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Rules, Regulations and Moderation For /tg/

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

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Hiro said to make a thread here so that's what I'm going to do. Discuss how we can better /tg/
>Discuss how we can better /tg/

Move CYOA threads to /qst/. Bring back Dwarf Fortress.
Yes for the first, no for the second.
Wow its actually not being deleted
Bring quests back. Fire Mod.
All of this.
Make /qst/ not a containment board and let relevant quests come back. Leave /qst/ up though. It was a good buffer when it was just extra space.

Potential fix for people who really love page 1 and can't use a catalog: Force quests to put quest in the title (Which most already do), then make it so that threads with quest in the title only bump to page 2. Might need some technical finagling, but that's what the Developer is for, right?
Mods only playing ball because Hiro is back
quests belong on /qst/

it's what the board is for
I don't care what happens to quests.
Would be fine with it either way.
CYOA should get its own board. World building board would be good.
The first one makes sense to me at least
More lewd elves
Either make it so anything with Quest in the subject can't be bumped to the first page or make /qst/ optional
Bring back quests, if not to all boards than just to /tg/. Fire the mods. Add a sticky teaching people how to filter out quests, or include a built-in optional quest filter.
hiro isn't going to read this shit

hiro isn't going to read all of the posts of this or any other thread of ALL the boards

He especially isn't going to read ALL of the posts of ALL of the thread of ALL of the boards

Don't kid yourself
Can't we keep things this way and just have you leave?
This guy gets it
Third. I myself see no reason for them to be moves. I don't particularly care for them, but I thought they were nice for adding some traffic to the board.
I'd move CYOA threads to quest and allow a 'quest roundup' thread on /tg/ for those faggots to advertise their games and continue to pretend they are on a forum, not an anonymous chinese cartoon imageboard. I'd support regular bans for zero-content threads.
>Fire Mod.

We can all agree on this one, right folks?
Well it's not like you're going to get any real sort of consensus here anyway. This thread will just be where butthurt quest thread people gather
Listen to this guys, specially about firing that fucking mod.
Quests are fine on /qst/. I've yet to see an argument against it that wasn't just some particular attention whore bitching.
I've never seen an argument for it that wasn't an appeal to the mod's authority or a completely subjective value judgement.
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Mod is playing Mr. Nice Guy now. Don't let him fucking fool you. He was deleting these threads nonstop today and handing out bans.
Oh fucking Christ yes

>inb4 mod deletes thread 8 more times because Hiro didn't say anything for 3 hours.
Indeed. Metathreads should always be banned.
Re-welcome drawfagging. Make /tg/ a special case board and put some more references to /qst/ than would be usual, simply to encourage awareness AND keep them quarantined all in one stroke. CYOA threads = quest threads, so treat them accordingly. Re-instate the Commander Keen rule. Relax a bit on art threads and whatnot; allow spoilered "racy" content as long as it's fantasy-oriented and not outright porn. If you're browsing here at work, fuck you. Abuse gets the old rule re-instated. Allow conversation threads to go off-topic so long as they don't go full /pol/ and don't devolve into flamewars. Too many derailed threads that were interesting get deleted by butthurt OPs reporting their own threads for being shanghaied. Too fucking bad, OP. Deal with it.

Basically, loosen the shackles a little, but keep your hand on your gun, mods. Motherfuckers can't be trusted to follow the good spirit of the rules sometimes.

Oh, and replace mods/janitors that show repeated bias in pruning or deletions. That shit is stupid.
Prove it

Though in seriousness, quests belong to /tg/ they started here nearly a decade ago.
Seems like it, once Hiro bunny-hops away the mods come back to play us like a damn fiddle.

fuck all you idiots that just want to complain and are using hiro's ignorance to bring meta threads to /tg/

I'd support this.
I just want people to be reasonable, and I would like it if the /pol/ shitposting was more heavily moderated. It's genuinely terrible to deal with far more often than it's tolerable.
Also backing.

/qst/ is useful as a place for QM's to not clutter a board up with new ideas or first time attempts, it should stay around just for that, but its not a home for actual quests.

We already have Quest Generals on /tg/.
I want mods who will purge /d/ tier threads.
/qst/ is an unmitigated failure, and quests have been on /tg/ since their inception nearly a decade ago.
Not sure if the second can be done, but YES to the first.
The worst part about the switch is how butthurt everyone on /qst/ is about it. The constant bitching over irrelevant shit is unbelievable. Making a calm post about it gets me several rage filled (You)s every time.
Christ, how entitled can one faggot be?
None of the quester community wanted /qst/
Theres not enough people for a full on board.
No we don't, they get banned. They were getting banned even before /qst/ was mandatory. The fuck are you smoking?
If there was an option for "punch mod in balls" I'd go for that.

I'll bite. Forced IDs means people argue against other posters and personalities develop, the board's so slow even with the /tg/ immigrants it takes a permasaged thread DAYS to drop off the board, and it's unsustainable from the perspective that people who don't already know where it is and what it's about probably won't bother with it. On /tg/ anybody and everybody has experience playing in a group: they're just one interesting premise away from participating in a quest assuming they don't have a massive stick up their ass or something.

/tg/ was just better, dude. /qst/ isn't as bad as some people make it out to be, but /tg/ was almost... I dunno. Like it bred out weakness, and if you crashed and burned it covered up the evidence in a couple of hours tops. Looking at the bottom few pages of /qst/ is just sad.
By that logic, all of /tg/ belongs on /b/ because that's where it started more than a decade ago.
What about those who started on /qst/ from the get-go?

At the very least, let board-relevant ones back here.

I don't give a shit about maid waifu ninja quest or whatever, but if you're running a fucking Warhammer-based one then let it be on /tg/.
/qst/ is not a failure it works fine

you people just don't like change
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This guy gets it.
Quests took up barely any space on the board. They've been here since they were made, years ago.
If you're not going to accept /qst/ is a failed and dead board, at least let quests stay on /tg/.

fuck off liar
/qst/ works great, try it
For one, stop shitting on design threads.

Second, CYOA SHOULD be sent to /qst/.

Third, I actually agree with >>49349191 on the dorf fort. There is plenty of overlap between /tg/ related things and other hobbies like vidya. Allowing some more interpretation-heavy games like dorf fort wouldn't hurt the board.
If you were going to post in quest threads what's so fucking hard about just going to /qst/ at the same time? I like being able to see things on the front page that aren't general threads and quests. With the catalog you can't really see what direction a thread has taken
If there's one thing that should continue to stay the way it is I'd say it's this
But what about my quest, it started on /qst/ and I'm too scared of /tg/ to move in if I got the offer.
CYOA, Risk, and all the other forum game shit needs to fuck off to /qst/ to complete the purge. They can take the completely off-topic worldbuilding and storythread stuff with them. It's a containment board after all.

Next we need a solid crackdown on all the /v/ leakage. SS13, BFG Armada, DF, Warcraft, and Dawn of War are the worst offenders.

Contentless threads need to go too, Filename, BestOf, OMGCutePictures, StatMe, ThisIsHow, and pretty much anything that isn't actually traditional game discussion needs to go too.
No it doesn't. It's glitchy and threads that would have been popular elsewhere are slowed to a crawl (If even) on /qst/.
I don't like the idea of quests only bumping to page 2 because that still shuts out a lot of potential new blood, albeit not to the degree that /qst/ does. For example, I only got into MGNQ after seeing it on the frontpage for months.

I think a built-in, optional filter for "Quest" would work better. Opt-in rather than opt-out. And of course a permanent sticky explaining what quests are and how the filter works.
I did. It was shit so I went back to /tg/, and it's still shit.
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>/qst/ works great, try it
bullshit, You go to the board that fits is.
>you people
So you're saying you don't play in quests?
Because /qst/ was made on the whim of a random mod, at the behest of a vocal minority who'd bitched for years, taking in almost not criticism and ignoring all the QMs and questers who said it was retarded.

The "community", as it is, it too damn small. It's an extremely small number of people, enough that the /qst/ board is totally dead. There was no harm in allowing them on /tg/ and taking them off it did plenty of it.

Keep /qst/, if you must. But let quests stay on /tg/

They're never going to delete /qst/, so I wouldn't worry.
Looks like the ban happy mod is on /qst/ now. He deleted the thread Hiro wanted their in only 7 minutes
Honestly the /pol/ stuff goes away if you never reply to it.
They get bored eventually without their constant supplies of (you)s and move onto another thread.
I love how all you guys are batching about where you get to watch some usually bad writefag brutally rape canon to insert a schizophrenic/multiple personality disorder self-insert that makes no sense and ruins it.

Unless it's OC, it's usually bad.

On topic and original quests should be allowed here, but shit like DragonBall quest belongs on >>>/qst/
that's false

threads would be just as dead anywhere if there are dead there

/qst/ has created many, MANY more quests that would never have existed without /qst/

That's merely the nature of quest threads, anon.
Fuck off. It wasn't a containment board until the mod started listening to people like you.
Also, those things are literally nothing like quests. CYOA is literally a solitaire experience, and RISK is just a board game.

The fact that you think worldbuilding and storythreads are off-topic speaks volumes as to your contributions to /tg/.
Says someone ignorant of quests.

Hell, i wouldnt even care about quests being restricted to page 3 or more on here.

They will die without foot traffic from the boards they are related to.
>vocal minority
I'm sure that's very convenient to believe

/tg/ needs a discerning but firm hand when it comes to moderation. The discerning part is important due to the nature of the board.

Also remove risk/civ/CYOA/evo threads to /qst/ and make it a general forum games board.
are you retarded? >>>/qst/570135
>Bring quests back
Honestly the mod's not been absolutely awful, but there have been some odd decisions like nuking a few discussion threads and game creation threads. Could be worse, compared to no moderation whatsoever. I do not miss all those /pol/ threads intended to just start real world arguments.
I did. It was shit
This will fail without a site wide rule. We had quests for things that had nothing to do with /tg/, because when someone made a thread on their relevant board, they were told to come here.

As a result, /tg/ suffered since half the board was quests nobody gave a shit about.

So, it should be that quests are allowed on every board, as long as it is relevant to the board at hand.

Fragmenting the community wasn't necessary, it wasn't like they were pushing valuable threads off the board.

I'd endorse it of /tg/ was anywhere near capacity, but it really isn't, so having the quest threads here was a nice way to cross-pollinate and grow both the forum-gaming and sit down gaming communities.
MANY popular quests from other boards had drastic drops in posters.
But I don't think /qst/ needs to go. It just doesn't need to be a containment board.
I feel indifferent about quests, but I do enjoy the butthurt and tears of all the quest people and wish for this conflict to draw out for a bit longer.

Wait Dwarf Fortress is banned? I vaguely remember a thread just a while ago. It should definitely be allowed here.
Keep /qst/ but dont be militant about it. Encourage its use by making it USEFUL not a containment board. If people like it, they will use it. If you provide a useful service, youre doing it right.

Clean up the janitors. Seriously. Do your damn job and actually regulate their actions! Fucking hell, its not that hard to check up on them is it? Delegate it to someone who gives a shit if you cant, but get it done. Abuse of power is more toxic than anything the community can conjure up.

Just, stop being lazy about things. The heavy hand you have been using is leaving a fucking bruise.
>Forced IDs means people argue against other posters and personalities develop
The entire questing """community""" is this. The attitude of so many quest runners is "I, questfag name #1, condescend with my brilliance to these poor anons"
QMs, Questers, we all fucking tried it. And it was shit. The community is dead, the board is filled with /b/ tier drawquests, all of which died after 50 posts and no-one drops in from seeing a quest they care about and dropping into it from /tg/.
And the board "features" only made it worse.

I don't read fanfic quests, but that's cool I guess.

You literally are a vocal minority, most of /tg/ doesn't care. Just use your fucking filters and ignore the under a dozen hidden threads.
Agreed. Look, /qst/ can stay because some folks seem to enjoy it. Good for them. But let quests come back to /tg/ if the QMs wish to run on /tg/.

Also, fire the mod. He's trash.

MOD, READ THIS NOW. You're universally hated! Please, have the grace to resign! You fucking trash.
One of the big things about quests is that people got incredibly fucking lazy about it.

About stories, concepts, and even about getting some damn closure on the thing.

Low quality quests started building up and instead of "Something something space quest #8" we got "Harem anime in quest form #515" everywhere.

I'd argue /qst/ is a good thing because even if they're slower with less visitors, having good quests be visible amongst the shit allows people to get exposed to the idea that there's something better than just aimlessly wandering around for several dozen threads.
No quests on /tg/. /qst/ is fine and /tg/ is better without quests choking it up.
/tg/'s been doing pretty well since the Quests were dumped. Don't think we need anything.
>Re-welcome drawfagging
There is a draw thread up RIGHT NOW >>49346919
>The "community", as it is, it too damn small.

And yet they're flooding this thread with "agree". You're just looking for a scapegoat.
Imagine the butthurt tears of the anti-quest people.

Actually here, just go back a few pages
Point1: agreed
Point2: yes and no. Video games related to /tg/, like the dawn of war series, do and don't belong here for different reasons. /tg/ related discussion about the games should be far whereas talking about the game play and mechanics of the game should go to /v/ or/vg/.
Point 3:

But seriously, your third point makes you sound like a pretentious cunt. It's part of board culture, it has been, and it's not going away easy, nor should it.
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>MOD, READ THIS NOW. You're universally hated! Please, have the grace to resign! You fucking trash.

No fuck this guy

Just Unironically

Kill Your Self
Hell the idea of restricting quests to page 2 or 3 would work fine for most boards. Since then you go looking in the catalog and thats where people can still find the things like quests that get them interested.

Quest haters dont have to look at them or have their content restricted, quests get their appropriet player bases. Everyone wins.
>Choking it up
This is a lie. It has always been a lie, and it always will be.

Stop spreading lies.
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Quests have never choked up /tg/, and considering that they peaked YEARS ago, they're not likely to in the future.
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>mods are actually reading a thread instead of deleting it for the 10th time today
>you idiots are talking about quests instead of important issues, like the quality of posters, blatant shilling, and off-topic nonsense that fills most fast moving threads
I agree with this person
Most questers hate namefags. Its a major part of /tg/ culture that got imprinted in them.
>Hell the idea of restricting quests to page 2 or 3 would work fine for most boards. Since then you go looking in the catalog and thats where people can still find the things like quests that get them interested.

This a thousand times this
>half the board

Try 7%
The good quests aren't visible under the shit, they're drowning under dead as fuck shit quests, which /tg/ pushed off in hours whereas /qst/ takes a week.

Questers are a minority, but they care about this, so of course they're in this thread.

>choking it up
This lie, again.
Instead of having a bunch of quests on the frontpage, now we have a bunch of generals. Fucking nothing's changed for non-questers.
What's this about a shit mod
This is a discussion board, not a play-by-post forum, or a fanfic repository. Just being a few degrees of seperation away from the board's actual topic doesn't make misuse of it allowable.
Dude, which QM crawled up YOUR ass and died there? Most of the ones I know are actually pretty chill: in fact it's almost a prerequisite given how a lot of playerbases can get. If they weren't chill they'd have gone crazy like five threads in.

This. I don't do quests, but I also don't get why people think it's not roleplaying or whatever. It's obviously board related, and it's not like /tg/ is bursting at the seams with too much traffic. It took hours for a dead thread to roll off, even before /qst/.
And quests produced a good bit of churn that kept the stupid bait threads pushed down, so they didn't seem to attract so much attention.
And you have the nerve to wonder where the writefags and drawfags from the "/tg/ gets shit done" era went
This. Nobody asked for /qst/ at all, and the mods have done a piss poor job moderating it and explaining what exactly its for
>bunch of quests on the frontpage, now we have a bunch of generals

Gib stats
Bib proof
there's also a semi-regular drawthread

I don't know why some qst dudes think all drawfags are banned from /tg/.
See >>49349568
Do you have anything to prove otherwise?
It's been proven a lie time and time again.
If the numbers add up, they add up.
And they have never added up to what you say.
Fanfic quests feel like I'm reading the inner thoughts of the 12 year old me that loved Naruto but always wanted to be a character in it. And the fact that there's grown adults that think like I did 10 years ago is pretty fucking depressing. Also they're poorly written, and usually try to morph back into canon but fuck up, quickly.
The board has room for, I believe, 112 threads at a time. At peak capacity, on days with the most quests going at once, you would see MAYBE 10 at one time.
The fact that a lot the fucks never put "quest" in their subject at all was half the damn problem
No, but when you say things that are verifiably false, you are telling lies. You should stop spreading lies.
>oh great, another thread with people argueing about quests just when we though it wasn't allowed anymore
Said no one ever

Anyway how do you guys feel about generals?
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>Keep Quests on /qst/, give QMs whatever tools and settings they want
>Make it a red board
>Send CYOA there as well, as suggested
>Ban blatant fetish shit on /tg/
>Maybe some cool new toy like dice, such as character sheets or something, I can see some lulz to be had
>Drawthreads are allowed as long as they're on topic and not /d/, obviously
>Give Generals some kind of way to stand out in the Catalog so they become useful and contain posts that dont need their own thread
Keeping Quests off the frontpage would be ideal, because that's pretty much the only genuinely valid complaint about them. /tg/ is all about derailment and conversation, and thus the catalog is less useful here than elsewhere.

I'm all for welcoming quality relevant content, as long as it doesn't adversely affect the frontpage.

See >>49349568

And fuck off
>vocal minority
Citation needed.
Can you put in some examples? Screencaps, please.
I can count on one hand the number of people who did that, because they've all been very vocally called out for it.
But that filter also probably catches a few false positives, like "knights on a quest", or "I want to send my PCs on a quest" or whatever.
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>tfw you're a newfag who has no idea about the deeper intricacies of /tg/'s questing scene, and simply showed up to /qst/ shortly after it got established
>all of this flying over your head
>you're just there

I just wanted to have fun and have a good time with anons who play along with my stuff.
>muh 8 percent
That search was a biased search, and it doesn't account for all the unlabeled quests
>we're not a vocal minority
Citation needed.

And maybe the fact that there are only a handful of anti-quest posts everytime this argument comes up?
>a lot the fucks
I remember that happening like once, and even the questfags were up his ass about it. If memory serves he eventually got banned for shitposting.
If quests can't be here related to /tg/ then any general not related to /tg/ should also be removed is my opinion.

thats the thing, Alot of people want the quests to go back to the native boards where they'd make sense. /a/ Related shit goes to /a/, /tg/ shit to /tg/ Nazi shit to /pol/ ect
>All the unlabeled quests.
You can find some and point them out, right? The archives are still there. If there are that many, it shouldn't take too long to find a few.
I don't screencap when it happened, but it happened a lot. I personally would reply to the thread asking them to label their quests next time, things would get vitriolic and more than once, different QMs would have some sarcastic title for the next thread about not labeling it on purpose
there were very, very few.
And if we enforced it as a rule, that problem would go away, and you could filter out all the quest threads and forget we exist. Would that please you?
Bullshit, lots of us were begging for /qst/ to get your fucking cancer off the board.
I agree with this. There's usually a handful of people whining about quests, about twice that many fighting with them, and then the other eighty percent of the board just not caring and going on with their fucking day.
Just embrace the shitstorm and let it wash over you.

Soon it will be gone like another fart in the wind.
Archives are still available. 4plebs has every thread.
>a lot

How many? Surely you can provide evidence like questfags did BTFOing the "majority of the board" claim
Seconding this.

No, all the quests put quest in the title because it was the only way to keep people like you from shitting up the threads.

You just give the quest label to things that are in no way a quest, but that you just don't like. This is what the anti-questers have always done and I don't expect them to change, but please, I beg you, give us pictures of these missing quest threads that were obviously numbering in the hundreds to clog up the board to the degree you claim.

Is that a codeword for 'me and my three asshole friends' now? Because that's all that's usually seen complaining about quests, at the absolute most. Everybody else either wants you to shut up, or just doesn't give a flying fuck.
Anti-questfags confirmed for innumeracy, yet again.
I don't care about quests but I hate dumb idiots who can't use the catalog and show off that they can't use the catalog by complaining about the front page as if that remotely matters. Your concept of "they" is stupid.
That's not what the IP counter has ever said.
That is a pretty good idea.
That was mostly that fucking joker/gotham quest guy right? I remember him being the main culprit.

As a questfag, I'd ask for him to tag it, but he'd refuse everytime because he was a dickhead.

And if that was an enforced rule, as opposed to a custom, you wouldn't have to live with that.
That shit needs to go too. I fully agree. Shilling needs to be taken care of quickly, and shitposters like virtualoptim (I know somewhere he's posting as an anonymous person again) need to be shut the fuck down.
nice get,
the secret is to lay low and enjoy the shitride.
Refreshed the /tg/ frontpage and got:

>This thread
>Traveller General
>EDH General
>How does your Paladin do it /tg/?
>LE antagonists can be morally complex
>40k art thread.
>Warcraft Lore and RPG Discussion (looks like a general to me)
>Pathfinder General
>5E General
>Shadowrun General
>SUDDENLY AJANI (MtG spoiler thread separate from the main MtG spoiler thread)
>Main MtG Spoiler thread (sort-of a general, maybe?)
>ACE Universal Mecha RPG
>40k general

Admittedly that last one was page 2 since I have the kitty sticky hidden but not the /qst/ sticky hidden.
That's just denial. There was tons of people asking for it. I'm not terribly surprised if nobody wants to moderate the play by post roleplay board though
Well, why assume that those problems can't be addressed after this one?
No, fuck off.
Keep the fucking quests off the board. They're tangentially related and take up too much of the board.

Tried of having to filter fucking quests because they don't put quests in the damn line. Every since they've been gone, I can see the front page.
Firstly, let's get a count here. Should the /tg/ Nazimod be fired/forced to resign?

>about twice as many
it's a small number of people on either side, and most of the board has stopped caring
Is he actually clever enough to do that?
what a fucking faggot
That's literally not true, barely anyone asked for it, and if you'd browse the thread where the mod suggested and made it, everyone said they didn't want it.

Also, can we get Hiro or a mod to say something in here?

Thread started at 7:49 PM EST.
Thread deleted only 5 minutes later. This all but confirms my deepest fear: The mod of /tg/, the one who kicked off all the Quest threads, is also the mod of /qst/, since he is banning exactly the same way he was doing on /tg/ a few hours ago.
This problem has been addressed, and now /qst/ has it's own board. That's it, end of discussion. It was discussed for years and years and years. Why would it stop now that there is the perception people are listening?


I don't know how I'm supposed to search for this, since the language can be so different in each instance, especially the backlash. Hre are tw different quick examples of unlabeled Quests

Again, I have Quest filtered and they still used to come up all the time, I don't know what you gain from denying this when it's a simple truth
>because they don't put quests in the damn line
1: It was never mandatory
2: Most did it anyway.
Now what about the quests? before the purge?

Gib stats
Proof point
God I hope not.
That's different from "every single one". Which is it?
>/a/ related shit goes to /a/
To be fair, have you ever... you know. Been to /a/? Could you imagine a quest being run there?
>Youur taste is SHIT
>Entry level garbage
>Your waifu a shit! SHIT!
>Not enough yuri
>Where the smug lolis at?
>You got this minute detail wrong, so I'm gonna shitpost for the next thirty minutes and totally derail the plot

It's nightmare fuel. I would never condemn someone to that fate. I could never balance things out on the cosmic scale.
>posted earlier
Mother fucker scroll up. And the only real time any quests popped up in decent numbers was the weekend.
Funny, it was discussed for years and nothing was done, because the discussion never went that way. Now people are pissed because it did without any appropriet input from the people whos fun it was fucking with.

So no, not end of discussion. We will continue returning here to make ourselves heard.
Stats have been posted in the past and quests would generally take up 10-15% of the ENTIRE board at most.
You can visit sup/tg/ and just look at the first posts of a few archived quests there... Though i find it more effective to toggle between "Quests hidden" and "quests shown" on the left hand side bar. which changes September's archived threads from *eight* to *SEVENTY SIX*.

Many of these quests very clearly do *not* have the word "quest* in their opening post or title: FOr example "Mecha Mercs Skirmish Mission" has the following as their first post text:

>With the IF's seat of power destroyed few of the Peace Keeper's command staff remain alive. One such officer is General Carvine, leader of the International Desert Task Force currently headquartered in Landum... and under siege by a relentless Zanvran assault.

You can confirm this, and many other examples, just by looking at the suptg archive.
We've shown you stats
are you fucking retarded? there is already a thread up on /qst/ >>>/qst/570135

He posts caps of his "epik trollan" to his shitty tumblr from time to time.
He used to take his trip off to play "le obnoxious dungeon world fanboi" too. One time he accidentally left it on halfway through telling everyone that Dungeon World was the bestest system ever and they should all stop playing those shitty systems they like and play DW.
Been done already
Still a plague upon mankind.

Just because you grognards are too sociopathic to obtain a group of friends, doesn't mean you need to shit up the board.

It's like going to the fucking gamestore and screaming at the top of your lung every action you're making. Every fucking single one of you.

The board is for discussion, not for play.
Good thing Quests have their own board, then
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Everything quest or cyoa related needs to be in ONE PLACE. Right now it's fragmented between /tg/ and /qst/ and that clearly isn't working, nobody is happy. /qst/ is dead and /tg/ is still cluttered with quests. I don't know where it all needs to go, but it needs to all be consolidated.

Consolidate our Magic generals. We have a general for every format, a thread or two whenever there are new spoilers, a custom card general, a lore discussion tread, ask a judge, some kind of special snowflake thread that I'm not even sure is magic related, and often several strays about sleeves, shuffling, tourneys, MaRo, SJW's, Nissa's elf tits, and a fuckton of other things. I can see the wisdom in separating new lore from constructed tournaments, but this is goddamn excessive.
I've been there for a few Animes to be honest, but I seriously just want us all to go home to our boards. I'm pro-quest on /tg/ but if I can't have that, I'm willing to let them go to the native boards they belong.
Ah, so /tg/ is going to suffer the clueless mod as well.
that's where half of the shitty anime quests came from back when /tg/ was made into the quest ghetto

I imagine that is also why people still have a hate on for quests. Because it was fucking bad.
Either that or they have less reason to be in this thread
I remember some quests on /a/ before the mass exile to /tg/ and they weren't like that. Granted, that was in like 2012.
But, the original point was there are more important things to discuss which are being ignored for quests, then you said after we're done talking about quests we will talk about that stuff, only to immediately say we will never stop talking about quests even though there was a legitimate solution.
That was one like, two day search
Why can't there be just one stickied official poll made by the mods about "quests: yes or no?", because literally all the argueing is just
>"lots of people didn't want quests"
>"no lots of people did want quests"
>"no u"
>"no u"
rinse and repeat
>I would like it if the /pol/ shitposting was more heavily moderated

This. The constant race-baiting unambiguously actually hurts on-topic discussion by derailing threads that would otherwise be enjoyable.
There has probably been a few, and frankly, better there than /tg/

People who only post to complain about how OP is posting wrong or how other people are posting wrong should be a bannable offence, it's getting super annoying.

Increase post and image bump limits, as well as total number of threads on /tg/, then fold quests back into /tg/. else, keep /qst/ a thing or allow quests on all the board.

pls don't take away the rolling ability.
The hylian thing isn't a quest, although it is very similar. If you notice, every player has their own character in that.
So you've got one. And I'm pretty sure that's the infamous guy who gets bitched out for it.
Actually, that's exactly how it worked. The only one I remember from that 2012-ish era is Fuck Quest.
>>Discuss how we can better /tg/

Ban image dumps/request threads/character threads, they don't belong on /tg/ outright

Ban CYOAs and Risk games and tell them to move it to /qst/

Ban drawfag threads and tell them to move to /ic/.

Ban storytimes

Ban build-a collaobrative story/build-a setting threads and tell them to take it to /qst/

Ban generals, especially worldbuilding general

Ban Jumpchain, it belongs on /qst/

Ban WIP/painting or any making/crafting minis/models and tell them to take it to /diy/, where it's obviously more appropriate.

I think I've covered all the bases.
And if you look at suptg, you'll also see that 95% of those quests DO have quest in the title/subject. And they weren't even obliged to, they did it just for you.

Now imagine we let quests back on, a few come back, and those who come back have to tag appropriately. We'll go back to having a dozen at most and you get to filter it all.
Everyone wins.

Innumeracy means the inability to do basic math. Like illiteracy for numbers.
Except every time proof was actually produced it was quests taking up as much as 10% off the entire /tg/ board across 10 pages.

Quests were never a threat to /tg/, and they have never taken up all of the front page, EVER.
>Gib proof
>This is totally not proof, I meant proof that fits 100% what i believe and not you.


Shh, Lazy fucks don't like filtering even though thats what you do in the first place.
I see a majority that do, though. sup/tg/ isn't even as reliable a source, since we have the actual archives. But I don't see a significant number that do not have it.
Samefagging would be obscene, it would be pointless.

Here then. Should quests be allowed on /tg/? This should be interesting.
Your talking to multiple people, which makes your argument rather fragmented here.
Please clarify by post instead of presuming one person.
>Consolidate our Magic generals.

While I don't like the fact that there hare half a dozen Magic generals covering all the formats, trying to force Standard players and Legacy players and EDH players to share a thread would be a hell of shitposting. You might as well make a dedicated D&D edition war general.
>Re-instate the Commander Keen rule

Say NO to this bullshit slippery slope excuse rule. There are no equivalent rules of this on other boards, so /tg/ should not be an exception.
>D&D edition war general.
We should thought
You won't get any antiquest posters voting because it would reveal how few there are.
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That's stil a fucking quest. There's been fucking quests like that before.

You're playing a game through the fucking board, then it's a quest.

It doesn't make up for the fact that both the mod of /tg/ and /qst/ are one in the same. He was deleting these threads nonstop a few hours ago.
Hey, I know what that pic is from! Nice trips too.
I respectfully disagree with about half of what you said.

An official stickied one would be better because that would ensure that a lot more people would vote instead of just all the butthurt faggots who are currently in here.
I'm firmly for letting them back, I think you tabbed the wrong person.
You see, magic's formats created a divided set of communities that don't play well together in real life, and under the veil of protection that is the Internet their shitslinging turns into an all out war. Putting standard with legacy is like putting 4e d&d with 3.pf, or WHFB with WH40k.
Because 4chan isn't a normal forum and threads are very temporary things.
It'll be interesting to see the result at least.
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>he can't follow a 4 post chain, but insists on posting his stupid opinions
All card games/TCG generals on /tg/ should be moved to their own /tcg/ board.
Whenever bitching starts, there's at most 3 new IPs to a thread. If you have proof otherwise, present it, faggot.

I agree on all of those except generals and the painters. Generals contain shitposting so we can have more threads, and WIP/Painting is a part of the every miniature game and therefore /tg/.

>he's never seen the 40k /d/ quest that took place on /d/
It was really good actually.
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Yes, 2 out of 132 is a lot.

By the way, keywords quest and title had 1 positive hit (katwa shoujou thread) and keywords quest and subject had 1 positive hit (2 Risen Dead Quest).


Go on, find another one in that period.
Yeah. This is a pretty small voting pool to draw from. Too small to really get an accurate answer.
You're missing the "don't care" option. Rookie mistake.
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I hope so, things are very turbulent as it seems and I'm only four threads away from finishing my first drawquest.

Maybe you find peace on your journey.

>another person knows Waterworks
And yes it's still alive, check the author's blog
Lets give wargames their own board and RPGs their own board and make /tg/ the board for classic board games like Monopoly and chess.
I'd assume those who don't care, wouldn't vote.
Because "You drove away EVERYONE WHO WAS CREATING CONTENT" is basically their only defense to ask quests back. otherwise they are like "quests are dying" like that's a /tg/ problem.

It is not. Either quests have enough people interested on them to sutain themselves, or they dont. Either way, just because something can't have it's own board, it doesnt mean it belongs here. If another board wants to take them, like /lit/, they are welcomed to it, as far as I'm concerned. But they were not welcomed here, we finally got them out, and we don't want them back.
Keep the quests gone. They're just panhandlers who want to leech off the traffic on a larger board.

If you want to advertise, buy a fucking banner.
No. That removes 9 threads on average at any given time, not accounting for magic spoiler season
That's also fair. Since about 90% of the board could not give less of a fuck about the whole thing.
That's nice. Those boards are quite dead. Two entire threads out of the over 8000 on the site are real, real old.
Can Hiro win a fight against nazimod?
Do you even realize how sketchy your own proof sounds?
>If another board wants to take them, like /lit/

As if /lit/ wasn't shit enough already.
And how old would the threads on /qst/ become without the 3 day autosage?

Aren't you curious?
Drawthreads *were* chased off of /tg/. It's only recently that they've snuck back on.
>Implying Hiro gives even a single fuck
He defeated Nipplemod, but only because /a/ combined all their energy and gave it to Hiro
Just out of pure interest, are there any people here who are indifferent about quests?
Maybe there's this silent majority that just literally gives no fucks about this.
Here. Send CYAO e CYAO jumpchain to /qst/. It will increase their traffic and allow them to have porn. Make it a red board. In turn, ask people on /tg/ to really tone down the "durr hurr elf slave what do 2016 edition" crap that is 'magical realm'. There should be an autoban/word replaced for Magical Realm even. it's stale meme and it opens bad doors to bad places.
If quests don't have enough people to sustain a board, then they don't have enough people to ruin a different board.
Quests have been part of /tg/ for years, fuck off.
those two boards are dead as fuck.
He was talking to multiple people and treating them as one.

Is it bad to ask he reply in a way that makes a little better sense? Its not like i asked him to kill himself here.
All threads on all boards "leech" off of the board's traffic.
That's a non-argument.
Quests never caused an issue on here. It was only the mod and a small minority of fa/tg/uys who bitched about it. Nazimod has no intention of fixing /qst/ because its clear he made it as a containment board
That would be the Lurkers.
And the "sit back and watch the storm from my popcorn seat," users.
Yeah, of course there are. Most of the boards population couldn't care less, it's just some people get really angry at others having fun.
>WIP/Painting is a part of the every miniature game and therefore /tg/.

There are many, many physical work related skills related to /diy/ that the people there can help with their knowledge and skills far better for modellers, rather than people walking in asking about craft store paints and not knowing the first thing (which is use PRIMER or THIN YOUR PAINTS or DON'T USE PAINT STRAIGHT FROM THE POT/BOTTLE).

...or, Resin dust WILL kill you, WEAR A MASK, wetsand, etc etc.

...or glue/plastic cement fumes WILL kill you, wear a respirator, ventilation, etc. you get the dealie.

The /diy/ folks know their technical and work safety shit far more than most of the WIP general posters.
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Here is the problem: Do quest threads take up a sizable amount of front page space for extended periods of time?

Even if there's only 10 quest threads up at a time, if they're hogging the front page for 90% of the time that they're up, there's a problem.

It's not quantity, it's time on front page that is the issue.
>Increase post and image bump limits, as well as total number of threads on /tg/, then fold quests back into /tg/.
That's not true at all, friendo-amigo, mi comprade. It takes a lot of oil to run a ship but just a spoon of it to ruins that ship water supply.
I was indifferent until nearly the entire frontpage save for like 2 threads were consistently Quests, and most of those were like textbook edgy/weaboo/fetish garbage or flavour of the month non-/tg/ media quests.

Why are questfags complaining about getting their own board?



No to the first. Yes to the second.
Is it thought? Catalog is native now. There are filters out there that literally push up lower threads to fill the gaps.
Well, let them back then. I dont mind them.
Every single complaint thread I have ever seen on /tg/ has had plenty of people saying that they wanted quests off of the board, and complaints in other threads always universally ran with the theme of "I hate these stupid quests and smut threads". Your vocal minority you keep talking about is a myth.
It is however a relevant statistic to collect.
>Why are questfags complaining about getting their own board?
Apparently because they're losing their audiences or something like that.
That's why other people are suggesting having them bump to page 2, and why I'm suggesting a built-in optional quest filter.

This problem can be fixed without /qst/ existing, but the mod just really wanted quests gone.
Everyone on the planet uses the catalogue anyway, and there's been proposed solutions, such as preventing any thread with Quest in the subject from hitting the front page.
Or just fucking filter them.
I will meet up with people IRL and fight them to resolve this if I have to.
Quests couldn't even fill a single page on /tg/.
Moving stuff to /lit/? Sure, helps diversify the content and makes the hipsters cringe.
But the IP counts were never high. In fact, it usually doubled or more when people started counter arguing.
Okay you know what you convinced me.
It hurts to hope.
>pls don't take away the rolling ability.
HOLD THE PHONE, why in the world would they remove a relevant, functional and already implemented feature?
Or are you just pulling legs here?
Are you thanking us Hiro or mod not deleting it this time?
Hiro go to >>>/qa/670507

We know who the problem mods are. You must act ASAP
1) that only became a thing when all quests were quarrantined here, with just /tg/ native quests, they were not a real problem.
2) Questfags never asked for their board. Its a quarrantine. They have little to no input, the mod does not care and runs it like a dissused tissue dispenser.
That's like kicking those dirty gipses that sell crap out of the mall, and then they want to be let in back because without the mall clients, nobody visits their shit shops at the park.

How's the mall's fault that their product doesn't draw anyone's attention?
Make a board for developing things. Games, stories, comics, whatever. The development process itself. Call it /dev/.

As for quests, I do not give a fuck.
What's your thoughts from this thread and the strawpoll here >>49349892 ?
Except that never happened because the quests were spread acoss 10 boards, since the QMs wrote at different times. The most quests ever seen on the front page was 4. EVER. and you have that many WH40K posts there and even more generals constantly.
Hiro! I am scared! Please hug me!
No, give quests a few months on their own board and then decide whether or not to bring them back.
Hiro, please ignore all these quest posters. They're idiots talking about antiquated garbage. I just want /pol/ to stay out of this board. I'm tired of everything devolving into a constant race-baiting shitshow.
Jesus fuck you're a drama queen
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N-notice me Hiroyuki-senpai!
Can you please explain your reasoning for the following:

>Ban drawfag threads and tell them to move to /ic/.

>Ban storytimes
This one I'm especially interested in. It might help if you explain exactly what you mean. Just storytime threads? Every storytime in every thread? Every thread that's storytime bait?

>Ban [collaboartive story is just a quests so not that] build-a setting threads and tell them to take it to /qst/

>Ban WIP/painting or any making/crafting minis/models and tell them to take it to /diy/, where it's obviously more appropriate.
Make a containment board for shit-game 40k
Please consider the page 2 or 3 restriction idea as an alternative. Its the simplest way to make nearly everyone happy.
Please don't bring back quests. It hasn't even been a week, this is just reactionary bullshit.
Some humourless bastard was calling for the removal of the feature "now that quests are gone". He got shouted down real quick, and his thread was deleted, but it was still something at least one person thought was a good idea.
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How long will that last though?

If, for example, one needs 5 posts a minute to continuously stay on the front page, a super active thread can stay there for at most an hour before autosaging.

This phenomenon practically mathematically impossible.
>Give quests a few months on there own board
>/qst/ was started more then 3 months ago

He was trolling
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Ban quests on /tg/, make it a must to use /qst/.
If a quest had a drop in players it means your players are not interested enough to go look for you.
Ergo you are shit.
>entire frontpage save for like 2 threads were consistently Quests
This never happened. the number of screenacaps of that event would number in the dozens. Why didn't YOU screencap it and use it as anti-quest ammunition?

Because it never happened.
>hiro posted
>he actually posted

This IS the 40k containment board dumbass

They did, it was called /tg/.
Stating facts is a drama queen?
You live on hyperbole dont you?
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Could we switch /tg/ away from being a blue board?
It's not like a whole lot of people abide by the blue rules anways. Plenty of NSFW content is posted, and we're all generally mature enough to handle it as long as it's on-topic.

Besides, kids shouldn't be on this website to begin with. It's blocked on just about every public wifi server I've tried to access it from.
If you'd paid fucking attention to it while quests were still here, you'd have seen that maybe 2-3 quests were at the top of the catalog at any given point. Because of the speed of /tg/ they got knocked back to page 2 fairly quickly, because we QMs aren't miracle workers. We don't write that fast, and new threads and Generals in particular bump us off. If there are 10 threads on the board, the chances are also good some of them are in autosage or are concluded, and sitting around near the bottom of the catalog.

That's been how it worked forever. All you needed to do was actually watch it for a while and see for yourself. If you missed that opportunity I'm sorry, but it's not remotely as bad as people like to claim.
Hiro please look at this thank you I love you >>49350093.
No quests on /tg/, please.
It's been months, and /qst/ is awful.
Hiroyuki. Here's are two polls taken by the sample pool here in this thread.


It's a small portion of the board, but please, consider it.
Yeah, what he said
No, because I just filtered them and went on in my life. I don't see this like a fucking propaganda war, you autist.
Yeah, open the gates of hell for the smut crowd to shove their penises on everythread.
What did the red palm tree man mean by this?
Hpw about a genre fiction board for everything that can't really be discussed on 4chan and usually falls back on /tg/, I actually don't mind such threads but if such things had their own board it would be way easier for a lot of reasons.

So kind of like a catch all creative board?
Please don't get rid of generals. They're useful in keeping /tg/ from getting flooded with threads that are all somewhat related to each other.

For example, if I have a question on Pathfinder that I want answered quickly, I hit /tg/ and look for a /pfg/. If generals were banned people would have to make new threads each time they want to discuss something.

Likewise, encourage people to look for generals before making a new thread and cluttering the board.
I prefer it to stay Blue with just a hint of racy content sometimes hidden behind spoilers.
Moderation (In the sense of limiting yourself) is key, and making it straight red would ruin that.
As someone from /m/ who's visiting, it reminds me of the "toku is not /m/" crowd. Some vocal shitposters, people who argued against them, and at least a third of the board who didn't care.

Mods got sick of it eventually.
Gentlemen and ladies,

We are not Democrats and Republicans here, we can make compromises.

Discuss ways of not spamming quests on the front page while also not flat out assigning them to death. This is what we must do tonight.
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Strawpolls mean nothing because people will keep voting to skew the numbers their way
This is extremely interesting.

Now onto other topics

How the hell do we keep /pol/ bait shit like

>Are cops paladins?


So long as linking to NSFW was not banned its fine. People who want to see it see it, those who dont, dont.
And why couldn't you leave those who wanted quests in peace while you filtered everything out?

It's already been suggested, enforce the tagging rule so anti-quest people can filter it all out.
No. We're the French Revolution now
I'm willing to make any form of compromise as long as it involves quest threads themselves not being on /tg/.
Report and ignore. No replies and the thread dies.
>So kind of like a catch all creative board?

Except for drawfagging and writing stories, right?
There's atleast basic IP identification to prevent that. It's not something that can't be beat, but it's something atleast.
If you want /qst/ to be different that makes sense.
But it doesn't belong here. quest grew big enough to get it's own board, just like when /tg/ grew big enough.
There's nothing wrong in getting a dedicated board.
Simple. Restrict them to bump to page 2.
They are made on page 1, then drop naturally and stay down on page 2 until they hit autosage or go quiet.
Most people use the catalog anyway, so it's not a hassle for anyone.
Plz have a look at this: >>49349769 to see an example of how many people want quests back on tg

But there are a huge number, according to you, who do. And not one, not anyone, has ever screencapped a front page full of quests, ever.

Everything ELSE under the sun gets screencapped, but not an incredibly significant and telling even that "everyone" claims happened.
The problem is that someone ALWAYS replies to it, then the argument shits up the entire thread.
Pretty much this. I'm all for improving the board they're on, but not bringing them back here.
>Reporting a thread you don't like that doesn't break the rules and is technically on-topic
No thanks
It's hard to tell these days. Dumbasses are taking their shit seriously.

It used to be that questfags maintained their own little special time chart. X quest and Y quest gets the board on A B and C days, at D E and F times. That sort of shit.

But of course people new to it didn't know and every time someone violated it, someone else got buttmad because they can't police themselves hard enough.
Questfags confirmed for smug cunts that can't adapt.
Because many quests went unfiltered, I got name-called and shit whenever I asked them to label themselves, and the amount of quests on the top pages meant that I always had to browse via the catalogue anyway.
You underestimate the power of pol bait
>quest grew big enough to get it's own board
Except it isn't actually big enough to support itself.
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Pretty much. That way, we don't all have to spread out to /hyw/ on /co/, /wbg/ here, /gdg/ on /vg/, and probably other generals in other places I don't know about because I don't go to those boards.

That way, discussion isn't spread nearly as thin. It'd give everyone one hell of a more fighting chance and would have the (ability) to foster some pretty fun growth.

It's something I've been thinking about for awhile now.
No they didn't.
Quests are not active communitys, they are transient communitys, you would need a good 3 to 4 times as many people active over the day to make an equivilent board to /tg/ based on quests.
>>Can you please explain your reasoning for the following:
>>>Ban drawfag threads and tell them to move to /ic/

Literally a dedicated pre-existing board for that stuff.


Sometimes it belongs in /lit/ or /x/.

>>>Ban [collaboartive story is just a quests so not that] build-a setting threads and tell them to take it to /qst/

It's like an evo thread except you're evolving a fucking setting.

>>WIP/painting to /diy/

Obvious practicality/Applicable knowledgebase reasons.
You're on a thread that was created solely for quest reactionaries to join in. Your sample size is skewed by a shitload.
To be fair, catalog browsing is the superior method.
It hasn't grown big enough for it's own board though. The board is dead.

Just filter it mate, why does it affect you if they're enforced and kept hidden from your sight?

Then how about we just enforce the tagging rule?
>not using catalogue all the time anyway
> I got name-called and shit whenever I asked them to label themselves
We questfags did the same thing. It wasn't mandatory, so we couldn't force them to comply.
I'm loving this thread. Questfaggots have been in the /qa/ thread all day jerking each other off, now they bring it here and they can't handle all the dissenting opinions.

Enjoy your dead board. You deserve it.
Somebody posted it in /qst/ though.
You underestimate how serious people are taking this discussion, especially when the admin has made himself present

Hear, hear. I liked the /wst/ on /tg/ because it was silly, fun and racy, (at least up until the shitpostening began) but nothing gross if you didn't want it. They moved it to /d/ and suddenly it was all "HERE'S A DOZEN PICS OF DICKGIRLS APPARENTLY MADE OUT OF VINYL!" all staring me in the face.
No thanks! That shit's gross, it's all unspoilered, and it clogs up the discussion.

(Not that the persistent shitposters near the end of the /tg/ run were better.)
Keep them to page 3 or 2
Mandatory quest in subject field

Thats it
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This was disproved because questfaggots were editing the evidence to make it seem like they were in the right.

Like when you sabotaged the archive and blamed "Anti-questfags" until the archive owner proved it was the questfaggots themselves being asspained and you all shut up about it right quick.
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>Now what about the quests? before the purge?
And this doesn't include all the CYOA and the many quests without quest in their name.
Turning /qst/ into /dev/ would be a viable idea.
Itd be like a more broad spectrum /x/ really. From before the /b/ raiding.
I did to post them in argument threads, but its not something I'd keep around on a hard drive or something>>49350206
Which really calls into question the "Most of /tg/ hates quests" thing, huh? We're nearing prime-time American hours, but no massive overwhelming majority has shown up to save the day, despite this thread floating around on page 1 the whole time.

That is exactly what happened when quests were allowed. Questfaggots keep playing dumb and fiddle fucking with numbers but what it comes down to is that they dominated the space here and we wanted them out.
Quests were never big enough.

A bunch of shitposters on /qa/ screamed at the mods to get it made. They even admitted it during their victory laps.
And here we see the typical anti-quester.
They know the other board is shit and the community tiny enough it could easily be re-absorbed into /tg/.
But they're too spiteful becauase other people are enjoying themselves, even when it's out of their sight because of filters.
The evidence shows quests are a tiny proportion of /tg/, and have been for years. Stop making shit up.
But it does include "request", "question", and false positive "quests" like "I want to send my players on a quest, wat do" or the like.
>He didn't already use the catalog
Seriously, just make the catalog mandatory. Can that be a new feature/rule?
Lord Licorice proved it was just one asshole who didn't care about quests or antiquests..

But nice try.
Hiroyuki is a moon rabbit.
Of course it includes those things, regular expressions are hard!
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I guess I wouldn't care too much if we shared the board with questfags, as long as they stay in their threads? At most it'll take up two to three pages, and I don't necessarily expect this to be a zooming fast board anyway.
But you posted the fucking poll on /qst/ just to rig the votes because we all know damn well you questers are the saltiest bunch, and most people that were against quests are happy and stopped caring about working to keep the rules enforced.
It'll do fine. Maybe give it a better name like adventures or something, but it's fine as it's own board.

If it dies than it's anon's fault for not reading the sticky the points to /qst/

/tg/ didn't die when it started as 40k threads on /b/ and was moved, even if it took some time.

Once your threads took about a third of /tg/ you needed your own space, nothing wrong with that. Enjoy making your own community and your own culture. It's fun
>implying any of those are the filtered threads in question
>implying you don't already know this
Crucify all quest apologists
We could ask people to put "Quest Game" in the title instead. Simple enough.
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I for one enjoy quests.
Hiro, can we have your current thoughts on the whole thing?
>not exclusively using the catalog for every single board

I haven't been to any board's actual page since it arrived.
I didn't post anything on /qst/.
And "all of /tg/" is a lot bigger than /qst/. If even a fraction of "all of /tg/" came in here on your side, those polls would be creamed.
>Hpw about a genre fiction board for everything that can't really be discussed on 4chan and usually falls back on /tg/, I actually don't mind such threads but if such things had their own board it would be way easier for a lot of reasons.
I support this. Take /wg/ - Weaver Dice/Worm General for example, it's a web novel that literally can not be discussed anywhere else on 4chan.
To be fair it does have /tg/ relevance because the author is also creating an RPG system based on the setting but still, if it wasn't for that there would be literally no other place for discussion.
>Once your threads took about a third of /tg/ you needed your own space
The time where quests took up anywhere near that much of /tg/ has long, LONG since past.
>373 / 27 / 86 / 3
You can stop samefagging.
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>The evidence shows quests are a tiny proportion of /tg/, and have been for years. Stop making shit up.
No, you guys cherry picked the time that you were collecting you data from and you omitted the quest threads that didn't put quest in their names, and you refused to include your shitty adventure games, cyoa games, play by post games etc.

We already disporved your claims, that's why you got shunted off to your containment board because most of your points were flat out lies and the mods could see through the post history themselves instead of looking at your doctored evidence.
And yet, you have even less, shithead.
>tiny enough
There were way too many quest threads, boards have limited room.
Quest doesn't belong here. It got shoehorned into /tg/ because mods didn't know where else to put it.
no it doesn't
Because quests aren't fucking allowed here anymore. Jesus tapdancing Christ.
>the other board is shit and the community tiny enough

Yeah, so keep them off our decent board. Maybe we can keep cleaning the place up with you socially retarded degenerates gone.
I just did a quick filter right now and caught 3 false positives for "quest". Not counting the sticky, obviously.
>because we all know damn well you questers are the saltiest bunch
Anti-questers are pretty fucking salty as well.
Well that's what happened to quests.
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Why don't you use the catalog?

This is an actual question it is not a suggestion. I'm genuinely curious
You are correct, I am sure they must make up at least 30 of those hits
>decent board

Fucking lol'd
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Make Ribbon mascot.
TG is pretty fucking dull these days, family.
I don't know if you've noticed that or not.
Since QST, it's taken a bit of a hit.
About five months ago there was about that much.
Funny how it lowered when /qst/ was added.
Even before /qst/ was MADE, let alone made mandatory, that was the case.
We never took up a third of /tg/.
At least you're more civil than most of the anti-questers.

If the questing community was big enough to support it's own board, and flooded /tg/, I'd support /qst/. Thing is, it isn't. So /tg is the perfect home for it, where they've been for years
Go onto suptg, look through the threads. You'll find almost all of them, around 95%+ put quest in their title
And we took up what, a dozen threads at absolute most? We never flooded /tg/, or pushed anything that wasn't dead already off the board.
To play the opposition, /qst/ is a containment board and this thread is on /tg/. You really expect someone to open a poll and not tell one side of the discussion that the poll existed?

Leave it on /tg/ and it'd be skewed for sure.
Yes it does. Just putting a word into the filter will get you all words that include that collection of letters in that order, regardless of what's around it.
>Anti-questers are pretty fucking salty as well.
Barely heard a single thing from them since quests fucked off and stayed fucked off. Questfags still shit things up though.
Quest fags would be drawn from the population of the board, just like every board that quests have ever been on. More than likely they would keep to their own threads for questing things, but still be active as normal users in the main board. Because that is what questers are. Normal users who also like to quest/game.

Post writefaggotry of warhams and you'll get people interested in the warham quests by default. So warham quests will be run.

Add in the writing and idea generation and you have a place that could make better quality quests.

No, it wont. Quests need a community base to draw readers from. The fact that /qst/ was set up initially with 0 discussion threads allowed belies the lack of understanding behind the person who made it.

Quests Will not be fine in the current situation. And they never took a third of /tg/
Some people want to save themselves the effort of clicking one small link.

I for one use the Catalog exclusively, first page irrelevant.
Well no shit, they "won" in driving OC and people having fun they didn't have to see, who were taking up almost no room at all, off their precious board.
If questers aren't on /tg/ after this change that only goes to show that they never contributed to any part of /tg/ outside of posting on quests, which makes giving them their own board even more sense.
There is no compromising with the mods. They do not want to talk to us at all. Their deletion of these threads on places like /co/ and /tg/ earlier shows that.

The mods have been pretty good at deleting all the "why aren't quests banned on /tg/ yet" threads since /qst/ appeared, but I've still seen them made over and over again. Somtimes shitposting in other threads, too.
I also posted it on /qa/, where the saltiest antiquesters have been all along.
And let's see how much we hear from them before /qst/ was made mandatory.
Hmm... look at all of those pages. Endless pages of >>>/qst/ and other such things.
>Go onto suptg, look through the threads. You'll find almost all of them, around 95%+ put quest in their title

This was already proven to be false.

Remember when questfags were actively not putting quest in the thread title because they knew loads of people were filtering and they wanted to be le clever mememen ex dee?

You guys got what you deserved.
>a fucking decade of history
>hurr durr leeches
Get fucked
Why does the CYOA thread get so much hate? I assume we are talking about the general here. A decent amount of game design discussion goes on there.

If you mean some sort of qst/cyoa thread that goes on - I get that.

But the CYOA general is just one thread. Hell, there are a half dozen quest threads on tg right now.

Personally I hate the 'excuse me...' and 'this is how I...' threads more than any other. But even though there are like seven of those right now, others enjoy them so let them go.

Over all, I think that tg is pretty good right now all things considered.
Hiro, questing is an activity, not a community. Let it stay on /tg/ where it's been for years.
Hiro has at least glanced through some of this thread, who knows what'll happen.
browsing random topics and conversations on /tg/ is part of why I like this board

The catalog doesn't let me do that. It's only good for putting everyone into specific general threads, stifling outside interaction.

You're welcome, Hiro

I hope this ends up being a good thing.
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We showed him all the other threads where mod abuse was rampant. He has to know that boards like /co/, /v/, /tv/ and /asp/ all need a massive purge
>Remember when questfags were actively not putting quest in the thread title because they knew loads of people were filtering and they wanted to be le clever mememen ex dee?
No, actually, when did that happen?
Except that /qa/ is filled with questers now and the anti questers are no longer on /qa/.
>Literally a dedicated pre-existing board for that stuff.
>Sometimes it belongs in /lit/ or /x/.
Drawthreads technically have a board for drawing, but drawing is not the only criteria for a drawthread. It's like a pump that circulates OC into the board ecosystem. Same for MOST storytimes.

Settings I can see your point kinda. It would help if they weren't doomed to fail for various other reasons.

Painting wargame figures involves more than just painting and showing stuff off. It gets the gears turning about other details like army fluff, a context that isn't quite welcome on /diy/.
Yeah, I will NEVER understand the dislike generals get. They're helpful as hell.
>This was already proven to be false.
No it wasn't.
That was literally a handful of quests.
And if putting quest in the title was enforced, that wouldn't happen.
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>There are people who don't use 4Chan X
Of course you didn't hear anything from them, they came to /qst/ and did victory laps on the QTG.

They even called them that, victory laps.

Yeah, I've been here since 2012 or so, and I don't remember that.
I don't. I recall that it was just one faggot, Exabyte or whatever the fuck his name was.

Shit-awful OC doesn't mean anything. Take your fanfic to tumblr if /qst/ doesn't work out for you.
A mod decided to begin a trial board based on flawed information and woefully out of date understandings of what quests are.
A dozen is quite a lot, and it was a lot of something that really wasn't meant for here.
I would say you should have gone to /b/, but that implies /b/ isn't a containment board. And seeing as how something that belongs on the random board can't really fairly be forced there, a dedicated board makes sense.

Quest threads never belonged here, this was just the only place that almost pretended to work.

The reason your board seems to be dying now is because the first bit of a boards life are slow.
You'll get a better more focused community eventually and can have more of your stuff than if you stayed here.
Even the ones that didn't were de;eted

Hell I admit to making that mistake that thread was deleted in like 10 minutes and no one participated in it
Someone make a new non-quest edition thread. This thread can be for all discussion related to quests.

i tried, but I put the thread title in the name field like an idiot and had to delete it
That... didn't happen though? After it became common courtesy there was one dude I could remember who did it, and EVERYONE told him off for it except the meme-spewing faggots who followed him. Who were presumably all meme-spewing faggots from /tg/, unless you can somehow prove otherwise.

We fucking hated the guy too.
So, ban most of the threads on /tg/?

You know this isn't a very fast board, right?
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>Add in the writing and idea generation and you have a place that could make better quality quests.

Sounds fine to me, then. The main concern I have is the rampant tripfagging writefaggotry potentially happening on this board. As in, instead of developing projects, there's constant threads greentexting softcore roleplay porn.

If it became a huge problem, though, forcing them into a a greentext general or two would probably patch the issue up.
That's not an answer. You've made an assertion, the onus is on you to back it up.
You overplayed your hand by a lot with that statement.
That's it, the vast majority doesn't give a flying fuck because quests aren't the swarm of locusts the antiquestfags make them out to be
Except that it isn't. It has no real community and doesn't get enough traffic to support it's own existence.

But hey, if you want to be delusional, feel free.
Make /lewdtg/ a new yellow board for the not spoilerfags and 14 year olds that use this site, I'm an adult and don't need blue board restrictions on content

I totally support
Gee, what a dramatic reversal.
> and it was a lot of something that really wasn't meant for here.
According to who? You? Why are you the arbiter of what was and wasn't "meant for here"?
>"I read ruby quest"
Pretty outdated, considering that was one of the first major quests.
I strongly feel quests should stay on /qst/. There's been a long, long weaning period where mods let quests stay on /tg/ so people could acclimate, and that time really is up. /qst/ was a trial board, and the trial passed.
One mod made the board on a whim having read one fucking quest from 2008. The board is not a good idea, and 4chan is in a terrible state anyway, poorly managed with awful moderation.
A dozen was the maximum at peaktime, it was usually much less. And I'd love to believe you, but while /qst/ gets to it's feet, why not allow quests on /tg/ anyway?
That joker quest guy was a fucking asshole (not JQOP, he was cool and filtered).
Can we please get two seperate threads for whiney faggots who want to argue about quests and all other /tg/ meta discussion? I feel like we have needed a thread like this for quite some time now but there is barely any discussion that is not about quests.
numbers please
>It didn't happen!

>Oh yea but that was just one dude.

>Oh wait that was a handful of people only.

lel, you guys can't even keep your shit straight and probably have no clue of the cancerous history of quests. Literally just stirring shit because you're upset.

Quests used be good. Like 5+ years ago. But then /a/ quests came and now we need to be rid of that /a/utism because it's pretty shit and leaks onto the board.
>doesn't get enough traffic to support it's own existence

It's like questfags don't actually understand how a containment board works.
Quests were a vague thing that existed on several boards, mods said fuck it, it's kinda like /tg/ and it was placed here.
A dozen out of 130 threads isn't even 10%.
And was almost a decade ago. 8 years, in fact. And it was a format of quest that isn't really made much anymore.
>One mod made the board on a whim having read one fucking quest from 2008

Yeah, I think it's a carryover from other boards where generals turn into some kind of circlejerk thing. /tg/ generals are pretty nice to have, IMO.
The trial failed, the board was and is awful and dead.
Not that the moderators care
So a handful of people meant your eyes were all burned. Poor baby.
Now imagine tagging was enforced, would your problem go away?
>three different people are going to have the same exact account
>on 4chan
If anyone wants to defend the mod's position at least look at said mod's posts.
Except the trial was largely considered by people who actually tried /qst/ to be a massive failure.
They existed on /tg/ first. The quests moved from other boards were outnumbered well over 3 to 1 by /tg/ originals.
People just don't like to admit that /tg/ is weeb as fuck.
It would be fairly easy to moderate, questers hate namefags just like any good anon.

As for rampant namefagging, well, your going to get that anyway. People like claiming their work. It should be fine so long as people stick to the threads they make to namefag in.
>but while /qst/ gets to it's feet, why not allow quests on /tg/ anyway?
Because then you'll never get on your feet.
A sticky here makes sense, people used to come here for quests, and you drew your base from here, so you should have some marker towards your board, but letting quest here will just divide your board on where to go, and you'll atrophy.
>None of the quester community wanted /qst/

Too bad the opinion of the questnigger community doesn't matter because this isn't your fucking board. The bronies didn't want /mlp/ either but they got sent there regardless because, just like you, they were incapable of controlling their raging autism and forcing themselves upon communities that made it clear over and over again that they did not want them.

What you want is irrelevant. What is relevant is what the people of /tg/ who actually use the board to discuss Traditional Games want. And that subset almost unanimously wants you gone.
>Three people disagree completely.
>Doesn't think that's worth considering.

You have a containment board. Literally all the problems were solved except your powder butt.

Be less salty.
Some of it was probably the lag in time between them knowing about the sudden exception to meta-threads, and some of it was also probably deleting the extras, like similar thread to this that went up at the exact time.

I can't say that necessarily accounts for all of the deletions though
/qst/ was a "trail board" for a kind of stupidly long amount of time for better or worse. It's not really surprising people wanted an actual decision
>this isn't your fucking board
Oh my, I wasn't aware that his Majesty, the King of /tg/ had arrived.
Shall we roll out the red carpet, sire?
Read the thread when /qst/ was made, when asked about the quests he had read he mentioned Ruby Quest and that was it.
He couldn't even be bothered to go read a name off suptg or something, if he even knew it existed.
We've already atrophied, the community is too small and /qst/ is dead.
The board is shit and it's "features" are awful. Even with a 72 hour autosage threads last for weeks.
>And that subset almost unanimously wants you gone.
That's bullshit and you know it.

Questers are primarily from /tg/. They become questers when they come across a quest on /tg/ that they like.
A-are you laguhing at us?
Let's not forget that when questers were finally told to go to /qst/ they replied by spending the day shitposting and crying.

This is the type of person we need less of.
25 active QMs in the Twitter boards.

The most activity any given thread receives, WHILE RUNNING - has been 60 unique IPs. That is every other day that this quest runs, 3 times a week.

That is one of the most prolific and constantly run quests. the number of threads that are not so prolific is 15, and the average number of unique IPs is 15, and those quests run 1-2 times a week at best, so you're not even hitting 120 people a day on /qst/.

That is less traffic than /tg/ gets in a single 5 hour period, and /tg/ is a slow board.
I was a /tg/er before a quester.
So fuck off and die in a fire. Take your lies and salt with you. Im staying.






>The bronies didn't want /mlp/ either

This is about the strongest argument there is. The opinion of people who post in quest threads is irrelevant. Of course they want what's best for them at all costs.

The people who matter are the ones that have to deal with their weapons-grade autism shitting up their board day in and day out.

I think the problem here is numbers. We have no idea how many people are on both sides of the fence, and given that both sides are willing to inflate numbers to try and see like the bigger camp we're never going to know.
On the weekends my filter would show that about 1/4 of the threads on tg were quest threads - not counting those that my filter missed.

That is ridiculous and more than enough interest to sustain a board of its own. Especially if other boards have quests going on.
Didn't help that the mod forced us to move to a board with limited features and a shit name that didnt nothing to attract new users
>Implying that the normal reaction of anons told to do something they dont want to is any different.

Hark at me and my opinions.
>/a/ menace posting intensifies
You do realize it's possible and not even unreasonable to browse multiple boards, right? /ak/ even exists as a recognized thing, particularly where Spice and Wolf is concerned. I mean, holy fuck: /a/ and /k/ have a significant enough degree of cross-posting that faggots on /k/ take pictures of their Smith and Wessons with their Spice and Wolf.

So there are posters on /tg/ that also enjoy /a/. Whoopdee-fuckin-doo, it's not like /tg/'s your super sekrit clubhouse. They can post here too.
You realize you sound like a member of the KKK, right?

>It doesn't matter what those dirty colored's want, this is a white country, for white people!
>It doesn't matter what those questniggers want, this is a Traditional Games board, for Traditional Games!

Despite, you know, roleplaying being a Traditional Game. Should we ban all the DnD, Shadowrun, Exalted, etc too?
Imagine if MtG suddenly got a containment board. Chances are the MtGfags would react in pretty much exactly the same way.
When anti-questers were told that /qst/ wasn't a containment board, they spent 3 months shitposting and crying.
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>Three people disagree completely.
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It's almost like people become upset over stupid decisions being made about things they care about without their input. What a concept.
Now's not the time for your autism, Trick.
Are you the whale or the boat?
Because the boat would be very confusing.
Already deleted.
Bronies aren't a good comparison though, since the scale is astronomically smaller and it's something that has long been accepted on the board.
Quests weren't spammed across multiple boards endlessly. Quests didn't suddenly pop up overnight.
You fucking don't, you get to filter.
That's complete and utter horseshit, post proof to repudiate ours.
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Sasuga mods.
>/qst/ was a "trail board" for a kind of stupidly long amount of time for better or worse. It's not really surprising people wanted an actual decision

One that didn't even have a final sound off before executing executive order fuck face
the difference being mtg is actually a traditional game

Actually people got banned for telling questers to go to their containment board. So the mods actively defended you and now you're just angry and bitter.

This is what questfaggots actually believe. Go back to tumblr.
Yup, it was deleted within a minute of me making it. I guess this thread is going to be stickied.
And I am willing to bet you are inflating your numbers due to your own inability to actually look at what was actually a quest and what started with 'question'.

There have never been enough quests simultaneously running to fill up two pages of /tg/ - that would have required 25 different QMs to be running at the same time across the entire planet, out of 50 QMs in the QM twitter guide.

Your numbers make no sense at all.
Can we not have any nice things? This thread is absolutely terrible and literally no one can argue against that.
Really, I dare you, tell me with 100% sincernity that this thread brings out useful discussions and is actively driving this conflict towards a soluten.
and communal storytelling and roleplaying isn't?

Yeah. That was the anti-questers' shitposting and crying.
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You want my opinion on how we could improve the board?
stay mad questfaggots
You literally don't know why /mlp/ was made.

/mlp/ was necessary because pony-shits were invading other threads, posting off-topic stuff in things like warhammer or superhero or pokemon threads. Spamming stuff in areas they didn't belong, outside threads meant for their show. You had avatar spamming and shit like that.

Quest stuff stays in quest threads. No one was invading a 40k thread and derailing it into a quest thread the way bronies were.

That's a false equivalency.
I am the salt buddha and have reached enlightenmen.
Nothing you post matters.
I'm indifferent, but I will admit that it was annoying when the frontpage was flooded by quests. The filter doesn't work on my phone, so that made it even worse. At the same time though, the constant general threads are just as annoying, so I'm not sure /qst/ really does a whole bunch to help.
>comparing D&D, etc to Yandere Waifu Quest: Kneehigh socks edition
>Typical questfag reply.
This is why you got a containment board. You guys can't play nice in the sandbox.
>This thread is absolutely terrible
Man, if only meta threads were banned! What a world that would be.
Most of the antiquestfags do, it's weird none of then thought to screencap the crowded pages even once
Hiro is reading it, so who knows?
>these people are upset
>therefore they are wrong
Use the catalogue, my dude. Mobile posting is shit anyway, but it does have the catalogue at least.
Funny, coming from the guys who were acting so insufferably smug when /qst/ was made that they were banned on sight.
Teach me your ways, salt buddha. Tell me how to attain the bliss of salty nirvana, for I grow weary of this repetitive bullshit.
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I'll compare D&D to a 40k game.
Why can't the board relevant ones be here, and the rest go somewhere else?
Why yes, two things that people enjoy, and are both roleplaying games, is infact an acceptable thing?

>Elf Slave What Do?

You fucking pleb. Your argument's full of more holes than a colander.
>Comparing Princess Guard Quest, etc. to Murderhobo Simulator: This Time Casters Are Even MORE Overpowered Edition!

See? That argument is meaningless.
I actually thought questfags would love their own board but instead of trying to fix it and make a list of features you wanted/making a consensus you decided to be little bitches.

Reap what you sow buddeh.
Have other hobbies beside 4chan
I don't really care, they don't cause that much trouble, but they are out of place here. Might as well let /got/ generals start living here, would be just as relevant

I remember a lot of people refused to try it and stayed on /tg/ out of protest.
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What about a board exclusively for people who want to argue about quest threads?
>b-but my 'weaboo THAT GUY' threads told me not to trust those pedophiles!
>I actually thought questfags would love their own board
Then you know nothing of quests.
>but instead of trying to fix it and make a list of features you wanted/making a consensus
We tried that multiple times and the mod kept ignoring us.
>I actually thought questfags would love their own board but instead of trying to fix it and make a list of features you wanted/making a consensus you decided to be little bitches.

I like how you noted our infinite attempts at using the board, telling the mods, telling Hiro
It wasn't every weekend, sure. But that was the trend. I'd tried out using the filter and suddenly tg was actually pretty good. I checked several times on the weekends just out of curiosity. That was what I came up with.

(I would be willing to compromise if every quest thread had to have [quest] in the name by the way)

I don't think it was every below 1/5. But I could be wrong.

And, yes, I realize that there may be a thread or two that gets zapped by have 'quest' in it. However, there are/were far more quest threads running around that didn't put [quest] in the name.
One has a system, the other is freeform omegle tier RP to feed OP's Ego. Why do you need this explained to you?

Why is elf slave wat do not considered a quest? It's the same thing precisely
No, it removed 20 or so.

And it's pretty obvious by the shitposting that they're just angry that they can't play on the big kid playground anymore.
The demand is there, fund it.
>Might as well let /got/ generals start living here, would be just as relevant
The /asoiaf/ general essentially is /got/ general when the show is airing.
This argument is pointless.
We did try /qst/, even though we had a ton of misgivings and it had a lot of problems. A handful of people not using it didn't impact even the small numbers of questfags.
It didn't pan out, after months of trying. Some issues got fixed, most got ignored, the biggest one (Exposure and public awareness) was unfixable as long as it's a separate board..
We tried that, anon. We were ignored outright by moderation, and post count and quality has remained stagnant. So many of us who gave it the old college try came back to /tg/, because that's part of what a "trial" should be. Failure and rejection should be valid options.

Turns out they weren't.
And a lot of people, like yours truly, tried it, tested it, and found it fucking wanting.
If people played quests on /tg/ they can come via the sticky.
And now you know why it's called a containment board.

What five? QMs? Not counting the lurkers?
>the other is freeform omegle tier RP to feed OP's Ego
Most quests aren't freeform.
To be salty is to poison your own mountain dew unto undrinkable. To grow thy own neckbeard without recourse for shavers.

One must let go.
Argue with dispassion and logic if you must but argue.
But the postings of those who make you salty do not cause you harm. Their bullshit will out in time.
>One has a system
That's the quest more often than not.
It's really sad when people argue like this. It shows how little you actually know about the things you hate so much.
Infintely well memed Mod-Kun
Thank you for coming. I was losing hope for a while

The knowledge that you're aware of this is comforting.
Princess Guard Quest was shit though.
Almost everyone trickled in and at least checked it out. The trial was up for months and it showed what we all knew it would - a dead board filled with dead quests.
I'm sad to be honest, we really, really did try. But it didn't work out. It was a trial and failed
As a questfag, there were never that many quests. If there were, /qst/ would be fucking great and I'd love it. But it's not.
People don't come for a quest alone, they see a quest based on something they like and pick it up. There is no questing community. It's an activity, not a community.
A claim so blatanly false makes it look like you're a flaseflagging questfag
Link me the documents for quests explaining dice mechanics, pre-thread setting information, character statistic, etc.
And the anti-quest brigade still hasn't responded to this, because they know they're full of shit.

WOW it's almost like splitting you shitheels onto two boards is what killed it!
I tried using /qst/ when it went up.

I got banned and had my post deleted for my troubles.

Then when I tried to call out the mod for lying about it I got my ban extended.


So fuck /qst/, and fuck the mod it rode in on.
Think about it this way:
Quests are (slightly modernized), live successors of Fighting Fantasy (and other gamebooks).

How can that not be considered /tg/?
>99 posters in thread
>129 votes on strawpoll
Interesting indeed.
It hurts fee fees

It did get linked to in /qst/
Here are the three separate character sheets for Crusader Quest:

Split what? Most tried it, found it wanting, and went back.

If those 3 or 4 people who refused to try it impacted it that badly, then that just proves that quests aren't big enough for a board.
How new are you?
I didn't save the screencaps but it was proved to be true. Could have been just one of you fags with 90% sodium, but it still happened.

Maybe if you weren't so bitter people would listen to you more. :)
It was linked in other places, anon.
All aboard for our only hope right here
It got linked on /qst/ and /qa/
Have you ever tried to run a rules-heavy game with ten players? Pure hell, I've tried. Now imagine that with forty or fifty players, and they're all controlling one character.

It's not even close to "elf slave wat do". That's not meant to have structure, plot, or meaningful decisionmaking. A quest tries to handle that at a ridiculous level of participation, so most opt for a simpler system. One that's easier for a QM to manage and that won't have too steep a learning curve for players or get too unwieldy with more players at the table than were ever intended.
It also got linked in /qa/.
And given the shitposts that have been popping up on /qst/, both boards are equally likely to get both kinds of voters.
The strawpoll got posted in a couple IRCs and discords. Not everyone feels like watching a thread full of "REEEE"
Most quests state their mechanics in threads and look to other quests to decide what mechanics are the best to use. Hence why 3d20 and 3d100 are popular.

Thats pretty much as good as boardgames, which vary in their method of play.
Because /tg/ is for discussing games, not using the board itself to play them.
It was linked on /qst/ and /qa/ both. Also, have you never heard of lurkers? They're this new thing, they've been around for... oh, forever.
Then quests should exist based off of what subject they are. Which would put a lot of them in /a/. Or /b/ because random non-community things belong there, but again, that only would work if by some divine province /b/ was saved

Maybe there should be a blue board /b/ for things like quest
>Like when you sabotaged the archive
All this conspiracy theory.
Both sides ARE probably samefagging. Though the ratio has stayed the same in spite of that.
>this thread is destined to autosage into oblivion because someone with power doesn't give a shit and is probably baiting all this quest posting because he thinks we're entitled children
>As a questfag, there were never that many quests. If there were, /qst/ would be fucking great and I'd love it. But it's not.

There were. The problem with qst is what another poster suggested - lack of exposure. New people seeing a quest for the first time and jumping in. You lack that with your own board.

I also suspect that you guys are thinking about 'active quests of the moment'. Consider that most quests were pretty much dead in twenty posts or less. Not that many were super active, it just seemed that way.
>Questfags want quests back desperately.
>Average posters who don't give a shit or don't want quests won't vote because they don't go to /qst/ or read this thread.
You guys are stupid and so is that poll.

Says who?
It's certainly not de facto, since RISK and CYOA are still allowed.
So where was it said that this is true?
Is it that hard to believe people voted but didn't post?
Rolled 5 (1d20)

Then why are there dice?
And yet, RISK threads are allowed on /tg/
Apparently someone posted it one /qst/, but in all honestly they're probably the same people bitching here anyway. I'd just chalk it up to lurkers
The archive owner came out himself and told us because questfag were trying to make a huge fit about it, so like you do you buddeh.
And yet, Skirmish started with /tg/ homebrews.
RISK is a boardgame. As in /tg/ related
If they don't want quests, they'll vote no.
Them not seeing the thread is too bad, but it cuts both ways. We're well into American prime time here. Anyone who isn't present now is sol
In that case it comes down to people who want quests back and people who oppose quests coming back.

People who are ambivalent won't care either way.
>You can just filter out quests!
>All you have to do is sacrifice every other thread with the word "quest" in it
Because only games that can sustain users can punch through the shitposting, /tg/ is not a good place for playing games on. Have you ever seen a single chess thread?
> vote goes against the antiquest crowd

I-i-it doesn't matter anyway! I-i-i-t doesn't prove anything because only quest-faggots care enough to vote!
Open most quests and they'll have a pastebin with mechanics.
Almost all quests have at least a fate-tier system, many of them something more complex.
I mean, personally, I'd be fine with quests being free to go on every media they're part of. It'd cut down on /tg/ traffic and everyone would have quests related to their interests on their boards.
If they don't give a shit, surely they won't give a shit when quests come back?
>make a poll asking whether /tg/ likes My Little Pony
>link it to /mlp/
>get surprised when the poll says everyone likes ponies

This is the equivalent to what you're doing.
Nobody understands the concept of LURK MOAR anymore so it isn't surprising somebody would be shocked that more people have voted then posted.
So you agree that it's a game, and that the board is being used to play the game.
So your assertion that the board is not for playing games is false.
So what do y'all think about those "adventuring guild" and "mage guild" roleplaying threads? Technically not exactly a traditional game but close enough? or no?
>Because /tg/ is for discussing games,

>not using the board itself to play them.

Which is it?
It's true though.

Unless you go linking some random poll literally everywhere on this board, no one is going to scroll through this thread to find it. Unlike questers who are desperate to be back here and will absolutely make sure they vote.

How stupid can you be.
You were losing before it even got linked to /qst/.
Most anti-quest aren't going to be here, they'll be enjoying /tg/ as intended.
Not really, since the threads it was linked in were being trolled by antis earlier. I guess those victory laps had some purpose, huh?
So... roleplaying games, being /tg/ related, should be allowed too.
Probably Tropers turned SBers t b h
That wasn't me, doofus. This was my reply:
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What quests do you guys follow right now?
I follow hollow quest, whirlpool quest, quest beyond the gate, and auditor quest whenever it runs once in a blue goddamn moon (fuck).
You quest folks do not seem like a very smart bunch.

So what I mean about doctoring evidence to support your arguments.
We both know that isn't true.
Risk (playing here not discusion) should leave too. Honestly it belongs on quest, it's just a very formalized version of a quest thread
There's that silent majority. Even when it could be coming down hard, it doesn't exist.
It is annoying, but it is also a really low number of the total. At least when I checked i never really saw anything that popped out.
Most people aren't as salty as you are.

I mean, I didn't vote because the poll is stupid, and I think quest should be gone.
i think i read one or two of these a while ago, they were fun
That poll was posted in a thread that is being monitored by anti-quest people, and it was posted in /qa/, where most of the anti-quest bitching happens.

I didn't do it.
>Use the catalogue, my dude
Fair, it's not like I really have a choice anyway. I honestly prefer seeing the most recent posts in the thread before I clock it though.
And anti-quest fags don't do exactly the same thing?
Oh, okay, can we have some proof?
Here's our counterproof
You say that like /qst/ isn't made up of mostly exiles from /tg/. And the ones that aren't would probably vote to keep /qst/ separate.
>You quest folks do not seem like a very smart bunch.
Read: >>49350620
The quest/mlp comparison is a false equivalency, and continually leaning on it the way you anti-fags do just shows your own ignorance of 4chan culture and history
Sure you didn't.
When it doesn't pan out, "most people didn't see it".
Of course, if it had swung to anti-quests, you'd be holding it up as gospel.
Hello there;

And 130 votes for quests? But you guys said that board was dead?
Please do this, Hiro.

They sure complained when quests were visible. Now they're content with the status quo and they aren't complaining.

This isn't rocket science. Nobody wants quests here.
130 people a board does not make.
130 in two hours? Are you insane? That's enough to sustain plenty of posts.

>invading other threads, posting off-topic stuff in things like warhammer or superhero or pokemon threads

To be fair, though, a lot of that was clearly bait farmers harvesting the butthurt crop.
Believe what you want friend.
I think polls are stupid in general. Especially ones made in an echo chamber.
I missed it, what 'proof' was suggested by the quest guys?

I've only seen what could be considered suggestions, not even 'claims'.
92 votes for quests, 43 against, according to the results I'm looking at. Hang on, let me refresh. Yep. 92 to 43.

See also, >>49350964
If they cared they would be here voicing their opinion.
Most people didn't care, and still don't.
Stop pretending either the quest fags or the anti quest fags are anywhere close to a majority.
No they didn't.
Funnily enough, there was enough /tg/ "exiles" to get the other questers a bit salty about how they wanted quality content quests instead of the crap the boards choked with. As much as you can choke a dead board anyway.
Oh my bad, let's revise;
>100 people in under 3 hours.
>Dead board!

You guys are desperate.
That is plenty, certainly. You are correct, the poll itself proves that qst is fine.
Since this thread hit the bump limit, we went from 104 posters to 105, in the span of 300 posts. Just keep that in mind for a second.
Of course you're going to play it off like it's nothing. That's what you do when your majority fails to show.

Most questers are right here on /tg/ still. Claiming that all questers go on /qst/ is pretty dumb. In fact, them not going on it is one of the biggest problems with /qst/.
Clearly not, since the board is dead as fuck.
This is american peaktime, and that's all we could muster? Not great really, is it?
Read the fucking thread. Read suptg, see how 95%+ have Quest in the title. Search Quest on foolz/moe/archive of your choice and see quests, and how they make up a tiny proportion of all threads.
Yeah, 100 people in american peaktime is fucking nothing mate.
Looks simple to me: People want Quests back here and for /qst/ to be deleted
You know, /tg/, I'm not even angry at the salt and vitriol. I'm just extremely disappointed.

Yeah. Neither side is the majority here.

>Now they're content with the status quo and they aren't complaining.

They do still whine about quests.
>That goalpost shifting
If 100 people all had the same tastes in quests, then it MIGHT be fine as a small board. But they don't.
How do you search for quests that aren't labelled as quests?
But the people voting here are from /tg/.
This. I just wanted /pol/ to be sent back to their containment board, and the autists on our site took this as a signal to raise the shitflag and go full retard about nothing that will make the board better.
Well, I for one don't want /qst/ to be deleted.
I think this situation was at its best last month, when quests were free, but /qst/ was an option.
I'm going to guess that most people only posted once or twice, while the bulk of the thread is a small number of shit posters on both sides of the quest debate.

Seriously, at this point they're just repeating themselves.

I want it be either deleted and quests put back on /tg/, or for /qst/ to become /if/ or /fic/ and get fixed into being an actual board.
>Most questers are right here on /tg/ still
Than maybe that's why your board is dead
We need a good purge.

Are you insane.
/tg/ is notoriously a slow board. 100 questers is actually pretty good. In fact that's really good.
You're obviously just salty though reading the rest of your reply.

Take a chill pill buddy. Maybe make a quest about it.

>Skewed poll
>Majority of people are actively engaging in /tg/ threads instead of listening to you whine.
>Questers are sitting and stewing.
>Something something this proves a point.
/fic/ would be a great name, clear and concise

Wow, sure struck a nerve on that one. Got all three of you to bite.

People don't care about things until they're personally affected. This is basic stuff. Like, I knew you guys were infantile but missing the point this hard has got to be intentional.
Look at suptg and see how few of those there are.
And why not just make forced tagging a rule?
Welcome to arguments on 4chan I guess.
We're all just waiting for Hiro to post.
People can't use more than one board?

>/tg/ is notoriously a slow board
It's not /a/ for /v/, but it also isn't /po/.
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Prove it :^)
It's certainly not my board.
I didn't ask for it, and most of what I do on /tg/ is non-quest anyway.

Plus it wouldn't just be quests. It'd be other stuff too.
answer the question, how do I even search for those?
>Read the fucking thread. Read suptg, see how 95%+ have Quest in the title. Search Quest on foolz/moe/archive of your choice and see quests, and how they make up a tiny proportion of all threads.

Ah, I see how you went wrong then. You are looking at all threads ever and then comparing to quest threads that are just labeled quest threads.

The reality is that quest threads really only became a major issue on the weekends. I'd bet that if we had the 'weekday' traffic levels during the weekends that qst would have never been a thing. But on the weekends, if you were not looking for quests, the explosion was an issue with the rest of board traffic.
The great thing about this all is no matter how much you bitch, you scum are going to have to suffer. If you can't make your shit board work than you'll disappear.
Search for "put quest", "quest subject" and "quest filter" and use "group by thread".

Then count, and remove the false positives.

I picked up four threads over the period that was earlier analysed >>49349957
If you search the entire time of the board you get 1674 threads in total including false positives where quests failed to put titles on, over 22078 quests with quests in the title, or about 6%. I'd estimate most of those were false positives, though.

But no easy way to check.

Go look at /qst/ and tell me it's healthy with a straight face. The board is dead and will only get worse.
>I-it's skewed because it doesn't show what I want
>T-the silent majority is just enjoying the board without quests
Not that it really matters, but this is the ratio that ALWAYS comes up in these kind of polls.
Also there's no quests "clogging" page 1, so this thread should be plenty visible to everyone, right?
Ah, one of those unlabeled Quests I've heard so much about. Can you find more?
>Many of these quests very clearly do *not* have the word "quest* in their opening post or title
The title of the thread on suptg's archive page is just whatever the person archiving it puts as the title. You have to look at the thread itself to see what the OP actually put in the subject field.
You can be on more than one board, but if you're getting those numbers you clearly aren't dead. Which means your board is fine.
Stay on /tg/ as much as you want, just not for /qst/ related stuff.
Brcause if they were on /qst/ they wouldn't want to lose people to /tg/. Duh.
He isn't going to post again before this thread 404s. We're currently in the top row of page 7 and shall soon taste the sweet release of oblivion.
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I think I know what you guys are all REALLY after.
Ah, death.

The ultimate inconvenience.
how hard will you cry when they bring quests back?
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He'll never reply to you.

So I will.

Manually. It's incredibly tedious which is why it's such a good point for questfags.
But you'd have to go through and click on everything, suffice to say one anon started and got pissed when he disproved the questers claims and gave up on going back the whole way.

Plus Questers got mad that he included quests "That totally weren't quests bro" (which of course they were) so it's really not worth the effort.
>Which means your board is fine.
No, because most of the questers voting don't go to /qst/. If they did, we wouldn't see massive drops in post numbers across every quest that moved, before and after the forced move. Quests belong on /tg/. /qst/ is not "our" board. It wasn't made for us and doesn't do what it supposedly is made to do.
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>They're fighting against an inevitable defeat.
>They think 4chan is a democracy.
>They're still in their /qst/ cage, crying, weeping, and screaming.
>They haven't moved to Akun.
Wew lad
Then they should go to quest.
I've gotten him to reply twice :^}

And also, those are only the threads that got archived.

Not the onlly threads that have ever been made.
100 people is literally less people than there are threads on a board. For 100 people to be considered an "active" board, every single person on the board would have to participate in every single thread on the board, which won't happen because people have different tastes.

And you can't even use the number of people in the /qst/ thread, which is less than the number of yes votes in the strawpoll let alone the total number of posts, as a metric of how many people use the board. Because that thread had been linked to from both /qa/ and /tg/, and the /qa/ thread had also been linked to on /tg/. So not everyone in the /qst/ thread is a /qst/ regular.
Ah, the magical "everything I don't like is a quest" argument. I've seen this one before, and no, CYOA threads and worldbuilding threads are not quests.
Instead of bitching all these quest guys should just go over to qst and have fun doing their quest thing.
shut up whiskey
Tools make it a lot easier. See >>49351134
Looks fine to me, people are playing your gay anime quests and enjoying themselves?

It's skewed because most of /tg/ will never see it. How is it legal to be that stupid.
Questers will make sure to vote because you're sad and bitter. Most other people won't bother because they know you'd cry about it anyway.
>Quests belong on /tg/
wasn't true when /tg/ had them shoved here by the whims of a passing mod, still isn't true now that another one's shoved them off

/tg/ didn't like it and made sure everyone knew, but bore that fucking cross anyways. Now it's /qst/'s turn.
Hiro, please allow quest threads on /tg/
I mean, why even engage anymore? Even if Hiromoot's balls suddenly dropped and he reversed the decision, I probably wouldn't move my quest back here. The damage is done, you can't just move the questfag and antiquestfag battle lines back to where they were three months ago. The days of both sides not fucking with each other are gone.

People are just too stubborn to admit that the whole thing was stupid from the start and let bygones be bygones.
cyoa are pretty much quests now desu
But we're doing /tg/ things. That's why we don't want to go, or rather we want our quests back, because /tg/ is our main board.
>wasn't true when /tg/ had them shoved here by the whims of a passing mod
A passing mod called moot.
>by the whims of a passing mod

You mean moot?


They're actually not.
>It's skewed because most of /tg/ will never see it.
You don't need most of /tg/ if they're all on your side, right? You just need some of them, since they're a vast majority, right?
Why haven't even some of them seen it?

>/tg/ didn't like it
Funny, I've never seen much of /tg/ say that. Just a few people.
People have been bitching about quests ever seen the /a/utism brigade got sent over. I never saw as many complaints as when that happened.

You can blame original moot for that one too.
Don't be so angry. It'll all be over soon.
>Shoved here
They were here all along, silly.
So then the real solution is to neither force all quests to /tg/ nor to force them to their own ghetto called /qst/, but to go back to allowing quests on any related boards.
>Just a few people.

you do know moot knew basically nothing about /tg/, right?
That would be valid if every thread were active. But it isn't, not even close. Your argument is as valid as the argument claiming that all of the threads on a board could be made by one person and thus one person justifies a board.
Please explain your reasoning to the rest of the class.

How is it anything close to a quest in any way at all? Show your fucking work.
That's because your new
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When more than a few people post against quests.

But it'll never happen, because you do not represent most of /tg/. Neither do I, of course, but I don't claim to.
Talking about basically the same number of clicks to check a board...
Fourth post is best post.
Remember that a single user is limited to like three threads on /qst/ in a three-day period.
He pretty much made it as a containment board himself. I wonder if he put them here as punishment for some imagined slight, maybe someone called Asuka a shit
>But they'r actually not.
You know, questers called this behaviour out before. Those who bitched about others fun were always going to target the next thing in line.

Other boards quests getting shoveled onto /tg/ was a mistake, since they were much more off topic than even the most tenuously fringe /tg/ quests.
The final argument of people with no argument. I was around in 2011, well before the /a/ quests got moved over. Never seen a metathread with more than a few antis in it.
>Being all pissy and bitter.
Manage your sodium levels kiddo. I don't put you in the first row because I like looking at your face.
whiskey pls
Why does anyone act as if the /a/ quests were at all relevant? They all fucked off or petered out within months of being forced to /tg/. They literally are not relevant except as a curio.
Hey, thanks for stopping by. I'd just like to say once more, please let quests back on here.
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Don't have any alcohol on me, but there's enough salt in here to sustain you for days.
People keep going back to that. None of those quests are still active, and quests existed before then. Not to mention that it's okay for people to post on multiple boards.

It's fucking nothing, anon. We've been arguing over nothing. None of it matters.
>three nurutu quests
>three dbz quests
>four bleach quests

Yeah. Not relevant.
>Other boards quests getting shoveled onto /tg/ was a mistake, since they were much more off topic than even the most tenuously fringe /tg/ quests.
Well yea but you can't really ever undo that.

That's when the quest quality started to drop drastically and when people started to get vocal about complaining. Also beucase people started making quests that would literally go on forever (icegiant waifu quest had like 100 parts? Let's not forget that super inter dimension weirdo quest that had gorillion threads as well) Before that most quests were relatively creative and original. None of that "pick one of three options anime wafiu quest" garbage.

If quests were still like that I wouldn't want them gone, but that day is dead buddeh.
Well going by the poll there's at least 45 in this thread
Good bait
>Never seen a metathread with more than a few antis in it.
That's because /tg/ almost never does metathreads.
People never were raving, but there was a clear indication that you were not really a right fit for here. Quests were something moot forced /tg/ with because it was the best fit.
Now you have a better fit, so go there
>three nurutu quests
>three dbz quests
>four bleach quests

This is what questfaggots are actually defending.
I suggest we delete /tg/
Yeah, they aren't.
Those quests are either /tg/ original or /qst/ original. They aren't the ones that came from /a/.
The idea that /tg/ is somehow anti-weeb is laughable. The popularity of BESM, OVA, Maid, tanto cuore (sp) proves it.
Don't forget the Eva quest where the QM explicitly refused to put "quest" in the title because it would trigger the filters.
>what is airplane mode
>You know, questers called this behaviour out before. Those who bitched about others fun were always going to target the next thing in line.

The general really isn't. The single thread ones, jump chain was one wasn't it?, really were quest threads for all purposes.
People will probably point to MGNQ or Hollow Quest Redux, which started on /tg/, or any of the more recent anime quests that sprung up LONG after the migration.

Hell, when the migration first happened people accused Mahou Shounen Quest of being from /a/ despite the fact that it had been there for a couple months.
>That's because /tg/ almost never does metathreads.
If I had a smug anime girl image, I'd post one.
Way to suggest what I've been feeling. Just fucking start over.

2 of the Naruto Quests (Boruto and Shinobi) are good.

The DBZ quests suck shit.

2 Bleach quests are good. One's alright.
Quests were on /tg/ since mere months after /tg/ was started. Moot wasn't aware of quests at all until /a/ started crying about their homegrown quests, four years after quests were first started on /tg/.
>Never metathreads
Good jokes.
Its hardly dead, those quests still exist that are origonal and have good quality. The reason some people want /qst/ to exist while having quests back on /tg/ is to shovel other boards stuff there.

It helps that by having /tg/ quests on /tg/ they act as a advertising gate to /qst/ and keep it alive, beyond its current dead state.
It's dangerous to go without reactions. Here, take this.
Just leave if you don't like it here lol, literally no one is forcing you to stay.
You call an apple an orange and just expect people to nod and go along with it, then complain when someone calls out your shit.
/tg/ will become a fast board if we take out all the gunk clogging it.
Because we all know that those weren't "real" /tg/ posters, amirite? No fa/tg/uy could possibly like anime.
Yea but then you're literally shitting up another board for no reason.

/vg/ doesn't need to cross post in /v/ to get people to check it out.
In this context it's you bullshitting. If you're saying the entire premise of the poll is flawed I wont disagree with you, but by that logic the same could be said about every pro-quest vote
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>No fa/tg/uy could possibly like anime.

He's being sarcastic.
That's why I understand 4chan voting is completely meaningless, and so should you.
Oh really? We'd lose a lot of users by following >>49349869. Fewer people doesn't really scream "faster board".

So, where are all these new users going to come from? Your ass?

I don't think I've ever seen "amirite" used in a non-sarcastic manner.
Quests need readers interested in their genre.
They are an activity, not a community. This difference in how they act is the source of the hate for /qst/ as a board.

Without foot traffic drawn by discussions (something that was initially banned on qst, and still tightly leeshed) to generate topics, quests cant take said topics and base their storys on them, nor draw people who would be reading them into said quest.

Its a big old chicken and egg problem.
Well, how do new people stumble onto 4chan?

Nature finds a way to provide. Or if not Nature, the invisible hand of economy.
>responding seriously to salty questers.
But why?

You're to pissy and salty for me to have a discussion with, so curb your autistic rage and try again friend.
wow guys

Get ready for hiro to NEVER read any of this because he has 50 meta threads to read that are all hundreds of posts long
>There's a clear indication that you weren't the right fit here

>That's why there have been quests on /tg/ since the year the board was founded!

You're a newfag. I'm going to assume that you only know about moot ordering quests to /tg/ because you were too new to remember quests that were native to /tg/ before that like mekgineer.
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Oh, it's a lolbertarian.

I see now
I guess if poeple aren't interested in quests the board will eventually die.

That's to bad.
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Yeah it's been fun, I'm cool with it, but I'm out.
Wheres your smug anime girl?
>Make wild false claims
>Get called out on wild false claims
>Dismiss those people by claiming they are salty

If you're not going to back up your own claims then you can just fuck off.

See you, Anon! Hope you have a nice night/day.
The thing is, people are interested in quests. Hence why they even became a "problem" to people in the fist place. Your basically telling people not to have fun.

Saying its not your problem and shoveling them off begs the question of why not everything else you disagree with?

Its "They came for the jews, and i did nothing" in action.
The thing you don't seem to take away from that is the whole idea of saying "I only see people who are pro-quest. Anti-quest is all samefagging" also falls apart under that reasoning
Don't care, if he reads the first four posts and notices the overwhelming support for putting quests on /tg/, that's all I care about. I just want him to know about the issues, even if nothing happens.

Gosh, a shithead anti-quester is a smug faggot. Who would have guessed?
I didn't look at your poll, I just stated that strawpoll is meaningless on 4chan.
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I was just stating the fact, I actually thought it was kinda sad.

But you can get bent out of shape about it, that's your prerogative.

But honestly, manage your sodium. Seriously.

They became a problems because of spam mostly.

I know I've also talked shit to a couple QMs how would make 'management' threads to talk about their quests in addition to their quest threads while it was still being bumped.

That shit got a bit ridiculous.
You only had one fucking job and that was to add the captcha and you couldn't fucking do it.

Great job.



If you can't understand why captcha is necessary on strawpoll, then you're legitimately retarded.
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I'll spot you one.
But then they couldn't vote multiple times and claim hundred(s) of people NEED quests on /tg/.
>I'm just stating the fact :^(

You spouted some smug shithead remark about something dying that I've enjoyed for almost five years. Eat shit.
Here's a quick question: If you can't trust the pro-quest votes, why would you trust the anti-quest votes, either?

Here's a better idea: Enable captcha and try making a new poll.
You should probably read the conversation without your angry eyes on and not get so emotionally invested you wee tyke.
Please put a smug anime girl in your posts you're confusing me
And the /qst/ board, last month at least but not currently, did fix this to some degree, since newbie QMs could post there instead of clogging /tg/ and then link in /tg/ quests they were following or such.

Which is why some people advocate allowing quests back on tg while keeping /qst/ or morphing it into a new board. Maybe limiting quests on /tg/ to pages 3 and above. Rename quest tag to: Quest Game and you cut out the filter false posatives.

With that scenario both sides win.
>Here's a better idea: Enable captcha and try making a new poll.
I can get a new IP every ten seconds on my phone.
Gentlemen, something extraordinary has happened. Somehow, I have managed to escape from the cycle of bait, salt, and counterbait. I have known my own Buddha-nature, and tasted the bliss of salty Nirvana.

This is the last you shall hear of me, friends. But know this: when one frees oneself of the need to respond to bait, one's jimmies will be at peace. And when one's jimmies are at peace there is no rustling, nor is there smugness: there is only the eternal embrace of lurking the fuck moar.
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That's quest board is fine.

Go to play the quests.

Quests are living.

Go them now. >>>/qst/
B-B-B-But my extremes.

Get out moderate fag
>f-fuck you t-tyke :^(

Another anti-questfag shitposting endlessly. I doubt you've contributed to a /tg/ thread in your life.

What's your home board? /r9k/?
I don't like /a/utism, sorry my man.

QMs were posting quests saying they weren't going to use /qst/ under any condition because they were angry, so that's really no good. Can't have people just bucking the rules because they feel slighted.

I mean I think that's a good compromise but people would abuse it and then you have quests flooding back here because "no one browses /qst/" despite refusing to acknowledge it's a new board etc.
>Quest board is fine guys!

no, no it's not. Go look at the fucking catalog you dumb cunt. Look at how many quests have barely a dozen posts. Look at the archive and how many of them are dead.

Quests are NOT fine.

You took quests, and audience-based medium, away from their audience.
Akckktutally I've literally written and helped make game systems on this board.

What have you done besides contribute to some shitty fanfics?
This desu my family. We need to tear down this wall.
I wrote a quest and a CYOA, which was /tg/ material up until a week ago.

>shitty fanfics

What's fucking baffling and hilarious is that you're so new and stupid that you don't realize that this is why /tg/ was made in the first place: Warhammer containment board for fanfiction.

I've been here since almost day 1 and it's clear you probably haven't even been here long enough to do anything but post in some that-guy threads.
There have been quests that were essentially glorified playtests for homebrew systems in the past. AC Quest comes to mind.
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Quests are fine.

You are upset.

Focus the fun.

Everything alright.
>Quests are fine, please ignore all the QMs who have quit and players who are moving on!

Everything is NOT alright.

The fact that we have a 4chan-spanning shitstorm over this move is proof that shit is seriously fucking wrong. It's leaked from /tg/ and /qst/ onto /qa/ and is now on every fucking board on 4chan. You think that's 'alright'? That's people being 'happy'?
Need better bait.
You cant post smug without the prework to induce salt, you look daft.
Just linking a convo you didnt partake in and acting smug is silly.

Well they did that simply because of how /qst/ was introduced. If it had been implemented in a manner less like shackles then itd been more well received. Even a moderate attempt at decency with the QM's and questers would have done a world of good. It wasent a rules thing, it was blatant disregard.

Sure there might be problems, which is why itd probo be a good idea to keep only /tg/ based quests on /tg/ e.g the warham stuff etc. While morphin /qst/ into a /dev/ board instead.

Then youve got easy moderation, an easy gateway that can be removed if the new board varient shows promise to be self sustaining as a board (quest is not).

Most of the spam stuff is not /tg/ subject quests, there just is not the population on its own for any abuse to be substantial.

We know that since the majority of antiquesting resentment happened when other boards quests were shovelled onto /tg/. That was at a time when quests were much, much more active.
>You took quests, and audience-based medium, away from their audience.

If /tg/ wanted to be the audience for a quest they wouldn't have gotten banned.
I disagree with your position, but I appreciate and have saved your image. You are an okay person, it is fine for us to disagree, and your words cause me no rancor.
>Cyoa a quest
Ahahahahhahahahhahahahaha, That's amazingly low-tier. I mean how creative of you.
Kudos mate.
>Warhammer containment board for fanfiction.
Ah, the warhammer wednesday fallacy.

Now who's the newfag.
Stop trying so hard, you're embarrassing.

There's been maybe half a dozen out of thousands.
And a lot of them just get dropped anyway. That one dude who had the tactical hex game had something really interesting going on, but he tends to go full retard and ruin it only to revive it as a new game a lil later.

They were though.

For eight years.
You say that like there was a vote on /qst/'s existence. All the threads on /tg/ about /qst/ on the day of /qst/'s birth, both before an after it was made, leaned more towards hating the idea.

The mod who made it didn't give a fuck.
Like how if /tg/ wanted any discussion by the board Nazimod would have not been euthanized?
People literally got banned because the mods were defending QMs here after /qst/ was introduced. So you guys actually got a lot of leeway for a while.

You can't seperate /tg/ and non-/tg/ quests now.
That doesn't even make any fucking sense. Are you saying that nobody on /tg/ wanted to play quests?

Well that's obviously not fucking true, because we're in an 800 post thread about people who primarily want quests back. /qst/ is made mostly of /tg/ posters who now have to browse two boards, and the change was made without any moderator feedback from; as far as we can tell; a single guy.l

This is as retarded as "Well, if anyone wanted you alive, you wouldn't have gotten murdered!". I hope you get shanked in a late-night robbery.
Not even baiting, what exactly is wrong with the quest board?
I want less censorship, fewer capricious thread deletions.

Quests stay on their own board, please.
Hold on let me see if I can find the list
>Maybe limiting quests on /tg/ to pages 3
Is that possible?

If quests could be limited off the front page or two, and a more unique name enforced, I'd be willing to go there.
>we're in an 800 post thread about people who primarily want quests back
I have no idea how you can make that assessment.
I'd say it's pretty 50/50.
>what exactly is wrong with the quest board?

Read the thread and maybe the thread in /qst/. We say what's wrong about it.
>Not even baiting, what exactly is wrong with the quest board?

Limited traffic, which kills the "audience participation" part of the thread
>I hope you get shanked in a late-night robbery.

You seem overly upset over an imageboard.
>Most posts are pro-quest with only a handful of people anti-quest.

You think I can't scroll up and count the number of replies to each comment?
>Limited traffic
>Most quests literally have hundreds of replies.
Uhhhh questfags?
and for a thread this large, there's barely over 100 posters

quests are the skub of /tg/ at this point
Not that guy but I can't blame him for specifically asking, reading through 800 posts of salty neckbeards seems way less efficient than just asking.
No, I'm upset over the lies.

Lies about the imageboard.
Lies about my hobby
Lies about who I am
Lies about the way things used to be.

Every fucking corner, you faggots are telling bigger and bolder lies in hopes of re-writing history.

I'm tired of it.
I want some honesty out of you, and you refuse to even give us that.
Sure you can seperate them. Its not exactly like its not been done before. That leeway was grand, and a good compromise if not perfect. Questers kept to themselves when it comes to quest topics.

It would probably take someone who knows a bit of coding to do.
A simple quest tick box would be easy to moderate, and a good starting point for the limitation code to apply to.

I suggest this as someone who does not know any coding so, i dont know the feesability.
>From three people and after staying up for a month

Uhhh mods
tl;dr it was an overnight botch job that became a containment board with basically zero input or discussion. The result is a containment board for basically one page worth of new content a day. MAYBE.
>Questfags feel the need to reply to every slight complaint valid or not.
>This somehow means there's more questfags then people who'd prefer them on their own board.
>Thinking post replies is a metric that can be used to judge anything.
You are actually retarded.
I'm starting to feel bad for you.
>quests are the skub of /tg/ at this point
But skub is 100% /tg/-related
>Lies about who I am
I hope you are trolling

It's true, but the reasons have been stated many many times before.
They were for almost a decade, you dumb motherfucker
Is this pasta?
>Questfags feel the need to reply to every slight complaint valid or not.

Because surprise: You don't have any arguments or logic. All you have are lies. Lies upon lies upon lies.

Why are you upset that people are angry about you telling lies about them? Every fucking one of these threads are just more and more lies.

>>This somehow means there's more questfags then people who'd prefer them on their own board.
Hey, if there aren't enough of you to address each and every argument, then there must not be that many of you.

Sorry about using logic against you. But the fact of the matter is that every pro-quest argument is relatively unopposed while anti-questers are still spinning their wheels with "u're a retarded faggot :^("
fuck off skubfag you have your own board
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Google is translate not native.

This apologize for smug that problem.

This sorry of other board.

But what if quest is not that other board.
How doing there quest?

The only one I really see is "No traffic" which really has nothing to do with the board and more to do with people may just not want to play your fanfic games.

It happens.

>Literally can't post without being angry.
lel kiddo pls
>>Most quests literally have hundreds of replies.

Actually, if you go to the /qst/ catalog and filter by reply count, you'll see that more than 50% of the threads on the board have fewer than 100 replies.
What's skub?

Quests back when they were running on /tg/.
>Every fucking one of these threads are just more and more lies.
And this is why no one listens to you and you get put on a containment board.

Putting your fingers in your ears and yelling is not the behaviour of well adjusted adults.

Something you either like or hate, where you hate anyone whose opinion doesn't match yours.
Read the first fifty posts, generalizations about quests and the people who play them everywhere.

Why? Because actually arguing why quests aren't /tg/ related quickly falls apart when the people who have played quests have been on /tg/ for ten fucking years.

You don't have anything but namecalling and lies at this point. I'm sorry you have no argument.


Like this, this right here. Every fucking time someone points out an obvious and blinding truth that should really end the entire conversation because you can't suddenly undo ten years of precedent by calling someone a faggot; the answer is some retarded /v/ equivalent of "u salty :^)" and "u mad :^)"

That's why people reply to you. That's why this thread is so huge, that's why you have to keep shitposting. You have no argument. You lose.
And that the majority that do have been up for days, with only a handful of posters active. There are threads that have been in permasage for almost 36 hours that have only made it to page 5, that's how slow /qst/ moves.
>Quests back when they were running on /tg/.
I agree, quests were much more successful on /tg/ than they are on /qst/.
This is adorable
To be fair you do actually seem really upset and if you could communicate properly people might actually try talking to you like an adult.

Now I feel stupid, I actually knew. The concept at least, I just forgot the name specifically.
Thanks anyway.
You'll get no traffic for nearly any type of thread variety thats singled out into its own board with no other type of content allowed.

The difference is simple: Quests are not active enough for a board, because they are a thread type, not an active community.
Its like cutting out warham general to its own board without the write or draw fags, banning all other content and expecting it to have the pace of the average board.

The other difference being that warham general is a discussion while a quest near on requires active participants to continue, showing that their pacing nessecitates different approaches to be successful.

You cant blame people for not wanting something that will kill their minor hobbie.
>Putting your fingers in your ears and yelling is not the behaviour of well adjusted adults.

Wow, person with his fingers firmly in his ears yelling that it's the world that's deaf, and not him!

I wonder what it's like being this retarded. Being SO retarded that you blindly ignore every argument thrown at you just to shout that everyone is deaf and not you. I feel sorry for your mother for puking such a failure out of her vagina.


Still no response to that basically infallible argument. Maybe you should just start throwing Pepe memes at me with those smiley faces.
Well that's just to bad.
Maybe if people wanted to play lame fanfic games the board would be more active.
There was no limited traffic on /tg/, obviously. Are you just being deliberately obtuse to get a few (you)s?
Nobody wants to go looking for a specific quest to play on a separate board. The only quests that are doing well on /qst/ are those done by already established QMs.
No /qst/ was made because some people bitched on /qa/ until a mod who doesn't give a shit indulged them.

>Putting your fingers in your ears and yelling is not the behaviour of well adjusted adults.
This could be said to describe the way antiquestfags argue
>lel, I know I took your arudience away, but that's just too bad. no, of course you can't have it back. it's alljust lame fanfic games, it's not like /tg/ was made for 40K anfics or anything.

You're a faggot.
You seem upset.
But they did to a much greater extent when they were on /tg/
There IS an exception: QMs with at least a hundred twitter followers and 30+ IPs per thread who started on /tg/ tend to still do well on /qst/. Most QMs who move over lose a substantial number of players, and most QMs on /qst/ are flakes who never bothered to finish their first thread.
Hes right to be, your not even an entertaining faggot.
It's filled with faggots who are butthurt for no good reason
>I mean, personally, I'd be fine with quests being free to go on every media they're part of. It'd cut down on /tg/ traffic and everyone would have quests related to their interests on their boards.
It honestly makes way more sense, the quests that first popped were either /tg/ related or at least not related to anything else, and audiences would still exist, though I don't think it would fly, and everyone would be telling you to leave their boards their too.
I honestly think what's best is that the mods fix the issues /qst/ has, and you either sink or swim. Quests really seem to have outgrown this place and become it's own thing.
Like what? Just curious what you had in mind.
>umad? :^)

I think it's very telling that the anti-questfags only have "U MAD! U MAD! U MAD!" as their argument now.

Long abandoned is the argument that quests are not /tg/ related. Kind of hard to argue that with 10 years of precedent after all.

Now it's just memes that would have been considered old-hat on 2012 /v/. At least it's obvious what board YOU hail from.
>Quests really seem to have outgrown this place and become it's own thing.

What makes you say that? Humor me
>Like what? Just curious what you had in mind.

CYOAs, maybe?

Also genre fiction not allowed on /lit/.

(Just repeating an idea I read on a different suggestion thread)
>It'd cut down on /tg/ traffic
I wonder why. Maybe oversaturation on /qst/ is stifling them, but you can't bring 20+ quests back onto this board without messing it up.

You're literally foaming at the mouth so I'm just going to make fun of you.
Why discuss anything with someone who just screams "lies" and swears at people like he's all tough?

lel, you're not a character from your fanfics lil guys.
Calm down.
If he says something about the first page, a fraction, or "clogging", I'm going to bed.
Problem is, they haven't.

Quests would need a good 3 to 4 X more people to survive as is, and even that wont keep a board that lacks all discussion alive.
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At least most people seem to agree with the idea of firing the mod.
Well, they did get their own board, didn't they? And it seems to be going pretty well, frankly I don't see what the problem is.
The Laughing Dog was really cool, but as it started on /qst/ it didn't have enough players to survive.
>QMs with at least a hundred twitter followers and 30+ IPs per thread who started on /tg/ tend to still do well on /qst/.

A grand total of what? Three, two QMs?

Name us those names as proof.
>Now all you have is reaction images.
Pucker up or put on your big boy pants.
It is the most sensible course of action
Two people.
And im just calling you a dick for the hell of it.
You probably are one anyway.

Don't forget "smothering"!


Yeah. He handled the creation and implementation of /qst/ horribly.
>but you can't bring 20+ quests back onto this board without messing it up.

This was the situation at its worst, and somehow /tg/ was fine for years on end. I highly doubt that three months of more generals, "elf slave wut do," and /pol/bait threads will be particularly impacted. Again, these things coexisted for years on end.
Quests need to be moved to /qst/
An unpopular mod?!
>implying I'm the same anon.


Nope. I was >>49350565
That Vox guy that ran a quest every day for like a month. GobbleQM, the smut peddler. I guess there's some other guys that have their thread numbers in the 100s.
こんちには Hiroyuki,

私たちの話を聞くために、名乗り出てることを決心して頂き嬉しく思います。 4chanのスタッフからの感想を聞けて、非常に感謝致します。彼らの決定で、私たちは非常に長い間暗中模索してきました。

/qst/ は、ここにいる人々の望みに反してつくられています。4chanでは、「封じ込め」として知られるものがあります。このような掲示板では、コミュニティーの一部が本人の意思に反して、強制的に隔離されています。このことは、ユーザーとスタッフの間の話し合い無しに、行われているのです。私たちと意思疎通できる唯一のスタッフがあなたなのです。

このコミュニティーに対する誤りを是正するために、最善策は私たちがほぼ過去10年間用いていた /tg/に戻るのを認めることであるという結論に至りました。これは私たちにとって、大変重要な問題です。私たちの多くはプロのライターであり、何年間もこの活動に参加してきました。もし私たちが封じ込めで動けなくなれば、私たちの趣味は萎み、太陽の無い花のように死んでしまうのです。

私たちが古い掲示板に戻ることを認めるために、 /qst/に移ると述べている/tg/ のスレッドを削除してください。それをあなた自身のスレッドに置き換え、そのコミュニティーが話しているとあなたが思っていて、この過去の時間は、過去10年間存続してきた前の掲示板と関連しいることを公表してください。
I know, I know.
But agreement is a precious thing, yes?
>lel, you're not a character from your fanfics lil guys.
I addressed you both actually. Work on your English comprehension.

Eh, actually people complained as far back as '09.
And see you're trying to throw up a defensive fallacy to further your argument again and that's very disingenuous of you.
>No /qst/ was made because some people bitched on /qa/ until a mod who doesn't give a shit indulged them.
literally the same reason /tg/ became "the quest board"

/a/ is just better at shouting at mods than /tg/ is
The classic example is Planefag. Laze (so far), Wargle, Somnius, and Gobble all did well, and came in from /tg/ really recently. Somehow QoD ended up with MORE IPs than average on /tg/, but that's probably anomalous.
Well, for one people come here for quests, they've gained they're own identity and have grown into their own thing instead of something that's more of an anomaly, for lack of better words.
Also clogging just for >>49352061

CYOA really should go too, plus it would help with the user size issues.

I don't think quests will ever get those numbers without leaving though, just like I don't think 40k threads would have gotten the same numbers on /b/
Generally this. Get and keep all the quests and other forum games (broadly defined) over to /qst/. You can rename it as needed.

This wouldn't just help /tg/, it'd improve other boards, too. Throw in the writefags and drawfags, and the "roll to X" threads that pop up everywhere, and you've made things better for a bunch of people.

Unless /qst/ gets turned into /if/ or /fic/, then it should stay since it's not a quest.
>plus it would help with the user size issues.
I actually agree with this. If it was a Forum Game or Thread Game board it would be fine and might stop all the quester spergtism from leaking out onto our shoes.
>out of thousands

>why can't Anti-quest Johnny count?
And /qst/ demonstrates the opposite of your theory. You are wrong.
That is the thing though On quest a failed thread that only has 10 posts in it lasts for over a week most of the time. When you think about it quests weren't Bumping good threads off of tg, Good threads were bumping bad quests off tg
Slow down, anon. Too much of that kind of talk all at once and you'll break them.
Well I think it should change to that, but even without it they really share a lot, and quests can grow from CYOA, like magical girl CYOA

You've had a board for what? Four months, and until just now you're were divided across here and there. It also doesn't help that your board just has real issues that need fixing to work.
>Spitball numbers because you don't care all that much but know it's low.
>Someone takes you completely 100% literally.
Is it autism?

It goes both ways. They shitty quest bumped something off the board just like something will bump it off the board.

Get it.
Deculture has over 1300 followers on twitter, but he's also a drawfag.
>you're were divided across here and there
Only because the people who tried it, found it lacking and went back.
That's the point of a trial. To try it and find out if it works.
And it doesn't work.
Aside from IDs (Which I think aren't that bad) and dice rolling what does /qst/ lack?
Actually it's more because no rules were in place so you were free to cross post at your leisure.

Now the rules are in place and you can communicate with a mod/moot to fix the board but you'd rather cry instead.
>Is it autism?

Just a pattern, shown throughout this thread, that the folks who hate quests can't seem to figure out how to count things and instead "spitball" them up to ludicrous amounts as if it made their arguments stronger.
At least the quest fags can give actual numbers for shit.
This is probably because the actual numbers appear to support them pretty solidly.
Big name QMs lost half their regular audience. Even planefag, the most optimistic of QMs about the move recanted his earlier opinions because his audience experienced so much attrition among other issues.

The board moves at a sluggish pace even with the 3-day autosage. There's not enough content makers to sustain a brisk pace, and a glance at the archive will reveal all sorts of dead-on-arrival quests because quests rely on audience participation. And there isn't enough of an audience in a containment board for something so niche.

This isn't even getting into the "features" that made the board basically unusable on arrival.
People. There are no random passers-by that may get interested in your quest and join in.
>Aside from IDs (Which I think aren't that bad) and dice rolling what does /qst/ lack?
Players who are familiar with tabletop RPG structure
The implication is that anything at the bottom of the board is shit or done with anon, I understand that might be a difficult concept.
>At least the quest fags can give actual numbers for shit.
lol no they don't.

It's all there's no population abloobloo! even though you just got 100 odd votes on an obscure poll in a hour. Quest with 100s of replies but nah it's all 3 dudes right.

Like you're so full of shit you just see brown, hahaha, get a grip.
We tried communicating. Many, many times. There were attempts to communicate weekly, at least. All fallen on deaf ears.
The mod doesn't care.

Not that the mod could actually fix the biggest problem, which is having enough people. Quests aren't monolithic. Being interested in one quest does not automatically being interested in any other quest. It's not a format that's conducive to a board of its own, and the lack of exposure just means that the pools of players are even smaller.
>still can't refute the ratio of quest threads to non-quest threads
What features are making it unusable?

Then get more people. /tg/ already has a sticky for /qst/. Having something that no longer belongs here because of traffic isn't really a good reason.

One of those naruto quests you're so happy to bring up?
31 unique IPs. 540 posts, but only 31 total posters.
>Thinking that matters.
The ratio to quests to 40k threads would be a lot more telling actually.

Ah the last vestige of the questfaggot.

Maybe that's why your board is dead on arrival.
>Then get more people.
Yeah, let's just go into the magical peoplewood and collect peoplenuts and plant them and grow our own people from the aether!
Queeests please!
Have you tried?
Seems fine to me.

Are you saying there should be more then 30 autistic weeaboos wanking over naruto?

I don't understand the complaint.
Son it is time to stop posting, or at the very least lurk more and understand board culture. you sound like one of those "Moms" on twatter that are trying to make video games illegal
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>100s of replies but nah it's all 3 dudes right
Three dudes. Over like a week of posting. Most "successful" quests on /tg/ had 20-30 posters and ran maybe 6-8 hours once or twice a week.

/qst/ isn't healthy. The odd transition from /tg/ may have brought a fair sized playerbase, but there's zero evidence that those players contribute to the overall health of the board. Not to mention the massive number of dead quests with 20 or fewer posts whose QMs totally flaked, or that never attracted enough participation to survive.

In planefag's words:

> I was very vocal (and very alone) in being optimistic about the new board despite the doom and gloom chanting that said this exact thing was going to happen. I have been proven wrong, and I've lost most of the faith I once had in the even-handedness and trustworthiness of 4chan moderation. I've had people (as recently as yesterday) still barking up my tree about leaving /qst/ and resuming KCQ on /tg/, so I know people will be wondering how I'll proceed from here.

Can't see posts you can't refute, huh?

I'm not a quest fag, I don't play them, nor did I give a shit when they were here. I didn't give a shit when they were moved. I came here to see what the fuss was all about, and I'm starting to give a bit of a shit, since the anti folks in this thread seem to be a gang of stupid assholes who can't count or read, though, and I oppose that sort of thing on principle.
Nigger you just proved his point with one phrase >>Maybe that's why your board is dead on arrival.
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questfags are go and please stay go
Yeah, I waltzed right in there, but the magical pixies told me they had a staff holiday and couldn't let me grab any nuts.
And then they did the same thing every day since then.

I'm saying that /qst/ has an extremely low population that is compounded by most users only being interested in 1-2 very specific threads.

I myself literally only post in one quest, along with maybe 5 other people. I am not interested in the other ones around and might as well not exist if you're counting board population outside of the little niche quest I post in.
I am not special. There's not even crossover between threads, nevermind between boards.
But this guy said Naruto got 30 posters!
Maybe you need to check out different quests buddeh.

So which is it?
>Planefag admitting he was wrong
And more than anything else, to anyone who knows the significance of this event, he proved how shitty /qst/ is. The only thing that would make more of an impact would have been an apology.

Jesus christ how horrifying.
> Most "successful" quests on /tg/ had 20-30 posters and ran maybe 6-8 hours once or twice a week.

>One of those naruto quests you're so happy to bring up?
>31 unique IPs. 540 posts, but only 31 total posters.

But that's the same as the most successful quests here? What's the issue?
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30 posters was fine when quests lasted a few hours before falling off the board due to /tg/'s other traffic. It is not fine when the quest thread lasts MONTHS.
>muh traffic
This Planefag is an egotistical bastard. For him to go back on an opinion means something is really, really bad. His pride wouldn't let him do it without serious circumstances.
So you can't refute the numbers you brought up?
Congrats for that guy, I'm sure the OPs of the rest of the threads on the board are real happy for him, but it's an outlier.
Why? Who cares if you have a dead thread doing nothing? By that logic you should just limit the number of threads on board

I'm not that anon, dumbass.
If it's the same guys playing the same game I don't see an issue at all. In fact wouldn't that be good because your players would stay consistent?
So maybe the other QMs need to do something to make their quests as appealing as that one?
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Why did we make a board for content that can't populate a board?
Draw threads obviously should return.

Repost from a deleted improvement thread on /qst/.

At present there remains few if any means of connecting the two communities that have been forcibly split.

A suggestion I had made early on in the /qst/ development thread was the return to /tg/ of a quest thread general. This would have a dual purpose.

Firstly it would act as a means of advertisement to gain the attention of peoples interested on rpgs and appropriately related peer developed story lines.

The second purpose would be as a means of working out ideas. Plot hooks and scenarios commonly seen being developed for use in roleplaying games are frequently discussed on /tg/ and many of these have at times been repurposed into quests if there is sufficient interest.

Some of the best quest threads to have taken place on /tg/ grew out of responses to questions about adventure party situations, or how various races or creatures would adapt to the environments of other settings. Often, right in that same thread.

That sort improvisational creativity is what sparked many early quests to start up on /tg/ in the first place. Not that similar events haven't happened on other boards, it just seemed to happen more often on /tg/ than others.

While I can not assuredly speak for all other authors or QM's, it seems that those of who have been reluctant to be forced over onto /qst/ have been concerned, not about features, but about community. The community and the creativity present in it.

I hope the administration will at the very least consider allowing a quest thread general on /tg/ even if it were to require certain restrictions to prevent the proliferation of such threads.
Obviously there will be complainers either way.
Because people lied and lied about it until a mod believed them.
But anon.


What's the issue?
It made some people really sad and angry

Because a few people kept whining about somethiing that barely took up a quarter of the board.

Like at most, 11 quests going on at once.


Or some faggot anon got a mod position.
I remember ruby.
I also remember how there wasn't that many quests though. Before moot sent all quests to here quests that were here were here more organically and in smaller numbers.
>Who cares if you have a dead thread doing nothing?
It's a symptom of the board not being healthy.

>In fact wouldn't that be good because your players would stay consistent?
They stayed pretty consistent on /tg/.
>Draw threads obviously should return.
drawthreads have been near constant for months

do not lump them together with skub autism
Because a few people bitched and moaned on /qa/ for months on end, and despite ignoring the "delete /pol/" threads, mods thought this was a good idea.
>They stayed pretty consistent on /tg/.
So it's not really a issue and you just want to whine about something?

How come none of you are refuting this point by the way?
Do you know why that quest has as many players as it does?

Because it started on /tg/ before the forced migration.
The issue is that those 31 narutards are only going to be 31 narutards. They're not going to be going into other quests. All of their questing time is taken up by the naruto thing, and they probably aren't interested in non-shonen anyway.
A board full of nothing but dedicated questers means a board full of threads that have very little crossover with each other and no way to get new people to join any of its threads.

100 people following a quest doesn't mean anything to any other quest, because they're not going to spread out until their current quest is wrapped up, and that can take years if a quest can keep itself going.
Here's the thing: most of them can't, because as it turns out QMing is kinda hard. Not everyone who wants to try their hand at it is good at it, same way GMing works.

And even if they could hack it the playerbase mostly comes there for the one, maybe two quests they already follow. The few that have the management and writing skills can scrape together a small, slow following, while the "proven" QMs who finally got the boot brought some of their players with them. I can almost guarantee you the Naruto example started off here on /tg/, and brought some of its players along. And then you have it sitting next to threads that never made it past two dozen replies.
No, it's not, there's not "health" for a board.
It's the same thing your getting, but dead quests aren't bumped by "Which primarch is the most kawaii" now.
So obviously he must have taken a huge hit too?

But his quest is as popular as the most popular quests on /tg/?
/m/ anon here.

I'll again say that this reminds me of the "toku is not /m/" crowd. Fuck, even in our own improvements thread you still have a couple of those shitposters. I don't have much vested interest in this, but I do see a similar logic to this kind of shit. And I can't approve of that, because it similarly got to the point where the "toku is not /m/" crowd would not stop spamming their same, shitty arguments over and over (when they were actually arguing).

Also the admitted refusal to use the catalog by some of these folks is just... fucking retarded.

Crusty had about 60+ players for quite a few threads.
Pretty sure he was appalled at the way you type, you talk like a fourteen year old
Except Crusty went to the hospital and died of actual cancer shortly after /qst/ was made.
So you're saying that questers don't go into other threads and don't contribute to the board in general?

Sounds like a personal problem, not a board problem honestly.
If you care so much about traffic just post on /b/ :^)

It wasn't cancer.

Autoimmune disease.
>/pol/ seeping out of its containment all over the place
Looks fine to me!

>a few quest threads on /tg/
Holy shit we need to put this on a brand new board stat!

The mods are retards plain and simple.
Once this generation of quests (those that started on /tg/ and migrated to /qst/) dies, I find it very improbable that there will be any more large, popular quests. Some diehards might follow a specific QM to a new quest on /qst/, but /qst/ itself has no appeal. It's a containment board. Not an interest board.
20-30 just means "successful". As in, not dead. It's the standard. Exceptional quests could get upwards of 60 posters at a go.

Some threads on /qst/ have upwards of 90, but they also run multiple sessions in the same thread, which means 90 IPs over the course of almost a week.
>So you're saying that questers don't go into other threads and don't contribute to the board in general?
Pretty much.
I'm not interested in anime style quests. If I see one that needs players, I'll scroll by it exactly the same as I'd scroll by the popular naruto thing.
Do you play every game you come across? No, of course not, that'd be silly. Especially if you just want to focus on the game at hand that you've already invested lots of time into.
For a guy who's super on top of his english..
You forgot your period.


But he's still getting the same amount of people as the most popular quests here?

>Some threads on /qst/ have upwards of 90, but they also run multiple sessions in the same thread, which means 90 IPs over the course of almost a week.
Sooo what's the problem you have with traffic again?

Didn't you guys say this after Rubyquest. Oh wait, you did.
It becomes a board problem when there are only a handful of people actually starting and running threads on an entire board, and moreso when those people only run a few times a week, maybe only once a week.

There's just not enough content there, because creating the content is a time-consuming pain in the ass that too few people derive a twisted sense of pleasure from.
>as the most popular quests on /tg/?
That's not what the original "20-30" poster meant. The MOST popular quests on /tg/ got way more than that. 20-30 was about what a quest needed to sustain itself. Saying migrated quests lost "half" of their playerbase was an exaggeration. But fucking hell, I went looking at some of the deeper pages of /qst/ for dead threads and found a quest on thread 18 with only TWO IPs, meaning it had ONE fucking player.

Slowly scroll to the bottom and count the threads with posts in the double digits, Then look at how long they have sat there.
Because making /pol2/ wouldn't actually solve the issue. And pure /pol/ threads are deleted if they aren't made well enough to be related to whatever board they're shitting up
Which was it?
>But he's still getting the same amount of people as the most popular quests here?

Nah. He most likely died. Or is too busy with work and/or sickness to run.
What board was Rubyquest on?

Autoimmune disease.

Frequently mentioned he had it.


Not that anon, but /tg/.
> meaning it had ONE fucking player.
So people didn't want to play the game.

That's to bad.

A lot of threads die without replies.

So you're saying questers don't do anything on the board except look at their own quest or the odd quest they're running in?

Why would we need people on /tg/ who don't want to browse any threads on /tg/?
That's crazy.
>I hope you get shanked

Jesus, this is kinda scary. Not that you could ever hurt anyone, but that you're in the mental state that saying things like this is ok. Get help.
Are you pretending to be stupid on purpose as some sort of extended social commentary? Because "some" threads getting 90 IPs over a week is an exception. An outlier. A special occasion.

As has been stated repeatedly this is far from the norm. The norm is QM flake/burnout after a couple of dozen replies over the span of several hours.
Not talking about your grammar. But you should have known that if you had a proper grasp on the english language, out of curiosity are you american?
do you know what a dynamic IP is?
>So people didn't want to play the game.
>So you're saying questers don't do anything on the board except look at their own quest or the odd quest they're running in?

>Why would we need people on /tg/ who don't want to browse any threads on /tg/?
>That's crazy.

That's a false equivalency.
Posting in three quests is like playing in three RPGs simultaneously.
Posting in a quest and a few other /tg/ threads is not nearly the same, nor does it have the same time commitment.
>And pure /pol/ threads are deleted if they aren't made well enough to be related to whatever board they're shitting up

Only on boards the mods actually care about. /ck/ has been a festering wreck of shitposting for at least 5 years now.

Because we needed chemo for the cancer. /qst/ is a containment board, same as /pol/.
Not talking for anyone else but i was on tg for quests, mostly, But i would open other interesting threads as i passed by looking for whatever my current interest was,
Wait he had aids?
Wait, why?
Sometimes interest dies?

Or maybe it was just a 2 man game the whole time.

Shit happens.

Bro, even on /tg/ that's far from the norm. This isn't exactly a popular board. I consider 90 IPs to be exceptional. Probably more than we get in the infinity threads.

I was just making fun of you. Don't worry about it.

No. Just an autoimmune disease.
>So you're saying questers don't do anything on the board except look at their own quest or the odd quest they're running in?

>Why would we need people on /tg/ who don't want to browse any threads on /tg/?

There's nothing to do on /qst/ besides quests, so if you aren't interested in other quests you won't participate in them.

On /tg/ there's other shit like D&D or Magic or general worldbuilding to discuss. People interested in that sort of thing who find a quest they like would keep participating in the other /tg/ threads. In fact, that is, almost without exception, how people find out about quests that they like: by stumbling across them when browsing /tg/ for other shit.
On /tg/, those 90 IPs (See also, dynamic IPs and phoneposters) would be spread out over 3 or more threads.
On /qst/, the board is so slow, and the thread limit is so low that multiple sessions are held in the same thread most of the time. That means that something which would have fallen off of /tg/ soon after the first session is resurrected again and again until it eventually reaches the bottom, about two weeks after being created.
I think what he meant to say is that most people don't follow many quests. Making an entrie board just for them would create a bunch of isolated sub groups instead of an actual comunity
So you're saying, while you're playing quests you don't look at the board?

Basically you've just given a fantastic reason why quests should be on their own board.

You're probably an outlier. But you also seem like a reasonable person so I have my doubts that you're a true quester.
> For like a month

The madness is still ongoing, anon. I've stopped less than five times.

In any event, since I was brought up; things have slowed down significantly. Though the IP numbers look similar to before, this one thread has been up for a bit over three days and just now gotten to this point. I dunno what happened to most of my night crew and I miss those glorious bastards and in general, I'm fairly unhappy about the move. DLQ saw a nice, steady audience and the warm feeling of a new reader dropping by every few days or so, having freshly caught up on the archives. Those new readers bring fresh perspectives, interesting critique, questions, and sometimes even OC. I dunno how /qst/ is going to attract new folks not just to my quest, but to any quest.

In terms of exposure, I'm mostly personally fine. I'm essentially be always running, after all. But being kept in the dark sucks, and so does losing your regulars. Y'know?

Thank you for your time.
>So you're saying, while you're playing quests you don't look at the board?
I literally just said the opposite of this, how are you so stupid?
Do you think it's real arduous to have multiple tabs open to different boards? I don't even have a /qst/ catalog open, because I don't need it. My one quest's thread will still be in use ten days from now.
>So you're saying, while you're playing quests you don't look at the board?
No, he's saying that he only has one quest open. Considering what else he said literally one line down, he also has non-quest /tg/ threads open.
>So you're saying, while you're playing quests you don't look at the board?
in /qst/, he explicitly said that wasn't the case on /tg/, nice reading comprehension.

It's also funny that you accuse other people of being unreasonable in the same post.
>I have my doubts that you're a true quester
Wow, dude. And have you ever considered the possibility that people are reacting to your generally shitty attitude and admitted tendency to think the worst of the people you're conversing with?

Because "not putting up with your nonsense" is a very different thing from being "unreasonable".
Remove quests
Just go take a look and see.
Exactly, you're only reading one quest. Just like the hundred other questers looking at a bunch of other different quests (usually not many) and ignoring the general board.

That means the board is doing exactly what it was intended to do. Keep you guys occupied in your own space.

Good job.

So what are you whining about?
>Which country has the best fast food?
I think that was the most /pol/ related thread I saw.

That and
>Monsanto was bought out today by a German chemical company. Do Nazis control our food now?
But that really seems more like a shitpost than anything.
I am not sure he realizes i was the guy he was arguing with earlier
Eh, both sides are pretty bad and have marginal points desu and if you think it's 'all the other guy' that's probably a personal problem.
Compare the IP count in the average /qst/ thread to the IP count in even the most dead threads in /vg/ and you'll find that the dead threads on /vg/, the ones that sink to page 9 or 10 from time to time even before they hit their bump limit, you'll see that the deadest threads on /vg/ actually have more posters.

And it's WAY easier to find a thread about something you like on /vg/ than it is on /qst/, and it's far less of an investment to make or participate in a thread on /vg/ than on /qst/.
>ignoring the general board.
You are one dense motherfucker.
Here, let me use all caps so you can read it better.




But the quest is doing worse than it ever did before, because there's just me, the 4 other players, and the QM. Nobody else. It's basically stagnated, because nobody new ever even looks at it, because the only people with the opportunity to see it are beelining for their own quests.
Is this really so hard for you to understand, or are you just a troll?
I think /vg/ has better numbers than just /tg/ in general though, so not really the best point
That's a really bad argument.
/vg/ is obviously a more popular board.

QMs will definitely have to put more work in to "stand out" but that's kinda the nature of the beast.
>are you just a troll?
Going by
>That means the board is doing exactly what it was intended to do. Keep you guys occupied in your own space.

I'd say yes. You've been arguing with a troll.
That's the point. /vg/ is a board bigger than even /tg/, so it can sustain itself. /qst/ is not.
Well, it's a good thing "I was just pretending to be retarded" is rightfully laughed at, then.
>Nobody else. It's basically stagnated, because nobody new ever even looks at it, because the only people with the opportunity to see it are beelining for their own quests.

So your problem is that nobody is interested in quests enough to actually go to /qst/?

And you only want to have quests if people who aren't interested enough in quests to go to /qst/ can stumble on it?
It seems like your quest stagnated because people didn't give a shit and you want to blame /tg/.

Tough luck I'd say, but you're free to be angry about it.
And it doesn't have asinine restrictions like one IP only being able to make X amount of threads in Y time period, and like I said it's far less of a time or energy investment to participate on a board in /vg/ than on /qst/.
Nope, because the quest was doing just fine on /tg/.
I blame you faggots for forcing /qst/ to be a containment board.
Well, you assholes did it, over 1000 posts before you fell off the board.

And Hiro won't read 900 of those.
lol you guys are so emotional.

I enjoy the fact that only questers have gone all out with caps, screaming troll and are generally being very aggressive and antagonistic.

>Can't say anything without swearing or calling someone a fag.
>Surprised you got a containment board.

You questers are really way to emotional to discuss this.

Calm down.
That's not really a point though
>checks thread after an hour
>pro-quest and anti-quest faggots still shitposting

Well, I'm glad the thread is on page 10 now. Soon it shall be freed from this mortal coil.
When was the last time they even showed up?
At this point, I think you are literally mentally challenged. You're beyond "I was only pretending to be retarded."
The people who actually go on /qst/ are the dedicated core. On a more general board, they are only some of the posters, not all of them. The rest are rotating anons who caught the thread because they happened to be on at the time.

The core already has things they're interested in, and nobody has the time or energy to participate in too many quests at once.
That means that there's a finite number of players, but no crossover.
Do you follow me here? Nobody on /qst/ goes to other quests. Because Quests are not big enough to sustain a board. Do you get it? They are not homogenous and don't even share a userbase in most cases. /qst/ shoves dozens of barely related games together. The animu waifu fags aren't interested in the western fantasy stuff, and those guys aren't interested in the cyberpunk stuff, and those guys aren't interested in the monster stuff, and those guys aren't interested in slice of life shit, and so on.
>And it doesn't have asinine restrictions like one IP only being able to make X amount of threads in Y time period,
Why would this be an issue on the questboard? I mean how many quests are you running that this becomes an issue?

Join a debate team or something. Your arguments are awful.
Oh please.
Don't be so patronizing. You know you were spitting fire and brimstone upthread.
Or you're the retard. Either way, I'm okay with swearing in your general direction. You deserve it.
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So, having been in very few quests, but having been on this board fairly regularly over the years...

1. >There were less quests then there are generals now

There are more generals up now then there ever were quests. Both have high bump rates, so both filled the top.

2. >Nobody liked how quests were handled. That this is STILL an issue, after making a new board, ON /tg/ just goes to prove that dividing the two groups isn't working... because they are the same group.

3. >While both quests and generals usually clog the top, that isn't a bad thing

Generals are essentially the core of the board,discussion of tabletop games, Quests were good breathers, and excellent at building a board community and cohesion.

While I love "Would you an elf /tg/" threads as much as the next fa/tg/uy, pretending the bread and filling isn't as much part of the cake as the frosting is bullshit. Quests were good filling, Generals are good bread, and slightly lewd cat/elves in compromising settings are delicious frosting.

I came to /tg/ to do three things.
>Discuss tabletop games I play irl
>Check out various brainstorming scenarios, ideas, thought experiments (quests were part of this)
>Enjoy thoughtful, tasteful lewdness without dicks on everything (Though I DO miss ND)

Please return Quests.
Calm down.
You calm down.
See posters like this is why /quest/ is such an awesome board. We don't have to deal with any of this trash nearly as much.

>Enjoy thoughtful, tasteful lewdness without dicks on everything (Though I DO miss ND)
I mean seriously.
Bro have you even read your earlier posts?
>Quests were good filling
No, they were the opposite if anything, they were something extra to the board.
/tg/ at it's core is talking about tg-related stuff like board games and RPGs.
>Why would this be an issue on the questboard?
It's not for most people. Some guys run multiple quests in staggered schedules. One quest this week, different quest on the weekend, third quest next week, or whatever. They have problems because it takes almost two entire weeks for a thread to fall off after it hits autosage, which is either 72 hours or... I want to say 1000 posts. Either way, it takes too long to fall off. But that's literally maybe two or three people running like that.

For the consistent mid-range guys, it means they have to conserve their threadcount and continue sessions in older threads just to avoid the limit, because again, it can take up to two weeks for a thread to fall off.

It's a pain in the ass.
Dude, new poster. I was asking a genuine question to try and clarify your stance because I wasn't about to go through 1000+ posts to figure that shit out - no need to be a cunt all your life.

So your issues is that, despite there being enough quests on /tg/ to inspire nearly 95% of the current archive of /suptg/, not counting other boards as well, that is not enough to form it's own board because the bulk of posters in quest threads are casuals who aren't interested enough to go to /qst/?

And that the only people who go to /qst/ are the hard core crowd?

I would assume then - given your stance that only the dedicated go to quest, or would be in this thread, and that the regulars don't care enough to actually look for quests - that you don't find the results of the strawpoll useful?
>Why would this be an issue on the questboard? I mean how many quests are you running that this becomes an issue?
So by that logic a quest board would need a metric fucking ton of posters, right?

But it doesn't have that.
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>Because we needed chemo for the cancer.

Then why is there still so much Warhammer flooding the board?
If you want to see emotion you should check out the antiquest threads on /qa/
Because this board was meant to be a containment board for 40k
You better link me bro. Every single one.

This, they're definitely not filler. Especially when a quest has a meta discussion thread about the quest setting or something.

Can't you just delete the thread or something? But yea that's a bit of a bummer for sure. Although I don't see
> they have to conserve their threadcount and continue sessions in older threads just to avoid the limit,
That as much as an issue. Why is using the same thread bad when everyone uses the catalogue anyway?
Is it as bad as the questfag shitposting when you guys were pushed off the board?

Because I've never seen one of those and I've checked /quest/ a few times.
And this is the truth of /tg/:

It's always been cancer. Removing one tumor won't cure it, because all it's ever been is tumors.
You see i am tempted to actually link all of your posts, problem is the thread will be archived before i find all of them
Yes. Most people who quest do so incidentally. And people don't incidentally go to an entire new board.

That's why my stance has been that quests are not actually big enough for an entire board. They just aren't. This became obvious after trying to use /qst/ early on. Even with the new board smell, there wasn't enough, and that had low quality spam propping it up.
Normally this sparks "Well if they can't survive as their own board, they don't deserve to survive at all and we should just ban them forever.", which is a really, really stupid argument, since most kinds of content would have to be pruned under that stupidity.

I don't care about the strawpoll, incidentally. Thing doesn't even have a captcha.
Bring back ERP threads.
>Is it as bad as the questfag shitposting when you guys were pushed off the board?
Gee, I fucking wonder why that happened.

Questfags didn't shitpost in other threads when they were left to their own devices.
It's not cancer, it's just that moot didn't like a specific thing so he wanted it in one place.
If you shitpost because mods are kicking you into your own board you're kinda a baby.
>So your issues is that, despite there being enough quests on /tg/ to inspire nearly 95% of the current archive of /suptg/, not counting other boards as well, that is not enough to form it's own board because the bulk of posters in quest threads are casuals who aren't interested enough to go to /qst/?

Did it ever once occur to you that the quests may be the only chunk of /tg/ most board goers were consistently interested in archiving?
No, you can't delete threads on /qst/. If your three (Supposedly five now, but I don't have a source for that) threads are up, that's it. You can't make any more.
Better hop to it buddeh.
Laziness is not a virtue.

I still think a Forum Game board is the best solution.
Im sure you did your fair share of 'victory laps'
>and I've lost most of the faith I once had in the even-handedness and trustworthiness of 4chan moderation.
What a retard. It's like he's ignored every part of /tg/ history.
So what does that make these people?

They filled up dozens of archive pages full of their booty blasted posts.
Force MtG threads onto another board and you'll see the exact same shit happen.
As opposed to whining nonstop for mods to make something you don't like go away?
I can safely say I've never posted on /qst/.

You can believe whatever you want though, hope it makes you feel better about the whole split.

Try not to be so bitter though my love.

Ah I gotcha.

Planefag is literally a newfag he's been around for a hot minute if not less.
I'm not going to read a whole thread to get what you're trying to say, but I'll guess they were complaining about questers and shutposting.
But you see, just because someone you don't like is a baby doesn't also make you NOT a baby
>three (Supposedly five now, but I don't have a source for that)
There's something reddit-esque in posters not knowing the rules of the site they're on.
>consistently interested in archiving

I've read through a lot of shitty quest archives. It looks like they archive just to save it for later - not because it's worth saving.

Not that it's a bad thing - but the only people who read the quest archives tend to be the ones who were in it and they upvote it on principle. I'm not saying it's a bad thing, but it's certainly the situation. There IS a reason you can auto-filter the quest threads.
The Archive mod actually came out and told us that was questfags false flagging.

I lost the screencap but I'm sure it's still floating around somewhere.

Hilarious stuff.
It's not in the /qst/ sticky or rules, last I checked. Supposedly a mod came into a thread and said they'd raise the cap.
You know even kids understand the concept of "two wrongs don't make a right"
If you shit up a board mostly uninvolved in your issues, you're acting like a baby.
>Planefag is literally a newfag he's been around for a hot minute if not less.
Dude's been around since 2010 at least if the foolz part of the Fireden archive is to be believed.
I've seen this claim a few times.
Have yet to see the caps though.
>Max threads per IP is 5.
took me a 15 seconds.
How come when /qst/ was first created quests were still allowed on /tg/, and then one day with the rules exactly the same they suddenly weren't?

How can the mods be said to be "just enforcing the rules", and users be expected to read the rules and know what they mean, if what mods actually enforce is nothing to do with what's written on the rules page?
I did say he was a newfag didn't I?
I sincerely doubt it is, because this is at least the fifth time one of you has said it without any kind of proof.
Par for the course, for anti-questfags.
You can learn history without living through it. If he doesn't, he's a faggot and deserves all the disappointment he's given himself.
Probably a trial run for all I know as others have said.
Still doesn't change what my point was though whatever reason they did it.

Just learn to be happy with your board, it will grow into it's own thing and I will be nice.
Except questfags stuck to their own threads and the one the mod made specifically to ask for feedback.
Meanwhile what did the antiquestfags do?
It is technically 'enforcing the rules' since there was no telegraphing of intent that they would be slamming down the hammer to send all quests to /qst/. Especially since they were deleting and temp banning all the >>>/qst/ posters.
Nobody knows. The mod didn't explain the original decision (Although a lot of anti-questfags started getting banned for acting like real dicks right after the announcement thread and continuing up until a few days ago) and didn't explain the sudden shift.
He just deleted the positive message sticky and replaced it with a cold declaration of banishment.

Maybe if there actually was some communication, people would have been less upset about both decisions. Don't let these guys fool you, they were maaaaaad about /qst/ not being a containment board for three months.
You realize it's not 2011 anymore, right? 2010 was a long time ago.
And /qst/ is still a "trial board"

Whatever that means
>Meanwhile what did the antiquestfags do?
You mean besides spamming the board with shitpost threads because they felt slighted?

Cause that's why the mad questfags did when you were told to leave.

I mean you can message the dude directly like we did when you first made the claims. But whatever.
The first anon just admitted to shitposting because /qst/ was added, so it doesn't invalidate my point that getting upset and shitting up /tg/ because you're mad is childish.

More of /tg/ would probably be on your side if you didn't do things like that. I never even noticed quests really until shitpositng, not that I hold blame on every person who uses quests, just the less mature ones.
>like we did
Convenient that you did it in a non-public manner that can't be traced, then lost all the evidence.
>5 years.
>Was a long time ago in a galaxy far, far away.
How old are you.
Everyone after me is a newfag
>implying that term even matters at this point
It's sad, /tg/ used to be my favorite board. I would visit literally every day for years. It was one of the biggest things in my life, pathetic as that sounds. But the the last 18 months or so, I've only popped by infrequently to see if a thread catches my eye or if anything's changed. Less than one a month at this point.

I've become much less enthusiastic about traditional games too, but I don't know if that's cause or consequence. I suspect the latter, sadly.
Both sides of the argument did it, so the fact that either of them did it is largely immaterial.
Just ban everyone who feels anything in any way towards quests, just to be safe.
>five years wasn't a long time
Live a little, anon.
As opposed to fucking generals? Every time I've brought it up the response is the same

>hurr durr filter
/tg/ has been in decline for a while now.
I don't know the impetus though, but yeah almost two or three years sounds about right
Uh anon..living and enjoying life makes time go by faster..

Maybe you should practice what you're preaching and get out more yeh?

10/10 good compromise.
By shitposting are you referring to the not so enthusiastic responses in the announcement thread or did the questfags started posting "keep quests on /tg/ on every other thread, like antiquestfags did?
In five years my partner left me, my dad died in a workplace accident, my brother succumbed to a drug overdose, I met a new woman, got married and had a kid.

Five years is a long time, anon.
Know, it just means both sides are, well some of the people are, acting like babies and making everyone hate them and want them to leave. And seeing as how there's never going to be anti-quests threads, it doesn't matter to that group if people hate them because their stuff doesn't exist.
Filling your life makes the past seem longer ago.
Nothing new has really happened in that time.
Quests were holding stead two or three years ago, generals have recently had an upswing, I think the smut threads were on their way out at the time...
It's probably the attitudes. It's not enough to enjoy something anymore. Now you have to make sure other people don't enjoy things you don't like.
Yea, there was a more live and let live thing going on.

If you didn't like the thread, close it, move on.
>And seeing as how there's never going to be anti-quests threads
There can be and have been threads made solely to bitch about the fact that quests exist, for YEARS NOW.
no* fugg, I'm stupid.
>got married
are you saying the antiquestfag is lying?
Did they drop any good loot?

Not mutually exclusive to what I said, but since you need to be right I'll give it to you buddeh.
Is it just /tg/ or all of 4chan? /tg/ is the board I use the most and the longest, so I can't really tell about any other board.
> I think the smut threads were on their way out at the time...

Forced out, really. Having five falseflagging attempts at a given time has that effect on a thread.
The fuck? Actually the mods have been pruning those threads and banning peoeple since /qst/ was a trial board.

Don't lie you filthy poo.
And they should be deleted, but my point is that they don't really lose anything, not that it matters if they do or don't, my point is there's no reason to make yourself annoying to people who have nothing to do with your shit, and doing so will make more anti-what-you-likers by conditioning
Claiming last post of the thread
not so fast
They've all gotten worse, for sure, but I think /tg/ was one of the last bastions, but that might just be nostalgia/pride
>Did they drop any good loot?

No, but at the funeral one of my best friends asked if my mother was single now.
I don't think so.
They still existed. And they would often stay up for a significant amount of time before /qst/ was a thing.
That won't be enough to save /tg/.
Will i get Dubs and Last Post?
But did they fug?

Sounds like the start for a awesome Quest!
So is a specific thing people don't like and is put in a specific, separate place Cancer? Or not?
> best friends asked if my mother was single now
Did you punch him?
Best thing I ever did. Now I have a GM who can't escape me and will ERP with me whenever.
1/2 ain't so bad
Will /tg/ ever revive on 4chan?
No, a specific kind of people are cancer though, or what people say are cancer, and those are people who bring down board quality. Not saying any group in particular so don't get offended
Nah. Laughed and cried.
Well I'm glad we could all agree that /qst/ is a great board and is doing a fantastic job.

Good thread lads.
Rolled 20 (1d20)

Rolling to kill the thread
>Very doubtful
What about on a different site?
Rolled 2 (1d20)


Brettonia is a meme
There have been no oldfags since 2007.
That does sound good, but I wouldn't get married for that myself. Bet she doesn't let you play girls and roleplay their rape either.
hiroshima pls allow quests back and kill mod
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Enjoy your board questers, I mean that, let it grow and become great
There were no oldfags before then either.
Agreed. Remove Mod.
Skub for president
Chrow's board?
>Bet she doesn't let you play girls and roleplay their rape either
You weren't an old fag if you didn't come from SA
Don't even quest anymore but I'm going to enjoy seeing them return
Did begging work for removing nazimod?
No, emailing moot did.
But this is Nazimod we're talking about.
Sanguinius was the best Primarch
Ok, well done, that's pretty good as marriages go. You could still do that without getting married though.
/qst/ is for quests so they should remain off /tg/. That being said I feel for questfags, they should at least get a banner to announce their new board so they can get more traffic. Also some of the super blatantly /v/ shit should go, like world of warcraft which is pretty much exclusively about the game. But then again I'm a hypocrite since I like elder scrolls lore on the weekends. But then again again that also has a /tg/ homebrew game. Life is hard.

Also /weekendsmutthread/ helped cut down on the 80 "I want to talk about my stupid fucking fetish" threads a day, so I wouldn't mind it returning. plus it had good fapping stuff
It is the duty of everyman to get married and spawn children
Really? Because that didn't do anything to change /tg/'s decline.
>Discuss how we can better /tg/
/tg/ filename threads are the worst ones outside of /co/.

Remove them from the board.
>Not Dorn Stache


Once he banned Blood Bowl threads I started emailing moot every day.
/qst/ never should have been made in the first place and was made with little to no input by questfags.
Futa is a completely not Gay Fetish
Magnus did nothing wrong.
To be fair, Xfags should never be consulted. You think the mlp or pokemon crowd would have voted to split?
Tanlines ruin Delicious Browns also check em
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Spider best gril
Marriage is for being a beta provider, not having kids.
>Xfags should never be consulted
They were consulted for this
>104 posters at bump limit
>130 now and people are still bitching
Serves /wst/ right for abandoning /erpg/ when they got banned ages before.

>First they come for the...
Which was really weird because most questfags were against it but they listened to dudes like me who were fed up with the anime crowd and shunted you off anyway.

So who do you listen to at that point?

This shit is never easy to work out.
At this point everyone is trying to get the last post
The guy above me sucks dick on the corner of 34th street

The guy below me does it for free
True. But I have no intention of leaving or ending it, neither does she. She stands to lose more than I do if we ever go downhill, and the ceremony itself was a bonding experience. Marriage wasn't necessary, but it was fun.
There is nothing wrong with getting married

anon, is there something your not telling us about your "wife"
>She stands to lose more than I do if we ever go downhill,
I thought that was the "problem" marriage was there to solve?
I Unironically Love the space wolves

I love wolves and I love Vikings/Norse aesthetics
Alpha legion is loyal
...if you're a woman.
It should be left to the mod's judgement. They should be able to tell what's best for the board.
Of course, they are not perfect. But at least they should give a shit.
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Surtha Ek is the True Lord of the End Times
Not quite true as there have been a few cases of wealthy women paying alimony.
At the time, they didn't listen to you.
They didn't listen to us either, but they were staunchly ignoring and banning anyone trying to do victory laps.

It's only this week that the mod seems to have taken a 180 and is now listening to you jerks.
That doesn't work when mods have zero accountability.
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The problem of losing half your shit in a divorce? Because as I understand it the only problem marriage solves is lines of inheritance.
>It should be left to the mod's judgement.

>They should be able to tell what's best for the board.

>But at least they should give a shit.

Hello and welcome to /tg/.
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Claiming Last Post in the name of the Saiyans and dubs
The problem of the woman standing to lose more. Marriage is there to turn that on its head.

>Because as I understand it the only problem marriage solves is lines of inheritance.
No, that's wills.
Claiming fuck you in the name of my big cock
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You had one job you dumbasses...

If we banded together, we could have written meaningful commentary about the shitty /pol/ users filling our board, and something might have been done. Instead, like the manchildren you are, you bitched about something stupid that no one really cares about.

I really hate some of you. Most of you are alright, but some of you are real cunts.
It's a shame that almost 1200 posts went by but nothing will change.
Post above me is a changeling

Burn him
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So who's ready for /tg/ to get deleted?
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It's been fun you faggots

Nah, most of /wst/ felt bad for them, it was mostly some shit-stirrers trying to do a "let's you and him fight" between /wst/ and /erpg/. Likely the same anti-smut faggots who then shitposted /wst/ to death.
The only appropriate post to go out on is a really, really stupid "bump".
So we should all post a bump and then just stop.
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What did you expect?
This was just a way to let people think they have a say.
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Post below me is a witch

Impregnate her
I am. I think we should be deleted, and we can have /magic/ and /roleplaying/ instead. We don't deserve a board.
Thread posts: 1187
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