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Boards You Use

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Thread replies: 66
Thread images: 32

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Tell me about the boards that you like to brows!
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Here's my pyramid.
your pyramid should be in the shape of a penis then
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Would consider shitposting or asking genuine questions to further my undertsanding of pol, but I feel like writing anything there puts you on a watchlist.
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I'm a simple man. Of simple interests.
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>homeboard: /lgbt/
>lurk: /pol/

But why?
I posted there today with the image of the girl who died in that Charlottesville shit, with subject "hahahahahah". got 346 replied before archived. regret doin that shit now kek. am I safe?
Phoneposting so no image
>/a/ and /o/ in equal measure
>/fit/ and /r9k/
>/v/, /tv/
>/k/, /pol/, /sci/
/s/ and /e/ are my preferred porn boards
I just like to see how it's gone downhill and all the circlejerking that goes on. Plus /pol/tards are easily baited and it's entertaining to see hundreds of replies to obvious bait threads.
lazy so no image


homes boards are /r9k/, /pol/ and /v/

I frequent /tv/, /lit/, and less often /ck/ and /his/. Hardly go on anything else

What does that say about me.
if you wanted, could you cosplay a Jojo character decently?
that you are cancer
To be honest, the only board I have never visited is >>>/mlp/
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don't have a home board, the boards i frequent i spend an equal amount of time on (which is too much)

r8 the taste
The only boards I go on are /soc/ and this one. I sometimes like to whore myself out online.
Are there seriously people who haven't visited all the boards at least once?
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this is my board usage as of late
I think I've only been to 25 of the boards on 4chan. For example, I've never once been to /diy/
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I used to consider /mlp/ my home board, but I hardly use it anymore. I've lost my home
I see anon, I guess poltards are wrong about all lgbt people being overly sensible
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hurf durf faggetz.png
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My home changes basically every couple weeks.
I guess maybe /d/...
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Too boring.
Do it with pics and other anons try to guess
If you visit the "home board" the most, shouldn't that be on the bottom since it's the biggest section, and the less you use the board, the smaller the section?

I like you
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usually the most important thing is at the top of the pyramid graph, and the least important at the bottom
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/r9k and /bant are comfy
/mu/ /v/ -browse often
/r9k/ /vg//vr/ -check in often
/int/ /trv/ /pol/ /vp/ -used to or sporadically browse (pol for happenings, others were a phase until I got bored)
/biz/ /sci/ /g/ /a/ /tg/ /m/-used to or sporadically check in unironically
/b/ /fit/ /soc/ /cgl/ /co/ /tv/ /trash/ /s4s/ /k/ /jp/-used to or sporadically check in ironically
In order.
/pol/ mainly for happenings
sometimes /trash/ for fap
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i used to frequent other boards like x but i've stopped so I didn't include such examples
Home Board: /tv/
Frequent: /r9k/ /lit/ /o/ /gif/ /k/
Lurk sometimes: /mu/ /hr/ /int/ /an/
Been there: /x/ /s/ /a/ /b/ /co/
Once: /fa/ /news/ /his/
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My own take on this.
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I don't have very much at all to say here
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This is pretty much it.
Ive been avoiding /g/ for some time now tho. Way too much baitposting and bullshit.
wtf is that supposed to be
>home board
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posted i guess
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/ck/ is unironically the best board on this site
Home board /x/
Frequent /pol/ /r9k/
Lurk /gif/ /hm/ /soc/ /mu/
Been there /vg/ /fit/
A man of taste except /int/ is far too high. A bunch of try hard pseuds who read a few penguin classics a year.

Well fuck...it might as well be r9k at this point
jp is always nice, a although less often now, x, vp, diy, po, and lit
x...is more of a lurk site pol
adv and every other board on here

/lit/ not /int/
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I haven't been spending as much time on here as I used to, lately
>been there
In no particular order
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R8 my board usage desu
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Edited on my phone
Mostly lurked /r9k/ and /x/ when I first came years ago. Then I gravitated to /co/ and /a/, mostly the former. I also like staring at food so /ck/ is great. /vp/ and /vg/ are conditional to whatever game I'm sucked into. /wsg/ is for a laugh and I visit /his/ for the memes. I was mostly interested in /qa/ around the time m00t left but it got too much like /s4s/ in time. Everywhere else I seldom visit.
>tfw /co/ is mostly garbage
>tfw /a/ is mostly boring if you aren't following a show
>tfw /x/ is abyssmal garbage
>tfw /r9k/ mostly garbage

Everything I love just becomes shit
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Here's mine. It changed a lot over the past few years.
Fuck MSPaint.
Native /d/eviant that goes to /v/ rarely. Mostly /pol/, sometimes here and /a/ with the occasional vacation to /h/ or /e/. Sometimes /fit/ for basic advice.
Home board: >>>/pol/
I frequent: >>>/s4s/, >>>/g/, >>>/b/, >>>/qa/
I lurk sometimes: >>>/r9k/, >>>/vip/, >>>/fit/, >>>/soc/
How to get at least 100 replies to bait thread
>self bump
>some other baiting idiot bumps
>you and baiting idiot have a conversation where you agree with each other
>sage posters appear on the horizon but they are newfags and dont know how to sage
>already 50 replies
>people pour in because they believe it's serious for the sake of explaining why and why and arguing with bait OP even
though you need to be utterly retarded to be a leftist
>hundreds of replies
It's an easy thing to do. I do it sometimes myself but I don't fucking boast about it like you faggot.
Interesting thread
Don't die yet
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Well here it is

I have been exiled without a main board for a while
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i forgot the shoah
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My home boards, I don't think I've been on the non mentioned boards even once
Shouldn't your home board be the base because you use it the most? Maybe use a better scheme next time, like a ranking primo s instead of a food primind
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I'm better than you, don't even try.
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I hope you guys enjoy my triangular chart which happens to resemble the pyramids known mostly for their notable pretense in Egypt, but have also been found in several other countries.
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I've been here since 2006. It's probably as close as I can get to an accurate representation.

Oh shit, I forgot /fit/. I used to frequent it.

Just not anymore.
>/r9k/, /bant/, /vg/ specifically /tf2g/
>/k/, /bant/, /vp/
>/v/, /adv/, /aco/, /u/, /x/
Sorry for being a dumb and lazy phoneposter
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based bigdog lurking on /r9k/
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I give this post 4 pork faggots and a (you)
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this is my recent tastes
handwritten for you
Home: /a/
Frequent: /r9k/
Lurk: /jp/ and /h/?
Been: /fit/, /tv/. /his/, /pol/
Once: /x/ and /s4s/

nice idea anon
You're a mentally I'll faggot and should commit suicide.
Thread posts: 66
Thread images: 32

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