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Meta General

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 601
Thread images: 57

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What would you guys like to talk about?
Ban tripshits.
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Fuck off.
Second that
We should kill Hiroyuki
Bring moot back.
ban animes
Can we get some new mods for this board? This thread has been up for 15 hours now:

More mods and more janitors. Always more of them to reduce the shit content from 70% to 60%.
Enough janitors that there will be 29/7 of them around the clock.
My digits
Need separate Manga board.
Range ban all of Brazil and Mexico
purge SnK threads
Fuck that Canada has to go
Fuck off.
As if mods actually lurk these. It's completely worthless and besides /a/ in its current state is unsalvageable without cutting a huge chunk of its userbase.
Jesus this still wasn't deleted? And also that bleach request beg thread.
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Didn't you read OP's image?
Kana captcha.
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Can I_AM_ABIB be dropped from the moderation team? The guy's a complete fucking idiot.
you know mods are global right
can you link the thread pls? Would like to read his other posts
Ban generals.
Bring back blue sage.
Filter all /v/ermin words.

He is discussing all sorts of things.
thank you.
Is abib the mod that was butt buddies with siztra?
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Rekt desu
Filter the word "k y s". Then you'll see the board spring back to good quality.
1. Ban all IPs that accessed to other boards, except anime related ones
2. The first 20 posts of new IPs must wait 10 minutes instead of 1 minute to post another one.
3. Bring cuck kek filter back
He has been in charge for a while now and he still doesn't get the site? There is a point where using ignorance as an excuse just doesn't cut it after he has had so much time to lurk.

No generals you shit biscuit, just make a damn thread about it.
Wait what? He literally permit a general on every board? What the fuck would make him do this?
/a/ has some good ones.
Delet sakuga threads.
I want to be free from how terrible this entire site has gotten.

Someone please grant us death.
The filter is still there I think. And just ban anyone using cuck, normie, anime, and t. and all the retarded twitter speak.

Only translators.
No need for that. They die off quickly simply because there's not enough interests for them.

But kill-banning off the sakuga-dorks who congregate here on /a/ and also engage in studiowarring every Thursday would be a fine start.
What non-anime related board does /a/ love the most?
If general threads aren't to be removed (and they aren't) and the tripfags won't be banned (which, let's be realistic, they won't), i propose roundabout solutions

Enforce harsher punishment for shitposting with a tripcode, ban the tripcode itself on offenses

Harvest promising looking mods/janitors from the respective threads to keep the cancer under control. You can't stop the threads themselves but you cans slow down them decaying into /vg/ tier shit. It's pretty clear you people are undermanned and having to ping the /pol/ or the /mlp/ mod or whatever every time something needs to be removed in a thread that rolls 4-5 times a day is not going to work.
Ban Stalker threads. They hold no purpose whatsoever and they don't even "discuss" official data, only hit or miss predictions by random chinks.

I'm saying this because of all the western garbage there.
Automatically redirect all OP posts that include "recommend me some animes" to /wsr/
/an/ is pretty chill
Wow who lets these retards moderate? Are all of them like this? Why doesnt hiroyuki hire people he knows personally
Ban all OPs starting with a twitter screencap (or other social media).
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People just need to stick to the rules. we don't need extra safe space here this ain't no tumblr shit. Just ignore the bait and move on.
Can gifs with tumblr in the name or that start with 500x___ resolution be an automatic 24 hour ban?

Why was the /wsr/ sticky removed?

Will mods reply to these threads? Does Hiro make it so you can't openly reply anymore?

>tons of shit threads daily
>you choose the one that actually has information in it
Futakoi Alternative
Don't we already do this on /a/. More of a /v/ problem
Autoban for image.jpg posts.
Hate tier: b, v, co, pol, mlp, soc
Normal tier: tv, k, r9k, int
Love tier: sp, an
At minimum they should remove the daily ones as there is no point to them being that regular. If they became monthly or weekly then they are kinda useful in getting an idea of how well a show is doing.
That'd actually require for the bait threads to be deleted. Instead they are up for fucking hours.
Just.. stop coming then? Im sure reddit would welcome you with open arms
If some fucktards fall for the bait it's there fault you don't have to write something on every thread that exists on /a/. Just do your thing and be happy.
/cgl/ /fit/ /n/
tumblr image/gif
kys, cuck, lol, rofl, lmao, all frogposter image hashes

What other shit needs to be filtered?
autoban image.jpg, autoban maxresdefault, autoban unix time codes with -# at the end, autoban tumblr filenames, facebook filenames, imgur filenames, sample filenames, ban anything from 9gag, imgflip, ifunny, basically any meme aggregator watermarked. Do that and the site will be noticeably cleaner and more high quality in a week.
If you actually knew anything about staller you'd know that its data hold no value whatsoever. They are very rough estimates based on only amazon sales, and they don't even get it right a lot of times. Stalker threads are cancer and exists only to give a reason to shitspost about your favorite studio.
There is literally OVERLORD GENERAL for more than 10 hour up. This goes beyond bait m8.
You forgot >be me
That should be an instant 7 day ban at the absolute minimum.
EOPs can get fucked; your shitty fan translators do not require trips.
>par boards

That nigga will never master English
>all frogposter hashes
mate, if you haven't been following, there are literally TENS of thousands of those, there's a board dedicated to creating variations on it
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Cut down on pointless generals please unless its for current airing shows.
Ban lelouch
There is literally nothing wrong with them other than edgy bitch.
I stand by you.
Did you finish HxH, bro? What were your thoughts on it if so?
Ban Lelouch tripnigga forever
yeah but all those dragonball threads are fine?
He's never going to be your friend, Anon
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What if for shit that isn't airing anymore that still has a 24/7 general (ie Overlord) they get 1 day when their LN/manga to talk about it and have to fuck off the rest of the week?
ln/manga spoilers and tl come out*
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Yeah it was a solid 8/9 out of 10, Episode 131 is a masterpiece.

.Only thing /a/ needs is to work out how to deal with all this general/daily thread spam and nothing else.

I'm sick of seeing some general with about 30 posters in it latching onto an old series because they can't let go and just dumping images and circle jerking.

The problem is they are just making continuation threads and forcing discussion for the sake of it, I have no problem if some general pops up with like translations or some huge spoiler that sends everyone into a frenzy.
Ban anyone with cookies from /pol/.
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>A world where Lelouch can't post
I pray it comes soon
Technically a common sense thing. But you know, common sense doesn't apply to hardcore fans who are more interested in keeping in touch with the community they watched on /a/ and forming a circlejerk.
Move the following:
Japanese learning general to either /jp/ or /int/
Buyfag general to /toy/.
Drawfag general to /ic/.
Exhentai general to one of the handful of porn boards.
Image dump threads to either /c/ or outright delete them.
Seiyuu 3DPD worship threads to /jp/.

With those gone, all that remains is actual /a/ content to moderate. Sure, there are other shitty threads but first thing is first: getting rid of shit which outright belongs on other boards.
can meta threads go back to being on sunday night instead of a 24/7 general
Literally this. Upvoted.
All images posted must be anime/manga related, including reaction images as well as what >>147328423 said.

Another thing, make normie, kys and cuck an auto ban.
hy do you hate cookies
Not until mods or hiro responds, now that he has put the word out.
Nah, those OPT are gold, furthermore it would be kinda slow
Problem is it would never be enforced after mods gave up on banning generals around 2013. Since then they have crept back and got worse and worse (though not quite 2011 levels yet).
Filter upvoted also.
None, not even /a/. We hate ourselves and browsing 4chan is no more than escapism. No one comes here simply because he 'loves' any board.
/f/ and /jp/ are the only ones I can think of
Not this. Downvoted.
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>Seiyuu 3DPD worship threads to /jp/.
Lets not be hasty here, These are /a/ related regardless and they are not a regular occurrence to become annoying.

The rest is kind of reasonable, Panda threads are harmless though.
I hang out in /adv/ a lot.
Slow? You fucking retarded? There is more manga discussion on /a/ than handfuls of boards have discussion at all. If anything, /a/ needs to slow the fuck down.
how is this even real? does he think pokemon is a cartoon and not an anime?
This this this!
>it's not off-topic if I like it!
>Buyfag general to /toy/
But those are /a/ related, also they aren't the fastest and everything there is pretty chill. I don't see the point.
No they aren't.
Fucking kill yourself.
You've got to be one of worst tripcunts on /a/.
Oh, fucking SICK
This 1000x
>These are /a/ related regardless
Just because she voices a character in a language you don't understand, doesn't justify you making threads to discuss her daily life and how much you'd fuck her.
My unironic idea is still for a board dedicated solely to the newest seasonal anime.
Speak for yourself, newfag. I loved every board I've lurked until they died. /a/ is the last one standing.
I dont hate myself and I come here because watching anime and reading manga is my hobby.
Please go back to /v/ if you come here with that mentality
Hating something isn't enough reason to want it deleted, retards. Overlord has both a manga and an anime.
This x420 times
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dragonballfags are the worst

ps. special of bardick is non canon
dragon ball minus aka superman ripoff is canon
/ic/ and /fit/
Generals are to be purged, regardless of topic.
Manga and anime are just too interconnected. They both lead to the creation of each other.
>pastebin links
>all in the OP
Kill yourself
Source faggotry has increased partly due to influx of newfags, partly due to laziness of people.

People should be taught to use google and yandex.

Source should be provided only if an anon proves he has tried and not found it.
wasted trips.
>These are /a/ related regardless and they are not a regular occurrence
This is bait. There is absolutely zero reason /seiyuu/ shouldn't be on /jp/. The only time it should be on /a/ is when one goes into the hospital or dies. There are seiyuu threads all the time.

Truth be told, everyone on 4chan loves /fit/. It's the only good board overall.
>people like this have any kind of power
Hurts inside
So what does your ideal board look like, /a/?
JoJo should be the first general to be purged.
>Buyfag general to /toy/
Have to change this first if that was going to happen. Also feel anime and manga merchandise is pretty relevant to this board.

>Drawfag general to /ic/
Don't see why as it fits >>>/a/rules/1

>Exhentai general to one of the handful of porn boards
Porn boards don't do discussion and it is no different to a manga thread.

>Seiyuu 3DPD worship threads to /jp/
I am not so bothered by this, but I feel it should stay as it is still pretty relevant to this board.

The rest I don't particularly care about.
But doesn't /jp/ have a seiyuu daily or something?
too bad it died in 2013 after the scooby dox
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Seiyuu threads are /a/ related how is this even debatable.

No VA's no anime, Nothing wrong with appreciating them.

Any idea of splitting /a/ into two desperate boards is not needed at all.

The problem is most of the board can't agree on anything so generals will always be a problem topic since mods can't do right or wrong.

>They shouldn't be on /a/ but they should be if something tragic happens!
Nonsense, They aren't even a fucking regular thing you get one like once every 2 weeks IF that.
Those are not /a/ related.
If you haven't noticed, /a/ torrents and downloads manga, and mocks anyone who admits to paying for it, ruthlessly.
>also they aren't the fastest and everything there is pretty chill.
Relevance? Let me guess, you're part of that circlejerk? The buyfag thread, like the Japanese thread, are made entirely redundant by their respective op guide sites. If you want a place where you can "chill" and talk about hotgluing and shipping costs, get a fucking IRC channel. /a/ is not your personal chatroom.
Like current /a/ but with good anime airing.
What so bad about those filenames? Let's say i want to post picture of some anime character, but i don' have it on my pc. I go to google and save first thing i find. Why would i care enough about getting it from some other sites or changing name of the file? This is pure autism.
>Seiyuu threads are /a/ related how is this even debatable.
>No VA's no anime, Nothing wrong with appreciating them.
>let's discuss a girls life unrelated to anime or manga, just because she voiced someone in an anime
Kill yourself
/fit/ is fine, /fit/ posters are worse than /pol/ for posting off-topic shit on other boards though.

Like that wince-inducing Umefaggot.
why not just make an opening test to see if the person has an actual knowledge about anime or not if he passes he can access the board of course not each time but in the beginning.
Why are there so many of you autists in this thread. Those threads have been on /a/ since the very beginning, and a majority of them do belong on /a/ anyways.
Porn boards DO do discussion.
Sad panda thread doesn't belong on /a/, period.
>Overlord has both a manga and an anime.
Yeah but that thread is garbage so it should be deleted, plus you faggots aren't getting any new material until the end of this month so what's even the point of having threads now?
What a waste of trips.
I want /a/ to be isolated from other boards and for having reddit in your browser history to be a bannable offence.
That's stupid, it might keep newshits out, but it's still horrible.
So there can't be any threads on anime/manga that aren't currently airing or being updated? I guess we should purge every discussion on finishes series. The thread being garbage isn't a reason to delete it. You not liking something doesn't mean it breaks any rules.
>Those threads have been on /a/ since the very beginning
Pack it in everybody, newfag here just told us /a/ began after 2008/9.

Fuck off you cancerous generalfag. /a/ was a lot better before those festering chatrooms were a thing.
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>The thread being garbage isn't a reason to delete it
I want /a/ to be seperated from this site (along with other japanese media related boards if they want).
The opposite (4chan being free from non-anime boards) is never going to happen
1) Instant ban through image the shitposters that always use the same reaction images and are known to derail threads.

2) Add a field to the report window to allow you to explain why you're reporting that post and allow you to link to the archive if necessary.

3) Allow more than one thread per series. At the moment if there are two threads of the same series one of them will be purged depending on the janitor.

4) Force anonimize as a default option.

5) More wordfilters.
tumblr -> gaia
reddit -> gaia
facebook -> gaia
tbqh -> desuwa
cuck -> kek
wtf -> MASAKA

6) Make a monthly meta sticky to discuss the state of the board.
>The thread being garbage isn't a reason to delete it.
Take a deep breath and re-read what you're typing.
>Seiyuu threads have to be about their daily lives
This is proably different than Lelouch's idea of why they should be here, but you know that the threads can be more than that right? If a mod made it explicitly clear that the talk has to be about their roles/up coming roles in anime and anything out side of that (except maybe deaths, big events etc) is bannable then what is the problem?
I think people can discuss seiyuus in the respective anime threads. But taking them out as one thread pretty much makes an idol thread.
2009-2012 /fit/ is the ideal board. No contest other than the late night /a/ threads.
I think mods should remove more shitposter.
ban anyone who complains about reddit desu
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Ban what I don't like.
I guess since /a/ should be for "discussion of anime and manga", since those threads don't discuss anime, they shouldn't be on /a/.
They're certainly /a/-related, just not discussions.

However, if we do shift the generals like you suggest, odds are, other boards are going to go"fuck off back to /a/, weebshits" and there'll be shit everywhere because those generals are more /a/ than /a/nything.

I therefore propose a 20 page /a/裏 where all the generals are created at or get moved to. If you want your general, you go to /a/裏 where it's out of everyone else's way. If you don't want generals, then happy you.

What could possibly go wrong?
>The thread being garbage isn't a reason to delete it
>Seiyuu threads are /a/ related how is this even debatable.
Yeah when something happens to them that is going to affect an anime that is airing/going to air like going to a hospital. Other than that it's blogging about 3dpd and should be on /jp/.
Meant for
Why would you care enough to post a picture of the character if you don't care about the character? Posting images just to post images eats bandwidth and doesn't contribute to the website, posting generic google images (which are often in low quality) is against global rule 6, get fucked non autist.
Fun, with good discussion.
People here take the board way too seriously and focus on irrelevant shit while both fun and discussion die off in terrible generals.
Less delay between reports. It's fucking impossible to report all the shitposting.
>Strike Witchesfags were ONE of the major contributors to the general cancer 5 or 6 years ago
>They'll shit this board up again next month
Kill me.
i hope MUH BOARD CULTURE nigs get removed

fucking cancer scum
>The thread being garbage isn't a reason to delete it.
Are you fucking serious?
>You not liking something doesn't mean it breaks any rules.
I do like Overlord you faggot, but the threads are garbage right now and they are breaking rules.
>Japanese learning general to either /jp/ or /int/
>Buyfag general to /toy/.
>Drawfag general to /ic/.
>Exhentai general to one of the handful of porn boards.
>Image dump threads to either /c/ or outright delete them.
>Seiyuu 3DPD worship threads to /jp/.
Maybe. Seiyuu worship is /jp/ and while I do enjoy discussion of the Seiyuu world, that's more otaku culture than anime and manga specifically. Those should be purged.
I don't think you can filter them into more than one word.
>The thread being garbage isn't a reason to delete it.
Haha wow
I like them all except /b/, /v/ (which is just /b/ 2.0), /pol/, /tv/ (which is just /pol/ 2.0) and /r9k/

The only shitposters I've seen doing that are the ones from /tv/.
seconded, bring this shit back
I agree. It's ok to be wrong as long as we've always been wrong in the first place! Fuck improvement, tradition is much more important.
Ban those who complain too much.
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People don't do that though.

I'm surprised the threads even annoy people its not even a regular thing on /a/.

No one said you can't discuss finished/old things BUT you do not need to general them and keep them going on for ever for the sake of it, Some even going to the lengths of discussing pointless shit to keep the general alive.
Create a separate /wa/ board for waifu posting, it would contain like /m/, and ban the use of the word here.
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Does anybody actually have any ideas on how to fix generals?
Should we put a maximum number on how many threads a given serise can have per day exept for when a new chapter release?
It can work I think. It's not like /a/ is slow. Move those waifu/hentaifu worship threads there too. And 2D fetish threads just like how it works in futaba.
And less limit as well, you can only report 50 posts per day. It may sound a lot but there's threads with literally over 200 shitposts in them.
>No VA's no anime, Nothing wrong with appreciating them.
There's a difference between talking about Seiyuu in anime and Seiyuu's themselves and their habits/lifestyle, etc.
That belongs on /jp/

Sad Panda is fine and will never leave.
すまん ( ´△`)
Immediate deletion.
There is nothing interesting on the internet anymore. I want my social skills back
What do you mean desperate boards? I guess your auto-correction feature changes separate to desperate.

The /na/ New Anime board would have enough content because there will always be enough new content thanks to Japan pumping out 70 shows on average, and /a/ would easily survive because it would just continue as it is thanks to manga and older anime, and then get the anime shows of the finished season to discuss in-depth by real fans instead of casuals who only want to shitpost with each another and don't care about the rest.
Is /a/ really that bad? Compared to other boards we ain't that bad, sure there will always be threads that are just plain echo chambers but that's always the case.
Everyone currently in this thread is sprouting the same basic opinion, delete what I don't like or remove what I don't like.
>board for waifu posting
Those already exist: /e/, /c/, /h/, /d/. Take your pick.
So basically rename /a/?
There are too many waifufags here
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Delete all boards that aren't anime/manga related so /a/ and 4chan as a whole improves.
>Allow more than one thread per series.
Please kill yourself
>because those generals are more /a/ than /a/nything.
Check them out sometimes. They really aren't. Even /v/ talks about anime and manga more then most of those generals. The Japanese one is basically an unofficial VN general, as an example.
Do like the 裏式 concept, though. Something I've suggested over the years but almost every anon seems to hate the idea.
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ITT: ban everything I don't like, turn /a/ into my personal safe space.

Fuck off with ban x. Everything is fine, the only thing I'd want changed is: (i) allow nudity if it's with spoilers; (ii) only allow tripcodes if there is a reason, like delivering something or translating a manga.
that was literally post above you >>147328695 >>147328730
The point isn't a what if, but the current state and they are just a circlejerk about japanese girls that happen to voice anime characters.

>hurr durr you will never be Z by X
>X a cute
>Why did X change?
>X should wear more stuff of Y
Have them autosage or delete after getting enough reports then that means if the thread is so shit lots of people are reporting it it will die. If some tard makes a new one then the same either happens again or some mod can ban his ass for spam.
lol, you think this is fucking 2012 or so when threads about waifus were made every day.
Even the regular waifu thread is stuck on Wednesday for no real reason.

There is no need to create a waifu board ever.

>ban the use of the word here
You guys are way too anal about rec threads but otherwise you aren't that bad. Certainly nowhere near the levels of /v/ and /tv/ who constantly spread their faggotry to other boards.
remove or just move kan shit and threads like it to /jp/
delete /pol/

add /l/
Just because other boards are worse doesn't mean /a/ isn't bad.

>Everyone currently in this thread is sprouting the same basic opinion, delete what I don't like or remove what I don't like.
Sounds like you've never been in threads like Madoka or Jojo where it's /soc/ tier shit.
/u/fags to stay in their containment board would significantly improve things
Create /ag/ - Anime and Manga General so Jojofags can be contained
The problem is that mods can't tell the difference between generals and just popular series that got new info/airing series.

Board specific mods would help the problem, but that would monopolize resources. Perhaps having an /a/-centric mod that also pops in on other boards to moderate would solve that.
Only thing i dislike about this board are studio wars,
Maybe make it like a tripfag can only post i a thread that they created themselves so if someone wants to dump a translation they can still do it but they can't derail other threads.
Fuck off generalfag.
>Shindoll poster
>everything is fine
The fucking irony
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I hope we can discuss pic related and other shows in peace.

Remove and ban all shitposters who complain about it not being /a/-related.

In short: >>147329506
We are just less utter shit than the other big boards.

Also, there's nothing wrong with wanting to improve board quality.
One of the best addition to 4chan is the /wsr/ board, and it actually has improved /a/ a lot, since many newfags are being told to go ask for recommendations there, and they do so.

There are still some recommendation threads here on /a/, but those are really obvious shitpost baits made by trolls, as they always use the word animes in the opening post.
And even those aren't as ubiquitous as they were.
Sure, because that worked great for /v/ / /vg/
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No the board is fine but the general problem is impossible to solve.

It's just not needed, I think any idea of splitting /a/ is absurd.

The people who participate in the generals are the only ones who can stop it, I fail to see why you need recurring threads discussing the latest translations/spoilers to the point you see the same general on /a/ for the past 2 weeks.
This tbqh senpai-tachi
/a/ is fine
Allowing nudity is a slipery slope since this is a blue board. In my opinion, no nudes should ever be allowed except if it's from a show that has nudes in them or comes from official artwork.

>only allow tripcodes if there is a reason, like delivering something or translating a manga.
Well intentioned but there is no way to implement this. There are a lot less tripfags than in the past. This is a non-issue at this point.

The only thing that needs to be removed are generals or threads that keep repeating once they go 404, making them chained threads rather than generals but still generals all the same.
Hiro is dumb anyway. "Let the users talk things out" has never actually worked because this is 4chan and people here are dumb and divided. No one can actually come up with a solution people agree on.
>Deleting all the containment boards.
It would demolish everything.
>Ban the Big 3
>autopermaban anyone who posts image.jpg
>get rid of general threads
I just fixed /a/
>Everything is fine, the only thing I'd want changed is
You're contradicting yourself mate
How about you fuck off instead?
I agree with you as the current state of them isn't really anime or manga related, though just saying Seiyuu threads should be totally removed is silly, as if things were fully clarified to get them on topic by mods and enforced then I really don't see a problem with them.
/vg/ served its original purpose of keeping DOTA and Leagueshit contained.
this , they are fucking with other boards pretty badly right now and its only a matter of time before they shit all over /a/.
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>implying implications
I want generals gone forever.
Make a /jojo/ board.
Does someone have that stat screenshot from around October last year that showed the amount of trips on /a/ /v/ and /vg/?

/vg/ was more than double the amount of trips of /a/ + /v/ combined. Trips aren't even a bad thing unless they are avatarfagging/blogging.
They might as well not exist except for a select few persistent ones that shitpost. People manage to ignore them easily enough except for maybe calling Lelouch out on his shit taste.
Bring public banning back. It kept some of the retards from posting.
Why do we still have /a/nime threads based on /v/idya? It's obvious those generals are there to discuss the game more than anything.
You're a dingbat newfag who doesn't even remember NIGGERS AND BISCUITS
Well, if these meta threads are going to be a regular thing on /a/ -

Who are the tripfags that contribute on this board? At the risk of inviting drama it might be useful to have a directory of ""good"" ones; everyone else can be filtered.

In fact there should be a function where people can filter ALL tripcodes and add a few exceptions.
Hello fellow depressed faggot
>It's just not needed, I think any idea of splitting /a/ is absurd.
Why exactly? It's not anime-general or anime-retro or anime-waifu, it's anime-new.
Remember /a/, you can try all you want but you can't remove all the trolls, retards or people you don't like. You can only reduce their numbers
The board could vote to disallow certain trips once a season.
This and visible sage.
>Sad Panda is fine
No it's not.
It's a pathetic proxy game of soogy sayo which belongs on one of the many porn boards.
That's a huge shame, since Goku's dad being a huge dick who had no expectations for him was pretty great. And his last stand was pretty manly.
The only must do suggestion here.
Hox, that's it.
>In fact there should be a function where people can filter ALL tripcodes and add a few exceptions
Get 4chanX
Generals can NEVER be fixed. They become cancerous and you only realize that after they've overstayed their welcome. /a/ is usually good with generals because of new shows coming out every seasons makes everyone not make threads about a show once their done.

Just don't make another thread right after the thread goes 404 or is on autosage.
Having a maximum number doesn't solve the issue, it just sets a cap.
>visible sage
I support this. For all the "it's not a downvote" conditioning we get from the moderating team, it was a public show of disapproval and enough sageposts could sink a shit thread pretty fast.
Being fine doesn't mean it can get better.
Isn't that the entire point of this thread?
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>Ban the Big 3
The ability to mass report would also be nice. It will probably get abused into the ground though.
All it would take is one "lol counter sage" to bring it back to the front page.
What would this even do? Why?
>Who are the tripfags that contribute on this board?
/a/ has a lot of good trips compared to everywhere else.
>doesn't mean it can't get better
remove /djt/ and move sadpanda threas to /h/

mute anyone who pushes the /(insert board here)/ boogeyman

make /a/ more fun since this place is filled to the brim with bitter autists who get mad because they cant get their way
Why would you wan't to create another place for cancer instead of actually pruning/curbing it?
If another board had to be made, then a board just for airing anime would be better, but I feel that it really isn't needed and /a/ doesn't need to split.
That's one thing, another thing is that if one one ever sees others use sage they are less likely to use it themselves.
New users probably don't even know it exists.
It doesn't work because he cherry picks. There are a lot of complaints in the /qa/ threads but the vast majority is actually agreeing on something and yet Hiro goes out of his way to only take into account the only unpopular opinion in a sea of 400 replies.
I don't remember counter sage being a thing back when sage was visible. Not on /a/ at least.
I don't mind rec threads as long as it isn't entry level shit. When you start reaching the points where you've seen all the main shit, it gets hard to find more obscure stuff that isn't shit.

Or for niche genres like horror.
Hox is the only useful tripfag.
You have to remind people at times as they'll continue to try and get everyone they don't like banned and end up like some sjw's.
You saying they're not fine doesn't refute the viewpoint that they are fine since no one is sharing nudity and it's /a/ related. Moving sad panda to /d/ would kill it.
With sad panda, there is simply no alternative.
Maybe you don't actually browse the threads enough but there are plenty of bad ones. See the Madoka general.
Just ban general thread, and bring back sage.

Included you, right?
>make /a/ more fun
Lurk more.
/a/ has a few just off translations.
Not doing a very convincing job of representing that position, anon.
It's hard to weed out generals
Just contain it elsewhere and let them kill themselves.
There was a time you could get away with posting porn as long as it was with spoilers, it wasn't so bad.
Anyone remember how many 24/7 threads evangelion hype thread about the movie before it got removed? I remember it was 3000 or something. It happened a few years ago so my memory is muddy. Now thats a bad example of a general.
No one ever uses boogeyman anymore, Jesus.
I swear, I no longer see people bitching that they're from reddit or whatever unless they're too obvious about it.
Then make every thread autosage, and only by putting age in the options field can bump the threads. And the bump is to be visible, meaning that the poster who used it is claiming that his post is a quality post that warrants to bump the thread for a reason. This then allows all the other anons to either read his post and then agree and let it be, or recognize it as a shitty bump-post and report it.
Some of the posts in that thread are embarrassing

"without us you are nothing"
"yotsuba is like a little sister to us"
"4chan's last pure heritage"
"200 year old building with rich history"
"it's called respect"
>paid for a trip
>get disallowed because have been acting like a ultrafaggot
Well this is a nice idea, but it means Hiro won't be getting any money and so 4chin is bound to close.
Why would you want to block a trip just for 1 season?
it should probably be both cookies and ips.
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Why is Hiro such a fucking useless fuck? He says he wants to listen to the users about what they want but he does fucking nothing but make more useless boards and posts on /qa/ saying that he's going to do something.

when is moot going to come back and save us
I doubt the report is abused at all, shitposters are more busy posting than reporting.
It wouldn't be so hard if mods went back to the 2011-2013 policy of removing them.
>visible bumps on autosaged boards
Sounds like madness. I want to see it.
The only way a tripfag could positively contribute to /a/ would be by making a live streaming thread of them going to Gensoukyou.
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Please go fuck yourself crossboarding scum
I fucking hate you massive retards.
You cry endlessly about board culture because you have no fucking idea about how to integrate yourselves and can't handle people telling you to stop acting retarded
Depending on how the threads are opened, rec threads for less mainstream stuff can generate interesting discussion. But what annoys me is people sometimes mistaking rhetorical questions meant to spur discussion for a thinly veiled rec thread.

What about js06? STALKER, Royal and Aereus aren't bad either. Though I think giving trips any unnecessary attention, even to the good ones, is a bad thing

I remember this, it was a glorious time. That one Asuka doujin by redrop got me into the artist. I'm grateful to the dumper
The ability to write the reason for reporting should be brought back. I ought to have the ability to explain why I think something is shitposting.
this is still mostly true
>trips cost money
Are you drunk
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>Those are not /a/ related
Most thing they discuss is anime character

>/a/ torrents and downloads manga
Why you think everyone is poor like you shit?

>get a fucking IRC channel
Tell me the reason you here, please go to the fucking IRC channel then
Of course. I have solutions for what I'd like to see changed. But even if, say, 40 people agree with me. Who are they compared to the rest of the board? Why should their opinion be valued more? That's the thing about 4chan.
>Brought back
But it never existed
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Bring back sage
Apply more word filters
Same IPs shouldn't be able to bump generals
Pffftttt hahahaha. Tyranny of the masses? Are you serious?
>The ability to write the reason for reporting should be brought back

I don't remember that ever being a thing.
This is a pretty fucking ingenious idea.
Royal and Aereus are irrelevant. The latter especially so after falling way too far behind on Boku Girl.
what did /a/ do to deserve it's elitist status? you guys shitpost, but when someone shitposts a little differently, you act like someones crossed a major boundary
>Boku Girl
Final chapter never
It may work in Japan but this is America, where your freedom to talk shit is guaranteed with guns.
Newfag here. What's wrong with tripfagging ?
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Am I too late?
Never mind my fever dream delusion then. I suck cocks. The ability to write out reason for reporting would still be nice.
Capitalize your sentences you cunt.
Can we get rid of all those cookie-cutter thread openers like
>x is for ____
We acted elitist to survive. This isn't rocket science.
The real reason is that we acted elitist to keep idiots out from always asking recommendations and then actually had to act the part.
They aren't fine because it's a hentai thread, you fucking moron. We have entire boards for that. It shouldn't be on /a/.

>With sad panda, there is simply no alternative.
Almost everyone on sad panda is uploaded from other places. The only possible use it could have is for EOPs, of which are fucking irrelevant. Fuck off, newshit.
"Newfag here" should be a bannable phrase
Aversion to change or anything new is one of the symptoms of autism
>paid for a trip
Can we just ban anime already?
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Clever anon
This sounds like loads of fun
Is the concept of lurking completely foreign to you?
Actually, what other boards enforce(or try to enforce) lurking these days?
You don't need a name/trip to post, so why use one?
Telling people who want to be spoonfed and their enablers to fuck off, mostly.
>This is your ____ tonight
Why are these even tolerated?
Get rid of people that post socialist/commie shit. I know they aren't technically /pol/ because they're too afraid to post there, but it's the same shit really.
Elitism is the only reason why /a/ hasn't become full on /v/, /pol/ or /tv/
Fuck even /int/ is declining fast as of late
It enables attention seekers and derails threads.
It's not a hentai thread but a linking thread discussing fetishes.
No hentai is distributed.
If you're using it because there's a legitimate reason you need to be identifiable (e.g. translator, livestreaming an event maybe), then nothing.

But most trips just use their's because they want to be an e-celebrity.
>newfag here
Can lurk for 2 years before posting be in the new sticky?
If you lurked you would find out. Small hint, using capitals is a good start.
So? Slow boards are the best. We need /ar/ too.
ban newcancer, ban new mods, kill /pol/, kill /v/

and ban tripshits and ban retards

that's it
Both deserve to get fucking removed.
also narcissism

someone post that pic of someone explaining why narcissistic autists project themselves on the boards they use. it has the picture of freud
Honestly, I can ignore generals just fine but I don't get the need to have 24/7 threads up and running. Why bother keeping them alive when there's a lull in discussion of content?
There's a reason why moot is surprised /a/ didn't sink as fast as /v/.
Though I would argue we lost our elitism after we bitched moot to fuck off with his Naruto shit in 2013 or so and then kept talking about the manga because it was ending.
100% this.
>so many faggots baited
Heres our pastebin, welcome to our little community in this general. Next they will be putting discord links next to it. Please come to our IRC where we discuss fruits all the time!
This is an anonymous board. A better question would be "what's right with tripfagging"?
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Now I know why I saved it.
/int/ has been declining since 2012. Just like the whole website actually.
No one would read it all, there are too many reports out there.
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Ban people that deliberately post cropped/masked porn with no sauce in the filename with the sole reason of having people asking them for sauce because they get off on the attention.

This would get rid of saucefags and cropfags.
Translators could also do it anonymously.
Tripping exists purely for recognition. Whether it's "deserved" or not. The entire point has always been that people here are anonymous as they want to be, so you should just focus on the actual quality of the post
First quoted post is right: 4chan is the userbase.
You're either a mod or a newfag if you understand that.
You sure as fuck sound like an outsider who should lurk more.
Should we have a classic/airing anime board split? I can't discuss anything older than 5 years because nobody has seen it, and it gets knocked off the board in 10 minutes by airing show threads
Ignoring does not solve problems.
It's the reason /r9k/ died. It became cancerous, moot purged the board, realized it was a mistake but the damage was done after he brought it back.
Never assume ignoring will ever ignore the issue or you'll wake up one day to find only generals.
Ban people who



>ban newcancer
Oh the irony.
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I liked his smugpost more
What's the alternative?

Only letting them discuss their animu when new episodes air? Are we going to become that reddit-tier?

If you do that people will just make stealth generals that are harder to filter.
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it was a joke

improve your English.
Shunting off the current airing show threads to a separate sister board would allow the threads for older anime shows more breathing room on /a/.
No you fuck, /a/ shouldn't ever split again.
How fucking new are you to not realize that once a season ends, all shows go away and that /a/ never talks about the classics unless someone makes a thread about it once in a blue moon.
Many translators only use names and trips so that you can find it easily in the archive.
delete /a/

t. the rest of 4chan and 4chan staff team
I enjoy covertly providing source by making a comment that namedrops the webm or picture.
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Hiro is pretty savage.
wew lad, relax, most of /a/ needs to relax a little actually
Ban anyone who quotes OP.
Sometimes they only post TL text and trips make it easier to find them/distinguish them from the rest of the thread
>separate sister board would allow the threads for older anime shows more breathing room on /a/.
No it won't. There's nothing stopping anyone from making threads about old shows but no one does it because everyone fears that no one will respond. The same thing will happen if a new board for classics is made.

Like I keep saying:

Ban "fuck off" and "kill yourself" posters on sight. They're literally just using it as a downvote. The more "fuck off" and "kill yourself" replies you have, that's your negative karma. It's reddit as fuck.

>inb4 le ebin 10+ "fuck off, kill youreslf" replies
He must be having the time of his life trolling foreign autists on the internet. No wonder no one liked him in 2ch and kicked him out.
People don't memorise trips to search the archives
They remember names

Translators don't need trips. Names are helpful.
>It's not a hentai thread but a linking thread discussing fetishes.
/a/ is not for that shit. Reddit was specifically designed for link aggregating. The longer you go on, the less valid your general becomes.
We have regular threads dedicate to old anime, I think it works just fine.
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>delete /a/
It doesn't need to be deleted. There are just some minor changes that could be made to make it much better.
Fuck on, live yourself.
upboat ;)
Make janny drives a yearly or bi-yearly thing instead of waiting until things get so bad that you're forced to recruit them.
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Introduce a paywall.
>keeps kiddos and retards out
>pay dedicated mods some shekels for good moderation (not every janitor)
>no ads
>no captchas
>banned users are banned for good or would have to buy new access

Whoops I just fixed everything.
believe it or not some people are autistic enough to imitate good people to ruin their reputation just for the fun of it
Sorry sorry, I'm getting a little emotional.
I'm just getting annoyed of all these trolls (or real people?) suggesting to make new boards as a solution.

Why not make a manga board?
Because then you'll just make manga weekly generals of popular series, etc.

It's the same shit but for every suggestion.
DJT, sad panda, buyfag and drawfag threads are fine where they are. /a/ doesn't need to change except to purge general threads of shows that keep showing up after their shows have finished airing, like Overlord at the moment.
>People don't memorise trips to search the archives
Speak for yourself. In the threads I visit it's common to memorize the first letters of the trips and search for them.
>If you do that people will just make stealth generals that are harder to filter
That is already the case. You may have already noticed but using general and edition in the OP is pretty taboo on /a/ and usually gets a thread deleted from the amount of reports, though there are threads that slip though the gaps.
This is mostly an overhang from the time where generals were genuinely banned.

Also alternative is have a thread pruned after the quality drops below a certain level. Quality may be subjective but at the same time nearly anyone can tell the point where a thread is shit.
Yeah man who needs trips? lmao
How come GETposting hasn't become instantly bannable yet? It's just another way for shitposters to shit up threads while contributing absolutely nothing of value.
We already have shekelpass.
this might actually be the worst idea in the entire thread

1. Would you prefer if I've hidden that and just pretended to know it all, instead of being honest ?
2. I lurked for two seasons and been watching anime for 12 years. I think it's enough to post.
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You know, even if you post the source in the filename, some lazy fag would still ask for it.
I agree with the deliberate part, but saucefags also need to learn to use reverse image search and stop being retarded.
How is it less valid when the same fucking shit of posting ex links remains the same through the years?
>it's like Reddit!
Fuck off.
>DJT, sad panda, buyfag and drawfag threads are fine where they are.
Ah okay, you're just a generalfagger.
Now if only he was this harsh with his dumbass mods.
Are you that tripfag?
You were always a much more pathetic version of /jp/ quality control. That guy was at least actually interesting, and not retarded.
>Also alternative is have a thread pruned after the quality drops below a certain level.
What's the point? We already have good threads knocked off the board for "Look at this nep!" and "This is a Japanese bird!" threads.
but also the best idea
>pls make ten people post on /a/ no more!
Doesn't matter if it's right or wrong, they all sound like teenagers crying about something not going their way. /a/ is fine as it is.
Jesus, learn to read.
>I lurked for two seasons
Lurk for 2 years before posting.
>Fuck off.
Why, because I'm fucking on right on the money by your own fucking admission? Kill yourself generalfag.
So basically restrict access to everyone and let the tripfags run the place?
That is the fault of mods and not enough people reporting then. If more people reported and mods did their job then we wouldn't have this problem.

Are you for real?
what do you think of /ai/?

It can be classed as a "general", but it covers about 10+ little girl shows
i think mods should mute or ban anyone who complains about reddit or redditors.
When is the last time you saw it other than a huge get or in a thread that is guaranteed to be deleted because it is blatant shitposting?
t. redditor
>lets be Something Awful
No thanks.
Should be purged.
This is a terrible image.

The reality is I now just click one of the three buttons and get what I want 98% of the time, without having to wait for the guy to respond.

If you've really still got a problem you can take it to /r/.
>/a/ is fine as it is.
No it's not, you stupid nigger.
Hence every time we have a meta thread it explodes to bump limit.
You have to be either a hotpocket or a newfag.
1. Admitting you're a newfag will make that the main point of your post. It only invites shitposting. It's like writing a great reply to an argument and end it with btw I'm a girl. The only replies you'll get to your great reply will be pics or gtfo.

2. Lurking refers to understanding how the board works. That reply in itself proves that you know nothing about /a/ as a board and should lurk more before replying with something unrelated. Watching anime for 12 years won't make you fit in in this board.
It's a super general and needs to be removed.
You forgot one thing
/a/ is the sort of place that torrents anime just because they're unwilling to pay for TV subscription
/a/ will not pay for 4chan

This will literally kill /a/

I'm curious how this will turn out though. I wonder how empty this board can get.
I feel like moderation got too overzealous with off-topic discussion in recent years.
Not sure if it's change in moderation guidelines, or before there simply weren't enough mods, but in the past we could have a thread go completely off topic and it was fine.
Now I feel it's too restrictive.

Still ban completely off-topic threads like "you should be able to solve this"
Ban this attention whoring newfag.
The only reason there's a meta thread right now is because of Hiro.
Jesus, dropped that nigga hard.
More dubs. I never get any.
Name one (1) way that fixes the general problem and proves they aren't a necessary evil.
I don't believe that these generals are at all that bad, they keep the related posters in those threads so that they don't go and continuously make new threads.
Why do you guys seem to have generals anyway? They help keep things cleaner by keeping those relevant posters away
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The irony of antiredditors who complain about reddit is the lack the self awareness they have to realize the fact they are opposite face of the same coin.

They are like stormfags who blame everything on the jews.
It's pripara-and-aikatsu general. There's sometimes some fairilu posted there, but nobody really discusses it.
And it does have blogshit in it.
I don't mind going off-topic in principle, but only occasionally does anything interesting actually come from it. Most of the time, it's just shitposting of a different flavor.
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Oh so you were that tripfag.
Im not kidding man, give up. You will never reach the level /jp/ Quality Control reached.
You're a jew and a redditor?

What else?
are we all gonna sit here and just pretend that banning people is any kind of solution?

Literally takes me 10 seconds to evade a ban
>necessary evil
What purpose do they serve? People are image dumping the same shit over and over, posting the same daily doses and arguments in the threads etc. Without them the thread would die and nothing would be missed. If anything relevant happens in the time the thread is down someone can make a new one about it.
Literally any Naruto thread.
They're circlejerk chatrooms that would usually fall off the board if they weren't bumped just to keep them alive.
You're saying they're good containment threads, but the people that "hang out" in generals are only able to thrive because of that environment that encourages them.
>ban evading
fuck off
i've never understood how /ai/ doesn't go through 2 threads an hour. how can a general with that many shows not plow through threads?
Get rid of generals.

GuP, boatcolle, waifu, *insert shounen manga title here*, any past popular series and such.
it blows up because people love to complain. it's only a handful people at that. i'm sure the majority of users go about their day not caring about all of your little problems.
Maybe allowing even one meta thread up at all times wasn't such a good idea. I don't think any consensus could be reached anyway.
What's the alternative?

Anti-generalfags have yet to provide an alternative that would actually work that doesn't involve outright banning certain shows while they aren't airing.
Let me show you a concentrated form of autism
While it won't stop dedicated shitposters it would remove casual shitposting which is still something.
Better than them continuously making new threads all the time, real discussions do occur there though. The benefits outweight the cons.
Lol newfag.
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Name one (1) good thing about /a/ that shouldn't be changed.
I dont think this would work this idea is, generally speaking, very intriguing. I think this should be tested, just to see what would actually happen.
>keeps asking for people to link deleted threads
>threads are being linked but they're deleted so they won't be active unless you have an archive extension
>keeps asking for links saying no one gives them

When the admin is this new there's not much we can do.
Without them they make multiple threads instead and spillover even harder. They are literally containment threads.
There have been multiple suggestions such as report counts, autosaging, thread quality control, mod intervention etc.
Ban all posts that contain these phrases or any variation of them:

>a cute! CUTE!
>I want to fuck x!
>x's ass is cute!
>x is a slut!
>I want to smell x's butthole!
delete trap/gay threads and ban trapfags

>b-but le /a/ is le wants to le be le cuttle little le girl

no fuckk off, erping scum.

send them back to >>>/trash/
Can someone explain why r/a/dio isn't allowed but Eden and other stations are? Why is there preferential treatment?
It's because the /ai/nons aren't actually talking about the shows they watch together. It's dominated by two little girls-idols shows, plus it has some occasional fairilu-pics.
Other little-girls shows like Cocotama, 12-years-old and such aren't talked about at all.

Kinda a shame.
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What about the stuff we talked about in >>147211695
Does Hiro understand that we occasionally have meta discussion regardless of the rules?
Allowing a thread per board is stupid and I don't think we should have one up just because he said it, unless it's temporarily because of the regulation talk that's going on on /qa/.
Happy now?
No. Fuck off back there.
Which would die naturally. If it becomes a big problem then mods can delete them for spam.
Annual slowpoke thread.
This would just create a mob mentality where all generals are mass reported even though the thread quality isn't bad.

If people want to discuss their shitty anime on /a/ all day and other people want to join them, it's going to happen.
Oh god, please introduce a limit on how many posts you can link.

I hate viewing replies and seeing the same fucker pop up 50 times, then I have to scroll down and hide him to get on with browsing.
having more than 1 bumps another thread off the board is the problem. it doesn't matter if it gets 1 post and dies
what's the difference between a "general" and a show that has constant threads?

Love live sunshine has a thread up 24/7, is that a "general"? Should that be purged?
>t. triggered autist
This. These self important fuckers need to be purged.
I don't know. What are they discussing about?
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It'd be interesting if you could report posts in batches (for spamming and such), but that would probably require a chunk of new back-end code.
>They are literally containment threads.
Containment of undesirable people that shouldn't even be here in the first place. Just look at /snk/, it literally is tumblr using /a/ as their personal chatroom. We need /ag/ badly.
That is why you have a set reasonable limit. It wouldn't be pruned after 5 reports, it would be something in the hundreds. Probably take some working out an exact number but as a thread gets more shitty it would attract more reports.
Can mods please ban the guys that change their webm properties, thanks friends.
Once the season ends and the rabu raibu-fags still keep making threads of it which are absolutely the same as the other prior rabu raibu-sunshine threads, down to the same posts, same images, same replies, only mentioning that they want to fuck this or that raibu, image-dump and otherwise just post about their own personal life is when it's a general.
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Comfy weekly threads about seasonal shows targeting people above the mental age of 14. Latest examples being Joker Game and 91 Days.
Are generals more about themselves then the show being discussed?
Let's face it, /a/ cannot be trusted to self-moderate
Well they can make a new thread themselves if their thread gets bumped off the board. Also threads still take between 1-2 hours fall off the board.
Shit like rec threads and e-celebs getting deleted.
ok good threads guys but lets not make another like last time
/a/ self moderates better than any board, that's why we've got dedicate loli, guro, and loliguro spammers
Live translations.
what makes a general is things like
>same topics and posts every thread
>bumped 24/7 just for the sake of being up with no real discussion toward the show
>pastebin/having an active thread so much you have a faq
>devolve into circlejerking communities

constant threads are fine if you are actually discussing the show but most shows are not so in-depth you have constant threads the whole week until the next episode
So, whats the current state of the following things?
- Are Arc-v threads ok? They used to have 24/7 content but are now an echo chamber. However, its still an ongoing show.
- Where the fuck do light novels really go? People dont really talk about them on /jp/ and going to /jp/ means being constantly called EOP if your outside the few EOP generals.
vigilantes are never the answer, what happens when they have a clash of interest with the general population?
>You may have already noticed but using general and edition in the OP is pretty taboo on /a/ and usually gets a thread deleted from the amount of reports
You get banned if you report generals.
>that's why we've got dedicate loli, guro, and loliguro spammers
What is this, 2005? I wish we had spammers. A good gorespammer or the like could provide some much needed chemo to the website.
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Instaban anyone linking threads to their twitter/tumblr/reddit/other places
Scanlator threads
It encourages people to produce something, and it's a good resource to help new people with translation/typsetting/cleaning questions.
The main problem are the generals about shows that currently don't have an anime airing.
Fuck off. Accelspammer and all that shit was just annoying. And the moment a spammer goes into your favorite thread you would also feel annoyed.
I'd take it over the pure unadulterated shit we get all the time every day now and for the past recent years.

Go back to /v/ with your ignorant "but you would feel the same way I feel" logic.
Even if this is bait, it still pisses me off.
/fit/, /ck/, /lit/
What's the point even discussing this. In 4 years anime will be dead anyway, together with /a/.

Japan is basically a huge ticking time bomb when it comes to economic stability. Animation studios are already suffering from poor sales right now and once the crash happens...let's just say even the idolfags won't be able to save the industry at that point.

To make matters even worse, once the Tokyo Olympics start hundreds of news outlets will report on the Japanese doujin culture. Everything considered loli will be banned and comiket will be canceled. Otaku will chain themselves to Tokyo Big Sight and massive protests in Akihabara will cause the larger older generation of Japan to ban late night anime altogether.

It was a good ride.
JoJo generals are the worst generals currently on this board and they have an anime currently airing.
This happens now? I can understand drawfags doing it if they're asked, but why would your average poster bother?
>plus you faggots aren't getting any new material until the end of this month so what's even the point of having threads now?

Banning a general because there's simply no new content posted is dumb as shit. What's the point of watching anime/reading manga if you can't discuss it?

Now banning waifu image dumps and meme spam to keep a general alive makes more sense.
Here you go, now you can make that a dubs thread.

Ban mobile posters.
Self moderation.
what happens when unbannable accel spammer decides your favorite thread is shitposting and spams it in to oblivion, making you unable to discuss your favorite show?

Vigilantes always go the same way

>act in the interest of the people
>become a figurehead
>power gets to their head
>power trip
>To make matters even worse, once the Tokyo Olympics start hundreds of news outlets will report on the Japanese doujin culture. Everything considered loli will be banned and comiket will be canceled. Otaku will chain themselves to Tokyo Big Sight and massive protests in Akihabara will cause the larger older generation of Japan to ban late night anime altogether.
Haha what.
This puts too much responsibility on the mods to know the ins and outs of that show and what's been discussed about it.

If something is popular enough to survive the season it aired in then so be it. Discussion should evolve naturally, including how it dies.
they should at least have a much longer lockout between posts. 5-10 minutes maybe.
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Then the general population must be corrected
Which 'za is your favorite?
That's a retarded idea.
lolispammer never powertrips
While I dont worry about the first part, the olympics do worry me greatly.

The second people find out whats somehow acceptable soft porn in japan and that it trumps that "haha japan funny and weird place" image they always had in mind, I fear Japan will call in some clean up.
Over all i just want it to be fun
All these shitty bait threads and generals make the place not fun
Not him, but was you even here during 2012? When Accelspam was at its peak the board was unusable. Didn't matter if the thread was good or bad, and it got even worse when it would strip out every thread as it pushed everything off the board.
I will agree with moving KanColle to /jp/ on condition that the browser game general in /jp/ be moved to /vg/. /jp/ will never accept having both.
Seeing how Japan has a strong opposition to market any product(anime, vidya, etc.) overseas despite the product being in high demand, they pretty much did it to themselves.
This nigger >>143379131 did a real good job moving that cancer away huh
/ck/, /fit/, /sp/ and [s4s]
Wait, normalfags don't see loli as part of the "haha japan funny and weird place'?

Don't scare me anon
It's not funny
or weird
>all these meta threads that are suggestions for how to change the board
>mods and hiro aren't here to read it
what are we even doing. mods please kill these
Build me a time machine so I can go back to 10 years ago. The concept of generals suck dick and 4chan was never for static content. Just go fuck off to a forum
>making a thread for a new episode
>making a thread for a new chapter
>making a thread for a new series that was recently announced
>making a thread to discuss a series that isn't usually discussed
>making a thread to discuss various series at once
>making a thread that can in some way contribute to translating, fansubbing or scanlating a series
>making a thread to discuss a concept, idea, character type and such
>making a thread for anime and manga related news or events
Not generals.

Regular or daily threads in which:
>you blog post
>you talk with each other as if you're in IRC
>you bump from page 10 every hour
>you dump images that otherwise could be put in a zip
>you make the same posts that were posted in a previous thread
>you only make off-topic posts
How long have people been saying anime is dying/will be dead in a few years? It is nearly as bad as people saying this year will be the year of the linux desktop every year.
I'm pretty sure they think loli is just a meme.
Then make a thread of the certain subject you want to discuss, you don't need to make a pastebin infested general about it. We aren't /co/ or /tv/, we don't do containment threads.
Explain further.
>How long have people been saying anime is dying/will be dead in a few years?
I remember seeing that being said all the way back in 2003
Some shitposting can be fine. I feel like /a/ is becoming more and more a no-fun zone.
This is the cancer that's killing /a/.
so take /ai/ for example as previously stated in this thread

They talk about 3 currently airing shows, and several finished ones.

But they have their fair share of blog posters and blogshit too.

There's too many gray areas to effectively enforce any new rules, as long as their self-contained, /ag/ is the only effective way to remove them.

Any dictatorship style mass post deletion/moderation("no fun allowed") will only end in rebellion, it's really not hard to evade
>this year will be the year of the linux desktop
It's going to happen any day now. The tyranny of Windows 10 has gone too far.

Year of the Linux desktop, this year!
>you dump images that otherwise could be put in a zip
There are people in any thread who actually do this? I mean distribute images via zipped archives?
Phoneposters detected
You're retarded.
There are some anons that deliberately remove the title of the video file from which the webm was created from it's properties.

Central and Soth America should both leave.
/fit/ has seen better days but it's the most consistently quality board
I also browse /mu/ , /lit/ and /his/
>say they should have a longer lockout
>i'm a phoneposter
I call out every dumb mobileposter I see.
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Only the most authentic 'go 'za, of course!
im guessing more likely than not when you say blogposting you dont actually mean blogposting but something else.
>dumb mobileposter
fuck off
>/jp/ will never accept having both.
Fuck that, more importantly I don't want c/a/ncer in the game thread.
258 / 118 / 57 / 1
324 / 113 / 52 / 2

It's a push and pull, and reaction and counter-reaction.
The increased no-fun happens because there's too many dumb shitty threads that aren't fun at all because they are unoriginal and unfunny rehashes of the same old threads as before, happening almost on the same day every week.
Why can't you write properly if you have a full keyboard?
Then the easiest solution is to move the game thread to /vg/.
>/a/ - anime and manga
>and manga
Don't worry, there will be things to talk about.
Of course they are. It's a different matter if you're talking about story time and chapter dumps but generally things like fanart dumps is looked down upon. There's an image limit and it's very inconvenient being in a thread in which you can no longer post images because an idiot decided to dump his waifu folder.
I actively post there, I'm just taking a neutral viewpoint. We have ERPers and people who post about their life and drinking etc. I just ignore it because i'm not an autist, but others seem to be unable to.

It's blogposting at it's finest
How come blatant general threads aren't deleted.
>Monmusu threads
>Everyday until you like it
>Buyfag threads
>It's time
Of the top of my mind, all of these are easily located and deleted. Banned if they insist.
I see that sounds like blogposting, its just that usually see people accuse post of blog posting if they are long and well thought out.
Someone making a well a long and well thought out critique of a certain show and then everyone just reponse with nice blog or something.
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>meta general
>530 replies

I knew it. Thanks a lot Hiro you fuck.
Special protection by the mods.
>not NANI?
The main difference is that seasonal generals exist because they currently have a show airing to talk about and will hopefully vanish once it's over. On the contrary, Jojo general is a shitfest that would be around even if they had nothing. That's why Jojo threads deserve to be treated like any other long-running general despite having the DiU adapation.

On top of that, I'd also suggest to increase the moderation of seasonal generals. If a general reaches a certain level of cancer then they should face concequences even if they have an airing show.
Because not all of those fit the general criteria. A recurrent thread doesn't automatically make it a general thread.
Monmusu threads are shit but
>Everyday until you like it
Board culture, rather important board culture as well
Learning resource very important to the quality of /a/ and /a/s contributions to itself and 4chan as a whole
>Buyfag threads
Learning resource
>It's time
Either have one general dedicated to homoseries or have 10, take your pick

Fuck off /v/
so am I the only one that just doesn't have any particular complaints about /a/?
compared to the shit other boards face, and shit /a/ has faced in the past, everything seems to be fine to me.
>enabling spoonfeeding
>If a general reaches a certain level of cancer then they should face concequences even if they have an airing show.
what other show is doing that this season other than re;zero?
No one wants to talk about anime anymore, everyone would rather bitch at each other about nothing.

I don't even care about generals anymore at this point but at least the ones not related to /a/ like DJT should be purged.
new thread

>crying about not being spoonfed
Fuck off.

>it's ok to spoonfeed on the things I want

Fuck off.
Anime is shit nowadays, there's nothing to talk about
Thanks for the worthless input.
>Learning resource very important to the quality of /a/ and /a/s contributions to itself and 4chan as a whole
What the fuck?

It's a learning resouce in that it has a link to a pastebin. The rest is off-topic posts, many of them just blogging.
Danganronpa threads are pretty terrible.
You're welcome
You mean he wasn't talking about removing stuff like vlcsnap from the filename?
By that logic you don't need schools just the books contained within. That is to say: you're wrong- they have added value.

Nice strawman I guess?
>and for having reddit in your browser history to be a bannable offence
so much this

and ban phone posters
he's talking about the metadata in the webm
>they have added value.
Added "value" that is not anime. You can make a very informative headphone thread on /a/ but it's not anime.
No strawman your argument it's just dumb.
We should just ban people who can't capitalize or use full stops. That gets rid of most of the shittiest posters.
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This. Make a manga board please.
>Board culture, rather important board culture as well
AKA stockholm syndrome.
There'd be no difference if it went to /jp/ either.

It's not /a/ related at all and it fits /jp/ in every way possible
We've been over this. No.
Can confirm, Love Live is full of cancer, newfriends and should be purged.
>/q/ thread from six years ago
All of those have another board where they fit better.
The literal purpose of /int/
>It's time
/cm/and /hm/

trapfags and "it's time" faggots should be banned this is not even /a/ at all.
Actually, in the it's time-threads, they do talk about the anime shows and manga they have an interest in for the guys they lust after.
Fair enough but this thread is shit.
enjoy your monster musume 24/7 generals

enjoy your tripfags
Anime fags don't want this because 90% of the quality posters and threads would go there.
Whats the point of your name? it really never had any benefits.

Is it because at some point you thought you could make friends on 4chan? /a/? You can make friends with the anonymous as long as you discuss on topic and having giggles and fun while at that. And keeping your sanity high and well for variety reasons. You are a gown up now or a child. You'd think you understand that there is no point in having a name, or a trip, but at the end you kept on having it just to satisfy your own ego. You think you have everything but there something empty inside you, and remember what I said it was the ego you trying to fulfill. But really, what tripcoders want? Is it because you wanted to fill the field so badly because it was empty? That's right! That's the whole point! remember what I said about ''You think you have everything but there something empty inside you'' Exactly. The ego you have now is because of these reasons, the filling the name in the field.

But you stayed...

At the end you didn't want to reticulate yourself, and the rest of tripcoders didn't. Some did though. The rest of userbase stayed anonymous as intended. While you and the rest of tripcoders and names found some ''fanboys'' and ''haters'' to try to fulfill your own, actual ego and selfishness. And it was always because of attention gathering. This is the most meticulous way of damage control. Proud of you for finding the key!
>You can make friends
stopped reading here, all i care about is the board.
>>It's time
>/cm/and /hm/
/cm/ is a dump board where discussion gets deleted unless you post an image every tiem and /hm/ is for 3DPD.
>Move sadpanda threads
Then the threads would be against the rules.

/h/ is for dumping only, not discussion.
>not recognizing copypasta
This is nowhere written in the rules of /h/.

I think LNfags need to go to /jp/, either that or there needs to be a /vg/ equivalent for /a/ so that they can be contained. Half the shitstorms on /a/ are due to LNfags vs animefags, along with the trolls that exploit the chaos. That's all I've ever wanted honestly.
You've had 6 threads fuck off
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It's been a while since the unique IP counter thing was added, overall do you think it was a positive addition?
Weren't LNs originally /jp/ territory?
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You're just jealous that anime girls prefer manly hispanics than pussified anglos.
Yes please.
The benefit of knowing when someone's samefagging or a new poster is minimal. The downside of being disenchanted with how many people post in a thread is bigger to me. I kinda liked the mystique of not knowing how many unique posters there were in a given thread.
>Mugi's half breed came out really dark

'sup Mugi
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They're supposed to be even now, but /jp/ is a lot more elitist than we are. They likely got called out on their faggotry and sent back here. What LNfags have to offer just doesn't belong on /a/, from their posting style to the types of threads they make. Never has, never will.
I don't pay attention to LNs (the only one I read is the Vampire Hunter D) or their threads, what are they like?

No he wouldn't.
/a/ having periodic meta threads was tacitly supported by the mods even before hiro.
I'm hoping this doesn't become a daily thing though.
/jp/ doesn't want LN threads. They don't care about LNs. Nothing to do with the faggotry of people in the threads.

He caused the problem to begin with.
The fact that phoneposters can actually increase it simply by using airplane mode makes it worthless.
Sadly some fag is going to try and push it now they have "permission", as it is basically new shitposting fuel and a way to bash mods at the same time for them now.
>this is your ____ for ____
>would you a _____
>____ are for _____
I fucking hate these threads.
i think he's complaining about specific series
there are ln with peaceful threads and ln with threads having "secondaryfag" bickering etc
1. Make /a/ forced anonymous, no more tripfags. If they become avatarfags global ban them
2. Ban all generalshit, this includes shit like /ai/, any kind of numbered thread, Sadpanda, Buyfag threads, etc.
3. Actually fucking ban people for sauce and spoonfeeding again.
4. Enable visible sage.
5. Sound webms
6. Have at least 1 mod and janitor around that are dedicated to patrolling the board and switch around every 4-6 hours, if you give enough of a faget to volunteer for this site you should be able to at least do this.
>if you give enough of a faget to volunteer for this site
I do. Getting accepted is a different story. I've been rejected at least 4 times.
1. Tripcodes serve a legit purpose
2. What constitutes a general? There's no clear definition for this, your definition is "what I don't like"
3. Fair point, but it causes meaningless drama
4. "Visible sage" became a downvoting system, in which people saged to show disapproval, its removal was for the best.
5. Good point
6. You do realise they do it for free don't you? You can't schedule or force volunteers to do anything
Thread posts: 601
Thread images: 57

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