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Thread replies: 296
Thread images: 105

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Shareblue has committed treason by working with the Chinese government, the City of London, Mexico, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation and other Middle Eastern Groups to subvert American politics and promote censorship





Chinese Tycoon Ke Xiping and the Chinese government bought influence in Shareblue and concealed the purchase as a mining deal. Employees of Shareblue also have strong ties to the PeaceWorks Foundation, which is run by Mexican billionaire Daniel Lubetzky.

There are also ties to Australia, where figures in the mining community acted as gobetweens for the Chinese government and Shareblue

These generals are for identifying and building a database of Shareblue employees as well as identifying the locations of their offices and places of business. It is also for working to track the various globalist sponsors and groups affiliated with Shareblue for future reference and operations.

Pastebin of Shareblue employees (update/replace as needed):

http://pastebin.com/cyMTHt55 (embed)

Previous threads
>>114905846 (RIP)

best article for summary
Linking this in shill threads.
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eat shit brock.png
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nice save anon

fucking BUMP




***270 STRATEGIES:***
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this better not be some kind of new pizzagate shitposting faggotry, I need a good proper old-fashioned happening /pol/
this thread will be shut down,move to /ptg/ when it happens
we need a better OP with less threats of actual doxing, etc. so the mods don't hammer us
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it's a school night and ameranons are heading to bed.

will start threads tomorrow to get some traction
>implying Pizzagate is false
Soon the truth will be revealed.
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nazi ned.jpg
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why are the chinese involved, what specifically were they looking to get out of this?
Bitch Hillary was trying to "Get Modi".

She's gonna get rekt this time for sure.
Bump, looks like two breads were started so I'll cross link them

pay to play with the Clintons and her pals
Where's /ptg/?
What are you niggers digging up?

The amount of shill threads in the catalog is ridiculous, especially in these hours.
>"Get Modi".
sauce me boss
>>114908580 over here
Delete this conspiracy tier garbage right now

You are making POL look silly

There is literally no proof whatsoever.
this is the best comp http://disobedientmedia.com/organization-tied-to-david-brock-used-laundered-taxpayer-money-from-illicit-israeli-political-intervention-to-fund-clinton-campaign/

ongoing hypothesis is that the administration was laundering money by attaching it to arms shipments
for example, they'd send a tank back and forth between bases multiple times for no reason other than to rack of charges
Who the hell took screens of this? Looks like ekim logged in, are they on our side or did they just have a password of <password>?
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bump for justice
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>Implying that silly isn't the lifeblood of /pol/ right now.
So this was what all those fucking Ayyy-slidethreads were covering up.
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>obvious shill/reddit post
Shill harder, faggot
so the 1033 program is the "getting military equipment back to america" that the post references
Checked, reminder that Soros is in on this bullshit as usual

the dude said obama's document, if we assume it was an obama/clinton document, that still means we have 4 years of spending reports to comb through
where can we find those reports?
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>Delete this

Getting right on it, after a few hundred more replies.
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kek someone is doxing shills on infinity chan right now
color me shocked.
this is the DLA website http://www.dla.mil/DispositionServices.aspx
we need to find out where they release their spending reports
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Also, David Brock and Shareblue are in violation of Foreign Agent Registration Act 22 U.S.C. § 614 by acting on behalf of a foreign principal and not registering as doing so.

Literally treason anons
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Kek wills that this post get more attention!
Have a bump
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not sure, i don't really understand all this stuff but i've been reposting screenshots that seem important so all the SBG threads have as much info as possible and stuff doesn't get lost in the fray
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See? I always tell people here that China is the real threat but you fags dont listen.

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Don't worry pinoybro, sometimes it just takes time to acquire the hard evidence
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I have to go to bed, but for the anons that are up, please consider undertaking this task

this program is run by the DLA Disposition Services, which is part of the DLA, Defense Logistics Agency.
we need to find out where spending reports for the DLADS have been published for the years Obama was in office
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I hope finally pulls the trigger on these fucks and buries them finally.

maybe that's why they're trying to fabricate shit on Sessions.
quick confession:

i am shareblue
>page 3
not for long
Report this anons, report it to those who will take action



i forgot
the reason this is important is this image >>114908888
the money used by this share blue affiliated companies came from laundering performed via shipping excess military equipment back and forth between the united states and the middle east
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bump that ass
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Fuck you and your digits, you're going to swing from a nice rafter soon
You might want to lawyer up and bring whatever you can to the authorities to make a deal before you don't have one to make
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Any chance of this starting WW3

If not then I will find it very hard to care

Hillary (probably after taking Saudi money) paid up with a lot of ngos and press here to smear Modi.

You desi?
Shit you weren't lyin no wonder poos like Trump

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Correct the Record
Make sure to repost
google bought Moffet Federal Airfield
YOu had to actually see the smear campaign against him to know what was going on.

The only time I've ever seen anything close (or in this particular case equal) is Trump russia smear. All the media united (after being paid) against Modi
May the vile harpy burn for eternity in the depths of Hell.

Praise Kek
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The shilling is real
I find it weird that its (Cicada)3301 backwards
CHeck out the units stationed there
Mods, please be with us. For the good of humanity let us get to the bottom of this.
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Glad you guys have a based leader in office bro

Let's clean up our countries together and stop these globalist fucks
Shareblue also has an office nearby
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Any idea how old that image is?
these threads will get banned soon. You are violating GR4

I've never seen this image before
some other stuff
The holding company that owned Blue Nation Review (now Shareblue), Moko Social Media Ltd., is also located near an airport/airfield. An interesting (((coincidence))).

2221 South Clark Street

12th Floor

Suite 1208

Arlington, VA 22202

United States
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This is from about 5 months ago. Many of the Shareblue people probably weren't around in CTR time
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What a killjoy faggot

Thread theme

they're easily replaced minimum wage workers, with minimal future career prospects

don't know where CTR useful idiots would go after that, benefits, possibly.

Is there any proof this is true? Just went to the archived page. It's suspicious that someone would let out their hack so easily, why not wait longer?

I'm a full blowin pizza guy, just don't think we should put a lot of faith in this convo (unless you have other reasons to believe it is true)
reposting from 8 chan btw
Had a look through other board members with Eureka Mining plc and Moko Social Media Limited affiliations. The companies they chair are all located next to same airport in Perth, Australia.
Vimy Resources Limited
10 Richardson Street
Ground Floor
West Perth, WA 6005
Uranium King Pty Ltd
89 St George’s Terrace
Level 1
Perth, WA 6000
Anova Metals Limited
245 Churchill Avenue
Suite 1
Subiaco, WA 6008
Algae.Tec Limited
Spectrum Offices
Unit 2
100-104 Railway Road
Subiaco, WA 6008
Eureka Mining plc is located right next to Waterloo Station, which gives them rapid transit to all the airports in and around London.
>>114910952 (You)

Contrary to what seems- brock isn't a joker.

30Million "little chans" is made up. Guys at that level don't exaggerate. That's 1/10th of US populario when 4chan is barely 6M.

It happened in the middle of the shitstorm that was the 2016 election. There was crazy shit happening all the time. Either someone hacked their slack or it leaked. A lot of shills got scared and quit. Some of them leaked. This is old news, but it was legit. The names check out to the roster /pol/ got hold of
Reposting so more people have it
Wasn't sure when myself though, saved both from archived threads
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>bunch of retarded shills getting their hands on NSA tools

I dunno what could possibly go wrong
>its a poo poster
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>that feel when you just wanted to get paid to shitpost on /pol/ but now you're going to be caught in a RICO conspiracy trial

Good save. It is useful to repost regardless
imagine if someone from 4chan had that tool.
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Autist Action.jpg
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I'd take weaponized autism over raw tech anyday
Conservatives don't think in terms of the fucking class struggle. Silly Marxists don't have anything.

I hope SharedBlue tries this. They're clueless.
Dude I saved that's weeks ago it was the last post before it was archived, and it was either a pizzagate thread or maybe sn NSG
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>Companies and Jew billionairies are spending BILLIONS of dollars and thousands of hours of man power to try (anf fail) at combatting autists in their basements all over the world
The meek truly have inherited the Earth.
You can give this guy a bump, he dumped the pay data for ctr

They tried worse things.
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Here's an audit report from DLA Disposition Services

Pic related

this is a weak-ass meme. that flag doesn't even look photoshopped as much as it looks MSPainted. And it would look a lot better if the swastika were composed of stars.
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>you fags
The average /pol/ack is not the autistic fag you once knew, anon. After Trump's win, this place is polluted beyond salvation.
Old 4chan that n would have created global anarchist pegging competitions
So what exactly are the effects of this "discovery" ?
It's not like we didn't know /pol/ was constantly under shilling up until now, we're trying to out the whole thing and hope some redpilled FBI watchdog brings it to the upper management ?
I think it's the last play left for them. That said, Trump has done what he's promised. He has built trust with his base in a way that no US politician has in a generation. They can't shill/gaslight that.

The thing I don't like, is that we're now playing defense, and our only real asset is an elder god of Chaos.
Some CTR employees developed a conscious.

And here is a complete list of the DLA Disposition Services semi-annual reports to congress


There's pages upon pages of reports, there may be more audit reports too
Philipinebro, when you stand on top of the mountain, everyone is gunning for you. Only play is to better ourselves.
Trump meme all the same but the star idea was pretty decent. Heil 4th Reich chancellor Trump

In all seriousness, be careful. You are working for some very dangerous people, Share Blue Anon.

Archive links to both sources

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And since you wanted the good FuhrerTrump
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Wonder how they (((persuaded))) the mod.
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Faggot lefty/pol/ mod traitor
archiving this whole thread just to be sure
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I would like to see these traitors get the Trump waterboard treatment.
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>Pajama boy reference
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Probably this lump of shit

Outright threatening murder seems so... Likely. I'll buy it.
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Glad my contributions are appreciated
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Not sure of authenticity but it seemed legit enough to me. Just haven't gone out of my way to confirm or deny yet
>Pastebin of Shareblue employees (update/replace as needed):
>http://pastebin.com/cyMTHt55 (embed)
will mods please do their fucking jobs? doxxxing is against the rules.
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.....holy shit, these people are actively working against the united states...
These faggots hit me with either this program or something similar over summer after calling out Soros on T_D, they stickied my post for a few days and got way too much attention. Like clockwork, lost over 6tb of data, all drives corrupted, even the bios was completely wrecked. Couldn't even get to post. Had to boot from a USB drive and flash the bios. These tools appear to be in use and these cocksuckers do have access to them.
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You digit stealing dick

lol, WTF

Hitler was an inquisitor
Can anyone tell me what the fuck Shareblue is?

I'm fucking autistic someone please spare some time to explain.
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M̶e̶d̶i̶a̶ ̶M̶a̶t̶t̶e̶r̶s̶
̶C̶o̶r̶r̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶t̶h̶e̶ ̶R̶e̶c̶o̶r̶d̶

Really all you need to know.
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can i get a basic gestalt on what this means? is there any evidence this is treason? that's all i need and I'll start pushing to my 30k followers on (((twitter)))
It's the latest iteration of CTR, Brock just set up a new shillhouse with 40 million in funding

Turns out he's getting a good amount of cash from China and a bunch of other places to influence American politics
>Can anyone tell me what the fuck Shareblue is?
>I'm fucking autistic someone please spare some time to explain.
Just like the CTR and JIDF, it's a boogeyman /pol/ uses to label dissenting opinions on /pol/, even though I'm fairly confident that they don't even know what /pol/ is.

Well, now I know who was ringing my doorbell late at night in October. Pussies didn't stick around when I popped out in a plate carrier and my AR.
Kooks. I'm just posting threads for the keks.
It's 100% treasonous, at the very least its a violation of the Foreign Agent Registration Act
The thing that pisses me off is that these people arent going to face the consequences.

Their crimes can be uncovered 100% and nothing will happen unless the citizens rise up and hunt these fuckers down.

And im not just talking about SB,Clinton, Obama, Podesta,Soros, everyone who is guilty.
neck yourself shill
Seems fake. This is fake right? I clicked a link for some fake Dem website a month or so back
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This is why I love you guys.
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Jewish lies friends, there's a reason they shill against pizzagate and NatSoc Generals
i have not been here since the first thread, what has happened i know that theres a theory that they work in shipping containers.
Also see this for the basic gesalt on what we found tonight >>114907990
>Soon the truth will be revealed.
Says Alex Jones every week. Never happens. Never will.
Typical leaf being a leaf.

Fuck you leaf, you will soon see the truth.
So no real source on this and no action will be taken?


Can you post any proof that it's real?

All I've seen are images that don't seem authentic.
> you will soon see the truth.
Says every cult member, ever.
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Just came across these threads and have visited at least 4 times a day. Going to catch up on everything rest of the night.
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>POL and not /pol/
>"Delete this" and not "Delet this"
Gee I wonder who could be behind this post.
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> all the evidence I've seen I don't like so I say it's fake news
Fucking checked.

Basic gestalt is this

US State Dept sends money to OneVoice

OneVoice sends money to 270 Strategy

270 strategy funneled money back directly into Clinton campaign

Obama deleted the evidence

Soros' ex COO is honorary board member of OneVoice

"SoonToBeDeadAnon" posted in earlier thread that the DLA Disposition Services were sending back empty crates stateside and charging the taxpayers which was also funneled into the campaign
Seems real to me

See also

Hm. That's not a script
>images are evidence
I can literally edit any page to say something else, screencap it and go "HURRR HEREZ DA PROOFS"

Stop talking like an idiot and post proofs if you have them
Its all here
>no link

literally scroll up

Good summary of thread with links to sources
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>upon closer inspection, poster appears to be a plant; a provocateur well-versed in the ways of newfaggotry. Certain that his normie response will illicit the trigger of many autismos, this mega-autist has begun role-playing a bluepilled civilian.

you are so fucking new, that image is five months old and it's completely legit. It's from October, the employee names all match and it was verified by CTR shills who quit in terror
Won't load. And that's not what I'm talking about.

I'm talking about Pizzagate. Please give me a proof for Pizzagate.
its real.

We aren't talking about pizzagate we're talking about stealing from the taxpayers to fund the Clinton campaign
thats called pretending to be retarded.
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Doesn't matter to me if you get killed by David Brock it's probably better than where you're going

Pic fucking related is what happens to pedophiles in prison shill. I know you just got hired but you have nooooo idea what you are neck deep in
Someone claimed that this was a conspiracy theory like Pizzagate. Someone replied to this post that Pizzagate is real. I demanded proofs, because I never saw any, other than screencaps (which is not a real proof).
can i unironically get a quick rundown?
Please don't waste time (and thread space) replying to shills. We have something very serious on our hands right now.
China funds shareblue covertly along with many other countries

Shareblue affiliated groups helped launder money from the state department to attempt to overthrow Bibi in Israel and then laundered the cash back to Hillary

Fuck I didn't read the Bibi part. (assuming you're right) I'm surprised- Mossad is very "intelligent" - so they probably already know this. But now that this is out in the open, Bibi will pull no punches. We have a zionist on our side, game over we win

lmao what are these sources? It's like proving God is real by pointing at the bible.

I'm not saying you're wrong OP but if we're gonna convince people of this shit we need to be more thorough with the source of our information because giving extremely biased articles from biased sources of dubious credibility just makes all of us look retarded in the end and nothing is done. You can link this shit till you're blue in the face but it won't convince anyone if they can just dismiss it due to the source.
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Checked. KeK be praised. Shadilay.


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Trivia time:

How many ounces of semen would you need to gel David Brock's hair?
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Also, I found this and it looks important.
Also, another anon said this in a pizzagate thread. It's all about India and perhaps we can connect it to David Brock's connection in India.

>Warning, I found this information and feel obligated to share it.

>The following information is extremely incriminating, be careful because people have died for leaking these sorts of trails:


>What do India, pizza, politics, medical marijuana, poorly made websites, a huge stock forum website, and films have in common? Exactly.


>RSII is their stock symbol, they purportedly are laundering money for drug and sex trafficking services using a virtually undetectable network of transactions and business practices.



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it's fake. guy runs a parody news website called real true news and came clean about it after the election because so many people were writing him about it. the people saying it is real are fucking with you.


go fuck your smug self CTR
ownership of all U.S. utilities and massive, MASSIVE tracts of land, plus more American-business killing regulations
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it's nothing, don't worry about it
Look up Yingke law firm.
Yeah, and do not fill in the captcha -.-
check'd n F'd
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Bumping for justice
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awooo bump for justice
>not working with aus government
get cucked
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This is amazing. It means that anyone working for ShareBlue is knowingly comitting treason.

Guaranteed. Jail. Time.
call and ask comet pizza, they probally have the exact number of gallons needed
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Shareblue shills thinks we wouldn't find out. KeK.
I just read the official report from the senate subcommittee on investigations and it says that all the grant money was spent on what it was intended to be spent on. They actually did run a pro-peace campaign. That costs money. It seems incredibly weak to me to say that the grant money ended up in anything helping clinton. This is a private company with a certain set of skills and anyone who wants those skills hires them.
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2016 George Orwell.jpg
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Just bumping because it's irritating to see all the blatant propaganda at work.
Hoooooly shit.

Am I reading this right?

Does this mean that money earmarked for bringing military equipment back to the USA was spent on the Clinton Foundation/campaign?

Does this mean that one of the reasons for ISIS having fucking Humvees, Tows and tanks is because Obama spent that money on Hilary's campaign instead?

Have I missed anything? Do the timescales match? Because if they do then this is enough to prosecute most of the last administration.
Better part
>enemy of america
>only country you can hide from america is russia
>you were shilling nuclear war with russia
>america and russia is going to kill you
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Oh, it was spent as intended — in a completely illegal and treasonous way. You are not going to like prison, shill. Not at all.

And then she gets donations from the Saudis, who are running ISIS.
BUMP with great tool to create map of their places:
but the miner states that gave Trump the edge to win do, they want to remove that bloc, makes sense to me

All Trump needs to do is improve economy though, who cares of dealings if everyone on the country gets money, this agenda would only give fruit later on next election, this doesnt lead to impeachment unless they catch some shady deal that he himself did
anyone remember the day anons hacked and suspended all ctr accounts and we had a normal day with minimal shilling during the election for once?
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Hey zoose kristo. fuuuuuuck.

I'm at work and its a state service.

Mfw I'm surrounded by people who would want me sacked and hanged for telling them about this so I have to hold my tongue...
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based nip
Kind makes me think..
Iraq was easily taken over. Camp Taji was a base just N/NW of Baghdad. It was the 2nd biggest base we had in Iraq that had an awesome amount of vehicles and infantry quarters.
I remember hearing about opposition forces going to take Taji and then hearing how they pretty much just gave it up.

Not sure where i'm going with this, just woke up.
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Ching chong, yo
Find me one shareblue article that is a complete lie.
nice thread igor
You're my Ji Lao, senpai
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KEK is awake. The digits have spoken.
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can always rely on the samurai
bumping, godspeed faggots.
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Soon pedophiles. Soon.....
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They are shilling this thread. The acting Presidential Administration embezzled US AID meant for Two State solution into the Clinton campaign via Israeli PAC. They committed money laundering and embezzlement with athe public paper trail and now have been with the China connection been shown to be doing it as aa pattern with shell companies.

Everything else is not known yet but this is actionable for the US Attorney General and Congress and the tip of the iceberg.
That was not the conclusion. They said their hands were tied legally in congress speak due to technicalities but that it wasnt ethical. If even a dollar of that US AID touched the Clintons and Obama, which it did via 270, they can move legally as that is embezzlement of public funds for a US campaign.
Good morning
Good bumping
Now you see why 4chan is under attack. Every congressman, media, and Jeff Sessions need to run with this against the divide and conquer russia bullshit.

We have proof of embezzlement for a foreign campaign and it was Hillary.
What was the date of this? If I remember correctly it was around June 2014 but I'm going off the top of my head.
The Israeli PAC goes by v15 but was previously known as Darkenu.

This means it has been going on for awhile using different aliases.

We don't know the beginning of it yet because of the changes and we dont know who all the v15 players are in their 'PAC'
Why are there two of these threads?
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Shariablue funder Susie Tompkins Buell is totally not a cannibal.

It would be a horrible rumor to spread if people knew she were on the board of directors of a group called "Edible Schoolyard" that traffics children and then cooks them at local pizzerias.

It would be a shame if Jim Alefantis were also on the board of directors...


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They are doing everything to bury this information.

Remember a single dollar of US AID touching the Hillary Campaign is embezzlement.

Add in the money laundering aspect and that Shariablue has the same funding scheme.

The shills here have to shut it down as it implicates all of them unless they turn states evidence.
Was talking about the date of the attack on the airfield/boneyard for vehicles in Iraq that gave ISIS most of their weapons and vehicles in one of their early offensives, whilst the Iraqi army just bailed for what seemed like absolutely no reason.

And left all of their vehicles, so how did they bail? They just ran into the desert with no guns, vehicles, nothing? Never made much sense. I know Arabs are cowards but this takes the cake.
Bette midler, Meryl Streep and Jamie Oliver are all on their advisory board too.

Same position as this Susie chick.
That's a bit scary

/qa/ is trying to mass report this
time to slide the ever living fuck outta that then
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We need a backup incase the shills get their way on /qa/ and get us shutdown. Perhaps a discord?
>Advisory Board: Meryl Streep

The plot thickens
this is why threads get deleted you fucking queer.
Holy shit that's retarded
Everything posted here is UNDER PUBLIC DOMAIN
fuck off retard
morning bump
could these pieces of shit make me feel more righteous? I really don't think they could.
Didn't scarel streep have derogatory comments about da prez? While she is on an advisory board for a demotragic PAC? Curiouser and Curiouser
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It will be the greatest trial in history
>gross embezzlement
>conspiracy to commit treason on multiple accounts
>selling state secrets
>conspiracy involving foreign actors
>rigging the election (and still lost Kek)
>murder though proxy on many accounts
>involvement in human trafficking
>lying in federal court
Did I miss anything ?
So all you guys have are zerohedge and "disobedientmedia" articles and some pastebins?


But seriously, do you have any hard evidence beyond shitty image macros made with Paint?
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This. Even if sourceanon's constant legitimate info and actual sources weren't enough to convince me, this is. This info has to stay visible.
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Thanks for the bump
Stick around and actually read through those bins

humpy bumpy


>Screencaping your own post
>no replies on Screencap
>just around ten days ago

I'll give you a (you), but this is pathetic.
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cool, is that new bait?
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t_D is starting to talk about a "secret obama slush fund"


Should we tag it along with that?
the map on this page might be useful at some point...it lists all property in England and Wales sold to off-shore companies between 2005 -2014


or, you know, bump
bump for justice x2

This is what you faggots get for shitting up the board. Brock is done
thanks for the bump shill
Theyre doing a pretty fucking good job. #Sessions is trending #1 on Twitter for him to resign for talking to the Russians a whole 2 times.

This. He just bought a mansion in DC and had an advisor to move in all to fight Trump. Sessions might be going down.

Repost from last night:

Anyone else looking into the 1033 program that soontobedead anon may have been referring to? Possible money laundering
using MRAPs?

Apparently Obama signed an executive order 13688 that allows for law enforcement agencies to sell military equipment including MRAPs to anyone? All it refers to is non - law enforcement agencies that the federal government approves of. Would you merely need a LEA in on the scam to basically move the MRAP back and forth constantly? The EO mentions all the LEA has to pay for is shipping costs. Really not sure how money laundering works and I am tired as hell, but wanted to throw this theory out there.


Also notice that stakeholders on this EO include Omega Research Institute, which is funded by the Oak Foundation (Soros ties through the Director Adiran Arena).



Another stakeholder includes: Urban Institute which was implicated in the IRS targeting scandal under Obama.


Still a work in progress, but wanted to put out there what I had looked into so far before I head to bed.
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We need to start getting this shit over to t_d so they can spread it around
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Franklin Scandal
Marc Dutroux affair
Vatican pedophile cover ups
Finder's Cult
Hollywood (see Elijah Wood, other child actors)
UK Parliament

These are just individual instances being revealed that are part of a much larger ring.

/qa/'dditors iceman are trying to get these threads deleted
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What a bunch of fucking killjoys
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Why is this on page 4?
Like hell are we gonna let them stop us. These cucks don't know when to quit. We are the heart and soul of 4chan along with /a/. Through us meme magic is possible and through /a/ anime will be real.
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Don't forget the shill script.
Someone get ready to make a new thread soon
Don't forget all the EU VS USA threads. Shills sure are trying hard to push the idea that the EU is a country.
And no one has contacted Alex Jones yet?
We're close to breaking them.

Not on my watch...bump fags get in here.

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