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Let's discuss what we think is wrong with /jp/ (if there's

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Let's discuss what we think is wrong with /jp/ (if there's anything) and how we would fix it.

Don't delete this janny "kudasai", Hiro gave us permission.
Janny will still probably delete unless Hiro is present.
Make it /pc/ Paizuri Culture.
i thought hiro would be the one to make the thread?
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Meta jaypee is best jaypee!

So can Hiro tell clearly awful sarcastic ideas from the legit ones voiced by a good chunk of the community? I'ts hard enough for fluent people to understand sarcasm and tone of a piece over the net sometimes, but i'm much more wary of his case since he hasn't proven a good bullshit detector like moot had when it came to dealing with the community.
Remove all generals that can be removed. There are a few that are difficult to remove, but removing the rest would be a good start.

I heard generals will be removed at the end of the year.
Whiny idiots is what bothers me the most, specially the ones that go into threads and complain about them without doing anything productive. Probably the same retards that wanted to make this thread to talk about how much they want "quality threads" while never saying what they are or attempting to make them.
Remove this "if it is japanese shit, it belongs to /jp/" kiddy mindset where they think they aren't crossing the line of being off-topic
Let 2D porn be posted on blue boards, including shota/loli and furry
I had a lot of complaints for a long time but now that this thread is here I can't remember any of them anymore.

I think that it would be nice if hikikomori and imageboard culture could be added to the list of topics on an experimental basis, and that self-moderation that isn't flooding or volume shitposting be tacitly permitted..
I just want them to enforce the rules without any favoritism, and maybe, maybe, allow the posting of nipples.

Also to have some minimum tangible quality limit that gets threads below it moved to /c/ or /e/ or /d/.

Also just make a board for 3D/jp/. Not just idol threads, but dramas, random musicians, movies, power rangers type stuff, all that shit. Like /jtv/ or something. JAV and gravure threads have to go there too or to /s/ and deal with /s/.
/jc/ - Japanese Culture
bring back NEET threads
Bring visible sage back (<- This is very important), make a board for 3D idolshit and similars. Make moderation slightly softer as long the shitposting respects the board theme.

There, I don't really care about the rest.
I also want to state that I wouldn't mind the idol threads IF they didn't constantly get mad at each other and decide every little group and subgroup needs its own thread. Having a board for it, they could just make a thread for each individual girl in their groups and be done with it.

Now that you mention it, there also needs to be an actual Japan/General so people with questions about Japanese language, culture, moving there, where to go, taking pictures, food, etc can go there. Literally just "anything Japanese welcome" so it's not just Japanese /p/ + /trv/. You can post anime and shit there too, so it's more like a Japanese/Random but it's still worksafe.
remove touhou meme threads
encourage more generals
make it a nsfw board
remove whiny threads like these
>Make moderation slightly softer as long the shitposting respects the board theme.
Name some shitposts that do.
Keep /jp/ the way it is, the more you splinter off boards with more specific boards (splintering /v/ into /vp/, /vg/, and /vr/ for example), the more shitposting happens, because people have less to discuss.

Also, bring back /l/ - loli, but make it for shota and furry porn too, that way the touhou and shota shitposers will go elsewhere.
Shut up with this and go to >>>/trash/
see what i mean, they just want to shitpost
For the time being I think it might be nice if we first pulled up the full diversity of opinions on /jp/, and saved the jumping on each other for having the wrong opinions until after we've got everything on the table.
>Keep /jp/ the way it is
Truer than it sounds, /jp/ is a slow board.

Hiro just need to do something about the mods, janny and their regulation about banning and deleting shitposts, because honestly, they're being a quite a bitch lately
Why do people who say "janny/jannie(s)" expect to be taken seriously?
The mods don't give a fuck about any of this.

Hiroyuki doesn't give a fuck about any of this.

Even if either of them did, they don't coherently or productively correspond with each other anyway.

If you don't believe me, go to IRC and try bringing up any of this and see where it gets you.
>if there's anything
There's only ever been one problem on /jp/... and it's the 2hu shitposters and their roleplaying and /e/ image dump threads.

There's nothing anyone can do to fix that though as they have legit mental health issues and will chimp out if their safespace is threatened.
Why would someone even take an "Anonymous" poster seriously
>bring back NEET threads
What's the IRC? You can just go there and link this thread.
Merge idol/singer/music generals into one general, or get rid of them altogether.

Move game generals (mahjong, etc.) to /vg/. Touhou gameplay is fine, since this is what /jp/ was made for in the first place.

Allow for character threads, since those are some of the most active on the board, but only one at a time. We don't need three fucking Kogasa threads up at the same time.

Fetish threads are /e/ material. Get rid of those.

VN threads are fine, keep them. I don't like them personally, but they fit perfectly here.

These are just suggestions I came up with looking at my filtered subjects list.
>We don't need three fucking Kogasa threads up at the same time.
Yes we do. We need as many threads as necessary to express the popularity of a character.
This is just false hope. He's gone. It's already 1:30am.
>remove the stuff I don't like
>make the stuff I do like more prominent

How anyone could think this thread would accomplish anything other than this is beyond me.

/jp/ is already a slow ass board, no reason to splinter it into 2 or 3 even slower boards. Just more consistent moderation is required.

/jp/ - 2D Random

For our promised land!
>>remove the stuff I don't like
It's like you didn't read my post at all.
Ban generals. Ban idols.
I did.
>merge or remove all the music or idol threads I don't
>move the game threads I don't like but keep the ones I'm ok with

Literally what your post boils down to. There's no difference between discussing mahjong or touhou or shogi or whatever on this board other than personal bias.
Idols and <insert music genre here> have an entire board dedicated to their overall area. It's called /mu/.

Traditional games, such as mahjong, shogi, etc., have an entire board as well. It's called /tg/. It stands for "traditional games."

Video game generals, such as that of Elona, belong on /vg/. The only games that more or less don't fit there or on /v/ are Touhou (in fact /jp/ was created in order to keep Touhou out of /v/ and /a/) and stuff like untranslated VNs, due to obvious linguistic circumstances.

And if you think I just want stuff I don't like removed from /jp/, why the fuck would I want to keep VNs? They're garbage. But they have a very good reason to be here, and I respect that.
Bring back Hikki threads and stop anyone who posts on /r9k/ from posting there if you can
I thought /jp/ was a byproduct of weeaboos that were too weird even by weeaboo standards.
Can't fix a garbage pile.
There have been a few threads like these in the past. I think this might be the most recent one.

Maybe someone else here can dig out the key points from that thread. I have to sleep soon.
Do you even browse /tg???
Mahjong and shogi is japanese culture.
Not him but what I think is, mahjong/shogi threads that don't devolve into generals can stay here, but the generals are better off at /tg/.
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>Idols and <insert music genre here> have an entire board dedicated to their overall area. It's called /mu/.
>Traditional games, such as mahjong, shogi, etc., have an entire board as well. It's called /tg/. It stands for "traditional games."
>Video game generals, such as that of Elona, belong on /vg/. The only games that more or less don't fit there or on /v/ are Touhou (in fact /jp/ was created in order to keep Touhou out of /v/ and /a/) and stuff like untranslated VNs, due to obvious linguistic circumstances.

Read. It says "western visual isn't accepted here".
From that, we can assume that western shit isn't accepted here, so we can safely say that Idols will stay, and not gonna move to /mu/. Mahjong and shogi shit will stay, and not move to /tg/. Elona, rhythm shit will stay, and not move to v/.

Look, you even said it yourself
>The only games that more or less don't fit there or on /v/ are Touhou
Do you really think Idols will fit on /mu/? Do you really think Mahjong would be appreciated in /tg/?
Because if yes, then Touhou would definitely be accepted in /v/
This would make the board worse
I think idols, celebrities, and e-celebrities should all be contained on one board of their own. Perhaps this could improve /jp/ and /tv/ in one go.
An idol board would be faster than /jp/, 100%. So would a board bout Japanese shit that's not otaku culture. Also /jp/ could stand to be slower.
>Video game generals, such as that of Elona, belong on /vg/.
>stuff like untranslated VNs, due to obvious linguistic circumstances.
So Elona, a Japanese otaku oriented (as in the game is laced with otaku themes) doujin game still in the process of being translated doesn't belong here?
Not him but
>western visual isn't accepted here
Even so, I don't see how removing the stuff he mentioned like idol threads would automatically make western shit come in and take its place. That's some leap of logic you've got there.

>Do you really think Idols will fit on /mu/? Do you really think Mahjong would be appreciated in /tg/?
No to the former, yes to the latter.

Or maybe we can do >>15837034 for idol threads.
OP, you invited the spammers and shitposter to create thread here. Good effort for trying to make JP fast.
Touhou IS accepted on /v/, for your information, just not in massive volumes.

As someone who was actually here when /jp/ was created (unlike some in this thread), I realise what this board basically stands on. And let me tell you it isn't Japanese music, or Japanese traditional games. /jp/ was envisioned as a containment board for all manner of Touhou material, and while Touhou is still accepted on /v/ and sometimes even on /a/, Touhou generals and other assorted spam belongs here on /jp/.

Similarly, I've nothing against the occasional idol or music thread, but if you want twenty fucking generals, each in its fiftieth iteration, there are other boards for that. Dedicated boards.
Exactly this. The jantior and mod don't care what Hiro says.
I see /jp/ as a sfw english version of futaba's 東方裏 board and prefer it that way
Also, there's no touhou community like /jp/'s and if touhou was taken away from /jp/ I'd have nothing left.
Thank you for making this thread.
Idols is Japanese culture, there's a reason why it would never be a western thing, and it's also the reason why it fits here in this board, "Otaku Culture".

>As someone who was actually here when /jp/ was created (unlike some in this thread), I realise what this board basically stands on. And let me tell you it isn't Japanese music, or Japanese traditional games. /jp/ was envisioned as a containment board for all manner of Touhou material, and while Touhou is still accepted on /v/ and sometimes even on /a/, Touhou generals and other assorted spam belongs here on /jp/.
Then by your wording, /jp/ should be abolished and Hiro should make 2 new boards. A touhou board and a Japanese culture board

Thank god you're still awake.

>what is wrong with /jp/

>how we would fix it
Banning on sight.
a Paizuri General would improve this board by leaps and bounds.
I don't dispute that, but you sound as if boards like /mu/, /tg/ and /vg/ only allow Western stuff, which is completely false.
Get rid of the fucking generals and JAV shit. Everything else is fine.
Please get rid of the moderation staff, Hiro.
Do you like /jp??
Is it otaku enough for you??
Like you said above, Touhou is accepted on /v/ and sometimes on /a/.

I'm not saying those things I've mentioned aren't welcomed in /mu/,/tg/, and or /vg/. I'm just saying that because these "other Japanese shit/Japanese culture" don't really have a clear containment for the Western fans(because this is an English-language imageboard). They've chosen to stay here. The reason why they """fit""" here.
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Remove 3D shit generals
If generals autosaged I wouldn't have a problem with them.
The material belongs here, but they tend to clog up the catalog.
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The term originated in the 1970s as a way of referring to a subculture fan (specifically anime and science fiction fans, which at the time were considered subculture). In the 1990s, some of it’s negative connotations disappeared, and it referred to someone who was very into a specific hobby. Now it covers fans of anything, and is often referred to someone who is very engaged in something, possibly to the level of obsession.
>Like you said above, Touhou is accepted on /v/ and sometimes on /a/.
Not that guy either.

>because these "other Japanese shit/Japanese culture" don't really have a clear containment for the Western fans
Maybe that is the case for /mu/. But /tg/ takes almost everything well, /v/ doesn't care much (since even 2hu threads can be found there) and /vg/ is filled with containment threads so it wouldn't be a problem for those boards.
who supports kana captcha?
Remove 3D shit
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>Then by your wording, /jp/ should be abolished and Hiro should make 2 new boards
What the fuck are you even talking about? Where did you get that message? Are we even speaking the same language?

/jp/ is a Touhou board first. It's a Touhou containment board. I'm not a purist, so I've nothing against the occasional idol, video game or traditional game thread, but GENERALS for this stuff already have dedicated boards: /vg/, /tg/ and /mu/. They do not belong here. They belong on /vg/, /tg/ and /mu/.

We can have an occasional idol or mahjong thread, same as an occasional Touhou thread being acceptable on other boards. However, generals already have their dedicated areas.
I agree with what you're saying but I have proposition to make.

Hear me out Hiro-san,
I browse /co/ and they implemented a page 10 rule to the GENERAL thread there.

page 10 rule meaning, they can't create a new thread until the thread is in page 10 and the new premature thread would be immediately deleted IF the current thread is still not on page 10

This is the answer to GENERAL threads that would be accepted by both parties.
I really want this です
Wtf is this place? Wtf is an option this board is confusing fack
mina chou uzai
i'm on
it'll be fun
>Now it covers fans of anything
By your logic /jp/ should be a random board
Get the JAV and Gravure threads the fuck out. There's already recurring JAV threads on /gif/ and /hc/ and there's no reason why Gravure shouldn't be on /s/.

Bring back visible sage. It was removed because /sp/ idiots got butthurt and used it as downvote. Thankfully /jp/'s users have triple digits IQ and don't get mad if Anonymous is written in a blue font.

I don't like all the idol generals, but idols "are" an otaku topic and they can't just be moved to another board without heavily disrupting that board. I'm not /a/ so I don't want to shit up another board to get rid of our trash (>>15828000). Allow idol threads but don't make them recurring, or better yet make a celebrity board so that they go there, and it would also help clean up /tv/ a bit.

Captcha is a Google thing, so I don't know how feasible that would be
No, it should be a board for people who are obsessed with Japanese culture, sub-culture, etc.
But i'm ok with pure 2hu jp board
Almost forgot: move light novel threads to /a/.
Remove 3DPD general.
To their credit, a number of generals here already do that
/jp is already a very slow board
Great. Now people will just keep lying in this thread and because you're watching, we'll have to call them out on every little obvious bullshit. And an OP full of shitposter shibboleths certainly doesn't help.

/jp/ wasn't even envisioned as a board for all the things moot didn't want /a/. He literally wanted to have an all-purpose Japan board that would "unfortunately" also house VNs and Touhou and idols. It became a board for VNs and Touhou and idols because a) we /a/ rejects were the only ones who cared, b) there was a lot of us and c) we pretty much scared off the normal people (a lot of times intentionally).
Pretty much all of them do to my knowledge.
The generals are here because they're a common, Japan-related interest. I don't care for idols in the slightest, but I think moving them off this board would be a huge mistake.
>sure, they do fit in here
>but UUGGHHHH they always clump up the catalog
This is what really the bottom line is. I said it once and I'll say it again

page 10 rule for all GENERALS

It would literally take atleast 10 seconds for a mod to delete a PREMATURELY created thread general
This is pretty much all we need.
There is nothing wrong with /jp/ that can't be fixed by people hiding threads about topics they aren't interested in.
They try to, but there's a certain someone who likes to spam images to the cap, then delete and ban anyone who continues to use the current thread instead of the new one they make regardless of what page the thread is on.
Would be fine if all generals are also mandated to have the word "general" in the subject.
Leave everything as it is.
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>hiding threads
>If I hide shit under the carpet and pretend it doesn't exist maybe one day I'll get used to smell of shit
Also as >>15837186 said: what if a general reaches image limit before reaching page 10.

Seriously, the page 10 rule isn't bad, but moving generals away to faster boards would work better.
You mean the mod/janitor that deletes all posts that suggest not spamming reaction images or image dumping?
That fucker?

Yeah, that guy needs to be sacked.
who best 2hu
who do you like more, /a/ or /jp/
answer kudasai
For shit, like your all-green post, there's the report button.

But it's for shit posts, not topics you don't like.
>what if a general reaches image limit before reaching page 10.
Delete it, than a new one can be started. There's no difference in deleting the old thread or deleting premature threads.
Please ban JAV and Gravure threads. I don't care about the others. Idols, onaholes, monstergirls, they can all stay if you just remove the JAV and Gravure threads.
Why would you move them away if they're board relevant?
It's not like this board doesn't have plenty of room as it is. It takes three+ days for a thread to fall off this board.
Please make /jp/ moderation more lax.
Deleted threads do not archive.

I complain about generals a lot, but when you look at other boards' generals and compare them with our own, /jp/ generals are pretty nice. Little circlejerking, they stay on topic most of the time, they wait until they're on page 10, they're ok.

The problem is that there are just too many of them, and they move too fast, which causes all the other threads to suffer. I've basically stopped using sage here because I know that if I sage a thread is going to be gone the next day because it was pushed off the board.

When /vg/ was created, there were like 3 generals on /v/, the second fastest board in 4chan. Now we are on /jp/, a medium-slow board, and I just counted 31 generals on the catalog.

Saying this, JAV, gravure and monster girls absolutely do not belong here and should be removed
Anon, that gravure thread is not even a general.
Can you read?
Oh boy, it's another "let me shape the board how I see fit" like some crafty jew. At least this time the majority isn't trying to kick out Kancolle, so I assume we've come to accept it.
例えば ヘンタイ、テンタクルポルノ etc..
Remove idols.

Remove generals.
>At least this time the majority isn't trying to kick out Kancolle, so I assume we've come to accept it.
/jp/ accepted Monster Girl Thread, why the fuck wouldn't they be able to accept KanColle?
Don't remove anything.
I don't like Kancolle as a franchise, but it's undeniably /jp/ material. I don't even know why it should be recluded into a general.

>/jp/ accepted Monster Girl Thread

wwwwww no we didn't
I have a feeling that guy from /pol is spamming here. The way he type, I can sense it.
Remove this guy
>There's no difference in deleting the old thread or deleting premature threads.
1/10 bait

It's because generals only really work if their speeds match up to the speed of the board it's in. Most if not all the generals in here are way too fast for /jp/, so they don't work here and should be moved to faster boards.

Now, I would not mind if occasional, non-general threads with those topics were made in /jp/, because we wouldn't need to be concerned about them being too fast for /jp/. However, the generals are not like that. They fit a lot better in faster boards than in here.

>I assume we've come to accept it.
It's a general like the others. What applies to generals also applies to it, so for the time being you can treat it as such.

Besides, you definitely won't be able to accept it if, say, the /a/ thread is forced to /jp/ as well.
Ban 2D.
Ban this guy
The speed of a thread does not change its relevance to the board.
A topic should not be penalized for being popular. If you get a /jpg/ made, go ahead and move them there, otherwise it's just making a mess out of things.
Please reduce time limit of making a thread.
Perfume threads should f*ck off!!!!!!!!! No place in /jp for that shit
And they are just as relevant in other boards, which also have the speed to match them. I don't see why you're so against making such a move. It's not like I'm asking them to be moved to /b/ or something.

>A topic should not be penalized for being popular.
For a fast thread in a slow board, yes it does.
Why create an entire new board when the generals cluttering up /jp/ already have places elsewhere they belong? Idols/babymetal go to /mu/, video games go to /vg/, board games go to /tg/, gravure and JAV go to /s/ or /gif/, and monstergirls go to /d/. There's no need to complicate things.

Also, I remind you generals cluttering up the board were the reason why /vg/ was created. So "penalizing threads because they're popular" isn't really a thing anymore.
>JAV, gravure and monster girls absolutely do not belong here
All of them have a long history on /jp/. There's a specific problem with the current monster girl general in that it was a chunk of /a/ forcibly transplanted here by micromanaging mods. But it's the posters and their culture who don't belong, not the topic itself.

>I don't even know why it should be recluded into a general.
It shouldn't, that's what they chose. Like pretty much everyone except Touhou fans, back when not having a general meant being immediately spammed to death.
I didn't use the world general. Can you read?
We really need to get rid of generals so we can have room for more quality threads like >>15836478 and >>15834211
It has a link to the previous thread on the OP, it's a general
Bring back visible sage, bring back e-mail field, bring back own thread deletions. Basically, reverse all of moot's retarded decisions. Allow a wider range of Japanese topics and add kana captcha.
>JAV and gravure have a long history on /jp/.
Really? I used to see some small threads from time to time. I don't think of them as truly belonging here.
You need a post per hour or more to survive on /vg/, many jp-related games here dont come close to that.
/vg/ is a death sentence.
>bring back own thread deletions.
I want this shit back

For the love of Shinto god Hiroyuki, please.
Alright folks. I propose this.

If a general can belong on more than one board, the speed of the board should take priority as a tiebreaker over where the general currently is now.

Just because they're here now and the topic can fit the board it's currently in doesn't mean that said board is the best suited for it. In fact, in most cases it isn't.
I don't know man, I don't think /mu/ is too fast and I don't want to suddenly push 10+ threads on them.
Those kind of threads had a tendency get buried over new threads on old /jp/. Whe didn't so many autist bumping those threads out from page /10/ until it hit bump limit either.
That's why some people are proposing the page 10 rule

>b-but we cant post any more images after 300 image posts
Fucking hell, you can still have discussion without images.
Not to mention they would undoubtably shitpost the idol threads to death unending.
KanColle does. Can we move it there then?
Please, please bring back visible sage. Even if it's only for this board.

Wait, I thought it was silently brought back? Or maybe only on certain boards?
It's a slow fucking board that stays to its topic

What the fuck are we even complaining about?

Modify it to "page 10 or image limit rule" instead, and make it such that discussion can still take place in the old thread even when a new one is made, then we can talk.

Besides, the page 10 rule can be applied just as easily to whichever board it's moved to, and chances are it'll work better there.
The board doesn't have a high enough concentration of random shitpost threads.
Some guys here did the same and they didn't prevail, so it doesn't really matter.

What boards?
I just went to /gif/ and /hc/, there was a JAV thread in each board. For some reason these people need 3 different boards to discuss porn because it comes from a certain country.

Remove them from here. It's not like they can't discuss it on those boards and even better, they can't actually fucking post pictures of what they are talking about. Seriously, what's the fucking point of talking about porn in a SFW board?
Alright, that means JAV threads should go. Next.
You call them shitposts, I call them fun threads. Or at least they used to be fun because the fun ones get removed fast.
Any actual quality/fun threads have absolutely no problems staying alive on /jp/. They are in no danger of being kicked out by the generals.
If you can't get a single post in 3 days then maybe the discussion is dead.
What the hell even is the point of /jp/ if we remove all these threads? /2hu/?
To go back to the good old days. Just go to warosu and see.
There's an "awoo" thread that is a month old.
Let /jp/ moderate itself again, remove the generals though.
Well, sure. They've always been here, is all I'm saying. I admit what I mainly remember from days of yore are the child idol threads.

Moot hated generals, and judging from how 2ch works, Hiroyuki does not. Any precedents set under moot's rule should be considered invalidated.

Please, no. No more micromanaging. If people want to talk about something on a board, and it fits the board's theme, let them.

You may call a piece of turd a steak, it won't make it one.
Idol generals just need some extra moderation. Spam has been running rampant in those threads and made them reach the image limit faster. I've seen like 5 different AKB threads in the catalogue at the same time at some point. Spam is regularly reported but those reports are regularly ignored too.
Threadly reposts are something that everyone could do without too. Posters spamming pictures when a thread is around 280 images pictures just so it reaches the limit faster and they can make a new thread with whatever thing they want to force in the OP is another issue too. Posting 30 similar pictures from the exact same event in the same thread is kind of unnecessary too. Those minor things would noticeably slow down those threads without really affecting the discussion.
Actually, it used to be quantity over quality but it seems like nowadays we've got neither.
>Any precedents set under moot's rule should be considered invalidated.
Jesus Christ, how new can you be?
this thread is fucking stupid. Do you guys even look at the catalogue? Generals are a good thing. Look 70% of the threads on this board, its just image dumps for a single random tuhu or idolmaster character that can all be contained if they just posted in a single general. There doesn't need to be threads dedicated to a single character when there could be a thread dedicated to characters of a topic.
Doujin games in general, for starters.

We're currently discussing where to move them to, if at all.
JAV does not fit this board's culture though. It's fucking porn, the only different thing about it is that it comes from Japan.
fuck off
Just give 2hu its own board for Christ's sake and the problems will be solved.
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>Generals are a good thing
/2hu/ - Touhou
/jc/ - Japanese Culture
>Doujin games in general, for starters.
So let's remove all the doujin game generals, right?
I apologise, I can't remember which boards. I rarely ever made threads before but once the no self deletion rule was added I made threads even less frequently. All I remember was that I made a thread somewhere sometime recently and was able to delete it. I'll have to keep an eye on everything from now on.
monstergirl shitters, idol shitters, and kig freaks.

get rid of generals, bring back warosu and kill all the janitors
They are because people haven't been forced to conform to meme threads in a long time
>if at all
You can't read.
Please rename the board to 2D/Random, and get rid of 3D idol threads.
Have both, 2D random board and Japanese culture board.
Please make these kind of posts allowed, they don't harm anyone.
It might be that it adheres to the same rules as self post deletion, i.e. you can only do it for a set time after the post.


I don't care about idols whatsoever, but where else could they go? A Japan - Miscellaneous board? I was under the impression that that's what /jp/ basically is and always was.

JAV needs to go though.
All of you would be terrible mods if you had even a little power.
give touhou its own containment board like MLP and pokemon. More than half of the threads here are just people jerking off to fandom touhou pics and memes

I don't think any of us here can do any worse than the current crop of mods, even if we tried.
bring back /ghost/
die poser
More like, idols need the "containment" boartd
Kill all these touhou threads. They need their own board or something. Keep all 2D idols(idolmaster) in one thread.
you guys are trying to index a site that wasn't meant to be. Fools
That might be it. I've always deleted my own posts as soon as the counter allowed me to.
All i see is people suggesting to turn /jp into reddit. Cool. Oyasumi pun pun~
Too many "Generals"
At this point, /jp/ is worse than reddit, so that would actually be an improvement.
All I see you doing is shitposting.
theres only 6 idol generals

compared to the countless fucking 2hu threads its nothing. They actually stay on topic and dont shit up the board
too much touhou
Too many "Touhous"
Quality post.

Removing the only part of the board that can stand on its own does nothing to address the problems of the remainder.
They really need to bring back the password field so you can delete threads even if you reset your browser.
holy shit coordinated shitposting

first time i've seen it.
Why have none of the resident /jp/ meta experts and armchair moderators ever managed to acquire a position during any of the janitor drives?

It's almost as if all these ideas are shit and no one cares to autistically micromanage this slowass irrelevant board.
And what are those problems may i ask?
They literally talk about the same shit and clog up the board.

They also bring people like you who don't give a shit about anything else.
/jp/ is fine as it is now. People keep complaining about generals when they barely take up space on the board. I'd take those over spamming /jp/ with garbage one-line threads that don't have a purpose other than to get attention
And that's only the idol generals, it's sad to see the front page full of generals.
It's just another cesspool for generals. The fact that threads are allowed to be less topical on /a/ than on /jp/ is as hilarious as it is tragic when you remember why this board was made. It's probably beyond saving, but for starters fire everyone
Frankly I think we're doing fine compared to most boards. /jp/ still feels like /jp/, I can't say that about every board.
You just described the 2hu threads perfectly.

/jp/ is a good board, but it's nice to have a meta discussion like this once in a while
I agree. Deleting something like the AKB general would just multiply the amount of active AKB threads on the board and make it harder to filter or ignore for people that didn't want to see it.
Sure, I guess it feels the same if you've never stepped outside of Touhou armpit threads
People still look at the front page? Just use the catalog and sort with last reply
>being a newfag
Complaining about Touhou shitting up /jp/ is like complaining about Pokémon shitting up /vp/
Why not go back to your general? You don't care about this board after all.
Just fucking make /jp/ into 4chan nijiura already.

That's what the board has always been trying to be anyway. The only thing ever stopping it was the bizarre and arbitrary board delineations that moot was all autistic about.

Let /jp/ finally embrace it's destiny.
>oh i like touhou
>im an oldfag
Move all the idol generals to /mu/
Move the kigurumi general to /cgl/
Move the fumo thread to /toy/
Move the onahole thread to /thrash/ or somewhere
Move the monster girl thread to /d/ or /e/
Move all the non lewd image dump threads to /c/
Move all the lewd image dump threads to /e/
Move game threads to /vg/, vns can stay
Move jav and gravure threads to /s/
Move the train station threads to /n/ or /out/
Move the denpa and vocaloid threads to /mu/
Move the jdrama thread to /tv/
Move all the 2d idol threads to /a/

Here, now /jp/ is clean and pretty. Tell me if I forgot something
Only general-goers use exclusively the catalog. Do that and you'll see even more generals. I miss the days when threads beyond page 5 were effectively dead.
>Idol generals just need some extra moderation.
They still receive the majority of the moderation on this board. General thread posters need to stop being so autistic and whiny.

/jp/ needs a dedicated mod or mods though. Mods that only mod /jp/ and are neither allowed to interact with other boards, nor any other mods allowed to interact with /jp/. That means no thread moving between /a/ and /jp, just deletion.
We could do it your way and split the generals into multiple threads. I'd love to reply to 5 idol threads and 7 kancolle threads and 3 mobage/netoge threads
Bring back FUN /jp/ and remove generals.
Who are you quoting?
Doesn't change the fact that 3D never belonged on this board. Go jerk off to your underage idols somewhere else.
It's not nijiura if I can't post loli and shota, try again.
>yes, we finally have our own board to shitpost 2hu
Nothings left but touhuo fuck that
>oh i come here for idol generals
>i know let's complain about something older than me
/vp/ is literally called pokemon
/jp/ is called japanese culture, not "touhou"
>shitpost 2hu
I will only cutepost 2hu
could just give touhou their own containment board and avoid all that work
It's funny because that's what moot did in 2008
I'm not fully against that. It'll keep the discussion fresher and avoid circlejerking.
I'd name topic insulation, repetitiveness and lack of variety.

But you tell me, you were the one complaining.

>/jp/ still feels like /jp/
Nope. But at least it doesn't feel like /s4s/ anymore.
Fuck off fag
>Otaku culture
>only 2d allowed
Moved to /c/.
>/jp/ is called japanese culture
Idolshit was literally one of the first things on the board though. I hope you're just pretending to be new.
Last time I went to /c/ it was the Madoka board. No thank you.
There would be more variety if there were less touhou threads and it allowed for other smaller topics to stay and not get bumped off the board.
Personally, I hardly ever use the catalog. Never bothered installing addons to use it before the native one was added either. Now that we have a search feature I feel like there's absolutely no reason to use the catalog.

Meido did nothing wrong. A /jp/ with 4 pages of threads is a good /jp/.
nope jp is known for 2ho outside so he isn't pretending
give me mod hiro ill clean jaypee
there were trips and tru/jp/ garbage posters circlejerking way before generals, please
Unless you believe Touhou is the only thing that classifies as Otaku culture the point still stands.
You forgot to move all Touhou to /v/
its that way because there theres too many fucking touhou threads with just one liners and nothing to contribute but image dumps
/mu/ doesn't really like denpa/Vocaloid/doujin/etc music though, right? And /toy/ doesn't like fumos if I'm remembering this right.
>Why have none of the resident /jp/ meta experts and armchair moderators ever managed to acquire a position during any of the janitor drives?

Because no one is stupid enough to give their dox to 4chan.
Nah, it's always been here.
People were mad about it back then too.
I tend to keep to my generals because the front page is usually shit, bored people refreshing for 2hu thread to come up so they can make their "contribution", usually something about sex.
No, there will not be more variety if you push (even more) topics off the board. There will just be less threads and posts.
Well, the touhou gameplay discussion thread
Also, forgot to move the 日本の風景 thread to /out/
It's not like you're contributing anything to the board by keeping yourself isolated in your general.
I am not saying you absolutely shouldn't discuss idols and other stuff on /jp/. But maybe, just maybe, you don't need constant 24/7 threads for it.
touhous is all one topic the only difference is which exact touhou that thread is for and one occasional game thread. Just give it its own board.
Writing paragraph upon paragraph of meta theorycrafting in an attempt to appeal the normalfag mod clique who couldn't give an ounce of a fuck about a board like /jp/, however, is a sign of genuine intelligence.
page 10 rule
yeah, why can't they act like the oc thread folks?
same goes for touhou or any thread topic here
so you want more idol threads? they are contributing by posting in their own generals and not bothering the rest.
>>15837557 is right. A big problem is "general culture" and the idea that topics need their own thread always. This contributes to the "chat room"/circlejerk feel that moot always tried to kill (via post timers for example).
I am not saying you absolutely shouldn't discuss Yukari on /jp/. But maybe, just maybe, you don't need constant 24/7 threads for her.
Oh wait, they have. Please disregard that I suck cocks.
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What do you have on your filter list, /jp/?
It's difficult to start a thread though without it becoming a battleground for if this belongs on /jp/ or not.
touhous and zun
Hiro kept talking about making a list of regulations, so why not make it so he sees it because I don't think he's going to bother reading all this.

I just think you and your generals would be better off in a chat room.
Nothing because I'm not some pussy who can't handle seeing things I do not like.
There's less circlejerk in those than when tru/jp/ posters were left to run rampant here before generals. moot is gone and so is his vision of a meme factory
Generals happen because the board is slow.
The board is slow because content is arbitrarily restricted to a handful of random niche interests.

You need to ease content guidelines, not tighten them. Only then will threads actually be organic again.
if you had your own touhou board, you wouldn't have to filter so much
thank you mod-san
Don't you find it bothersome constantly scrolling past threads you don't and will likely never care about?
The only regulation that's been posted in here that is remotely reasonable is the "don't make a new general thread until your current thread is on page 10" one.
That would allow for discussion without getting shit like 6 AKB threads in the catalog.
I was here since day one, you disgusting pedo freaks, I just didn't mind the idol shit back when it was contained in one thread. If you weren't new, you'd know that /jp/ used to be a 2D otaku board.
>making thoughtful, constructive posts that are longer than the length of a text message
Yes, that is a sign of intelligence.
>Generals happen because the board is slow.
It happens because people that are not familiar with how things used to be done on /jp/ treat threads as if they were chat rooms.
>The board is slow because content is arbitrarily restricted to a handful of random niche interests.
I'm not saying you're wrong but /jp/ used to be at least twice as fast, and that's counting the generals. I think the moderation and generals drove away various posters.
>You need to ease content guidelines, not tighten them.
I completely agree, but only if it doesn't belong to another board already.
/jp/ is slow as hell, chances are the threads you look for will be at the top already.
Spotted the mod.
Because the moderation staff will just prevent them from joining, even if they apply.
This is a the mentality of a general-goer.
>ease content guidelines
Pick one
Delete /vg/. It's the real thing that killed /jp/ content. It also made generals think they were acceptable. It also cultivated shitty general posters who want to re-import themselves and their corrupted threads to /jp/. These people also make stupid shitty posts with their aggressively retarded /vg/ mindsets. Just wipe the whole thing. It's for their own good.
/jp/ was the greatest meme factory of all time. remember that dog and the hoops? damn those were the days.
comiket/con threads or threads with actual discussion would constantly get bumped off because of touhou meme spam so, no, /jp/ wasn't good when it was "fast"
having one active thread that dies out in a couple of days and is replaced is better than having 20 different threads that could last weeks and clog up the catalog even further.
yeah and now its just touhous
Generals sometimes happen because you have topics too broad for a thread but too small for a board.
That monstergirl general is a good example. Their core material is a doujin artbook and a VN from the same author, but generally they're just writing stories and making a lot of art.
They were exiled from /a/, but they wouldn't fit on /d/ or /lit/, and don't have quite enough in common to sustain a /tg/ thread. They banned playing CYOA so they don't fit in /qst/.
In addition, they're actively disdainful (isn't 4chan always?) of the rest of their "fandom" and wouldn't work in a namefagging chat or forum.
So using the doujin nature of their anchor, they fit here.
That weird weeb containment board where moot kicked the Touhou fans from /a/
I've seen other plushie threads on /toy/. The only Japanese things they don't allow are the non-posable figures.
Who are you quoting?

And no, abjectly failing to recognize the futility of an act and trying to convince yourself that you're being "constructive" is the opposite of intelligence.
Uh, Comiket threads were much healthier when /jp/ was "fast". They got shitposted into oblivion once people tried to manage them as a general and now they're mostly selected reposts from other sites
They don't need a single chatroom thread at all. Go to irc or discord or something for that.
Just like how all these touhou threads can just post a link to a folder on imgur with all the images their going to dump.
>I think the moderation and generals drove away various posters.
Shitposting and spam drove away posters. Generals are the only reason not all of them left.

>only if it doesn't belong to another board already
Oh fuck off. You can find another board for anything you don't like.
There is LITERALLY a reoccurring "Monster Musume" thread on /a/ again because it got a fucking anime. So now both boards deal with them. Good job, mods!
Most of the time, a good chunk of those generals are on the front page.
>And no, abjectly failing to recognize the futility of an act and trying to convince yourself that you're being "constructive" is the opposite of intelligence.

>Who are you quoting?
>A meme-turned-shitpost used by people who think they'll convince people to stop using quotation arrows to paraphrase things.
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jp is a great success.jpg
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I haven't been to /jp/ in like a year but it's much better than I remembered it.
You could say that for almost every subject imaginable.
Yeah, honestly.
If you don't count the nutcases that want to kill the janitor I think those "shitposters" were a considerable part of /jp/. If shitposters and spam drove them away why aren't there more posters now than back then?
>You could say that for almost every subject imaginable.
Yes. You could. This is what is meant by not liking generals. They don't need constant chatroom threads.
Technically several boards deal with them.
/vg/ has a monstergirl games general for the sundry games in development and the VNs
/d/ pretty constantly has a monstergirl porn general or two
/a/ has a discussion of the Monster Musume anime and manga
and finally /jp/ has a thread dedicated to discussing the world of Kenkou Cross's artbooks
But there are more posters now because you don't need a shitty tru/jp/ requirement to participate
That's because before the generals everything was just shitposting, touhou memes, and VN memes with more shitposting.
Now we have a bunch of recurring topical threads floating in the piss ocean of danbooru reposts tied to such compelling conversation starters as
>Patchy and Remy have feets!

Moderation needs to lax here if people want this board to be beyond generals and touhou cuteposting. Many /jp/ heritage threads would not be created under this current rule set.


No, because I'm open minded and I recognise my mind can change. Filtering content feels similar to safe spaces.
Reminder /jp/ is one of the slowest boards on 4chan

Reminder most of is general threads, and thats not a bad thing

>Reminder most 2hu threads have no right being an individual thread. Most are no better than "lol look at dis butt" or a wacky sound effect.
>I completely agree, but only if it doesn't belong to another board already.
See, I disagree with that. This is line of thinking is what gave us generals. It's this stupid idea that moot had that every conceivable subject has to have it's own board and that it always has to go there and only there because if we pretend hard enough that boards don't build their own communities then maybe that will be true.

Fuck I hate that. That though process that gave us shit like:
"Oh vns go on /jp/ unless they're western vns because then they go on /vg/ BUT TRANSLATED vns can go on either /vg/ or /jp/ but any discussion of any anime adaption of any vn can ONLY go on /a/ unless it's one of the /vg/ western ones because then that's /co/."
Like if your administration is completely based on isolating subjects and preventing any overlap, then don't be surprised when you end up with a bunch of threads that isolate and don't overlap. 4chan shouldn't be that clinical. You need to be flexible with what you allow each board to discuss. And don't even come at me with that "why even have boards at all then?" bullshit because if you think /jp/ is every going to be discussing football in the same capacity that /sp/ does then you are shit and your opinions are also shit.
You're not even coherent at this point.

Injecting your own definitions and extrapolating wildly is not what paraphrasing means, by the way, so good job failing on your own terms.
there are more posters and they all suck
This is a good post, thank you for making it.
>Most are no better than "lol look at dis butt" or a wacky sound effect.
Fucking this. Not exactly an advocate for generals but this kind of stuff needs to all be shoved into a single thread instead of having tons of threads consisting of OPs going 'A wild Momoji appears!' and 'Icey butt!'
>more posters
The population statistic doesn't seem to be working right now but I could tell you that you're wrong since I've seen them before.
>VN memes
I miss these. Everyone only talks about how shit VNs are nowadays. No new memes. No old memes except Fate ones. No one even posts Tsukihime memes, just Fate ones. Aren't there any new definitive VNs?

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There are a lot of complains in this thread that could be easily be solvable by just not visiting certain threads or filtering them out.

Moving certain threads to other boards will only serve to piss other communities off and divide the users of those threads. If you don't like the subject matter just don't fucking browse them, it's not like /jp/ is a fast enough board that good content is being pushed aside by our few generals.

The only thing I could possibly request at this point sans better moderation is the return of visible sage. Oh yeah, also perhaps flagging images (or threads) as NSFW which would be hugely beneficial to VN and JAV threads.
>playing choose-your-own-bad-ending Chinese pictorial leaflets in 2016
So guys, what are we going to do with the general threads?
That's a total non-sequitur.

The fact is, nobody goes to /jp/ just to talk about whatever anymore. They come for specific topics and ignore the rest of the board. I don't think you're going to dispute that.

Now, do you think it's because the generals magically prevent the remaining 80% of the board from being useful? Or because shitposters prevented the remaining 80% of the board from being useful by constantly shitting on every new topic that wasn't their retarded circlejerk, until everyone just gave up trying?
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/jp/ is evolving

The problem is that /jp/ has very little else beside generals and cuteposting.

/jp/ needs more content and/or the moderation needs to be loosened up so that people can be more creative with the threads they make.
Nothing. Theres nothing wrong with them other than
>its not how /jp/ did them in the passed
Since there seems to be conflicting opinions on what /jp/ should be I suggest we split into a 2d/random kind of board and another for the perfume/scenery/idols. You might think that splitting is bad since this is a slow board but it doesn't seem like /jp/ has any trouble splitting. /jp/ has more spinoffs that any other board because they didn't agree wit h the current /jp/
Leave them, they're the remaining content of /jp/
The only thing pushing them to the end of the catalog is people wanting to post the latest Momiji drawing by making a new thread.
Leave everything as it is.
There is nothing wrong with /jp/ generals, and removing them would do way more harm than good.

Do you want to see as many idol threads as 2hu threads? How about a monstergirl thread for a single species?
making it nsfw would open up more content for sure
This is an important post and I want Hiroyuki to read it.
>It's this stupid idea that moot had that every conceivable subject has to have it's own board and that it always has to go there and only there because if we pretend hard enough that boards don't build their own communities then maybe that will be true.

This shit is even the reason moot made blue boards(because people would rather use /a/ than /h/). I can't even understand what the fuck was his problem.

Although boards building their own communities has its old problems. It's not quite generals, but it leads to stuff like boards raiding other boards. It probably would be better if there was one global community, but you'd need to have many, many less boards for that.
/jp/ needs to be more weeb and talk about more Japanese stuff in general. I want threads on tea/traditional cooking /ck/ is shit. I also want to learn more about how Japanese live, what holidays they have, what they do, etc.
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/jp/ is reclining
>Do you want to see as many idol threads as 2hu threads?

This. AKB alone is more than just AKB. There's also SKE, HKT, NMB, and way more, and that's not including sub units. It needs to stay together.
So the general conclusion is that /jp/ as it stands, is not fit for purpose.

The moderation has stifled any thread creativity.

>/jp/ needs to be more weeb and talk about more Japanese stuff in general.

This sort of opinion is retarded. If you want that content you're welcome to make those threads yourself and see if other users are interested in it.
I have never understood why /jp/ was blue.
But if we get rid of generals, how can I find the latest memes for my favorite idols in each of their individual threads?
And if it doesn't work it can be deleted and we will just accept that nobody cares about that kind of board.
Its not that, its just that not enough people want to talk about Japanese tea ceremonys. They would rather just post art of butts and jack off again.

I have seen less deviating threads banned. /jp/ mods seem too anal to let you make anything different.
>it leads to stuff like boards raiding other boards
You can have your own community without it being cancerous. Sure, some 4chan communities were cancerous like that, but that was a function of inadequate moderation and stupid admin decisions, not something inherent to the concept.
Face it guys, we aren't going to get proper moderation any time soon, so any suggestions you have will need to take this into account. "Better moderation" just isn't going to fly as a suggestion.

That's my point.

This board isn't open enough to attract people who wish to discuss it.


Exactly. You cannot be creative with threads, there's only a very small set of "approved" threads.
Look at how it's 90% softcore porn threads. It would be 90% hardcore porn threads, even if some were from VNs.

But really it was because moot was scared people would post figures being 'hot glued'
moot didn't want hot glue but that's irrelevant now since no one posts figures on /jp/

That's another issue. If the problem is moderation than it should be addressed.

Maybe /jp/ should be renamed Japan General instead of Otaku Culture?
just like /jp/!

But then we're in direct competition with >>>/trv/ and >>>/int/ Japanese general threads.
We dont want to be too open, look at /a/ or /v/.
We need to be more open, but not to the point of attracting the wrong types.
What I meant is that /jp/ is a small community. Even if you made a thread about something you wanted to talk about, for example tea ceremonies, you still wouldn't have enough posters who cared to keep the thread alive. It would just get swallowed by 2hu.

What is the problem? We coexist with /vg/ threads already. Overlapping content isn't a big deal.
/tg/ is the single best example of communities defining subjects.
Is there a Warhammer media that isn't traditional gaming? Doesn't matter. It's Warhammer and that's /tg/'s thing.
Is it a really nerdy, lore-heavy or stat crunchy game that fits into the narrative leanings of /tg/? They're going to claim it and /v/ be damned.
They end up making involved lore threads about video games or claim all discussion of certain PC games wholesale.
And it works for them. Because boards are communities and not clinical subdivisions. If you're going to do that, then you'd need a more complicated architecture with post tagging.
You can't just Dewey Decimal all of a personality or interest group and expect it to work.
>Maybe /jp/ should be renamed Japan General instead of Otaku Culture?
This is genius! It should have been that from the start.
We've had sizable tea threads before.
Let them be magnets or filters. /jp/ despite it's flaws is still better than most boards, especially /int/. Competition implies they have something we want.
those are both blue boards so your local apple store window shopper or company cubicle mole aren't afraid to post in those
A 2D/Random board could be made while they're at it.

Not really. How can a thread compete with a board? Those threads totally could come here.

We're in agreement.


Which is why we should, *rather* need to be more open as a board.
If someone wants to discuss something which would be considered ontopic here, chasing them off to /int/ or /trv/ seems unnecessary.
>Maybe /jp/ should be renamed Japan General
I hope you're joking.
And this is also why you can't just up and move generals wholesale to other boards.
They're just as much a product of their environment as anything else.
>It would just get swallowed by 2hu.

I feel like this is a reoccuring topic/problem and that this needs a fix asap.
We are blue aswell.

/tg/ is definitely an example of a good board. They're community is big enough that each sub-community can mutually support each other sub-community with cross/entry level posters.
The problem cant be fixed, 2 answers crop up.
Banning Touhou.
Getting better mods.

Banning it is retarded, getting good mods is unrealistic.
Read >>15837701

It was the original name wasn't it? My memory is hazy. But if this is what the userbase here wants I don't see the problem. Personally I would''t change anything, /jp/ is in a pretty good place right now.
>swallowed by 2hu.
If you mean thrown off the board by touhou threads that means we need to be made split.
>/tg/ is definitely an example of a good board
Not anymore.

Please consider
He's probably joking, but he's also 100% correct. We should have never accepted the name change.
>/jp/ is in a pretty good place right now

Is it? The whole board stagnate.


Compared to most other boards? They certainly are.
I would argue that 2hu threads provide a necessary cleansing. Before the mods started deleting monstergirl threads at image cap, we had to wait for enough "clownpiece has a butt" threads to occur to wash our old general away so we could post a new one.
> My memory is hazy.
Nice try.
Rename the board to /jp/ - Creativity

I like it.
/jp/ - eccentric japanese hobbies
For those who say they don't mind KanColle, I ask you this.

/a/ wants KanColle threads moved out. Do you really think you will be able to accept them if they get their wish? And on top of that those people really hate those who don't play the game.

If you can, then more power to you. If you can't, then make sure to move the lone general out first.
Who cares?
Seriously. If threads or subjects are duplicated between boards occasionally what's the problem?

Why is competition a bad thing, exactly? To be honest I'd rather discuss sake with /jp/ and post pictures of drunk oni while doing so, but there's probably plenty of other people who would prefer a more serious discussion on /ck/. But if both /ck/ and /jp/ are allowed to discuss sake, then everyone can pick where they'd rather be and everyone is going to be happier overall.

>Is it? The whole board stagnate.

I'm going off on a limb here and say that /jp/ has one of the oldest (as in by time browsed) 4chan users on the website. It is "stagnant" because we use things that are comfortable for us. I don't see this as an issue. I don't want the community here to evolve into what the other boards have become.
it's the /k/ ship posters that makes those threads in /a/ terrible
Is the anime over or something? If so then I guess this would be the only place for them to go.

It's never really fun watching ship idiots shitting up other threads for no reason though. If they could stick to their own general I think it would be fine.
/jp/ - 2D/Fun
Huh? /jp/ has already changed into what other boards have become. Only /f/ keeps the /jp/ spirit alive, ironically.

This board has changed from what it was.
you make it sound like some mass exodus, but its only one KanColle general on /a/. Sure, it sucks picking up another general, but its not like we're running out of threads in rapid fire over here.
/jp/ - Touhous & other shit

Sure, it has changed since 09, but not on the same level.

There is a clear distinction between how users here operate and most others.
does /f/ still run on the ``Marked for deletion (old)'' system?
/tg/ shitposters are worse.

>Is the anime over or something?
Not yet, movie coming out November 26, after which they'll probably be shipped out until season 2, if /a/ gets their wish.

>It's never really fun watching ship idiots shitting up other threads for no reason though.
But they will. They won't stick to the current general because the general is currently almost entirely game discussion and the fags in the general will want to keep it that way.

>some mass exodus
It might as well be.
I think some of the user base has been here a long time.
I've been using 4chan heavily since 2006, and I consider /jp/ my "home" board.
Several years ago it wasn't my key interest though. I went from /b/ to /d/ to /tg/ while spending a lot of time answering requests on /r/
I was quite sad when Popcorn's rapidsearch went down.

Of course, but it seems a fair number of people are unhappy of the state of the union. Would you not like to gain some of that spark from 09 again?
You can't force it to happen again. It doesn't work that way.
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>shipped out

A 2D fun board? What's the difference between that and /c/?
Shits rigged. Probably.

Neither am I trying to, what I am asking for the constraints to be lifted, so that the natural process can start to cultivate.
The last time I've genuinely felt like I'm talking with old-timers was a metathread right after moot's resignation. Maybe the people are still here, but the board mostly feels like contemporary /a/ nowadays. Slower, comfier /a/ with less scum, but /a/ nevertheless.
Remove shit metathreads like this one, for starters.
Keep most generals, they're slow enough that it doesn't really matter. Turn the alternative idols/idols/perfume/other musician threads into one thread though.
JAV thread can go, this is a blue board and that is not really otaku culture.
Elona thread can go as far as I'm concerned, I don't really see how it's /jp/ specifically (though it doesn't really bother me, I don't care if it goes or stays).
Doll and fumo threads should stay, they wouldn't work well on /toy/. I don't care either way what happens to kig threads. The mahjong thread should stay, it's so slow it doesn't even matter anyways.

On the technical side, I think visible sage should be brought back. Moderation-wise, I agree with what as already been said. I also think /jp/ can afford to be pretty lax on NSFW enforcement.

In closing: /jp/ is a very slow board. Removing all kinds of threads from it isn't going to be a good thing. Yes, generals exist and that can be annoying if they don't interest you, but they generally live for a long time and only have one thread up
I do not like the plethora of idol discussion on the board, I feel like it is not an inherently otaku interest, certainly not niche at all.

The rules on /jp/ are counterproductive to the original intent of the board which was to get touhou and memes not related to /a/ off of that board.

More than anything, all the good posters who contributed original content and 'memes' were pushed away or permanently banned for making small infractions by the janitor and mod in 2012-2013. This caused a massive divide. Believe me, there are hundreds of old /jp/ posters who would come back if they knew the site was more accepting of the board culture they came to love so much
/c/ is a board for slow imagedumping, while this would be a silly old /jp/ spirited kind of board.
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Please get a new mod/Janitor, the current one(s) have let the power go to their head and delete things they don't like even if it isn't a shitpost, but some constructive criticism.

They want anons to ass kiss each other/ /jp/ to be a safespace.
Will cocksucking threads be allowed?
>Turn the alternative idols/idols/perfume/other musician threads into one thread though
What a terrible idea. You don't seem to browse neither the generals nor outside them.
>Believe me, there are hundreds of old /jp/ posters who would come back if they knew the site was more accepting of the board culture they came to love so much
They probably wont know if this place changes. 2017 soon, they either moved on or visited Gensokyo.
Make a google docs poll or something instead.

And give more options, like "do you want generals removed from /jp/" and if so, which ones. Then for those who want generals to stay, give options as well. Like whether the board should be split, and if so, into what names.

There are some fast generals here though, and if you merge all the idols into one general it'll become fast too, even if none of the idol generals were.
I simply do not accept that I should have to hide all the idol threads, JAV threads, Onahole threads and various other generals that I have no interest in. These are not otaku interests. Idols should go on /tv/, onaholes on /h/ or /toy/, and jav should go on whatever porn board is most appropriate. Japanese music threads are fine, but they should really go on /mu/. Tea and japanese food should go on the food board.

I'm getting off topic, but I really think /jp/ should just be Japanese /s4s/, somewhat

This is correct.

Meme creation is dirty thing on /jp/ now. You cannot synthesize memes on this board any more. I've actually seen several creative threads being deleted because it wasn't a cutepost or a general.
They all keep tabs on 4/jay/, if they see a thread like this, and they come back and see changes then they may or may not come back.

They all know how fun /jp/ was back in the day, all they need is a little push to fall back into it
It always seems that people that try to fix generals problems are those that don't actually browse generals.

From day one moot has always argued that the best moderation is the one you do yourself. If you don't like something then don't go read about it.
You can just go to /s4s/.
>Make a google docs poll or something instead.
Make it a 4chan Pass Poll
See >>15837541. But yes, JAV/Gravure/onahole generals have no reason to belong in /jp/. I don't think idols should be moved to /tv/ though. Don't go to /tv/ at all but I don't think they would fit there.
>Idols should go on /tv

literally what
>Idols should go on /tv/

/tv/ will have a fit. They aren't allowed to have /celebrity/ threads, so I can't imagine they'll be happy that niche celebrities will get their threads. They belong on /mu/.
I don't think it even fits.
It's not the same. Anything from /s4s/ is forced shit (and from other boards at that) while /jp/ shit arised organically mostly.

>Make a google docs poll or something instead.
Yeah, could someone do that?
>Don't go to /tv/ at all but I don't think they would fit there.
/tv/ can barely stay on topic itself. There's no way idol threads would work on it.
those are otaku interests. Do you not know what an otaku is?
>Idols should go on /tv/
>Japanese music threads are fine
Idols are otaku interest just because their not 2D doesn't mean they aren't otaku interests.
Which is why we used to sagebomb shitty threads until the OPs gave up and left the threads or the janny would just prune them, ie "what should I do in japan guys hurr" threads and "how do i learn japanese guys?" threads

Now there are simply too many generals. I honestly think that monstergirls being moved to jaypee was a good idea, those posters actually have a SENSE OF HUMOR unlike the prudish buyfags who lurk the fumo threads to show off their gay ass dollies in public

Then just make a fucking idol/japanese TV/Japanese music board and get them away from /jp/
>Tea and japanese food should go on the food board
Japanese food threads aren't very common and (thankfully) aren't even a general. I think it's fine for them to stay on /jp/. /ck/ is overrun with shitposters, there are so many fast food, food gore and celebrity threads there and not enough about cooking.
the people who are drawn to idols are fucking sexnorms and perverts, same idiots in the JAV threads

God no, /jp/ wasn't meant to be funposting 24/7. There is enough space for both fun and meaningful content. And there is literally nothing stopping you from adding a single line like "/general/i;boards:jp;op:only" to your subject filter settings.
What ever happened to the tea threads? Does anyone have the pastebin? I need a new tea set.

It'd be nice to see the threads again, I would actually participate more.
>get the Japanese culture away from /jp/!
What is wrong with them being in /jp/ other than you being a fag and not just liking them?
making more boards is dumb. Idols are an otaku interest. they belong here, whether you like it or not.
>using filters
So are the faggots posting touhous about how much they want to fuck their drawings.
I get the feeling that hiroyuki is going to go away and this board will remain the same.
Anyone wishing for less moderation should read this post and reconsider.

It's also pretty disturbing, realizing those people genuinely are deluded to believe their mindless repetitive spam was a valuable contribution.
those guys are being ironic
So anyone have the full list of generals on /jp/?
A new "random funpost" board is a bad idea and would attract /s4s/-types. What would be better is a 2D/Japan culture board that allowed random funposts.
No they're not and you cant just use that as an exception.
Something I forgot to say: one of the biggest problems with /jp/ is that it's kinda stale. If you remove all the "generals" /jp/ will really become nothing but "[s4s] with 2hus"

I don't browse those particular generals, no. Why would it be a bad idea though? They all talk about basically the same thing (from an outsider's perspective, at least): Japanese music. The only one in that "genre" that stands out to me is denpa threads, which can remain their own thing or go to /mu/ if people really want them to go. Care to explain why this would be a bad idea?

There's a few fast generals here, but quite a few of those, like the kancolle general, don't really have anywhere else to go.

Idols and onaholes are definitely otaku interests that are almost exclusively enjoyed by otaku. We do have too many idol/musician threads, I agree with that, but there's really nowhere else where they can sensibly go. Food and tea threads are rare enough that I see absolutely no problem with them.
Slowly died off in favor of sexual threads.
It can't be helped.
You'd need a board that accommodated the culture.
While Japanese food might fit on /ck/, onaholes wouldn't work at all on /toy/ and are off topic for /h/.
JAV already has threads on /gif/, /s/, and /hc/ but they have a much different board culture dedicated to image dumping and talking about that great yellow fuckmeat
Japanese music is intrinsically related to the doujin and concert scene in Japan, so it has a lot of crossover with the other cultural aspects and franchises like Touhou.
Idols literally do not fit on another board. There would be no place to put them.

It's almost like in order to hold all this stuff you'd need /jp/ and some new board dedicated to Japanese culture. Some sort of crazy "Japan General"
Idols are an emormous part of otaku culture. Are you going to tell me that a good portion of the 48G sales aren't from otakus/wotas? That the casual fan cares about the super popular handshake events?
Agreed wholeheartedly.
that was tried and failed because the whole board was flooded and had no content
move them to /c/
>kancolle general, don't really have anywhere else to go.

I'm fine with the mods after retards, but loosen up on the thread creation / light memeposting rules.

>If you remove all the "generals" /jp/ will really become nothing but "[s4s] with 2hus"

But it wouldn't even be that. It is [s4] without the freedom to experiment.
>would attract /s4s/-types
That's what I fear. I just want the old good fun /jp/ to come back.
monster girl
rhythym games
alternative idols
hello Project
Untranslated VN
Touhou Gameplay
Stardust Idols
Japanese music
Japanese Drama
Please don't astroturf.
The last time something arose organically on /jp/ was 2010. Since then, we just had various amounts of spam.

Face it, /s4s/ isn't in any way unique. It's what any random board would become. It's what /jp/ already became once. People should start appreciating what a rare anomaly /jp/ used to be, then accept it won't happen again and move on.
After writing that list, I realized that there are a fair number of touhou and visual novel themed threads aside from the Generals.

It's not that there isn't enough touhou and memes, they are just stale as fuck and they all look exactly the same as they did in 2009. It's getting boring. Dumb board memes and attentionwhores spamming the board with shitposts really wasn't that great, it was just a distraction from the boring monotony of this dreadful board
This sounds like the entirety of our board culture.
At some point you need to realize that those days are gone. They're gone and they're not coming back.
4chan has changed, the users have changed, the board cultures have changed, you and I have changed. People have moved on.
Comiket/Reitaisai/M3/Kouroumu/other events don't happen often enough to be considered a traditional "general" in my opinion. They appear when an event happens then as the uploads start fading, the threads follow suit.
I'm conceding that there is nothing to be done anymore. This board is a wasteland and I doubt anything, even the precious oldfag warosu crew coming back and posting their blogs and feels and stories about mom will make this board better.

It's not that the posters are bad, it's that the subjects are bad. They are boring and stale. No one is going to magically want to post about the same old boring shit no matter how nice of a janny comes around.
Unfortunately, those days will never come back. There's nothing anyone can do about this and wishing those days will return will do nothing.
It wouldn't hurt to try again.
You can make the exact same argument about Touhou. Which is fine if you want to make that argument, but "remove Touhou and generals from /jp/" is essentially the same thing as "remove /jp/".

I don't like kancolle at all, but there's a lot more around it than just the game, and you know this.

If we just tidy up all these assorted idol/music threads it's not that bad. The only thing I'd really say does not belong on /jp/ is monster girl threads. A few of the game-specific ones are questionable too but I don't think many people complain about those.
They are consistent enough that when the threads fill up they are replaced and a thread of the same name is made to continue the discussion. They are a seasonal general, but a general all the same, I think.
Idol threads aren't music threads. Music is an incredibly tiny part of the discussion.
> "remove Touhou and generals from /jp/" is essentially the same thing as "remove /jp/".
You might be on to something...

I was saying the same thing earlier, but I don't think it's possible now. If you combine all those shitty idol threads into one thread it would be the fastest thread on the board by far, and people would be getting confused in the thread. Also, keeping them separate makes it easier for people to find what they're looking for in the archive, if you have one big ass idol thread you could easily go through five or six threads looking for a specific idol post made in a certain time period.
Subjects are stale because faggot mods keep it that way.
Except that thread talks about the game almost all the time. The derivative works are all discussed on /a/.

The game general at least can be moved to /vg/. If it worked for im@s and LL, it can work for KanColle too.
>They are boring and stale. No one is going to magically want to post about the same old boring shit no matter how nice of a janny comes around.

This is why I want it to change up. Let's keep experimenting with what /jp/ is.

I don't want to go back to the 'good old days', I want a fresh start.
This notion that /jp/ exists for touhous needs to stop. /jp/ is otaku culture and touhous is only a small fraction of otaku interests as a whole so why should this board be filled with touhous.
>They are boring and stale
I don't really think so. Looking 20k pages back in the archive, the theme and kind of threads are similar, but only on the surface. The threads didn't devolve into /c/ image dumps that lasted months, there was discussion, inane and dumb but discussion nonetheless.

And what impact have they had on board culture? Not much. I want there to be more of these threads.
I agree with this. Let's start fresh without many rules, if at all.
What could realistically be done? Where can we go with touhou that we haven't gone in the 7 years since /jp/s creation?

The mods should just allow blogposting/ NEET threads and anime avatarfagging. Let people discuss whatever the fuck they want at their own pace without worrying about being banned. I would argue that NEET lifestyle is quite possibly one of the defining tenements of "otaku"
Are these generals too?

Eternal Onahole Thread
Valkyrie Crusade
General Nutaku and DMM Thread
Perfume General
Kawakami Thread
Yukkuri thread
Daki Thread
This board isn't for one upping each other with how creative you can trash post about your life
Fire all of the current mods
That's why another board needs to be made.

I'm wanting to try anything. Anything is better than whatever this stale "wut 2 hu wud u fug" (as much as I love it, I want to enjoy other things).
NEET lifestyle threads belong on /r9k/ is what someone will probably say, but the fact is that the people who come on /jp/ to post about NEET topics are more than likely interested in some of the other threads on the board and will crosspost and provide meaningful posts in those other threads.

If you allow blogposts/neet/generic topics with anime girl images the whole board will get an influx of the creative/interesting people that entertain each other and feel the need to keep coming back

Why isn't it? What is more otaku than complaining about your miserable life?
You're right, I'm not sure what I meant by saying it like that. The point still remains though.

I don't necessarily think we should combine them all, but what a lot of people here are angry about is the "look" of the board: you go into the catalog and you see 6 idol threads, many for specific idol groups. I personally don't really have a problem with it, but it's part of the reason why people jump to drastic solutions like "remove all generals".

If that's so then perhaps they should go to /vg/. I don't browse that thread so I don't really know. (though I don't think the right place for kancolle derivative works is /a/ either - but I don't browse /a/ and I don't like kancolle, so I'm not gonna ask for that stuff to come this way, taking a lot of crossies with it)

I agree with you, mostly. It's true though that 2hu is definitely /jp/ board culture, and a lot of those threads are just a front to talk about all kinds of assorted things (which I don't think is necessarily a bad thing for /jp/, we're supposed to be taking it easy after all, and this is a very slow board).
What I was referring to is the fact that for a very long time now /jp/ has always been like this: there's a fixed set of general threads, and the rest of the board is padded with assorted Touhou threads.

Fewer rules would be a good thing for /jp/, I think. If we got some of that "taking it easy" spirit back, perhaps there would be less people with their panties in a bunch over threads they didn't like. In the end, /jp/ is just a community of like-minded individuals, not an exact science.

This, but in moderation. We don't want it to spill over the whole board, but there should be room to talk about real life if the conversation leads that way, even if it happens to be off-topic. /jp/ is slow enough that we can afford some off-topic posts.
Well what the fuck is this board for then?
Because we're almost 500 posts into this meta thread and nobody can even agree on the most basic shit.
I already gave up on AKB because it's just too fast. Besides there is rivalry which would make combining a horrible idea.
The hobbies otaku engage in are more otaku than them having a self-esteem problem. The hobby is the most important thing here
>I would argue that NEET lifestyle is quite possibly one of the defining tenements of "otaku

Neets already have their own containment board; it's called /r9k/
Hiro and Mods if you are reading this, clearly we all can't agree to what we all exactly want, but we're all willing to try something!

And you know what? If it doesn't work, we can try something else!
I literally just said that

Why? Why can't we have a properly moderated, community regulated NEET lifestyle thread? Because there's /r9k/? What about the neets who have no interest in that shithole and just want a comfy place to post with people they know share their interests?
That's not a solution. It's a different userbase. I don't think many of them would even think about coming here.
I have no problem with generals and ignoring attention whoring memers until their trash threads get deleted
You won't have a fresh start on /jp/. You won't have a fres start on anything even remotely resembling /jp/, because warosu crew is still out there waiting to shit it up with their self-styled fun valuable contributions to board culture.

The reason early /jp/ worked was because:
1. we already had the old /a/ culture.
2. we kept the creativity, but left the circlejerking and shitposting behind on /a/.
3. we had topics nobody else had, and freedom to explore new ones at will.
4. we had nowhere else to go.

1. Nobody can agree on what the culture should be.
2. The creativity is gone, while warosu crew and assorted scum is ready to descend on anything resembling /jp/ at any time.
3. Several other boards can discuss /jp/ topics, and the board is full of assholes who wish for nothing but to throw even more topics out.
4. There's now much more easily available, organized info about /jp/-related topics around the web.

It just won't happen again.
I think that at least half of us are willing to try splitting.
That's the biggest thing here, there ARE people who are interested in otaku interests who are for one reason or another, not interested in squeezing themselves into generals or risk making an off topic thread and getting banned.

Not everyone wants to discuss otaku interests all the time, that only goes so far, it's how you end up with a terribly polarizing board like we have right now. People want to discuss off topic things in a community that they know shares their interests and mindsets.

This is exactly what /jp/ was in 2009-2011, and this is exactly the reason that there are hundreds of posters who have fled to spinoffs to try to get back to that elusive balance of off topic and on topic discussion.
This so much. Hiro please see this.

Hiro, I urge you to read all these posts. This is what /jp/ should be. There is no need to separate anything. All the generals that are on the board have existed since the beginning. Once upon a time, there was a balance, and it was what made this board great.
>You won't have a fresh start on /jp/. You won't have a fres start on anything even remotely resembling /jp/

Then if we stop being '/jp/' for a while, so be it. Let's try something different.
>there are hundreds of posters who have fled to spinoffs
And yet all of them (spinoffs) are either dead or a toxic dump.

To people who genuinely prefer the latter - good riddance.
split the board into one with actual otaku hobbies/interests and another new board full of touhous jerk off threads and retards that need their feelings coddled. The "creative" funposting just flooded the board in the past and no one could find anything to discuss
That's because the spinoffs changed from what they were too and nenpo doesn't seem that bad.
>The "creative" funposting just flooded the board in the past and no one could find anything to discuss
If that's the case then why did you browse this board back then? You just didn't get it.
>All the generals that are on the board have existed since the beginning.
yeah, what the fuck is with all those people posing as oldfags?
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I like /jp/ as is. It's comfy and still produces good content. The users are autistic in the focused quiet sort of way, it's a good thing.
I remember hiro once asked in an /a/ thread if he should make an idol board.
/a/ didn't really feel the need, maybe it'd have more use to /jp/ though between all the idol generals and JAV stuff (do JAV actresses count as idols? Close enough)
But I mostly just ignore generals I don't use. Catalog view, it fixes the problem.
Pollfag here.

So the main issues other than the moderation are generals and the name of the board, right?
nah, /jp/ was pretty good well before the nuke/meme/off-topic posting
This, to be honest. All this self-deprecating shit is just a circlejerk. /jp/ is still fun and comfy. Maybe it's not as good as it used to, but then again, what board is? The other boards I used to browse (/a/ and /g/) turned to shit harder than /jp/ did.
I think the main issue is that /jp/ is too divided and stagnating as it is right now, but that's because of what you mentioned. A solution would be to split.
Nothings wrong with generals
>still produces good content

Board culture wise? Nope. It is dead as the dodo.

Sure people can make OC, but that has zero board impact.
Ya sure? I counted 31 generals in this board.
People always say that /jp/ didn't have the sort of stuff you're talking about. Could you tell me when was /jp/ like that? Seriously I don't remember.
>People want to discuss off topic things in a community that they know shares their interests and mindsets.
Awesome, but 4chan is not your blog.
Yes there is.
Generals belong on traditional forums. Not on 4chan.
This. 2D/random funposters and general/idol posters clearly don't get along. We need to split.
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Not sure what you mean. What would consider "impactful" OC and why is it important? A meme that gets repeated everywhere until people get tired of it and it gets demonized? I'd rather collect pictures of people's dolls personally. Rather, 4chan's ephemeralality is practiced nowhere better than /jp/.
>/jp/ is still fun and comfy
Not for me, and apparently not for many others. Also, I hate this usage of the word comfy.
>Also, I hate this usage of the word comfy.
That's because you're just not a comfy person anon, it shows
How would splitting solve stagnation though? If anything it'd do the opposite.

You're free to disagree, but that just puts us at a stalemate: one fraction of /jp/ is fine with it as it is, the other wants it changed. No matter what you do, one side is going to be disappointed.

I'm not against changing /jp/, through relaxing the rules and so on. I don't think removing generals is going to accomplish anything. Also - there's only so much Hiro and the 4chan staff can do. Are things to really change, a lot of that would have to come from the community itself.
Comfy should wordfilter to 'easy' here.
>How would splitting solve stagnation though?
You get one more moderated and serious side and another freer side people aren't scared to be creative.
And look how that freedom works for [s4s].
Mistake with one of the options.

Whoever did that poll just now, I've enabled editing of responses.
That just makes one side a continuation of current /jp/ with less content and the other side a re-implementation of [s4s] with no content at all because nobody is serious.

In my opinion, the right solution would be to relax moderation and let off-topic and on-topic balance each other out (with mods stepping in only if people are going off-topic to the point of being obnoxious.
It's a different userbase. I hope nobody here goes to s4s
>This form contains features which require sign in.

Not happening.
>keep generals
>move JAV thread out of /jp/
All it takes is one moron on /b/ or [s4s] to shout "hey guys, a new anything-goes board!" and it all crumbles.
Especially with the inter-board banners.

Way to show you aren't a board native and thus make every disregard your opinion.
Hopefully they will be gone after a week. It wouldn't hurt to try.
If I didn't do that the poll will be proxied to death. Just create a dummy Google account.
Anything for saving /jp/

why do you think you should be taken seriously over the crossposter?

So what? If a raid happens, a raid happens.
Who are you quoting?
if you feel that way then we should just leave everything as they are right now
Exactly, who the hell cares about raids? Long term they are actually great for board popularity. All the mod has to do is delete all posts from a certain IP and it's done, it takes like maybe five minutes to clean up a raid
Who are you quoting?
The board is a rotting corpse and has been for a long time. This is what happens on the internet. Birth, growth, visibility, retards, death. We are at the death stage and you cannot undo it.

Who are you quoting

Not really.


Spot on.

Consider it like many invasions in history, if you can get the invaders to correctly assimilate you'll get new ideas and synthesis of old ones.
You should make crossboard threads for topics that are hard to place. Also if you won't make sages visible again, you should make each saged post play loud sound.
Shitposters stick around for years if you let them. We've lived through this, here on /jp/.
It was never about people genuinely loving touhou. Touhou was just a medium for them to express themselves and tread the line of off and on topic discussion. That's why the touhou threads are stale, because there is no actual emotion behind it, just the same stupid cuteposts. There is no creativity or anything, just booru and pixiv picture dumps with forgettable dialog. When was the last time anyone posted something actually interesting in a touhou thread? It's essentially /c/.

"would kogasa let me lick her foot if I asked nicely?"
"what does chen's tail taste like?"
Wait, you guys do want to rename /jp/ back, right?
Posts should save by default, and only bump if you type "age" into them.
Holy shit.

This. This one thousand times.
I don't think renaming would produce any changes at this stage.

An experimental idea. I support it.
Add it in the Other comments/suggestions in the poll, then.
This guy is absolutely right. It seems like people are afraid to go out of what is considered the norm today.
>It was never about people genuinely loving touhou

Yes it was. And I still do. Probably forever will.

And trust me, I'm just as pissed about and disheartened by the /a/-ified state of Touhou threads as anyone. But what can you do? It's what the entire site looks like nowadays.
>It was never about people genuinely loving touhou.
Wrong. Sometimes even cuteposting threads turn into discussion because some people here actually want to discuss the character. I can't speak for everyone but I know I like talking about characters individually and not just about their body parts.
Someone else do it, I need to take a nap.
The poll will remain open for a while, you can put it in then.
Is the poll actually being read by anyone? I don't want to waste my time typing a book if no one from the moderation is even going to bother reading it
I don't think it's going to be a good indicative of a response if people aren't willing to log in just for filling it anyway.
Just show the results to Hiro when next he comes by.
I'm filling it out with some detailed responses
Moot didn't want to see cum.
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Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't /jp/ going to get a japanese captcha implemented? It would be good.
>I went from /b/ to /d/ to /tg/ while spending a lot of time answering requests on /r/
How the fuck can someone have /d/ of all boards have as his home board? I mean, nothing against alternative fetishes, but talking about futanari and horsecocks all day sounds kinda monotonous.
Ban people who post reddit links.
Kick out the one janitor who posts reddit links and then defends them with deling opposition.
No one suggesting moving Monster Girl threads to /a/? Didn't it start as a manga and even have an anime?
Mods don't want it in on /a/ either. It seems like the kind of thread that would go on /trash/
Na, that would be delightful, i'd actually check out idol thread for the drama.
monster girls started way before that
Monster Musume =/= the entirety of monster girls.
In fact I'm pretty sure they openly despise it.
Almost forgot

/jp/ - Otaku Culture
then add
/nij/ - Nijura
everyone is happy
why aren't there catgirl generals and tsundere generals

what is it about monstergirls? I just don't get it
Didn't it get popular in the west because of Monster Girl Quest?
Where does this happen? Not that I don't believe you, that's just a little surprising to hear.
I don't mind seeing threads for these things once in a while, but a 24/7 non-stop general for each of them just makes it a breeding ground for all sorts of problems.
It's moreso a thread revolving around the Monster Girl Encyclopedia doujin universe.
>In fact I'm pretty sure they openly despise it.
They make up most of the fanbase.
No, I'm saying the denizens of the thread here on /jp/ dislike Monster Musume.
Yeah they hate it something fierce
I tried to make this nijiura but mods kept banning me, so whatever I stopped trying
Let this happen, please, please, please.
just split the board between productive/admiring discussion and pure shitposting
Better that than a poll filled with skewed answers by multiple proxies.
This, I had a great talk about the vampires.
>pure shitposting
It can be productive too, but don't call it like that.
>100+ posters
>9 responses
Going to sleep now. Hopefully there'll be more responses later.
I told you so.
it's clearly skewed towards people that want the generals removed so it's shit
The biggest problem with /jp/ is that I keep getting my posts/threads deleted. I've been posting on this since 2008 after the great split and all of a sudden my posting isn't tolerated anymore.
To be fair, I created it pretty late in the thread. And I'm not sure how many people here are phoneposters.

I'd have thought that it's skewed the opposite way since those who want generals removed have to fill in a lot more of the poll.
Again, [s4s] already exists.

If you cannot stand posting alongside other people who don't share your tastes, and only accept your own personal brand of shitposting, you should probably start your own personal "spinoff" board for yourself and your friends, instead of bothering the admin of a site with a three-digit alexa ranking.
Maybe the problem is you.
No, it's not him. I can tell.
No (You)
/jp/ was about the community, not the theme. s4s doesn't suffice.
community responded to shitposting by creating generals so they don't have to look at them anymore
see >>15838052
see >>15838611
Mods are the only real issue I can think of, they seem to make this their personal playground and bann posts just because they don't like them, even if it's something relating to the topic of the thread by usually flagging as "off topic"

Making /jp/ a NSFW board is just a terrible idea, it would make weeaboos even worse at understanding actual Japanese culture.

I really have no complaints besides the mods in the past maybe 2 months who just try to bann you for anything, even an innocent post. I understand if users are fighting with each other or breaking an actual off-topic rule or posting something NSFW on a blue board. But something as simple as posting a dream you had shouldn't be something you get banned for. I'm not sure about all the threads but at least in /bmsg/ some mod submits bann requests for almost everything except the most standard posts
I like the idol gens being here. I came to /jp/ for 2hus and stayed for idols. It doesn't make sense to put them anywhere else. Plus you can always hide threads you don't like and browse in catalog. No biggie.
If you seriously use the word the word weeaboo people will just disregard your opinion.
>in the past maybe 2 months
You mean 4 years?
So you seriously want me to hide half of the board?
That's up to you. There's always an idol out there for you, you never know...
Spotted the Su Tulpa poster.
Well being that this board is for input on /jp/ I won't bother discussing that here but unless you're from Japan come on...
Well I haven't been here that long, just as far as I know and in the area I post at it got crazy lately with them and it didn't used to be that way
gens are barely half of the board
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Yeah but the idols I like actually belong here.
One day you'll see in three dimensions. One day...
That's just another way of saying "gens are nearly half of the board".
I also echo the sentiment that mods shouldn't be so trigger happy with deleting threads about broader Japanese culture. The moderation is very inconsistent and you don't really know what you can or cannot make a thread about. This is really one of the few communities that values Japanese culture and is fairly unique even for 4chan. Staff needs to lay off and take it a bit more easy
There's no way I'd ever be interested in a 3d idol.
It's not so much the superiority of 3D idols that causes them to dominate the board so much as the fact that 3D idol threads get a neverending stream of new content and therefore win via volume.

If 765 Production put on a live every week, there would be a lot to talk about, but for a lot of reasons that kind of thing just doesn't happen.
The only ones I see get deleted are people asking for travel advice and how do I get a japanese girlfriend
if people actually wanted balance then, yes, they should be at least half of the board. Instead people bitch about them when they barely take up anything
Generals are what is wrong with /jp/. Generals from all boards need to be exiled to one single generals board called /gen/. Also, NSFW-posting on /jp/, usually a la monstergirl, makes /jp/ a de facto red board. Something needs to be done to make it remain a blue board.
They are more than half the board already, not in terms of threads made but in terms of posts-per-hour.
The person you're replying to is advocating re-allowing brands of posting banned by people who "cannot stand posting alongside other people who don't share [their] tastes, and only accept [their] own personal brand of shitposting." Your post is what they call irony now, right?
The problem with generals is, what if you want to talk about something different?
>idols belong in /mu/
a good way to spot a retard talking from his ass
do you expect this qt to be accepted on that elitist shithole?

>inb4 kpop
one of the most hated threads and only allowed for the lack of /kr/
Go to a different thread?
Wow, people prefer content over cheap memes. Not surprising at all.
The number of new posters here who actually defend 3D/idol threads is just depressing. I'm out of here.
Make your own thread then.
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>elitist shithole?
Anon pls, /mu/ is as pleb as it gets

People prefer chatrooms over anything. No surprise most generals also have a (retard's first IRC) discord room.
/jp/ is "otaku culture", not "japanese culture". did you miss the memo?
>/mu/ is as pleb as it gets
its doesn't really matters what they are but what they think they are and the entitlement they think they have to rule the board
And I'm a Japanese Culture Otaku
Well that just means they reach bump limit faster and fade to page 10 anyway. Your non-general boards will still be alive as long as people post in them. Maybe just not enough people know what your topic is or care about it
there's nothing wrong with discord, skype, ventrillo, teamspeak, raidcall or whatever especially if you're into fighting games

there's nothing in the rules about being a recluse as a requirement to be on this board
>Also, NSFW-posting on /jp/, usually a la monstergirl, makes /jp/ a de facto red board
Nice disinfo. There is no special exception for those threads, if you post nsfw images you'll get banned or deleted like anywhere else on /jp/.
Wow, it's almost like people that use that software are shitty posters who don't understand how and why etiquette is defined
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Don't fight it, anon.
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Well at least you faggos can learn a few things to not show up to Japan dressed as goku expecting everyone to know and watch anime and be samurais and have no clue about what normal Japan is really like (although yes anime and such is there too)
/mu/ has enough traffic as is
Our /jp/ idols deserve special treatment here anyway :3
>I'm out of here
Heading back to /a/ I presume?
I wish more people here understood this.
This just in, if you don't masturbate to babymetals you're from /a/
If you think that's the only 3D here, you're from /a/.
If you think "3D" on /jp/ needs "defending" you're pretty clearly from /a/, because that's an /a/ sentiment. /jp/ has never been opposed to discussing things that happen in the real world.
Actually no, posting on /a/ would make me from /a/. Are you ok?
>/jp/ has never been opposed to discussing things that happen in the real world.
Just because in your little generals nobody whines doesn't mean /jp/ has ever accepted them. Just look at the archive, even way back people complained about idols. You're simply delusional.
I want キタ━━━(゚∀゚)━━━!! in blank posts.
"my little generals"... Except for the fact that I couldn't tell two idols apart, and I don't browse any of those threads.
You're the one being delusional here. /jp/ has never been a "2D only" board. Never. That's an exclusively /a/ thing. /jp/ has always included all aspects of otaku culture, from idols to merchandise to whatever.

If you're so fundamentally opposed to everything that happens in the real world, go back to /a/. /jp/ is not the board for you.
/jp/ isn't one person, namely you. Obviously a significant part of /jp/ accepted them since idols are part of the canon.
I'm not talking about 3d in general, I'm talking about idols. They used to have been barely tolerated here, don't be stupid.
Take it up with the wotas in Japan. They created this culture.
I wasn't talking about idols, and neither were you when you said
>The number of new posters here who actually defend 3D/idol threads is just depressing
It's pretty obvious that the bit I was arguing was "defend 3D", not idol threads (which I don't browse and don't care about at all, though I do think they're otaku culture and they belong on /jp/, there's just too much of them).
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644 posts and 145 IPs. Wow. I bet almost 20% of them are from /jp/sies! I feel that I missed my chance with a response this late in the thread, which is funny in a cosmic way because I told hiro to comment on /jp/ yesterday.

1. I do not want /jp/ to be 2D/random. I assume this has been asked for dozens of times in this thread by outsiders, but I'm against it. Visit /trash/ and you'll understand my view more.

2. Generals are out of control. We've gained about 6 of them this year alone. This is not exclusive to /jp/, either, as moot's absence has lead to uncontrolled growth of generals on many boards and the whole site is suffocating as a result. The culture within them is completely alien and separate from the rest of the board- proof enough that are not a part of the board but a separate community entirely.

3. Cutepost image dump threads need to be reined in. Some of them don't even try to relate to the characters and just start with "___ thread" and it's nothing but a /c/ image dump.

/jp/ is a slow board for discussion and these good threads must compete both with generals and image dumps to remain on the board. It's extremely frustrating to watch a thread of yours get pushed down because lengthy discussion threads that require contribution to function are much slower than "I want to rub Chen's belly!" threads or the casual chat that goes on inside the generals.

4. I'm generally pretty happy with moderation as it concerns posts contained within threads, but some good threads are themselves cut down seemingly arbitrarily. I was happy to see the blogging deleted in the "cozy" thread, for example. I was not happy to see

5. Move 3D stuff like idols and JAV to another board. Trains are alright.
What do you propose then? /idol/? Where would they even go?
If you are suggesting that /a/ doesn't have any 3D threads, you would be wrong, as there is one on seiyuu there right now. I took a look at the moderation thread on /a/ and they seem to be experiencing the same divide of intrest that we have about generals and 3D threads. If they are ever going to get deleted or moved, the main reason would be that they take away from what the board was originally meant for.
>I assume this has been asked for dozens of times in this thread by outsiders, but I'm against it.
Thanks for the input, Lord /jp/.
>Visit /trash/ and you'll understand my view more.
You mean /fur/?

>I was happy to see the blogging deleted in the "cozy" thread, for example. I was not happy to see
what weren't you happy to see?
Idols are too Japanese and niche to be anywhere but /jp/ unless an entire new board is created. I don't understand how people aren't getting this.
>Where would they even go?
Probably /s/ or /mu/. In reality nothing could contain them because they hit /jp/'s generous image cap so rapidly. I heard a celebrity board being mentioned, maybe they can go there since hiro seems fond of creating new boards. Hell, the boards support rolling stickies now so maybe it can get one of those.

>Thanks for the input, Lord /jp/.
At ease, my son.

/trash/ also hosts various chat room circlejerks kicked off from other boards like /g/ and /b/. 2D/random on 4chan would result in an extremely low quality board along those lines. Other imageboards can manage it, but not this one. Also, I forgot to remove that sentence when I edited. Thank you for
I report Su dreams and such to stop the Su thumbnail spam, :3 posting and circlejerk. In fact I don't mind dreams nor Imposter, it was just the easiest target out of all the shit these guys started after the last tour, it got deleted and they kinda stopped after that.

I don't really understand why the jany doesn't delete the posts with :3 and others smileys being constantly used.
>celebrity board
Then I'll propose the same rule they did with VNs

If it is a western celebrity, it's not for /jp/ but for /cel/, if it's a japanese celebrity, it's for /jp/ not for /cel/, if it's a translated celebrity, either boards.
>Announcing sage in a thread way past bump limit
Hello crossy!
>Also, I forgot to remove that sentence when I edited. Thank you for
Stop with your stupid candlejack shit. that meme has been dead for
They would butt heads so hard on /s/ and especially /mu/. Barely talking about the music would be cause for deletion over and over. The only possible alternative is a new board.
Who are you quoting?
I guess that could work. I admit I'm biased against the 3D stuff, but when AKB itself has 3 generals on the board at a time something has to change.
What about celebrities with an animated adaptation?
yes please, this place has become a cesspool for twohu degenerates. Would love to just be able to look at japanese train and photo threads without all the disgusting twohu threads.
this. they already have /d/ and /a/ to discuss twohu trash.

page 10 rule.
Generals need to suck it up. They could still have discussion even without posting images.
1. brign back visible sage
2. bring back NEET threads
3. JAV, idols and all the other generals need to go
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The time has come!
I wouldn't mind that. 2ch uses imgur, I don't see why we can't.

Flat out not allowing generals and niche things like idols on /jp/ when they have literally nowhere else to go would be unfair. Others have to suck it up, too. If you don't like it, hide it. Out of sight, out of mind.
You first.
You're cancer :3 Su is life
sidenote: in a perfect world falseflaggers should be penalized, also mods would have more checks and balances. You can't do much once they just slap you with the 3 day off topic bann which can't be appealed simply because "the length of bann"

But I doubt jannis get paid anyway to make them moderate with quality a change to having someone who could go over the report (if we could appeal all banns) is probably more of a mess than we could realistically make happen. As far as somebody who goes through the reports I don't think anybody wants to sit there going through reports all day for free to check if the banns are legit or not. I certainly don't expect the owner to be the one doing that, and you would probably have to pay someone to do that which would be too serious for 4chan I'm guessing

Still though, in a perfect world...
4chan has never made a point of being all inclusive and accepting of everyones interests it's infact what separates the site from all the most others on the Internet.

>If you don't like it, hide it. Out of sight, out of mind.
This argument doesn't work here as the idol threads significantly affect the state of the board. For example, as those types of threads are bumped many other threads (particularly slow discussion based ones are pushed off the board).

Life's unfair.
We're able to post in generals that are past bump limit for 2 or 3 days before it fades to page 10 oblivion. If your thread is pushed off the board and can't survive 2 days without a post your thread is just meant to not last imho
Yeah. Sure.
I agree but
>For example, as those types of threads are bumped many other threads (particularly slow discussion based ones are pushed off the board).
What do you mean? Threads last a century right now. The thread making speed has been reduced to something like 5% of what it used to be. And nobody wants to make a thread because it's going to get deleted.
Hey hiro, if you still are here YOU should make a thread if you want some input in what we've agreed (and disagreed) here.
As I said earlier (I'm not the guy you just responded to) discussion threads require contributing posts to function, whereas the cutepost and general threads are on the other side of the spectrum, exchanging quality for speed.
On other imageboards there can be weeks and months between replies and that's okay. It's a website and not a chat room.
He's just pretending to care

This "you make thread and come with solution for me" shit is complete nonsense

A real administrator would actually take the wheel and do stuff regardless what the users think.

In the end it feels like this site is run by the corrupted mods and jannies
Maybe acting passive like that is a japanese thing.
If you think 2 or 3 days for a bumpable thread to survive isn't enough time then you would hate /b/.
And if it's that slow then you could pretty much have 1 or 2 people posting 1 post a day and it would survive a month anyway
It's worth putting the info out there at least, before we go back to our normal lives of being ruled by sperglord/autism combo jannies
You are the actual cancer, killing all the non-cancerous Su posting.

He is trying to lurk more before making huge decisions he may only partially understand the ramifications of.

He wasn't born and raised into 4chan culture like moot was from day 0.
Out the the 15 threads at page 10 right now, there are 8 that were created 2-3 days ago this is excluding one of the AKB generals (created 2 days ago) which mind you has over 1000 posts and only 117 differing IPs.

/mlp/ is a containment board and there are strict rules on posting related images/content outside the board itself. Personally I (and many others it seems) would have liked to never have seen the board in the first place, but It seems moot had other plans. My point was that not all intrests need to be accomodated for. Of course, there are many including /mlp/ that are, but these intrests don't affect any other board, as opposed to the general/idol threads which as I said, affect /jp/ enough to warrant a change.
He has already made multiple boards
In the idol generals at least, there is always new content to talk about, so it moves along at a faster rate naturally. You can't hold that against them.

Take a look. Slower threads can survive here for like a month. If it's being bumped off prematurely, it's because it didn't hold enough interest and even the OP and the few anons posting lost interest.
>if you post nsfw images you'll get banned or deleted like anywhere else on /jp/.
Not true. I have reported such posts and they still don't get deleted.
One day, I will learn how to spell "interests", I promise.
A few months ago a guy on /qa/ convinced him to make a thread on /v/, which he sticked, and it hit something like 8k posts and nothing was done. This seems more thorough, however, with multiple boards involved and it's boards that people care deeply about instead of just /v/.

>you would hate /b/
Well, yes. If not /soc/ or /cgl/ then /b/ comes closest to being the polar opposite of /jp/. I haven't been there in years.

That's a fair point. I don't know what they talk about, but it's very fast. I think there's a serious problem when generals make up something like 95% of the "traffic" of a board.
And /jp/ is containment board for idols. Would /idols/ suffice?

You haven't demonstrated how the general/idol threads have affected it enough to warrant a change. The major points don't hold much water. So what is it?
Yeah that's one thing we can't expect him to do though is understand the culture fully of each thread and board (If he does that's cool) in the original thread this stemmed from he was asking what's good and bad moderating, more on the level of the strict board rules.

If he's not an idol guy or whatever the case may be then he's not probably going to be thinking as much about "quality" of threads. Which I don't think jannis should be worrying about except for extreme cases anyway.

Actually that's part of the complaints as well, jannis running threads for quality as if it's their personal thread isn't really part of the board rules as far as I know. Maybe when they signed up somebody told them that was part of their job but I don't know, my view on what moderating is, is simply enforcing the rules, and also within reason banning malicious posters

Because he is used to 2ch, where they make a board for literally anything as long as 2 people are willing to talk about it.
If 4chan allows ponies, fucking ponies, and not idols, I quit everything.
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/jp/'s fate has been decided.
It's time to kick the idol posters out of here, hiroyuki, let's do this.
>The major points don't hold much water. So what is it?
I and many others in this thread have already mentioned the problems associated with having relatively fast individual threads (generals/idols) in a board full of much slower moving threads that promote more discussion. I even mentioned in that post the number of threads on page 10 that are there as a result of these fast moving threads, which constantly make up the large majority of the first page. On top of this, with any general, not just those in /jp/ the end result is a split in the community that originally made up the board. It feels almost like two completely different boards are trying to compete for a space where there is only room for one.

>Would /idols/ suffice?
I think that creating a new board for the threads would solve the issue. Someone mentioned a /cel/ which I would support. On top of this it would give an alternative to the 3D threads that some other boards appear to dislike.

Honestly, I really doubt Hiro will do anything about any of the problems that many boards are experiencing. As >>15839269 said he seems to just want people to think he might take action, giving us false hope and ironically, creating even more of a divide and hostile environment in each board as we argue over which threads should be allowed and which should be moved/deleted.
But as it was pointed out, the slow threads can last a really long time. It's the interest and quality that's lacking. If you can't get a thread bumped in three or four days, that's your fault. The fast threads aren't to blame for that.
>If you can't get a thread bumped in three or four days, that's your fault.
It's not a matter of can or can't, anyone can bump their own thread. It's a matter of "have to".
Most people use the catalog and if your thread doesn't grab their attention, that has nothing to do with the fast threads.
>if your thread doesn't grab their attention
A thread isn't an advertisement. A topic doesn't need to be popular or generate dozens posts of "quality discussion" to have a place.
And if nobody wants to post in your thread, whose fault is that?
This catalog mentality has been hurting the board.
It needs to generate something at least. Plenty of threads manage to do just that despite the generals somehow ruining everything.

Since auto noko was implemented years back the necessity for catalog is less than it used to be. Catalog just makes a winner take all environment for generals to thrive in.

But whatever, we are clearly in the minority since the average user uses them wholeheartedly.

Maybe nobody wants to post today, but will tomorrow. Maybe someone appreciates the thread, but has nothing to contribute.

I'm not really complaining about the way /jp/ is now, I think 2 days is an OK amount of time before a thread falls off, I'm just arguing against the mentality that says good threads are the ones that attract the most bumps.
I don't think it hurts at all. It actually helps because threads that would go unnoticed actually get noticed and revived much easier.
That many people really use the catalog? That's a little surprising. I always thought of those people installing catalog scripts back in the day were the minority and found it strange they added it as a native sort of thing here.
I just think that threads that don't have much discussion should be forgotten and new threads should be created.
But the thing is, /tg/ does not play traditional games, only modern ones. Chess and checkers don't have elves or succubi or dwarves or orcs. /tg/ is a failure of a board.
The catalog is very good at talking about something that you already knew you wanted to talk about. It's not so good for content discovery.

That's the primary strength of classic, traditional front-page imageboard organization - the threads that people are talking in get bumped to the top, and you can see what they're saying. You can jump into any conversation that catches your eye. We're all in this together. But it's not how things work with the catalog - you find the generals you're interested in, maybe a "quality" thread or two, stick them in your thread watcher and call it a night.

Filling the front page with generals and inane template threads basically dumps a big bucket of cold water onto the website for front-page people. Everything is the same every day, and nothing you do matters. This isn't an insurmountable of any sort - if people were militantly determined to have fun, they would have their fun, on page 5 or in the /trash/ if need be. But nobody actually approaches fun like that. The mood actually matters.

There are also a bunch of other reasons why people complain that /jp/ isn't "fun" but those are not so related to the catalog.
Never a post has been so true.
I strongly disagree. I have discovered so many threads through it that I would never have noticed. That goes for any board. Seeing the latest posts in another matter, but I don't think it hurts to only see the OP. The OP is what used to draw me to threads anyway, not whatever random thing people are saying now.
That carries a restrictive bias for pre-sage threads. Say goodbye to finding page seven gems.
>The OP is what used to draw me to threads anyway, not whatever random thing people are saying now.
It's actually the complete opposite for me. The vast majority of OPs on /jp/ are basically rehashes of things that came before (well, most threads are, which isn't necessarily a strike against them) and unless an OP is totally magical it's going to take some sort of twist in the ongoing conversation to catch my eye.

But I guess everyone has their own way of finding content. I've been a front-page user for long time now and think of the catalog as a way of looking for threads I already know about, which is my own problem. When I take a careful look at the catalog by creation date I guess it really would be easier to find a hidden thread than one whose chance to shine was lost the moment it fell off page two.
Do you know what's an otaku?
I used to click on random pages to find threads before the catalog, maybe I should start doing that again.

Actually, I just did, and found an old thread that got 3 replies, one of which made me chuckle. I wouldn't have read the thread otherwise, so I guess that's a point for paged.
Please check r9k
not enough anime pics and too much whining about being a virgin
That's how I started and it's what I still do. I don't use catalogs except on /k/ because there is usually a thread up, not a general that it would be appropriate to post in
People can just sort threads on the catalog based on last reply and it works pretty much like a front page.
I forgot about that. That's amazing.
Make a idolmaster general and give 2hu it's own board. That's how you fix /jp/

There's no reason that half this board is littered with 2hu shit and their useless threads. Every title is stupid shit like "which 2hu would you -----" and "X is Y!"

2hu can be the new mlp
You think a new board will change the whining about being a virgin?
Fucking agreed. Half of the board feels like touhou shitposts and OPs spamming the new touhou pocs of the day
I have mine sorted on date created, and use it to look for older good threads that aren't 2hu imagedump threads being bumped for months.
yes because tru/jp/sies are enlightened and do not seek carnal knowledge.
>Is Cirno the Krillin of Touhou?
>I just want Orin to carry off my corpse and assualt my rigor mortis.
>What are your thoughts on this bunny and more specifically its posterior?
>How would one successfully get into a dating relationship with Keine and make it last?
>Patchy and Remy have feets!
>A wild Momiji appears!
>Why doesn't Rinnosuke started his own harem yet?
>rate my favorite touhou (her name is Nazrin The Mouse)
>Marisa is a bad girl!
>Icey butt!
>Why!? It's not the first time either. Someone out there got a grudge against the lowest of the low-tier Touhous?
>Is Oni's fear or beans just psychological?
>Mokou and the sun side by side!
>Smelly, dumb, moonrabbit scum!
>I need your opinion. Remilia or Flandre, which one do you prefer?
>Marisa has NO threads!
>I made a wallpaper for Reimu because she's cute and dutiful!
>Let's talk/bully the old maids of gensokyo
>What is your favorite 2hu music mine is punk it touhou.
>This is a Oni
>hey~ this is a true woman
>YukaReimu is the reason I can go to sleep at night!
>What would it be like to date Satori? Would it even BE possible in the first place?
>Kogasa thread ? Kogasa thread ! She's cute !
>Kanak's Snacks.
>Which Touhou looks the best in a bra?

Do you see all this? It needs to stop
Those aren't a problem if they run their course and go away.

These are the problems, the ones where the OP refuses to let their retarded thread die. >>15327212

105 days ago
can't argue with this
Cant tell if its the same 2-3 people or not but either way your right and that this kind of stuff should never be allowed ever again
I think the artist puts out a koisheep every day and OP has just been relaying them as they're posted.
Nothing wrong with the wallpaper ones.
At least they're trying.
When you put it that way, it looks pretty bad.
I dont get how it got this bad in the first place. If the mgg, Jav, rhythm games(not sure why this is jc in the first place), japanese drama tv, or really any other group posted threads like this it wouldve been taken care of a long time ago. Why does touhou get the right to spam threads incoherently?
Probably becuase moot allowed it becuase he sucks Zuns dick. Hopefully Hiro will put an end to it.
It's like I'm on /q/.

The only thing this boards need is for the users to filter their catalogs.
The average user shouldn't have to configure custom settings just to make the board usable.
The users should use the tools available to them on a site, especially if they are unhappy with the default configuration.
Then why are they available by default, you dense mong?
Most of these tools are conceptually bullshit. Everybody should be browsing the same website.

Otherwise /jp/ might well just be a bunch of chat rooms floating in space.
Because moot was a faggot who fell for the Web 2.0 usability trap and decided to cater to easily triggered users.
And you're wanting to turn this into reddit 2.0 by having a very specific board for very specific topics in your own safe space. You'd probably fit in better at 8gag where you can splinter off and make your own board with 3 whole posters.
>And you're wanting to turn this into reddit 2.0 by having a very specific board for very specific topics in your own safe space.
It's nearly the opposite, see: >>15837701
>And you're wanting to turn this into reddit 2.0 by having a very specific board for very specific topics in your own safe space.
Yeah, it turns out that's why /jp/ exists at all.

>You'd probably fit in better at 8gag where you can splinter off and make your own board with 3 whole posters.
If I wanted a private imageboard I'd host one. But there are hundreds of idolfags in /jp/ alone, and the general threads put together have more users than the rest of /jp/.

I'm not one of the people pushing to expel the threads, but if they were all expelled, both boards would still have thousands of users remaining.
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Bring back sage, remove idols, JAV and monster girls generals. Prune the rest of the rampant generals to bring back a natural flow of discussion as 24/7 generals just invite inane shitposting. Lax up on the crazy moderation, people don't create threads if their shit just gets deleted. If these are done /jp/ will be saved from its slow but sure demise!
I agree with this statement.
>thinking the generals are the problem

The problem with this board is 2hu
Containment generals or a thread for every idol and Monster Girl? You decide.
the only solution is to give up
An more accurate statement has yet to be made
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2hu has been here since the beginning and the main reason /jp/ even exists, if you don't like it then leave, though I am in favor of limiting characters to one thread as it has been getting a little nuts with multiple threads for one touhou. Laxing up on moderation and bringing back sage will curb some of the 2hu threads naturally as I believe /jp/sies post in them would rather inanely cutepost about their favorite 2hu than get banned for making a thread janny didn't approve of.
3rd option, 3D idols leave or condense into a single thread, JAV and it's ilk can easily go to one of the porn boards and Monstergirls should condense to one board, they are fucking everywhere and do need to spread their filth into /jp/.
I like this idea.
Seconding this.
This is a good idea.
monstergirls should just make their own website to be frank.
that shit is everywhere, they really need to fuck off
If anything should be condensed into a single thread it's touhou. You guys can rp with your cartoon character however much you like without bothering anyone then.
>idols in one thread
Absolutely not. Discussion would be impossible with that many from totally unrelated groups. Just deal with the idol gens being here.
>touhous in one thread
Absolutely not. Discussion would be impossible with that many from totally unrelated groups. Just deal with the touhou is a girl threads being here.
Nothing will change, regardless.

And even if you manage to get the moderation to relax or split off some bastardization of nijiura from /jp/, it will just become the de facto niggy and cocksucking board again.
>snacks in one thread
Absolutely not. Discussion would be impossible with that many from totally unrelated brands. Just deal with the snacks is a food threads being here.
Why don't generals just go to WebBBS PHP forums? That sort of website is really useful for stuff like that. Surely, they'd do a lot better off 4chan than on it.
Generals should be banned from 4chan.
Oh, boy. So if you can see that logic, then you understand why it wouldn't work for idols. I assume you're going to shitpost that over and over with different things, though.
>monstergirls in one thread
Absolutely not. Discussion would be impossible with that many from totally unrelated species. Just deal with the monster is a girl threads being here.
niggy would be banned because he is 3D
What keeps nijiura mostly 2D is the site culture on futaba and not moderation.

I'm always baffled by people who request some kind of freeform fun board but also what it to be strictly monitored and micromanaged to be 2D only, as if something like that would be possible with 4chan's current userbase.
you just need an AI bot that can filter 3D images

>as if something like that would be possible with 4chan's current userbase.
I know you're right but it's fun to dream.
What's with the hard on against hating generals? Are you samefagging?
"Self moderation" has always been a meme, and basically only doable by a hivemind group of idiots like 2chan. The kind of people who feel shame even while posting anonymously, unlike us who just shitpost with zero cares.
Generals were never meant to be on 4chan and it's shitty internet culture that brought them. There's no fixing it honestly.
Nothing stays forever, Culture is meant to evolve. It's called Otaku Culture for a reason.
If "having generals" meant to "evolve" as a board, then there's no reason for them to be kicked out of /jp/
The difference is there isn't a thread for every idol like there is for every 2hu. It's a mercy that they're collected into generals.
people just need to accept that things change over time and it's not necessarily a bad thing

/jp/ is never going to be the same again unless you can somehow completely revert internet culture to what it was in 2008 or whatever period of time you browsed the board and had fun

all this talk about "oh, but /jp/ originally was about X and Y was not tolerated at all!" is useless when you have a board that allows so many different interests
>Culture is meant to evolve
Sadly, internet culture has devolved.
This is literally the worst post on this board
or devolve, yes thank you for pointing that out.
Bottomline, change is inevitable.
I was just about to post something like this, Evolution implies we are moving in a better direction when in reality we are just giving up and letting loud retards bring their shitty culture and posting style here and do nothing about it. Self moderation means jack shit when the moderation team actively circumvents the will of the community, just look at modern /a/ if you need any more convincing.
>Evolution implies we are moving in a better direction
Evolution implies adaption, nothing more and nothing less.
Enough of your biological literalism. "Evolve" can mean to get better over time when used in a colloquial sense. There's a reason "devolve" is a word.
>Enough of your biological literalism
Let's use the word "Change" then.
That's a fine word if you want to be neutral, but I want to illustrate that it is change for the worse.
2hu should just be moved to /vg/
As if most of you aren't secondaries
> Evolve - to change or develop slowly often into a better, more complex, or more advanced state : to develop by a process of evolution
What is connotation for 200 faggot?
I think you mean "context".
>translated celebrity
Literally what.

Transposing a rule for VNs for celebs would only work if celebs were mainly a Japanese thing. Besides, talking about a new board for idols then not moving them there is stupid.
>Transposing a rule for VNs for celebs would only work if celebs were mainly a Japanese thing
Idols is mainly a Japanese thing, there's a reason why it wouldn't even reach the west, it's part of Japan's culture. So why are you trying to remove a part of a japanese culture from Otaku Culture?
He was joking
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I'm not the one asking to allow shitposting while only wanting my own brand of shitposting. But yes, I was intending to point out the irony in his position.

Mine asks for no shitposting whatsoever, which is perfectly self-consistent.

Honestly, the only thing that shouldn't be accomodated for are autists trying to dictate what can and cannot be posted. Pretty much all moderation failures on 4chan stemmed from listening to whiny assholes asking to micromanage topics.

>A topic doesn't need to be popular or generate dozens posts of "quality discussion" to have a place.
Actually, it kinda does. Sorry, anon, that's how imageboards work. Want threads to wait for replies forever? Go on some phpbb forum.

As much as I'd love to see all the cliche catchphrases gone, don't fetishize OP quality. Back in the day, it was normal to post a textless image on any topic and expect to come back to a 100 post long in-depth discussion. This doesn't happen now because there are hardly any posters willing and capable of that, not because of bad OPs.

Pure strength, perseverance, and loyalty to the board.

It exists because retards at /a/ wanted a safe space for themselves. Back when /jp/ was good, it was because it was a free space to talk about what other boards wouldn't let you.

/a/'s "self-moderation" is precisely loud retards with too much time on their hands, and it vastly contributed to the board being shit as it is.
That's why it should be renamed.
we need japanese government threads and japanese current events threads and japanese religion threads and sumo threads too by that reasoning
>Sorry, anon, that's how imageboards work.
That's how the slow (and better) ones work.
>we ""need"" japanese govenrment threads, current events
It's not off-topic, sure post it here but let's see if you're gonna get posters in that thread, 'cause /int/ is currently the main board for that. Stop reaching so hard and read.
And if a celeb board is made, that'd be the main board for idols too.

Whst you're saying now is like saying make a board for VNs but untranslated Japanese VNs should stay on /jp/.
>It's not off-topic, sure post it here but let's see if you're gonna get posters in that thread,
Actually, they would be deleted because they are off-topic.
>>Sorry, anon, that's how imageboards work.
whoops, i thought this said that's NOT how imageboards work
I'm all for Touhou being moved to /vg/ for discussion of the games and /a/ for discussion of ZUN's manga.
I'm all for your castration too, but we both know that won't change anything.
hey, how about we make a japan/general board
/jp/ - 2hu Culture
/jpg/ - Otaku Culture

Everybody wins
>kick Touhou, VN other game threads
>bring more generals
>let idols have single threads
When the fuck otaku culture become idol culture?
When the fuck otaku culture become 2hu?
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In the 80s
Since the beginning of this board?
I don't remember /jp/ being in 80s.
It was Japan General, no? Very broad and should not get so many topics pruned because they don't fit someone's definition of what should be here. Anyway change the board name, it's not serving it's purpose.
>Anyway change the board name, it's not serving it's purpose
How so?
He's a board name otaku.
Wasn't he the old admin of 4chan who left for Google last year? It's a shame Snacks left.
If we're taking a vote, make it 1 vote for /jp/ - Just Paizuri
Bring back visible sage, thank you!
That would improve /jp/ by leaps and bounds. Apparently mods think generals are more important than saging.
oh my god /jc/ a bonb
welp, looks like nothing will change.
This thread was basically so the staff could drink our tears.
I really regret looking in that Yuuka thread.
I feel like I was losing brain cells just looking at some of the posts in there.
Dear Hiro, nothing is wrong with Otaku Culture.
It's just kodomo fighting, nothing new.
Just browse through the thread, and you will understand what i'm trying to tell you here.
Thanks Hiro. Thanks 4chan.
Hello janny
Literally the only problem I have is the infinite amount of 2hu threads. I don't want them removed completely, but half the catalogue doesn't need to be 2hu fetish threads.
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Merorin was here, you guys are faggots
The janitors should just delete all 2hu images on sight. That might curb all the retarded roleplaying threads and image dumps.
Generals are bad and off topic is bad. Once upon a userbase influx we had "topical threads"

Topical threads belong to their topical boards.

You can't break the family up.

日本の風景 belongs on /p/ more than /out/, but it's a thread type that belongs to /jp/
Isn't /p/ just camera otaku?

I guess /out/ is outdoors otaku.

I don't understand anything anymore.
So who was this?
The family was broken up long ago.
/jp/ can be fixed purely by giving a 1 day ban from /jp/ every time someone makes a post on /vg/, /v/, /pol/, /sp/, /r9k/, or /a/
I'm generally an otaku otaku and think that there are places for everything on the board now and then.. but generals break that "now and then" rule and also maybe a "here and there" as well.
Touhou games discussion would absolutely not survive on /vg/. It would be nice the Touhou games thread here wasn't made like a general though. It's very lazy thread creation.
Oh good, the KanColle general can finally fuck off.
I just with the OC threads aren't shat up by /ic/ troll and crossboarders with nowhere else to shill their art. But janny doesn't know when to interfere and they often delete discussion posts to protect their "favorite" artists.
Yes! This is the solution we've all been looking for!
Hiro, please read!
>slow is better
>continues to browse faster 4chan instead of some shitty website with 2 posters
That's the mentality that killed old /jp/. Better don't delete anything at all.
I've been to a lot of boards. I think we're doing pretty well all things considered.


2 problems with that

1. Bans mean nothing when you can reset you IP. I don't ban evade, but that's because I don't shitpost and thus have never been banned.
2. It would only slow them down, not stop them.
Most crossies wouldn't be dedicated enough. I know I wouldn't.
I actually do use slower websites and rarely post on 4chan anymore, especially on "fast" boards. /jp/ is pretty slow if you ignore the generals.
I get the feeling that hiro won't find this thread again.
Some generals need to leave.

Idols have reached a tipping point, they were fine at the beginning but there are too many threads now. Move them to /mu/, especially the ones from mainstream, popular groups like Perfume or Babymetal. This is not otaku culture.

The only video games that have always been /jp/ related are doujin, arcade, Gust and some MMORPG. Commercial mobile/social/browser games like Kancolle, Valkyrie Crusade or Nutaku stuff should go on other boards.

TV drama generals should be in /tv/.

I don't understand how a permanent JAV general belongs in /jp/ either.

On topics that are actually /jp/ related, I think some generals should be discouraged. I don't think it's too bad to have a permanent denpa general to follow the latest events and releases, but do we really need a Yukkuri general? A 07th Expansion general? A fumo general? Why can't people simply make normal, organic threads about things? There isn't a sea of shitposting that justifies it like in the past.
>Those music groups aren't Otaku
>Literally my stepping stone back into Otaku culture
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At least Moot interacted with his website. It's like Hiro isn't even there. Just collecting money from all the data that gets collected from people shit-posting
Anime, eromanga and video games are also otaku culture, but:
- They're not niche.
- There are other boards that have them as main discussion topics.

I don't think a random Perfume thread that popped up sometime should be mercilessly deleted, but a Perfume general? That has nothing to do with this board.

General threads force a kind of debate and categorization that is often annoying and counter-productive. A borderline off-topic regular thread doesn't disturb the board much, but with a general it's another thing entirely. And I think precisely this "open"/blurry topicality that regular threads (as opposed to generals) allow was one of the factors that made /jp/ more interesting and creative back then.
Meant as a reply to >>15842224
It's the exact opposite, to be honest. Hiro posts pretty often, though not on /jp/.
Perfume general is based
>Being this mad your thread doesn't get any attention
Generals aren't bothering anybody, if you don't like them just don't post in them
Weird, I never see him
I don't want to seem overly hostile, but I don't think you fit here. Mannerisms like greentexting, telling someone he's mad or saying "based" aren't very /jp/-like things. A perfume general thread isn't, either, because Perfume isn't a niche Japanese interest related to otaku culture that can't be discussed elsewhere, and because idol threads were only allowed in the first place because they were few and self-contained. They were never thought of as a core /jp/ topic, they were/are their own communities (are your posting style shows) and occupied just a tiny corner, not 10 threads.
He fits here and so does Perfume. It literally can't bother you unless you venture into the threads. If you hide them like you're supposed to instead of being triggered about their existence, then all would be well with you.
I hide it, but then I realize I'm hiding a bunch more similar generals that have an isolated community and a sometimes outright /mu/ topic that were never intended to be here. Since this thread is for discussing what we think it's wrong with /jp/, and I think these threads are a part of it, I'm bringing them up.
Sakura Gakuin would not fit on /mu/ and neither would Babymetal. They despise Babymetal and would shitpost it to death until the general was no more. Neither would Perfume. The thing you don't get with idol threads is music is rarely the focus, so putting them on /mu/ is wrong.

They are not outright /mu/ topics.
This fucking guy.
This is the only option I approve of. All else has been about just getting rid of what one doesn't like, not really offering complete solutions.
It's the staff's job to protect threads from shitposting. /mu/ also has a K-Pop general that isn't focused on music, so that doesn't seem to be a problem.

There are too many idol generals. Some can stay, but some have to go.
They really only do genre generals there. Asking them to take on different idol generals is too much and there's no way they can merge. What you're talking about is a death sentence. The /jpg/ idea seems to be the best and most considerate one so far.
The people that have problems with idols are all of the shit 2hu posters. I don't know how they can argue that idols aren't an otaku interest. Seeing them argue how they should be moved to /s/ or /mu/ just shows how little they understand idols.

2hu shitters should get their own board so they can shitpost these >>15839777 threads however much they want.
Bring back visible sage, be more flexible with what the board is allowed to discuss and maybe change the board name to Japan General or something similar.
>Japan General

Yeah, let us get our own board.
This. They are pretty transparent.
>I don't know how they can argue that idols aren't an otaku interest

This. Idols are huge for the otaku since they make up an enormous amount of sales. A lot of how idols work is there specifically to cater to the otaku, like the love ban and the like.
Before the posts yesterday he had last posted about 3 months ago. He does not post "often".
Doesn't often post things related to the site on Twitter either, even during extended periods of down time.

Agree there are way too many idols and filtering all their incarnations that keep popping up is a pain. Seriously without filters and using front page browsing mode this place feels like /s/ on a yellow fever kick alot of the time.
Filtering them isn't hard. It's the 2hu shit threads that you can't filter.
This is why it would be easier to move the generals than move the Touhou threads. The generals are all predefined and have contained communities. They exist as seperate entities to the board, whereas the threads mentioned here >>15839777, disregarding the questionable quality, are all sporadic and less tangible.

2hu (2D) vs idols(3DPD) is what most of this boils down to.

There's an unmendable schism.
Well the only place you can move them is to a new /jp/ spinoff. Anyone saying otherwise doesn't understand jack shit about idols.
I agree, forcing all to be condensed into one thread and moved to /mu/ is a kneejerk suggestion at best. Hopefully we get some response from Hiro or a moderator on everything discussed ITT sometime in the near future.
>implying they ever gave an actual shit about this thread
Just fill up the poll.
How people still give a shit about 2hu is utterly beyond me.
Otaku interests are weird.
To everyone who whines that "there's too much X" - please consider for a moment that perhaps the real problem is too little of everything else.

There will always be "too much" of something compared to your ideal image of a perfect board. As you keep restricting topics, others will fill the void and be even more prominently "too much" until finally the board turns into a wasteland. This is not a theoretical musing, this is exactly what already happened to /jp/.

This needed to be done and would have worked in 2010. But it's too late now.

It would make them think twice before entering. Of course it wouldn't stop people who are certain they have something to contribute - and that's great. It would, however, mostly shut off random retards coming here to spam because moot or KoG sent them or because /a/ told them that /jp/ is that cool shitposting board.

Most moot's interactions with the website made you wish he didn't.

>There are other boards that have them as main discussion topics.
I would rather not discuss anything with citizens of those boards. Why can't I talk to like-minded people instead? (Hypothetically, of course. There isn't a particular like-mindedness between contemporary /jp/ and myself.)

Things do not become off-topic because of topic overlap. At least they should not, but 4chan's moderation just loves micromanaging where every little subtopic should go (then act surprised when people form generals to be able to stick together when some mod whim suddenly puts them on another board).
If you go and ask the Kancolle general if they want to move anywhere else, they will tell you no in almost perfect unison.
You can apply that to pretty much every general, anywhere. They're too lazy to move unless forced to by the mods.
You can't hide them if you don't have JavaScript. Stop assuming everyone uses the misfeatures you use.
You may as well be using Lynx.
Is this some /g/ lingo?
I didn't mean the proxypoll one.
No, the concept of misfeatures and anti-features has been around since before 4chan existed.
800 posts late and you haven't agreed on anything
It's almost as if people browse /jp/ for different reasons.
We agreed on listening to https://chiru.no
I think it's worth a shot.
I don't think this is worth a shot.
It will be a CP sanctuary
>page 10
Do we make a new thread or?
/kpg/ in mu is a proud shitpost/fapper thread with a permanent userbase shitposting 24/7, no amount of mu-retards shitposting can rustle us nor stop the discussion, because there's close to zero of actual discussion

you can see it by your self going there at any time, and notice how it is very different from the idol generals here that are actually on topic, the merge of all the idol threads would create something like the kpop general and it will kill the discussion.

THE MERGE WOULD ALSO BACKFIRE IN YOUR 2HU ASS; putting all the idolfags in one thread means more waifuwars, waifuwars between groups (something almost inexistent today) and more plain shitpost, hence the volume of idol post would increase, the threads would die fast and more than 2-3 new threads would be created every day (the akb general already have almost 1 thread per day), and instead of 7-8 (active+dead) idol threads on the catalog you would end with 12 or more dead threads plus the active one, this shit already happens in the kpop general with a new thread every 3 hours or so but nobody cares because mu is a very fast board compared to /jp/
>so that doesn't seem to be a problem
should add it would be a problem because /jp/ exists, even japanese legit music get some shit there for being japanese, kpop is only allowed for the lack of /kr/
Then just move the idol thread to /mu/?
there's 3 groups involved on that, idolfags, those who want idols gone from jp, and /mu/. Doing that would only satisfy the second group

>even japanese legit music get some shit there for being japanese
And? Today, moderation forces and protects rule-abiding content even when it isn't liked by the communities of each board.

The fact is that idol generals are completely isolated communities that are occupying an annoyingly increasing share of the board. When /jp/ was created, they were allowed to stay because they were barely 1-2 threads at a time, but now this number has multiplied, particularly in the latest years.

I agree with you, but idol generals (and other generals) are a special case. They have little to do with the board other than occupying its space. They are at best a benign tumor.
>idol generals have little to do with the board
Prove that they are closer to /mu/ than to /jp/. "I don't like it" is not an argument btw.
He doesn't have to. Just prove that it is at least as close to /mu/ as it is to /jp/. Then if it's as close to /mu/ as it is to /jp/, the tiebreaker that is the respective speeds of the boards will favour /mu/.
>Just prove that it is at least as close to /mu/ as it is to /jp/.
Is it? is not hard to prove that the Korean general is an exception and there's hardly any western waifu threads, even a western waifu general was tried there and it failed.
So why can't we just make a separate board like /jpg/ or /idol/ for idol generals? So far I haven't seen any good reason why that can't be done (other than that "we already have too many boards").

Kicking all of those idol threads from /jp/ into /mu/ would just make /mu/ users unhappy and merging every single idol thread into one would literally make thousands of current /jp/ users very unhappy. Is all of that really worth it to keep very few 2hu Anons satisfied?

Also, most of the discussion in the AKB General for example doesn't even have anything to do with their music, it's mostly about their variety TV shows, dramas, photobooks, handshake events and just talking about the girls themselves. It's very hard to imagine another board where all of those would be ok other than /jp/.
>it's mostly about their variety TV shows, dramas, photobooks, handshake events and just talking about the girls themselves
dis, the girls doing cute things is the real heart of the idol generals, not whatever thing they pretend to sing
Then do both. Merge every idol thread into one and dump it into /mu/.
I've been thinking, in a lot of ways /a/ is "better" than /jp/, at least in the main ways that people complain about /jp/. There are very few general/eternal threads, and the non-general threads are more popular than the generals. Threads are made to discuss episodes but they aren't automatically remade when they hit bump limit. They have somewhat off-topic threads that are still related to anime in some way, and they aren't axed by staff. They still have the "X is a girl!" type threads but they don't take up half the board like the touhou threads, and are constantly replaced because of the speed of the board.

I think /a/ still has more of the "classic" 4chan feel in that people browse the board, not just find their thread and sit there. That said, of course the culture is different than /jp/, so a lot here would still claim /a/ is shit, but they seem to not have a lot of the problems people are complaining /jp/ has.

Keep in mind I'm drawing this conclusion based on very light /a/ browsing the last few days. I don't really post there too often so maybe there's some deeper problem there that I don't see.
For what purpose? The thread looks the same as always, the discussion is not getting anywhere, nobody agrees to anything, and nobody's listening anyway.

>So why can't we just make a separate board like /jpg/ or /idol/ for idol generals?
Sure you can:
Or set up your own server.

Discussion on modern /a/ is firmly divided between non-duplicating topical threads (which is, of course, a good thing and shows the board has come a long way from CODE GEASS times). That most of them are not "generals" is a useless distinction.

Of course /a/ is still shit due to userbase and the resulting post quality. And of course so is /jp/.
I took a three years or so break away from /jp/, just came back. It's like a foreign land.
Too many generals. I hate it. I just want to take it easy, shitpost and sometimes blog about depression and NEET life

/a/ is also plagued by generals, drawfag this and that, /fig/, fucking jojo, monster girls, boats. Even seasonal anime threads are made in chains and early.
It's funny, because one of the reasons /jp/ was created was to get fig posters off /a/.
/fig/ threads were here and moved to /a/ for some reason a few years ago
That's not a solution for them. That's a kneejerk solution for you.

>just leave the site
Oh, sure. Ponies get their own board and idols not allowed. Another non-solution from another asshole.

And none of them get what idols are about or how they're linked to Otaku Culture in the first place. As usual.
I hope all of this would have been for something.
The poll's the best we got.
Thread posts: 910
Thread images: 34

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