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Thread replies: 149
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Shareblue has committed treason by working with the Chinese government, the City of London, Mexico, Israel, Saudi Arabia, the Clinton Foundation and other Middle Eastern Groups to subvert American politics and promote censorship





Chinese Tycoon Ke Xiping and the Chinese government bought influence in Shareblue and concealed the purchase as a mining deal. Employees of Shareblue also have strong ties to the PeaceWorks Foundation, which is run by Mexican billionaire Daniel Lubetzky.

There are also ties to Australia, where figures in the mining community acted as gobetweens for the Chinese government and Shareblue

These generals are for identifying and building a database of Shareblue employees as well as identifying the locations of their offices and places of business. It is also for working to track the various globalist sponsors and groups affiliated with Shareblue for future reference and operations.

Pastebin of Shareblue employees (update/replace as needed):


Previous thread >>114647821
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Info on Shareblue's sponsors:

This is Globalist Ke Xiping who runs the Xiamen Hengxing Group Co., Ltd. (厦门恒兴集团有限公司)


He arranged the Chinese side of the deal, masking a multimillion dollar payment as a mining project which was immediately sold to PowerChina, a state run enterprise

The Australian middleman who was responsible for playing go between was Malcolm Raymond Scott James


He sits on the board of Moko Social Media Holdings and is the executive at Tianshan Goldfields, which was the Australian shell company set up to facilitate the deal with China. James was uniquely placed to sell influence in Shareblue back when it was named Blue Nation Review.


Moko still hold's a 20% stake in Shareblue

The Chinese aren't the only ones fucking you over though! Our old friends the Jews, the Arabs, the financiers in the City of London and even Mexico is pulling strings in Shareblue!

Peter Daou is the CEO of Shareblue's holding company. Look at all of his clients!


Well well, did you know that PR Newswire and Bloomberg are both owned by a UBM plc in the City of London. Fair and unbiased, I'm sure.


He also works for OneVoice International, a part of the PeaceWorks Foundation. This is our new Open Society Foundation, they're just as bad and you'll find that Soros works with some of their supporters.



Here's a sample of who is involved:

Rockefellers, the UK Labor Party and that cunt Jeremy Corbyn, The Crown Family Philanthropies etc.

Crown Family doesn't even hide who they love to support https://archive.is/AyzAs

The PeaceWorks Foundation is run by Daniel Lubetzky, a Mexican Jew who loves to play up the Jew side and hide his Hispanic roots because he works with the Cartels to influence American politics. He founded KIND snacks and is a billionaire.


Here he is helping expose Hezbollah's involvement in the drug trade in South America. So helpful to his Latino friends and also to his pals who don't like Iran!


PeaceWorks has offices in Tel Aviv, Ramallah, and London and they do business with Israelis, Palestinians, Egyptians, Australians, Turks, Indonesians and Sri Lankans.



Lubetzky is working with China to push Shareblue because he thinks they can cause fractures such as Calexit which he will benefit from. But let's be honest, the Chinese will fuck him and all the Hispanics over and send them packing once they get their way.
ooooh you think the internet is your ally? You merely adopted the internet, we were born in it, moulded by it...

BTFO Shareblue shills
Did anyone do some digging into the list of Shareblue employees?
When Shareblue sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're not sending you. They're not sending you. They're sending people that have lots of problems, and they're bringing those problems with us. They're bringing foreign money. They're bringing cheese pizza. They're rapists. None of them, I assume, are good people."
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This triggers the shills. Use it
see julian assange uncovered something much, much bigger than he thought.

next mexican company on the list


by the way, here is a chinese connection


meet bill gates nuclear dumps

Sourceanon's comments from the last thread

Some damn good digging. We need to also focus on the employees. Start to scare them
Keep at the employee angle, we need to both attack them as well as continue to compile this research that sourceanon is passing us so that we can distribute/put it into print
True. We need more Anons helping right now. Spam this in /ptg/ and get them in here.
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It looks like they use another program similar to discord. I am going to see what other programs are similar give me a minute.
lets look at berkshire hathaway. that american success story

meet warrens good dad


now watch how warren fell


nice guy this warren
Buffett rebelled against his father. According to Roger Lowenstein's biography, "Buffett: The Making of an American Capitalist", if memory serves me correctly, Warren actually visited his sick father in the hospital to announce his shift to liberalism and to the Democratic party, a sure and cruel blow to his father, a four term Congressman who had lost his seat.

fantastic article by that journalist. learn how warren turned jewish and gained those connections
I saw that knowledge bomb guy is here so I dumped the link in there since a lot of anons who want to help follow his shit

Fuck what a prick no wonder he supports protest movements and shit now
Eventually Warren met someone who could protect him. Susan Thompson was a friend of Warren's sister, and a kind of proto-hippie-beatnick. Susan was in full revolt against her own father, a very conservative Christian minister. Her act of rebellion at the time was that she was dating a Jewish man, something her father disapproved of. She was, and remained throughout her life, a kind of hub around which people with similar cultural left sympathies gathered. Warren, an exceptionally socially awkward and isolated young man, saw something both in Susan and her friends which was intoxicating to him. Here in front of him was acceptance, and not just acceptance, but acceptance from a culturally hip group of young people. Behind him were an abusive right-wing Christian mother and a father who offered no protection from her.

Warren set out to win Susan, but instead of only or even principally courting Susan, he courted the father, convincing Reverend Thompson that although Warren was not perfect in the minister's eyes, he was better than the Jewish boyfriend. Having won the father's approval, in an act of brilliant emotional arbitrage, he won the daughter. As Buffett said later, "I was just Jewish enough for her, and non-Jewish enough for her father." By Jewish, of course, the gentile Buffett meant 'liberal'.

i think warren just meant he turned jewish not liberal. it explains the money growth after.
Found it they maybe using SLACK

It looks very fucking similar.
It's very well possible. They could be using other social media as well. One of the Shareblue shills in the pastebin made some sort of social media app.
Good, now we can monitor their conversations and find out what the current climate is with them. Well done
>Susan Thompson
Warren was accepted into Susan's circle, which at the time was primarily concerned with two main ideas: nuclear freeze and population control. Warren joined the ideological chorus, singing as lustily as the rest. Eventually he and Susan married, but the politics remained the same. Both remained interested in nuclear freeze for decades, as well as population control and its direct offspring, abortion rights. These remained a life-long passion, even an obsession, for both, and has been heavily funded by their foundation. They also made their ideological pilgrimages through the chic ideological and spiritual shrines of the time: est, the New Age movement, etc. But the consistent cause was always abortion, and not just the right to abortion, but abortion itself. There are many who will fund groups which will advocate laws which keep abortion a 'right', but few which are willing, as the Buffett foundation was, to actually purchase abortion machinery and donate it to clinics in poor countries.

This was true of the Buffett circle in general, not just of the Buffetts themselves. Charlie Munger, Buffett's business partner and the alleged conservative of the group, was at a party celebrating the life of one of their members, who was an OB/GYN. One of the group offered a toast to the thousands of babies he had delivered. Munger then asked them to raise a glass to the thousands of babies he didn't deliver. This sort of thing goes way beyond the language of 'rights.’

bill gates the son of the eugenecist and warren the rebellious son who picked it up
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Also look at the chatline again then look at the logo and the avatars.
My lovely lady bumps for sourceanon
Breed me and make patriot babies!
Bumping. Shills are trying to slide us
this is my like 10th round on the red pill coaster over about 5 years and i want off.....

I don't think i can have kids now. the machinations are too much
The ride is never gonna end anon.

I'm gonna look into this sometime tomorrow. Will try and look for Shareblue shills using this.
You must have children. One of their end goals was to destroy the family. Do not let that happen anon.
Reminder guys, tell /ptg/ and all the other generals to keep this bumped. 8ch is also helping us out so we're not alone in this.
>One of the group offered a toast to the thousands of babies he had delivered. Munger then asked them to raise a glass to the thousands of babies he didn't deliver.
Jesus fucking christ

Also, from that Monsanto site-
The U.S. Department of State has virtually become an agency for promoting the private interests of the Monsanto Corporation.

As European social movements pressure their governments for an ongoing moratorium on GM seeds and foods, Monsanto and other biotech corporations have been pushing to find new market footholds, using hybrids even in impoverished Haiti following the January 12, 2010 earthquake. They have been pursuing such goals in collaboration with USAID, the U.S. State Department and the Gates Foundation Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA)....


Microsoft founder Bill Gates was recently interviewed by CNN Chief Medical Correspondent Sanjay Gupta. Gates was attending the World Economic Forum to push his mission of eradicating polio by 2012. Gates, through his foundation, has pledged $10 billion to provide vaccinations to children around the world .

In the course of the interview, in regards to the vaccine-autism connection, Gates said:

"... [I]t's an absolute lie that has killed thousands of kids. Because the mothers who heard that lie, many of them didn't have their kids take either pertussis or measles vaccine, and their children are dead today. And so the people who go and engage in those anti-vaccine efforts -- you know, they, they kill children. It's a very sad thing, because these vaccines are important."

They're killing these fucking kids
Everywhere they're killing children
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Thank you for bumping we now know they use SLACK as a chat room for preparations so on and so forth.
If we can get an exact link to it we can raid it. Allow the /b/tards to be our meat shields.

Other then that MAGA!

We mobilize soon. Youtube is almost ours for the taking now we invade the shills homeland!

warren buffets ties to the skull and bones



omahas ties to organized crime



meet warren buffetts cia buddies, then ill get back to the stocks



We don't want to raid it, just observe and mine it for intelligence. Raiding is something we should only do if we absolutely must disrupt them for some reason

Gates loves eugenics and the fact that if he calls it philanthropy he'll be patted on the back for it.

Sourceanon is right, he ought to burn
Fine. You got a good point.
well, i'm beyond existential at this point. i've fully realized we're animals but shit, that stupid animal farm book was more real than i thought. socialism aside, i'm the chicken asking the pig for a life.
the lie they promote with warren, bill, and others is that if you give them a bunch of money you will get rich to.

the stock market is a casino and should be treated as such. you should not blind invest your retirement or other money.

the business world is stacked against you since all the capital is hoarded in major cities.

by bringing local exchanges back, you will kill this multinational hydra.
You've got to find a good woman and have at least more than two children to replace yourselves demographically. It's strategic in some ways. They promote smaller numbers of children for that very reason.

Pay attention to this shit sourceanon is posting about Buffet right now
What was the class action lawsuit?
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>Mexican billionaire Daniel Lubetzky
>billionaire Daniel Lubetzky
>Daniel Lubetzky

Every Fucking Time
Should we support third party or regional funds then? Have them manage our cash and bleed the big names?

Funny thing is that the guy is only half Jew and using his name to cover up the fact that he is Mexican and has cartel ties.

Just like that movie Snatch if you've seen it.
swedes and their people should only be allowed to invest in their businesses.

americans the same.

i should never as an american be allowed to invest in a foreign countrys business.

and that is one of the biggest eye openers on how broken the system is and how controlled they have the dialogue.

why should bill gates be able to own mexican cement companies gaming american national defense contracts using insider information?

break it down. break it all down.
TOP FUCKING WORK!! I've had no less than 4 posts on T_D slid to oblivion with this and I was blocked on Twatter for asking @ShareBlue and @DavidBrock if they had any comment.
you will redpill every leftist and nationalist with that last realization.

that is something they can all come together on.

international investing only benefits international cartels.
Interesting, what place do international trade deals and exchanges of goods have then in your opinion?
READ THIS: Hate Reddit T_D all you want, but they are /pol's normie brothers.

ShareBlue has a master list, based on RES and using it against posters:
next gate stock


meet john haley, sits on the board of us china relations


we have chinese presidents meeting seattle.

we have chinese tied leaders receiving massive investments from same leaders.

we have washington state in open rebellion against an anti Chinese President.

now you see what i see.
China is going for the entire west coast? Not just California?

That would explain the name of their mining project then...
Have a bump in honor of our President's amazing speech this evening. We all bleed the same and are created by the same God. Anons in this thread are doing God's work to bring down the evil that keeps us from speaking honestly to one another.
the soros connection with john haley from hudson


another china climate change connection




and here is the us china alliance



good to see our former secretary of defense collaborating with china

Bumping in the hopes that this will lead to something substantial and not just more vague bullshit

Fuck anon5
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>only half Jew and it's a trick to cover for the Mexicans

GYS (((ANON5)))
This. I just found out all my best friends are firmly stuck in the cave and this board is my new family. Continue to do god's work anons, good will prevail over evil
Gread Ad! I was shitting up the cuck5 thread with Bogpills but this that real shiznit my fellow anons.

Fuck niggers and thier kike masters.
the chinese dont own china


meet the delaware incorporated healthcare 'provider' on the us china relations alliance.
Hello JTRIG, mad that we're discovering your little psyop?

So they took control of the healthcare as a means of controlling China? Who mandated the One Child Policy?
Chanks don't know whos jewing who? Huge suprise their fucking eyes are closed.
another great leader on the us china alliance for the chinese people

barbara franklin


Her Presidential mission to China in 1992 normalized commercial relations with that country, removed the ban on ministerial contact that the U.S. had imposed following the events at Tiananmen Square in 1989, and brought back $1 billion in signed contracts for American companies. Trade with China grew dramatically in the ensuing years as did foreign investment. Since that time, she has worked with numerous organizations, made speeches, and traveled overseas in her dedication to strengthening the relationship between China and the US, government to government, business to business, and people to people. In 2016, she was awarded a “Lifetime Achievement Award in US-China Relations” by the US-China Policy Foundation.

one for the swiss haters

She is a member of the LafargeHolcim International Advisory Board, Zurich, Switzerland.
Bump, fuck off shills
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Bumpity doo da,
Bumpity day
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Have another and fuck David Brock
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Brock Bump



they tortured a Chinese woman that they forced to give her kids away to enforce it


the next enforcerer was rewarded by the UN


they then rehabilitated or tortured the next



apologies for the delay, here are all your answers from the time it happened


this pdf shows they received funding especially from the british to reduce their populations
You have my bump

it mentions another shareblue buddy here

here is the cia ties

Thank you, it's important to break these stories I feel so that we can condition the population to hear how it has been happening here as well in a way.

Going to take time to process all the different bits of information that you've dropped in the past 48 hours
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Holy shit you really are him.

anonymous5 confirmed Jew shill insider
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We found a Jew Mexican with cartel connections who was using his jew side so cover up his Mexican ties. He was still Jewish shill, your shit isn't gonna work here fuck off
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digest what i have given you.

i wont be available for awhile but don't lose heart.

this movement is more than an individual.

it is the truth.

the fire rises brothers.
See you soon anon
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Anon5 is a LARPing faggot. I remember when he first started posting as 'a normal guy connecting the dots' and watched him turn into a parody of himself. He never "shows his work" and anyone who calls him on it is a shill. Just a brief look at the quality of the threads of sourceanon versus his really gets the noggin joggin.

We'll keep threads going and bumped. We're here. We care, we give way too much of a shit actually. We thank you.

I'm going to start working on a Pastebin of all your posts, with some links to archived threads. I've got quite a few, do any anons have anything started already?
I can dump some of the links but perhaps it might be best to go through all of the threads from the beginning for additional context. I can find the 4plebs
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Chaos bump praise kekku
Are these the first ones you have, or do you have ones that go back further?


There are Jews with cartel ties all over Mexico it isn't a stunning discovery.

OP is kike shill and you might be too. I think both of you are Anonymous5 samefagging.

Kek at the thread he forgot to turn off his proxy.
>oh no guise I'm not anonymous5, oy vei just helping him answer
No those were the first but here are the 4plebs too so we have multiple backups. I think these are all of them, not 100% sure





Why don't you fuck off about that guy and try helping out

Fucking great work anon, thanks
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You goin to jail now
we cant find who works there because the shitty company doesnt have a website and doesnt have a corporate building just a location near an airport.
No problem, dump it here when you're done and we can put it in the OP
Because I don't trust (((you)))
Oh god it's a sad conspiracy theory thread. Damn you guys must have boring lives.
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Thanks for the bump!
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Shill fuck off with your shit division attempts and help us burn Shareblue to the ground this is your final complimentary (you)
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lurk moar
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Chihuahua checking it
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chequed, praise him
Shadilay brother
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Hey guize, can I have the link to the sekrit discord group?
This is another waste of time thread from the Jews, if you're not them then what do you think you'll accomplish here?

You might as well be scanning google earth for dinosaurs or looking for Bigfoot Sage this shit thread you're just pushing water for the Jewish right
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Just keep bumping the thread bitch
Just spent over an hour trying to redpill my dad after Trump's speech, somehow it ended with him concerned that my son's soul is going to hell because I'm not indoctrinating him according to the correct beliefs lol
Samefag or newfag? Calling everyone a shill is so fucking dumb you Jews are killing this board sage, that means it doesn't get bumped

If I was like (((you))) I'd just call you shill back
https://www.youtube .com/watch?v=oDKy2AUa3I8
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Look at this shit anons

We're in a thread exposing Jews and propaganda, and this faggot is in here accusing us of Jewry.

They're really pulling out all the stoppers here
I made that OC and the greentext in it in the original thread. The class action lawsuits haven't begun, I was setting out an idea. If we can get it to ad networks along with proof it will happen.
Hey guys, I really need a link to that secret discord where we're planning the Share Blue raid.
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Stop being a fucking autist, we're not going to raid the discord. Observe and gather intelligence
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You're part of A5s newfag army reinventing the definition of Jew and wasting your time on all these different things he puts you up to. Shitting up the board

In the scheme of things shareblue is insignificant yo should be working on pizzagate if you want to get anything done. Not this shit it already broke news and it's in the public domain and I don't think it matters

>focus on small time pedos and Hollywood, you're doing a great job goys! Pizzagate will take care of itself, everyone who doesn't trust me is shill

KYS Sage
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This is the shittiest shilling I've seen in a while

Find a nice rafter and fucking neck yourself
The point is, you have the time to investigate and you're not looking into pizzagate, just like (((he))) said not to, instead you're over here talking about Mexicans who pretend they're Jews because he's only half Jew and doesn't want people to think he's involved with Mexican cartels, who never deal with Jews. This is laughable

You need to go back.


Let's force Fox to cover this and lock up Shareblue is chains and irons.
Anti sage. Get fucked.
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Bump because FUCK David Brock
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Go fuck yourself, the day of the rope is coming for you
In the other threads, anons mentioned reaching out to the usual suspects; Breitbart, Jones, project veritas, etc. Anything come of it?
Haven't seen anyone posting about it since then
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Did we get em yet?
Post any good templates or ideas for memes you have for personalization and dissemination to normies.
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(((The chosen ones)))
We am the reckoning you have delayed to long.

You now fear my brothers because one brought truth you thought you hid.

They now have much more. Do not think because I am not here and they are only beginning to gain their strength that you can divide and break us.

We all die, but we will die as free men.
What about any Chinese connection to anyone at Lockheed Martin? Their J-31 is an identical copy of the F-35, surely they didn't just hack in and download the entire plans for it.
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We will drag you from your lair like the dogs you are
Wew lad, aesthetic and effective. It's a pantone swatch book of redpills.
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May kek guide us to the light in these dark times.
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I'm a regular anon and I think the newfags here are being mislead, something doesn't smell right in these threads just like KBs where they're always shouted out.

OP the same guy who does the (((KBs)))) or just copies him, and maybe same anon who was doing the pedowood threads? No information no proofs no help, and if anyone wants sauce their on Brock's side, now there's an entire group of anons flinging shill everywhere, the new generation on /pol/ is a cancer.

Pizzagate is the threat you're being diverted from. In the long run /pol/ turns friendly to the Jews, accepts the holohoax, wants to fight their own people and kill ragheads for Israel, take down all their enemies. No different from the (((establishments))) right half.

I'm not a shill you idiots, I'm older than you and have better Jew radar. You're being (((fooled)) in some way, even it if isn't pizzagte.
The "Cascadia" movement has picked up steam over the past 3 to 4 years here. The same crap that goes on in D.C. goes on in Seattle and Washington State--Bezos, Allen, McCaw, Gates, etc. get favors for real estate deals, rezoning, etc. and they give us some freebies that are never worth it. Yet we mysteriously take these "offers."
I can't prove it is the problem.
I have documented the pedophile link. I will expand again.

It is connected with elite schools and pedarasty.

Look at england and maynard keynes.

Podesta,brock,etc. were initiated like keynes.

If you are not a shill join us and use your passion.

I will provide more sources soon

The fire rises brothers

Here you go on Pizzagate. Its not surprisingly tied to the corrupt catholics.

Pull those threads and you will get further.

Islam,Catholicism,Judaism the corrupt part that has power all do terrible things to young boys.
As if anything in this thread is real.
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Thanks for the tip

You have to go back
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Can confirm. Leftists steadily turn WA into a shithole. Their time is up.
We've got to purge it anons, the West Coast cannot be abandoned to the left or the corruption will find its way back into the rest of the nation
Like cancer, degenerate lifestyle cannot be left any pocket in which to build up and spread from. Like the bay area did into WA, and now socal has spread into TX. Shadilay.
An interesting topic
have a bump. fuck david brock and all his attempts at fucking with pol
It's a mobile app called Slack. My online vidya game raid group uses it.
red eye bump
Glad to see this thread is still alive. Had to go to bed when it started up. Have a bump
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Piglosi was such a mess last night. Very embarrassing night for the DNC as a whole. They made complete asses out of themselves
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Their impossible task has only
Bumping for justice.
Shadilay, brother. Praise Kek!
Wew, saw Peter Daou's name come up last night on twitter and checked some of his tweets this morning. This guy is a total cuck. Completely insufferable.

Bumping. Still reading through the links.
bippity bamp. God's work, anons.
Thread posts: 149
Thread images: 50

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