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/mlp/ Town Hall

This is a blue board which means that it's for everybody (Safe For Work content only). If you see any adult content, please report it.

Thread replies: 517
Thread images: 129

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Since Hiro is being unusually active recently, I think we should have a thread deticated to discussing the possible future of the board. There are quite a few issues that /mlp/ has been split over for a long time.

>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
>implying this has a chance in hell of being changed

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
You forgot Nyx

Since she's best pony.
Porn should be allowed, so we can turn shit and bait threads into porn dumps.
Gore might attract edge lords though, so I wouldn't mind if it's still banned.
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>>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general?
Yeah, that will totally work :^)
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Allow porn
Nothing else is needed
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>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
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Thats all I will say this time.
Many posters have wanted it gone since EQG1. Feel free to provide actual reasoning as to why it shouldn't rather than just passive agressive memeing.
Porn should not be allowed because it will then become like how /b/ is now where over half their threads are just various porn fetishes.

Trying to remove EG or contain it to one general will not work. It is growing in popularity and if it is removed, we will have the same thing happen that happened on /co/ and /b/ 4 years ago

I wouldn't mind CYOAs being given their own board ot moved to trash but it doesn't bother me much. This board is slow enough already
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>gyeheheh r u mad ponyfag
>eqg heer 2 stay lel top kek
Because most of this board likes it now. The only ones who don't are loud faustfags. If it was removed, we would see a repeat of what happened on /co/ and /b/ 4 years ago.

Try it, see what happens.
About half of the threads on this board is EG. There is a better chance of GR15 being removed than EG being banned from here. But by all means, keep posting your trash memes. Your tears never get old.
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>About half of the threads on this board is EG.
>the EQG movies have about 1/5 the total hours of content as the show but still take up approx. half the board
And yet you don't understand why people want it gone.
Because the movies have a massive amount of content to explore. Proven by all the green text constantly being pumped out of the EG threads. Stay mad, kid
>>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
>>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
If MLP is essential to the concept of the thread, like AiE, then it can stay here. If it's a topic with ponies attached to it, like foot fetish, then it belongs somewhere else. This can lead to some grey areas, but as a rule of thumb, I think it's fine.
>>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
Why? We have /trash/ now. Porn isn't going to keep newfags out.There's no reason to believe that it will, other than conjecture.
>>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
Don't really care. I have no desire to post ponies outside of /mlp/
>>implying this has a chance in hell of being changed
>>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
Sure. I don't see what good it will do, but why not?
>>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
If this rule has been applied to other boards, and you can clearly define which options were trolls, and which ones weren't, then sure.
There's a good number of green that's based entirely on EQG/Humanized MLP, confining it to one general is similar to confining /mlp/ onto one general on /co/. You'd removing content that people have grown to love just because you prefer one thing.

I know you don't care, and >no hooves/S1+S2/>anthro fags hate anything that isn't pony and hate people having fun, but think of others. Get rid of EQG, you lose a portion of the board.

It would suck ass for us.
Feel free to provide actual reasoning as to why it SHOULD rather than just passive aggressive memeing.
EQG sucks
You simply have to pretend they dont exist, just like their movies.
Eventually seeing that nobody gives them the replies they want, they will stay inside their safe spaces and it will be as if they didnt exist at all.
there's /trash/ for that
The show still has more.

Let's do some math.

I'll say your three movies has about 5 hours of hard content total.

The average episode has a runtime of 21 minutes. There are 136 episides that have been aired. 136 x 21 = 2856 minutes รท 60 = 47.6 hours of content. I was wrong, actually. FiM has about 9 times the content of EQG, yet you yourself have admitted to it taking up 50% of the board. It's just circlejerking at this point. And if the majority of the board actually wanted EQG to stay, why is it every thread on the topic has several people actively calling it shit and saying it doesn't belong here?
>CYOAs being given their own board
>people actually want this
>why is it every thread on the topic has several people actively calling it shit and saying it doesn't belong here?
For the same reason that dumbasses come to this board to call ponies shit and say that the board shouldn't exist, you newfag
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>why is it every thread on the topic has several people actively calling it shit and saying it doesn't belong here?
Because >nohoovesfags are loud and obnoxious
EG produces a shitton of content on this board like art and greens. We're not leaving.
If the show has 9 times the content, but EG takes up 50% of the board, that should really tell you something about the popularity and quality of each.
False equivalence. Those people are just trolls looking for (You)s, our people legitimately browse the board and are just fucking sick of seeing it everywhere.
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>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
Yes, it absolutely should. It's seriously an outdated rule and just gives Barneyfag a reason to make the mods want to kill themselves.

People seem to think that if GR15 is removed, so will /mlp/, which is stupid. There are so many goddamn active threads on this board. Where will they even go? If we all tried to migrate back into one thread on /co/ and /b/, history would just repeat itself. /mlp/ is going to stay right where it is.

Make the mods actually work for their fucking hot pockets and make it to where pony reaction images are allowed, as well as discussion of the show contained in one thread, but off-topic derailing should be removed with extreme prejudice, as should any off-topic derailing should.
Bullshit, there are people on /qa/ who legitimately hate pony content and want /mlp/ deleted
>and just gives Barneyfag a reason to make the mods want to kill themselves

But this shit is fuckin hilarious though.
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Going to namefag if you don't mind (even though it's heavily frowned upon)

>No. EQG movies happen after each season (after 3 onwards) so there isn't that much discussion about them to be confined to a general/one thread. Most human threads like /dzg/ for example just rely on Greentext/pictures.

>Getting rid of the generals/cyoas here would leave the board in a near barren state. The shitposting would probably rise, and discussion is usually in the main episode thread. The board would dramatically decrease in posting speed as well.

We're always welcome in trash since gr15 doesn't exist there. That and it'd probably just be over flooded with porn if we did become a red board.

As for GR15, I wish it'd be a bit more lax. So we could use pony reaction images outside this board and boards like /toy/ could have threads on pony toys/figurines.

I saw a screenshot of the sticky once. And the one scruffy had up for a while. I don't think it's necessary. It was a bit of a eyesore. Seeing how we've got th most chill mods here, I don't think we need a constant reminder of rules.

>last one
Ehh i dunno. It does blow that only gold members could vote tho. Which I feel it was heavily rigged against us.
If gore will attract edge lords, then what do you think porn will attract? I'll give you a hint: the first letter is F, and it rhymes with 'worries.'
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
No. Because the current situation doesn't exactly do anything negative or positive. If it's not broken, don't fix it. Also, it's apart of FIM thanks to all of them involving horse Twilight.
>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
No. Story greentexts with # on them can easily be confused and deleted, causing needless shit.
>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
No.By the looks of /trash/ we'd just get more generals people will bitch about.
>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
No. Better to keep it all here, we can't afford to lose traffic.
>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
No. Nobody comes here saying "stop spamming our board" anymore.
>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
No. Can't tell what's a troll and what's not. And most anons use adblock, so they'll never actually see it.
But could you imagine the backlash of rampant shitposting from barneyfags that are desperately trying to fight against the pony flood but just end up getting deleted?
More keks will be had, my friend.
They were here the whole time
You are one
>EQGfag calling >nohoovers loud and obnoxious

FiM still produces more art and green that EQG. Look on Derpibooru. More pony pics than EQG. Look on FIMFic. More pony fics than EQG. You're just a fringe group shitting up this board with the same stale topics over and over and over with no real discussion going on.
EqG isn't separate from pony and you treating it like it's some entirely different subject is fucktarded
It's a part of MLP G4 just like FiM is and belongs on this board
If you recycle characters, locations, themes, etc. You'll find that the amount of 'content' starts to dwindle. Also, we don't talk about certain 'content' anymore. Old episodes for that matter. By your logic, if time was equal to content, then every episode should be talked about equally, and every surge of threads talking about new episodes would be circlejerking.
>Belongs on this board so we have a free pass to shitpost and circlejerk
You forgot that part, faggot.
>A large group of ban-evading barneyfags

The mods might genuinely kill themselves.
Make the board red, or at the very least make a general for porn. thats about it
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>Most of /mlp/ likes EQG
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>FiM still produces more art and green that EQG.
I'm not so sure about that. We have full generals based off of the Dazzlings and Scitwi that are constantly producing greens and art while you guys can barely keep you nightly Twilight thread alive. What does that say when we have the strangest generals like Spider-shim getting more attention and content than the thread for FiMs main character? Many people are admitting that LoE looks far better than Season 6 and there are strong rumors of an EG show. EGs popularity is growing, ponies are dying.
EqGfags literally do the same fucking things that everyone else on this board does, you dumb shit
You're right, Anon
and they want the board red
>The mods might genuinely kill themselves.
Good, we could use a change in management
Then why don't you do it? Why don't you apply to be a janitor?
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You know it's true. My meme face is stronger.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
no, it's related to the mlp franchise its discussion should be allowed but it shouldn't be allowed to takeover the board (at least while the main series is active)
>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
not really
>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
I say go with something more akin to /e/ and leave the hardcore stuff in /trash/
>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
>implying this has a chance in hell of being changed
maybe, GR15 is used more as bait than keeping ponies off other boards
in all honesty there is no reason to post pony outside of /mlp/ just as there is on reason to post anime outside of /a/ or cartoons outside of /co/
rules like GR15 should exist for obvious trolling with images unrelated to the board they are posted on, put simply if an image has anime/cartoon/pony that's not the central focus of that image (i.e. something in the background, desktop/battle station pic with a anime/cartoon/pony theme) then it should be allowed
>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
stickies serve no purpose
>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
seeing how the banners are suppose to 'give users all across 4chan an idea of what each board is all about by using banner images' I would say any banner that primarily used text should be disqualified or at the very least brought under review
What are the requirements for that anyway? I wouldn't mind doing that.
I don't browse Reddit or Tumblr, I'll never be a mod
>>EQGfag calling >nohoovers loud and obnoxious
You are proving his point. >nohooves fags are the ones that are ruining the board. The same way Barney fag ruins /v/ threads. EQG is part of the story, having a thread on /mlp/ isn't doing anything negative until a >nohooves fag comes and tries to start shit up.

Also, EQG is insanely popular considering a fuck ton of green revolves around it. There's also much more freedom in EQG stories that doesn't revolve around using magic as a cop out. FiM stories are usually limited to Ponyville, or any other set town.city in the show. EQG can take place literally anywhere in the world, especially if you consider humanized a subset of EQG. EQG stories also have better characterization, and plot elements.
They have applications every year. If I remember right, you need to be good with computers, be able to work at a consistent time (regardless of how little time that may be), enforce the rules as objectively possible, and >do it for free
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
I don't really care, honestly. Doubt it would happen.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
A /mlpg/ board sounds like a disaster, and they don't belong on /trash/. Let's keeรฅ them around, I honestly don't see the issue.

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
Again, don't really care, but I don't see the need now that /trash/ exists.

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
Should it? Yeah. Will it? No.

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
That would be nice.

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
Again, don't really care, though I do wish some funnier ones won.
I think I'll apply next year. I wouldn't mind making this a better place.
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>enforce the rules as objectively possible
Honestly if people believe that the distribution of content on the board should be different then they should try to make threads that are good and relating to the content that they wish to discuss
However it requires people of like mind and with similar interests to keep those threads alive
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Can someone explain to a newfag what this is?
You need to spend 8 hours a day browsing 4chan and be good at licking RapeApe's balls, basically.
It has a high turn-over rate. Nobody likes you, and it sucks what little fun there is in browsing.
We had a sticky back in 2013 that basically told people not to shitpost with "I don't understand the appeal" threads
There's a sticky up right the fuck now, fagerino.
You know how we have episode stickies that stay at the top of the board every week?
We used to have a permanent sticky with the rules and some information about /mlp/.
Many other boards have this too.
How is that any different from browsing normally?
Thread that is permanently stuck to the top of the board. The episode thread going on right now is a sticky. Many boards have one, but not always. They're mostly used to make announcements, or expand on things that won't fit in the rules list.

Lurk moar
>Porn should not be allowed because it will then become like how /b/ is now where over half their threads are just various porn fetishes.
You dumbass motherfucking nigger have you looked the fuck around? Half the board IS already various fucking porn fetishes! The only difference is that no-one's allowed to post actual fucking pictures so everyone's sitting there with blueballs bumping the thread to hell and back waiting for a single writefag to continue their shit attempt at a story so they can pretend it's more than just getting their fucking load off. Fuck damn.
Ohhh, ok. So it's like what the other boards have to tell newfags what the board is for, right?
You have responsibilities
I can feel your anger through my monitor.
That's kind of what I was thinking but if porn does become allowed, I fear that the whole board will end up being a massive porn site.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
No, it shouldn't. Like it or not, EqG is a part of the board. It is a part of the fandom. It is even confirmed canon by McCarthy. EqG is MLP content like everything else on this board. Just because some people get buttblasted every time they see it doesn't mean that 50% of content on the board should be nuked.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
Again, no. In fact this is a really dumb idea. I agree that there are a lot of generals, but removing them from the board isn't an option. I think combining them--some of the less active ones or those who think they could do with a fusion--would work. For example, Plane Ponies and creepy waifus. Every CYOA thread. Those are small threads that could do with some fusion and it doesn't eliminate a huge amount of content from the board like banning EqG would.

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
No. We have /trash/ to post porn on now. Changing it to a red board would be pointless.

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
No. I'm not retarded enough to expect that everyone here will be good and not spam other boards with pony shit just on principle. /mlp/ is full of cancer. Removing GR15 would be detrimental to our health and the heal of other boards. You don't need to go around posting ponies everywhere anyway; you have a whole 1.5 boards for it.

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
I never liked /mlp/ with a sticky. I don't even see what the point of it would be. I guess I don't care enough to argue too strongly, but I don't like the idea.

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
Again, I don't care. Anyone who uses adblock won't see them anyway and it's not like anyone on another board is going to come to /mlp/ just because they saw a super keen banner advertising us. They're useless. Just be happy the mods let us have one in the first place.
>EQG can take place literally anywhere in the world, especially if you consider humanized a subset of EQG. EQG stories also have better characterization, and plot elements.
Not that guy, but none of those things are inherent to EQG. You can have FiM green take place anywhere that hasn't been established in the show. Same thing with characterization, and plot elements. Good or bad isn't inherent to the original elements. I agree though that >no hooves can be massive autists
>Dazzlings and Scitwi that are constantly producing greens and art

>princess twilight (49,617)
>human twilight (3,565)
>midnight sparkle (821)
>sonata dusk (7,097)
>adagio dazzle (5,692)
>aria blaze (4,754)

Yeah EqG produces way more more art than ponies.
Oh so you mean the threads we don't get anymore? Yeah let's get a sticky up to prevent those threads.
We are talking about on this board, shithead.
>using derpibooru numbers to gauge how much content a general produces on /mlp/
Nice try. Go post that in Nightly Twilight Thread and see how long it takes for someone to reply to you with "bump".
I'd prefer that to another "hey anon (insert shitty writebait)" thread.
Besides, you know it will settle in naturally once the novelty wears off.
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>EQG stories also have better characterization, and plot elements
Sex with milf Sunset Shimmer, sex with teen Sunset Shimmer, sex with sister Sunset Shimmer.
Go look at /trash/ and tell us the variety of porn threads you see. It's not too much of a change.
And your still wrong. How many green on this broad only have nothing to do with EqG. Lets see shall we.

>49 threads about ponies
>11 threads about EqG.

Yeah so much more.
Shes sexy and she knows it.
>MLP stories also have better characterization, and plot elements
Anon gets all the pussy, Anon gets all the pussy comedy, Anon gets all the pussy really bad comedy that people think is funny, Anon gets one pussy, Anon rapes one pussy, Anon uses shitty jokes as he fumbles around a fimfiction-tier world trying to get pussy.
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We are talking content produced from the threads. Much (not all) of the EG threads are healthy while much (not all) of the pony threads are half bumps and half "wheres the content?" posts or they are shitty CYOA and generals based off of OCs
So which is it? Are EQG threads overtaking the board, or are they not? If you define threads as content, then there's no situation where banning them is justifiable. If they don't have many threads, then they're not taking up much space, which means there's no reason to ban them, but if they produce more threads, then that means they're producing content, which means you probably don't want to ban them.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
no. it's a part of mlp and everyone knows this

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
no. regardless if you like them or not, they produce content

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
no, we have /trash/ for that

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
no. only shitposters want it removed so they can trigger people all over again

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
yes. it will stop the "I don't get the appeal" type threads as well as make it confirm that /mlp/ is EqG's home so wer can stop hearing faggots on both sides whine and bitch

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
?? I don't follow that shit, so I don't care
no one seems to know how to use 4chan properly
>hide threads
>report shitposters/trolls and ignore them
it's not that difficult, it's like you WANT to be triggered
these tools are there for a damn reason
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I was going to actually start replying, but then I noticed that even with you sarcasm, what you have described still has more variety and
>have better characterization
and more
>plot elements
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>Implying that's a bad thing
Yes? /trash/ is not overrun with mlp porn threads. That's my point. There was an increase in the beginning since people could, but now it's a varied mix of other topics. That /trash/ is inherently about porn doesn't factor into this.
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>no, we have /trash/ for that
And we have boards for drawing and writing, lest ban the fuck out draw-threads and write-guild.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
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Don't give them ideas.
Both sides of the spectrum have a substantial amount of smut in their greens. Saying that one side is purely smut when the other isn't is just biased. Now, from all the non-smut stories I've read around the board, I have noticed that MLP greens seem higher quality because they tend to be more spread out across the board. You come across them more often. On the flip side, the quality EqG stories tend to be concentrated into their own generals. Because of that, you don't really see them unless you venture into that general. That doesn't mean they don't exist. In fact, I'd go as far as to say that the highest quality of EqG greens far outclass the highest quality MLP greens. Again though, you wouldn't know that unless you took the time to go into those generals. I can understand why you wouldn't, but just keep in mind that unless you're willing to go out there and experience both sides of the spectrum, you can't make blanket statements like the one you did.
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They haven't felt the warmth of the setting sun, yet.
That not the point. There is more content being created through ponies than through EqG. AJ on Derpi has 94 thousand pictures, and she is the least favorite pony of the mane6. Still has 30 thousand more pictures than all of EqG.

His point was that EqG creates more content, I'm just proving him wrong.
and yet those shitty cyoas, pone oc's and pure mlp threads are the ones reaching bump limit while EQG dies. look at the archive, EQG gets maybe 1 in every 10 500+ threads.
Anon gets all the human pussy, Anon gets all the human pussy comedy, Anon gets all the human pussy with comedy that is bad but people think is good, Anon is just a high school kid and gets raped, Anon lives out his high school waifu dream, story isn't about Anon at all and follows someone else
The way the light touches that balcony might be the most beautiful thing I've seen all year...
>That not the point
Yes it is. We are talking about how much content the EG threads on /mlp/ produce compared to others and they make a shit ton. Other characters may have more art in general on the internet but they were a thing when the fandom was at its strongest. EG is 3 years younger and only came about at the fandoms initial decline. Looking at the EG threads compared to the pony threads, EG produces a shitton of content. We're not leaving. Get used to it.
>Keep porn on /trash/
Otherwise, I agree, it will turn this board into various fetish threads and a pony themed /b/

If we contain it to one thread, it'll constantly be on page one due to popularity and people will bitch about that too, rather than a few threads bumping a different intervals

>no hooves
Just delete the posts that try to incite arguments. Its terribly annoying

At least flexed to allow pony reactions, but no active discussions that detract from the boards intended theme

>too many generals
Maybe look into combining a few, ifk

Get rid of the obvious troll entries

Sure, an updated sticky wouldn't hurt

Thats my two cents at least
This. In any situation, there's no reason to ban or alter the board's structure over EqG.
Wow, anon. You're so smart and perceptive. I never realized that the point of porn threads was to encourage creative expression and celebration of the show. I always thought they were just for posting porn.
I seriously love how well written your post was. I could taste the sarcasm. Teach me, senpai
Well, anon. If you stopped saying stupid shit, I wouldn't have to talk to you like this.
>Looking at the EG threads compared to the pony threads, EG produces a shitton of content.
Are you this autistic or do I actually have to explain why EG content would appear concentrated when its contained to a miniscule subsection of the board?

You have 5 places in which all your content aggregates and you think that makes you healthy. You don't even burn through those threads particularly fast, so you're not even making content that quickly.

mlp cyoas alone have half as many images as the entire EQG fandom. You guys aren't even close.
No, I wasn't that Anon. I just really loved your sarcasm.
As usual people let the fags that want the mods to ruin the place win.
/mlp/ is dead.
>eqg shouldn't be confined because we have lots of green text
probably some of the shittiest logic I've seen in a while. I know most eqgfags are complete newfags, but there was a time when all of AiE fics were in one general.

>people are actually debating the quality of greentext
This is legitimately hilarious, because all greentext is complete trash that reads like it was written by a five year old
No matter what you say on here, there is no way on God's green earth that EG will ever be banned, but please, by all means keep crying. You're kinda like the barneyfag of EqG
Sorry about that. My bad.
I never said anything about banning EQG.
Are you new to 4chan and the whole 'anon' shtick?
You also don't realise, being obviously too fucking clever, that it will allow to post any pony art, regardless of having porn in it or not.
And if you make any fucking difference between good pony art and good pony porn, I can only suggest you kys, retarded bigot.
Well then you must have taken the place of the other guy I was arguing with. Either way, EG is here to stay. That was the original discussion.
>Otherwise, I agree, it will turn this board into various fetish threads and a pony themed /b/
For (You) >>28438391
>selective perception
EqG shouldn't be confined because it's pony content that gets released regularly and people enjoy posting about it and discussing it
>We're not leaving.

Ah so this is the root of it. Please point to me where I said that EqG should leave, I'll wait, but in the mean time.

>Looking at the EG threads compared to the pony threads, EG produces a shitton of content.

Except they don't. What you seem to take as content is nothing more than discussion on the topic, and there are more pony threads that do just than EqG, as I pointed out earlier. Even if you disregard bump thread.
Behold, the average /mlp/ poster
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We've got one right now. >>28435857
Note how it's at the top of page one even though it's far exceeded the bump limit.
Any normal thread would have dropped off the edge of page ten and into the archive by now.
>Ah so this is the root of it. Please point to me where I said that EqG should leave, I'll wait, but in the mean time.
How the fuck do I know who said what? We're all anonymous. I just reply to whoever replied to me and earlier I was arguing with someone who wanted to van EG and then you took his place when we started talking about content.
>Except they don't.
Have you ever browsed any EG thread ever? They are constantly pumping out more content. We just gave birth to a new general too. The lewd slumberparty one which is constantly making more green.
So, arguments for the porn are:
1. More material
2. MAYBE more content
3. More freedom
Arguments against are:
I say we ban clop fags, iwtci*fags, and every other horse fucker and force them into /trash/. That should improve our standing across 4chan considerably.
Thanks mate. I appreciate the help.
Really, kid? That's the best you can do?
Wow, what a balanced point of view. You sure convinced me with your hot opinions.
Tell me more.
Stop. You're a nohoovesfag posing as an EGfag trying to make all EGfags look bad.
Don't forget better moderation
>eqgshitter damage control
>Implying FiM are any different.

EQG stories is just superior to FiM stories. Environment, setting, characterization, story telling, realism, everything is just better. Get fucked >nohoovesfag

You have so fuuuuuucking much to say, I see. So many fucking point to make, arguments to bring up.
Why don't you just leave this thread, scum?
It will always get worse as a red board
>Anon becomes friends with the Mane 6
>Anon becomes close friends with princesses
>Anon has sex with princesses
>Anon has sex with background ponies
>Anon deals with ponies who call him a "hyooman"
>Anon dates ponies
>Anon lives a wonderful fantasy life with ponies
And that's somehow worse than EQG stories? lol, okay buddy.
Go back and read my post you mongoloid. I'm for EqG.
All those could be applied to anthro
>Environment, setting, characterization, story telling, realism, everything is just better.
Because YOU are saying it? So fucking based.
Average EqG imbicil, meh.
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>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
Nah, it's here to stay, no matter how shitty the source material is. There's some interesting concepts to explore with the series, and it seems to becoming more fantastical in nature, which is good. Most EqGfags are alright, but too many have this mentality that they're the counter-culture on /mlp/.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/?
No, /mlp/ has always had generals and always will. They provide decent amounts of content and almost every green comes from a general of some kind.

The problem comes from when meta shittery infects a general.

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
No, /trash/ exists now and we've managed to find other ways to post porn like imgur links. I wish that mods would fuck off like they did in the first year of /mlp/'s existence, but I realize that's likely never going to happen again.

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
No, Barneyfag will reveal that he's actually a gestalt consciousness and shitpost every board into oblivion. I'm biased on this point, because my pony reaction folders and non-pony reaction folders are of equal size; there's no struggle for me to find the perfect meme face.

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
I think we should have a sticky, but one that shoves newfags into the board culture like pic related.

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options?
Who even sees them?
Because you've yet to show a structured argument yourself, kiddo.
>probably some of the shittiest logic I've seen in a while.
Same could be argued for MLP general on /co/. Nothing of value is going to be lost except for shitty art and shitty stories, so why do we need a board instead of one general?
I have, and once again no they don't. Spawning a new general isn't hard to do anon. Flurry, Equestria at war, Hunter Anon, and Where do you work Anon? are all new pony generals. CYOAs are mostly pony focus, and can have a new one created. (Your waifu, FoE outcasts etc.) In the mean time only Lewd Sleep over, Incestuous Relationships Thread, and the Moondancer thread are the new EqG threads created thus far, and I'm stretching the definition of new. Oh and Casual/ public sex came back too.
>It will always get worse as a red board
Yes. But let's sort this out with porn first.
>And that's somehow worse than EQG stories? lol, okay buddy.
What? You arguing it's better, yet you make it sound worse. Everything you listed makes FiM stories seem stupid.
So you can claim that my argument is not structured, without presenting any youself, just like you did the last time, moron?
Get the fuck out.
This seems like a very trivial topic to argue about. I thought you were that Anon I was originally arguing with who said he wanted EG banned. If you're not him, why are we fighting?
I bid you a good day, Anon. May you have many lewd dreams of your waifu
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>Implying there's no arguments
You're not going to convince many people to your opinion by dismissing the opposition outright.
I'm for porn but you need to give their ideas a fighting chance.
Some things discussed against last thread were >>28428936 and >>28429285.
>we don't get anymore
But that's wrong, you fucking casual.
The only way you haven't seen them is if you only come here an hour or so each day.
I'm here for a great many hours every day, actually.
You want to repeat that?
They yet to bring at least one fucking argument except
The only other argument
>Porn should not be allowed because it will then become like how /b/ is now where over half their threads are just various porn fetishes.
Was already dismissed by >>28438391
What I really, really hate about this shithole is how'd far you faggots would live in denial. So let me state the facts clearly as the ever blue sky, and the ever blue state of this board
Who are you quoting?
EqG belongs here. I only object to, as others have said, something with five hours of content taking up so much board space.
I don't know, just felt like having a dick measuring for some reason. Good day anon.
Illidan :^)
Anon what are you doing? They're just going to spam memes at you.
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Sure. Doesn't mean everyone has to like it, though.

We've already had that argument before, and no we're not.
Yes, My Little Ponies technically are animals, in the same sense that humans are animals. They're a cute little sentient species that happen to be surprisingly hot in r34 form.

That doesn't mean that any of us want to jerk off to gay foxes or wear a fucking fursuit like picrelated.
Just because you're a furry doesn't mean everyone here is like you, don't try to put us down to your level.
Go back and look at your post you snot nosed little shit. You give arguments for porn 3 points in which you make one look someone what bad to pretend you're unbiased, and then you immediately go on to shit all over the anti-porn consensus, lumping them all into one argument, and writing them as stupidly and incoherently as you really sound. I mean come one, you dumpster diving little slut. Who do you think you're fooling? Why don't you take your room temperature bargain isle hotpockets and slither off to whatever grimy corner of your dark and dingy basement you came from, you cock gobbling, cum guzzling, piss drinking, shit eating, fart sniffing, scat loving, Hillary supporting, mom fucking, artery clogging, spit sucking, toe curling, neckbeard growing little asshole?
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>Sarcastically shocked comment
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>Smug, contradictory opinion
I know the risk, and I even think about putting a spoilered "come at me, faggots" or a picture of a semi-serious bait.jpg, but I realize that if I want to make a difference, the change had to start from the man in the mirror ^:)
>I only object to, as others have said, something with five hours of content taking up so much board space.
It takes up so much board space because it has so much potential. It's just more entertaining and the stories have more substance. I personally enjoy the freedom, you can't write a story about taking a pony to an arcade then going to the mall, or doing some human shit unless you force magic into your story for plot. EQG has that realism side, shit that's more relatable, and it just makes it much better.

Another opinion I have; FiM related stories are best when there's no anon, whereas EQG stories are the opposite.
look here
If you think EQG is taking up too much space, then it has to be based on the threads themselves and as to whether they're producing stuff. It has no relation to the amount of 'hours' the source material is.

People push the boundaries of a blue board as it is. Without the current limits in place, it'll escalate to more and specific threads. They always do on this site. There would be at least a page worth of different porn threads on the board at various times, and who knows what else as a red. I can tolerate the threads here as a blue, it'd be all the eqg threads tenfold.

Tl;dr clusterfuck of porn
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>Unintelligible comment accompanied by a pic that has nothing to do with the discussion

Yeah, what this guy said. Fuck everything about his pic and that kind of thing.
Nah, I see a lot of circlejerking and attempts to make FiM-only fans mad, like your posts. EqG is the exact opposite kind of story I got into this franchise for.

Those restrictions are what made FiM so great in part.

I'll just hide any thread with a mention of EqG because I don't like it. Just a shame when it pushes FiM threads off.
Nice fucking post, dipshit, again, so many fucking points made, like you being buttblasted autistic whore.
Trying to critic only that very post, ignoring any points made by me and Anons, that appeared before, and then opening your filthy stinky mouth to say something about ignoring someones arguments.
Wow, I haven't seen such a dumb ape like you on the internet for a while, gratz, you surely impressed the whole thread, lowbrow.
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GR15 should be abolished and the sticky should come back, everything should be left alone.

>Implying Hiro's actually going to do anything
Behold your average blue-poster.
I woun't be surprised, if an actuall horse cunt brought you to this world, you fucking filthy animal on the loose.
I'm not talking about other Anons. I'm talking about you specifically. You and your retarded fucking post that I originally replied to.
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Honestly, even though I'm fine with the way things are now, and the amount of shit that will probably follow after lifting GR15 is really unappealing, this is the most fair thing to do. It would make the rules that apply to other blue boards like /v/, /vp/, /a/, etd. also apply to us. It's the most consistent thing to do.
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Jesus, Anon. He touched a fucking nerve.
I'm disturbed by the amount of toxic and problematic ways of thinking present in this thread.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general?

Contained to a general.


To end the 'why is she so perfect' threads.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?

>Should /mlp/ become a red board?



Because there's not enough show discussion and too many fetish generals as it is.

>Should GR15 be abolished?



To irritate barneyfag and so that I can bring the glorious love of ponies to /his/.

>Should we see our sticky return?



It isn't necessary.

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options?



To irritate barneyfag. If he's irritated enough he'll just suicide live on /v/ and all the peoples of 4chan will rejoice.
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Or else?
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Dis gunnna be gud
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
Enjoy more problematic dialogue I guess, nigger.
>You and your retarded fucking post that I originally replied to
That originaly got you triggered, so you started simply sperging out, meanwhile even daring to say something about structured arguments.
Spare me from your autism already.
>To end the 'why is she so perfect' threads.
you do know those are mostly done by shitposters to trigger people like you, right?
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>tumblr filename

Quality shitpost.
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>Contained to a general.
We've already discussed how badly that will fail.
Ain't gonna happen
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He's also gotten dubs now, he's one of the bright new minds.
There was a strawpoll regarding red mlp in the last thread, here
Everyone who still hasn't voted can simply join.
Are people seriously talking about removing EG?
Back when EG was announced faggots kept thinking that GR15 didn't apply to it until moot said that it belongs only in /mlp/ and that it wasn't a gray area.
The point of this board is to be a containment board and EqG is part of that containment.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
I don't think it can be removed or contained, but it would be interesting to see an all in one eqg thread. It would never work though.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
There will never be another board made for mlp, and if they're sent to /trash/ pony would take it over. It'd be a huge shitstorm.

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
With /trash/ around I don't see it happening.

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
It will only happen if/when /mlp/ is deleted and the mods are ready to deal with the shitstorm for a few weeks until the novelty wears off.

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
Yes. We don't need it for troll threads anymore, but it would be very useful in setting what's allowed and what isn't. It would get rid of a lot of bitching and arguing.

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
The mods should want this to happen because barneyfag said he would leave 4chan if we got a banner we like.
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I think part of the idea is to remove EqG completely from 4chan, or at least banish it to /trash/.

>It would get rid of a lot of bitching and arguing
We had one that was written by a mod during the Scruffening. It did nothing but provide ammo to arguments that mods were overstepping.

>barneyfag said he would leave 4chan if we got a banner we like
Man, you think that they would be jumping at the chance to get rid of him. I doubt he'd actually leave though.
>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options?
Yes, and same for /adv/ and the other boards that got screwed. Ideal solution would be to only count votes if the pass used for voting has also been used to post on the board in question (with some requirement on # of posts/threads)
We should totally make more boards for /mlp/ topics! Ponychan does it and they're super fun XD
Ponychan's only fun if you're into necrophilia :^)
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>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/?
The number of generals is a problem but I think the best solution is not to move them but rather to prevent people from bumping dead generals. Start handing out 3-day bans for bumping without content and the problem would go away real quick.
>I think part of the idea is to remove EqG completely from 4chan
The board instantly loses a good number of generals and loses traffic from the people who only come to read EQG stories.

That isn't good in the long run.
>3 day ban for posting "bump"
Jesus Christ man calm down. It's not like he's spitting on moot's grave or anything. I'd say 1 day TOPS if you really want to start banning people for it. That said, I think banning people for bumpinf a thread is retarded and it shouldn't be implemented.
>Start handing out 3-day bans for bumping without content and the problem would go away real quick.
Do you know how hard that would be to enforce? Mods and janitors couldn't even hope to be even slightly uniform. People would be getting bans, while others would walk free, only to create some delusion that the moderation would be picking favorites.
If half the items on OP's list are implemented, /mlp/ will be Ponychan.
I used to think that way, but frankly with how much it's used to bump dead and useless generals, I'm all for it now
>That isn't good in the long run.
I agree, but you're points are really bad, my dude.

>Board instantly loses a good number of generals
A lot of people think that there's already too many generals. You're not going to change their minds by saying this.

>loses traffic from the people who only come to read EQG stories
Chances are, if they only come here to read EqG Green, they weren't contributing much to the board in the first place.

Who's m00t?

They need to add a word filter to bump. I don't think that banning for using the word is a good idea, but it gets tedious to see it everywhere.
>who's moot
I really hope you're joking
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>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
Give me liberty or give The Barneyfag death
>Who's m00t?
I'm sorry but your arguments are now completely invalid
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OP, this could have been a productive thread, but you just HAD to bring up EQG, which pretty much ensured this thread's downfall.

Next time ignore EQG and focus on the shit that really matters, like making /mlp/ NSFW and GR15. The Eqg shit you put in your post is extremely unnecessary and accomplishes nothing.
You can't have expected a structured discussion when you throw EG into the mix.
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>Actually taking that seriously
I didn't even put effort into it, c'mon.
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>You can't have expected a structured discussion when you throw EG into the mix.
This is the fucking problem. It's the >nohooves kiddies that shit up EQG discussion.
Yes. Ban the eqg trash. Possibly to >>>/trash/. It's been coming to them since the day one.

Keep the generals for all I care. They are probably one of the main reasons the board is still alive.

I actually have no opinion in this matter. Red or blue, I don't give a fuck, I don't browse 4chan at work.

No. GR15 is the reason #1 to the existence of this board. Without GR15, /mlp/ has no reason to keep existing.

Yes, the sticky would be nice. Possibly by some based mod, if there are any left.

Probably, yes. I don't care though, I block the banners with my ad blocker.
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>Yes. Ban the eqg trash. Possibly to >>>/trash/. It's been coming to them since the day one.
Nope. You're stuck with us. Eat shit.
Believe it or not eqg is actually a big fucking problem. Whether or not it is mentioned in the OP doesn't mean shit. You just know one of the first five posters would have brought it up anyway.
Pretending to be retarded is just as retarded as actually being retarded.
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>No. I'm not retarded enough to expect that everyone here will be good and not spam other boards with JoJo shit just on principle. /a/ is full of cancer. Removing GR15 would be detrimental to our health and the heal of other boards.
>You don't need to go around posting JoJo's everywhere anyway; you have a whole 1.5+ boards for it.
This is a pony board not a fucking board for ayylmao monstrosities
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>Believe it or not eqg is actually a big fucking problem
How is it a problem? Just because some people don't like it?
>Keep the generals for all I care. They are probably one of the main reasons the board is still alive.
>Generals are what's keeping the board alive
>So lets ban 10 of them because people are enjoying shit I don't like.
>Nothing wrong with them, really. It's just that I always go into their threads and type ">no hooves" to ruin their discussion, then in threads like this one I say they are shit eaters and faggots even though I'm the one who derails threads.
Logic, everyone.
>You just know one of the first five posters would have brought it up anyway.
The same way one of the first five posters in a EQG general tries to derail it with >No hooves?
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Whaddya gonna do about it? Cry? Like a little bitch?
>hue hue still being triggerd by ponie after 4 years
Kys faggots that get triggered by EQG ain't more than normalfags
EqG isn't a problem. Faggots whining about it make it one. Nigger it's part of MLP and that's the end of it. It belongs on this board. You will NEVER, not in 1000 years and 1000 after that, find enough nor/mlp/eople to come to a consensus and ban EqG content from /mlp/.
You didn't even type m00t right

I see your autism got in the way of the joke anon he's dissing the faggot that left us

Unless i'm the one being tricked in that case I concede you got me guys
>This is a pony board not a fucking board for ayylmao monstrosities
Ironic how those ayylmao monstrosities draw up more discussion and better stories than the ponies this board is supposedly made for. Keep crying.
oh boy
Hiro, you're not getting anything from a 50 dudes trying to do shit about a board that has fallen so low

Im sorry, but we arent salvageable. Leave us be in our purgatory, and good luck with the other boards
You mean circlejerk. That about sums up literally every eqg thread. Since, as you likely know first-hand, the majority of eqgfaggots are "refugees" from Ponychan and EQD, as compares to the "refugees" who don't migrate to Europe to escape war, but to get a better living on social support, just like niggers and gypsies do.
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EqG is not a huge fucking deal. Look. I personally hate EQG. The franchise is complete cancer and hangs on MLP's name like a turdball sticking to a goat's ass.

But that doesn't change the fact that it belongs here. Trying to change that is a massive waste of time, and the discussion will just be instantly derailed be autists posting smug Sunset pictures anyway.

Time spent arguing about EQG could be put towards discussion of GR15 and other things. It's honestly frustrating seeing a good thread die because anti-EQG shitters and pro-EQG smugposters can't keep it in their fucking pants.

Get the fuck over it. Let's talk about something else that actually fucking matters.
It would have been brought up by the anons who hate eqg anyways.

Honestly, it's perfectly fine to dislike and even hate it, but the anons who are so strongly against it are starting to look just as autistic as barneyfag. Seeing the ">no hooves" fags trying to bully the eqgfags off the board is like watching a sperg pick on another sperg. It's fucking pathetic and it needs to stop.
Get rid of the anthro ban it's fucking retarded
>People ITT actually hate on EQGfags and claim they shit up threads.
>They also conveniently forget how it's FiMfags who shit up EQG threads.
Autism. Don't be mad because some "monster high bullshit" draws more attention than your pony fantasy fanfic. EQG is a huge cashgrab for Hasbro, if it weren't for that, there could possibly be no FiM anymore.
>You mean circlejerk. That about sums up literally every eqg thread
>Implying that's not the same for pony threads.
>more discussion
That's what eqgfaggots call circlejerking.

>better stories
You genuinely made me chuckle. I don't actually even know how to reply to that bold statement, it's just that fucking ridiculous.
>hangs on MLP's name like a turdball sticking to a goat's ass.
You're playing it on pretty thick there, mate. But yeah, I like your point. I just wish others thought more like you.
>>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
No. EqG doesn't pose as a spam problem. It's a portion of the content. I'm not even an EqGfag.
>>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
No. The generals are a hub of content. They're still related to the show, despite being fanon.
>>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
Spoilered porn is a nice in between, otherwise I'm fine with it. The punishment should be less strict.
>>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
In a sense, yes. Reaction images should be allowed. That's it. It must also follow the rules of spam.
>>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
Yes. Newfags or spamposters should see a clear set of rules at the beginning, so they can't spam the same thread.
>>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
Yes. It's clear wha the spam is. Also rigging has been used, so it's automatically against the rules.
>I don't actually even know how to reply to that bold statement, it's just that fucking ridiculous.
>I can't prove you wrong, but I'll laugh at what you said and reply in a condescending manner so it seems as if I just don't want to talk about the counter arguments that I don't have.
You figured out how to argue on the internet, fantastic. You done, kiddo?
> loses traffic from the people who only come to read EQG stories.
Good riddiance
It's got to the point where everybody is trolling everybody and nobody actually knows who started it. While the newcomers don't notice anything strange since they never knew what was "normal"and just blend in with the crowd.

It's literally like the room with a ceiling shower, twentt monkeys, and a banana.
But then the site loses money, retard.
>Ironic how those ayylmao monstrosities draw up more discussion and better stories than the ponies this board is supposedly made for. Keep crying.
You again? Just fucking gtfo already, you are mentally invalid, just as your arguments.
No, it's not me again. I have a brain and stopped arguing. That's some new faggot.
Invent something new already, you are patheti, as you have nothing to say. Again.
My reply to you was of the same nature your reply to the other guy was. They are both shit and don't add anything of value to the thread.
Then someone is actively trying to compromise you EqG fags, my best guess.
Do you...do you think 4chan actually makes money? The site is already a fucking cash sink that loses the owner money every year. Both moot and hiro have stated this. So the site would lose money whether it has anons coming for EQG or not.
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Let's play a game.
Try to summarize this thread in 1 picture.
only allow pony porn on /aco/ and /i/, you know stories are only written here for lack of porn and we need more stories
As a writefag who has done several stories for both FiM and EqG, I feel my EqG stories are on average better. I also notice this about other greens. When a story does not revolve around smut, EqG tends to deliver higher quality green.
Aye, but it will lose less money with them here. Always look on the bright side.
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>Thread made to discuss board issues
>oh and Eqg too lol
>instead of having meaningful discussion it's instantly derailed into a EqG focused autismfest
>nothing will change
It's always the sunfags, isn't it
It's probably just one guy avatarfagging.
How many more of this vague "But I feel this way" post do we still need? Can someone pls tell me? Someone, who "feels how many shit we need itt" mb?
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Yup. Fite me irl, mate. Ima reck you. I swear on me mum.
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Is there anything in EqG besides Sunset Shimmer?
I'm yet to see.
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They're called shimmerfags.
Tbh, most of my posts with Sunset on them were shitposts, sarcasm, and purposeful autism.
That's because coming up with a story about humans doesn't require any significant intelligence. Any retard can and will write about humans, and it fucking shows.
>Complains about EQG
>Gets told on how EQG is more popular than FiM on the board made for FiM
>"ur arguments suck kid, gtfo"
Have an unironic: XD
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Honestly /mlp/'s biggest problem isn't its moderation or policies right now. Our biggest problem is the show. We're trying to keep it alive with sheer willpower but it... it just wants to die, man.
Sunfags are for Celestia
>purposeful autism
Keep telling yourself that, mate.
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There's literally nothing wrong with EQG
>When a story does not revolve around smut, EqG tends to deliver higher quality green.
But just like FiM green, 90% of it IS smut, because that's what the majority of anons want. It's a shame.
>That's because coming up with a story about humans doesn't require any significant intelligence.
Please show me some examples of great green that involves FiM. This isn't even about me putting my best EQG stories against your best FiM, I just want to see for myself if anyone can actually link me to some pony stories that are stuff I(me, not other anons, ME(ME)) can rank higher than my top 5, personally.
See, this is why you never bring up EQG in board discussions. It'll be instantly spammed by smugshim posting. Next thread, do NOT fucking mention EQG in the OP.

Is that so hard?
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Daddy won't let that happen. They will keep beating this dead horse till the last drop of blood falls from Twilys veins.
>>Complains about EQG
>Gets told on how EQG is more popular than FiM on the board made for FiM
What? Anything of it actualyl happened? Are you having seizures or something?
I think it stems from the fact that writing humans is easier than ponies. Technicolor horses lack the describable body language that we have, specifically hand gestures. They can't cross their arms when they're irate, they can't shove them in their pockets when they're shy, they can't give a thumbs-up or flip the bird.
They would still have GR3 in /aco/ so lifting it there is meaningless.
That would only means humanized is allowed there.
Really no point with the existence of /trash/
>But muh content! Muh diversity! Muh characterization..
>this irrelevant pissing contest isn't actually an irrelevant pissing contest lol
Both of you quit it.
He might be. You never know what could happen. Are you prepared for an emergency?
It isn't even a problem. Some guy posts a shimmer pic, and says EQG doesn't need to leave. It's you anti-EQG fags that blow it out of proportions and going out of your way to call him and EQG in general, shit. Nothing wrong with EQG, it's the antiEQG which make it bad.
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Hiro's statement about the /mlp/ banner contest result:
In any case, EQG doesn't need to be brought up at all. It's not as big of an issue as GR15.
Not only is writing about humanoids easier but the EqG world is not defined at all. It has literally zero worldbuilding so it's far easier to come up with your own shit. The world is also more familiar since it takes place in a more contemporary setting rather than FiM mush mash of contemporary and fantasy elements
This only proves it's a legitimate concern. God knows a shift in board culture can't be forced. Mods restrict it, angry shitposting ensues. Mods leave it be, normal shitposting continues freely.
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>spammed by smugshim posting
What's Smokey going to do? Bury the guy so he can't hurt himself? Also you're supposed to play dead around bears. A seizure only agitates them.
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>Some guy posts a shimmer pic
I think this was all my fault. I didn't realize how triggered some people are by a girl with bacon hair
Complete and total bullshit and obviously done by sabatours. Sift through all the clear troll submisssions and throw up whatever's left over.
>nstead of having meaningful discussion
>about a board that was dedicated to weekly loreless cartoon targeted toward little girls with season long hiatuses
Take around 2000 people then close them inside a room and leave like this for 3 years,only allowing them to talk about meal they receive.The meal must be taken from the nearest unfinished building site which will be finished in around 7 years.After a year and a half ,start using electroshock on people who try to masturbate.After three years will pass , allow some people to leave,and close the door yet again.We're what is left after next two years in that room. And the foreman and chief engineer has left.
Not if hiro is smart and allows furry, loli and shota on red boards like eveyone wants
Not the anon you or anyone was arguing with, but Baconhair's acceptance on this board is only a daily reminder that pony dropped out of school to be princess, but princess is only master of an empty castle with bad insulation.
>>28439772 -guy
Im actually laughing now. Kinda, semi-retarded semi-hysterically.
>empty castle with bad insulation.
They just haven't discovered Owens Corning Fiberglass Insulation yet :^)
Hiro #2:
What exactly does this man want from us?
Quick! We need to convince Hiro to remedy the banner situation

They already did the episode where AJ fixes a steam pipe. Maybe they can do an episode where AJ installs insulation in the castle. It would be at least as good as the rest of this season.
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Just tell him to remove the troll banners and change nothing else on the board.
Everyone please take note. These posts >>28437881
are what derailed the thread. Anti-EQG fags trying to shit on EQG and baiting a EQG fag to prove why EQG shouldn't be removed.

You complain about EQG, yet you are the cancer worse than EQG, lmaowtf?
What everyone wants is not what is good for the site.
Loli shit will never be allowed outside /b/. It just brings too much problems with it because of laws. Just look at what derpibooru recently did, they recently put a complete ban on underaged material if it is even remotely humanoid because it's too much trouble.
As for the furry bit it's the same with gr15. It's part of this site's culture. You can even see it here where anons are okay with an anthro ban but not with GR15
Can someone with better writing skills than me formulate some kind of proposal for Hiro? Like: "We, the users of /mlp/ want the third winning banner, because.....". Then we have to gather replies to this proposal. But then this could also be looked at as samefagging.
Strawpoll for the banner issue.
Barneyfag is trying to convince Hiro to keep the banner up.
>dissing the faggot that left us
m00t is the reason you're here right now. He stuck with 4chan for years through all the shit we put him through. When ponies were being buttfucked across 4chan he gave us our little cancer corner of the internet. Just because he doesn't want to be the 4chan man anymore doesn't make him a deserting faggot. Show some respect.
xD, it's Hiro. He wants us to settle it ourselves, because he lives in a world where that's magically possible. Remember, this is /mlp/, a board dedicated to a show about friendship, we should be able to solve the problems on our own and become friends with the mods.
I just sent Hiro this post:

Give him expressive evidence with many replies so he doesn't have to read much.
In the shortterm archive I found two threads with the "banner" filter:
You mean shimmerfags. Sunfags worship Celestia.

Somebody get this newfag out of here.
I can agree with you on some points, but then there would be about 8 different porn threads up at the same time.
How about, if the board does go red, There is a limit on porn threads.
Ex. No different threads about MILFs, BDSM, Loli, just one central porn dump
>inb4 "i dont see conclusion"

Lets face it, he doesnt care
That's all ANYTHING in this thread is. That's all ANY discussion about rules ever is. How people feel dictates the law of the land.
We could never reach a conclusion.
Quads confirm truth. We are sadly a site of anons, and not of rules.
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gookmoot is useless, he's going to listen to all the screaming children and papa barneyfag on the literal reddit board.
>Lets face it, he doesnt care
I don't think that it's because he doesn't care, it's because he doesn't understand. There's obviously a language barrier going on, either that or he's just slow in the head. Even Barneyfag is more level headed than Hiro, he can actually put up a conversation, it's just that he "hates" /mlp/. Hiro can't even solve a simple problem.
>Hiro can't even solve a simple problem.
Anon, I'm not out to defend every action of anhiro, or even this one, but have you ever considered that problems on this site are actually more complex and nuanced than they seem?
>implying it isn't the mods in disguise

Just because it says ##admin in red lettering doesn't mean he's writing those posts
moot was the one doing the buttfucking, though. And don't you remember "tomato garden"? moot viewed 4chan as his personal little thing and mostly seemed annoyed by how many people were here using it. I mean aside from basic back-end stuff, I'm not sure of a good thing he did for any board in the last half decade. We used to call him the little girl for reason, and it was because he was kind of pissy and not really too well respected. Once he got to be an adult he pushed back, but all it did was throw wrenches into board communities. It took years for them to stop perma-banning for random bullshit and even longer to realize consistency and warnings (so somebody could come back after breaking a rule) were the only way large groups are going to follow rules in the first place.
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Mods should only limit themselves to remove spam, illegal shit and fags that are massively obnoxious like Nyxfag, NRDT
They shouldn't touch any other thread.
The retarded thing is that the mods all hate /mlp/ yet they are still allowed to moderate it. It's like having a racist cop patrolling the ghetto. Nothing good is going to come from it aside from #/mlp/livesmatter posts.
We have the one mod that makes the new episode threads. Why haven't we heard anything from him? I mean if he hated this place i seriously doubt he'd make those threads.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
Removed? No. General? Maybie. EQG is still part of the friendship is magic franchise. The only reason aginst it besides the weak plot is basically
>no hooves
>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
No. Beacuse it will be /b/+ponies if that happens. And genral ot just appers from thin air ,some of the best general comes from greentext prompt threads.
>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
No. We already have /trash/ for that. The shitposting is already high ,and I don't want to see some bored edgelord posting futanari necrophila squat watersprting lesbian anthro horses.
>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
The shitstorm will be big. And good. But then this board is going to be deleted.
>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
We need a new sticky like /fit/ has. Writing down all the shit that newfags need to know. Our new sticky should be similar ,and about our trashy memes.
>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
Yes. I wan't this board to have nice things. Six fucking year passed and the autistic buttthurt are still exist.
Tha was so fucking late, mate. We're way past that now.
That was a very bad comparison, Anon. You know how much of /mlp/ overlaps with /pol/.

It's more like allowing necrophilliacs to become undertakers, or known ISIS members to become pilots for American Airlines.
This is the concern we should take to Hiro.
Don't want the board red? fine.
BUT don't tolerate this bullshit attitude of letting the mods shit on us as if we owed them our lives.
They only have power over us (the people) because we gave them that power.
If nobody fucking posted, they wouldn't have any fucking power - so they better learn their fucking place.
Just because he says "hi, this is for you" doesn't mean we're in good company

The most fatal mistake is thinking the mods are by your side. Ever.
Why can't we have a mod the actually loves his board?
We have almost no rules on our russian /mlp/, porn is allowed, anthro is allowed and the mod is there doing as he sees fit, manually cleaning character generals of the b8 offensive posts, deleting porn only from threads where he knows majority doesn't like it (Lyra thread is usually stocked up with porn, and Rara general gets cleaned now and then)
I mean, he is already spending his time on this work, why would you do this for something you hate so much?
I'm starting to think these threads were a bad idea.
Really? What makes ya say that :^)
Possibly because your Ruskie board is much smaller than 4chan?
But yeah, what's important, we don't have janitors and all mods are local, with some of them just having multiple board to mod (like 2 mods for all of the porn boards), so /wh/ mod can't come to /b/ and do whatever he wants.
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It's possible that making episode stickies is all he's allowed to do by the order of the other mods.
Do mods feel some kind of a deep connection to their board, if a board is small?
Mods need to remain anonymous. It could be one person, could be a hundred. They can't relay personal feelings or opinions. They're only there to enforce the rules. That's it.
>Why can't we have a mod the actually loves his board?
Because it won't make a difference. Mods aren't board specific. No board gets the luxury of having all the reports sent to a single mod.
>The most fatal mistake is thinking the mods are by your side. Ever.
I never once believed the mods were on our sides, ever. However, I would like to know the motifs of the one we've seen post here.
>Mods need to remain anonymous.
I say this needs to change then. There has to be more disclosure and transparency. Because obviously what we have now (4chan as a whole) isn't working.
Small boards make it so if mods are faggots, then everybody stops posting quickly, and they lose their power and are left alone for being faggots.
But people here tolerates any and all kinds of abuse and they stil come back for more.
The problem here is that we shouldn't let ourselves be abused, we should stand up for ourselves.
>Mods need to remain anonymous. It could be one person, could be a hundred. They can't relay personal feelings or opinions. They're only there to enforce the rules. That's it.
Our /sci/ used to have a mod who would come in the middle of a night drunk to the half death, create a thread and complain about his life, so Anons would gather around and tell him he is a sweet prince and warm him up. And nobody minded, you know.
How much powers do mods have? Could one of them just up and delete /mlp/ if he got his pussy shredded by a black man?
On our chan sings were like mirror opposite.
The bigger the board was, the more was a need for the mod to behave, or more Anons would just go and spamm the hell out of our /d/ and vodkamoot, if they don't like something about their mod, wherever smaller boards were not so fast to receive help with their mods.
Well, it's easier to manage when it's smaller, also I dunno about the relationship between the Ruskie /mlp/ and the rest of the boards so there's also that. /mlp/ is not the whole of 4chan.
That's because in soviet russia everything is the opposite
>What is the Scruffening
An autistic Janitor could demolish this board. They couldn't straight up delete it, but they can make it unihabitable.
>relationship between the Ruskie /mlp/ and the rest of the boards
MLP is hated, but we don't have anything like g15 and our moot used to love to troll the shit out of /b/ with RD avatar.
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This sounds so comfy. And so distant.
Somewhere Anons are friends with their mod.
We used to have that in /pone/ but people just stopped posting.
They all probably went to ponychan or stayed here.
Perhaps make a thread with the poll so it gets more votes
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>mfw no replies

Does that mean y'all agree to my post or...
He's gone, guys

Hiro clearly don't give a shit
Or, you know. Time zones.
Nigga, timezones are only different by a couple of hours. Also, he's the owner of 4chan I doubt he's going to sleep within a 3 hour time span when it hits 10:00. Are you fucking stupoid?
Where is he located? Is he in the states?
Make /mlp/ red board
Allow Anthro

Make this happen hiro.
Ban humanized/eqg also
This needs to be a pony board
Nice bait my main meme
>Influx of porn which kills some generals
>influx of anti anthro threads

>remove a shit ton of generals and stories

All it does it bring negatives.
Get board exclusive mods that don't hate our shit
If they abuse their power, we can then know who is the one responsible so they are removed
How is it bait?
Humanshit has no place on a pony board.
Anthro is at least pony in appearance and has a much bigger right to be on a PONY board.
That other shit needs to GO. Like NOW
>Humanshit has no place on a pony board.
Funny because humanshit takes up so much, yet it's shit. Also funny how it produces the best green, even though it's shit.

Faust fags need to go.
>inb4 "hurr muh 4chans is not a democracy durr" fags
That's what moot said
Now he is gone, so things changed. Suck it.
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Except when there's humanized artwork of pony characters and an entire series about ponies becoming humans in the My Little Pony Franchise
Suck a cock
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>3 votes agaisnt
>barneyfag, revengefag and nyxfag
At least I truly see
>Also funny how it produces the best green
This sarcasm never grows old, good joke man. Good joke, again.
>Also funny how it produces the best green, even though it's shit.
Except that it doesn't and you wan't changing it by reading it like some kind of mantra, moron =D
Those are not ponies, the tile of the board is PONY.
You go suck a cock, humanfag.
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Let me just save a bit of time and step in to lay down some truths here:
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general?
Never going to happen. If things like TFH and Filly Funtasia got a pass due to loose connections and "cartoon/anime pony related content" you can bet that a direct spin-off is not going to be getting regulated any worse than those are.
>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/?
Never going to happen. Regardless how the rest of the board feels, most of the generals provide a large chunk of the traffic during the week. Removing them would only discourage that chunk of the userbase from coming back to the site, losing potential ad revenue and sources of shared content. I wouldn't be against a warning/light ban toward contentless bumps, however. I've seen too much of that and it would be better to encourage users to at least post an image or some other thread related content, even if it's just a repost, to keep content flowing.
>Should /mlp/ become a red board?
Never going to happen. Regardless what the early culture of the board use to be, it was never allowed and is not inherently necessary to allow porn/gore images for a board whose primary purpose is to contain discussion of the show. Links to other sites is allowed, /trash/ exists now, there is at this point no further reason to allow it here beyond additional convenience.
>Should GR15 be abolished?
I don't see the point. Outside of funposters stirring trouble, the only limit it puts is on a select range of reaction images. Anything else can and has already been covered here on /mlp/.
>Should we see our sticky return?
Most likely not, but I'd like to see one appended to include spoonfeeding threads.
>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options?
I honestly do not care about this. Much of the rest of the site likely uses some adblock or else hated /mlp/ already anyway, so I don't see the point.
Maybe you should read the first fucking rule of the board, newfag, because this board is for ALL cartoon/anime pony RELATED content
Try not to make it so obvious that you literally just blew in from Reddit next time
Permaban KS
Please someone post that cap where he admits he is just rulefag for trolling
I'm not from Reddit.
I'm regurgitating the wishes of the electorate of this board.
The people want a pure pony board and making it red is a good step to go.
Allowing anthro is good because of the last percentage of artwork and it's pony in appearance.
Banning humanshit is good too because that has nothing to do with ponies and would keep this board pure in ideology.
Pretty much this.
I envy pc fags who have this anon filtered.
t. ipad fag.
>pointless tripfag
into the trash it goes
I love how every one of the rule fags use this strong expressions as "never", "impossible" etc, when results of the poll shows that, if something IS going to happen at all, than it is turning board red.
Meh, muh balanced opinion.
DAILY REMINDER that KS goes to /qa/ to whine aboot the rules despite choking on mod cock and got told by the mods to sod off for being a sperg.
KS only enforces the rules to troll and piss off everybody else
He admitted to it in some IRC chat
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>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
I personally don't care.
I have complex filter set up, so cancer like Nyx, Starlight spam or EQG is not bothering me. Whatever happens I wont see those threads.
If I had to, I'd vote for EQG banishment into the /trash/.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
Generals are a-ok. And you can filter them easily, too.

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
I don't care. Fine either way.
Why are you people making a big deal of this, again?
lol, assblasted FiM fags mad that a "shit" series generates better content than the series' foundation. xD, no wonder you hate it so much, you can't stand the fact that it's objectively better than FiM in every way.
Why are EQG so ingrate pieces of shit? Your stupid thing wouldn't exist if it wasn't because FiM got popular.
Yet you still act is you have made it big by your own means.
>generates better content than the series' foundation
Okay-okay, we get it, just pls go unleash your "content" elsewhere, it stinks, like whole dedicated thread of the shit-eaters, named EqG general..
>Your stupid thing wouldn't exist if it wasn't because FiM got popular.
And G4 MLP wouldn't exist if G1-3 weren't a thing, yet FiM is objectively better than them.
FiM fags and their shit logic, xD.

>He's so anally devastated that he continues to try and shit on EQG because he knows his hatred is outshining what he loves.
I bet you are also mad we have a black president, and that he's more successful than you'll ever be.

6 seasons, okay fan content.
3 movies, amazing fan content.
Talk about pathetic.
So you are just b8.
>Filly Funtasia
the rules were directly changed to accommodate it/
>People falling for EqG b8
EqG fags are some of the most autistic faggots to exists. Filter em where you can, and just ignore them everywhere else.
>I can't argue back, but I noticed you use an emoticon that's not what we "4channers" use.
>Let me just bring that up so I can ignore how shit my "argument" was.
Okay kiddo, glad you got triggered by the "xD." Go back to your MLP General with the rest of you autists.
This guy gets it.
>Your stupid thing wouldn't exist if it wasn't because FiM got popular.
no, it would have existed either way
EqG was made during S2 and S3
S3 was SUPPOSED to have been the end of FiM, but it got popular enough for Hasbro to keep the series going when they renewed the contracts back during the last half of S2

EqG would be the staff's main focus right now (EqG probably would have already had a tv series by now) if bronies hadn't made G4 popular

basically, EqG was going to happen no matter what and FiM should have ended at S3 if it weren't for the fandom

FiM fags are some of the most autistic faggots to exists. Filter em where you can, and just ignore them everywhere else.
it's a two-way street, friend
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>EQG fags are the worst. They are the biggest autists around. Even though there are more FiM autists like pic related, but s-still! EQG sucks, they have to have bigger autists, r-right?
Another wreck'd 'em rectum from FiM Fags.

Please just go back to your shit generals with your fantasy story about anon fucking ponies, that's all you seem to be good at aside from embarrassing yourselves.
I just see that EQG fags want to get easy (You)s.
If the EQG's content is so objectively "amazing" then why do people have this argument every time it's posted outside of your designated circlejerking threads? Your opinion is not fact, but keep parroting that. Maybe someone will believe you.
I don't see the issue of having 4 subject areas to discuss on /mlp/
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>My saved screencap represents you
I'll take the bait anyway, I'm too bored
It has begun.
what a wonderful retort
you gonna actually discuss or continue to bitch?
Nice cherrypicking, you cap isn't even from 4chan. It's an underage from Deviantart, which is notorious for having hyper-spergs. We're talking about /mlp/ - Pony, not an outside site.
Just like you have been doing?
so how long before Scruffening 3 begins?
>>28441297 was my second post out of this whole fucking thread

it's funny that FiMfags continue to claim they're better than EqGfags, but I haven't seen anything to prove it
>Anti EQG fags start bait and shit up the thread
>EQG fags defend their content
>Anti EQG go out of their way to keep shitting on EQG fags
>Somehow EQG fags are the ones to blame
>it's funny that FiMfags continue to claim they're better than EqGfags
why would that matter? in the end, we're all faggots.
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>>Anti EQG fags start bait and shit up the thread
Nice b8, shitfag
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>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?

No. Its a part of the series whether people like it or not.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?

The content creation would be stifled hard on an already slow board, so no.

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?

No. /trash/ exists.

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?

Its fine the way it is, but I'd like to be able to use pony reaction images at least.

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?

Sure, it keeps the rules very clear to people looking to troll and newfags alike

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?

Yes. If most of the board recognizes them as troll, then theres obviously a problem.
Anti-EQG fags realise they're literally barneyfag, right?
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EQG are always the ones to blame, simply because they exist.
Go on and call this post b8, because it hurts your fucking sensitivities, faggot.

Nice trips.

>EQG content
>objectively "amazing"
Objectively, It's mediocre. Generic high school bullshit.
Not even "good", just "mediocre". Barely.

If you want something good to compare try w.i.t.c.h, sailor moon or cardcaptor sakura.
it matters to each side of the coin which one is better, it's just part of human nature

maybe if each side would stop antagonizing the other, both would be able to enjoy their respective threads on /mlp/
i don't understand why all of these can't be on the same board.
Why can't people just see EqG as part of MLP rather than a separate thing?
EqG isn't worse or better than pony because it itself is pony.
they also don't realize they're doing the exact same thing that the whole of 4chan did to them, they're trying to do to EqG

Add clop and anthro then.
The sooner, the better. I need a good firestorm.
>they also don't realize they're doing the exact same thing that the whole of 4chan did to them, they're trying to do to EqG
I've never liked being on /co/ and now we have own board.
Your argument is invalid for me.
Soon, I hope...
>Objectively, It's mediocre. Generic high school bullshit.
Still haven't been shown where FiM has better stories than EQG. Somehow generic "anon fucks ponies story #329" is objectively better than "Anon in highschool #328-2"

>Add clop and anthro then.
both are banned though.
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>Your argument is invalid for me.
>All of 4chan hates you and is trying to push you away even though you did nothing inherently wrong, or more specifically, you haven't done anything wrong since.
>Doesn't apply to /mlp/ hating EQG fags even though they did nothing inherently wrong.
not him but yeah, it's the same thing, just a different setting
I'd like to see more EqG stories where they're in college
Just make /eqg/ so they can have a dead board and we don't have to deal with them.
Before EQG was a thing, we had a good place.
So it is all your fault that the fandom is divided, and you praise this crap from Hasbro.
How the hell do you think we wouldn't hate your shit if you caused this? If nobody accepted EQG, we wouldn't have this problem.
>EqG stories where they're in college
I might use this in the next story I write, when I get around to it.
>Somehow generic "anon fucks ponies story #329"
Because Anon at least does so in different places and with different ponies =D
But sure, reading 10th time in a different story how Anon fucks Sunset in the library is better for your shit-consuming digestion.

Anti EqG is literally cancer. Ruined a perfectly good thread, and blamed it on EqG.
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>2 board for MLP
good joke.
see >>28441574
Fuck you.
Too bad discussing whenever we should have EqG at all was among planned in OP topics all along.
Nice maneuvering (not).
That was my first post to you. And this one is my last. Never fucking reply to me again.
>haven't been shown where FiM has better stories than EQG. Somehow generic "anon fucks ponies story #329" is objectively better than "Anon in highschool #328-2"
Dude, are you high or drunk? There is no "Anon" in FiM nor EQG.
or they could actually expand on the characters. they can't rely on "it's the girls you love only in human form" forever.
Want to know a secret? No one against EQG cares about content produced in generals on either side because they already filter/ignore them, the real problem with EQGfags is that they post their shit outside the genrals. i.e. 'Why is she so perfect?/Find a flaw', 'Sunset is a Christian XD', and other useless threads begging for more fapbait green. If you all just stayed in your easily filter-able generals then we wouldn't be posting right now.
>10th time in a different story how Anon fucks Sunset in the library
So? At least it's actually structured well and isn't backwardly retarded.
But sure, reading the 10th time in a different story how Anon lives in Equestria: "You've been here for a while now. You got yourself situated, you befriended the mane 6..." yawn. Have fun with shitty plot elements.
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>At least it's actually structured well and isn't backwardly retarded.
I simply can't take you srsly anymore.
Structured well? By whos standarts? Yours? And how is it different to what you described about Anon living in Equestria.
You just talk shit, your show is shit and you full of shit yourself.
>the real problem with ponyfags is that they post their shit outside their board.

behold the logic of every other board.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
That's a terrible idea. Though EQG's quality and canon status continues to be the subject of fierce debate, it's undeniably a significant part of the MLP franchise at this point. Separating it out would obstruct discussion and slow down a board that already has trouble keeping things active from time to time. Better to deal with some complaints than to cripple /mlp/ by making rules against discussing anything the board has complaints about.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
While the occasional fetish general might fit in better on /trash/ since it's the current designated board for pony porn, I think the greentext and discussion generals should remain here since they're closely linked to the board's stated purpose- talking and speculating about content related to My Little Pony.

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
I'm not sure. Honestly, /trash/ has done a good job of playing host to our NSFW content, and while it'd be nice to have fewer restrictions, I also think there's some benefit to separating threads which actually contemplate the events of the show from threads that just focus on fapping to it. While a change could be helpful, I don't think it's absolutely required.

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
Partially abolishing it might help, if only to shut Barneyfag up. Pony threads have benefited from having their own board, but the mods don't need to punish a few reaction images.

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
I wouldn't be opposed to that. While it wouldn't mean the end of shitposts, it could cut down on their numbers or at least give them some variety. The mods might want to add a line discouraging "the show is shit now, stop watching it" and waifu war threads as well.
>the real problem with EQGfags is that they post their shit outside the genrals. i.e. 'Why is she so perfect?/Find a flaw', 'Sunset is a Christian XD',
>legitimately thinks that's worse than 'IWTCIRD', 'Nyx', 'Glim Glam', 'would you?', and all the other shit threads thats spawn from pony only content.
Okay buddy, glad to know your taste and reasoning is fucked beyond all recognition. Let's just stop giving each other (You)s
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As I said before, have fun with your shitty cliched story on a human living a fantasy life with ponies. I'd rather kick back with some green that isn't written by someone as retarded as yourself.
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EQG green writers also write for FiM stuff.
GG, no re
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Hm, looks like I found why your green may be indeed superior to ours.
You just sit there and rewrite again and again one single story untill it becomes fucking Lord of the Rings.
And then you continue even further, because you there have nothing, except Sunset and school library.
Can someone explain this meme to me? I read EQG stories all the time, Sunset is always cast to the side, and even if she is in the story, she's never the focus. Most of them revolve around Anon or the Mane 6, Sunset is a minor character the majority of the time.

Anti EqG dumbfucks are so uneducated that they don't realize they know absolutely nothing about what they're shitposting.

Maybe I'm blind, but I only see one Sunset story up right now, and it's shared between her and Rainbow Dash.
>I'll give you a hint: the first letter is F, and it rhymes with 'worries.'
Care to explain meme about Anon and his ponybanging life in Ponyville then? Only like 25% of whole stories at best realy revolve around
>You've been here for a while now. You got yourself situated, you befriended the mane 6..

No? Then why EgQ whinny cucks think they deserve special treatment?
It's clear as day why people want EQG off the board. The IDW comics are almost universally viewed as awful now, but no one's crying out for the mods to ban them. I'm guessing this is because they don't have fan communities or dedicated threads. Even the most dedicated Faustfag can allow discussion of a later season peacefully as long as everyone will agree when they say it's shit. Bringing up a hated topic doesn't start controversy, refusing to hate it does.

Let's speak honestly here. No one wants to ban EQG because it's bad or because it's not canon. They want to ban it because they think too many people enjoy it.
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Exactly, Anon. Flurries are going to be the downfall of us all.
Glad to see a "metathread" still exists.
I think meta-discussions like these can help create a healthy board.
Even though they're against GR8.

>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
Don't care for EQG. Never have, never will. That being said, EQG is still a canon part of MLP, so it probably shouldn't be removed. Containment in a single general is fine.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
Generals are melting pots which are very likely to produce new content. Removing them would be detrimental. Some people might come only for a specific general thread.

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
Yes, absolutely. Just because /trash/ exists doesn't mean we need not have NSFW content here. More freedom and practically no downsides. SFW content and discussion can coexist with a porn/clop dump thread or two. We already have lewds, lewd greentext, etc. There's also a possibility red might promote higher activity levels.

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
GR15 can be altered so it simply prevents MLP threads from existing outside of /mlp/.
Pony/brony images, flashes, and avatars should be allowed site-wide.

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
No. Episode stickies are amazing, however a sticky restating the rules isn't necessary because newfags can learn by lurking or trial-and-error.

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
Yes. /mlp/'s banner contest was rigged. Those troll banners are not indicative of /mlp/'s nature or culture.

Previous thread concerning GR15 and red board:
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>They want to ban it because they think too many people enjoy it.

this is the most true statement i've read this whole thread.
>Don't care for EQG. Never have, never will. That being said, EQG is still a canon part of MLP, so it probably shouldn't be removed. Containment in a single general is fine.
>Don't care for MLP. Never have, never will. That being said, MLP is still an animated show, so it probably shouldn't be removed. Containment in a single general is fine.
Same logic applies, same arguments apply.
>Against GR8
Not this time, Gook moot said he would allow one per board, every board has one.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
As much as I hate EQGfags, there isn't a good reason to remove them, and even containment to a general would be impossible.
>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
Generals add a lot to /mlp/, even the mildly saucy onces. What would this board even look like without them?
>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
Keep it the way it is now: NSFW can be spoilered or put in /trash/. /mlp/ is a unique place for SFW MLP discussion, and there's no good reason to abolish that.
>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
No. The other boards don't need our shit.
>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
No preference
>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
No. /mlp/ is way too butthurt about this, and it has to stop.
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If it wasn't for autism and shitposting, /mlp/ would still be a single general on /co/.

Rethink your thinks.
Guys, what i propose, so we change our approach for the next meta.
What I deeply believe in, that removing any kind of existing content will bring no good for sure.
So better leave generals and EqG alone, focus on if we should add something first.

Allow porn?
Allow anthro?
Allow disturbing fetishes?
Allow edgy and grimmdark?
Add sticky?
Try to plead for local mod?
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How about ban EqG but exclude it from gr15
If Rick and Morty can share a board with Steven Universe, EQG can share a board with FiM.
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How about this: next discussion isn't about the rules. How are we as a community going to conduct ourselves? What kind of culture do we want to establish? If we can't do that, then deciding on rules that best promotes that culture is going to lead to nowhere, and be individuals trying to rework the rules so content they like can stay, and content they don't like to go.
Put all the polls we have in the next thread.
http://www.strawpoll.me/11232190 - porn
http://www.strawpoll.me/11246031 - banner
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Let me predict the thread:
>Shimmerfag posts a sarcastic post about something, not even being bait or anything negative, just funposting for shits&gigs
>Anti-EQG fag calls him out and derails thread.
>Doesn't care either way frog poster tries to even the sides.
>Fags call him out for frog posting
>by the end of the thread everyone hates EQG and blames EQG fags, just like in this one.
Never worth it.
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I was that Shimmerfag
>Shimmerfag posts a sarcastic post about something, not even being bait or anything negative, just funposting for shits&gigs
Basically shitposting in something trying to be an important thread?
Oh no poor guy, he would be called out so unfairly for that.
I want you to fucking die already, you irritate me so fucking much.
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>just funposting for shits&gigs
What if when I say that EqG fags don't have right to live I'm posting that for shits&gigs also?
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Im not the Anon you have been arguing with but I am the Shimmerfag that kinda ignited this shitstorm.
>Should this be removed?
>>That would never work, lolxD.
>Fuck you
>fucking faggot, kys
>loser fag, ban EQG
>gtfo back to ur shimmer general

You do realize he did nothing wrong right? And he did actualy contribute to the thread, regardless on the fact that his question was obviously rhetorical, and it's answer was an obvious no, he still contributed, unlike how you are right now trying to shit on EQG fags, once again.

People like you need to be strangled for how stupid you are.

>Rhetorical/sarcastic question
>Hitler tier "kill all EQG fags"
>>both are equal.

FiM fags mentality, everyone. Is this what happens when your show is out shined by a couple of movies?
And I'm not the Anon whom you talked in the begining of this thread.
In fact, I was perfectly calm at first and grew to have my eye twitch only troughout of this thread, reading retarded post of the other EqG fags. It was also almost my first experience, because I don't go to your threads, like I don't go to the threads I don't like, but I see that I simply couldn't imagine before how bad things with EqG fags are.
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Kill yourself faggot lol
Do you know other tricks, parrot. the paradise birdy? This is single one is getting boring, clown.
I'm actually kinda proud of how much salt I caused on accident. It's like I triggered every butthurt anti-eqgfag on the board so hard that Obe Won Kenobe felt a disturbance in the force.
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>EqG fags say nothing but "lolbro umad? T R I G G E R R D xD" and people take them seriously
I honestly don't know what you guys expect
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>Is this what happens when your show is out shined by a couple of movies?
This, and not only by cople of movies, but also by yours moms ass, which gets polished with hairy crotches only Sunset Shimer knows how many times a day.
>I'm actually kinda proud of how much salt I caused on accident. It's like I triggered every butthurt anti-eqgfag on the board so hard that Obe Won Kenobe felt a disturbance in the force
Or you made bunch of some non-autistic EqG fags to look like rabid dogs, which you are.
>ban eqg
that's fucking stupid. even containing it is dumb, and I hate the eqg movies, don't get me wrong. But it's still MLP. Pissing off half the people here because you can't be bothered to filter threads is stupid.
quite frankly empty fetish generals for 2 people to write shitty greentext in can fuck off forever for all I care. But filtering is a thing so I'm indifferent.
Yes. Leave porn dump threads and anthro to /trash/, but let me post some precious pony pussy when it's relevant.
Remove it, there should be no reason to get a vacation for posting a smug pony instead of a smug anime girl. If you're still butthurt about that, you're the problem, fucking deal with it.
meh, whatever
0 fucks given
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I don't know what to do so here is Sunset in a bikini.
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K buddy. The fights over. Let's all go back to doing nothing productive.

This was directed to this retarded parrot >>28441992 if anything, confused you with him.
You sound like a overweight 20 something who tells his friends he is intelligent, but secretly, none of them agree with you.
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you sound like a really cool guy, Anon <3
wanna hang out sometime?
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Nice meaningful toxicity out of nowhere
what movie/show is that from?
Gen 8 of mlp. It's a sneak peek
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Mia and Me

>pic related
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It's kinda funny how much salt a bacon haired horse girl caused.
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would you?
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>important thread
>More of the same parroting "make /mlp/ red" rhetoric
The real issue here is the inconsistent moderation, but yet again you guys are wasting the opportunity to whine about something utterly irrelevant and ultimately unhelpful because they're never going to allow it.
The only way to convince anyone that /mlp/ deserves changes is by being calm and reasonable. Take me, for example; I represent the pinnacle of logic and rationality. I went directly to /qa/ to calmly discuss our problems and request changes and for the most part the issues I brought up were dealt with. Albeit silently and with no feedback from any of the staff, which is a shame.
bacon is high is salt
>Albeit silently and with no feedback from any of the staff, which is a shame.
Didn't the staff tell you to stop being such an annoying kissass?
Wow this thread sure accomplished a whole lot!
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That is true
If OP hadn't mentioned EG we may have gotten some things accomplished
>it's a "shimmerfags prove their autism" thread
kinda funny, say literally anything bad about Eqg and they flock en masse to defend it
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No, they told me to "stop obnoxiously sperging" which wasn't very specific.
They meant stop being such a strict, stuck up prefect who runs to the mods at the slightest rule break. The barely care.
>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?
No. they are not an issue.

>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
No. They aren't much of an issue either, and they can produce a lot of content relevant to mlp

>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
No. As others have said we have /trash/ for that and it works just fine

>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
Yes. Because triggering people on other boards with pony reaction images is fun

>Should we see our sticky return? Why?
No opinion

>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
It would be fun to see the reactions of the people who spent so much money just to get it up there, so sure.
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I don't mind EG. It's not that bad.
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Porn when
>>>Should EQG be removed/contained to a general? Why?

Its a tumor that's grown too big to contain. Its no longer like the Humanized thread that existed way back when before this mess started. There's no way to do this feasibly.

>>Should generals be moved to their own board or confined to /trash/? Why?
No. /mlp/ is a quarantine for ALL pony content. /trash/ is for off topic stuff. Ponies, even in fetish generals, are still pony/MLP (and associated brands) related content.

>>Should /mlp/ become a red board? Why?
Yes, if only to confine all pony content to one place than to split it up between an off topic board. As /trash/ proved, there's only around 5~7 clop threads at any given point, and a number of them could easily be merged or attributed to an existing general, like /sad/. The whole "/mlp/ would be overrun by porn" argument's been proven false with how the porn dumps died down after everyone got used to /trash/'s existence

>>Should GR15 be abolished? Why?
6 YEARS and people are still triggered by colorful horses. Its a dumb as fuck rule.

>>Should the winners of /mlp/'s banner contest be revised to exclude the troll options? Why?
I agree that something should be done about this also.
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EQG is fine and don't need to only be in a general, what's the harm? Hell, we can posted Filly Funtasia content here for some fucking reason, so...

MLP being a red board would probably be a mistake since we have trash for porn, but I would love to see what happens,

I can understand that GR15 made /MLP/ and care less if it stays or goes, but it's so damn stupid to keep that rule after such a long time. There's no need to keep ponies segregated like what people had to deal with in the 1900's

I like it. Save it for next year.
I'm making the new thread. That okay?
wait for page 10
porn must be allowed to maintain the board's culture

it may be too late.
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>the board's culture
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>I'm not retarded enough to expect that everyone here will be good and not spam other boards with pony shit just on principle.

Except spamming is already against the rules, if users were willing to break the rules by spamming, then they'd be willing to break the rules by posting ponies

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