in a ban.

>loli and images depicting underage children are not allowed.
Some one wants the party van knocking at their home
Did you not read the OP?
I'm totally against merging /d/ and /aco/ back but at this point I don't see there being much difference either way. In my experience the only western pics that are deleted from /d/ are ones that I have to report, mods are extremely lax about western content here. It makes me think that either
1. There aren't any mods or jannies that browse /d/ themselves and clean it up without user intervention
2. The mods/jannies that do browse it don't care and aren't following the rules.

I don't like western content, I'd like to see it off of /d/ as much as possible. I've considered becoming a janitor myself just for that purpose but I doubt I'd be accepted, seeming like some guy with a vendetta and a chip on his shoulder. So instead I just try to help with the "user moderation" and hope the posts I report get deleted. Sometimes that works but it hasn't been as effective lately.

I dislike people that post western content way more than the content itself however. People that post western content and people who post eastern (Japanese) content are just a very different breed, in terms of user savvy, attitude, and taste. I shared many a fetish thread on early /jp/ and /b/ but those people I had fun times with back in the day are simply not the main users of /d/ or /aco/ these days. Just take a look at the diaper threads on /d/ and the ones on /aco/, they are night and day and they highlight the differences between the user bases, differences that were apparent and noted well before /aco/ was made.

I'd also push for allowing loli, shota, bestiality and guro on /d/ as well. The grey area that is loli/shota has more resulted in restrictions of on-topic content than content specifically fixated in loli/shota. Bestiality is more popular than ever, it's just called "Monster Girls" now: bestiality from the waist down. And there's way weirder stuff posted here than guro or scat. Ponies and furries can take over a board, not niche gurofags.
these are completely responable
This ... sounds nice.
I support allowing western on /d/ again and moving fetish threads back here from /aco/.

I'd like /aco/ to stay though, otherwise there's nowhere to post nsfw western comics, which is what people wanted /aco/ for in the first place.
Why don't you ask those who regularly post on /aco/
yea but he said make it on /qa/
should we move the thread to /qa/?
I'm still pretty opposed to western cartoon porn but I'm not against some kind of compromise.

I know /aco/ was made for /co/ in mind, but, maybe we should discuss this with them. Maybe see if they want to compromise or give a little on what kind of content they'd be willing to have.

I am opposed to parts 1 through 3.
part 5 should result in deletion of the offending content.
Loli isn't on the table and is a global rule and is likely to not change now or ever.

Part 4 looks reasonable. There's no reason why we need, "futas. Futas with green socks. futas with BLUE socks. Futas with green hair and green socks. Futa- "you get the drift. ANd mind you, i'm a futa lover and believe /d/ has been a futa board since inception.

But come on now.
I would sign of on that

The mods don't use the board, as evidenced by how it can take -days- for reported furry stuff to get deleted.
i still think futaloli should be an exception.
sounds good
You talk like a fag and your shits all retarded
kisekae allowed when?
All that bible just to say that you don't like western on your eastern.
>advocating for pedophilia

Color me shocked.
Kisekae makes me wince. Try not to take it personally but that's the lowest quality garbage I've seen in a while.
it never will be, it's illegal in a lot of places.
it's just healty fun tho
>STILL throwing that word around like you think you know what it means
Stop posting.
i hope this is true
Nobody wants /aco/ deleted

No, he literally said to make it on the boards themselves. He wanted the board users' opinions.
>oh btw pedo content is fine
kek at your logic.
ah i understand
Loli is allowed on /b/ though, it's never been a legal issue and I don't know where this meme comes from.
>I am opposed to parts 1 through 3.

>not wanting lit/discussion threads

Literally why. Then this would just be a mildly less shitty /h/
On the ealier days it was an issue.
considering its allowed on /b/ thats not the issue.

and noone would treat futaloli the same as loli legally, even countries like australia or canada.
Literally everyone knows what Weaboo means.
You are a weaboo since you hate western content and like eatern content
and you are a pedophile for masturbating to loli and shota
'nuff said.
>>all "alternative" art goes here, regardless of origin. Fanart of an alternative nature is allowed
does this include scat and guro?
Funny, considering some /aco/ material wants shit like Star and Mabel Pines porn.

Not knocking it, mind you. Just pointing out inconsistency.
Every time you post, it's instigating and it's tribalist to the core. Nothing you've posted so far has been productive. You've been unhelpful, ignored repeated attempts at people reaching out and trying to compromise with you. When you post, it's always argumentative and combative. You assert authority of the user base and majority opinion behind yourself and assume to speak for everyone while only speaking for yourself. You've done nothing but complain about "weeaboos" on a board, on an _imageboard_ that was, ostensibly created by, for, and about them, while simultaneously attaching that label erroneously to everyone. and everything that disagrees with your opinion. If any ONE thing could be harmful to this discussion, I could point the finger solely at you.

Please remove yourself from the thread and reconsider why you want _help_ the board when you are hurting the discussion, the thread, and the board by fighting everyone tooth and nail.
If you read the rest of his post you would not need to ask
also shit like furry
define alternative art
Not a thing you said in this post is true.
Not me hating western content.
Not me masturbating to loli and shota (since that was not my post)
Not the above making someone a pedophile.
Nor is your definition of what a weeaboo accurate.

I've yet to see you more wrong than this in the thread.
But the night's still young.
global rules
then sounds good to me

This, entirely this. Though, just for a bit of clarity, I'd ask for caption threads to be included in rule 3.
Also, rule 5 should be deletion unless it's obviously intended to be a detriment, I've seen several times when someone was dumping in, say, a no-futa giantess thread and would accidentially post a futa one mid-thread.
Yet he doesn't, somehow.
to be fair global rules also apply to scat and gore.
The thing is, look at /trash/. Ponies and furries dominate. Extreme fetishes like scat and gore on there are a minority, and would be here as well if allowed. Gurochan is a slow chan, it's not a 24/7 /b/ staple, it's typically kept under control where it's allowed and most of the content is eastern as well. I think it should be allowed on /d/
>Literally why.
Because, figuratively, this is an imageboard and figuratively, it's for posting of images and discussion of images, not a discussion of topics proper, but of the immediate content and aggregate posted.

Figuratively speaking of course.
no, furries can fuck off.
Well I sure am wrong, you convinced me!
>Because, figuratively, this is an imageboard and f
its a discusion of anything, fucking retard
If you have some bullshit semantic argument rattling around in your brain right now like "Weebs are people who think Japan is PERFECT, while I only think it's amazing" then you are the weaboos.

Hey Kittenmod.
Elitist vermin like you are the problem
>If you have some bullshit semantic argument rattling around in your brain right now like "Weebs are people who think Japan is PERFECT, while I only think it's amazing" then you are the weaboos.
You literally only have to google to get this.
If this is real then this is amazing.
>Hey Kittenmod.
I am of the impression you have run afoul of the mods several times.

The common denominator would remain you.
Entertain that idea a bit.
>Bestiality is more popular than ever, it's just called "Monster Girls" now: bestiality from the waist down
ive seen this pasta before.
Maybe you should have continued reading for a better idea of what an imageboard is and constitutes. Regardless, I've more than that to dislike discussion in /d/. As it takes up posts and causes threads to reach bump limit quicker when posts are being made and encouraged in threads I might be interested in which are solely just discussion and become discussion that I'm not interested in. Since I don't come here for discussion, just the smut. The thread reaches bump limit and ends with less content than if it stuck to just images.

I don't think that's too horribly unreasonable.
I figured deletion was a given in 5 but I'll revise it.

>All "alternative" art goes here, regardless of origin. Fanart of an alternative nature is allowed.
>Spoilers are now enabled. All art of an 'extreme' nature MUST be spoilered. Please include a description of the content of the image in your post. (Exceptions can be made for extreme images inside an "extreme" thread, but the OP MUST be spoilered)

>Discussion, caption threads, and erotic literature threads are allowed.

>Please keep the number of threads dedicated to a topic limited. Threads deemed duplicates will be deleted.

>If the OP of a thread requests content of a certain type not be posted in that thread, the post will be considered off-topic and the image deleted, and could result in a ban.

>Loli and images depicting underage children are not allowed.
Literally exactly what weaboos always say.
thats exactly what retards say.
Agree with this. Images required at least give us something pretty to look at when arguments break out.
If all you want is the Image part of an Image Board, then why don't you go to Danbooru?

That's literally made exactly for people like you.
the meaning of weeaboo has changed over the years to japanese thing i don't like
>people talking about things I don't like is wrong

hmmmmmmmmmm yes I agree
I would love discussion seeing how fetish discussion threads are a fine way to exchange ideas in a mild no pressure manner and some might even find they're into something they haven't known they were into before.

I never saw the problem with western art and fanart. That was just some grandfather clause shit that was meant for quality control that ended up hurting us all. Anyone thinking /d/ should be Eastern only or OC only are shitting on the parade.

Variants and duplicates are two separate things. That said, 3 similar threads is the max I'd say. Encourage heavy review of the catalog to reduce overlap.

I don't think it's unreasonable to restrict content from being in a thread. For example, if I made a thread about cyborg girls I don't think asking not to have android and robot girls in my cyborg girl thread should result in a ban. If anything restricting what kind of content is allowed in a topic expressing special and specific interest is more in the interest of like minded individuals. If anything, it's the opposite that comes off as pandering. Or hell, I could ask for no content of bodily functions and scat should that magically end up fine for /d/. Sorry, that one's a little extreme and possibly misguided in my book.
Discussion almost always leads to argument.

Discussion of image.
No sign up.
anonymous discussion. Again, I'm not being unreasonable.

I didn't say wrong. I said I dislike it. I'm not inflexible on the issue.

>I don't think it's unreasonable to restrict content from being in a thread.

I think he meant that if some OP asks for say, no futa in a thread, someone who comes in and posts futa would be considered off topic and get banned/deleted, not the OP.
Only when there's derisive topics like "fetishes that disgust you" or "fetishes you hate."

Topics specifically leading themselves to lashing out are the issue more than talk about your fetish topics.
I think you are being pretty goddamned unreasonable since the only reason for boards to exist is talking to other people on the internet.

You seem to be all tied up in some "muh board culture" bullshit which leads me to believe you are either extremely new or someone who has spent multiple years of their life seething in hatred at every aspect of this website, in which case you are probably a mod pretending to be an anon.

Discussion builds communities. It keeps people coming back, and it keeps threads lively. There is a reason /aco/ is much more popular than /d/ now, and /d/ was much more popular than /h/ was. This is something moot, drooling retard that he was, never learned- the idea of porn boards as image dumps alone is the most pointless shit imaginable.

>Discussion of image.

So, you just want "oh man i wish she was in my butthole right now" comments instead of anything worth saying, but you don't want to make an account on a website in order to let others know how much you wish you were being anally violated.

On the other hand, you're also saying any deeper conversation about fetishes, and/or people bringing up ideas that could make things sexier, hotter, or better in general should be shafted because sometimes people disagree.

Were your parents divorced, by any chance?
The discussion IS the smut for many of us. I use other people's fantasies as inspiration for my own. Most of my fetishes are highly psychological in nature, and the details that get me off are much better conveyed through words than images. My favorite threads on /d/ are the discussion and caption threads.

Of course I like images too, but /d/ would be much worse if it was only images.
Oh. Well in that case, go all out.

Sorry, not a fan of someone that can't read an OP trying to pigeon-hole something completely unrelated to the topic 'cause they thought it was a good fit for the thread.

Still, maybe more of a warning than a ban.
>For example, if I made a thread about cyborg girls I don't think asking not to have android and robot girls in my cyborg girl thread should result in a ban. If anything restricting what kind of content is allowed in a topic expressing special and specific interest is more in the interest of like minded individuals.

Yeah that's what that was supposed to say. If the OP says don't post it, it's not allowed.

Revision 3:

>All "alternative" art goes here, regardless of origin. Fanart of an alternative nature is allowed.

>Spoilers are now enabled. All art of an 'extreme' nature MUST be spoilered. Please include a description of the content of the image in your post. (Exceptions can be made for extreme images inside an "extreme" thread, but the OP MUST be spoilered)

>Discussion, caption threads, and erotic literature threads are allowed.

>Please keep the number of threads dedicated to a topic limited. Keep variations on a theme limited as well; heavy review of the catalog is encouraged to reduce overlap. Threads deemed duplicates or redundant will be deleted.

>If the OP of a thread requests content of a certain type not be posted in that thread, users that post that content will have their post considered off-topic. The image will be deleted, and it could result in a ban.

>Loli and images depicting underage children are not allowed.

Better? Other issues?

I think you're being overly abrasive and your judgement is a bit off, considering you're making some pretty brash assertions of what I said and misrepresenting them to simply vent some obtuse rage at me because I said something you disagreed with in the most passive, or in this case, actively aggressive fashion you could to find as many things to disagree with and as many reasons to be mantle "unreasonable" onto me so you could disagree and "prove me wrong" while being, well, unreasonable in the process.
yeah that's why I put "can result in a ban." If you really fuck up you get banned; otherwise it could just get deleted and you get to go on your way.
You're wrong, and everyone here disagrees with you.
agree with this anon
Convincing argument.

Proof by assertion AND appeal to popularity.
You got upset and snapped at me because I disagreed. Nothing about me simply disagreeing was unreasonable.
>Proof by assertion AND appeal to popularity.
literally talking like reddit

return from whence you came
And now the argument breaks down to name calling.
If this thread had as much images as it does discussion, that'd be twice the content for the same amount of posts.

When you say what you want is no discussion outside of discussion of images, you're basically saying you want Danbooru comments, which you then replied to by saying you don't want to make an account.

Since Danbooru comments are all either "This is a nice picture" or "I wish she was eating me!", this is what you're wanting by what you're saying you want. If this is wrong, you should be clearer with your words, because this is what your current words are saying.
kisekae allowed

Let's settle this with a strawpoll then, my good chum

I'm not super familiar with that. It's those paper doll things, right? How /d/ can they go? Because if it's just anime girls it should probably go over on /h/ or in a hentai game general or something.

Like I said though, I'm not to familiar.
What in the world are you talking about? Did you reply to the right person? I am as strongly pro-discussion as anyone in this thread, and I say as much in the post you replied to. I welcome all sexual discussions on /d/.
>Personally I think we should get the obvious out of the way: unsplit /d/ and /aco/. Allow western art back, and make /d/ a general fetish board again.

I very much like this idea.

It would make sharing content much easier since I have lots of western or at least "non anime" fetish drawings on my hard drive that I can't share here, and sometimes gets me in trouble if it's not very cartoony either.

>This would only really work if the number of pages the new board had got doubled, threads would fall off the board at lightning pace if they were just mushed back together.

I don't think /d/ would be moving THAT fast. But it would be nice to have the thread count raised maybe by half again just to make moore room. /d/ isn't a fast board but it's one where a wide variety of subjects are appropriate and adding to the catalog size by %50 would, hopefully, help optimize /d/ a little more toward hosting a wide variety of subjects and sub fetishes.

>Text-heavy threads and discussion and sharing of erotica should not in any way be banned or discouraged.

I agree with this very much.

>I don't support /futa/ becoming it's own board. There is a ton of futa and it's not a fetish I'm into, but /d/ just wouldn't be /d/ without futa.

I'm another /d/eviant who isn't into futa or dickgirls, but at the same time things it shouldn't be made into it's own board.

futa has become present in stories and artwork relating to all sorts of other fetishes.

creating a board for futa would force a split in content relating to other fetishes.

you can contribute to the pet play thread on /d/ with your non-futa related art, but to contribute you petplay media that has futa in it you have to go to another board. This splits the "conversation" across two locations and is awkward.

Unban the gentle femdom general thread and never selectively ban fetishes like that again. It's clearly a popular fetish, who cares if it attracts autists?

TBC in my next post.
>you can contribute to the pet play thread on /d/ with your non-futa related art, but to contribute you petplay media that has futa in it you have to go to another board. This splits the "conversation" across two locations and is awkward.

This is the problem with the anti-western split, as well.
>gentle femdom
that's not really /d/

It kind of is. It's a subset of femdom.
you didn't vote yet did you?

>Unban the gentle femdom general thread and never selectively ban fetishes like that again. It's clearly a popular fetish, who cares if it attracts autists?

I agree that selective bans of fetishes should not be a thing. However I also feel there should not be a femdom general thread.
I want femdom threads that come and go rather than one general thread that is replaced over and over.
A "general thread" for gentle femdom as a place to contain all or most of it results in a recurring environment where some interpretations and opinions on the fetish become repeated over and over and crowd out others creating a stable cycle that has enough inertia to be carried though an endless iteration of general threads of the same type.
so I think there should be gentle femdom threads, but not gentle femdom general threads because they stop being a place for conversation and different ideas and angles on the fetish having turns enjoying media sharing and conversation, and instead become a stale stifling environment that merely provides "containment".
It's a specific enough fetish that I think it belongs here. Plus, gentle femdom threads often have more overtly /d/ flavored content, like globalized femdom worlds or overbearing demon mommies. Plus there were gentle femdom threads here for a long time and no one complained about the sexual content, just the political arguments.

Plus I'm biased because gentle femdom is my main fetish.
That's perfectly reasonable.

>When you say what you want is no discussion outside of discussion of images, you're basically saying you want Danbooru comments, which you then replied to by saying you don't want to make an account.

>Since Danbooru comments are all either "This is a nice picture" or "I wish she was eating me!", this is what you're wanting by what you're saying you want. If this is wrong, you should be clearer with your words, because this is what your current words are saying.

Since I'm not inflexible on this issue, I'm just going to say it's not worth it and say "whatever" on discussion threads. I don't like em. I explained why I don't like em, and I don't like captions a ton either as they tend to be more of a story with an illustration (elzi is an exception, man makes damn good captions)
but it's not worth the stress or hassle of arguing. I don't like em but it doesn't matter what I think, clearly.

Come to think of it, it doesn't matter what I think about any of this. Everybody's going to run roughshod over me anyway.
>I don't like em
we don't like you
>I don't like you*
> I don't like captions a ton either as they tend to be more of a story with an illustration (elzi is an exception, man makes damn good captions)
if you don't like them don't visit those threads? a lot of people really like them.
>if you don't like them don't visit those threads?
That's the plan
ok so whats wrong with those threads existing again?
Well I can't really think of a good reason why they shouldn't be, only why I dislike them, and, as I said, I'm not inflexible. Not that it matters but I don't see the problem with them EXISTING.
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>that's not really /d/

The way I see it a subset of femdom with sexual elements still intact is defnately /d/.

How do you define what is and is not /d/?

I usually go by criteria of

- (is it fetish, deviant, unusual, or highly specific) and (is it sexual)

- can media of a non live-action nature (drawings, animations, etc) on it be exchanged and enjoyed?

if the answer is yes then in many cases it can be /d/.
takes up space for a futa thread
/d/ is defined and expressly stated several times in the rules themselves.

>Is it too extreme for /h/?
y -> go to /d/
n -> is it too extreme for /e/?
y ->go to /h/ n -> go to /e/.
Is my flowchart fucked up? kinda. sorry.

What's the stance on photo manips?
No go. /d/ is for drawings. I think this is a fair rule
I agree, actually.
does that include edit threads?

That makes sense. "extremeness" is an important metric for jusging where porn and fetish talk should go. However there are two things that also come into play that can create problems if not accounted for.

something can be too "wierd" for /h/ without being particularly "extreme".

Also people tend to have groups of fetishes and sometimes while the central fetish of one of their "clusters" may be rather tame, they could still have some accompanying fetishes that are rather more extreme or deviant.

such as someone who is into gentle femdom but also likes the idea of a nurtirng dominant lady tortuirng them while telling them they are a good boy/girl, or telling them how though this experience they are able to see some of inner strength or beauty of their dear sub as they endure and how proud they are to have them.

or you know combining gentle femdom with like mind control and transformation into morlocks or something.
Edits of drawings? Nah, they should be fine. Edits of photos should probably be left elsewhere.

There's just a whole slew of issues you open up when you add photos of real people, especially in a board dealing with weird porn.

Gurochan also explicitly bans anything photographic.

I wonder why 4chan doesn't have a thread for photomanips and fetish photography.

Maybe they think it would lead do damadge to people's anonymity, or they don't want another community on 4chang that develops illogal obsessions with IRL people though depictions of them. Or they think that it will end up an EXTREMELY SLOW board like ye olde
(Or because it's crap)

are fetish photomanip threads allowed on /hc/?

>(Or because it's crap)

which thing are you referring to specifically?

I have no idea. The sticky doesn't say it's not allowed, but that doesn't necessarily mean it is allowed.
Only tasteful hardcore pornography allowed.
No images depicting abuse.
This board is for straight content.
Requests belong in /r/!
No "fakes" or photo manipulations of any kind. This includes "morphs.""

Answer's right there.

Ah, gottcha.

you and I not caring for something isn't, by itself, a reason for there not being a board for it if other people on 4chan ARE interested in it though.
>Only tasteful hardcore pornography allowed.
>No images depicting abuse.
>This board is for straight content.
>Requests belong in /r/!
>No "fakes" or photo manipulations of any kind. This includes "morphs.""
>Answer's right there.

where did you find all that?

All I saw was


>Requests for the source of an image, the name of a girl, or more images from a set go on /r/.
>Failure to do so will result in bans.
>OP must post at least 6 images of their own to start a thread, or else it will be deleted without warning.
>where did you find all that?
Absolutely true.
I think integrating it into an existing board might be acceptable, but, where is a better question.
>Absolutely true.
>I think integrating it into an existing board might be acceptable, but, where is a better question.

I can't really think of an existing photoporn thread where image manipulations are acceptable.

something that further complicates matters is people make pron and fetish photomanips both as static images and as animations.

So not only is it something who'se subject doesn't fit comfortably in an existing adult board (sans /b/) but it also sits in the middle between /gif/ and the stillphoto pornboards since a board ideally suited to photomanips would have rules and post settings that supported posting both kinds of manips.
My biggest problem with /d/ moderation right now is that they're allowing this thread to exist.

Allowing meta threads doesn't make moderation more effective or democratic, nor should it be democratic. What it does do is open the floodgates to a bunch of whiny faggots acting like whiny faggots.
"hiroyuki asked!"
is the reply you are about to get.
this thread is an exception, once it's gone there won't be more like it.

1. You mean 4chan administration

2. The mods are also whiny faggots, so you're basically saying that whiny faggots should be able to turn the board into their own personal subreddit as long as they're arbitrarily picked by the whiny faggots moot put in before he left, who he personally handpicked to be as anti-us as possible (since /d/'s very existance can be seen as sexist and repulsive by the crowd moot hung around with near the end).

Sounds good senpai.
>>Allowing meta threads doesn't make moderation more effective

Nothing could make these mods effective, not even if you paid them. They're the most useless on the site.

I like that threads like this can exist on the boards they are about.
It's good to be able to talk about how boards work and differnt ways they could work.

Though I do agree that an engless procession of them would cause problems and would become a strong, and likely negative, force on how the boards users view the board and themselves and the moderators overtime.
>(since /d/'s very existance can be seen as sexist and repulsive by the crowd moot hung around with near the end).
Thanks for reminding me of that uncomfortable mess.

Thankfully gawker is no more.
But I hate to bring this up, but, hiroyuki is no saint himself.

Checked and endorsed, this sounds very reasonable.
how do we get hiro to notice?
Perform the summoning ritual.
It's used to make f/m transformations and bimbofications, you can make futas too.
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I like these.
I say /d/ should be fetish focused, not location. Aco can have its porn of western shows or games or comics. While I rarely leave my niche, /d/ has always seemed like it prefers to have a theme thread rather than a single artist or series. Like, 75% on average maybe.

I also think sending futanari off is silly, whether it leads to crippling over specialized boards I cannot say but futa's variations are not enough to support an entire board. When it does crowd us here that's generally some asshole who thinks futa should rule /d/.

Even then we should have regulations kind of. We don't need special futa thread up all the time like it was a general but some people have very specialized fetishes and we should love and respect and mock them for being so memorable. Remember tile pattern guy? Fetishes should be nurtured and given room to grow. But we may have spoilt the futa lovers a bit too much. Kicking them out s too much though.

As an aside, traps should not be related to futa. Fuck all y'all hating my boys.
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You really think they would turn this reddit site back into a proper imageboard again? Theyre too soft now, they coddle new people. They wouldn't know HOW to run the site this way again.
The reason scat and guro is banned is because their communities are autistic as fuck. You guys must be new as shit if you don't remember why they got banned. Spoilering images wont stop them sperging out in all the threads. This is kind of cancerous new wave thinking that got /d/ where it is now.
If Hiro listens to any of this crap, it might be the last straw. Dubschan would be flooded with refugees...
Don't push your luck.

Though I'm into loli myself.
I'm going to be pissed if a dozen scat/guro fetishists in one thread release the floodgates of that garbage on /d/
Revision 3... I think that set of rules sounds exactly right for this board.

Maybe a few tweaks if someone thinks of something else to add, but otherwise, I'd say time to send these to Hiro & ask that these become the new /d/ rules?

It gets my vote.
You guys are fucking idiots. This would kill /d/ by letting all the banned communities back.
I'm guessing thats a image of the most common words in this thread, pretty cool.

Just putting my two cents out there on what seems to be the most common topics here:
Should remain active as /co/ lewd. However if they want to keep r34 festish content I don't give a fuck.
This, but I'm willing to be lenient on part 1 as stated with /aco/. I don't mind either way however.
>>possible /futa/
I'm in the camp that thinks there is probably an excess of futa. That being said I also believe futa keeps some more specific fetish threads afloat, so confining it outright to another board is not something I could agree with. I should also mention that I'm totally biased on this considering I never mind seeing futa at all.

The ones that were here for years while /d/ was at it's best and were banned only for arbitrary reasons such as the mod's 3 incher going flaccid when he sees them?

Besides, if they did prove to be as cancer as you think, they could just be re-banned.
OP is a faggot. Fuck them.

Duplicate threads are made by faggots. Fuck them.

Banned fetishes are banned for a good reason. Fuck them.

Blocks of text encourage people to post their blogposts here and not on their tumblrspaces. Fuck them.

Why are you trying to make /d/ a safehaven for the worst kind of people?
This. This thread has 64 posters total, because the other thousands of /d/ users are perfectly happy and don't give a shit. Fuck everyone trying to completely change this board.
Why unban them if we're just going to have to ban them again? /d/ has enough shit communities that need to be banned as it is.

>/d/ has enough shit communities that need to be banned as it is.

Did you ever think that maybe the entire board shouldn't be your personal booru? If you hate /d/ so much, why not fuck off?

>Fuck everyone trying to completely change this board.

Yeah, fuck the mods!

>Banned fetishes are banned for a good reason. Fuck them.

Guro and scat are.
Captions and shortstacks aren't. And the continental divide is the most autistic shit I've ever seen.

>This thread has 64 posters total, because the other thousands of /d/ users are perfectly happy and don't give a shit.

This has never been a correct train of thought ever. Especially in dictatorships.
Captions are banned because the community went to shit, and the quality is terrible now. That's why the old community left /d/ and formed their own website.

Shortstacks aren't banned, there's threads all the time.

It's not their personal booru. But I mean we still arrest people and put them in jail. That's not making the world anyone's personal booru.

Change is good if it's change for the better, but it should be changing back to what worked, not changing to just being Reddit/Dubschan.

If you're not willing to voice your opinion, your opinion isn't counted. If you don't vote, you don't get to complain about the results.
liberal arts/media student detected
opinion discarded
He isn't wrong though, pretending everything is fine in the face of dissent is kind of like a dictatorship, especially if it shows some parties clearly have the short end of the stick.

If all one cares about in /d/ is dickgirls, they pretty much have nothing to raise a fuss about and clearly anyone who does is insane.

>Captions are banned because the community went to shit, and the quality is terrible now. That's why the old community left /d/ and formed their own website.

When the mod kept harassing them and deleting threads (and even captioned images outside of caption threads), I wonder why that went to shit? It's a mystery to everyone.

>Shortstacks aren't banned, there's threads all the time.

I'm glad to see that was reversed then, I usually don't look for them but I hadn't seen one in a while so I assumed the mod was still deleting them.

>It's not their personal booru. But I mean we still arrest people and put them in jail. That's not making the world anyone's personal booru.

Yes, but on the other hand this poster is claiming that we need to ban several "communities" (read: fetishes) because they're shit, which is an entirely objective opinion. You're perfectly welcome to say "I don't think blacks should eat at this restaurant", but it doesn't mean shit if you're not the owner and you should expect to get called out on it.

>Change is good if it's change for the better, but it should be changing back to what worked, not changing to just being Reddit/Dubschan.

True enough, but the problem comes down to everyone having a differerent opinion of "worked". Some people honestly are triggered by anything that isn't grorious nippon that they lose all sex drive. Some people think that there was never a problem when that was here. Some people think banning fetishes is bad, some people think it's good. It's all perspective.
Everything isnt fine. But the reasons for that are the opposite. Not enough moderation lets spergs think theyre welcome.
Nono, the fetishes themselves are fine. I mean the community itself is shit. The actual people. If they just posted pictures and said nothing, there would be no community, but at least it wouldnt be a cancerous community. We need to ban certain communities, not fetishes. They could be into any fetish, if theyre that cancerous and autistic they still need to be banned. Having shitty people shitposting and blogposting and hitting the post limit before they hit 50 images is the problem. So we ban that fetish in order to ban that community. It has nothing to do with the fetish itself.
Well i mean /d/ has banned dozens of communities before. Guro, scat, furry, more recently youve got bdsmg, gfd...
I just miss 2007 /d/

I miss the massive tentacle dump threads and when the mods actually gave a shit and participated. When futa had its own dedicated general every friday. When fetishes of every kind were allowed, and flourished. When I could discover something new almost every day and people weren't fucking treading on eggshells.

What ever happened to that /d/, anons?
I miss that /d/ too. That's why I think that the rule change suggested by >>7028944 would be perfect for this board. It lets the crazy fetishes & alternate content sources of that time come back without being strangled as soon as they try to post.

Guro, Scat, and Furry were always banned as a global rule. BDSMG is banned, but BDSM isn't. I actually don't know what gfd is, though.


Oh, I think I read too far into what you were saying. While I still don't like the idea of image dumps only, if things get too cancerous it's a different story I guess. Acceptable losses, in a sense.
Shut the fuck up, mod.

You have run this board like your own personal playground. The most important thing is that you get fucking fired
You sound like a fag.
It became a cuckboi mod's personal playground.
But this allows people to justify rampant shitposting by saying that they're "contributing to the thread and on topic."
Or worse, when somebody post a bunch of off-topic images and when people tell him to fuck off, whites about those people "not contributing"
That behavior is exactly what got me to stop using /d/ regularly.

Also, even though the thread is really long at this point, I'd like to add my two cents.
>Complaining about a fetish in a thread about that fetish should be a bannable offense. It's unproductive and leads to shitposting.
>Political discussions have no place on /d/, and engaging in one should be a bannable offense. Notice I didn't say that the thread should be banned, but the posters should be banned.
I agree.
Too fucking bad. Hiro told us to make threads and create regulations, so that's what we're doing.

Don't like it? Go make your own shitty chan.
This looks pretty good.

Revision 4:
>All "alternative" art goes here, regardless of origin. Fanart of an alternative nature is allowed.

>Discussion, caption threads, and erotic literature threads are allowed.

>Please keep the number of threads dedicated to a topic limited. Keep variations on a theme limited as well; heavy review of the catalog is encouraged to reduce overlap. Threads deemed duplicates or redundant will be deleted.

>If the OP of a thread requests content of a certain type not be posted in that thread, users that post that content will have their post considered off-topic. The image will be deleted, and it could result in a ban.

>Unless the OP specifically permits it, fetishes of an 'extreme' nature are not to be posted in any thread.

>Spoilers are now enabled. All art of an 'extreme' nature MUST be spoilered. Please include a description of the content of the image in your post. (Exceptions can be made for extreme images inside an "extreme" thread, but the OP MUST be spoilered)

>Loli and images depicting underage children are not allowed.

We also need something about a stickied list of restricted or banned fetishes, and placing limitations on what can be banned.

Once this one falls off the board we can put up a new thread with those in the OP, get final revisions, from the rest of the board, then take it to /qa/ for Hiro.
>We also need something about a stickied list of restricted or banned fetishes,

What more is there besides furry, loli and scat that's a hot button?
>We also need something about a stickied list of restricted or banned fetishes, and placing limitations on what can be banned.
just follow global rules
Not everyone agrees with you. No one wants you to make these threads. Fuck off and kill yourself. You are wasting space in the catalog.
you know there's like... a big page of rules, right? it tells you the banned threads.
>Not everyone agrees with you
you are the minority here
>No one wants you to make these threads
hiro wanted us to discuss /d/ moderation
>lets cherrypick the responses I got and only post the ideas I like in the new thread
yeah let's just autism all over the place until people get sick of you, that sounds like a plan alright

you know the vast majority of people haven't even looked at this thread, right? they have no opinion on it. they don't care. the minority is people who give a shit at all. who cares if you are a majority of the 0.1% of people who give a fuck? 71 posters in this thread. do you have any idea how many people view /d/ every day?

you are trying to make out that just because you and you on your mobile phone so it looks like a second person think a certain way, that somehow represents the majority of /d/

well the vast majority of /d/ hasn't even said anything, because they couldn't care less. they are happy with things how they are. you just want to feel important, because IRL you don't. and that's the saddest thing about this sad sad thread.
Fucking savage.
Normally i'd say leave the poor kid alone but seeing as theres even the slightest chance people might think that retard somehow represents anyones desires but their own... yeah this basically
How to fix /d/ in 3 easy steps.

Ban everyone in this thread trying to turn /d/ into a subreddit.
Ban these threads.
Ban more people and enforce the rules.
>Ban a thread that Hiro advised OP to make
You're funny.
Absolutely fucking awful. If you wrote this you should kill yourself, not even slightly joking. The idea you could unironically think that any of this is in any way an acceptable list of ideas is proof that post-birth abortion should be legalized.
If you invite a bunch of people to your house, and they rape a kid, you kick them out of your house and call the cops, you don't just say "oh well I guess it's my fault since I invited them over..."
Ok maybe you would just let them carry on, I guess I'm not in a position to judge your life, I don't know you.

Stuff like that Gentle Femdom thread. If fetishes are going to be deleted even though there's no rule against it, then there needs to be an identicator for it. If there's a good reason for a fetish to get banned, that's fine, but we need to do away with the random banning of things that don't violate rules just because of a mod's personal preferences.

>the global rules
Ideally the global rules would be the only metric by which something is and isn't banned, but we all know that is not the case.
I really don't follow your alien logic in the first point. How does that relate to what's going on in this thread?
so basically if a thread/post/image wouldn't be out of place on an edgy teen's deviantart page, it should get deleted? that sounds like it would work to me

Because this thread is about as disgusting and cancerous as a bunch of kid rapists passing a kid around like a tube of pringles.

Are you this new?
Kittenmod having a meltdown ITT
Look at this shit though. Let's allow everyone to post, everyone be happy friends. Ignore the fact we banned this shit for years for a reason and just let everybody in. And people can post their daily blogs copy pasted from tumblr here all day if they want. And lets let the OP decide the rules for their threads, because that's not going to lead to 20 different threads with their own rules for the same fetish, totally in contrast to one of the other suggestions.

It's just... I don't know. I sincerely don't see how anyone can read this and think it's not the death of /d/ in a how-to guide.
Glenn Beck level bait and switch tactics are not an argument. They are a string of fallacies, anon.
Yeah, if you don't recognize that right away, you're new. It's pretty basic newfag trap stuff. Congrats on embarrassing yourself I guess?

Look, I can do it too.
somebodys upset...
>using the "you mad?" maymay

You have to go back.
You should take that up with Hiro. Clearly you think you know better than him.
Again, non-argument.
This whole post can be summed up as "I have no idea what a silent majority is."

By which I mean just because no one's saying anything doesn't mean they care one way or the other but it's pretty foolish to assume just because the majority is likely neutral that must mean they agree the side not representing your views is inherently wrong.
... this is the worst post I have ever read. If you don't see why it's stupid, then you are a sad person.

Hint: you just proved your whole argument wrong for us.

Leave your answer in the space below.
well for a start i'm not the guy writing the rules, i just agree with what he has wrote. the majority of /d/ is fine with the board the way it is since they are unaffected by the issues.
> you just want to feel important
... we are all anonymous here, no one is important.
>i'm not me, i'm someone else
>i better act humble because people are onto me

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Seems legit to me, anon.
So you own a smart phone in 2016, congrats.
Ignore him. He's one of the /qa/ mod cocksuckers. They're really upset that Hiro allowed people to voice grievances.

It's pretty sad that it's gotten to the point that they're raiding other boards just to spite the users, but there you go.

>pretending you can see IPs

Anon, this is an anonymous board. Nobody can see IPs but mods and jannies. So either you're lying about being able to see IPs, or you are a mod or janitor intentionally shitposting.
>73 smartphones
No one said they can see IP's. It says the number of posters in the thread at the bottom of the page.

Thanks for demonstrating once and for all how new you are. Opinions discarded.
are you seriously saying that i'd plan my posts out and use a smart phone for some and not for others?
some autism right here....
>it's autistic to suggest the person acting autistic would be slightly more autistic

Reminder that since so few people are complaining about the rule changes compared to how many people use /d/ AND the number of people supporting them, they're automatically wrong.
Agreed. This thread should have been deleted long ago. The rule changes proposed in this thread are retarded.

>desperate redditard tries to force their agenda
>gets caught
>has autistic shitfit
>they will do this all over again when they make another thread within the next 24 hours
>already trying to force a revisionist view when the thread is still up
a bit stricter moderation when it comes to non-fetish threads would be nice. There were clearly some /h/ material in here last month, and it stayed for weeks.

that, or increase space for threads - i wouldn't mind those 'weak' fetishes if they didn't take the precious space.
>precious space
You realize the board can fit 150 threads, right?
It is when half those threads are dickgirls
I mean he's not wrong. He IS a desperate redditard, and he iS trying to force his agenda (that the mods dindu nuttin and everyone is wrong,) and he IS having an autistic shitfit.
15 futa threads is 14 fewer good threads
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Futa Ai when?

The mods don't allow several good threads that are non-futa, because the mods buy into the "/d/ is for dickgirls" meme.
Let western fetish content, provided it's high enough quality, stay in /d/. /aco/ can just be western /h/.
Let discussion boards, provided they are relevant to fetish content, stay.
Actually assign a janny to clean up duplicate threads and delete/ban shitposters and off-topic bullshit.
Soft bans on fetishes should either be made into hard bans or not banned at all. If the issue is specific posters, then ban *them*.
I don't think we need a futa board, but we do need a janny to delete dupes when they come up.
Hiro I know youre not reading this thread. But if you are, please ignore it. All these changes would do is drive people away from /d/ and its lost so much traffic already.
>reversing the changes already made would drive traffic away


>The changes you made drove away traffic, but reversing them would ALSO drive away traffic

You're not very bright, are you?
Oh boy these two posts sure don't look similar at all.

>changes drove away traffic, more changes will fix everything

surely the obvious solution is to go back to the way things were? even by your examples?
>two people told me I was wrong

Yes, which means stop deleting western art
Well originally western art wasn't allowed on /d/ back in the day... that was a 2009 turnaround... so...
I'm not even them, I just point out samefags when I see them.
/d/ has gotten progressively "gayer" since its inception. Once upon a time, any futa at all outside of a designated futa thread would provoke massive flamebait arguments about what constituted being gay. Shemales of any kind even in futa threads often provoked these "conversations." And traps just weren't posted at all except as troll attempts or when they were confused for futa. With the occasional exception of Bridget. And pictures with an honest to goodness man as the focus of the image, regardless of whether he was with another man or not, was completely taboo, even though mods never acted against it and it wasn't against the rules.

It took a while for shemales to become relatively accepted, though of course even today the old "is it gay" fight continues. It goes without saying that everyone still involved at this point is beyond austist.

It wasn't until about six years ago that trap threads became a thing on /d/, and it took a while for them to become established.

Since then, content focusing on men has become more and more acceptable.

As for western art, for the first ten years or so of /d/'s existence, there was no rule against it. When I first found /d/ early on, western was considered completely acceptable by the mods and the community; there were occasional weeaboo fits, of course, considering the nature of 4chan, but by and large the origin and style of art posted on /d/ was ignored. Since then, some mods that have come and gone have tried to enforce some sort of anti-western hysteria on /d/ with varying degrees of success, and of course community sentiment has varied, as well, though in general it seems like the majority just doesn't care.

Since mods, of course, do not make the rules, few /d/enizens have ever really paid any attention to these mods' tirades.

Even after that rule was added, it was barely ever enforced till /aco/.
TL:DR no u shut up no U shut up no U shut up NO U shut up
Over time things have become acceptable, and other things have become unacceptable. We have lost a few fetishes along the way out of necessity. At the same rate at which things become accepted, some fetishes become just awful. Do you think we should reverse some of the things that have become accepted, if we are going to reverse some of the things which have been banned?
OK kiddo

eric. simply eric.
If you don't provide any supporting premises for an argument, that argument defeats itself.
At this point the amount of autism in this thread alone pretty much defeats any arguments that have been presented here.
Can we all agree that anyone who wants to enjoy his fetish (of eastern or western origin) should find them all here on /d/ and not constantly shifting between here and /aco/?
>Can we all agree that anyone who wants to enjoy his fetish (of eastern or western origin) should find them all here on /d/ and not constantly shifting between here and /aco/?


Except we don't all agree. And also this isn't a democracy.

>Hiro asks us to give our opinions
>Majority of opinions are against yours

Comedy gold, every time
Oh fuck off, shitposter.
You seem very defensive of your own invention. That's often a sign of insecurity caused by onset of personal issues. Whatever they are, I'm sorry.
>someone disagrees
>this reaction

every time

You're the one defending this crazy idea that since other people disagree with you that Hiro asking for the opinions of the users didn't actually happen, and that things should continue as they are despite all evidence to the contrary.

>Someone disagrees
>Someone disagrees with the disagreement

I love it.
Things I want changed:
Western content allowed on /d/ (no cartoons)
State exactly what kind of content is disallowed in the rules, I have no issue with caption threads and lit threads being deleted if it's stated in the rules.
Things I want changed:
Add all current bans to the rules so there's no excuse for not knowing if something is banned.
Add a third board for /futa/, keep /aco/ and /d/ the way they are.
I think the person lobbying for all the changes in this thread is forgetting that the people who make the decisions actually CAN see the IPs.

That has made this a very fun read. Thanks for the entertainment.
t. shitposter pretending to be a mod
>inb4 banned
mods = gods
top kek
what did I miss?
I'm sure it has, especially since that the people who make those decisions can see which side the users fall on.

You really should have shown yourself BEFORE the thread was about to fall off the board, you know.
Yeah, we can. Almost every unique ID in this thread is against the changes proposed by the same person posting within the same IP range over and over. They didnt even try to mask it. Like I said, very entertaining. Some good ideas in this thread though, we'll definitely consider those.
faggot who wants to unban everything said they're not a mod

That's... actually absolutely false, considering I was the one who compiled the rules other people requested


And the replies to those were positive. I'd really love it if you could show any proof to the contrary, though. Because as it stands, we've seen the vast majority of posters on both /d/ and /aco/ both fall in support of reunification.

It's also incredibly suspect that you would come in to bandy about threats right before the thread falls off the board so as not to allow for any debate, especially since we all know which side of this argument you fall on.

Sticky this thread and actually open the floor for discussion instead of hiding behind smug comments.
If you don't know how to spot when a mod is being serious, maybe you're not the one who should be proposing changes around here...
who do you think we're going to listen to? you, or the mod who already fucked you?
>suddenly I need a trip
>THAT will make people take me seriously

I thought this couldn't get any funnier. Obviously I was wrong.
Okay thats all the proof I needed. Fuck off autist.
aaaaaand there goes all your credibility
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>the mod who already fucked you?

I'm obviously still posting.
>people don't realize they can delete their own posts
.. really
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>arguing with the mod who just called you out

brb let me grab my camera
I...honestly never even considered that. Should have known better than to think a mod would actually show his face around here.
tripcode #post btw
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Pic related


Oh no, what's he going to do, shit the board up more? I'm so afraid, next he'll ban giantesses!
>Yeah, we can. Almost every unique ID in this thread is against the changes proposed by the same person posting within the same IP range over and over.


Yeah, I'm sure you're a mod, buddy. Especially since publically posting as one outside of mod duties is grounds for getting de-modded. And shitposting is not a mod duty, senpai.

In b4 pointless, baseless, and proofless accusation that I'm the same poster as >>7031289 and/or that I'm a cellphone/fax machine/jumbo jet he's using to post in his place.
Seriously, no one cares.
No one cares. If he/you is stupid enough to believe that was a mod, they shouldn't be here in the first place.

You've missed a lot of stupidity in this thread.
I've read the thread, and I see a lot of stupidity, and it all seems to have the same source.
The sheer fact that a thread about solving issues with /d/ has become wracked with this kind of shitposting shows the state of this board. People (or a person) have resorted to threadshitting, namecalling, and mod impersonation just to prevent the actual users of /d/ from having a board that they're happy to use.

This is the state of this board. To these people it's not a porn board, or a community. It's just another scrap to fight over in some imagined 4chan culture war.

m00t left us with a stagnant website, and he left this board in particular to drown. We have been in need of an overhaul for years now. And look- look at the accusations he throws out calling anyone who wants thread moderation "reddit." Look at the fact that he offers no solutions, only refusing to give the users an inch. This isn't a debate for the betterment of a board to them; their goal is to simply slap down any kind of change.

This is why /d/ is the way it is now. I know I'm tired of it, and I'd bet that the rest of you are too.
It's pretty obvious from
that the person who keeps trying to get people to agree with them is trying to sabotage the thread, because people disagree with them.

Feel free to draw your own opinions, but i've read this thread a few times through and that seems the obvious cause of all this. False flagging, replying to themselves, etc.
I'm pretty sure all the shitposting is coming from the same guy who is also claiming to be a mod that is upset because his opinion is a minority.
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That's quite obvious, although not from those posts, considering pic related.

I'd say it's more like


all these (you)s are to blame
You're absolutely right, although he was right about one thing- the mods DO see IPs. I'm not sure if he bothered to change his IP at all, though I can't really see why he would. He's obviously just threadshitting, and it's patently obvious.
This thread should have been made on /qa/.
If someone wanted to unban all the fetishes on /d/, pretty sure they're just trying to get one of their fetishes unbanned, or maybe they're part of a community that's banned.

Kinda sad they'd go to all this trouble to try to get that to happen, and in the process, make it impossible for that to ever happen by being a total sperg in the thread.
this post is so convoluted I genuinely don't know what kind of point you're trying to make...
Hiro said to make it here, so the users could have a say in the matter.

The fact that /qa/ is not where the actual users of a board go has been a matter of contention since people started using /qa/ to lobby for changes. Everyone constantly fought against /qa/ changes because they "weren't representative."

Well now we're getting representative votes.
He clearly doesn't want anything to change. That's why he's sperging so hard.
I'm lost, what fetishes are people trying to unban?
could you link me to the posts?
People are trying to lift restrictions on a lot of stuff, like western art, and allow "extreme" fetishes but cordon them off inside specific threads, and allow OPs to choose what was allowed.

With the rules we laid out, for instance, if you made a futa thread, then if somebody posted non-futa or scat, their pic would be deleted.

If you made a futa thread and said "btw scat is allowed here," then they could post scat in that thread if it was spoilered. If you said "no western allowed here," then western art would be deleted.

If you made a scat thread, you'd HAVE to spoiler the OP (so it wasn't visible in the catalog) but you wouldn't have to spoiler it inside, since only people who wanted to see that shit would go in that thread.

Right now we allow shitty diapers and monster rape to be posted freely, but not any further. If we did this then those posters wouldn't have to be policed so much, and it would save the rest of us from having to look at it (since they'd have to spoiler said shitty diapers.) Best of all, if somebody dumps futa or farts in a non-futa or fart thread, then that won't have to result in a shitflinging contest since the mods will just delete it.

Some poster(s) oppose this because that's not the way it's always been done and something something reddit, but I think a lot of us support a much more open board culture.
If they don't want any changes why did they post

also here ya go >>7031338
spoilering and unbanning stuff.
If you wanted votes, you'd start a strawpoll at the start of the thread. But of course you wouldn't do that, because every strawpoll ever made so far disagrees with what you want to happen, and you're afraid of getting people's actual opinions, so instead you create a thread and use every easy trick you can to try to make it seem like people are agreeing with you, and false flagging or double-encircling any post that disagrees with you. Sadly, unlike real life, when you don't get what you want you can't just go running to mommy and beat her until she gives it to you.
Yes, "we."


here are some very easy Strawpoll vote bots. There is a reason they are called raidpolls.
>we need democracy
>then lets have a vote

you have to see how this makes you look
shitposter is at it again
Mods can see IPs. You know this, because you said as much when you were busy impersonating a mod.

Any kind of "false flagging" would be completely retarded, since the mod can easily see your IP as you shitpost.
logical? voting online IS rigged unless we got the official petition out.

Regardless of voting, we need to hash out what we solidly want before we can vote on it. The pro's and con's, etc.
They just won't stop until he follow his special rules, will they. They're trying to force them hard enough.
>everyone who disagrees with me is the same person
Alright, this thread is almost dead. What's the one thing we almost all agree on here?
Oh fuck off. You know he's talking about you.

Maybe you should just abandon this site for your own chan if you don't want anyone else using it.
That we should leave things the way they are. Clearly the only people we should be ignoring are the people trying to make changes. I've never seen so much shitposting, and so much falling for shitposting, in all my time.
Stop deleting western art.

And to range ban this guy
High quality western art being allowed in the rules.
You mean the guy trying to make rules right?
But make sure quality guidelines are clear. Otherwise the mod will just keep doing the same shit

And stop deleting erotic lit and discussion
Well you're full of it.

Alright, sounds fair. That's what we'll go with.
No shitty art has always been a rule.
No, the spastic shitposter (which is you)
Are you just going to say everyone you don't agree with is the same supposed one person? I just got here, and the more I read up, the more that seems to be a recurring issue.
And "shitty" is entirely subjective. I think all futanari is shitty, and that diapers are literally shitty, yet they're allowed.
stop responding to the shitposter
I haven't heard that word in like ten years.
Diapers have been banned and unbanned at least three times. They're barely allowed.
it's about the quality of the art and not the art in itself
The best option is to maintain the status quo. I don't agree with either side in this shitfest. They both seem equally awful.
But the same rule is used to ban western
>either side
the other side is the status quo, and the status quo is fucking awful, so no.

>Maintain the status quo, I don't take either side
>One side is maintaining the status quo

Also, I think the one thing I've seen the most unity on was allowing /d/iscussions + Erotic Lit, followed closely by OPs allowing what they want in their thread, then allowing western art.

wow ok, you guys obviously haven't read the rest of this thread
ignoring this man,

Since we got this down, what now? Hope hiro reads this? Mods grow a heart and allow what we want instead of whats currently written?
I think there's a pretty strong case for all of them, especially since /aco/ is heavily in favor of jettisoning fetish set back to /d/.

Plus if you allow OPs to decide then there's no reason to ban western anyway, since the few people who don't want it (like the GTS and Diaper threads) can specifically ban it anyway.
Okay wait a second, you've been arguing ALL THIS TIME... and you have no idea what you've been arguing against.
We can either make a second thread to take final suggestions, or write them up as actual rules and take them to /qa/. Up to you.

If we take it to /qa/ we need to make sure it's pretty much finalized, though. Otherwise we get people like aspergo up there trying to change shit (he is, by the way, from /qa/. I had arguments with a person that typed and posted the exact same way.)

I'm on favor of just taking it straight to /qa/. This thread has been up long enough that everyone has had a chance to see it.
You guys do realize dubschan has all of the changes you want, right?

Why are you trying to change /d/ to be like 8/d/?
seconded take it to /qa/
>lets pretend the rest of this thread didn't happen and hope no one follows us
okay good luck with that
I vote you guys go to 8c. It seems to be everything you want.
I vote in the opposite direction, make things the way they used to be, and against these changes.
Status quo.
Same poster.
>I don't know how timestamps work
>I disagree with these people, better try to discredit them


But these changes ARE making things how they used to be.
Not even slightly. These changes are pretty much exactly like dubschan /d/.

Listen here fuckfaces. You think I'm going to let you fuck up my board? I will fucking fight tooth and nail until every one of you westacucks are wiped the fuck out. I have a cell phone and a VPN, and you're just begging me to use it. Westernshit does not belong on an anime board. Fuck off redditards
This would be making things the way they used to be, agree with it nor not.
Wow. I was kind of with you up until you started doing exactly what they said you would do.
Then obviously they do it better, then don't they? Why would you want this board to stay shit out of contrarianism?

Oh, you're a weeb. Well that explains it. Shouldn't you be bitching about Yotsuba getting removed somewhere else?
Oh jeez, this is pathetic.
Dubschan /d/ is dead.

And that's obviously not the same person.

I'm trying to help you here, but you don't make it easy.

>They model their /d/ after ours because it works
>Mod makes a shitty change nobody wanted and people take the chance to try and correct it

Go back there and stay there.
It's quite obvious that's a fake poster. You're either retarded for not being able to tell that, or making yourself look retarded by pretending not to.
>get called out
>"I...it wasn't me!"

Sorry samefag.

Here's the QA thread. Feel free to go make your opinions known, which the shitposter seems to not want you to do by only including their own and not providing a link.

I think Hiro would like if we did something to show we want that, like maybe a strawpoll or something
the OP doesn't want strawpolls, because apparently they're "biased" and it has nothing to do with every other strawpoll linked to in this thread going against what they wanted all along
Every strawpoll linked in this thread had several indeed votes to the contact until your shitposting started and they ~mysteriously~ flipped.

Plus, and I quote,

>yep, polling can't be trusted.
it was the shitposter that said polls don't mean anything since they can be hacked

The polls went from overwhelmingly in favor of reunification to skewed towards exactly what the shitposter wants in a matter of hours. Hiro literally said polls are untrustworthy, as we have seen time and time again.

For fucks sake there are two straw poll hacks posted in this very thread.
well voice your opinion in the qa thread then
Why would they, if the strawpolls favor them?
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>western art isn't allowed on an alternative chinese adult cartoon board

they should change this rule and allow any type of drawings
/d/ is fine

No. /d/ WAS fine until the mod decided to shit on it last October.
Remove the no beast rule (or at least don't enforce it to please advertisers) , it makes no sense monster threads are allowed but no dog threads.
Well, the thing is anon, monsters aren't real, dogs are. I don't know if you know this but the dragons in Game of Thrones aren't actually real.
The thing is, and I'm not sure if you know this, but drawings aren't real.

If you have problems separating fantasy from reality then I'm sad to say that you might have a severe mental illness
Here's my idea...

Make /d/ a Futa/trap/shemale-only board, and make a separate thread for non-futa fetishes, call it /fet/. Then merge /d/ and /aco/ into these respective threads. It'll keep /d/ for its intended purposes, and sate the ones that don't like all the futa hogging the threads
Here's another poll...

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