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Thread replies: 307
Thread images: 118

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Trump Playlist

>VP Pence swears in Sec of Int Ryan Zinke 3/1/17
>Pres Trump Address to Joint Session of Congress 2/28/17
>Pres Trump on F&F 2/28/17
>Pres Trump signs WOTUS EO 2/28/17
>Pres Trump signs HBCU EO 2/28/17
>Pres trump signs HR 321+255 2/28/17
>VP Pence Swears in Sec of Commerce Ross 2/28/17
>Attny Gen Sessions @ Governor's breakfast 2/28/17
>Pres Trump meets Health Ins CEOs 2/27/17

>Savage loves President Trump
>Marty McFly lands on our timeline
>God Emperor Trump Was Born To Rule
>Donald Trump Emperor of America
>TrumpBot vs Mexico

>Hold Back The Night
>Inauguration of Fire
>American Hero
>Trump Triumphant
>We Are The Silent Majority
>American Comeback Story

OP pastebin: http://pastebin.com/nygxu29R
prev >>114901276
First for curry.
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>its a 4chan jails obama and hillary episode
tfw migrated illegally
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Fuck Drumpf
Gorillaz really are the greatest band of the 21st century
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^^^^^ GET IN THIS THREAD ^^^^^
>^^^^^ GET IN THIS THREAD ^^^^^
^^^^^ GET IN THIS THREAD ^^^^^
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>no take backs
That's a quality shitpost right there.

Why is the Tennessee GOP so fucking based? They're the ones that invited Geert to the GOP National Convention in Cleveland.
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I hope this is real. We need a way to hit back at the Democrats for what they did tonight.
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>It's a your Hitler Strawman isn't actually Hitler so you get butthurt episode
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They keep pushing it down thinking it will just go away, that we will relent.
Can't wait until Pizzagate starts having full on raids and prosecutions and the MSM has to make retractions and eat their own words

Nothing frustrates the left more than when Trump isn't Hitler.
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See image attached for why all the shills are shilling against Sessions
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hopefully true
Is this a legit habbening or a meme?
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The hammer comes for thee, degenerate.
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There's a lot of threads in the catalog going along the lines of "let's put partisanship aside and consider that Trump is going to destroy the country because X". Doesn't CTR know the meaning of subtlety?

>We need a way to hit back at the Democrats for what they did tonight
What did they do? I just got back from work.
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since shills are here, I'll post some stuff
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Hey Trumpgen can I get the swift summary on why people are crying over AG Sessions again? What's their fake news angle this time.

I knew there had to be more to the Lois Lerner story.
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>tfw one of the people starts having breakdown live on television and says it all true.
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We're ready. The meme war has not yet begun.
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Are absolutely sure this anime really has any separate seasons?

This feels like one long never-ending single series - on maybe episode 1,300 by now.
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When he was on the Foreign Relations committee he talked to a Russian ambassador.

That's about all
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Legit happening look at the fucking shilling and mayhem with your own eyes.
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Not nearly fast enough, sicko
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im out of the loop, what did they do tonight?
See >>114905200

Basically, right when this news broke everyone starts chimping out that Sessions briefly talked to a Russian diplomat. They are claiming he's lying, when the question was referring to Trump talking to Russians about the 2016 election campaign.
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Press F for Jeff

We hardly knew you
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So are they going to get sessions Shit canned with this Russian horseshit?
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Press F for my wallet
what did they do i missed it

That's literally impossible unless your anus is so stretched and desensitized from chronic penetration by dicks, dildos, beercans, and SR71s going Mach 3 that you can't feel toenails gouging the sides of your internal organs.
One of those names looks awfully familiar...

Why is this a big deal? For all we know they could have been discussing the weather or how much Trump loves golf or what anime they're watching. Why do they scream over stuff when they don't know the details?
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The whole "Russia" business is so fucking dirty.

A respected senator for 30 years is now called a Russian traitor for just speaking to a Russian ambassador as a senator. These people are mentally ill.
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>he wasn't hitler, which is exactly what hitler would do

They tried to take out Jeff Sessions based on the most crackpot MUH RUSSIA bullshit so far.
>toothpaste in charge of gets
Same reason they made a fuss about the couch

All they can do is nitpick because they have nothing substantial
>Why do they scream over stuff when they don't know the details?
if Trump goes after the terror slush fund it exposes obama, hillary, and the whole damn machine
It isn't, it's just the death throes of the democrats
>tfw when the left and /pol/ are frustrated by the same thing
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They thought it worked with Flynn (they still think that's why he resigned) and that it will work with Sessions.
It's been past time to start putting these fuckers in the ground
Mudslime ban when
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That sudden, intense, frantic shilling
That's how you know you're onto something
Hold on, let me just whip out my Fascist installation manual, glovebox-sized for your convenience, and double check the "facts" they've written here...
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>Donald Trump is the best politi-

Hitler lost. You don't model your campaign after somebody who lost the only war they ever fought. Hitler might have been well-intentioned in some ways, but he was lousy ass at diplomacy and his actions had a net effect of:

1. Killing huge numbers of white people
2. De-legitimizing nationalism for decades
ah okay ya i saw an article headline saying something about how Sessions had communication with a Russian Ambassador during the campaign or something but I just assumed it was more bullshit. They keep flinging this "MUH RUSSIA" shit at the wall hoping something will stick.

Most young conservatives I talk to don't even give a fuck about Russia anyway, so I don't know why the media keeps trying to use outdated red scare tactics or something, really I can't see anyone younger than ~40 really being too concerned with Russia in any way.
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Can you name 3 Democrats capable of winning a national election?
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>why people are crying over AG Sessions again?

Because their attacks on Sessions, KAC, Mad Dog, Miller, Bannon, and Gorsuch didn't work the first time, so they're working down the same list from the top with the same accusations again in the vain hope they will be able to make something stick.
It's a joke anon


that's it
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Did /pol/ automatically number their files beginning with 1488?
Ronald Regan

Nearly all of them if it weren't for Trump, don't kid yourself.

If the GOP doesn't learn from this, Trump can turn water into wine and it'll still be for naught.
anon she's been disavowed by the DNC, plus sh'es putting in a bill to defund all forms of terrorism that the US currently funds.
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Office of the Press Secretary
March 1, 2017

>10:30AM - THE PRESIDENT receives his daily intelligence briefing (Oval Office, Closed Press)
>11:40AM - THE PRESIDENT departs the White House en route to Joint Base Andrews (South Lawn, Open Press)
12:40PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at Langley Air Force Base (Langley Air Force Base, Open Press)
>1:05PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a PCU Gerald R. Ford CVN 78 operations briefing (PCU Gerald R. Ford)
>1:25PM THE PRESIDENT participates in a PCU Gerald R. Ford CVN 78 leadership meeting (PCU Gerald R. Ford, Closed Press)
>1:50PM THE PRESIDENT tours the PCU Gerald R. Ford (PCU Gerald R. Ford)
>2:30PM THE PRESIDENT makes remarks at the PCU Gerald R. Ford (PCU Gerald R. Ford, Pre-Credentialed Press)
>3:55PM THE PRESIDENT departs Langley Air Force Base en route to Joint Base Andrews (Langley Air Force Base, Closed Press)
>4:50PM THE PRESIDENT arrives at the White House (South Lawn, Open Press)

>"Langley Air Force Base to Joint Base Andrews" Gaggle with Press Secretary Sean Spicer (Air Force One)

Picture is PCU Gerald R. Ford CVN-78. No televised spicing again today, Trump will be on a Supercarrier most of the day.
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Russia, as a country, definitely has a sketchy history to say the least. It is something that has to be watched. But as far as I can tell, the idea that Putin is some mastermind out to destroy the US is completely ridiculous.
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http://i.4cdn.org/wsg/1487721348812.webm (embed)

>Quantitative Easing = Hyperinflation of Reichsmark
>Crippled America = Mein Kampf
>2016 Inaugural Address = Hitler's Feb. 1933 address.
>Infrastructure project = Reichsautobahnen
>Southern Border Wall = Westwall
>Pacification of Protests(?) = Remilitarize the Rhineland
>Military Intervention in Syria = Condor Legions in Spain
>Tillerson - Putin Agreement = Molotov - Ribbenstrop pact
>Rebuild of US military = Rebuilding Wehrmacht and Luftwaffe
>Cannex / Blattkrieg = Anschluss / Blumenkrieg
>Retaking of Holy Land = Invasion of Poland
>Capture of ??? = Capture of Paris
>Cannae Drive = Rocket propulsion
>Mars landing = Volkshalle completion(?)

Oprah Winfrey (who won't run out of mutual respect for Trump)

Barack Obama (who is both Conditionally ineligible and will be so BTFO by 2020 that no-one would want him back anyway)

Ivanka Trump
Gavin Newsom, George Clooney, Cory Booker.
Wouldn't it be easier just to take a helicopter ride in Marine One straight to Langley instead of going to Maryland to pick up AF1?
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now is the time to make sure all your pro trump images are in line, shit is going to hit the fan in the morning
Remember the definition of insanity: "Doing the same action repeatedly and expecting different results."
I want to live in that town
Fun fact; Duke would've won the Presidential Election if he replaced Hillary Clinton.

I'm not even joking. We'd all be labeled Dog-Kickers or Michael Vicks and holy crap you can't have worse optics unless you get caught sodomizing puppies.
what is Oprahs relation with the Trumps anyway? I heard from some anon on here that he mentored her or something or at least had close ties with her.
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Excuse me, remember the Democrat debates? How many candidates were there?
Compare to the Republicans

The Democrats have been fucking annihilated, they have nobody in Congress with any moderate (winning) stances. All their representation is these deep blue areas who elect radicals
wtf time is racist?


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>"Last year, the Senator had over 25 conversations with foreign ambassadors as a senior member of the Armed Services Committee, including the British, Korean, Japanese, Polish, Indian, Chinese, Canadian, Australian, German and Russian ambassadors," Isgur Flores said in the statement.

>"There is no longer any question that we need a truly independent commission" to investigate potential ties between Russia and the Trump campaign, Cummings said.

So this basically boils down to
>I did not discuss Trump's presidential campaign with the Russians, I spoke to them as SASC

So the message here is that you or your supporters must not speak with Russia during a presidential campaign?
That's too far

They only use the helicopters for very short trips
Where do you get this? I have never seen the source.
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>CTR comes back as Shareblue to get revenge
>end up just digging themselves in deeper shit
Everyone forgets when Bush and Putin were best bros
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So is the town successful, really small or just full of retards?
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So I'm taking the time to sit down and watch the joint conress speech and I'm noticing something that keep repeating.

>Trump says something
>Right side cheers and stands up
>Left side don't even clap, some look mad or sad and at certain points, they even jeer.

Butthurt liberals and democrats still keep crying those sweet salty tear.
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>Putin is some mastermind out to destroy the US is completely ridiculous
That's exactly what he wants you to think.
They're friends

IIRC he helped her get her start in TV
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Trump is doing nothing about it. Zero heads have rolled.
Is that Webm supposed to make me hate Trump? Gave me chills of how great it is.

Trump knows how to deal with Russia, he's already proven that by getting Putin to back down on nuclear re-armament within 24 hours after he announced it was a possibility, while simultaneously extending an olive branch on Syria and jointly BTFO of lefties together being sore losers with him.

Russians are the Slavshit version of Americans. You have to let them feel based and in control, while simultaneously making sure they don't go full motherland.
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>46th President of the United States

That's because Shillary forced everyone out first.

Do you really think Cruz or Jeb could ever have won a traditional R v D campaign? Rand?!
Donald Trump

Whoever made it wanted you to not like trump, but it definitely has the opposite effect for anyone remotely redpilled on fascism.
Isn't there a town in Alaska with a cat as their mayor?
That's not Mike Pence
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hmm I wonder what Trump carries
I wonder if he got something new after the election
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>all that useless techno shit on the sides of the video
>they make a swastika out of T's
laughing my ass off
honey sugar pie, he did NOT write that speech

all he did was be a good little boy and stick to the script

it's easy to tell lies, especially when someone writes them out for you first
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>Five members of a Pakistani family under criminal investigation for allegedly misusing their positions as computer administrators for dozens of Democrats in the House of Representatives

>The suspects had full access to the emails and office computer files of the members for whom they worked. A focus of the investigation by the U.S. Capitol Police is an off-site server on which congressional data was allegedly loaded without the knowledge of authorities.

>the Pakistani brothers controlled a limited liability corporation called Cars International A (CIA), a car dealership with odd finances, which took–and was unable to repay–a $100,000 loan from Dr. Ali Al-Attar

>Philip Giraldi, a former CIA officer, wrote that Attar “was observed in Beirut, Lebanon conversing with a Hezbollah official” in 2012

>Imran Awan has provided IT services since 2005 for Florida Democrat Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the former Democratic National Committee (DNC) chairwoman.


This story is getting heat!!
Why aren't we pushing this shit??
Rubio might have. My mom thought he was the least shit out of the bunch after Trump.
>white male democratic president


The thing is, no one really argues that Hitler didn't know how to give a good speech and deliver strong appeals.
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The problem isn't whether there's substance to the accusations, the problem is the networks (bar FOX) running the story as if it's confirmed that he did something wrong. The story'll fade away without retractions, and their hope (I assume) is that normies begin to believe the admin is crooked without evidence.
What did Kek mean by this?
>not gay/and or muslim
Automatic disqualification.
There is no one else. The only maybe is Corey Booker, who has some weird positions that make him unpalatable. And he's very white-presenting, which isn't good for the base. And he has a history of semi-corruption and gaffes.

Unless there's some spectacular personality who will come out of nowhere, the democrats are toast. They're going to get taken to the cleaners in the 2018 midterms, they put all their cards on brown and it's not playing out.

If Trump can deport as many people as humanly possible, he could get the Republicans a sustained 20 year domination of politics in the USA

Mostly really...white.

>Population (2010) Total: 1,039

>The population density was 36.6 people per square mile (14.1/km2). There were 977 housing units at an average density of 37.1/sq mi (14.3/km2). The racial makeup of the township was 98.86% White, 0.21% African American, 0.10% Native American, 0.31% Asian, and 0.52% from two or more races. Hispanic or Latino of any race were 0.41% of the population.

>In 2014, a Great Pyrenees dog named Duke won an election for ceremonial mayorship of Cormorant. Twelve votes were cast. Duke was re-elected in August 2016, for his third consecutive term. Since Cormorant has mayoral elections annually, he will be up for re-election again in 2017.

Bloompf can't even run for a 3rd term, ahahahahahahah!
Ah, okay.
What about Trump's infrastructure plan? Hitler did the same thing. Trump has also talked about building roads.
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>kek spoke through me.
Pre-Commissioned Unit, not yet a commissioned vessel in the Navy fleet

>Where do you get this? I have never seen the source.
email from the WH Press Pool list sent out the evening before for press scheduling purposes
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Are the servers fucking up again
>98.86% White

we need to go whiter

Yeah it's a blatant emotional appeal to connecting him to Hitler - who is the devil in the religion of liberal communism.

God is replaced with the state
Social altruism and ultimate judgement is replaced with Darwinism and 'end justifies the means' machieviellianism.
Sin and degeneracy is replaced with racism as the thing you must never allow in your head.
And the devil is replaced with Hitler
Think the Share Blue General is giving them a scare
it's been hanging whenever i try to reply
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I'd largely hope so, but there is no such thing as 'no one else'. Obongo came out of relative nowhere. Before Trump, did anyone have much hope for the GOP? There's always the possibility of a dark horse, it's actually increased because of the past 2 Presidents.

Everyone in the spotlight now can be eliminated, but that just makes the situation more volatile.


lol, lubio.
I think so.
>hour 33 without sleep
Shitposting is the only thing keep The me sane.
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exactly what it says.
Of course.
Its that time of night.
>About 1.6% of families and 4.7% of the population were below the poverty line, including 5.8% of those under age 18 and 1.8% of those age 65 or over.
98,86% of whites and basically everyone is working.
Hmmm...really makes you think

I can't even post.
Proud of you.

Never admit defeat.
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Delete this
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seth rich is the answer to the russian hacking narrative
Hillary was always the obstacle

She was the last Democrat with national name recognition capable of winning a presidential election.
Their party is old. All these significant figures on the Democrat side are over 70; Nancy Pelosi and co.
Yes, we know this, but Julian Assange won't reveal his sources.
Yes, we know this, but Julian Assange won't reveal his sources.

Although, I suspect the NSA knows this...
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I want to blow my brains out
get in here anons
CTR Admits to Clinton involvement in Seth Rich
No one's stopping you

He isn't wrong at all. Russia's biggest strength since they got caught with their pants down by Hitler has been projecting the air of having far more power/influence than they actually do.

The CIA spent billions of dollars and fucktons of political capital toppling regimes that were ostensibly 'going commie' when the KGB had nothing invested but a few dozen low-level agents that publicly endoresed Communsim.
it'll backfire on them.

Look at the pentagram after metal, the left became the evangelical right, they act the same way.

There is no great act of rebellion at this time than to display a Swastika, it is the pentagram of our current era.
It really is amazing how much of the democratic leadership is these dinosaurs that have been around forever
>Both Clintons

Obama is no spring chicken himself
How did they get so old over 8 years? They were the young people party under Obama.
Pepe isn't allowed t cosplay?
Lucoa is a child predator and an illegal immigrant and she needs to be deported.
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just wait you will die anyway why rush

Trump hasn't even made anime real yet, at least hang in there until then.
My own survival instinct is. I need to figure out how to overcome it and just do it.
is the shilling EVER going to end? seriously will the media ever just accept the outcome of the election without yelling RIGGED or HITLER? I thought Drumph was the one eroding democracy.
Why don't you go make some other peoples lives better in the mean time.
Nationalism is the new edge.

When the Turks shot down their jet over Northern Syria they went to fucking water. It showed how spineless Putin really is. He's a intelligence agent not a true military leader.
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Death is probably worse than life because you have no chance at anything interesting or fun and you only get to have one life.

On the other hand, life has some small potential to become very amazing or meaningful, so the reasonable option is to live in that case. Also, I would miss you, anon.

I am.

here is the run down on what's going on
i'm guessing sessions was starting to ask the wrong questions regarding the ACLJ injunction
Wait a minute how did you get that email? Joe?
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>*teleports behind Trump*
>*unsheathes katana*

heh, nothing personal Trump
It'll end when the money runs out
So probably never considering they've got all the globalist kikes funding them, unless we lock em all up and take their funds to pay off a chunk of the debt.
nope. this will happen for the next 8 yrs and continue with the next 8 yrs of Pence.

The way I look at it is this:
We are a watershed moment. Godless worldwide elites have led humanity to sinful degeneracy at a level only seen a few times before. Soulless worshipers of Moloch have pushed godlessness, sexual degeneracy, homosexuality, transgenderism, racemixing, pedophilia, murder of the unborn, and even Satanic selfishness among other things. They have created brainwashing apparatus to get many of God's people to deny the natural intuitions of heart that flow direct from God through the conduit of the soul.

Just as in the past: God's wrath will come down upon these vile villainous snakes. God has sent a cascade of truth and revolutionary thinking into the hearts of men in order to destroy this old guard and cleanse the planet of this sinful degeneracy, islamic barbarism and satanism.

>Mine eyes have seen the glory of the coming of the Lord;
>He is trampling out the vintage where the grapes of wrath are stored;
>He hath loosed the fateful lightning of His terrible swift sword:
>His truth is marching on.
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Why is nationalism edgy, my good friend? Tell me more of the normie world, I have cut myself off entirely.
>They tried to take out Jeff Sessions
its (((They))) m8
Don't do it
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did the mods just shut down the share blue general?
As long as Trump is in the white house it will not end. They do not like it when someone not cut from their own cloth makes it to power.
They do not want Trump in there, they wanted someone controllable who would of sold out for donations.
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We have someone with the press who feeds us information and tips us to prewritten articles but I seem to be the only one wise to this so I don't talk about him much. I think there are two. They are on the list in any case.
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Fuck them, I've spent my life serving and sacrificing my future for everyone's happiness around me. Not worth the effort anymore.
Just post these
Hang in there lad.
If we go to war you will get to take lots with you.
>>114905846 shoah'd why
Hey ptg, I would like to see yfw those links between shareblue and shady stuff are proven and all these shills are getting their money away + judged by treason.
Somewhat slow to post, since the thread about ShariaBlue started the system has been slow.
The mods just deleted a thread on the matter about they having commited treason for conspiring with China, what the fuck?
do a flip faggot
new one baking
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Why don't one of you just make another with a different title?

I can't believe that story spiraled out of control so hard, I just start posting a bunch of articles about sessions.
>mods letting threads that actually contain sensitive and potentially damaging information run

if there's anything that gamergate, safety generals and pizzagate has taught me, it's that mods will shut down anything that exposes the establishment.

they would have shut down Trump gen too, but they never thought Trump would be a threat

He's an 'honest' patriot that genuinely believes (not always wrongly) that he's doing what's best for Russia, but you're not wrong.

All the bro-tier moments between him and Bush were him bending over backwards to help the US in Afghanistan and against terrorism (which Russia doesn't have the capability to effectively contain alone) in the hopes that der ewige Burger would acknowledge Russia's efforts and give them breathing room.

That didn't happen, which is why both Putin and Russia chimped out during Obongo's presidency when Boss Nigga didn't change policy save for Clinton's (((reset))) button.

It was a diplomatic fuckup of historical proportions.
Oh, so you haven't been looking out for yourself.
The tea party cleaned out all their young blood

The radical Obama policies gave them everything they wanted, but it was like being captain of a sinking ship. Under the surface they were losing election after election. All the statehouses, governorships, senate and house races. They got cleaned out.

If they had won the presidency though, it would have all been worth it, because they would have achieved their demographic victory. It wouldn't matter how many seats the Republicans won, in 10 years this would be a 1 party country.

Remember how during the election, the Hillary camp kept hinting at blue Texas, blue Georgia? Obviously that was never going to happen, most people assumed it was a demoralizing tactic. But the reality is, this is what they were secretly hoping for. Eventually they expect those states to be blue. The way the demographics are going, they will within 15 years, maybe less. When that happens, it's game over (it practically was already), it will be a one-party-country California-style. The only way Republicans could win at that point is if they swung radically leftward

So they missed their hail-mary pass. But the game isn't over. If they can slow and stall the Trump agenda, they can still achieve their final victory (these people are still in the country remember, waiting for legalization). This is why they went apeshit over the refugee executive order. Because this was the first step to rolling back the demographic shift they have planned
for those who migrated, new share blue general >>114907897
>all these dried up boring fucks pushing globalism
>the media pushing globalism
>suddenly Trump
I'm too tired to articulate it properly right now m8.
Lost my fucking shit not even a minute into that episode. 11/1 overall.
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New Thread re Sessions, how damaging will the allegations be, who is behind the Flynn & Sessions eaks & what are they trying to achieve, and how should Trump & co respond?
trump gens were actively shut down for a time
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Ah, makes sense.
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Fuck that bridge jumping faggotry, 12 gauge slug to the back of the head is the best.
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JFK, Bill Clinton & Thomas Jefferson. No living democrats at this point. Maybe Tulsi Gabbard in a decade.
>These generals are for identifying and building a database of Shareblue employees as well as identifying the locations of their offices and places of business.
do you retards really think they would just let you make these threads? Literally every single other dozing thread is deleted, why would this be different?
You don't think it's CIA and NSA?
You can't spell Nate Silver without NIGGER
Why is this kike still alive?
Did he take all night to think this one up?
you can if you use III instead of "the third"
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Jimmy Carter.
Might as well ride life out to the end no point in ending it too soon
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The Tea Party being co-opted and run into the ground by Neocon lobbyists was honestly a massive blessing in disguise.

The OG Tea-Partyers got fed the fuck up with the Republican establishment, Democrats took it as a sign of terminal weakness in the Republican movement and went full Commie, Conservatives responded with ousting the faux-Tea Party plants and reorganizing themselves in preparation for someone like Trump, all while the Dems kept digging themselves into the hole of identity politics.

May their sacrifice be remembered.
The spy agencies fall under the executive branch.
They violate all our rights and his.
too old, too white and too establishment
One of their (((bodyguards))) would gun them down on the spot like that Russian ambassador.

I guarantee they each have someone on their guard detail that is owned as a kills witch and they have no idea which one it is.
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But you're not in the Hillary timeline, anon.
I think we should give him another chance

His heart was in the right place
Imagine getting paid to cover politics and yet not understand a single thing about politics.
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How does it feel the Netherlands is responsible for the potential impeachment of Trump?

Thats right, we are responsible for the leak about your politicians talking with the russians. Funny that you always make fun of the Netherlands and now we are the ones screwing with your president.
God I love this karma thing.
every single ron paul person i know went full trump
this election was a battle, this presidency is a war to get our government back
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>fifty bucks
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I consider Jimmy as being the last "True" democrat president before the Clintons and their many stooges took over the party.
I'm going to run out of dosh if I buy every hat.
Ah, thanks for explaining the e-mail list.
Do I get an Irish American discount?
>you can't spell "the quick brown fox jumps over a lazy dog" without N A T E S I L V E R I S A F U C K I N G F A G G O T
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Don't be fooled. The Establishment still hates him.
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Wew first picture i've ever saved was from 03/22/2008. Time flies huh
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Is Rosie really the best the so called resistance has to offer at this point?
Got to love our Island Euro's
No buy the fucking hat

>b-b-but March is women's history month!

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>Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
I'll do you one better.
>having connection issue
>turn on pass
>issues go away
Oy vey
Is he that one guy who tweeted something about baseball once, then fucked everything up for everyone - everywhere and forever?
He would do anything the establishment told him to

All McCain would need to say is "good boy" and he'll bomb Iran.
She's had the longest running public feud with President Trump, so they roll her out whenever they need someone to scream incoherently between mouthfuls.
only if you take the Official Trump DNA test to prove your irish heritage. $300.00

No it wasn't co-opted, you're giving the Republicans too little credit

The entire movement was financed and planned out by massive well funded conservative organizations, staging grassroots protests (you don't think the conservatives have their own George Soros's?). They wanted to neuter Obama, and they had a limited time to do it.

The first time around, they ran more extreme candidates. Rand Paul, that pig lady, and some others. Unfortunately, it was a massive failure, practically all of them got creamed in their elections. So the next time around (the movement was almost out of steam at this point) they stopped fucking around and ran moderates. This time they actually won massive victories and succeeded in giving the party historic majorities.

Now the alt-right movement was a shock to them, but you can tell they are giving it their sanction. Putting Gavin on Fox, putting Tucker Carlsen there (who is basically /ourguy/), letting Milo into CPAC originally. I think we must have reached some of them, because I'm starting to see some pro-white messaging coming out of previously conservative organs. I think they're starting to get the demographic realities

This is why I predict great success for us in the years ahead. Once we have some of these elites on board, we're fucking golden
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Trump needs to act NOW. He is playing things too safe. We are NOT going to have any kind of unity.
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God fucking dammit
>Dutch intelligence

Daily reminder that they still claim they they don't know who shot down MH17 despite claiming that they had decisive evidence on it two years ago. Why the hell hasn't that ever been made public yet then?
Waht did I miss today lads
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I wonder who could be behind this...
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when you unironically hate farmers
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Scott Adams on the speech

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Nate Metaconglomerate Dust
I can't take the fucking shills anymore guys
Has the White House put out a statement on Jeff Sessions?
If only she could resist those extra cheeseburgers she orders to compliment her standard value meal.

anyone know if there's a spicing today? I really wanna see him grill some people on the sessions thing.
Congressional black caucus

He's having a gaggle on Air Force One though
fucking master of the brand
The usual reeeeeing about Russia from the Democrats.

Apparently, American senators aren't allowed to speak with Russians at all, despite senators talking to diplomats from other countries all the time.
be strong anon, you are better than this
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>this election was a battle, this presidency is a war to get our government back

Like >>114907872 said with
>they missed their hail-mary pass. But the game isn't over. If they can slow and stall the Trump agenda, they can still achieve their final victory

We really can never stop fighting. We've won the Great Meme War, we're tired, we're flushed with victory, yet we've still not taken Moscow.

Trump has done more in a little over a month than most presidents do in 8 years, but he can't do it alone. We need to make sure he too gets 8 years.

We're trying to undo half a century of (((globalists))) running the Western World into the ground.

This shit has only just begun.
>one soldier dies in a war
>blame the president

isn't it sort of what happens in war
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>tfw I'm going to be collecting these hats like trading cards now

Seriously screwed the pooch now, I failed to get the Inauguration hat in Navy Blue.

One of you have an extra just for me, right?

Tomorrow is going to be an interesting day. Ted Cruz is personal friends with Jeff Sessions. I'm expected him to come out swinging as soon as he wakes up and hears what happened.
> I failed to get the Inauguration hat in Navy Blue.
the one with the seal? its still there, isn't it?
>tfw no black MAGA hat
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They bark at things they're afraid of.
>whyt peepul
Stop hacking our elections please.
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Fuck Drumpf and fuck white people!
It's okay for McCain to meet with ISIS but not okay for Sessions to talk to Russia.
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jeff sessions.png
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Make this the OP image for the next thread, OKAY?
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Kek'd and checked.
>Farmer's greed
>biting the hand which feeds you

ok go starve in the corner, more calories for my fatass anyhow

Checked, fuck Drumpf!

It's not very good, but the digits demand it I guess.

Hey anons someone just doxxed CTR again
over 275 pages filled with names

I have no illusions that the establishment Republicans have their fair share of Soros-tier chucklefucks, but you cannot deny the sharp and inexplicable shift in the Tea Party's platform after the first 2 months.

It began as:
>The fuck are you destroying the middle class for?

And then drastically transitioned to (around the same time the media started giving them interviews) to

literally 100% solid ammunition for Dems
McCain literally sold weapons to Islamic terrorists in person. He is fucking scum of the highest calibers.
Fuck white toothpastes and fuck drumpf!
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>3 Replies
post em
Oh christ, Is that one woman from MA still correcting opinions for 30K/week?
holy kek
I'd have no problem if Trump killed most of the senators and representatives and everyone in the alphabet soup agencies.

>Farmers are an environmental disaster

Do these people not know where food comes from?
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yeah, the super market, duh.
Orrin Hatch is, too. He's the soft spoken one that chastised the Dems for treating Sessions with suck disrespect. There will be hell to pay today.
I couldnt access /pol/ during the speech, what was the reaction?
I would buy it since I'm part Scottish part Irish but that's about what I live on per week.
>Ted, Sessions is under attacked.
*Ted Cruz rolls out of bed, still half asleep.
>wha-what? what happened?!
*Ted forcibly wakes himself up, his country needs him.
>They're after Jeff Sessions!
*Ted shoots out of bed nude and over to his dresser*
>Get word to the delegates, Trump is going to need mine. Go! Go! Go!
*Ted is dressed faster than you can blink, standing in his pressed suit, he finishes tying his tie, he means business.
>And one more thing.
*Ted walks over to his balcony doors, opens them, and steps out.
>Tell Trump I love him, the Cruzmissile is in the air.
Interesting and I can see why exposing said person is a bad idea. I just found it interesting how easily slipped in info no one had access to.
Didn't that stuff about the eagle eggs turn out to be a big meme or something?
didnt rand smoke hillary plenty of times?
>tfw will never be able to buy one
>tfw no face
why live
God fucking bless you anons who are digging through this shit. I love every single one of you.
Its time. Its time for them to end. The liars have kept us blind, poisoned us, tried to destroy our education systems, and when it wasnt enough for them here in the US, they set their sights on Europe, and started work there.

Its time for them to be dragged out into the light, to reap the consequences of their actions. The murders, the broken lives, its time for it all to come back to them.
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