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Board Moderation

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Thread replies: 749
Thread images: 117

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Hiro has asked the users to discuss moderation on their board and how to make it better
This thread will be used for that discussion

How should the moderation be changed to allow /v/ to become a better board
Loosen GR-15 to allow sfw pony reactions so Barneyfag fucks off for good. It's the only way to get rid of his autistic ban-evasion spam, and I wouldn't expect its repeal to be too abused after the first week or two since that fandom is slowly dying off anyway.
Just get a few more mods for the weird time zones.
I think it's pretty good moderation-wise compared to boards like /pol/ and /tv/

Or just ban the entirety of canada, whenever he posts on /int/ or /pol/ it seems to be from there
>allowing pony anything
Autism is treatable anon
ban ecelebshit / youtube garbage
>Autism is treatable anon
And Barneyfag won't seek it.
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Remove faggots that complain about anime.
kys barneywatcher
You're on a anime imageboard right now.
Ban everyone who doesn't agree with me.
Increase moderation on political threads. Any thread that starts with something about Trump, 9/11, Immigration, etc should be immediately closed and the poster banned for at least 24 hours. The rules are clear and I'm tired of seeing this shit on a board about video games.
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Please remove the Sony shills

Get all of the crossposters back on this board, or at least give them global bans.

We don't want to have some fucking /v/edditor coming to our boards and shitting them up further.

t. Disgruntled /tv/ poster
What's the deal with getting banned like every week and then it's from some board I've never visited before, has that been happening to anyone else?
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Loosen up on the rules.
This place is only good when its Off-topic.
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Ban everyone who uses cropped porn as a way of starting threads.

You know the type, it's usually some NTR shit and there's only the vaguest sense that the text in the OP is related to video games.
remove e-celeb threads or auto redirect them to /trash/ or /b/
enforce GR15
remove subtle shilling like this >>352086974
I second this. Please ban this shit or give it it's own board.
Not only will this make barneyfag even more angry and autistic, it will cause a flood of pony fags to breach their containment board and shit up threads everywhere with their shitty 2012 meme tier pastel horse reaction maymays

We already have enough trouble keeping /vp/ in their containment boards, do you really think that allowing mlp pics is going to make ANYTHING better?
>every time mook asks what to do people say ban e-celeb shit
>never happens

Get rid of the "vidya culture" bullshit from the rules already.
People keep suggesting boards splits like "Eastern games and Western games" or PC and console. That just seems really fucking dumb to me. If we get any kind of split the only one that makes sense would be a "Video Games" board and "Video Game Indunstry" board.

/v/ would be the discussion of videogames themselves. /vi/ would be for e-celebs, the fallout from when IGN gives a triple-A hyped up game a 6/10, gamergate and twitter caps
/vp/ isn't a containment board, it's for discussion of pokemon that isn't covered by /v/
Remove mobileposting.
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Reported for not video games.

Take your own advice and post about VIDEO GAMES.
Kill threads about:
>Youtube/Twitch literallywhos
>posts that start with an anime girl and go "oh pat this girl on the head she's so cute anon pls do it it makes my dick hard, nep nep nep nep nep"
>wordfilter autistic, cuck, and SJW to kill underage /pol/acks
>kill console war threads
>kill threads that read like a cable news headline/BuzzFeed article title, like "Is X the most autistic developer alive?"
>seriously just ban anyone who posts about Dota or Neptunia because they're idiots
So its a containment board
/v/ is already the board for video games and video game CULTURE
it's not our fault people get offended by threads talking about video game culture

The boards fine for moderation

Just make fucking Japanese and western /v/s

It didn't work for /d/ and /aco/ (trust me) but the east and western body's divide is larger here

At least trial it for a month
move pokemon threads to /vp/ instead of deleting them
move comic threads that devolve into /lgbt/ propaganda to /trash/

instead of deleting them so that the pokemon fans and homos can keep their discussions up without restarting more threads

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Seconding this one.
>remove things i don't like
wew lad.
Then how come every pokemon thread is filled to the brink with unadulterated autism on /v/ and /a/?
Kill platform war posters.
make eceleb and youtube trash bannable.

give user ids.

Ban ALL thinly veiled threads or shit threads like draw shit, gamerfuel etc

there, I fixed /v/
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Can we ban Donkey, Leafy, Giant Bomb, Gamegrump, idubbz, H3H3, Vinesauce and all other faggot e-celeb threads?
No, pokemon is allowed here
for something to be a containment board, it would be the only place the discussion of the topic would be allowed, /mlp/ is the only containment board on this site
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>whining about crossposters
>when /tv/ and /pol/ are the one more often to spread their cancer to another boards
speak for yourself, faggot
Hiro is as useless as Moot.

Neither will address the rampant shitposting on /v/.

Compared to that the off-topic/e-celeb/other stuff seems irrelevant.
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I'm fine with /v/ as it is and don't think it requires any dramatic moderation changes

Adding ID's is retarded
Caring about "e-celebs" is retarded
You're all retarded
Dunkey is quality. He's probably in this thread rn
Golden face = permanent ban.
There's no problem with Dota or Neptunia, as they are videogames and they can be talked here.

Unless it's to discuss who is best Neptunia girl, as it's only waifuism circlejerking. And it's every neptunia thread too.
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Just get mods who do their job, that would solve most all /v/'s problems.

I'm so fucking tired of seeing "what did they mean by this" and other meme phrases or /tv/ and /pol/ crossposting because of course thats going to get a lot of replys. I post on /pol/, but I keep that shit on /pol/. Its not that fucking hard.

Also find a way to weed out the ebin flavor of the month meme of "your mom will die in her sleep if you dont reply" posts. That shit is so annoying, just as bad as barneyfag.
>Ban ALL thinly veiled threads or shit threads like draw shit, gamerfuel etc
holla reddito
buttmad console fanboy teenager spotted
>give user ids
Leave right now and never post again.
We need more moderation. Maybe get mods from different timezones so there isn't a giant hole when the US goes to sleep. At the moment there's a period of time on most days where you can post hardcore pornography here and it will stay up until it gets 255 replies.
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>mfw people say gaming has a culture
>Giant Bomb
Nah. We make like one thread every Friday and maybe one or two extra threads throughout the week and we discuss vidya in them

How about you fuck off instead and deal with it?
>give user ids.
Also this.
Dunkey is shit but not as shit as other bottom-of-the-barrel ecelebs like pleasediepie and skymilksminecraft so people give him a free pass
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Donkey is fucking annoying and the 20 threads a day about his latest video is blatent shilling and cancer

Remove e-celebs

make me nerd
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>Ban videogames I don't like
need flags like /sp/ or /int/
i dont think that would help

ecelebs have nothing to do with the culture of video games since they are products of it themselves and dont actually enrich it in any way
Only way to fix /v/ is by removing normalfags and reducing its userbase by at least half.
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There a lot of things that can be done.
1. Re-enable dubs.
2. Actually delete and ban obvious advertising spam (yes the 1 billion NMS threads were mostly advertising along with any indie game promoting thread) and all of the stupid fucking roll threads for once.
3. Underageban anyone who uses the gold face meme or any other console war 9gag tier picture.
4. Actually enforce rules on duplicate threads.
5. Anyone who uses the words "sonypony," "nintentoddler," "xdrone," or any other derivative should be 3 day banned and that goes for anyone making obvious flamewar bait.
6. Make /v/ NSFW but obviously ban image dump threads.
7. Enable sound Webms, preferably site wide because keeping them on 2 boards is fucking dumb.
Less tertiary discussion
The best thing the /v/ moderation do is always picking thread deletion over banning and that should be kept.

I saw several several, SEVERAL places rip themselves apart due excessive banning And the fact BRs are more resistant to bans than other countries due being a kick on the DSL modem away to getting back
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Remove PCfaggots.
Literally everything they get their hands on get ruined and destroyed.
>I post on /pol/, but I keep that shit on /pol/
Funny though that you didnt keep /a/ on /a/

This right here is why Giant Bomb should be banned on /v/

Fuck off with your cancer youtube shilling
Bring back dubs and allow actual board culture like CWC and TGT, remove shit like Youtubers and blatant generals.
Also, NEVER allow ponyshit back, as you'd never see anything else posted.
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Also bring back dubs.
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delete /v/
Remove internet celebrity threads, enforce the "quality of posts" rule, but very judiciously, deleting what are obvious shit posts and ironic shitposting. I think 4chan should be a bastion of unbridled free speech but the quality of this board has declined so significantly there needs to be a crack-down, at least for a certain period of time to weed out unfunny teenage normies.
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Reinstate HARMONY and autoban any post containing the word "misoginy" and variations thereof. Bam, all the political posters from different ends of the spectrum are dealt with swiftly.
/v/ mods are fucking retarded
ban them
Permanent ban for frogposters
Definitely do this across the entire site.
Sorry, but this will literally never happen. No one aside from two or three autistic faggots that shouldn't be here anyways care about that one Giant Bomb thread that shows up maybe once or twice a week.

I'm biased as fuck on the Neptunia/Dota shit but you know my other complaints are valid. Including the headpatting fetish shit. Which is Neptunia 50% of the time.

While I'm at it though, the Overwatch balance complaint threads need to go to. There's never any discussion, it's just a hundred insecure teenagers screaming at each other and there's like 2-3 of these threads at any given time of the afternoon or evening.
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To be honest /v/ is NOT a bad board. You can really tell who only browses /v/ or have only been here for a few years by who claims /v/ is terrible. As I look at the catalog 90% of it is video games which is much better than how it was in say 2012 for example. Non-vidya threads generally get deleted not as quick as they could be but they do get deleted. Go look at /tv/ or /sp/ or /pol/ or any porn board if you want truly shit boards that are long gone.

Yeah we have issues like e-celeb shit and Barneyfag but the issues here PALE in comparison to other boards easily. All we need is a few more mods who enforce the current rules and the community to moderate themselves and not reply to obvious shitpost and bait
>mobile poster
found the cancer!
I just want to play real life with /v/ without the thread getting banned, that shit is fun
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>all these "ban things i don't like faggots"
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How to fix /v/:

1. Give janitors the ability to lock obvious shitposters from posting until moderators get around to banning them.

2. Threads that are complete shitpost and have nothing to do with the board altogether should result in a net ban not just for OP, but also for anyone who has contributed in the thread.
/v/ is a containment board
so is /pol/
it is a containment board

it's whole purpose was to keep discussions about pokemon OFF of /v/ since it either went from "who's your favorite pokemon" to literal bestiality posting and there would always be like 5 or more threads on the same topic (pokemon)

move all pokemon threads to /vp/
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Fact: If we listened to any of the suggestions in this entire thread, /v/ would be shittier than it is.
/v/ is fine. Don't like it? Get the fuck out of here.
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>stop liking what I don't like REEEEE
I think it's fine right now honestly.
/v/ is always going to be pretty shit not much you can do.

That movie sucked ass, but that actress was cute AF. Great nips too.
found the cancer
there was a time when we got pokemon on the front page for days with hardly anything else
thats why we got /vp/
This so fucking much.
Ban immediately everything about youtube let's play, ecelebs and fuckers that have jack shit to do with videogames.
On /v/ no discussion about real-world people should be allowed, with the exception of famous game designers/directors and so on.
Literally whos should go fuck themselves asap.

There, /v/ is fixed.
>7. Enable sound Webms, preferably site wide because keeping them on 2 boards is fucking dumb
this kills /wsg/ and /gif/

how about something better, bring back [sound] images
now, if only gookmoot knows how it works

>How to kill /v/ and turn it into a snail-paced board like hotwheelchan
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I like some e-celebs, but they don't belong on /v/.
funny enough when "the americans go to sleep" all the fucked up shit posting ends
>Give janitors the ability to lock obvious shitposters from posting
They already have that ability, its on a 15 minute timer.
Ban all e-celeb shit

Get mods that don't have an agenda

Be more strict with bait threads but keep 4am threads and the like

pokemon is still a video game and we're allowed to discuss pokemon video games here

we obviously can't talk about the anime, because that's not a topic that's made for /v/
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/v/ is good as is. 99% of the people wanting to change /v/ want to turn it into their own personal circlejerk


Yeah, no, fuck off. Hide the threads you don't like, post in the ones you like, you aren't gonna change the board by being a fag about it.
>stop posting stupid shit that only results in flamewars and discussion on par with the Two Minutes Hate at best

Fixed that for you. It's almost like we're here to talk about video games or something.
>Getting triggered about crossboard memes
I can understand if people are creating threads of "what did he mean by this" or shit that's not really vidya related, but you might be autistic if you don't want any replies at all that are other boards memes
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I don't see videogames topics in this thread
>video game CULTURE
AHAHAHHAHAHAAH I can't believe there are faggots that use that term unironically ahAHAHAHAHA OH DEAR let me laugh more
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I like some VIDEO GAME streamers which is VIDEO GAMES.
americans don't sleep, anon

I was responding to the points about banning specific vidya threads.
>Ban all e-celeb shit
>but keep 4am threads

>/v/ in charge of feedback
holy fuck where's that gif from?

simpsons v akira + well animated

looks great is there more?
DO NOT allow more than 5 thread talking about the same games

That way we'll have a cleaner board

I haven't had anything to do with the MLP fad in three years.

>Not only will this make barneyfag even more angry and autistic,
Who gives a fuck what it does to him? He's said more than once that he'd fuck off if GR-15 got a full repeal since it's the security blanket he hides under. I'm not even asking for that.

> it will cause a flood of pony fags to breach their containment board and shit up threads everywhere with their shitty 2012 meme tier pastel horse reaction maymays
Like they already do to bait Barneyfag's stupid ass in the first place. Like I said, the "hype" from a slight loosening wouldn't last more than a couple of weeks. Once that burns off and Barneyfag starts crying somewhere else, the incentive to stealthpost pony would be gone. Pony discussion would still be banned, so if it spins off into that the thread can be pruned.

>We already have enough trouble keeping /vp/ in their containment boards, do you really think that allowing mlp pics is going to make ANYTHING better?
Pokemon is vidya and /vp/ exists as a catch-all(no-pun) for the anime and cards.
One guy has a set of at least a dozen different threads that he posts DAILY. He has been doing it for over two months at the least.

Reporting him does nothing since its technically not against the rules. It is obvious he is farming yous or something.


We have boards for 24/7 discussions and yet the DX shitposter can make threads all day on /v/.

We have /vp/ to keep that gateway furry garbage off /v/ and yet we have 24/7 pokemon threads.
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>talking about video games

moot truly was the newest of newfags
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No, they're not video games.

They're streamers.
Who cares about two shitty dumb boards? If site enabled sound Webms came around they wouldn't be necessary, all the porn would go to /hc/ and /h/ and help them grow and other various sound Webms would stay on their respective boards and help start some more OC
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4am is /v/ culture
eceleb shit is not /v/ culture, it's outsider cancer
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Three prime examples, one after the other, of posts that have no place on /v/. Take notes, Hiro.
Threads should be about video games.
Threads that should be on /vr/, /vg/ or /vp/ should be deleted.
Derailing a discussion by blasting unfounded hot opinions should be a bannable offense.
Shitposts (outside of sarcastic dismissive shitposts) should be a bannable offense.
"are video games art" threads should be rewarded with lifetime bans.

Any of the above would improve my experience tbqhfam.
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What time does Leaf start posting? I have noticed an increase in Cuckthreads and race bait around a specific time on several active boards.
>all these idiots who want 4chan to be a meme police state

Only thing that might benefit /v/ is a containment board for PC gaming to keep the platform shitflinging at bay.
>I can understand if people are creating threads of "what did he mean by this" or shit that's not really vidya

Thats what I mean, though, trash like "what is the kino of video games" when kino is literally film and not video games

If you think for one second that ecleb/youtube drama belongs on /v/ then you need to fuck off now
>is x OUR guy?
>what did he mean by this?
>metacritic thread
>neverever.png thread
>port begging thread
>Your appointment to FEMA
>healerslut threads
>If you don't .r.e.p.l.y. x will happen
>Tortanic x.0

>/v/ is fine
Counter post: remove all faggots who like anime and jap games too much
To what end? Cordon off Neptunia, Senran Kagura, and such? Where does metal gear go? What about Souls? What about Monster Hunter and God Eater, Resident Evil and Dead Space, SOTN and Shadow Complex? Where does nintendo go?

This is super shaky, and a complete non-issue if you hide dedicated series-you-aren't-interested-in and east-vs-west threads
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go laugh at the mods and the admin then because it's a part of the rules page you shitposting faggot
This would save the board

I know that, the problem is that mods take forever to get around to things so by the time that 15 minute freeze is up, they've already had another hour and a half to spam their furry or whatever crap they're doing.
/v/ can't be fixed as there are more people who want to shitpost than people who want to talk about games. E-celeb and twitter screenshot threads should still be banned, though.
that's kind of a problem for /v/
it's too fucking fast

nice digits
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Just stop
which would be fine if you talked about the video games they played, rather than the people themselves
>We had non-stop threads about Jeff Gerstmann rating Twilight Princess 8.8
>We had non-stop threads about Jeff Gerstmann getting fired for his Kane & Lynch 2 review
>Giant Bomb threads have literally existed since 08

Yeah, no. You're a faggot.
eceleb shit needs to be banned. it brings and attracts so much underage cancer. guarantee this place will get better almost instantly if eceleb garbage is gone
People acting like /v/ isn't any worse than it was like 4 years ago are retards. The moderation is definitely better and there's way more actual video game discussion but the quality of posts has definitely gone down. I can't even remember the last decent OC /v/ produced. I don't know how to fix it other than with harsh modding but thats antithetical to 4chan. I guess its just an inevitability that the more popular the site gets from the likes of Gamergate and other things, the more new, boring people come in and the older, funnier ones leave.
no sorry ALL of it belongs on /vp/ that's why it exists
you see any pokemon discussions on /a/?
im asking because i dont regularly vist /a/ to know the answer but if i did id be mad those threads werent started on /vp/

Canada super shitposting only started this year. What happened?
>as there are more people who want to shitpost than people who want to talk about games.
Yep. /v/ gets at least 1m visitors a month or some shit.

Thats a LOT of normalfags.
Shut up faggot, this isn't video games. Ban yourself.

Fuck off retard.

>Specific game threads are limited to 1-2 at most - nuke any others at any given time
>Enforce GR15 to nuke Barneyfag
>Nuke e-celeb shit

Boom, /v/ is improved.
I like the our guy meme.

Also the Deus Ex threads have always started with that, no different from DMCfags starting a thread with CUHRAZUHY.

The rest need to get gone.
the mods are always deleting video game threads

they need to back the fuck off
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Remove most of /v/, then?

>/v/ is already the board for video games and video game CULTURE

Yes. That's EXACTLY why I'm suggesting a split.

"Culture" threads are naturally more incendiary and attract more posts (partly because a lot of them are created to bait people and partly because it might be a genuinely interesting/controversial subject that's going to naturally gain replies.

What that means is discussion about actual videogames get pushed to the bottom far too quickly to get discussion going. If I wanted to make a thread discussing Chu Chu Rocket, I need to hope there's someone else on /v/ that wants also to discuss it at the exact same time. There's really only a 5 minute window of discovery for new threads. After that it's at the bottom of the board and then 404s.

What happens then is people who want to discuss videogames have to make their threads more incendiary and "batey" in the hopes of keeping them alive ("You have 10 seconds to name a better Dreamcast game than Chu Chu Rocket"). That sort of approach isn't conducive to discussion. All it does is create a "me vs. you" scenario where we post our opinions, disregard each others and call each other a faggot.
>what did he mean by this?
>What game let me do x?
Needs to be autosaged.
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People asking for board IDs don't realize that part of the novelty of posting on 4chan is everyone is anon

Fuck forcing a trip code on people, you people need to go back to readit if you want forced IDs
This hurts my butt.. RAW
Ban all twitter posting on sight
Ban anyone who even attempts to discuss Undertale.

There fixed.
>remove smutbait threads
>remove shitpost threads that have absolutely no point (eg a picture of some character and some gibberish text)

You wanna make a porn thread, there are plenty of porn boards so go there instead.
You wanna make an RP thread? There is plenty of rope at home depo go buy some and use it on your neck.
>implying that any of these people here now know how it was before
Take us back to /v/ - The Vidya
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that's like trying to post DemolitionD and mother's basement on /a/

>are they anime related?
>are they allowed on /a/?
nigga, do you want to get lynched?

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Just delete /v/. This board is beyond redemption at this point and literally only exists for dedicated shitposting. No amount of boardsplits or filters or rule changes is going to fix that. Majority of the current rules aren't even enforced, they're just dead letter laws.

Almost every suggestion found in these threads is either driven by political agendas ("delete /pol/!") or ego stroking so they can say they changed /v/. The majority of /v/'s userbase consists of underageb&, rabid fanboys brainwashed by brand loyalty, crossboard shitposters who hate video games and histrionic shitposters who only post on /v/ to make people as mad as possible.
Fuck changing anything, try enforcing the shit first. There are so many shitposting/flamewar threads that are just ignored.
If a thread starts with "quote game title thread", or "x edition." either delete the thread, or move it to /vg/. Quoting over ten people in one post shouldn't be allowed. If enough threads made with the same image in a period of time pops up, make it so the new ones automatically get moved to /vg/. Finally, delete all "vidya culture threads."
if anything eceleb shit belongs on /soc/ yea?
>There, /v/ is fixed.

coming from a long forgotten /v/ with no ecelebs, I can say that this didn't fix a fucking thing
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this. Give people thier own board for ecelebs so they can still discuss them.
Ban yourself consolecuck.

Ban cuck posting while we at it.
insta ban anyone with reddit cookies
Trying to fix /v/ (and 4chan as a whole) is essentially the same as asking to fix Africa.

It's already too far gone for any recovery.
Well like an otaku based site.
Being a week on 4chan I think is expected, people that don't like anime need to accept that this site wasn't made to avoid/hate Japanese culture, but to embrace it. They don't have to like anime, but they can't spurge autistically to wipe it from the site.
How about you blame the community here that keeps replying to them? If people ignored stupid shit then it goes away and find someone who will pay it attention
Ban permanently anybody creating non-videogame related threads and the people replying to said threads.
Ban permanently anybody creating political threads, even if they use videogames to disguise them, and the people replying to said threads.
Ban permanently anybody posting those console-war themed feels guy edits and the people replying to him/her.
Ban permanently anybody creating e-celeb / twitter threads and the people replying to them.

/v/ main problem is people's lack of self-moderation so sadly mods will have to become nannies.
Dumb frogposter
video games are just going to attract furries, stop trying to fight it and just join the degeneracy
Enforce rule 3
Remove furry mods
This is good, not just for /v/ but for the whole site.
>my le epic poll
So everyone who was in that thread didn't get a say.
Fuck off you literally retarded fucboii.
>those first three
hello rulecuck redditor
Here's three reasons why Thread ID's are a bad idea

1) It gets easier to troll by samefagging on purpose

2) It gets easier to get people ruining threads by acting like a faggot because the ID basically functions like a tripcode for them

3) It's easy to bypass with proxy anyways if you don't want to be identified
that or give consoles a containment board, I don't care
I just want to talk about console games without Petition Compilers derailing the thread with port begging or claiming that a game is shit because they can't play it
Remove mods with an agenda.
That's it.
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Seconding this as well.
>you see any pokemon discussions on /a/?
as a matter of fact, yes
>ash losing again
>new QUALITY filled pokemon anime
1. Get rid of the mods. They're all sjws and care more about their political agendas than they do the rules. I got banned recently for reporting a black nationalist thread on a non-/pol/ board.

2. Ban all sjw content.






8. Ban complaining about "le e-celebs".

9. No board split on ANY board.




fuck off cancer, they are all autistic and ruin the board
This, also thread IDs, ban mobile posting, ban e-celeb threads, enforce QUALITY OF POSTS rule.
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>It gets easier to troll by samefagging on purpose
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Is there actually a way to do this?
It's the perfect solution to eliminating 90% of the cancer.
>How should the moderation be changed to allow /v/ to become a better board
Nuke it.
ban e-celeb shit,ESPECIALLY cosmo
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So you're mad that your thread about some extremely niche game that nobody's ever heard of gets pushed off the board because threads people would rather post in are getting posted in?

that doesn't deserve a board split
Neo /v/ doesn't want to remove shitposting/flamewar threads. The mods tried to ban them wholesale around the time when the /vg/ split happened, shitposters revolved and threw a tushy tantrum so the mods gave up.
What is tortanic?
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Let's be serious here, there are clear threads made with their OP pic off topic from video games and text some innocuous garbage. Delete those immediately

After that deal with the stupid ass /pol/ shit that they cant help but spew onto other boards since they dont get nearly enough attention on /r/thedonald
If you want to discuss non-videogame shit, why are you coming to the videogame board?
We all hate you, he's right
the only thing that needs changing on /v/ are threads that are off topic but not so subtlety disgusied, and then obviously devolve into being offtopic. this mostly is anime and cropped porn, or buzzfeed/huffpo/polygon etc clickbait posted here so they get clicks.

anime posting in general needs to be curbed.

otherwise, there's not much wrong. all these people saying to ban games or things pertaining to games they don't like are should just be ignored. if you don't like a video game thread or thread relating to games, just hide it instead of sperging. off topic threads on the other hand is just shitposting, which is why veiled off topic threads need more moderation.

examples of a bad thread:
bait from the start, since it's not an actual redesign, and devolved into waifu shit and off topic "brown girls" posting of real women that have nothing to do with games.
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You reply to yourself "pretending" you're different people (I agree, dude!) and you get 20 (You)'s of people "catching" you

Happens on /pol/ all the time
>it's totally not me, see the ID is different, not like it's really easy to change or anything
what for? it sure as hell isn't going to stop samefagging and encourages people to attack the arguer instead of the argument
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every thread derails once someone gets triggered by a post an anime reaction, or when some says weeb or nip for someone liking a jrpg
i think most of us would gladly move to our own boards.
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The most pathetic whining I've seen on the thread so far:


Since some of you toddlers need a safe space from /pol/, why don't we just make a new board for you guys to circle jerk to black appropriation in video games. You guys can sit in /cuck/ all day praising Mafia 3 as the greatest Italian mafia game ever and Battlefield 1 as the most culturally sensitive WWI game ever made, meanwhile everybody else can stay on /v/ and call these games what they are, shit.
What about we ban your face?
Best plan I've seen in these threads, certainly worth a test.
I agree with all your points there but how are you planing on bringing back GG? Do you have the 7 dragonballs or perhaps a scroll of ressurection?

Someone who shares your isp or mobile provider got a range ban probably
but I still love you though ;^(
Oh, a gamergate faggot.
Why don't you go back to the other chan? No one wants your internet drama here.
back to 8ch goober
>How about you blame the community
Fuck off, we're discussing moderation.

If people replied to CP or Ponys it wouldn't make it not against the rules
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>He doesn't understand specialized boards
/vp/ has its own purpose as to focus discuss of Pokemon to both its lore and it's videogame franchise, but you're grasping at straws if you think it is solely a containment board.

Basically if it's in the rules to keep discussion in one board, than that board is a containment, like /pol/ and /MLP/.

Seriously, read the rules before you post. They weren't written as a typing exercise
>/v/ loses 80% of all it's trafic because they kiddies can't spreg out about their twitch whores
You really think he is gonna risk losing money?
What's there to discuss? If it's not vidya, then it goes. Axe the blatant porn, whyfoo faggotry, anime threads, etc. Not fucking rocket science.
depends on what "Eceleb" drama means. someone can review or post an opinion about a game and then someone can make a thread asking if they're right/why they're wrong. it's still video games, talking about games doesn't stop being about video games just because someone with a modicum of internet fame did so.

>get rid of all moderators
>ban things

Pick one, you jackass.
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I'm sorry the truth hurts you so badly.
It takes more work to reset your router than just posting from your phone and going "look the timestamps are below 1 minutes, it's totally not me I swear"
The irony is you can go to reddit and spew whatever massive amount of garbage you want for the tweens to give you internet points to jerk yourself off with since you can't seem to grasp the concept of staying on topic for a board.
That place is almost as bad as here now.
Stay comfy in the clouds, Pupper
i dunno maybe try moving threads instead of deleting or banning

pokemon threads get moved to /vp/
eceleb to /soc/ or maybe even /tv/
everything else to /trash/
and if that doesnt work just keep deleting threads
mods can think of redeleting restarted threads as a game of endurance to see which person gives up first (hopefully not the mod)
just make sure you (the mod) know the rules for sure and are not just arbitrarily deleting shit for no good reason
Remove furry mods
Enforce all the rules
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Shitposters always win because the mods give up easily now.
The reason /vg and /vp/ were created was because faggots were spamming threads all over /v/.
Well, when I want to talk about video games what I ACTUALLY want to talk is how women are ruining the world!!!!
This but allow CWC threads. He transcends it all.
I mobile post and use that to evade bans, have a 3 year old reddit account, and come here only for shitposting, offtopic threads, and e celeb posting

you faggots can cry all you want but there's not a goddamn thing you can do about it

suck my dick
Actually delete furshit
>my shitty poll is facts
ok buddy.

>Niche game

Chu Chu Rocket was an example. You can replace it with literally any videogame.

So yes, I am mad that I can't discuss videogames on /v/ - Video Games anymore
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Make me a mod then I'll turn /v/ into a shitposting paradise that will put /b/, /s4s/, and /trash/ to shame. Take a brown pill!
this the most
Good luck
>kiddies in /v/ account for 80%

Delete furry threads and ban furry posters
spit /vc/ - video games culture
I need muh meme culture fun posting threads
and all the e-celeb can go there as well if they want.
Not him, but look up bartkira
If you want to be banned just say so.
then make a thread people want to post in about a video game/vidya related topic people want to talk about
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He's not wrong
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And even if they did no one cares about their shitposting or wants them around. Remove mobileposting.
>2) It gets easier to get people ruining threads by acting like a faggot because the ID basically functions like a tripcode for them
This literally never happens on threads with IDs. RARELY someone will have an ID that actually spells out a meme or some shit and they get some replies based on that, but people don't act like tripfags
allow /v/ plays threads or add a /v/ play board
Gas furfags hiro you useless gook
>What did they/he/she mean by this
This phrase should be a ban a long with other low effort meme phases starting threads like
>Defend this
>Its ok when x does it
I also want this to be a thing.
Rule 3 put into action
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IDs don't do shit. people who ban evade will just do the same with IDs. ruggarell has stated multiple times that he resets his router for EVERY new post he makes. IDs would do nothing against a shitposter like him. in fact, it would open the door for samefags who evade IDs to say "nope! not me, look at the IDs". The screencapping (You) shit is bad enough, but that's obviously unreliable and can be debated. Publicly shown IDs would give these people a free shitposting pass.
as well as ANY attempts at platform wars and any twitter threads
it won't solve all problems but it sure as fuck will make this place better
This. But what about shit like pannenkoek2012's stuff? Those're pretty interesting and everyone in those threads actually discuss stuff.
If I post brony vidya art in a cringe thread, how about you don't ban me for posting MLP?
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Ban any and all "My Little Pony"-related postings, content and discussion to the extend of permanently banning anyone doing it even once from /v/ and /vg/

ponyshittery has absolutely nothing to do with /v/ and anyone who says otherwise is a /mlp/ shitposting faggot and has no say in this
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STOP deleting deep sea threads. It's healthy for us to have at least one or two off topic threads every now and then and get it out of our system.

And deep sea threads are as much a part of /v/ as any game. It's tradition. And how else will we discuss PRESSURE?

I just got here, but fucking this. None of that shit belongs on here. Give those underage faggots their own board if necessary.
Honestly, if we had an E-Celeb board I think most of the cancer will go away
Fire the no fun allowed mods.
allow vidya loli threads
ban all the anime haters too
it would still cut down on the samefagging.
Ban assholes who go "REEEE" over any stupid shit. Type with actual words or shut the fuck up.
Hello fag lord cock nibbler
deus ex threads are fine, they'll die down again. they just pop up when a new "deus ex" game is released. I think a lot of the urge to talk about the original stems from the fact that the new game is even shittier than HR, which is quite an achievement.
>PS4 that high
blatantly fake theres hardly any threads talking about ps4 releases
It could be just a Celeb board for both regular and e- celebs. That way /tv/ would benefit as well.
>And deep sea threads are as much a part of /v/ as any game

None of the mods have been around long enough and/or are heavy enough users to even know. You arent going to convince them. The old days are gone.

And allow LOL and deep sea threads.
We already do, its called /trash/
they go against 4chan culture and just cancer everything up
>all these anti-split fags
Would you prefer to have a big bucket filled with food and shit or two small buckets, one filled with food ad the other one filled with shit?
>b-but reddit
Who gives a fuck about reddit?
>Off topic cancer

Look at this entitled manchild shitposter.
Deleting furry threads is probably the easiest step the mods could take to fixing /v/, the fact that they don't should tell you a lot about how seriously mods take this board
Thinking they can come here and shit on our weebs
Delete trash and fire furfag mods
Move all pokemon threads to /vp/ so the front page isn't cluttered with autism every time they announce a new pokemon
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We already had this thread fifty fucking times.

-Barneyfag gets mod powers but loses the ability to post, let him enforce Global Rule 15 to his hearts content.
-IDs are a shit idea
-Eceleb shit needs to fuck off unless the content is actually video game related aka Pannekoek. Daily Two Big Faggots Play threads have no place here and honestly should be a permanent ban for the dumb shits who keep making those threads.
out of curiosity, do other board suffer from this as well?
I think that there should just be something like "filter all posts in this thread by this poster" button without visible IDs. It will promote less id-related shitspoting and it sure as fuck will change a lot of threads for better.
>banning ulillillia
As you probably noticed by this thread, do not get people from /v/ to moderate the board and do not listen to /v/ requests to remove X or Y content.
And SPECIALLY don't listen to the "ban X or Y users".
As soon you do that, the crying leeches will turn your mods into yoshies and turn the board into a lifeless husk.
>this whole post
make a containment board. It's not like banning ponyshit did anything. Better containment board that shitposters deliberately avoiding bans
I think things are pretty alright.

I mean, everyone knows when someone is starting a thread that's blatantly off topic. We can spot one 15 miles away.

A new [whatever] comes out and some faggot makes a thread with a relevant picture, and everybody knows that this is an offtopic post.

If everyone were to report it, it would get wiped.
Threads are not allowed to begin with a screencap of a twitter post.

This goes for all boards.
really? and yall allow that?
no wonder those pokemon posters think they can post anywhere these days
Because banning the faggots is better.
They shouldn't be on 4chan at all.
/v/ has more board splits than any other board on 4chan save for /a/. At some point you gotta just learn to deal with each other instead of creating a new safe space or containment board for shit you like/don't like.
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E-celeb and youtuber shit goes to /trash/.

That's all I have to say. The rest, the shitposting, the *not my opinion* is tolerable and makes /v/ more interesting. But e-celeb shit is pure garbage that belongs on another board.
yes, /tv/ sometimes
it's the "would you kill one person to save thousands" situation
the greater good etc
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/tv/ talks about RLM a lot.
Sounds like a good plan.
/mu/ used to have a lot of Fantano shit back when I used to go there, likely still do.

And then it will get buried under anime images with greentext or healer/medic RP faggotry

I'm not suggesting a split as a way to "banish" culture threads; that stuff does have a place on 4chan. The simple fact is that traffic on /v/ is too much and and discussion has been throttled because of it.
>don't talk about video games!
because you don't like a vidya related channel doesn't mean it should get banned. You don't get to pick and choose, idiot.

Either all vidya channels, or none.
There's a number of things that can be discussed and done on /v/, but this is not open for discussion:

Stealth ban anyone posting le mom will le die in le sleep tonight, and stealth ban anyone seriously replying to it.
>because public banning the faggots is better
>people actually want more moderation
Wow it's like I'm on reddit. How about you ignore threads you don't care about? There's a hide feature you know.
>everyone knows when someone is starting a thread that's blatantly off topic
Not really. Off topic threads that look like "secondary" vidya are piss easy to make and rarely don't reach bump limit.
For real now. /v/ should have only 1 off-topic thread allowed. If e-celebs and other annoying shit wants to be discussed create a new board for those things or move them to /out/ or /b/.
delete threads with anime on OPs and ban the OP

bring back dubs because mods are fucking incompetent and let blatant shilling threads fill the catalog 24/7
if dubs were a thing gamergate/feminazis wouldn't have happened because every thread would've been drowned out
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Removing furshit would go a long way to fixing this as they are cancerous fucks who spam all the shit we hate
We need to stop mods ignoring this fucking get them out
And you seriously think making the bans permanent would stop the Barneyfag baiting? Ban evasion is piss-easy now, so the only way to stop the baiting in the first place is to poison the only fish in the pond. If Barneyfag fucks off, the pony-bait stops. It's that simple.
When will hiro make an anime board?
Honestly this. Posting a Youtube video used to allow for some reasonable discussion but it's gotten to the point where it's just shitposting.

Also ban obvious SJW and /pol/ shit. Like making reference to kikes is alright(?) when talking about shitty practices like jewing on DLC but going off on a tangent about unrelated shit like mudslimes invading Europe belongs in /pol/ and not a videogame discussion shit.
I'd like a poll for this that bans proxies, VPNs, and specific countries that people can pay a few pennies to rig votes/proxies that aren't catched (basically just india, china, russia, brazil, and indonesia)

I know the vast majority of people don't want a split because there's no need. not everyone is an autist that exclusively plays games from a region.
>Stealth ban

Yeah good luck with that.
/vp/ is pokemon autism

Then again, /v/ is also filled with casuals and autismo
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Delete /v/, just put us out of our misery
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That doesn't mean they aren't easy to spot. They reach bump because you aren't reporting them.

The rules exist, already. Just utilize them. More rules =/ more gooder.
"SJW" should be word-filtered or word-banned.
They are fucking terrible

Or maybe we could make a /polv/ where you retards could keep being triggered by everything and we stay here and actually discuss videogames?

You retards are even working against your own goals, since you devolve everything into "it's because of the blacks/feminists/whatever" you make it easy for videogame companies to dismiss any criticism as "it's just the racists complaining because we're so progressive".

For instance WatchDogs 2 is very likely to be as shitty as WD1, but now they tricked you into making this a racist issue and you took the bait. Well fucking done there.
>The X of Y does Z. Reply with ABC

They elicit replies but the replies aren't actually contributing to anything.
hiding is usually what i resort to these days
for a more proactive approach mods should try moving threads to wherever they should be or to /trash/
It already goes to trash occasionally
Mods are lazy and usually don't transfer threads there
>Remove a containment board


u srsly want to do dat
The only kind of fur shit I see around here are Rogue the bat threads and the occasional "would you a Yoshi?".
I'm perfectly fine with seeing those Yoshi threads gone.
Put up some big letters that tell people to stop being fucking faggots and hide threads they don't like instead of whining like children.
Report janitor button that holds mods accountable for false thread deletion. Three strikes and you're out.
>don't post off-topic garbage
yep it's written right there
We would just use another word. Banning words is dumb.
Theres a difference between actual vidya channels and jerking each other off about your favourite autist lets player.

If you want to talk about your faggot internet "friends" then you can fuck off to their subreddit.
>That doesn't mean they aren't easy to spot
They aren't for the people bumping them.

>They reach bump because you aren't reporting them.
Implying the report button does shit

>The rules exist, already. Just utilize them.
Tell that to the mods who don't enforce them. Literally half of /v/'s rules are a joke.
Objective truth
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threads like this need to be instantly banned and 404'd, they're all over the place on /v/. The problem is that people treat this board like another /b/, more enforced moderation and bans will sort it out
Ban all consolewar faggots. I'm sick of them shitting up /v/ all the god damn time. You can't even talk about exclusives anymore with the thread devolving into posts like

>Nintendo is doomed and going third party
>kys sonyyger

And of course, all of those fucking "IT'S NOT FAIR" images.
>make shockwave flash random board
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All things video games; that even means youtube shit. I want to be informed but we can't discuss any youtube content on here currently or maybe let a thread over at /vg/ so we can share and discuss videos. If an anon on here says shit then I can't fact shit or post evidence contrary to what they said cause it is youtube content.

Tits should be allowed long as they are video game related. No porn, no hentai, no furry shit, no VN. BUT if a girl in a video game shows tits, then we should be allowed to post that.

Threads about a game two weeks after release should be sent over to /vg/. No exceptions. I fucking HATE Overwatch not because of the gameplay or game itself but because the fans are the most obnoxious pieces of shit since LOL threads were on /v/. /vg/ was created as a containment board to stop this sort of thing.

Let's Make V Great Again

Not anon you are responding to, but the thread was highly visible all day during the polling time. It gave a pretty good view on the users. Now, even if all didn't have their say, 1402 total votes is more than enough for statistical analysis. What are you even arguing? That somehow PS4 owners were the majority fanbase here? Lots of laughs kid.
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could we delete /mlp/

just to see what happens?
quit banning people and make it harder for mods to ban others without real reasonable cause.
Removing weebshit would also go a long way to fixing this, as they are an even larger, more vocal mass of cancerous whyfoo faggots who spam off topic trash.

Mods need to stop ignoring this fucking get them out.

>we tricked you into hating our game and not buying it

Is this what retarded devs and cuckhold fetishists really believe?
Kek, this would actually destroy the whole site because then /v/-users would do what they are goo at: shitposting the site to death.
Ayyyy Macarena
it would not and opening the door for hardcore autists like ruggarell to evade IDs and pretend each of their samefags is a new post would be a huge problem.
there's no saving this board. /v/ is the worst board on 4chan because gaming is the worst hobby one can have. gaming "culture" is shit.
>The problem is that people treat this board like another /b/

That's literally what /v/ has been for the majority of its existence.
shit i fucked it
>ban this
>ban that
>remove this
>remove that

Can't you faggots come up with actual solutions that don't end up in reddit tier rules?
[upvote button] <- le me hitting this one
There's reasonable cause for the mods to ban people MORE than they already do
Any combination of sony/nintendo/pc/xbox and nigger/fat/pony/kek should be globally filtered as well.
This is the only thing that should be done.

Platform war faggotry isn't even discussion, it's shitposting and stops actual discussion of exclusive games and hurts people who were actually wanting to discuss the game in threads that are now full of angry shitposting PCfats and Sonyggers.
because they're talking about pokemon ANIME
try talking about poke waifu, games, or TCG and your thread just gonna get closed in an instant
What the fuck is barneyfagging?
And are you saying that the chink should rangeban anyone and everyone going to /mlp/ the same way m00t did with /fur/ back in the good old days? Good I agree with that.

That thread should not only receive a 7 day ban for OP, but EVERYONE who contributed to it should also share in that 7 day ban.

A month from doing this, the board would be a much different place with shitpost threads quickly dying out.
>It's healthy for us to have at least one or two off topic threads every now and then and get it out of our system.

God, you sound like a fucking faggot.

If you want to "get it out of your system", talk about it on a relevant board.
Typical furry faggot
Anime fucking discussion board, weeks are autists but you fucks are cancer

t. 2006
>ironic shitposting
You know this doesn't work out.
why have the board at all if it's not going to be used?
pokemon goes to /vp/
you should be happy to have a centralized place for your most favorite topic to discuss
wanna talk about pokemon? go to /vp/ because that's where ALL the pokemon related action is
I know right? I'm not an SJW but these losers are toxic and problematic
Therein lies the problem. Who decides when a type of thread should be banned? Is a janitor supposed to read through each thread, define what is a good post and a bad post, weigh whether the thread is good or bad as defined, and then close the thread?

They do it for free, anon. There aren't many of them. Also, try not being a weeping cunt.
just make /vo/ video game - off topic
>The containment boards have their own containment board sub-sets
Where did it all go so wrong?
That's one baseless conclusion. The reason /v/ is getting split all the time is because it's the second largest board after perpetual garbage fire that is /b/, and it stays like this after the splits. Any breathing room will improve its quality, as long as the split makes sense.

I'd say move games to /vg/ after a month. Then most of the furor has dropped to acceptable levels. Even then you are going to see those threads on /v/, but they could be limited.

Mostly what this place needs are more janitors as this board moves quite, quite quickly.
Kill consolewar faggotry, NEVER EVER, Denuvo and wojak

these alone will make /v/ not a miserable experience to browse

Here's a thought, ban youtube letsplayers, that way we still have pannencuck and CWC still allowed
/v/ has too many users. Thats the only problem it has. The more users the worse something is.
Why do you think the internet as a whole went to shit as soon as millions of normalfags bought iphones and had 24/7 internet access in their pocket?
Please hiroshimoot
ban this anon
Ban all video game discussion.
the same post or variation of said can't be posted more than once within 48 hours
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>Or maybe we could make a /polv/
there's that word again
that's retarded and you're retarded. I hope your kids get raped.
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This x1000

While these threads are eventually deleted, this shitposters within them aren't banned. I don't even know if the OP is getting banned. The mods need to freeze these threads and ban every single person in them that's posting this crap.
If a thread starts off with "What games let me do x" or "What are some games where I can x" or some variation thereof, it should always be deleted on sight, as it is always off-topic bullshit or a recommendation thread. The former further degrades the board, the latter can be done via a Google search rather than wasting board space.
That's why 4chan doesn't give out mod / janitor privileges to random people. It would all end in "stop posting what I don't like"
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>What the fuck is barneyfagging?
How new are you?
this sickens me

maybe perhaps I'll try to leave this godforsaken place like I promised myself six years ago
I would love to see it but way too many love these faggots here.
laff thanks mate
>make /trash/
>never use it
It's a fact that /v/ mods are retarded. Just fire them all.
>1 million legion and overshill threads up all the time.
>Never once had one of them been deleted even tho they have a general.
>Another thread is made with a game with also a general.
>Gets deleted within 5minutes.
I don't think there's much that can be better when the mods obviously get paid to let some company shill.
I'm kinda triggered by your post right now
>Would also
I'm implying to ban both furries and your weeb ass, you illiterate fuck.
Let's play vs fully in depth discussion of game mechanics and code. Hmm, I wonder why one of these is fine
>There's never any discussion, it's just a hundred insecure teenagers screaming at each other and there's like 2-3 of these threads at any given time of the afternoon or evening.
You just described /v/
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Ban e-celeb threads on sight.

That alone should significantly improve the quality of threads.
But /v/ will be the same.
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They didn't spam, there was just enough discussion in the 2 topics that it was crowding the board.

Many people wanted to talk about poke Mon and retrogrades but they were tight knit. I don't know if you remember Pangaea /v/ but it was just crowded with discussion.
It was hard to talk about new games because they would be general threads on half the board, retro games on an at least an 8th and like Pokemon filling out like 3-7 active threads that were all over the place. Plus you had new fags that couldn't stand the division of opinion and kept making threads complaining for new boards(which was a good idea)

Now each have a place, and /v/ can discuss new games and new developments in the gaming world without 9 nostalgia threads, which ROM hack of poke was a best and 20 generals bogging it down
Youtube shit doesn't belong to /v/ though, it's youtube, not video games. If you want to discuss the latest jontron neckbeard trend then go to /b/.
/vp/ with Verlisifurry, Tamashit, Jewittz and recently "IT ALL COMES TOGETHER" guy
Lets Player (Digital Babysitters for Autistic Manchildren)/Reviewer (Tell me what to think because im too fucking retarded) threads can fuck off
Anything else can stay

Stop defending the Janitors and fuck off back to whatever shitty subreddit you came from.
this so much. ban anti feminism too, look up the definition for feminist goobergrapes.
how about making console wars board like 2ch.
I'd be happy to be banned if it meant they were
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Ban Polygon, Kotaku and such bait article posters.
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Can I_AM_ABIB be dropped from the moderation team? The guy's a complete fucking idiot.
Should non-bait on-topic threads that eventually lead to off-topic discussion be allowed here?
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Increase ghost bans but also make it so people who were ghost banned can interact with others who've been ghost banned.
Let trolls feed trolls.
Just ban /pol/shit. Board invasions have been against the rules since forever but for some reason it's tolerated.
Kek as long as it's vidya related it doesn't matter
>and /v/ can discuss new games and new developments in the gaming world

Using the term "discuss" very loosely I see.
There is /trash/, /s4s/ an /b/.
Honestly I've been here for about 10 years but I never understood who that guy is. I know he's somehow related to mlp shitposting but I never bothered finding out since those threads always lead to shitposting.
It's a comic, too. I really am enjoying it.
This site was founded on weaboo values. Don't take away that heritage anon.

4chan is a place for people who enjoy anime to discuss videogames, weapons, politics or whatever. But it's all for people who enjoy anime at heart.
a punishment needs to feel like a punishment, not unlimited shitposting time
>Plus you had new fags that couldn't stand the division of opinion and kept making threads complaining for new boards

They still exist as you can see from this thread, and it's a terrible idea
I have a nice idea. If it works out I'd like to see all boards combined into one for a day once a year just to see how everyone would react. It would be a mess and also a bit enjoyable.
Remove the things this anon likes
ban alll racist posts?
nigga, you've seen west vs east vidya threads, right?
nothing but constant shiposts
now imagine instead of one or two threads, make it two boards
/v/ feels too fast but I'm not sure how to suggest splitting it
It would need to be something both clear and easy to separate and a significant percentage of the traffic
No board wants the shit.
Easy access ban trigger is better for anonymous posting. Some bans are unfair, some bans are shit but it keeps the posters in check. /v/ desperately needs more trigger happy mods. The shitposters have to go back.
> it will cause a flood of pony fags to breach their containment board and shit up threads everywhere with their shitty 2012 meme tier pastel horse reaction maymays

for exatly 3 hours, then it will be like any other reaction image.
who gives fuck? there are idiots who only post anime reaction pics, cats reaction pics, lizard reaction pics.
it woulnd't change anything.
the fandom is not trying to convert anyone like they did in 2010. it's as autistic as everyone else in this site.
do you see pokemon reaction pics covering the board? ponyfag are exactly as autistic as vp posters in 2016.

lifting the ban would end up with nothing but half a day of pony shitposting ( possibly at australia daytime) then nothing remarkable but us having more reacion pics avaible.
the worst thing about this will be truly autistic virgins who will get mad when one single pony reaction pic will be posted.mark my words: after the first 2 days every thread where ponyfaggotry happens it will be a reactionarie that start the shitposting and implicetely asks ponyfags to spam the thread to make him mad.
Honestly /v/ is okay and its faults are a consequence of its nature. There's not much you can do to actually fix them, only hiding the symptoms rather than the root cause.
This, I've seen blogshit threads reach bump limit under the guise of a recommendation thread.
Allow FUN.

you can't post anything without risk of being banned.

I miss the old days
Delete + ban e-celeb/twitter/youtube bullshit
Delete + ban /tv/ crossboard spam shit

That's all that needs to be done.
Do not add user IDs
I don't want to have to leave a thread just because I made a typo or some shit

What the hell kind of rule exists from 'dont post x'?

How about we ban fucking stupid questions. That way you stop shitting up the board.
Ban furries, ban animefags, ban /pol/, ban consolewars, ban moderators, (somehow) ban SJWs, ban everything, EVERYTHING.

But truxton.
With only one game, there's no shitpost, only truxton.
General things like on /v/ is not having 5+ threats about the same topic on at the same time and that the threats have to be related to videogames.

Possibly thread ID that expires with threat.

Personal wish for most of 4chan is that "pretending to be retarded" would stop being cool. I am tired of idiots coming to an anonymous image board and acting like retards and when called out on it they don't have to face the fact that they are acting like tools, instead they resort to meme spouting and damage control all to save face on an ANONYMOUS imageboard.
I remember the days when if somebody realized they are fucking up they would admit it and move on.
Now we have fags shitposting for 10+ posts just to cover up their shame.
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I want to see vids on the updates to star citizen and if its worth the money now. I want to see vids on the changes to Divinity Original Sin 2 and what it does better/different than the first. I want to see vids on fighting game move sets and why a certain nerf is actually a buff in disguise.

You are partially right. Good youtube content can inform you and drive discussion, but for every "good" video you have dozens of lets play faggots yelling and screaming for attention.
why care what they feel?
it solves the problem
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thread IDs
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Ban all /pol/posting and all sjw (pro or against) posting. Move it to /trash/, /b/, or /pol/
what if he likes you?
All of these but don't go overboard except with rule 3 fuck them
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How new are YOU?
I see it being used every now and then but nobody has bothered to explain what it means, instead going "LMAO U DONT KNOW???? XDDD"

fucking newfags trying to blend in
/pol/shit inherently comes from political games.
Exactly, it'd be perfect.
Just like someone who hates pokémon might shitpost if they spot a pokémon thread on /v/ but they're never going to /vp/ just to shitpost.
Bring Dubs Back To /v/.

agreed, it's stated right on...uh...well damn, that's not said anywhere but in your head! whoops!
Except that's wrong according to board activity and other stats. Weebs are just vocal, entitled shitposters that make up a minority of activity even on their own boards.

You have your faggy weeb fap boards, whyfoo faggotry board, and a replace to talk about your animus. Just fucking go there and use the appropriate board instead of shitting up other boards. Simple as that.

The fact we need moderation because you weebs are too retarded to figure that out is pathetic.
Just ban the twitter/clickbait article ones. They're the source of that problem
That's a baseless conclusion. If anything /v/'s quality has worsened ever since the board splits, /vr/ is the only good board to come out of it. Taken to its logical conclusion you would just create a new board every time /v/ got "too big" leading to a dozen if not more new boards just dedicated to different platforms, types of games, and secondary vidya like ecelebs and "political video games". 4chan isn't a video game site, if you want hundreads of different subsections for vidya find another website.
Ban obvious /pol/ posting, they're hardly subtle anon. Threads with Hilary or Trump in the OP, or threads entirely purposed to talk about black people or women aren't video games.

Ideally we could also ban eceleb shit.
funny enough i havent seen many pony threads on /v/ in forever

maybe like 2 in the last 6 months
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Remove the mods that's obviously is paid to let Blizzard shill the hell out of the board. It's so latently obvious when half the threads are Overshill or Legion threads.
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>ITT: People screaming at a fucking wall
Ban that fucking frog. You know what I mean. Ninety percent of all our problems gone. At the same time get rid of that white pasty sad guy and all console owner variations thereof. None of those threads contribute anything.
How to fix /v/:


Step 1: OP takes a ban
Step 2: Everyone who posted in that thread also takes the ban
Step 3: Watch the retardation die down
Different posters, and neither defines the nature of the split. Besides, if there was a west-east split, which I think is retarded, there'd be a clear actionable policy against the very thing you are talking about.
>posts 1 minute apart
hi samefag
wonder what all the eceleb faggots are going to do once they got shill their shit here anymore
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sjw libcuck detected

>at least 4-5 instances of barneyfag appearing daily
>hurr spoonfeed me pls im oldfag

Fuck right off.
>ban political views I disagree with

Yeah,i mean... well it's 4chan
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since you asked
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BAN ERP, faggots, threads about just anime(that isnt related to a jap games),obvious bait threads, same threads and shills/shill threads

DONT BAN threads about games, slightly about games, related to games/games distribution, people having fun, our guy(DSP) threads, steam threads and threads, people from other boards, you never hear a nigga say "go back to /fit/" just back to POL or A

POL is a board of peace
Is this guy fucking retarded, or just a stubborn idiot who refuses to accept he's wrong?
Also how do you have that log? Are you an mod?
Most of the ponyposts on /v/ are deliberately made to bait barneyfag. They are not even ponyposts anymore, they are just cropped images you wouldn't even guess are related to ponies
All the more reason
How about some actual fucking moderation? You leave 100 percent shitposts up for way too fucking long.
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Here are some tits for attention. >ONE PIECE IS VIDYA


No more daily "HOWS YOUR YOUTUBE GAMING CHANNEL GOING /v/?!?!?!?!" threads

We've had those for months now. An archive search gives well over 5K thread results alone.

All those people do is circlejerk and subscribe to each other in hopes that they will get a sub back, and some views.

Not only that, but they hope posting random youtube links in replies will have random anons click it. (not using the catalog for some fucking reason)

They literally use the thread to get their first subscribers and thats it. I don't even know why they bother. It's not fun watching peoples videos. It's not fun watching videogames. They can't make money off anything because they all swear like little children too.

Like shit go do something else like get a fucking job. Also, advertising is against the rules, and they always reply "ITS NOT ADVERTISING WERE JUST LOOKING FOR FEEDBACK."


Youtube Gaming Channel Threads
Youtube e-Celebs
Twitch Streaming
Twitch e-Celebs


>You will not post any of the following outside of /b/: Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies, indecipherable text (example: "lol u tk him 2da bar|?"), anthropomorphic ("furry") or grotesque ("guro") images, post number GETs ("dubs"), or loli/shota pornography.

>No Trolls, flames, racism, off-topic replies, uncalled for catchphrases, macro image replies

it's like fighting poison with poison

but what happens when only one poison remains (dubs)?

appropriate moderation is enough
>get rid of moderators
>ban everything

oh my sides.
No it's just /v/. People can actually hold a discussion on other 4chan boards
Someone make a new thread.
Do it mods do it
>you're either with us or against us!
finally a mod that understands anime shit has no place here and that pokemon is indeed allowed on /v/
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The words of the last administrator still feel like the truth anons
>talk about video games
>talk about everything video games related
>talk about video games industry

this board.

That's not what I said. They don't give a shit about whether you buy the game or not, you're a very small demographics (/v/ in general is). You'll just be the scapegoat when they'll want to paint their detractor as retarded bigots.

Remember when EA was in the middle of all that backlash and elected the worse company in USA and whatnot? And then they did this "diversity campaign" because they new that it would attract all the hate of bigots like you? And then they could just dismiss the critics as racists and homophobic while they're fighting the good fight. They're using you and you love it like the cucks you are
Agreed, this is why we need /cel/
/tv/ wants it too
There is literally no reason to not discuss lpers or streamers within the context of the sort of content they provide, X streamer does good indepth research, Y LPer is pretty funny, etc
Shouldn't that stuff belong on /tv/?
I think stuff like that and speedrunners are allowed, as long as its not "hurr Cosmo is a woman now" kind of shit
Ban "le thicc xDDDD" fags
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litterally impossible to prove samefagging
that's part of the point of anonymity
GR15 should have never been established. It just made random shit into a forbidden fruit.
Because when you use /pol/ you're not talking about banning politics discussion wholesale, just specific views on the political spectrum

May I recommend Funnyjunk, r/The_Donald or possibly even tumblr?
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Make SFW or 2D /b/
Move all shitposting there
/a/ spills here much more than /v/ spills in /a/, moot is a fucking faggot

okay, people have said "make an eceleb board", but I think we should go more broad than that:

a vidya meta board.
>video game censorship is /pol/
you're a retard. the problem is that video games are becoming increasingly political. if a game has something in it like #auglivesmatter, then that should be discussed because it's rooted in real life. personally, I think the whole thing was cringey and that a hastag lasting decades is unrealistic. and that's the problem, more and more games are applying current politics to all games.

not only that, but some games have debates like whether this fictional character is too scantily clad because it triggers some people. this should be up to the developers, but now it's a politicized thing. this discussion is still video games.

however, talking about trump or hillary or some random feminist's posts belongs on /pol/.
>wanting furshit
Well, an e-celeb board would help with /tv/ as well.
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Ban the word "literally" since nobody knows what it means or when to use it.
If you don't like them you can hide them. They're very helpful threads to anons who want to start getting into starting their own vidya channel and ask for feedback on their VIDEO GAME videos.

Seriously, just hide it if you don't like it, don't try jumping through mental hoops and claim VIDEO GAME channels aren't VIDEO GAMES
>Report it if it breaks the rules
>Off topic weebshit breaks the rules
>Mods are either to lazy to delete it, or when deleting it the weeb poster kicks and screams from entitlement, shitposting 20x harder until the mod gives up
Why am I not fucking surprised
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Please, mods, please, ban all anime threads that pretend to be about videogames.
There isn't a single Anime videogame thread that stays on topic. In the end, it always become general discussion about the anime itself. One Piece, Jojo, Dragonball, Naruto (>>352088115).
They don't talk about anime videogames. They talk about anime period. Ban this filth. It's time to stop.
Ban furfags NOW
Zero tolerance cleaned up New York it will work here
>/a/ spills here much more than /v/ spills in /a/
If you think the umaru, jojo, waifu, THICC etc spammers come from /a/ you're really retarded
Retarded /pol/ shit detected
Unlike you, Mods can see all posts of a same user, and they have a very different viewpoint.

The truth is shitposting in general is a localized event, rather than a user event.
And this is why the oldfag mods delete threads over banning users.

But that said, instantly purging all threads with cancerous contents do help a lot, because you you make people gravitate towards making better posts.
The moment the posts stop being about video game censorship and more about SJWs in general it becomes /pol/
In addition, all threads about trump/hillary etc are 100% /pol/
There is literally nothing wrong with common usage of the word literally

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The answer has been right in your face for half an eternity but you either keep quiet or don't do anything about it for some reason.
Mods/janitors, ask and answer yourselves one question when you're moderating.

Is this thread about videogames?
Great, move on.
Delete this.

Until you properly enforce this people on /b/ 2.0 will keep trying to make this board into something it's not supposed to be. Be that e-celeb discussion, le funny "what did he mean by this" twitter screencaps, /pol/ leaking their autism into here or ironic shitposting bait wars, just remove it, all of these have their own places to go.

/v/ - Video Games should be a board to talk ABOUT video games, not everything else AROUND video games.
Furfags are banned outside of /b/ as part of GR3.

>offtopic shit is ok cause i say so even though its against the rules
>here's a post from a shitty admin that's no longer an admin
fuck off. 4chan is not an anime site, /v/ has nothing to do with anime
Then we need better mods just like the OP from the qa thread made a point for.

If he kicks and scream ban him for the weekend and tell him that no. You're acting up and you need to calm down.
An easy mistake to make given that /pol/ man babies are literally the only people inciting any kind of political discussion.
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You are delusional if you think that "actual" /a/ has patrician tastes. It's just a coincidence that 99% of the threads are shit! faggot

>just hide it

No, go kill yourself. You guys always get through my filters. You keep changing what you say in the OP.

My filters have worked for years. Somehow you guys get by. I'm sick of it.

Stop doing youtube gaming videos. do something useful with your life. no one likes your videos except little children, and making an extra $1.49 a month is not worth all the time and effort. You will look back on your work and think "what the fuck was I doing?"
if you think anyone that posts anything political comes from /pol/ you're really retarded

see how this works?
Ban "what are some video games where I can X" threads
they are always a thinly-veiled excuse to make off topic threads
/mlp/ is working
fucking stay there PLEASE
It's based on the relation between population and post quality, whereas that post didn't bother putting any premises before the conclusion.

As I've said, the board says huge after the split, and so does the quality, no contradiction there. Immediate relief is undeniable, and there is no comparable board to 4chan's /v/ in popularity and ruleset, so you've got no leg to stand on claiming it'd be better or just the same. I can tell you that largest ruskie chans are swarmed in generals, and I don't find it one bit appealing.

Slippery slope is a fallacy, we are talking about here and now, the future splits would have completely different arguments for and against.
No, ban the posts that aren't talking about the games. Your suggestion is a retarded blanket ban, which is unnecessary.
Thanks for proving my point.
Do it
Ban everyone in this thread. Me included.
Fuck off newfaggot. moot said it was OK
>ban user
>user is a BR
>5 seconds later he's back because he kicked his DSL modem
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>we won't see this change in our lifetime
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Delete /v/ for a month
Force all shitposters to move to the new board
Bring it back
/v/ instantly becomes 80% more shitposting-free
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>/mlp/ is working
it pretty obviously isn't
If the thread is literally "Let's discuss K-On" on /v/ then it needs to go for being very obviously and blatantly off-topic.

But anime reaction images and to some extent that headpatting bullshit should still be allowed on here in my opinion. Which is what I interpreted the post of >>352093257 to mean.
Or better just literally ban you.
Ban everyone on 4chan. Just for giggles.
You haven't been here long, have you?
That's clearly not true. Have you been in star fox threads? Or >Sonic threads? Mods don't do shit about the legit furfags in those threads.
Also, why the fuck won't mods do anything against loli/shota faggots? They shit up multiple threads as well.
False equivalence.
Why would someone from /a/ come to this cesspool?
*worst company, learn your own fucking language.
How fucking autistic are you to see a thread you don't like and throw a fucking tantrum rather than just scrolling past it, or just not clicking on it in the catalog?

I honestly want to know what's wrong with you. Any ration person would just ignore it if it doesn't interest them, yet you get so fucking triggered you're literally begging the admin to ban these threads that don't affect you at all.

Did you try to start your own channel and get nothing but people shitting all over you? Is this some jealous spite type of shit? I want to understand anon
There should definitely be a youtube/eceleb board, and arguably a PC gaming board as well.
why would someone from /pol/ come here?
> all these people saying perma ban people
just want yall to know that while there are probably BILLIONS of ip address combinations, sooner or later they will all run out at which point, when your ISP reassigns your ip for whatever reason, YOU may end up banned even when you've done nothing

one time i was told that i was banned from /sp/ for shit posting
i've never visited /sp/
That's not a problem with the rules, it's a problem with the mods.
because this board has the most lax moderation without going full no-rules
/v/ is fine.
well rulewise.
allow back ponies and furfaggotry. they do no harm. avatar faggotry and porn dumps and non vidya threads are still forbidden anyway.

keep getting janitors and mods to work.they can do good.
if a thread turns into furry/anime/ABSOLUTELY NOT VIDYA imagedump/discussion swing the banhammer.

and most importantly find a way to allow only 2-3 threads per topic ( basically a tolerant version of no duplicate threads).

everything is fine as long at it doesn't flood the board.
the worst times in /v/ are when a slightly vidya thing happens and everyone wants to talk about it( example: kotaku writes shit).
honestly anything slightly related to vidya is fine to discuss.
it deserve to be in /v/ but /v/ users don't deserve to see the page covered in that shit.
if a lot of people wanted to talk about videogames then we would have 90% of thread on topic.

if there is an hot topic on one day people must learn to contain it in few recurring threads.possibly even getting a slidy sticky.
it's working for /v/

fuck all the other boards because i dont even go to them

i only occasionally visit /a/, /pol/ (for happening details) and /gif/
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Get out.
you do know ipv6 was implemented years ago right?

there will literally, never ever, be a shortage of ip addresses for millions and millions of years
>allow back ponies and furfaggotry.
>allow back ponies and furfaggotry. they do no harm.
Fuck off.
The whyfoo shit has to go as well. We don't need 50 different individual character threads filled with porn and shitty weeb fanart that has nothing to do with vidya.
see >>352094418
>allow furfags
>fuck all boards other than /v/
>here are some boards I occasionally visit other than /v/
give random names to prevent samefaggin too much. (like 420chan)
That's the point. The animeshitposters here are /a/ rejects that wouldn't last on /a/ since they have actual rules there so they go shitpost about anime on /v/. They're not ACTUAL /a/nons.
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How fucking autistic are you to see a thread you don't like and throw a fucking tantrum rather than just scrolling past it, or just not clicking on it in the catalog?
>calls others autistic, has a youtube gaming channel

I honestly want to know what's wrong with you. Any ration person would just ignore it if it doesn't interest them, yet you get so fucking triggered you're literally begging the admin to ban these threads that don't affect you at all.
>half the posts in this thread want youtube gaming threads gone
>has a youtube gaming channel

Did you try to start your own channel and get nothing but people shitting all over you? Is this some jealous spite type of shit? I want to understand anon

I don't have nor watch any youtube gaming channels because I , unlike you, actually play videogames.
Are they video game characters? Then it should be allowed as long as it isn't straight up porn.
4chan doesn't support ipv6 though
>PC gaming board
Great idea, fragment /v/ even more
it doesnt work for /b/
why would another /b/ suddenly change things?
Fucking this. They derail every fucking thread with non video game related posts and start threads with shitty politician pictures. I don't give fuck where they fall in the spectrum, delete all of it.
this honestly

My mistake. It's not my language though
im anon and i approve this message
>allow back ponies and furfaggotry. they do no harm
Except they completely shit up threads. /MLP/ was literally made because the horsefuckers couldn't stop fucking shitting up entire threads with posting ponies and erping with each other in threads
Except I didn't at all. I agree banning politics in general would be the better course of action, but it's an understandable assumption to think that banning all /pol/fags would end political threads thinly veiled as video game related issues. There simply is no other political ideology widespread on /v/ that acts in the same manner.
meant for
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>thread devolving in anime discussion is ok
>waifu shit is ok
>look at this nep! headpat this nep! this will be your protagonist for tonight. are ok
yeah nah fuck off
I agree with that. I love Reisen! and whatnot. While tangentially related to videogames, does not a good thread about games make.
It isn't about video games. It's just whyfoo faggotry and shitty fanart and porn and pathetic captions of "I want to X y".
You can't fix /v/ because the truly malicious/autistic shitposters will never ever stop posting, and they are effectively untouchable due to ban evasion.
pony is no better than furshit
we get more ponies we get more furshit
no deal
>giant thread about board moderation
>theres a literal shitposting thread in the catalog right now thats been there for 14 minutes

Theres no point.
Video game characters aren't video games?
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Okay, so Barneyfag is this one autistic canadian shitposter who, in his words, is triggered by My Little Pony. He's a special-ed manchild who thinks watching Barney the Dinosaur in highschool scarred him, and he gets triggered by anything I can link back to it, ex: They played Pink Floyd in his spec-ed, now he considers people who like them to be "Barneyfags".

His claim to infamy is watching a RSS feed he made for any new posts with an image he can link back to MLP(like, Kirby drawn a certain way), and crying like a bratty child when the opportunity arises. He then spams the thread with a folder of screencaps of facebook opinions which "support" his link, and he steadily bawls about degenerates until the thread autosages or 404s. He does this shit from a mobile phone, so he instantly evades regular bans and even spends days trying to circumvent rangebans until he eventually succeeds. He's reached lolcow status at this point and people now post barely-pony images specifically to make him chimp out.






youtube gaming threads please go.

It mostly is though, I don't know if you were here before /mlp/ was created but it was fucking hell with pony posters baiting anti-pony posters and derailing threads everywhere.

It was even worse than /pol/posting is now.
Dont you fucking dare try to pin barneyfag on /co/, that faggot has been /v/'s since day one
I like how you completely deflected and didn't answer the question of why you get so fucking triggered.
I don't even have a gaming channel myself, but I have no problem with people discussing them on /v/ because it includes VIDEO GAMES.

Tell me, what about seeing these threads turns you into a pathetic sniveling mess that you beg the admin to DELET THIS?

How does it affect you in any way at all, when ignoring it is the simplest thing in the world?

anybody who gets autistmad at ponies shouldnt be here
Let the mods make a decision if there is still discussion of the original video game topic or if the thread is beyond saving. If the thread veers too far into anime it should be closed at their discretion.

Nep is video games though
>considering yourself part of a board
>considering yourself part of FUCKING /co/ OF ALL BOARDS
furshit is gonna happen regardless due to discussion about games with anthro-characters (Star Fox, an elysian tale,etc)
Enjoy your ban, ponyfag.
>old values of /v/
>back from 2010
>old /v/
jesus fucking christ, no wonder you have a containment board
fucking stay there you inbred swine
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they're not, they're recurring threads. making a new neptunia thread after the other dies over and over again for years is breaking the rules.
>It's based on the relation between population and post quality whereas that post didn't bother putting any premises before the conclusion.
Except it did, you're just ignoring the premise based on not only the correlation between board splits and post quality but also the number of board splits.

>so you've got no leg to stand on claiming it'd be better or just the same
I'm not the one claiming it'd be better with more board splits. You've got no leg to stand on when /v/ hasn't improved after the splits and the majority of boards from the split are terrible in their own right.

>Slippery slope is a fallacy,
Nice fallacy fallacy. Calling something a slippery slope isn't a refutation, especially when the precedent shows little to no improvement. Again 4chan isn't a video games site, if you want one with dedicated subsections for different types of vidya discussion then there are plenty of other sites and chans to fit your needs.

>we are talking about here and now,
Here and now people are suggesting all different types of boards to split off from /v/. We don't need dedicated boards for PC, Xbox, Sony, Nintendo, Japanese, Western, Mobile, MMOs, Mobas, ecelebs, lets plays, politics, etc simply because people can't stand each other without shitting their pants all over the board. Hell even /vr/ is discussing their own secondary board just for 2000-2009 games.
no one on /tv/ wants that youtube shit either
Being related to video games by 0.5% doesn't mean the inherent posts and content is 100% off topic. Most even outright rule breaking.
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Correction, there are TWO literal shitposting threads in the catalog.
Literally everyone besides horsefuckers hates poni posting. Fuck off and stay fuck off.
I don't want to go back to 2010 where entire threads are fucking derailed because you retarded faggots RP with each other in threads
>omg pony 2, I'm pony 1, what brings you here?
>entire thread now devolves into you faggots roleplaying with each other and others telling you to fuck off while you smugly say "I'm not breaking any rules"
Fuck off
I cant accept that
I would support you if you hated furfags but now I cant
Fuck you, you at like you know /v/ culture when they were NEVER part of it
yeah thats the rule we're discussing, thanks for the visual aid?
that's spooky mane

like i've been banned in similar bait threads
so how do i know a devious mod wont create a bait thread just to ban people and make them mad

it's too easily abused, this power you speak of
Isn't. Fucking autocorrect.
Yeah I caught that just after posting. There is really no point i moderating 4chan anymore. Its going to be a small group of people who arent even paid against 1.4million autists, normalfags, and people paid to post/ PCs running software.
>barneyfag joins the SCP Foundation.jpg
ponies aren't video games, there's nothing to discuss
I'm simply pointing out that you have broken a rule and that some posters may have reported you for it.
>star fox was never part of /v/ culture
I like how you completely deflected and didn't answer the question of why you get so fucking triggered.
>its breaking rule 11 and this place is a mess

I don't even have a gaming channel myself, but I have no problem with people discussing them on /v/ because it includes VIDEO GAMES.
>its breaking rule 11 and this place is a mess

Tell me, what about seeing these threads turns you into a pathetic sniveling mess that you beg the admin to DELET THIS?
>its breaking rule 11 and this place is a mess

How does it affect you in any way at all, when ignoring it is the simplest thing in the world?
>its breaking rule 11 and this place is a mess

just go advertise your shit on r/letsplay or something, i just googled it for you so i know it exists.
ban all Western video game discussion
ban all Western e-celebs
Characters are not .5 percent. You're upset that something makes you uncomfortable. A thread about video game characters is just as legit as a game about video game music.
So you admit you don't want to ban politics, just ideologies based on the false assumption that ideology you disagree with is causing all the problems. Again thanks for proving my point.
not a thing
Is there a reason you are quoting improperly?
furshit, as in actual furfag shit and not anthros wasnt
I like starfox but cant talk about it because of furries in every thread
Not if the mods would do their jobs and purge them and their posts. Keep starfox threads, but ban furshit posts.
that's right fuck em

i dont see pokemon or mlp on gif or pol so at the very least /mlp/ is working for those board just like /v/

and i said i only occasionally visit them if they ceased to exist i wouldnt be mad until the cross posting starts
>So you admit you don't want to ban politics, just ideologies based on the false assumption that ideology you disagree with is causing all the problems. Again thanks for proving my point.
relocate ALL of this to /pol/ /trash/ or /b/
>moot will never post in your thread
Furfag mods are corrupt fucks
Remove e-celeb spam meme shit. It's one thing to point out a let's play, review, or stream for viewing content, but the meme spouting about it is fucking annoying. See pannenkoek threads or AGDQ memes.

Moderate threads better to remove and ban viral advertisers. They always make the same threads and use the same images. It's not hard to figure out. It's one thing to discuss a game that isn't out yet, it's entirely another to market it day in and day out.

Ban waifufags and people that post with cropped porn, lolicon shit, etc.

Personally I don't mind trolling and flaming. People just need to
Allow discussion of Them's Fighting Herds since it's a video game.
>relocate ALL politics I disagee with to /pol/ /trash/ or /b/
Thanks for proving my point.
No, because then the music is actually about the music within the game and not the composer or anything else.

Whyfoo shit is just about the porn or fanart, not the actual character or any events with that character canonically within the game. Most of the time the fanart isn't even remotely resembling the actual character.

You have /jp/. Go be a permavirgin whyfoo fag there.
You know what. I feel like a hypocrite. I took a shower and a five minute break from the literal posting of shit on /v/ seriously what is that about.

If I say "I love Reisen" posts need to go. Then so do "This is your nep tonight" needs to go.
> elysian tale
i dont even remember the last time that game was mentioned before now

nice try

stay the fuck on /mlp/
>pointing out a legitimate fact
Nigger I'm a ca/tg/irl, and even I can tell you that /mlp/ was a mistake, the derails were literally only done by shitposters shitposting at each other
So you're admitting that you're an autist who just can't scroll past and ignore something that triggers you?

It involves video games, and it's not shilling. Those threads maybe bring a handful of new views to the people posting in them, and they do it as a hobby, not to try to get money retard
You okay?

>not a thing
Dunno man, half the people in the threads even say "shilling myself".

drink bleach honestly. hell, I'll make a youtube tutorial on how to do it just for you guys.that way ill be a youtube e-celeb just like you!
Filter cuck
Keep e celeb threads (yes yes kys too)
Filter sites like kotaku
Make a 150 character minimum post if you don't post an image
Which part of "ALL" was hard for you to understand?
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>mfw the board gets overrun with BRs and russians because they can reset the modem and get back, while euros, americans etc have no such luck.
Fuck off
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Congratulations /v/

You just screamed at a fucking wall for 2 hours, made the thread reach bump limit with 700 replies and what was the result?


How do you feel?
Can we just agree that furries being given leeway from about 2014 was the biggest mistake in history and they should all be made to leave
Feels like just your average day on /v/.
I was just wondering. Didn't have to go full meme on me.
Also shilling is a thing, but most people here won't believe it.
People post remixes that aren't in the games in music threads as well.
You claim I'm a permavirgin for disagreeing with you, typical autistic behavior. Stop moving the goalposts because its something that makes you uncomfortable.

>posting your own youtube gaming channel is not shilling

i already told the other guy, go to /r/letsplay
>Unrealistic expectations

At least we can hope the thread is read and considered for later. Obviously nothing would happen while it was still up.
Quit being a triggered little weeb and actually try to refute any of my points. Not that you're mentally capable, much less logically inclined to have any foot to stand on.
so like actual politics
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>shilling doesn't exist

wew lad
>Relocate all politics to /pol/

Another thread on /v/
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You can start by giving me a banhammer. I've seen this place go to shit and beyond.
Rule 15 was the mating call to invite more shitposters, since it showcased how easily 4chan can be triggered.
I agree completely
That was finally getting rid of /z/
>can't distinguish shilling from ironic shitposting
A better exampel would be all the Overshill and Legion threads.
You guys could just stop having a weird non-discussion. Neither of you have made any real points and you're both just restating the same random things back and forth.
>It involves video games, and it's not shilling
>Those threads maybe bring a handful of new views to the people posting in them
Contradictory points there

Youtube threads aren't about video games, they're about making videos and the people who make the videos. If I write a book about someone playing a video game I talk about it on /lit/, not /v/ because it's a book. There needs to be a board like /soc/ to contain youtube shit or you guys should be sent to reddit since that environment makes more sense for those threads anyway.
Maybe 2 of those are shilling, the rest are blatant shitposting falseflagging
>if he likes a game I don't like he's a shill
kill yourself underage cancer
Except youtube threads aren't against the rules, and aren't going anywhere
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>it's not shilling if it's ironic!

the wewest of lads

Not him but come on, do you see anybody but /pol/posters discussing politics on /v/? When's the last time you've seen a communist, liberal or whatever thread on /v/?

I browse /pol/ from time to time but it just gets fucking old when it's spammed everywhere. If I want /pol/ I go to /pol/.


Half those threads aren't even positive. And people talk about a big game release on a videogame board, woaaah, how could it be.

Not to mention the falseflagging/ironic posting people who make positive-but-not-really threads, like the 3rd one in your screenshot.

There's probably some shilling and marketing going on on /v/ like elsewhere on the internet, but screaming SHILLL everytime somebody likes something is fucking retarded.
You will get the banhammer... up your butt.
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Giving furries a home by making /trash/ was the final nail in the coffin
if you saw a positive thread about [your favorite video game here] you wouldn't even dare to think it's shilling
Dont bother man. You're going to get people saying that those are all falseflaggers because for some reason there cant be shitposting and shilling in the same space.
Not to mention all the people paid to make it look like you're some tinfoil hat faggot.
Why are there 3 scat threads up on /v/ right now?

We don't need better or more mods we need A mod. Jesus.
/v/ isn't nearly as bad as during goober gymnist
My point is you're an outsider. Fuck off.
Because /v/ is a shitty place.
Holy shit he actually listened to me. I didn't even see this thread.

IDs. We. Need. IDs. Shitposters have the advantage of making multiple posts and acting as two people, but it is rampant here. I believe knowing who each person's ID is, of course different from.each thread, would dramatically improve good content.

Anybody agree?
The amount of posts complaining about furfags in this thread the mods have gotta do something
>it's not shilling if I like it
kill yourself shill cancer
dubs doesn't spread into a cancerous ideology
Hate to break it to you man but normalfags have taken over. We're the outsiders now.
agreed. i dont know why people are against them.
*Thread IDs
Furries are absolutely disgusting, and they should never be allowed to post their shit here.
And do something about ban evasion, bans are literally meaningless here
>700 replies
This might be a record
Sticky when?

I do, I always though that unique per-thread ids should be a standard feature on 4chan. I can't think of any drawbacks.
I know. They should still fuck off though.
So these are all the autistic mantrums who had mlp segregated, nice to know they're mainly /v/ermin
-allow spoilered furry porn and sharing e621/furaffinity links
-allow anime threads and crunchyroll links to a degree
-allow furry artists and crunchyroll/fakku/more to be affiliates and advertise here by making threads AND banners
>You're an outsider
Because I want video games to be about video games. Right.

Yet you're the faggot that wants everything to be a hug box in line with your way of thinking. Sounds like Reddit is more your speed. You already seem to know so much about it anyway.
>When's the last time you've seen a communist, liberal or whatever thread on /v/?
About two minutes ago.

You gave yourself away when you admitted you want to ban specific ideologies you disagree with under the assertion they're the only ones discussing politics on /v/. Then again I'm not suprised seeing as you're someone who tries to defend shilling because it's all just "ironic" and "falsefalgging"
>that blatant mod fanboyism during evo
I don't even play fightans, but that shit was retarded
no, eat shit
Fuck off.
Honestly kill yourself
>ban things that trigger me (anime on 4chan)
>not reddit
Kill yourself faggot
Fuck off with this tranny worship
Ban people who think like this and we have fixed every problem here
4chan is not for you
That's because my favorite video games aren't locked behind always online DRM and microtransactions with missing game features that shills constantly defend
Still so triggered, little faggot? Go cry to your whyfoo.

Oh wait, she's not real. Just go an hero you pathetic permavirgin weeb.
With mods as shitty these it doesn't matter, because the mods will be shit either way.
this, so very much this.

At one point moot considered a /cel/ board, janitors volunteered to work it and make rules, and then of course moot ignored what they said and decided against it.

Ask the mods for logs if you don't believe me, Hiro.
Remove furshit on sight
Remove furry mods
>And people talk about a big game release on a videogame board, woaaah, how could it be.
NMS wasn't big enough to warrant +8 different threads for it, it was overhyped which was one of the games biggest problems.
Fuck off
Thanks for admitting whyfoo shit isn't vidya related.

Never said ban it from the site, just to go to the appropriate weeb cancer containment boards.
oh you wouldn't have any idea where i'll shove it love 00
nothing would be left anon
there are more posts complaining about furries than there are posts with furshits in them.
>waah waah give me my vidya safespace
<>I don't want to see teh whyfoos in my vidya waah waah
Go to reddit friend.
You would mistake it for a cock and stick it in your mouth?
When people complain about something its because theres a problem
People having the ability to express complaints is not the same as spam for years
I dislike how there is such a focus on funposting these days. Any serious discussions are often ignored in favor of making fun jokes about games we hate. Thus, posting any offensively style opinion without logical argumentation should be a bannable offense.

/v/ is clearly being used as shitposting central by a lot of users, and they go to other websites for normal discussion.
so you admit to being biased as fuck
good, one less retard in this discussion to pay attention to
Just remove everything that isn't strictly video games, hardware and vidya related services discussion. If you just decide "Okay, no more /pol/ faggots derailing every thread into muh heritage and degeneracy and no more furfags being furfags" then people will just invent new ways of shit posting. Suddenly everyone is an SJW or a Yoshi-poster, whatever the fuck they can come up with. Our problems didn't exactly end after bronies were banished.

All you really need are two containment boards. One for celebrities/youtubers (I don't think these are malicious shit posters, they just seem to think /v/ is the best board to post their shit) and one for general "video game culture. There you can let the shitposting go rampant, people can argue about muh ethics and feminazis or whatever the fuck they feel like splurging their autism over to a "gaming audience".
>Yaaaay he wants me to post in a perfectly functional late that exists to house my faggotry topic, but I want to shitpost it anywhere out of some childish sense of misplaced entitlement! Logic triggers me and everyone should agree with me!

Nope, you're still the prime reddit candidate.
we need a new mod. our mod obviously has a bias or is just retarded.
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Stop deleting filename threads that are vidya related.
This. Twitter, ecelebs, bullshit should disappear.
>you are biased as fuck because you hate always online DRM, p2w microtransactions and companies who blatanlty lie about their game's content
opinion discarded
kill yourself shill
Remove furfags forever

Come on, show me the thread then.

And yes, "Why the fuck does everyone hate this game? You can literally, and I do mean literally, do anything you want" is not meant to be taken seriously, I'm pretty sure.

Stop with your persecution complex already.
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Post yfw nothing changed
> I like playing in my own feces
>7. Enable sound Webms, preferably site wide because keeping them on 2 boards is fucking dumb.
I accept this. Sometimes, I would like to talk about Giant Bomb or Best Friends Play, but I would gladly give that up if it meant never having to see Jontron's fat, ugly, neckbearded face again.
Is he going to look through each one to find the most things agreed on?

Everybody, say you want IDs
Give dubs back, it'll kill shit threads
Furshit needs to GO
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